Crossroad | June/July 2015 (Plumb)

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Spreading the message of Hope, One song at a time



Steven Johnson |

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Andrea Nugent Lawrence Blake Kinda Wilson Michael Humme Catherine Johnson Greg Baker Jarrid Wilson Tobias CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING PUBLIC RELATIONS


AG|Judicial Arbiter Group Inc - Esquire | Kenneth O. Simon For any Editorial Request, Comments or Article Submissions:


MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad features topics on faith, healthy living, humanitarian efforts, culture and articles that inspire change. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published monthly and is distributed online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine, all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.




Serving Isn’t Enough by jarrid wilson


Beauty is Optional by andrea nugent


Using fashion and design to empower women by


Focus and stay the course by lawrence blake


Making room for relationship by kinda wilson


Big love, A glimpse into the life of songwriter Jay Smith


Addressing Mental Health by MHA


Overcome oppression by michael humme


Surviving the battle by catherine johnson


What is more important? by greg baker


Lecrae, Ahead of his time


Annastasia Baker, The journey begins


Derek Minor, The empire strikes back


PLUMB: EXHALE Spreading the message of Hope, One song at a time


by JARRID WILSON Photographer Alejandro Escamilla




Here’s my point:

Just because you serve, doesn’t mean you’re saved. Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name. But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ There is more to the church than serving. And until you realize serving is an addition, not your foundation, you are headed down a road paved by a false sense of security. I know plenty of people willing to serve the church, but who aren’t willing to seek God. Believe me, I used to be one of them. Romans 16:18 Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people. Now, don’t get me wrong, serving your local church is incredible. I believe that the local church is the hope of the world. But my heart goes out to the people who feel that their relationship with God peaks and completes with serving. I mean, c’mon really? God is bigger than a plastic lanyard, fake security t-shirt, and a youth group pizza party.


ou serve at your local Church over 40+ hours a week, unpaid. You are involved in multiple ministries.You always arrive early and make sure to stay late. You help collect tithes and offerings. You serve on the worship team. And not to mention, you are an intern. Let’s just put it this way, you are a Church serving machine.

God is proud of you for serving the local Church. He is applauding you for all your hard work, and the angels are rejoicing over your blistered hands and dirty clothes. But at the end of the day, will that alone sustain you? Will those precious acts of service bring affirmation towards salvation? And will those blistered hands alone grant you entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven? See, It’s very easy for us to stand in the entrance of a crowded church, with our lanyard placed perfectly around our necks, and feel like we deserve to be there. As if something we did granted us access into this “holy of holies” position. Secretly expecting the entire church body to stand in recognition of our audacious servant-hood and spiritual presence. Yeah, I said it because most are thinking it. I believe that the church of today is facing an epidemic. One of false security and an even greater sense of false salvation. It’s called serving. And while that might sound a little silly, I want you to examine your heart with me for a moment. Don’t get me wrong, I am not necessarily questioning your salvation, I am questioning where you are seeking it from…

This post is to open your eyes to the greatness of God’s divine wisdom and direction. Can some of these attributes be found in the beauty of serving? Yes, but that alone will not sustain you for the road ahead. Serving alone will not plant the roots of your faith deep into the love of Christ. Colossians 2:7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. God is looking for more than servants. He is looking for seekers. People who go to extreme lengths to seek his face. And although serving is an incredible catalyst in learning the importance of being a bond-servant, it is not meant to be your only avenue for divine wisdom. It’s meant to be an addition. Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Apply: 1. Check your head. Are you serving for self-satisfaction, or God breathed wisdom? 2. Check your heart. Are you serving to further God’s kingdom, or to further your platform? 3. Check your hands. Are you serving to build the kingdom, or build your spiritual resume? God is looking for more than servants. He is looking for seekers. Don’t let the false security of servanthood get in the way of your relationship with God. Heart work is just as important as hard word. CROSSROAD | 9


Beauty is Optional Newer, Improved, Changed by ANDREA NUGENT | Photography B.I.O.N.I.C.


f you want to know what it means to come through a test with a powerful testimony, meet Andrea Nugent. Her triumphant story is one of courage, and turning pain into purpose. Andrea Nugent’s battles with epilepsy and cancer led her to start a nonprofit cancer support group and write two books.

After overcoming epilepsy in 2004, Nugent believed that her life was finally back on track. As she looked forward to entering her 40s with a bang, she had no idea that the bang would come in the form of cancer in July 2009. “Epilepsy was one of the hardest things I thought I would ever have to go through,” said Nugent, a single mother, until the doctor told her, “You have cancer.’” 12 | CROSSROAD

It is nearly impossible not to know someone who has faced a breast cancer diagnosis. Figures suggesting that 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. With no family history of the disease, Andrea Nugent was shocked when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer at age 39. The cancer had infiltrated her lymphatic system, with small spots were detected on the lungs and ovaries. Over the course of a year, the single mother underwent aggressive cancer treatments, which included six months of chemotherapy, a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and six weeks of radiation. In March 2011, she was in remission. This life-altering experiences are the platform from which Nugent, now 43, launched her nonprofit B.i.o.n.i.c. Girls Inc. (Beauty is Optional: Newer, Improved, Changed) and her books. Nugent is the author of a self-help e-book, The Road to Prosperity: Let Your Passion Lead the Way, and her first children’s book, Mommy is Still Mommy: Cancer Can’t Change That. Her faith would be tested again, in November 2012. This time, the diagnosis would be terminal metastatic breast cancer which had spread to the liver. According to doctors, this time Nugent would have to undergo chemo for life. Nugent, never wavering in her faith, started chemo in December and launched a new campaign called Living Beyond Obstacles. Once again, she turned her diagnosis into a mission, challenging anyone who needed encouragement to draw inspiration from their obstacles and to live beyond their limitations. “Accept the reality but not the limitations,” states Nugent. Nugent says she is a firm believer in the power of prayer, and though doctor’s reports looked grim, she had faith that she would be healed. Her last scan in February shows that the cancer cells that were once active in the liver are now inactive. “I just figured, why worry, God needed me to be a twotime cancer survivor so that I could reach more people with my testimony,” Nugent proudly states. She says women tell her that watching her face her battle with such dignity, strength, and courage has caused them to make more positive changes in their lives. With a new zest for life, Nugent is an advocate for cancer awareness and supporting those dealing with cancer. Those who know her respect her for her transparency and for openly sharing her breast cancer experience, which inspires others. She spends her time speaking at elementary, middle, and high schools, churches, and colleges, encouraging everyone she meets to live empowered, passionately and fulfilled. Nugent said that if there is one thing she wants newly diagnosed women to learn from her, it is that there is life after cancer. “Cancer is not a death sentence; it just means that you may have to find a new normal. For me, normal means focusing on creating fabulous memories with my son in between undergoing chemo once a month. Life is still good and God is still in control.”

About the Book Mommy is Still Mommy: Cancer Can’t Change That is quickly becoming a favorite among cancer patients, hospitals, and treatment centers. The children’s book simplifies the effects of cancer treatment and changes the way it affects the family. It will touch the hearts of your children as it cleverly tackles the topic of cancer treatment’s effects. Mommy is Still Mommy written by Andrea Nugent, a single mom and Stage 3 breast cancer survivor, is a must-have for all families dealing with cancer. Whether newly diagnosed or facing a reoccurrence, parenting through a diagnosis can prove quite challenging. It is important to open up healthy lines of communication with young children when dealing with cancer. Nugent says, “Not only is this book a conversation starter, it also empowers mothers and helps to remind them that no matter what, they are still the same person, still mom, still strong, and still beautiful.”

About B.i.o.n.i.c. Girls Inc. B.i.o.n.i.c. Girls Inc., which stands for Beauty is Optional: Newer, Improved, Changed, is a nonprofit breast cancer organization that provides free services to breast cancer patients and survivors in the South Florida community. Their services include free transportation to treatment, household cleaning, drop-off and pick-up of prescriptions, support groups, and in-home counseling. Their mission is to empower and transform the lives of breast cancer patients and survivors who have undergone cancer treatment and mastectomy. The organization is committed to promoting public awareness, especially in women between the ages of 20 and 40. For more information, visit




31 Bits Designs is a socially minded business designed to give internally displaced women in Northern Uganda an opportunity to counter poverty. By giving our beneficiaries access to the international market, they are able to earn an instant income, providing homes, food, and education for their families. Our program equips women by providing literacy education, financial and vocational training, holistic care, and strong support systems, empowering individuals to further their careers and attain social equity. ___________________________________________ THE BEGINNING… Kallie Dovel, traveled to Uganda in the summer of 2007, getting a first- hand look at life in Northern Uganda. While she was there, she met women making paper beads but who lacked a plan to market and sell them. After spending time in their homes and hearing their stories, Kallie knew there had to be a way to give opportunities to her new friends. She brought a box of jewelry back to the U.S., and spent the next year finishing her degree and dreaming up the concept of a development organization. She brought a few friends on board and her ideas quickly evolved into 31 Bits. The girls traveled back to Uganda in August 2008, and selected six women to begin buying jewelry from on a monthly basis. Since then, we have grown to 99 women; each with a unique story of suffering that has been overcome with joy and liberation. ___________________________________________ OUR PROGRAMS… We are currently working with 108 women in Gulu, Uganda. We’ve combined successful development approaches with current design and fashion to create an innovative program for our women. We purchase jewelry from each woman on a monthly basis, providing them with an immediate, consistent, and fair income. Each piece of jewelry is handmade using 100% recycled paper and other local materials. By selling these products in the international market, we are able to generate a profit that is used to continue purchasing jewelry for our beneficiaries, as well provide them with numerous development programs, equipping them to develop a career and attain social equity on a local level. We are committed to working with each woman until she has graduated from our program and attained a sustainable means of income within her own community.

English Lessons We provide English lessons for each of our beneficiaries. Most of the women we work with have never had the opportunity to learn English because they could not afford to go to school. We offer bi-weekly lessons taught by one of our program managers, Gladies. Although the English lessons are optional, almost every woman attends because of their strong desire to learn. After starting the program, we realized that within a few months, women were already having conversations in English! Finance Training We partnered with local University professors and our board members to develop a finance-training program for our beneficiaries. After going through the program, each of our beneficiaries will have an understanding of poverty and the mindset behind living in poverty, as well as how to save money, manage an account, budget for their families’ needs, and how to take out or pay back a loan. Every woman in our program has received a personal bank account. ___________________________________________

USING FASHION AND DESIGN TO EMPOWER WOMEN TO RISE ABOVE POVERTY. ___________________________________________ Community Groups We’ve taken a holistic approach to development, meaning we think it is important to care for our women beyond their economic and educational needs. We also want to make sure they are being cared for mentally and emotionally. We connected with a local organization to assist in training six of our beneficiaries in counseling and leadership. The rest of our beneficiaries have been divided into Community Groups that meet with a leader on a weekly basis. These weekly gatherings provide a unique opportunity for beneficiaries to seek counsel and prayer from their leader. Community groups also provide an opportunity to check up on each of the beneficiaries’ work and finances. AIDS and Health Education Approximately one-third of our beneficiaries are HIV positive. By providing AIDS and Health education, our beneficiaries are able to receive counseling and guidance on how to take their medicine and stay healthy. This program is led by one of our project managers, Gladies. Gladies is attending a training in AIDS counseling, enabling her to teach other’s about physical well-being related to AIDS. Gladies also addresses mental health issues by being available to women for one-on-one counseling. Many of our women have undergone abuse and traumatizing events that they are addressing for the first time in their lives. Vocational Training As our beneficiaries learn to save money, they are also learning to set goals for the future. Within three to five years from their entrance into the program, we want each beneficiary to graduate with a way of earning a sustainable living beyond 31 Bits; either by starting a business or joining an existing business. To prepare for this, each woman will attend a vocational training program. Not only will this program teach each woman the foundations of starting and operating a business, but it will also help women identify their talents and skills and how individual skills can be maximized in the local market. We will guide beneficiaries in the development of their businesses by providing individual business mentors.



of prosperity, health and wealth, we must strengthen our faith daily. I repeat, Faith is truly the key. Strong faith starts with what comes out fo your mouth. The word excercise given in the previous message will strengthen your faith everytime you speak them. Strong faith is compounded by what you do and don’t do. What you think ! One must rid himself of what I call a “Potluck Mentallity.” Begging, Borrowing, stealing. Jesus was not a begger and Gods word tells us that the “barrower is slave to the lender”. Proverbs 22:7 Do you owe people?... Pay them! Do you promise people things? Honor your promises. Do what you say and say what you mean. Society would have you believe that the ability to barrow a bunch of money all the time is some sort of blessing.

FOCUS AND STAY THE COURSE by Lawrence Blake | Photography Coley Christine

My Friends, step back a moment and take a look at where you are and where you want to go. There comes a time to take a good look at your condition. Once you’ve done that and you don’t like what you see.

As long as Peter stayed focus on Jesus as Jesus instructed, he too walked the stormy sea, but as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink down in the water. Matthew 14:28-30

MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO CHANGE YOUR CONDITION. Focus in on where you want to go and stay the course. Don’t keep looking back at a negative pass or poor conditions. Keep Focus !

THERE IS ANOTHER LESSON IN THIS STORY WE SHOULD REMEMBER. Even though Peter lost focus momentarily and looked at the conditions around him. He was faithful to put his eyes back on Jesus and call on him for help. Nevertheless! He regained focus and stayed the course. When we do this, Prosperity and Abundance will surely come.

One of my favorite stories in the bible is a good example. It illustrates what keeping focus and staying the course is all about. It’ the story of Peter walking on the water like Jesus.


It is also a story of faith. Faith is truly the key. In order to recieve Gods inheritance

“WHEN YOU REALIZE THAT ALL YOU HAVE IS RIGHT NOW, THIS DAY, THEN THAT WILL BECOME YOUR FOCUS.” Remember, God’s way is not a way of strife. He won’t give you things so that someone can come along and take it away because you can’t pay on it. “Render therefore to all their dues”. Romans 13:7 “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another”. Romans 13:8 “For we walk by faith, not by sight”. 2Corinthians 5:7 Your affirmation and inheritance must be made with the dynamic power of absolute faith. Faith is the key!





MAKING ROOM FOR RELATIONSHIP by Kinda Wilson | Photography Leland Francisco


elationships. They’re tough; they’re tricky; they’re oh-so-alluring. Many times we want to dive right in without a thought for what’s coming. It’s strange, really – we make plans for everything else in life – buying a car, purchasing a house. Few of us would dare to take out a huge mortgage on a property without first calculating the costs and making room for the extra payment. True, relationships can’t be calculated as cleanly with numbers and monthly payment plans. But there are things that you need to make room for in your life if you plan on getting into a serious relationship. They will help keep your relationship on the right track, keep you grounded, and maintain some objectivity in the situation. So if you want to be a wise decision-maker when it comes to dating relationships, make sure you intentionally make room for these important elements in your life: Make room and time for the process – As Americans, we like shortcuts to everything. We like to microwave what used to be slow-cooked. But with relationships, there is no shortcut to the process. There’s no substitute for spending time – hours, days, months – with the person. In the past, I’ve tried to ask the right questions to get to know a guy more quickly – and that helped. But what really told me his true character was time. At two weeks into the relationship, I didn’t see his temper. At three weeks in, we were both still putting our “best food forward.” But given time, the newness wore off. Then we saw each other for who we really were and less of the fairy tale image that we once pictured each other to be. 18 | CROSSROAD

Someone once said that you should see the person you’re dating in every situation; in every season. I think that’s great advice. Give it a bit of time and live a little life until one of you has the flu; until you walk through a frustrating situation; until you’re tired and grumpy. Then you’ll know the stuff your significant other is made of. You can’t jump from first date to fairy tale in 24 hours. Relationships take time, and so does the process. Make room for accountability and friendship – Okay, let’s just be honest here – when we first start dating someone, we’re not thinking clearly. Nope, we’re not objective at all. In fact, studies have shown that the beginning stages of love and attraction have an effect on our brains that is remarkably similar to being hooked on crack cocaine! Yikes! So if you’re heading into a romantic relationship, it’s always good to have someone in your life who will “tell it like it is” and help you see things you might have overlooked. Be very careful who you bring into this position though. You need someone with Godly wisdom who has your best interest in mind. I always try to have at least two people close in my life for accountability: One (woman) that is close to my age as a friend, and one who is a little further in life as a mentor. I really believe this is so important. It’s astounding what we can rationalize as being okay when we’re on our own without any accountability. We can talk ourselves into almost anything when we really want it to happen. That wisdom of accountability brings balance and insight and helps us through the process of relationships. Make room for God (and trust your gut instinct!) – As crazy and harried as life gets, sometimes we forget to have a quiet time and hear what God is speaking

to us about a relationship. (And I’ll admit, sometimes we don’t want to hear it). The scriptures give us a basis for what a Godly relationship should look like, and the Spirit of God gives us internal guidance in line with that. When we take time to listen, we gain wisdom beyond what we can physically see or understand. Okay, you won’t always get that wisdom or answer like a neon sign or a loud voice with a cool British accent. That’s what I always pray for when I’m in a relationship, but it never seems to happen. But you might just have a feeling that someone is wrong – that you don’t have peace about the situation at all. Don’t discount that or push it away. Don’t ignore those internal alarm bells or warning signals. They are there for a reason. Many times I have


tried to rationalize why I didn’t have a peace – why I had “alarm bells”. I wanted a reason to explain the way I was feeling. It was much later down the road before I found out the problems those alarm bells were signaling. I have since learned to stop and listen more to what God is trying to speak to my stubborn self – and to trust that “gut instinct” that I feel. So if you pray and consistently feel uneasy about a relationship – like something is a little off – it’s a good idea to take some time away, pray, and talk with the mentor in your life. And if the person you’re dating is the right one for you – you have a peace about the relationship and you find yourself falling in loooove – you still definitely need internal guidance then. Navigating the relationship process is tricky when our


emotions are on overdrive. There is never a point we reach where we understand so much that we no longer need the voice of eternal wisdom speaking to our spirits. No matter what stage of a relationship you are in, make sure you take some time and listen to what God is speaking to you. All in all, successful relationships require intentional effort. Yes, enjoy the giddy feelings of a new relationship and the excitement of finding the possibility of a fairy tale. But don’t forget to make room for the time, wisdom, and prayer it takes to turn that giddiness into something that could last a lifetime.




DEBBIE DEE MUSIC DIRECTOR What has been your biggest challenge in Radio over the past 20 years as a Music Director? My biggest challenge is making a decision between so many beautiful uplifting songs we receive on a daily basis and not being to add more per week due to the limited amount of space and time we have in a day for each day part. We all have different radio personalities and the shows that we love to listen too. But, not too many people understand the work that goes on to create those programs. Can you educate us on what the job of a Music director is and the role it plays in the world of radio? The Music Director is a very important job, because you choose music that will linger in the hearts and minds of the listeners for years and sometimes a lifetime. Songs tell stories and it can uplift you, it can make you happy and even sometimes make you cry. Therefore, my prayer is that God use me to choose the songs that will touch someone who is hurting, help bring joy to the hearts of those who are in pain and soothe the souls of the weary as well as to bring a continuous praise to the hearts and minds of those who loves Jesus. Another part of the Music Director position, is to check the charts across the country weekly to see what songs are touching the lives of people in different cities and making sure we give Kansas City the top Gospel songs around the country.

You have been with Kansas City’s Gospel 1590 KPRT Gospel Radio, The oldest black owned gospel station in the country for most of your career. What was the driving factor that led you this route and not secular radio? Actually I started on a secular station in Wichita, KS, Power 93.9. Two years later, I was blessed to move to KC and start part time on our sister station KPRS Hot 103 Jamz as well as Gospel 1590, until a door for a full time position opened on Gospel 1590. When I accepted the full time position, I saw it as an opportunity to hopefully touch lives, uplift, inform and encourage those who listened to me as well as freely uplift the name of Jesus. What is the one value that you hold on to in life that you would like to pass on to the next generation? Seek God First.



BIG LOVE A glimpse into the life of songwriter Jay Smith, his journey and passion for music and the success of “I Love you this Big”.




ometimes, success is just around the corner. It’s a mix of timing, opportunity, hard work, and destiny; all rolled into one unforgettable phoenix of a lifetime of effort. For Jay Smith, the ride to the top has been tumultuous to say the least, but, alas, it seems the light at the end of the tunnel is finally within sight. Born and raised in Galveston, Texas, Jay was the ninth of eleven children. At an early age his family relocated to the Fifth Ward – one of Houston’s most notorious housing developments. As a strong role model, Jay’s grandfather took the youngster along with him on yard work and other local handyman jobs, helping to plant the seed for hard work and integrity. But despite the lessons, at age 12 the fast money of the streets appealed more. Within two years, Jay experienced life altering tragedies. First, tragically losing his mother and three months later losing his father to an unexpected heart attack. Finding himself shuffling between Foster care and sleeping on the streets, Jay took on odd jobs, while re-kindling his love for the God. From there, an outreach pastor named Dennis Rogers, whom Jay affectionately refers to as ‘Pop’, introduced the young man to boxing legend Evander Holyfield and with proper guidance, Jay’s life

took a turn for the better. With vision, persistence, and faith backing him, he developed a brand new vigor for life. “It’s funny how God took one dad away from me and gave me two, and it started my new beginning, my new life.” Says Jay of the influence the two men wielded in his life. Chasing after his dreams, Jay decided that writing music was his life’s passion. With the attributes in place, hard work and determination, mixed with destiny, finally came to fruition, in 2011; he had his first mega multi-platinum-hit. I Love You This Big’ 100% penned by Jay Smith but eventually re-worked by urban songwriter Esther Dean and Nashville’s own Brett James for the 2011 American Idol winner Scotty McCreery. Debuting at number 32 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, the record peaked at number 11, as it sold over 170,000 units its first week. The song was an instant success, “We turned it in at 2:00AM Saturday morning and it was No. 1 on iTunes by Wednesday morning says co-writer Brett James. It was a real blessing to be at the right place at the right time.” Although battered and bruised, Jay Smith stands strong and marches on to a new beat as God continues to bless him. The unexpected success of “I Love You This Big” has multiplied through an Administration publishing

deal with Nashville power house record label (Average Joes Entertainment Group) /publishing division (Average ZJS Music Publishing) co-owned by platinum recording artist Colt Ford and home to some of the biggest names in country music (Montgomery Gentry, John Michael Montgomery, Brantley Gilbert, Josh Gracin, Bubba Sparxxx, The Lacs and Moonshine Bandits). However, after the success of Scotty McCreey’s “I Love You This Big”, Smith was tapped to write two songs for Colt Ford (2012 album, Declaration of Independence). The song “Happy in Hell” Featuring Grammy Award, Multi-Platinum group Boys II Men and “DWI” Featuring LoCash Cowboys and Redneck Social Club. In 2013, Jay Smith was approached by the Late UGK Records owner Mama Wes (mother of rapper Pimp C) to write and be featured on True Legends (the late Pimp C’s Tribute album). Today, Jay’s talent continues to be sought, currently by Serayah McNeill, who plays Tiana Brown, on FOX #1 show EMPIRE and Crossroad Magazine as a contributing artist and writer for the “Take A Stand” Campaign in efforts to assist those who are currently fighting the dreadful epidemic of Cancer, Arthritis and Mental Health. Timing, opportunity, and skills may be vital aspects of Jay’s success, but it’s faith that builds the foundation – a fact not lost on young Smith, for whom success is just destiny being fulfilled.



Addressing Mental Health Before Stage 4 by MHA | Photography Chris Sardegna

When we think about cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat them. We start before Stage 4—we begin with prevention. When people are in the first stage of those diseases, and are beginning to show signs of symptoms like a persistent cough, high blood pressure, or high blood sugar, we try immediately to reverse these symptoms. We don’t ignore them. In fact, we develop a plan of action to reverse and sometimes stop the progression of the disease. So why aren’t we doing the same for individuals who are dealing with potentially serious mental illness? When you or someone close to you starts to experience the early warning signs of mental illness, knowing what the risk factors and symptoms are will help to catch them early. Often times, family and friends are the first to step in to support a person through these early stages. Experiencing symptoms such as loss of sleep, feeling tired for no reason, feeling low, feeling anxious, or hearing voices, shouldn’t be ignored or brushed aside in the hopes that they go away. Like other diseases, we need to address these symptoms early, identify the underlying disease, and plan an appropriate course of action on a path towards overall health. Mental health conditions should be addressed long before they reach the most critical points in the disease process— before Stage 4. Many people do not seek treatment in the early stages of mental illnesses because they don’t recognize the symptoms. Up to 84% of the time between the first signs of mental illness and first treatment is spent not recognizing the symptoms. Mental Health America’s screening tools can help. Taken online at, a screening is an anonymous, free and private way to learn about your mental health and see if you are showing warning signs of a mental illness. A screening only takes


a few minutes, and after you are finished you will be given information about the next steps you should take based on the results. A screening is not a diagnosis, but it can be a helpful tool for starting a conversation with your doctor or a loved one about your mental health. This May is Mental Health Month; Crossroad magazine is raising awareness of the important role mental health plays in our lives and encouraging members of the community to learn more about their own mental health and to take action immediately if they are experiencing symptoms of a mental illness. Mental illnesses are not only common, they are treatable. There is a wide variety of treatment options for mental illnesses ranging from talk therapy to medication to peer support, and it may take some time for a person to find the right treatment or combination of treatments that works best for them. But when they do, the results can be truly amazing and life changing. We want to help people learn what they can do both to protect their mental health and know the signs of mental illness #B4Stage4. It’s up to all of us to know the signs and take action so that mental illnesses can be caught early and treated, and we can live up to our full potential. We know that intervening effectively during early stages of mental illness can save lives and change the trajectories of people living with mental illnesses. Be aware of your mental health and get screened #B4Stage4 today!




Spiritual oppression is a frequent visitor to me. It seems to be an experience I have been familiar with for over two decades of my faith life. How do I overcome this? There are several ways. 1. Be honest and tell God about it first. God likes it when you go to him first rather than someone else. Suppose a child has a problem and confides in you first. Is it not because that child trusts you? And it builds a bond. Same with God and me. 2. Wait and listen to God. If nothing is obvious try and stay positive and don’t look at the problem agitating you. Now and again mention it to God. 3. Combat it with faith. Quote scripture verses to yourself. Also to tell Satan to be gone, and read the Bible to build faith. 4. Recall the good things God has already done and thank Him for them. This gives more perspective by putting your mind on positive things. 5. Keep praying and fasting if you can, and ask for extra regular prayer support. Place the matter into Gods hands. 28 | CROSSROAD

6. Paul had bad trials but God simply said that His grace would be enough to see Paul through. Likewise expect at least Gods grace. 7. Depending on the oppression, expect an end to the trial. Ask God to show you the way out. He has put me through a variety and for nearly all there has been a way out. I’m still asking God to show me the way out of the few remaining ones. 8. Cultivate your hobbies and interests since these can balance off your life and help you keep happy. Mine are swimming, reading and walking to name some. 9. Take opportunities to enjoy life. Joy is a powerful antidote to being bogged down. There is enough in life trying to pull you down so do as much to keep cheerful. 10. Most of all expect God to act. Trust Him to do the impossible. He is a mighty God and I can never anticipate how he answers my prayers. That is part of the excitement of faith. The eager anticipation of the unknown and mysteriousness of God. It keeps faith interesting. This is quite basic, but it works for me so I hope it helps.

Crossroad Magazine would like you to join us in supporting our publication & outreach ministry, and our efforts to assist those who are currently fighting to overcome cancer, and other related diseases. One of the toughest moments that can happen in one’s life is seeing a family member or friend battle cancer, and, via our media platform, we are on a mission to bring awareness to possible solutions, and help raise funds to expedite the discovery of a solution. A portion will be routinely donated to organizations such as The Arthritis Foundation, St. Jude Children Hospital and AMHF (American Mental Health Foundation) and will go to aid in these areas of need – medical and therapy expenses, financial distress, food and housing assistance.








byTOBIAS | Photography Curb Records

Continued on page 22

ulti-genre recording artist, songwriter, and author PLUMB released her seventh studio album, titled EXHALE a follow up to the success of her previous album NEED YOU NOW, an intense collection that coincided with the her personal struggle in her marriage up through her family’s restoration. This story ultimately lead to the artist writing her memoir, titled ‘Need You Now: A Story of Hope’. EXHALE is the resulting collection of songs filled with worship and thanksgiving, coupled with the distinctive sound for which Plumb is renowned. The concept of EXHALE was born from a sermon at PLUMB’s home church in Nashville, TN. where Pastor, Pete Wilson of Crosspoint Church, reinforced the concept that Christians do not exist for themselves but rather to come into church to breathe in grace, hope and truth so that they can then go out and “exhale” into their surrounding community. Plumb’s genuine heart of worshipful gratitude has combined with this notion of “exhaling” on the new album, revealing the most overt and honest Plumb album to date. Plumb’s message is focused on hope, with her firsthand testimony and mantra being, “Hope is oxygen and we all need to breathe.” Ever since your first album in 1997, your music has been loved by millions across the world. Your songs have been featured in many movies, commercials and tv shows. Now, after a long hiatus you re-emerge - mother, singer and songwriter with new chart topping music. How does it feel to be back? I guess i haven’t really felt like i went anywhere. Maybe becauce plumb is so much a part of my identity, so what the media may see as a hiatus, i see as trying to balance plumb with life… 3 babies and being a faithful wife and mom and still involved in community and still writer and artist. I’ve not been in the public eye as often or touring per say these recent

years, so i get that, but there are a lot of layers to the machine of plumb so i’m always up to something and haven’t stopped. I’ve learned how to be creative with my art when things like touring and being so public aren’t options at the time. I’ve put my creativity into other things like writing for other artists, commercials, film and tv and other various things i love to do but can’t as much when on the road. Plumb is so much of who i am that i’ll likely be dead before i stop. So when someone says ‘are you still singing, doing the plumb thing?’ I chuckle inside tempted to say ‘are you still doing that breathing thing?”. Ha. For those who don’t know anything about you, give us the history behind the name, “plumb?” I signed with the hopes of it truly being a band. So i chose what i thought would be a band name. I did and still do have a band but the membership has changed out as many bands do and it was evident a few records in, , that plumb is a chick with a band, not a band, per say. I am the person behind the curtain but i regret not calling it plumb and the rockets and being more intentional about the band. I was young and ill prepared. Becaucse i am not a one woman show. Although i am the face behind it all my producer, my band and my team around me help an incredible amount in keeping plumb true to what makes the machine unique. So…yes, plumb is a girl. She’s a singer, performer, songwriter, dabbler in producing, speaker and one day author and even maybe one day, actress. But plumb is also hopefully more than anything, an inspiration to many other things. The name comes from a song called ‘my favorite plum’ by suzanne vega…she is a big influence on my songwriting in the early stages of plumb and i felt like it had a certain femininity to it but something bigger than that about it as well. So it captured me being a female but that my music was more than me…i’m just the lucky broad who gets to be the face that fronts the madness. My current lineup of band members began their 7th year with me this year…justin, doy and whit. CROSSROAD | 31

What’s is your day to day struggle? How many pages is this? ☺ I’ve not been diagnosed, per say, but i have a lot of struggles. Getting out of bed to start with. I am a night owl and had a rude awakening when i had my son, that whether i wanted to or not i had to get up. I still struggle. I struggle with symptoms of a.D.D. I struggle with depression. I struggle with wondering if i need medicine sometimes for a number of reasons. I struggle with being motivated by fear and guilt. I get anxious and panic over things you’d never believe. I struggle to meet the criteria of being a proverbs 31 woman. Maybe there’s like a proverbs 32 woman that just didn’t make the cut when the monks were choosing what to keep in and what to keep out and i am more her. Ha. Yeah. I struggle. But i believe with all my heart god isn’t finished with his work in me and that he loves me no matter what and that in all my challenges and weaknesses he is strong and better seen . That’s the hope i hang on to when the other threads i’m chasing after seem to be breaking in half.


What was it that re-lit the fire in you where you said “its time again, to release another installment of my life”? Well partly as a recording artist you get nudges from the ‘suits’ per say but my lable is incredibly gracious with respecting my artisticly inspired life. Sometimes it just takes time. But i think for this new record it was that after my baby daughter was born i had some complications that disabled me from having any more children and so i knew once she was a bit older, she’s now 3, that i wasn’t going back into pregnancy again so i could focus more on my art and not be diverted a 4th time. All my children have been a welcomed ‘diversion’, better yet, more an addition and a blessing ,than anything. But all were surprises and we just rolled with the punches. Now that i know that season has ended, the nursing and diapers and sleepless nights, etc…there is a new sense of freedom to return to the part of plumb that is doing it consistantly…week after week… not spontaneously when the baby actually slept through the night and i can get a sitter kind of deal. They’are all in school, the youngest is 3 in preschool several days a week, and so there is a consistant open door for me to devote… but even still…i’m not as hormonal and don’t have quite as many distractions as when they were much younger. It’s a new day…and it seemed appropriate to start it with a new record. 32 | CROSSROAD

What is the one value you hold on to all these years, that you will now teach your children? To live to hear ‘good and faithful’. Character is more important than achievement. And that their attitude can get or lose them almost anyyhing in life. So…live to serve jesus, be of strong character and have a good attitude no matter what. Who cares what kind of money they make or status achieved? If they have used their passions to live for christ and represent him well…that is success. What’s one thing you’ve learned about life over the past couple years as a parent, artist etc.. That keeps you focused on all of it? Life is all a gift and not mine or about me and best if shared. So right when i wanna throw in the towel about something, it gives me the 2nd thought about why i exist in the 1st place and be more thoughtful of my actions and reactions. What are some changes you would like to see in christian music? Do you think christian artist community is doing enough to promote christ as the “ only” solution to problems? I’ve said since 1996 that i wish music was just music. Not christian music. When we label it we do more detriment sometimes in alienating people who might not share in that faith and feel isolated from being able to really embrace the hope that’s found in it based maybe on an experience they had or something they’ve heard that might not have even truly been christian. I’d rather artists be unashamedly confidant in their faith, passionate in their art and do it well. I think there are more doing that than ever so i’m encouraged by that…switchfoot is a great example to me of making great art, never apologizing or hiding their faith and being respected for it. There are quite a few more now than earlier years and again, that’s great news for music…because i think the ‘mainstream’ has missed out on some incredible talent and art because of a label that scared them off… How does your faith affect the way you write and address the world? We all share a common belief in how the church is failing at ering on the side of love verses judgement, including me. That when we don’t understand someone or something it’s a natural response to push it away out of our own insecurities and in turn we push that person away. There is a sea of people who feel isolated or alone or hopeless because of how they’ve been treated, based maybe on the color of their skin or who they love or where they’re from…it’s endless and i felt like it was important to write a song to that person, a song that said you’re not alone. And on the other side of that raging crest of a wave that represents your hurt there is a hope even if you can’t see it. At the same time it’s a challenge to us all that says, ‘extend your arms, make them visible…do whatever you can to participate in making that hope evident and known and that might mean getting out of our comfort zones to live out the golden rule.

first baby step to healing…really trusting that god loves you, can heal you, can guide you, won’t leave you. I’ve been there and go there still, sometimes in feeling sorry for myself…and i make my biggest mistakes when i’m low…and realize, as insensitive as this sounds…that i’m being selfish. The god of the universe wants to help me…to heal me. To use me. And in order to let him, i need to get out of the way and sometimes that’s really hard to do… but wallowing in self pity and hurt and bitterness and revenge and anger won’t get me anywhere…but god can and he actually wants to. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to connect with Christ but feels too ashamed to approach Jesus? He has a romantic, jealous, crazy affection for us that he’s in constant pursuit of us to be reconciled with us. There is no ‘in our pursuit for him’ stuff…he is already pursuing us. It’s our privilege to be able to stop and turn and say “yes”. So just say “yes” and let him do the rest. He literally died for you and loves you without any condition…he’s ready to throw a party to celebrate that redemption and draw you to himself…so just come as you are…scrapes and all. Tell us about you’re involved in east nashville cooperative ministry - http:// encm.Org/- how important is this to you? I believe in the mission of helping a commuinty of people without any real social capital find help in every way possible… food, clothing, relationships and all are stemmed from the love and hope of jesus and his body. Please go to their website to learn more and to give. They are doing amazing work and i’m honored to be a small part of that work. While you were gone a lot has changed in the industry, the majority of sales are digital. Are you plugged in to facebook and twitter? Do you personally handle your social media account? Ha. I’m not a dinosaur. Like, do i have one of those mobile telephone yet? Ha. Yes. I love being the one to communicate. It’s incredible to have a means to communicate with fans so easily now and be known. To a degree i see the value in some of the mystery that’s found in not knowing an artist and having perceptions…but i think its more valuable to be known for what is true. Dolly parton said once ‘when who you truly are and who your fans believe you to be are closer to the same thing…that’s success’ or something like

that…and it inspired me to be better known for who i really am, not just the idea. So fb and twitter and all that are great outlets for that to happen and i’m all about it. A lot of young women are dealing with serious issues like abuse, low-self esteem etc.. What advice can you share with these women? First of all, that they aren’t alone in how they feel. It doesn’t matter so much how they got where they are, but more that they are there and that they know fully how god loves them. He can take what is intended for bad and use it beautifully. I certainly can’t fix what’s broken but i know who can and i trust him and believe in him with all that’s in me. So i think trusting might be the

Seeing that you have a busy life, how do you find quiet time to spend with God? Especially if you are on the road? I failed to mention above, that’s probably one of my biggest struggles of my life. I have an incredibly hard time spending quiet time with jesus. And sometimes, things have to fall apart at the seams before he gets my attention. But when i am alone with him it’s like a drug. Afterwards i can’t seem to make sense of why i don’t do it more often, even every day…it’s essential and one of the hardest parts of my christian walk to do. So i am thankful even more for the community of the church that pushes me there, because i certainly can’t do it on my own.










Join a Survival Group

Support is very important in the fight against cancer. Your family and friends may be there for you but you will feel that they don’t understand what you are going through. That’s why you need to join one of these groups, there you can share in each other’s pain and gain morale in the fact that there are others just like you who are fighting to stay alive. And there are some who are also winning the battle so that will also serve as a form of encouragement. The idea is to have hope, as some doctors will tell you that it’s half the battle if you believe that you can get through it.


SURVIVING THE BATTLE Living a Cancer-free life by CATHERINE JOHNSON | Photography SS


tatistics have shown that more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer. There are a number of causes of cancer, it could be hereditary, exposure to radioactive materials, carcinogens, tobacco and from the food you eat. Cancer takes a huge toll on the body and treatment can even make life feel like it’s not worth living, but there are things that you can do to improve the quality of your life.

Treatment can rain havoc on your body but you have to find the strength to exercise your body. Back when doctor’s still didn’t have a firm grip on cancer treatment, their advice was for the patient to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Studies have shown that so long as you don’t have symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid heart rate or pain moving around then light exercises are good for you. The exercises should improve your bodily functions and prevent the muscles from wasting away because of inactivity. Don’t do exercises on your own first consult your physician on what types of exercises would be okay for your body.


This is one of the most important steps in the battle against cancer. The moment you’re diagnosed with cancer your doctor will refer you to a nutritionist. When you eat properly you will feel better, be able to maintain your weight, recover quicker and be able to better handle the cancer treatment.

Staying Healthy

Its very important to understand that in order to remain cancer-free, you have to change your lifestyle to a healthy one. The body hasn’t completely recovered from the cancer treatment and the foods you eat can greatly impact how quickly you get back to the way you were. Some cancer treatments compromise your immune systems, a healthier lifestyle will be important in preventing future diseases. You will have to stay away from tobacco related activities, eat balanced diets and make exercising a regular habit. It’s difficult to beat cancer living the same life you use to live. Treatments such as chemotherapy will take a lot out you. You have to surround yourself with positive people who will give you hope and encouragement that you can defeat cancer, even if things are looking grim. I know that prayer is powerful and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are two key elements of Hope among those who have won the battle against cancer.




In an ideal world, we would like to see a positive attitude that promotes a productive action. But, as most parents know, we don’t always get both. So what ought to be more important? The action or the attitude? As parents, should we be more concerned with the child’s attitude or, if a child performs the correct action, is that good enough? For example, you tell your thirteen year old son to take out the trash. He grumbles, procrastinates, argues, but eventually does it. He scowls the whole time. He slams the trash lid down in frustration. He stomps around as if he has been greatly insulted. But he did take out the trash! I understand that we want both and I would hope the parents would address such an egregious attitude. But, if you could only have one, if you would 38 | CROSSROAD

get a polite refusal to obey, or resentful obedience, which one is more important? The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 comes readily to mind. He had a horrible attitude towards Elisha’s solution to his leprosy. He got angry, criticized the river Elisha told him to dip himself in, criticized the method, and by implication he criticized the man of God himself. But in the end, his servants talked him into giving Elisha’s solution of dipping in the Jordan river 7 times a shot. And despite his bad attitude, he was healed. In this case, obedience is more important than attitude when it comes to acquiring God’s blessing. God didn’t bless Naaman because of his attitude. He blessed him because of his obedience. Naturally, the resulting benefits of his obedience caused an attitude change. But

from the beginning, the action, the result, or the obedience is the thing that most counts in the eyes of God. For example, if your neighbor calls you up and asks for your help fixing his car and you don’t want to, but you do so anyway, I believe your neighbor would see the action as more important than the attitude. In a more extreme example, let us say you saw someone drowning in an ice cold lake. It may be that your attitude towards the foolishness of the individual, your hatred of the cold water, and even a bad attitude towards the inconvenience of having to rescue someone from their own folly would create a general air of resentment and just a plain ol’all around bad attitude. But if you saved the individual from drowning, I suspect your actions and not your attitude will be of more importance to the individual you saved. You can argue, however, that attitude will often dictate behavior. And a person’s perspective will dominate his attitude. Naaman was only willing to give Elisha’s solution a try when his servants challenged his perspective. Having his perspective challenged may have been the swing vote in his decision to obey. I suspect his attitude didn’t change much--just enough to get him to obey. In the end, the question may be: which result is more important to the one it affects: the action or the attitude? In Matthew 21, Jesus speaks of two sons one who had a bad attitude, repented and obeyed, and one who had a good attitude, but did not obey. The question Jesus wanted to know was: Whether of them twain did the will of his father? Not which had the best attitude. From a purely practical point of view, the action may be more important than the attitude in the immediate circumstance. But many actions are the result of a person’s attitude. For long term results, the attitude may take priority. To continue to achieve the correct actions in the long haul, it may be necessary to work on the attitude now. Long term behavior is often determined, first, by the attitude one has. In this case, the attitude is paramount to achieve the right actions. To summarize, for immediate circumstances and situations, actions are more important than attitude. But for long term results, the attitude must be more important.



NEHEMIAH REDEEMER ENTREPRENEUR Each of us have trials we are faced with everyday, from finances and relationships to physical illnesses that many suffer from. What are your day to day struggles as a man of faith and how do you push through it? consider the value of relationships one of the most important elements in building any foundation. One of my most recent struggles was overcoming a damaged relationship. It would be a disservice for me, to attempt to conjure up a story of how I over came this obstacle by my own human effort. It took the love of the Father in order to endure the process and extend forgiveness on a daily basis where I felt it was not deserved. Only through this process, did I learn how weak and incapable I was of bringing restoration to a dying situation. You and your wife Jacquelyn started a non-profit organization - C2BS. Share with us your vision for C2BS and why you decided to start it. Simply put, C2BS (Cool2BSaved) is about developing a culture of solution thinkers and speakers. Of course there will always be problems to face, but were more focused on what’s the solution. C2BS is a message of grace and restoration. Our vision is to teach individuals across the globe that he/she has the tools to revolutionize the entire world from his/her strategic place no matter where you are. We decided to start this organization to let the world know that it’s still Cool2BSaved. We believe it’s still Cool 2 Save your family or loved ones, it’s still Cool 2 Save the education system etc. There is so much inside the word Cool, 2B and Saved. The foundation is all about him and will always be about him our King Jesus Christ. Suffice to say, God informed me that C2BS is going to break the sound and color barriers that have separated us as humans for centuries.


These are interesting times here in America. We are witnessing protest, looting, riots and excessive police force all across this country. Racial tensions are surging high, the National Guard was called into Baltimore, MD, and Martial law enforced. What will it take to bring about a change in this country and in our communities across this nation? First of all I do not believe it’s a skin issue but a sin issue. It’s not a civil issue but a Kingdom issue. When we begin to discuss the moral fabric of america as a nation. I believe it goes back to the value of relationship. When we begin to remove the very foundation this nation was built upon it’s only a matter of time before the building starts lean. When we talk about bringing change we must always go back to the foundation. I have to quote the greatest builder of all time. Jesus said in Matthew 7:24-27 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish,like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash”. So I believe it’s going to take the wisdom and the love of God to restore the foundation of any nation, ethnicity, or culture. I literally believe the most powerful tool God gave us is love. Since hell is on the loose in our world. You can give the term hell whatever description you desire. Wether it be anger, murder,deceit, gossip, fornication, adultery, stealing, malice, racism etc. I believe you can love the hell out of people. Why not? God does it with me everyday. So with that being said, at the beginning and end of the every day C2BS will Love The Hell Out Of the world.



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COMPANY (Est. 2011)




he charts at the end of 2014 revealed a game changer, for the first time in history, the top spot on the Billboard 200 albums chart stood Christian hip-hop artist Lecrae, with his new album Anomaly. This was a big moment not only for Lecrae, but for Faithbased music as whole. Hip-hop itself is niche big enough when you look at popular music today, but for a christian rap artist to make it to number one in the Billboard 200 chart is unheard of. What’s more impressive, Lecrae, who until recently was virtually unknown



outside of the christian rap scene, achieved this without ever having a single featured in the Billboard Top 100 singles chart. Another impressive feat, Anomaly is the first album to be #1 on all three of the Billboard Top 200, Gospel, and Christian charts at the same time. A unique aspect of Lecrae’s artistry is his faith in Jesus. When thinking of rap music, visuals of criminal-like characters, sex, drugs, and of course some type of violence come to mind. Christianity plays an unmistakeable role in Lecrae’s music. His songs often touch on themes of counting your blessings, being content, and the importance

of God in your life. Unlike the message of other high profile rappers that dominate social media. So what is so special about Lecrae? Well, for one, he makes music that is indicative of what’s happening in the culture right now. Sure, the lyrical content of his work may be quite different from that of secular rappers, but creatively his body of work is reflective of what is stylish in today’s top rap songs. Trendy, yet thought provoking - Anomaly is a “must add to” in your music collection. While it appears on the surface that Lecrae is becoming a household name, Its clear his passion for the message of hope in Jesus, translates deep into his music.

Annastasia baker




Annastasia Baker may not straddle solely in the R&B/Soul genre, but better believe she’s as talented as many of the artists coming from the UK. The burgeoning singer-songwriter is a Gospel/Inspiration vocal powerhouse, infused with a touch of pop and contemporary R&B. Baker received countrywide attention as a contestant on the X Factor UK, but she was rewarded with a big career lift after winning the 3rd series of Time2Shine, UK’s biggest televised gospel talent show (basically the Sunday Best of the U.S.). Taking full advantage of her newfound fame, the Gospel Touch Music Awards recipient and MOBO award nominee is readying her debut album, You Turn, which is led by the first single “Pass It On,” featuring BET’s Sunday Best winner, Joshua Rogers. Get to know Annastasia Baker in our exclusive sit down.


Lets’ talk about your current single Pass It On featuring Sundays Best Joshua Rogers; How was the chemistry between you and Joshua during the creation of the song? What is the inspiration behind the song? The chemistry between us was great. Joshua and I met for the first time when he came to London for a show and he is just an absolutely lovely guy. When we were working on the album, we had some ideas come up and when we started creating Pass It On, we just knew it was a perfect fit for Joshua and we had to have him feature on it and that was it. The inspiration behind the track is simple. God is Love and he has given us a gift of Love to Pass it On around the world. You are a shooting star, Nominated for numerous award, (Gospel Touch music award, MOBO award, Jump music award). A contestant on X Factor UK, Winner of Time2Shine, and now Gospel recording artist with a the smash single “Pass it on”. What keeps you grounded? Knowing that everything that I do and have is a gift really keeps me grounded. I’m just honoured to have this gift. Honestly speaking, it’s not about me, it’s about giving, changing and impacting lives. It keeps me grounded to know the fact that it’s about other people receiving something, helping someone feel better and encouraged through my music. The

truth is, everyone has a unique gift and we all have a purpose, big or small. There is no point in thinking you’re bigger or better than anyone else... we all make up the different pieces to the puzzle. My team also keep me 100% grounded. They rock! What is your day to day struggle? Eating healthily! It’s the hardest thing to do and to stay consistent at it when you do. With my lifestyle of touring, studio, press, basically being constantly on the go, the fight to stay fit and active with a balanced meal is a challenge. I must admit, I love good food! So, an Interesting fact about you is your Driving school business. How cool is that. Tell us how that came about and why a driving school? I have always loved driving and have always been a practical person. With the driving school, it’s an opportunity to meet people and I can be flexible, it works around me and my family and it doesn’t feel like a job, I get on with my pupils so much too, so we feel comfortable to talk and be open to learning new things because everyone learns in different ways. I’m very thorough and the results and responses from pupils show my teaching style works. I like to do things differently and so I bring fun to driving, work on their strengths and correct their weakness because I want to help them to pass and get on the road. We also found out that you are a very talented artist in its truest form, you paint. Your framed paintings are at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in London. What kind of painting do you create and why the hospital? I was actually admitted to the hospital at the

time and whilst I was there, I started to draw and pain to pass the time. I love drawing. One day, I started drawing The Jungle Book and the nurse came over and said she thought it was great work and asked me to paint the whole book for them. Some once I returned home, painted the rest of the pictures from the whole book and subsequently, they were hung up on the ward. Framed and everything. They were there for a number of years and received press at the time. I haven’t painted in a while, I need to get the pen and paper back out. How was your first experience to the United States? Was it what you dreamed it would be? As an artist, the feedback and response was amazing. You just never know what to expect or how you will be received. Getting good feedback on your work and music at home is one thing but to travel across the waters and get good feedback is a whole different thing. It was just mind blowing to feel the love and overwhelming support from the american audience. I loved it so much, I could live there. What are the 3 most important things people SHOULD do this year? 1. Make sure you Forgive. You have to forgive to move forward. My song forgive is a really strong and powerful one. It has a strong message behind it. Life is too short. 2. Please support my album ‘You Turn’, it’s an inspiring collection of music that will move you, straight from the heart and you can preorder it now on iTunes. 3. Most importantly, people should most definitely love more and “Pass it On”.




s a light bearer for the Rap community, 2015 has already proven to be a stellar year for Reflection Music Group (RMG), producer,and entrepreneur Derek Minor. Derek transforms pen and paper into artwork on his latest project Empire. Starting off with the summer anthem “Who you know” a declaration of his position as a man of faith on a search for meaning and grace amid the false worship and temptations of this fallen world. Dedicated to bringing the message of Christ through his music bundled with superb production, Derek Minor delivers a classic.



You have an amazing roster of people who worked on your album – can you tell us how you built such a community to work on Empire? Dirty Rice is a producer and friend that I’ve known for 10-15 years. A lot of the guys that are on the album are people that have been working with me before anyone knew who I was, and I’m constantly building my team. Some of the newer guys have been ones the Lord has placed in my life through chance and happen-stance. I feel like for me music is about friendship and fun. Pretty much everyone that’s on my album is a friend of mine and that’s how I like to make music. It’s not fun to make music in order to just create a hit or be successful. I want to be able to kick it and hang out with my homeboys, and then just play on the keys and see what happens! We get to messing around and someone picks up a guitar or something and says, “That’s dope! Let’s record that,” and it becomes fun. Why are you so passionate about the message of unity and racial recognition? It’s not exactly racial recognition persay, but it would be the reconciliation of racism. I remember growing up in a very racially charged environment. One day at school I got off the bus, and I remember this guy hocking this loogie on my face and calling me a racial slur. I remember asking myself “Why?” I think it was at that moment I realized I never really wanted anyone else to feel that pain. I went through tons of different episodes like that one which made me grow up with somewhat of a chip on my shoulder. I remember when I was around 7 years old there was this older lady that I was in an elevator with, and she had an afro and I thought it was cool. I said to her, “Hey! How are ya doin - I love your hair.” And she looked at me and said, “Get out of my way, you n*****,” and then pushed me aside. These were things that deeply hurt and upset. People treating me differently because of my color really shaped a lot of my paradigm and worldview. Now fast forward to when I got saved and met Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus died because God so loved the world. He loved EVERYONE. I found myself in this environment with a lot of people that looked differently from me and I had to ask myself, “How does Jesus see them?” I look out over the church and I see that we don’t react that way, whether it’s black people that are uncomfortable around white people, white people uncomfortable around black people, hispanics, or asians. Oftentimes we like to huddle in our own circles, but the Bible says that Jesus is coming back and it’s gonna be all nations and all tongues coming together. The Bible also says to pray, “Thy will on Earth as

it is in Heaven,” and I don’t think Heaven is gonna be segregated or have people looking down on each other just because their skin tone is different. I think we should be just as passionate about racial reconciliation and equal treatment of everyone regardless of their color as we are about ending sex slavery. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, and it’s hard to be a Christian and not want unity, because that’s what Jesus died for. To reconcile all of His creation. What is your current favorite Scripture, and what advice do you have for the next generation on how to cope in today’s world. Romans 5:3-4 When I was making my album “Empire” I went through a whole lot of different trials and tribulations. My dad passed away, my aunt passed away, my sister passed away, my wife got into a car accident and got hurt pretty bad. It was this scripture that really helped me make it through those times because we see Paul writing this saying “We rejoice in our suffering” because we know that our suffering builds perseverance, and perseverance is going to build character, and we have hope! Why do we have hope? Because the Holy Spirit has been given to us, and I rejoice in that knowing

that God is totally in control and all things work together for the good of those that are in Christ Jesus. I think trials and tribulations can only potentially do two things for us: they can either pull us closer to Jesus, or they can push us further away. You’re going to run to something - you’re either going to run to what we like to call “functional saviors” which are things that temporarily give you pleasure and make you feel release. I would say for any teen who is going through anything that’s hard to run to Jesus, because ultimately He is what can give you everlasting peace and everlasting life. Now does that mean your life is going to be perfect? No, but what that does mean is that in those imperfect moments you can rest in the fact that you know the God of the universe that created everything is in total control. You can rest in the fact that all things work together for your good. For me, I say don’t run to the functional saviors cause they trick you. You get that high for however long you get it and after that’s over with then you’re in the same position, or an even worse position. But if you run to Jesus whatever situations you go through you can have peace knowing that the outcome is going to be for your good. CROSSROAD | 49

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