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Pointing to the truth of the new covenant


Blue Gold in a bottle


Using Fashion and Design to Empower Women





EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Janet Morris Grimes Saskia Wishart Portia Kirkland Greg Baker Dana Chaffin Mellissa Riddle Chalos Nisarg Lives Jeff Shaw Tobias

CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING The Brand LLC - + Brand Director // Askia Fountain PUBLIC RELATIONS ASA Public Relations - + CEO & President // Andrew Scott For any Editorial Request, Comments or Article Submissions: MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers music, healthy living, reviews, books that impact our spiritual and positive growth and lives, articles that inspire change and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine, all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.

CONTENTS • march 2012 06

Your Words Define You More Than Your Actions by greg baker


Restoring the Fatherless by janet morris grimes


Out of Darkness, The Story by jeff shaw


Music reviews by nisarg lives


Movie reviews by dana chaffin


Mist H20, Blue Gold in a Bottle by tobias


I Love you, I Love You Not by portia kirkland


I Am Not For Sale by saskia wishart


Using Fashion and Design to Empower Women by 31 bits


The Trendsetters




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Your Words Define You More Than Your Actions by Greg Baker / Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro

We think that our actions define us more than our words. But the reality is exactly the opposite. Our actions are important, but our actions are psychologically used to verify the truth of our words and not the other way around. Be careful what you say. This article attempts to prove that your words define you more than your actions.

words. But people will judge you more on the words you used, either to cover up an action, to change people’s perception of an action, to flat out lie about an action, or to be honest about the action. The words you allow to come out of your mouth define you in the eyes of people more than the action.

Take a parent who says, “Do what I say and not what I do.” A child looks at the action, realizes that the words are empty and vain, and doesn’t listen to what you say. Interestingly, the child will hold the words against you more than the action. If a smoker tells a child not to smoke while he is smoking, the child will hold the words against him more than the actual act of smoking.

Your words give meaning to the action. If a person hauls off and hits a guy and turns around and walks away, no one knows why. No one understands. But if, after punching the guy, he declares, “You ever touch my ten year old girl again and I’ll do worse!” Suddenly, the action makes sense to people. He is cheered on. The words define the action. The words define the person.

People, even God, will use your words as a bench mark to measure your character and personality. Notice these verses:

Politicians fall into this trap all the time. Many political figures can live down a mistake, but they rarely live down a lie. The very fact that you try to deceive with your mouth tells volumes about you. So yes, it is more the words you say than the deeds you perform that define you in the minds of people.

The words you speak define who you are. You may say, but what about lying? Lies tell a lot about the character and personality of the person too. The willingness to lie about an action is something that will be held against you, once found out, than the action itself. When our deeds and our words contradict, people usually believe that our actions are closer to the truth than the

Naturally, if your words are true, you ought to let your actions verify them. That’s the kicker. Our actions serve to verify our words and our words serve to define our actions, and thus ourselves. Words don’t verify our actions. They define the action. So ultimately it is the words we speak that define us.


8 // FAITH


Restoring the


A Focus on Torri J. Evans and TheFatherless Generation Foundation

By Janet Morris Grimes/ Photo Credit / Torri J. Evans

The statistics are staggering. According to a 1999 report by the Department of Health and Human Services, children from fatherless homes are almost destined for failure. For example: + 90% of homeless and runaway teenagers are from fatherless homes. + 85% of youths in juvenile detention centers are from fatherless homes. + 71% of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes. + 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. These statistics don’t prove that all fatherless children are led to do such things; they simply prove that the mere presence of a father in the home matters, more than either the fathers, the mothers, or even the children realize. This is something Torri J. Evans already knew, from experience. She was one of these children. She knew the feeling of vulnerability as well as the feeling of not being wanted. And in an intensely personal encounter as a thirty-one-yearold adult, when she reached out to her biological father for the first time, she not only restored the deep hole within her soul, she found her calling. As her own estranged relationship with the man she knew nothing about as a child was being restored, she clearly heard the nudge of God saying, “You will go from restoring your own family to restoring all families.” Evans has never looked back. From her gentle heart soon came the birth of The Fatherless Generation Foundation. “The Fatherless Generation Foundation, (based in Atlanta) is designed to repair the broken places the fatherless experience has created,” says Evans. “We have embarked on a campaign that not only repairs broken hearts, but gives a voice to a generation silenced by an absent father and emotionally wrecked by rejection and abandonment.” FGF provides services and programming such as Peer Groups, Husband & Wife Mentoring, Single Parent Support Group, and more, permitting the fatherless to heal from their fatherless experience. Evans adds, “Most importantly, FGF is actively engaged in the mission of re-engaging biological fathers back into the lives of their children through our mediation process.” She understands that many of these fathers may feel as unwanted as their children, having no idea where to start. Nothing will stop her if she believes those relationships can be repaired. When relationships cannot be repaired, FGF provides programs and services which makes the fatherless journey palatable while escorting these children through without having to endure the negative stigmas attached. The Fatherless Generation Foundation provides such services for free, seeking corporate sponsorships to offset costs. And Evans has never been one to dream in small ways. In the works are a

music soundtrack, a possible reality show, the filming of two documentaries. “In the next three years,” Evans predicts, “FGF will be in every major city across America, starting with the local Boys and Girls Clubs. We are currently working in Miami, Chicago, and Cleveland to expand into those cities in 2012, with all the curriculum and materials being provided through the home base in Atlanta. All chapters of FGF will be unified, doing the same thing no matter where we are located.” I asked what would be on her wish list for the Fatherless Generation Foundation, and was humbled by her response. In addition to sharing a secret dream of building a retreat center on her grandparents land in Mississippi so that FGF can attend twice a year, with parents and children together, and an initial donation of $1,000,000 so that this organization will never

THE FATHERLESS GENERATION FOUNDATION IS DESIGNED TO REPAIR THE BROKEN PLACES THE FATHERLESS EXPERIENCE HAS CREATED. have to be concerned with debt, she desires an abandoned Walmart or Home Depot type of building within the city limits and accessible on the city bus system, some 12 passenger vans, and a celebrity spokesperson whose heart has also been touched by fatherlessness. But more than this, Evans would love nothing more than to see fathers lined up around their building, seeking ways to become engaged in the lives of their children. Evans is a 24-hour-a day ministry in and of herself. In 2009, she started a radio show called “The Standard, with Torri J.” which discussed topics that were happening outside the four walls of our church buildings. This show is currently going into syndication. She also recorded a prayer cd called “In the Cool of the Day,” which is available through CD Baby at http://www. Evans goes wherever she feels God leading her, fully trusting Him, as He promised in Psalm 68:5, as Father to the fatherless. Through her face to face work with the children, she also finds herself filling the role of mother to many of them, but says that “their pain is different in many ways, that they need a bit more nurturing.” Wherever this path leads her, it is safe to say that she has already made a difference for eternity, like a warrior princess, placing a dagger into those dreaded statistics. “In 2011, we have reengaged 14 fathers with their children. That’s how I measure success, because those are lives changed forever.”

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by Jeff Shaw / Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro

For as long as he can remember, Jeff Shaw has sided with the underdog. Whether it was a sports team predicted to lose badly, a kid being bullied on a playground or a girl being abused by her boyfriend, Jeff was there to fight for the rights of the underdog. So, when he learned about the evil of human trafficking, Jeff was truly overwhelmed as he learned that victims of trafficking represent the ultimate underdogs—those who have no power and very few advocates, and are living imprisoned by savage exploiters. In early 2011, Jeff picked up a copy of “Not For Sale.” He had no idea what he was in for. Chapter by chapter, David Batstone told the story of human lives devastated by sex slavery, forced military service, or indentured servitude. He traveled from India to Cambodia to Thailand to Italy and to Uganda, weaving a tale of horror and hopelessness. Thankfully, Batstone didn’t stop with the stories of abuse. Instead, he ended each chapter with incredible stories of redemption as simple, ill-equipped individuals decided they had seen enough and did something to help. As Jeff read the book, he wept over the injustice. Chapter by chapter, the Lord removed his heart of apathy, indifference, and even judgment toward those in the sex industry.

In its place was the Lord’s heart of compassion and mercy. A broken man fell on his face before the Lord and cried out, “Lord, just show me what you want me to do. Anything! Whatever it is, I’ll do it!” It was late in the evening and the sun had long set. Jeff stumbled onto his balcony to catch his breath and look out over the city skyline, hoping for a break from the intensity he was experiencing. There, the Lord spoke to Jeff and said: “Can you hear the cries of my precious daughters? Those are women and children whose cries are rising up from the despair of sexual exploitation right in your city. In Atlanta.” In that moment, the Lord sealed a word in Jeff’s heart—rescue. Although he did not know what it would look like, Jeff knew that the Lord was calling him to be available to the exploited in the time of their greatest needed. It was then that the concept of a 24/7 rescue hotline was birthed, and a battle cry of, “Enough!” Although Jeff was not initially equipped to work in this field, he knew the Lord equips those He calls—many times choosing the least equipped so that He might receive the greatest glory.

After months of research and meetings with those serving with various anti-trafficking organizations and ministries, it became clear that a city-wide rescue hotline did not exist, but was greatly needed. As Jeff learned more about victims of exploitation, the hotline expanded to not only be a resource for rescue, but to be a place where those who call will receive truth, hope, and identity, spoken with the deep love and affection of the Father. Jeff struggled with a name, knowing that the importance of a name cannot be overstated. He agonized for weeks. Then, in the midst of a study on the book of Daniel, he found himself asking the Lord how He could allow such darkness. Did He not see? From Daniel 2:2122, the Lord spoke to Jeff, “It is I who reveal the profound and hidden things. I know what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Me.” The Lord will use His people to lead others out of the darkness of evil, self-hatred and oppression, into the light of His love. And so Out of Darkness came to be. Out of Darkness cries, “Enough!” into the darkness and walks boldly into the night to deliver the Lord’s message that each life is uniquely created, deeply cherished by the King of the Universe, and possesses a treasured calling fully realized in the loving embrace of a perfect Father. If you are interested in getting involved, email

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The album opens up with ‘Are You Ready’, a somber, quiet beginning to an otherwise spotty album. Reflective and angelic, it eventually grows into a controlled, yet powerful theme song, ready to provide inspiration and provoke thought (“Can anybody hear me, can anybody see me?”). This segues into ‘Music’, a song best described as Euro-poppy catchy-happy hear-it-onthe-radio. The song is definitely catchy, but not in a ‘cool-song’ way; it’s more of a radio jingle or commercial spot that you can’t get out of your head.

We’ve all been through break-ups – it’s a part of everyday, everyone’s life. And after an unassuming yet effective intro, reggae-influenced artist Benjah delves deep into “Sinking Ship”, a song about a back-n-forth relationship that everyone can relate to (although a catchy melody makes his song a bit more rhythmic than a volatile relationship). “Not Alone” fails to capture fans’ attention, as Benjah is outshined by the feature on the song; in fact, it’s the only standout part of the track. “Jezebel” is another miss, repetitive and forgettable, before “Keep Riding” abruptly comes in and kicks the album into highgear. Although it suffers from a lack of direction and weak metaphors (“…cooler than cool, just like an A.C.”), it’s an automatic head-nodder, with a wicked flow from Benjah and a beat that sounds like Dr. Dre produced it.

Fortunately, though, this is rectified by the following track, ‘Supernova’, which, despite its seemingly over-the-top title, fits its namesake. With a large, profound sound, the song succeeds where the former failed, and, judging by its aptly-chosen title, this was probably the goal. The intergalactic praise-of-glory continues on ‘Holy’, the fourth track on the album, and the third in an up-beat tone. It’s euphoric and prayer-like, though you can honestly picture it being played at a rave or house music event – it’s that mesmerizing.


‘Just to Know’ is as forgettable as any track on the album, and is followed by ‘#PutYourLoveGlassesOn’, which sets the tone, ironically enough, for the bulk of the work. Was the beat originally meant for Jennifer Lopez? Repetitive and uninspiring, it can easily be transformed into a mega-pop smash with just a little tinkering. This trend continues a few tracks later with ‘Show Me’, which, with its Rihanna-inspired sound, may get casual listeners to give it a shot, but ultimately, the struggle to chase a poppy-sound serves as a distraction. The latter half of the album suffers from misdirection and lazy writing, as records such as ‘We Are Hope’ and ‘Destiny’ could have easily been the same song. Ironically enough, somber records, like ‘For Such a Time’, which display vulnerability, that best suit Beckah Shae. As she croons, “I’m just a common woman, with an ugly past,” with jubilant hope for the future, her voice resonates with all of our pasts, and all of our futures. That honesty – strong, brash, and unapologetic – makes the record a standout. When not chasing modern, sleek sounds, the album’s slower, more emotional records give it its depth – and, as we all know, substance over style is usually the way to go.

Elsewhere on the album, “3rd World” and “Walking Out” and great uplifting records with mass appeal that can easily help spread the Christian message. They’re followed by the ballad “On Grace I Stand”, which is ok, but preludes “My Angel”, one of the album’s best songs. Catchy and powerful, the song gets stronger as it goes on, and provides a fresh dose of honesty so far removed in today’s world. Benjah really shines on these slower songs, another one being “Read Me”, which is so open and honest, it makes you a part of Benjah’s journey. Perhaps that is the song’s intention, as the chorus sings, “…I, I’m feeling / like you can’t wait to read me…” “Cnlyg”, an on-your-knees call to grace is a harmonious and hopeful, and is a good change of pace from the earlier set of ballads. Two hidden gems at the end of the album give it a fun surprise, but fall victim to the album’s overall spottiness The good parts are great, but the bad is hurtful – just like in any meaningful “break-up”.




The Mighty Macs is the very inspiring movie based on the true events that happened in the early 1970’s at Immaculata College. The movie is a Cinderella type story about how a women’s basketball team with no funds, no gym, very few players and a brand new coach stand together and fight for what they believe in, their dream!

Dolphin Tale is now available on dvd at most movie retail stores (such as Best Buy, Target, and Wal-Mart) and at www. This film is based on the inspiring true story of Winter the dolphin and her amazing human rescuers from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA). Winter is an incredible little dolphin that never gave up even after losing her family and eventually her tail. She is an inspiration to those with disabilities and encourages everyone she meets. The entire family will love this movie for the amazing story, the outstanding cast, and the adorable animals.

The Grace Card opened in theaters nationwide in 2011. Visit the website www. to learn more The film has a touching story of forgiveness and grace. It showcases real life situations that are relevant to most viewers. Action packed movie about two police officers that are facing forgiveness issues in different ways. The cast and crew combine Hollywood professionals with talented local volunteers to produce one outstanding story.

The film is funny, touching and a great family drama with lots of action and encouragement for all ages. The movie is very entertaining and the production is first class, but the story of Coach Cathy Rush and the original team is amazing. The Mighty Macs is not only an entertaining movie, not only a great story in history, but it is also a great inspiration to all who watch even if you are not an athlete. So grab the popcorn and pom-poms and get ready to cheer on the Mighty Macs! Visit their website

Since 2005 over 60,000 hatchlings have been released into the Gulf of Mexico. All of these programs are provided by CMA staff and their caring volunteers. To find out how YOU can help CMA &/ or get involved visit their website or contact

George played by Award Winning Actor Louis Gossett, Jr. (An Officer and A Gentleman, Roots). Sam is also holding back forgiveness issues about his father. These officers are from two different worlds and now must work side by side. Will Sam deal with the hurt he has from his father and get the church growing? Will Mac allow God’s grace to touch his life before it is too late?






BLUE GOLD IN A BOTTLE A One on One conversation with Atlanta native, self-made businessman and owner of Mist H20 Derick Halliman.

Our journey in this life is never easy, along the way to success we all encounter it seems more negative people than positive. What has been your source of inspiration that has kept you focused on your dreams and visions? Faith and Fear. My Faith gets me up everyday and My Fear of Failure keeps me going everyday. My Fear of Failing comes from trying to be different. Everyone Fails. You fail more than you succeed. So…I want to be different. I want to make Success to be a norm. I’m sure if someone told you 15 years ago that you would be a successful brand owner, you probably would think they were just talking. What lessons learned and advice can you share with someone who has similar dreams of owning a Brand? Understand your Strengths and Work on your Weaknesses. I learned that the reason why people are attracted to my brand is that I am apart of that brand. Understand that brand loyalty starts from the top and spreads outward. Treat your Brand like a cloud, you might not always see them, but you know they are there. Speaking of success, People are so use to the fly by night stories. How many times have you failed only to achieve success? What’s your definition of Success? I have failed more than times than I have succeeded. I think I have failed more that 200 times. That is why I am always trying new things. Success is achieving your goals. I feel like I am one of the most successful men on earth. My main goal was to be a sheppard of hope for young people. Showing them that greatness is in them…As long as they are themselves.

Pure drinking water now considered “Blue Gold” is something people look for the best and purest source to add to there daily lives. We need water just like we need air. What is the process Mist uses in obtaining pure water? It’s all in the filtration process. The source of our water comes from a great spring in Tennessee. Every brand of water goes through some type of filtration process. No matter if the source is a spring, artisan, or municipal; there is a process that each brand of water goes through. Our process uses UV light and 5 stage filtration process to filter our water. But…It all starts with the source, the Water. I feel that your source is one of the best springs on earth. With so many companies on the “Water market”, How can someone rate quality? What classifies a $1 bottle of drinking water over a $5 bottle of glacier water? Only a very few can rate the quality of water. It really is about the taste. Most consumers can taste the difference between brands. Being in a plastic bottle can and does affect the taste. That is why I choose to have my water is a glass rather than plastic. Plus…I know the quality and taste of my water is far better than other brands, so I didn’t want that quality and taste to be tainted by that plastic bottle. That is one reason why you pay more for glass than plastic. The FDA standards on food seem to be all over the place when it comes to whats really safe to in-take in our bodies. What elements should people look for in drinking water that’s safe? and does the type of bottle/container make a difference in taste? I just tell people glass is better than plastic. The FDA regulates the water during the filtration and bottling process. When the water is sitting in that plastic bottle, which is when it can become unsafe. Remember…plastic is made from petroleum (oil). When that plastic bottle is sitting in a hot trailer or your hot car, that petroleum can start to seep into the water you are drinking. That is why I went with glass. Glass costs more, but is safer. At first glance the Mist H20 bottle and packaging resembles a high-end liquor brand. What is the story behind the design and feel of the packaging? I dreamt the design of the bottle. I felt like the taste of the water needed a bottle that complimented that great taste. The inspiration came from how the bottle felt in a woman’s hand. I wanted a bottle that was not too heavy for a woman to hold, but not so light that it would break if it was dropped. I want every woman to want a bottle of Mist, and every man to have to get a bottle of Mist. I feel like my Dream has turned out pretty good… What is it about the Water industry that attracted you to developing and growing your own brand? The growth potential. When I first got in the water game, 15 years ago, it was totally different. The big companies were not interested in the bottled water industry. I felt like water was more than something you drank, but something you had to be apart of, A Lifestyle. People have built lifestyle brands around so many products, but water was and still is looked at as apart of life, instead of a lifestyle. I want to change that… They are many non-profit organizations that go to third world countries to dig wells and help the native people establish a good source for clean drinkable water. Are you involved in any Organizations that provide such services? We were going to partner with a couple of organizations, but I really didn’t feel comfortable with them. None of them had anyone that had a true water filtration background in their organization. They were just contracting out everything. Plus, they all were all dealing with overseas countries. There are so many communities in the US that don’t have clean water. That is why we are starting our own, The Mist Foundation, focusing on the education of water and how important it is to us. Water filtration will be our primary focus. Not only building wells, but showing how the wells are built. Teaching our young people how to get their hands dirty while thinking outside the box for raising money. Most importantly, bringing our communities together through two things no one can live without: Love and Water.



I too know that story oh so well. It’s a hurtful feeling when WORDS are used to manipulate. TD Jakes says in The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord, for women to be cautious of the man who tells you what you want to hear. And unfortunately, this isn’t a young man’s issue. Men are gassing at 30, 40, and 50 years old. Much of the time a woman is confused by it because we didn’t ask for the man to claim, “I want you to have my baby; or you’re going to be my wife” etc. You know, the classic “gas” lines. So, when people ask me about celibacy, I explain it’s not all that difficult. What’s difficult is being gassed or receiving broken promises. It’s difficult because God tells you that you deserve so much better.

“When someone says I love you, ASK what they mean by it and make sure God is at the root of it and nothing else.”


by Portia Kirkland Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro

It’s unfortunate but many women are broken today because they had pre marital sex with someone they believed wanted a commitment or really loved them. How many of us believed that he really LOVED us or at least wanted a commitment only to find, you were a booty call, but not a wife? As time goes on, you figure it out AFTER the brokenness has taken place. Moving forward, you have difficulty discerning who is for you and who isn’t; who’s using you and who isn’t. What makes it even harder, we’re told over and over again, men just want sex. I wrote a tad bit on this not so long ago, but I still get the same complaints from single women. A girlfriend of mine called me upset that a man claimed she was his wife and how much he loved her, only to find, he made no effort to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

And so lately, it’s dawned on me WHY some struggle in their relationships. There’s a language barrier prior to marriage. Many marriages don’t work because when people say “I love you” they mean something entirely different. For some “I love you” means “I’d like to sleep with you and I might call you tomorrow; or I’m in this relationship until you hit rock bottom; or I like you PLUS a few others; or you’re my option, but not my priority; or I’m telling you this because it sounds good; or I’m gassing you because I thought you wanted me to tell you.” When someone says I love you, ASK what they mean by it and make sure God is at the root of it and nothing else. I have learned that some men mean absolutely NOTHING when they say I love you. It just sounded good at that moment! And there you are expecting for him to stand by his Word when he doesn’t want to marry you; he doesn’t really love you; and God really didn’t TELL him you’re his wife. With that said, I need my brothers to be more responsible with their words and to understand when making statements you THINK we want to hear, it’s damaging. Say what you mean. We can live with it. Many of us women aren’t looking to be Cinderella, but hoping for a man of truth; not a perfect prince but a man of honesty who stands by his Word. We know you won’t be perfect, but perfect for us. So, please no more gassing. Be honest and accountable for the Words you speak. We don’t only deserve this, but God expects it. Pastor Rick Warren, “Better to have the heart without words than the words without heart.”



The Same Love by Mellissa Riddle Chalos Photo Credit / Hoganson Media Relations

There’s a certain blanket of wisdom that, if you seek it, comes over time. It wraps around that place in your life where you’re settled in, a place where you’re surrounded by good friends and family and have nothing left to prove. A place where you know who you are, you know your purpose, and you’re content to leave the details up to God. “If you do something long enough you uncover life lessons along the way,” Paul Baloche says. “You aspire to be faithful to God’s calling in your life, pressing through even when you fall short. And when you hit a certain age, as you grow in your faith, you recognize the potential and the burden of being a leader, realizing ‘I’ve got to step up and be more intentional toward the people God has put in my life.’ And your prayer becomes, ‘Lord, give me grace to finish well.’” After 25 years of marriage, 23 years leading worship at Community Christian Fellowship in Lindale, TX, 12 albums recorded with the same label, and hundreds of teaching resources provided free for church leaders (via his web site, one might think Paul Baloche had already qualified for a great finish. But for this modern hymn writer, mentor and teacher who once aspired to be a priest, ministry is not a sprint, but a marathon, a long series of obedient steps in the same direction. A path where every

aspect of life is forged in fires of passion for Jesus and His Church, and the result is almost always an honest prayer for the Church to sing. All this is at the heart of The Same Love, an organic collection of worship songs from the worship leader best known for such modern classics as “Above All,” “Open the Eyes of My Heart” and “Your Name.” The Same Love mirrors Paul’s love for the Church and gives new expression to the complete faithfulness and overwhelming mercy of a gracious God. The same love that set the captives free The same love that opened eyes to see Is calling us all by name “One of the reasons I love the process to this day is that it’s a bit of a frontier, a mystery,” Paul says of the creative process behind The Same Love. “You can’t put your finger on it. Nobody can. It has a sense of adventure, a Lewis & Clark kind of thing. All explorers, over time, are trying to go places they’ve never been. Writing for worship is a lot like that. You’re trying to go places you’ve never been, deeper into ancient biblical truths, stirring up your modern soul, if you will. You’re testing the tension and the harmony of several things, combining that with what’s going on musically at the moment... And you end up with all these different elements — harmony, chords, lyrics, melody, vibe — and out comes something new.” Co-produced with longtime collaborators Ben Gowell and Michael Rossback, The Same Love continues to walk a modern edge musically, while delivering unforgettably rich lyrics composed in the context of community. “From project to project, I try to wipe the slate clean, to consider what’s happening right now, in my church, in my own soul, in the church at large and to ask ‘What do I sense in the hearts of the next generation, how do they perceive God, the church, fellowship and community?” Grammy Award-winning engineer Chris LordAlge (U2/Switchfoot) mixes the title track and first single of the project, co-written by Paul and Michael Rossback. This is the touchstone for the entire collection. Continued on page 22


“There are a lot of songs about the Cross on this record. People are almost apologetic about it, and yet I feel challenged not to shrink from it. Our tendency is to make our language inclusive and seeker friendly. And I get that, but we also need songs that point to the truth of the new covenant.” – Paul Baloche

“God is not this impersonal force,” Paul says. “The truth is that from creation to the crucifixion, God has been calling us – by name. He’s giving us a challenge, calling us to the cross, asking, ‘Are you ready to give up your way of doing things? Come as you are, pick up your cross daily and I will transform your life.’” The four songs that follow—the anthemic, Coldplay-esque “We Are Saved” (co-written with Jason Ingram and Ben Fielding), bluegrass tinged “King of Heaven,” “All Because of the Cross” (a modern spin on “Nothing But the Blood”) and “Your Blood Ran Down”— follow a path often resisted, even in worship. “There are a lot of songs about the Cross on this record. People are almost apologetic about it, and yet I feel challenged not to shrink from it. Our tendency is to make our language inclusive and seeker friendly. And I get that, but we also need songs that point to the truth of the new covenant.” We are children of your mercy, rescued for your glory, we cry Jesus set our hearts towards you that every eye would see you lifted high... “Look Upon the Lord,” co-written with Kari Jobe and Jason Ingram, began as a time of worship, an effort to linger and focus on Jesus and His sacrifice. “We felt such a strong presence from God as we were writing it that we decided to record the song around our original demo, keeping Kari’s worshipful vocal and Jason’s keyboard part.” I don’t know where You’ll take me But I know You’re always good... “My Hope,” featuring Kathryn Scott and co-written with Ed Kerr, with whom Paul has written over 100 songs, gives voice to the spoken and unspoken prayers of people in times of need. “Life is hard, people are looking for hope, and there’s not much to be found outside of the hope we have in Christ,” Paul says. “My prayer is that this song will help others express to God what they really feel and point them to His promises.” In each and every one of these church-tested songs, perhaps even more intentionally than ever before, Paul Baloche continues to draw from deep roots of devotion and ministry to feed the fire in his spirit. To create songs in community with likeminded worship artists who understand the hearts and prayers of those they serve, the people in the pew... and those who are still seeking. “I can’t deny what I’ve seen and experienced in the presence of God,” Paul says. “I can’t deny that I’ve witnessed His goodness and faithfulness over and over again. God is alive. The same God who created the world calls us by name.” The same God that spread the heavens wide The same God that was crucified Is calling us all by name “When I meet people who are full of the Spirit—despite their present circumstances, beyond their temperament or attitude—I’m inspired. I want to be that kind of person, to be in His presence, to read and digest his Word, to make it part of my DNA, to walk it out – to live it out. In the end, I want my life, my music to facilitate a conversation about God and who He is.”



The start of a new year is often a time of hope, when we look ahead to the future and plan to live better and smarter than the year before. For the abolitionist movement, it is no different. Modern-day slavery is the fastest growing crime on our planet: estimates say that almost 30 million people are being exploited through forced labour, sex trafficking, indentured servitude, and debt-bondage. When we hear about this gross injustice, apathy is abruptly pulled out from under our feet, and we realize that we have to do something to address this problem.

IAM NOT FOR SALE by Saskia Wishart Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro



first encountered human trafficking while living in Cape Town, South Africa; I worked for a non-profit organization that focused on justice. We taught at-risk women and children about ways to protect themselves from human trafficking. Every time we went into a school or refugee camp, we assumed we were the ones going in to teach, but what I did not anticipate was how much we would learn from the children and youth who were most atrisk. They told us harrowing stories of job offers gone wrong, gangsters who bought and sold young girls for the purpose of prostitution, and foreign nationals who were promised work but ended up being saddled with debts so large they had no hope of paying them back. The more I heard, the more I knew I had to take a stand in addressing this problem.

It was a powerful event; one highlight was when Not For Sale released the 2.0 version of the Free2Work smartphone app. This app allows its user to go into a store and scan the barcode on products to discover what rating the company has regarding forced and child labour. A company with good labour policies that is transparent about where they source their raw materials from will receive a high grade. The consumer can confidently buy from that company, knowing that they are taking steps to reduce the risk of slavery within their supply chain. Other companies who are not transparent and do not have policies in place, or who have a history of slavery and exploitation will receive a low grade. Now we as consumers are given the power to make a decision to buy differently by rewarding the companies who do the right thing, and choosing to avoid products and companies who care more about profit then they do about people.

Two years ago I attended an investigator’s training academy in San Francisco with Not For Sale, which is a global movement to end slavery. I learned how to identify January 11th was Human Trafficking this hidden problem of human trafficking. “Modern-day slavery Awareness Day; thousands took a stand One of the most profound lessons I for freedom by lending their voices to the is the fastest growing movement for freedom by tweeting, sharing, learned was that we need to collaborate with law enforcement, service providers, linking, and quoting information on moderncrime on our planet: and justice seekers alike to create longslavery via social media. This was an estimates say that term tangible change. During my time in important step to address the issue of human Cape Town, South Africa, our team was trafficking, and to be a voice for those who almost 30 MILLION able to identify over 56 victims of human cannot speak for themselves. But being a PEOPLE are being trafficking, people who were exploited smarter abolitionist in 2012 is about more through forced labour and prostitution. than just raising awareness. exploited through One problem our team continually forced labour, faced was what to do once police had These days, my advocacy has also intervened in a crisis situation and a become smarter; currently I am working sex trafficking, victim was stabilized. How could we offer in Amsterdam, helping to pilot a social a frightened and vulnerable individual a indentured servitude, enterprise that will employ woman who new future once they have been freed have been victims of sex trafficking. I am an and debt-bondage.” from slavery? They needed to be freed abolitionist, and a person of faith, this makes from bondage but they also needed a it crucial to me that we create an environment safe place to go to. Out of our experiences, we developed a that will allow exploited individuals the opportunity to build rapid-response protocol to address victim intervention. Since a new future for themselves and their families. Real justice then our team in Cape Town has expanded our efforts through comes when we break the cycle of exploitation. Real justice the establishment of a crisis center that will provide immediate comes when we address the economic reasons that put services to survivors of human trafficking. people at-risk for human trafficking in the first place. When it comes to living smarter in 2012, the same applies to being a ‘smarter abolitionist’. The movement against slavery has to address the root cause of why people are being trafficked. Poverty and the lack of employment opportunities are two push factors that at-risk people into a situation of extreme exploitation. Besides poverty, the consumer demand for cheap products is another major contributing factor to the issue of forced labor internationally. This means, us. You and I are a part of the demand for human trafficking, whether we are aware of it or not. So what do we do about it? In October 2011, Not For Sale hosted their third annual Global Forum on Human Trafficking. It was a powerful event that brought business leaders, celebrities, musicians, government, and the grassroots movement together to talk about the best and most innovative models that will help us achieve our goal to end human trafficking. In a short video presentation, Archbishop Desmond Tutu spoke about the work being done in South Africa. Academy Award winning actress Mira Sorvino gave a powerful keynote presentation. Musician Aloe Blacc joined the movement by performing from the main stage.

As you go into 2012, consider the ways that you will live better and smarter. Know the power that you have as an individual to make a difference in the lives of those who are oppressed, and consider becoming a smart activist, by taking part in the movement for change. You can start by purchasing a t-shirt. This month, Not For Sale is partnering with Christian rock band Tenth Avenue North. We have designed t-shirts that are being sold to raise funds for the job-skill training project in Amsterdam that will employ survivors of human trafficking. Again we are giving consumers the opportunity to buy differently by asking them to purchase a t-shirt that tells a story of hope. Jesus calls all of us who follow him to break the chains of injustice and set the captives free. Abolition is about answering the call that has been placed on each of our lives and not waiting for the time when we are older, wiser, or more influential. We can make a difference today by stepping out right where we are and taking action to see individuals set free.



31BITS by Photo Credit / Kayla Adams


31 Bits is a business using fashion and design to empower women to rise above poverty. We believe that business is one of the most powerful and sustainable approaches to turning scarcity into abundance, and eventually, alleviating poverty completely.

31 Bits Designs is a socially minded business designed to give internally displaced women in Northern Uganda an opportunity to counter poverty. By giving our beneficiaries access to the international market, they are able to earn an instant income, providing homes, food, and education for their families. Our program equips women by providing literacy education, financial and vocational training, holistic care, and strong support systems, empowering individuals to further their careers and attain social equity. ___________________________________________ THE BEGINNING… Kallie Dovel, traveled to Uganda in the summer of 2007, getting a first- hand look at life in Northern Uganda. While she was there, she met women making paper beads but who lacked a plan to market and sell them. After spending time in their homes and hearing their stories, Kallie knew there had to be a way to give opportunities to her new friends. She brought a box of jewelry back to the U.S., and spent the next year finishing her degree and dreaming up the concept of a development organization. She brought a few friends on board and her ideas quickly evolved into 31 Bits. The girls traveled back to Uganda in August 2008, and selected six women to begin buying jewelry from on a monthly basis. Since then, we have grown to 99 women; each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy and liberation. ___________________________________________ OUR PROGRAMS… We are currently working with 108 women in Gulu, Uganda. We’ve combined successful development approaches with current design and fashion to create an innovative program for our women. We purchase jewelry from each woman on a monthly basis, providing them with an immediate, consistent, and fair income. Each piece of jewelry is handmade using 100% recycled paper and other local materials. By selling these products in the international market, we are able to generate a profit that is used to continue purchasing jewelry for our beneficiaries, as well provide them with numerous development programs, equipping them to develop a career and attain social equity on a local level. We are committed to working with each woman until she has graduated from our program and attained a sustainable means of income within her own community.

English Lessons We provide English lessons for each of our beneficiaries. Most of the women we work with have never had the opportunity to learn English because they could not afford to go to school. We offer bi-weekly lessons taught by one of our program managers, Gladies. Although the English lessons are optional, almost every woman attends because of their strong desire to learn. After starting the program, we realized that within a few months, women were already having conversations in English! Finance Training We partnered with local University professors and our board members to develop a finance-training program for our beneficiaries. After going through the program, each of our beneficiaries will have an understanding of poverty and the mindset behind living in poverty, as well as how to save money, manage an account, budget for their families’ needs, and how to take out or pay back a loan. Every woman in our program has received a personal bank account. ___________________________________________

USING FASHION AND DESIGN TO EMPOWER WOMEN TO RISE ABOVE POVERTY. ___________________________________________ Community Groups We’ve taken a holistic approach to development, meaning we think it is important to care for our women beyond their economic and educational needs. We also want to make sure they are being cared for mentally and emotionally. We connected with a local organization to assist in training six of our beneficiaries in counseling and leadership. The rest of our beneficiaries have been divided into Community Groups that meet with a leader on a weekly basis. These weekly gatherings provide a unique opportunity for beneficiaries to seek counsel and prayer from their leader. Community groups also provide an opportunity to check up on each of the beneficiaries’ work and finances. AIDS and Health Education Approximately one-third of our beneficiaries are HIV positive. By providing AIDS and Health education, our beneficiaries are able to receive counseling and guidance on how to take their medicine and stay healthy. This program is led by one of our project managers, Gladies. Gladies is attending a training in AIDS counseling, enabling her to teach other’s about physical well-being related to AIDS. Gladies also addresses mental health issues by being available to women for one-on-one counseling. Many of our women have undergone abuse and traumatizing events that they are addressing for the first time in their lives. Vocational Training As our beneficiaries learn to save money, they are also learning to set goals for the future. Within three to five years from their entrance into the program, we want each beneficiary to graduate with a way of earning a sustainable living beyond 31 Bits; either by starting a business or joining an existing business. To prepare for this, each woman will attend a vocational training program. Not only will this program teach each woman the foundations of starting and operating a business, but it will also help women identify their talents and skills and how individual skills can be maximized in the local market. We will guide beneficiaries in the development of their businesses by providing individual business mentors.



{a person, company that creates, popularizes a trend or trends}.

Ye are the salt of the earth //Matthew 5:13


francis chan

Francis Chan is the best-selling author of books, Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell and the host of the BASIC. series (Who is God & We Are Church). He has also written the children’s books Halfway Herbert, The Big Red Tractor and the Little Village and Ronnie Wilson’s Gift. Francis is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, and is the founder of Eternity Bible College. He also sits on the board of directors of Children’s Hunger Fund and World Impact. Currently, Francis is working to start a church planting movement in the inner city of San Francisco and also working to launch a countrywide discipleship movement. Francis now lives in Northern California with his wife, Lisa, and their five children.

rachael lampa


“What I want this record to be is a good, soulful pop record where you can hear shades of Stevie Wonder and Lauryn Hill to Alicia Keys and Adele and Natasha Bedingfield,” contends Lampa. “I tried to be cooler during the more acoustic indie era, but I just have to deal with the fact that I’m a pop girl at heart.”


Now you see her. Now you don’t. So goes the story of Rachael Lampa, who skyrocketed onto the pop scene in 2000 as a mere teenager amassing four number one singles, five more top ten tunes, plus appearances on “The Tonight Show,” “The View,” “Entertainment Tonight,” “E!,” “Extra” and Teen People. Add in a soundtrack slot on A Walk To Remember, an acting role in Hidden Secrets, a duet with Aaron Neville, plus tour time with Destiny’s Child, Boyz II Men, Nickel Creek, Amy Grant, Vince Gill and even Jordin Sparks (as a supporting singer on her stints alongside The Jonas Brothers and Britney Spears), and the powerhouse vocalist/songwriter became an internationally recognized face in less than a half decade.

need to breathe


“We wanted to make an important record in the way that people used to make records. Bands rarely have the time that allows them to create a game-changing album like Born to Run, Rumours, or Damn The Torpedoes. So we said, ‘Let’s set ourselves up to do that. Let’s believe in the songs enough that we’re willing to take the time they need and really push ourselves. It may sound naïve, but we still have a dream that we’re going to make a record that’s going to change everything for us.” When NEEDTOBREATHE’s Bear and Bo Rinehart set out to write the songs that appear on the band’s new album, The Reckoning, they felt something bigger awaited them. It wasn’t just commercial success either. The band’s last album The Outsiders hit No. 9 on Billboard’s Rock Albums chart, went Top 20 on the Top 200, saw the band sell out venues such as Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium and Chicago’s House of Blues, and score an impressive number of placements in blockbuster films and numerous prime time television-shows. Bear explains “There was always this creeping reminder that we needed to show what the last ten years on the road had taught us. If we couldn’t do that, everything we had worked for was meaningless.”

joe robinson www.


Joe Robinson plays guitar like Ali boxed, like Einstein knew theoretical physics and like Hitchcock made movies. If the chipper twenty-year-old from backwoods Temagog, New South Wales, Australia were two or three times his age, his sheer six-string ability and compositional insight, which have already earned Robinson a world-wide following, would be no less astonishing. That fact is underscored by his winning TV’s Australia’s Got Talent in 2008, and the Australian National Songwriting Competition at the tender age of 13. Recently Robinson’s been traveling the world with his own trio featuring a drummer and bassist headlining tours across Europe, Japan, North American and Australia, displaying his virtuosity on acoustic and electric guitar and honing many of the songs on stage that appear on Let Me Introduce You.


“My goal was to keep my musical DNA as a thread through the whole album while evolving my electric guitar playing, songwriting and singing,” Robinson says. “I think that along the way I created a new style for myself, with room for me to continue to grow as an artist. The truth is, music is something you do because you can’t stand not doing it. Like Frank Zappa and Miles Davis, I’m interested in continuously reinventing myself and seeking new directions. Let Me Introduce You sets me on a course that I’m thrilled to keep exploring.”

jason castro


“I have a simple goal” says Jason Castro, “and that is to create songs that grab you by the soul and make you feel! Songs that inspire! Songs that give joy! Songs that make you dream!” With his rich tenor voice, distinctive looks, and endearingly innocent charm, Jason Castro won over millions of viewers as a contestant on the seventh season of American Idol, parlaying his substantial singer-songwriter appeal into a third-place runner-up finish. He may not have won the competition, but the 22-year-old Texan earned himself a devoted fan base eager to hear what he would do once freed to perform his own songs. Those folks will get their chance with the release of Castro’s self-titled debut album on Atlantic Records. A multi-talented singer and guitarist, Jason was among the most popular and talented artists in American Idol history, entering the record books as the first contestant to play an instrument on the show. His performance of the Leonard Cohen-penned classic “Hallelujah” proved such an audience favorite that the late, great Jeff Buckley’s rendition of the song hit #1 on the iTunes chart the following week, selling an astonishing 178,000 digital singles.

brandy allison



“I would like to be a well-known contemporary Christian artist, if only because that means I’ll have the ability to reach more people, but I’m fine if that doesn’t happen,” she adds. “Whatever happens is all in God’s hands and I’m just going with the flow. I want to touch one life at a time and as many as I can for the rest of my time here. I want people to know no matter who you are, what you’ve done or what road you’ve gone down in the past, Jesus can change your life and turn it all around.” With hands to Heaven, Brandy blossoms to her fullest on “My Hallelujah” – a beautifully written string accompanied song of reverance and praise.

“I want to share God’s goodness and my story with people and I want to save lives”, asserts Allison. “I was a lost soul and it took me loosing my husband to see life differently. We never know if we’ll be here tomorrow, and while we hear that all the time, it didn’t hit me until it happened. But I’ve been walking that road of faith for a full year and I haven’t turned back like I have in the past. That’s where I want my story to start.”

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