Mary Mary / Go Get It

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MARYMARY FREEDOM & FASHION Educating society about the global social issues through the purchasing power of conscious consumerism


A Conversation with the R&B singer

Go Get It

The Show, The Family, The Music



MAY 2012



EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Portia Kirkland Greg Baker Dana Chaffin Melody Nisarg Lives Bonnie Kim Tobias

CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING + Marketing Director // Askia Fountain PUBLIC RELATIONS ASA Public Relations - + CEO & President // Andrew Scott For any Editorial Request, Comments or Article Submissions:

MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers music, healthy living, reviews, books that impact our spiritual and positive growth and lives, articles that inspire change and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine, all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.

CONTENTS • may 2012 06

What’s More Important? Your’e Attitude or your Actions by greg baker


Tackling Stress with a Sense of Humor by greg baker


Music reviews by nisarg lives and


Movie reviews by dana chaffin


A Conversation with R&B Singer Lloyd by melody


When You gets in the Way of God by portia kirkland


The Hour of Justice is Come by bridgette presley


Freedom and Fashion by bonnie kim


The Trendsetters




6 // FAITH

What Is More Important? Your Attitude or Your Actions by Greg Baker

In an ideal world, we would like to see a positive attitude that promotes a productive action. But, as most parents know, we don’t always get both. So what ought to be more important? The action or the attitude? As parents, should we be more concerned with the child’s attitude or, if a child performs the correct action, is that good enough? For example, you tell your thirteen year old son to take out the trash. He grumbles, procrastinates, argues, but eventually does it. He scowls the whole time. He slams the trash lid down in frustration. He stomps around as if he has been greatly insulted. But he did take out the trash! I understand that we want both and I would hope the parents would address such an egregious attitude. But, if you could only have one, if you would get a polite refusal to obey, or resentful obedience, which one is more important? The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5 comes readily to mind. He had a horrible attitude towards Elisha’s solution to his leprosy. He got angry, criticized the river Elisha told him to dip himself in, criticized the method, and by implication he criticized the man of God himself. But in the end, his servants talked him into giving Elisha’s solution of dipping in the Jordan river 7 times a shot. And despite his bad attitude, he was healed. In this case, obedience is more important than attitude when it comes to acquiring God’s blessing. God didn’t bless Naaman because of his attitude. He blessed him because of his obedience. And, naturally, the resulting benefits of his obedience caused an attitude change. But from the beginning, the action, the result, or the obedience is the thing that most counts in the eyes of God. For example, if your neighbor calls you up and asks for your help fixing his car and you don’t want to, but you do so anyway, I believe your neighbor would see the action as more important than the attitude.

In a more extreme example, let us say you saw someone drowning in an ice cold lake. It may be that your attitude towards the foolishness of the individual, your hatred of the cold water, and even a bad attitude towards the inconvenience of having to rescue someone from their own folly would create a general air of resentment and just a plain ol’all around bad attitude. But if you saved the individual from drowning, I suspect your actions and not your attitude will be of more importance to the individual you saved. You can argue, however, that attitude will often dictate behavior. And a person’s perspective will dominate his attitude. Naaman was only willing to give Elisha’s solution a try when his servants challenged his perspective. Having his perspective challenged may have been the swing vote in his decision to obey. I suspect his attitude didn’t change much--just enough to get him to obey. In the end, the question may be: which result is more important to the one it affects: the action or the attitude? In Matthew 21, Jesus speaks of two sons one who had a bad attitude, repented and obeyed, and one who had a good attitude, but did not obey. The question Jesus wanted to know was: Whether of them twain did the will of his father? Not which had the best attitude. From a purely practical point of view, the action may be more important than the attitude in the immediate circumstance. But many actions are the result of a person’s attitude. For long term results, the attitude may take priority. To continue to achieve the correct actions in the long haul, it may be necessary to work on the attitude now. Long term behavior is often determined, first, by the attitude one has. In this case, the attitude is paramount to achieve the right actions. To summarize, for immediate circumstances and situations, actions are more important than attitude. But for long term results, the attitude must be more important.

“God didn’t bless Naaman because of his attitude. He blessed him because of his obedience. And, naturally, the resulting benefits of his obedience caused an attitude change.”


8 // FAITH

Tackling Stress With

sense of humor by Greg Baker/ Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro



A sense of humor is essential for handling the stresses of life. The ability to find something funny in life is a key feature to discovering joy in a rather dreary world. Laughter allows you to bleed tension out of your mind and body. It allows you to deal with difficult situations.

Recently, someone busted the window of my truck and stole the mp3 player and all of my CD’s. Now, I’m a pastor, and most of my CD’s were of gospel music, preaching, or the Bible being read aloud. When my neighbor came over and told me that someone had broken in, I raise an eyebrow, poked my head out the door and saw the shattered glass and said, “Wow! Someone was desperate to hear some good preaching!” That brought a smile to both my face and my neighbors. It is so much easier dealing with the difficulties in life if you can find something to smile about. Developing a good sense of humor is essential to this. The Bible tells us that laughter does good like a medicine. And a weary and troubled heart seldom laughs. Developing a sense of humor, therefore, is essential to breaking down the walls of sadness and depression, releasing tension, finding the good in the bad, and in general enjoying life. There are many different types of humor. Some are not so good for they rely upon the misfortune of others. Don’t develop that sort of humor. It is not funny when someone falls flat on their face. It is not funny when someone strikes out in baseball, or misses the football pass, or overshoots the goal in soccer. The misfortunes of others should not be how you find laughter in life. Here is a short list of different types of humor: 1. Irony 2. Dry humor 3. Teasing 4. Practical Jokes 5. Slap stick 6. Situational 7. Laughing at yourself As for myself, I indulge in irony, dry humor, teasing, and laughing at myself. These are the areas where my sense of humor has developed strongly. Irony appeals to me intellectually, dry humor stimulates my wit and imagination, teasing allows me greater interaction with people, and laughing at myself helps me to be comfortable with who I am and what I do. I find much joy in life. So can you. DEVELOPING YOUR OWN SENSE OF HUMOR How do you develop a sense of humor? I think it starts with your ability to laugh at yourself. If you can laugh at yourself, you’ll find humor in many other things. It is interesting really. When someone messes up and gets beat red and embarrassed, I get embarrassed right along with them. You could say that I get embarrassed for them. It is a very uncomfortable feeling. But when someone messes up, and cracks a joke about it. I laugh. They laugh. I feel much more at ease,

and their mistake, instead of making me feel awkward is now a source of amusement for the both of us. It draws us together emotionally and creates a sense of camaraderie. Since I do a lot of public speaking, I’ve learned to laugh at my verbal mistakes. When I make a mistake I don’t blush and look like my world just came to an end. No, I’ll crack some joke about it. It puts me at ease, and people see that I am not so self-conscious so they are put at ease too. I may say, “Well, I’m allowed 3 mistakes a year, and that’s my second one.” People always laugh at that and point out, good naturedly, that I’ve already exceeded that limit. But it brings everyone together. Laughing at your self, I believe, is the main ingredient to developing a healthy sense of humor. It will open your eyes to the humor around you. And then, according to your personality, you will develop other areas of humor. Look for irony in life. When the thieves broke into my truck they also stole a Bible. When my children, all concerned about the break in, asked me about it, I replied, “Well, they needed the Bible to find out that stealing is wrong.” My oldest chucked at that. So did I. Stealing a Bible is rather ironic, don’t you think? Look for opportunities to do these things and you’ll develop a good sense of humor. My father taught this to me as I was growing up. My father was born with a birth defect. Both of his arms are only half as long as they ought to be, and he has no thumbs. Both hands are twisted inward so he doesn’t have the flexibility that others have. Growing up like this, you either become very, very bitter at life, or you develop an outrageous sense of humor. My father developed the humor. He learned a long time ago to laugh at himself. For example, my father has no thumbs. So I’ve seen him bend down before a child sucking his thumbs, usually an older one that needed the habit broken, and put his arms behind his back so his hands could not be seen. He’d say to the child, “Do you know what happened when I sucked my thumbs?” The kid would shake his head negatively. My dad would pull his arms around, present his hands and declare, “I sucked them right off!” The child would pop his thumb out of his mouth and stare with wide eyes. During Halloween one time, my dad put on this poncho, a hat with an arrow sticking through it, grabbed a huge glass of mountain dew and sat down in a lawn chair in the front lawn. When the trick-or-treaters would come by, my dad would remain absolutely motionless. He wouldn’t blink, he wouldn’t move, and he would slow his breathing way down. Naturally, everyone’s eyes were drawn to my dad’s hands. They would whisper amongst themselves, “It can’t be real. Do you think it’s real? Naw, that can’t be real.” A few would even come over and poke my dad in the arm to see if he was real. He still wouldn’t flinch or move or say a word. They would often declare him not real and march up to the door to ring the doorbell. My dad would simply follow them on up and stand behind them until they noticed. You can imagine the reactions. It was funny. Learn to do as my dad did. Learn to laugh at yourself. You’ll overcome so many problems in life and you’ll deal with stress so much more easily if you can develop a sense of humor.

12 // FAITH





Sidewalk Prophets. Perhaps the name says it all. It brings forth images of a group gathered round on a street corner, sharing their music, and their story, with anyone willing to listen. Face to face encounters. Hands on. Fundraising. Doing all the legwork themselves.

Travis Ryan is the worship leader at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in California. Ryan signed with Integrity Records, and his album Fearless is his debut not only with Integrity, but his debut overall. The record is a straight up adult contemporary style worship album that is sure to garner him many fans and is a great proclamation of the greatness of Christ. This album is a solid debut with some of the best lyrics of any worship album out there today; and at the same time it has some of the strongest vocals.

And from the journey comes their songs. The lyrics share their story. The music invites you to sing along. That’s exactly what you get with Sidewalk Prophets, even ten years into this journey. And the plan is for that same work ethic and personal touch to remain for the following decades. Their latest project, Live Like That, picks up where their most recent #1 hit, You Loved Me Anyway, left off. Live Like That, already a Christian radio hit, brings lyrics that speak for all of us; lyrics pierce the heart. Sometimes I think What would people say of me? When I’m only just a memory When I’m home where my soul belongs. The album quickly moves you into the bounciest track on the project, Love Love Love, complete with a surprise Chuck Norris reference at the end. An easy, sing-a-long song the first time you hear it.

“Love That Has Won” opens up the album really strongly and definitely built up anticipation in me for how the rest of the album would sound. The song is about the redemptive power of Christ and talks about Jesus rising from the grave and giving us salvation in Him. “Battle Song” follows that up with a missional song which talks about going into the world and telling everyone about His love - not being afraid of anything. These first two songs are some of my favorites on the album and definitely exhibit the best of what Ryan has to offer.


Save My Life is a challenge for each of us to become sidewalk prophets of our own, so to speak. Someone needs to hear what we have to offer. The time has past to keep it to ourselves.

Chase” finishes up the album very nicely with a more acoustic track. The song - like all the rest - is very worshipful and is great to listen to on the way to church or to get you in a worshipful mood. “Chase” talks about how no matter where we go or what we do, His love chases after us relentlessly and never gives up. He loves us so much that he will not give up no matter what.

This is what makes songs successful. They are relatable and speak for the rest of us; for those who may not be able to speak for themselves. For those who need to know they are not alone in their struggles, or their desire to grow closer to Jesus.

Fearless is a great album with amazing everything: vocals, lyrics, instrumentals, production, engineering, etc. Ryan has released one of the top worship albums of the year, and one I would recommend checking out.

No one does this better than Sidewalk Prophets.

courtesy of

Personal favorites are Keep Making Me and This is Not Goodbye, both of which struck me exactly where I find myself on my own journey.

Consider me a fan.




Deep in the Heart is the story of Richard “Dick” Wallrath played by Jon Gries(Napoleon Dynamite, Taken). Wallrath grew up with an abusive father and later began to act like he had seen growing up. He turned to the bottle and ended up losing everything; his job, his faith, and his family. After hitting rock bottom in his life he made a choice to change. It was not easy and it took a long time to mend the broken hearts and lives, but he stood strong. When a lot of people would have given up, he continued to learn what was important in life: his faith, his family and giving hope and opportunity to hundreds of youth.

October Baby is the story of a 19 year old girl, Hannah played by Rachel Hendrix (debut feature film). She has felt different in many ways most of her life, but her medical issues really cause her to feel alone and different. Her mother has told her the medical issues are because of her traumatic birth. Now due to more medical issues she is finally told that she was adopted. Hannah is outraged that her parents have kept that from her and demands to know who her biological mother is and she wants answers. She learns that her longtime friend Jason played by Jason Burkey (Lukewarm, Writer’s Block) is going on a trip with some of his friends, including the hilarious BMac played by Christian recording artist Chris Sligh. Against her parent’s wishes she tags along in hopes of finding her real mother and the truth. Along the way Hannah discovers many things she was never told, but are they really what she wants to know about? Or was the protected life her parents gave her enough?

Soul Surfer is the inspiring true story of teenage surfer Bethany Hamilton played by AnnaSophia Robb (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) from Hawaii. At the young age of 8 years old she entered and won her first surfing competition. She was a natural and surfing was her life. But on Halloween morning 2003 her determination and faith were tested when she was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark. She was rushed to the hospital and was fortunate to survive. However; her life would change because due to the injury her arm had to be amputated.

Deep in the Heart is a great movie, but the true story behind the movie is amazing. It proves that when we take the wrong path we can always choose to get back on course. It is never too late to make the right choices, even if we still have to deal with the consequences of our past.

Soul Surfer is a powerful story with something for all viewers. It will show that God can even take the most terrible accident and turn it into a way to grow HIS Kingdom. Bethany’s faith and encouragement will leave you speechless. She never quit! She followed God’s plan and look at the impact she is having on so many lives. Be sure to check out the ministry resources and downloadable study guides at




“You have to fight for what you believe in”

Lloyd A conversation with recording artist Lloyd

by Melody / Photographer; John Ricard courtesy of Interscope Records.


When you’re out and about, do you receive a lot of respect and privacy or has that been an issue for you? Umm, well, it depends on the day. It depends on the day of the week, obviously, you feel different every day and we all are human. Umm, but, you know, my thing is it takes two seconds. uh, you know, it really just takes two seconds... you either make a lifelong friend or a lifelong enemy, you know, um, most of the time people just want to show you their appreciation, they just, you know, they just be like .?... friendship, you know, and that’s just when you got to tell somebody, look, you know, ay its cool, its cool...Keep it cool, please. So who influenced your spiritual life the most and how does that help you prepare everyday? My family and my travels, over the past few years just traveling to different countries, performing for different races, ethnic backgrounds, and just being influenced by, being more humble than anything, and I come from real humble beginnings, I mean, we didn’t grow up with a lot of money, my mom was managing but, she also had six kids so you had to split everything up 6 or 7 ways, it kind of break you back down in size. It was real humble beginnings man, I started my first few years I spent in church really because of my mom, she used to sing in a choir, and our grandparents are really spiritual people, so you know we kind of come from that. And the first few songs I learned were worship gospel songs How do you prepare for being on the road? Water, helps. (laughs) I mean, people underestimate that, how important it is. drink water. Yup, I think that, you know a lot of it takes mental strain, which really can affect you physically, and I really kind of realized in traveling that everything is connected, the mental, the spiritual, the physical, so I just try to keep all healthy as much as possible. Mentally, I stay healthy by just always keeping my iPod, or my laptop, to listen to music to distract me, I like to watch House a lot, I watch Weeds (the show), And I travel, but you know my cousin, you know sometimes I may be able to alternate bring a friend along that helps, and my DJ is really, really, really ugly, so he really helps me around, so I always like to keep him around because me makes me look good. watch the whole diet thing a lot, we travel alot, especially overseas, We just try to keep it in moderation, even when we go out, and we do parties we just try not to over do it. What’s your take on style and how has the new trends and styles fit in your own personal style? Well, you know what, a lot of us, we really like a lot of the old stuff which is crazy because there’s so much technology around, things are so easy, so we kind of want it the way it used to be sometimes, that’s why you see a lot of people bringing back those haircuts ...My brother got a high top box..Like Kid N’ Play, my cousin loves to wear skinny jeans, his mom told us one Christmas “don’t buy him no skinny jeans” that’s all he asked for, he rocks skinny jeans he rides a skateboard, I mean, when we was growing up we wasn’t wearing skinny jeans and riding skateboards but I think the world is colorful, and so are the people. A lot of young men today have a hard time expressing their faith, or their beliefs and you know, they look up to celebrities, and athletes, and artists, so what advice would you have for them about, standing behind their beliefs or even expressing how they feel? Well, you got to always be ready to constantly prove yourself, explain yourself to show people why change is necessary, which they usually fear, unless they understand it, like most of the time people don’t understand. it’s really up to us to show them, and that goes for athletes and artists and anybody that’s in the spotlight, a lot of the music is different, people aren’t used to it, but it might be what’s up so, that’s important, fight for what you believe in, prove yourself, you got to hold on to the humble beginning as much as. Even if you get rich and you make all the money in the world. Well, I definitely thank you for taking the time to give us a little insight on everything that’s going on with you. Thank you so much for having me.



by Nisarg Lives Photo Credit / Columbia Records



ary Mary has been through it all. And now, through their own reality show on the WEtv, they’re allowing their fans an exceptional glimpse into the life of some of the world’s most famous gospel musicians. Composed of sisters Erica and Tina Campbell, they have just released their seventh studio album, entitled “Go Get it”. Their uncompromising work ethic and spiritual zeal has brought them unparalleled success, while their piousness has kept them grounded.

Growing up in troubled Inglewood, California, the Campbell Sisters were under the watchful eye of a Church-based family; their mother, an evangelist and choir director, and their father, a youth minister. Their decision to sing gospel was almost pre-ordained; both their devout upbringing and their unshakeable devotion to God and his word led them away from a secular life and career and into that of higher devotion. From bringing their sanctimonious form of preaching to millions of ears, they’ve used the power of music to provide a glimpse into the powerful word of scripture. After some time spent singing background vocals for some of R&B music’s hottest acts, like Brian McKnight, Kenny Latimore, and Brandy, the newly-christened Mary Mary’s first major single, “Shackles (Praise You)”, was a gospel record with uncanny crossover appeal. “It was playin’ in dance clubs, and it was a staple in many clubs that summer,” says one fan. “They helped broaden themselves, and, in turn, the entire genre of gospel.” Collectively, they’ve sold over three million albums, and have been nominated for a plethora of Grammys, bringing home three. Their success hindered, though, by an unexpected backlash the record received. While no one expected the outside world to accept the record, they did. What no one anticipated, though, was the backlash from gospel fans & critics alike, which dubbed the song “not gospel





AT HOME” erica

enough”, and claimed that the group’s pop-oriented sound deviated too far from gospel’s roots. This didn’t stop Mary Mary from doing their thing, though, as they consciously made the decision to continue making the music they like to make – regardless of others’ opinion. Says Tina in an interview with GospelFlava: “My opinion is there is a whole lot that has to do with the world, and secular music specifically, that has to do with us just all being human. There’s a whole lot I can relate to. I can relate to love songs. I can relate to situations talking about the kind of upbringing that I had, or the violence in the world. I’m not against music that isn’t Gospel. I listen to all kinds of music. All of it is a part of my life, but there are some things that are inappropriate. If you consider yourself to be a Christian, there are some areas that you should limit…For that reason we have had to be selective of the kind of music we involved ourselves with, but I’m not against all of it.”

Their last album, “Something Big”, being one of their most critically-acclaimed bodies of work, helped re-align them with their original fanbase. Produced by industry legends like Jazz Nixon, Gerald Haddon, and Lamar “Mars” Edwards, the album was described by Josh Langhoff of Pop Matters as sung “clearly and richly…every note seems perfectly calculated to deliver as much pleasure as possible.” And the duo themselves describe the selftitled track emphatically in a recent interview “That’s the ‘something big’ we are talking about, everybody plays a part if we serve this great big, awesome, mighty GOD! How come we put him in this box and slap a label on him, which means He can only have his music played on a Sunday? He’s GOD who created the free world, he’s not American, he’s not Black, he’s not Pentecostal, he’s not Catholic, he’s the God of the universe, He created all and He is all. So his music should be everywhere at all times affecting all people and I think , ‘Something Big’ for us represents us knowing who we are even more profoundly understanding our position and how we are seed planters, and our music goes different places that some people don’t go or won’t go, or feel like we are suppose to be.” Their WEtv show showcases the duo balancing family life (Tina’s husband Teddy has a nightly gig on The Tonight Show, while Erica’s husband Warryn is an accomplished songwriter and the group’s producer), their career (their current album, “Go Get It”), and everything in between. Recently picked up for a second season (premiering in early 2013), the show will focus on the birth of Tina’s fifth child, the promotion and release of “Go Get It”, and a plethora of wild-and-wacky adventures, including events, appearances, performances, and family disputes. At a recent Q&A session in Atlanta, Erica spoke about the conversation amongst the family, being open to the cameras for the whole world to see, and also the message behind Mary Mary: “We made sure that we were good before the show started; there was nothing that Tina was going to find out that she didn’t know already. We sat down with everybody to make sure we were okay with this step, that we would tell our truth to the whole wide world. It was most important that our relationships, our family, we were all intact, and that we stayed intact. Also, the excitement of being able to let my love show, my love for my husband, my love for my family, how challenging it is to take the Mary Mary hat — or wig off — and come home and just be Warryn’s wife and [my children’s] mother. I cannot go out and live and love the whole world and then when I come home, and my family is like, ‘hi what about us?’ “They are my first priority, I am a believer, and the Bible says charity or love begins at home. I hope that love will spread and people will see the possibility of having a good family, most people think in entertainment you can’t have a healthy family, you can’t be in entertainment with the delicate balance that kind of gives our manager a headache sometimes. I would hate to be singing to the world what Jesus says but when I come home my husband says I never cook, I don’t ever spend time, that would be hypocritical. Hopefully people will see that black love still exists and it’s good.” Catch the season finale of “Mary Mary” on WEtv on May 31st, and join the 11 million viewers since the show’s debut – nearly three time WEtv’s normal female prime time viewership average.





GETS IN THE WAY OF GOD by Portia Kirkland Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro

Everyday God gives us the chance to bless people, but we miss these opportune times because we’re so focused on ourselves. That’s Satan’s job to keep the focus on YOU and to keep you blinded. I used to rap at the top of my lungs, “Cash moves everything around me cream get the money,”and as dope as the Wu Tang Clan track is, it’s a lie. God moves everything around us, doesn’t he? We learn in time that no money can purchase eternity and no money can purchase the kingdom. Again, the focus on YOU and the focus on MONEY is probably one of Satan’s easier tactics. Please keep in mind that everything isn’t about the money. We need money to survive and God wants you to live abundantly, but money should never be the focus. Seek ye first the kingdom should always be your goal. To God, everything is about PURPOSE, glorifying him, and blessing your neighbor. The next time someone asks you to bless (help) them in some kind of way, that could be God putting that person in position so that YOU can bless them. Blessing people, blesses people. This is what moves God-you loving other people. But if your answer is always ME, ME, ME, ME, you could be missing God and how he so badly wants to bless you. Just remember, God takes care of his own and everything is not a business decision that advances you in the world, but a faith and God decision that will advance you to eternity.


The Hour of

Justice is Come by Bridgette Presley Photo Credit / Scott



njustice is on the path of the beloved Lazarus. It is a sickness that is taking this world on a downward spiral to uttermost death. Some areas of the world are considered by others to already be four days dead, in mourning because their Savior delayed too long. Nations, states, cities, neighborhoods, families, souls, experience the same bitter cry…”I’m ill and oppressed. Send for Jesus! Where is God? Help! I’m getting worse! Where is He?” Thank goodness we are beginning to call on Him more often. The only issue now is the execution of the saving. We, in a blinded state, find it easy to perceive that some people are saved from their temporal struggles while more than many are left to succumb to their oppression and suffering.

study to these people in hard times. They are placing in God’s hands their own five loaves and two fishes that may have been enough to sustain just themselves, and allowing God to multiply them into abundant assistance for suffering people around them. For example, there is a growing movement happening all over the state of Georgia through the International Justice Mission Group, Street Grace, and many churches who have pulled together to combat the issue of human trafficking, abuse, and child prostitution that has made Atlanta the leading statistic in such crimes. There are churches that are holding seminars, workshops, and fairs in their community to bring awareness and rid their people of apathy towards injustice and personal struggles that tear families apart.

After so many disappointments, many of us in the Christian nation make a personal, unspoken decision to claim the promise that yes, Christ is coming back to restore this broken world later on, but that’s it. It’s the only event in and of itself that does not involve a man’s decision...technically. The day and the hour of that coming are dependent on the Father in Heaven. Therefore, it is a safe promise to trust in, we assume. Just like the exchange between Jesus, Mary, and Martha concerning Lazarus’ resurrection case, we don’t quite take the promise of restoration as an event that can happen now. If we hoped for such restorations to happen before the second coming, our hopes and characters would be more vulnerable to being what we deem premature exposure. We would be made much more aware of what needs to be restored, whether it’s others or possibly ourselves. Our Biblical theorizing would be greatly challenged and under the heavy scrutinizing of unbelievers.

“The love that Christ has given us is a kinetic love, not a potential love. True love moves, even when it waits. It prays when it’s put on hold and helps others who are ready to receive, near or far. Justice is here.”

As in the days of Lazarus, Jesus in the midst of His weeping for our unbelief had to show that the promise of restoration is not a faraway promise if we live in Christ. We can allow Christ to bring restoration to the world through us now. There are so many opportunities to help restore hope, families, prayer, health, education, safety, bring awareness of abuse for purpose of prevention, assist with financial adjustments, and so much more. All throughout Christ’s ministry on earth, He taught people how to handle everyday issues such as finances, the care of children, farming, traditions verses truth, racism and favoritism, politics, and how our own laws have paralyzed our success, love and care for others. Jesus was the restoration for the present and pressing issues as well as the ultimate resurrection that will come. Not only that, He made the present issues and restorations parables of the final restoration to come. There are many people, churches, who have truly embraced this faith that Christ had. They have realized that they can certainly give more than just a Bible

So let’s do the math together. With so many talents in this world, think of the many lives that would be changed if there existed a long line of groups in our community who continuously rotated in conducting their advocacy events instead of waiting for one person to do or start the job. The prayers of many would send the Holy Spirit to encourage so many others to see how simple it is to care. The first angel in Revelation chapter 14 tells us, almost gives us hope and assurance that JUSTICE IS HERE FOR ALL WHO BELIEVE. No longer are we excused from being stagnant and waiting for Christ to come. The love that Christ has given us is a kinetic love, not a potential love. True love moves, even when it waits. It prays when it’s put on hold and helps others who are ready to receive, near or far. Justice is here. Restoration has already been promised and being fulfilled nearer than we think. Let us wipe each other’s tears and join the march.




by / Photo Credit eliteonearth photography


At the core of FnF’s values is God’s love. We believe in the call to action — to love the poor, the needy, and helpless, as exemplified in His word. At our events, we want to create an atmosphere that empowers guests to act, not out of hatred, but out of an understanding that power in the wrong hands can produce injustice.




Freedom and Fashion (FnF) is dedicated to educating society about the global social issues of modern-day slavery, sex trafficking, child labor, and human rights violations. FnF addresses these injustices through the purchasing power of conscious consumerism, by increasing the demand for socially-responsible and ethically-produced goods and ensuring they are readily available to consumers. Driven by our mission, FnF’s work is grounded in our three organizational goals:

Advocacy reedom and Fashion is a fashionoriented, creative arts ministry and organization that serves as a resource hub for fair-trade businesses and non-profit organizations working to combat modernday slavery, human trafficking, child labor and human rights violations.



In the spring of 2008, Bonnie Kim decided to volunteer at Nightlight, an organization that fights human trafficking and the exploitative sex industry in Bangkok, Thailand. Seeing Nightlight’s immense need of individual, material and financial support, Ms. Kim realized that fighting injustice would be a lot harder than she initially thought it would be. After her volunteer work was over, she learned about various organizations such as Not For Sale, Polaris Project, and others that were doing work on the front lines — fighting the same fight as Nightlight. But she found that all these organizations shared a similar struggle — they all needed consistent marketing and financial support. That winter, Ms. Kim decided to pray for guidance. She felt God directing her to utilize her passion in art and fashion for social justice. Ms. Kim created an organization that would act as a conduit for businesses and organizations committed to fair trade and social justice issues. She envisioned that these like-minded groups could be showcased in a fashion show. Specifically, she wanted to feature fair trade and cause-centric designer collections on a runway and facilitate vendor fair space to make designer merchandise available to the public. In this novel way, Ms. Kim wanted to generate awareness about human rights issues, assist groups in recruiting new volunteers, and redirect consumer purchasing power. Thus, Freedom and Fashion was born.

FnF believes in educating the public about the hard facts of social injustice. There are more slaves today than in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Human trafficking alone is a 32 billiondollar industry. We want to show people how the purchases we make, the things we watch, and the events in which we participate can affect those who are oppressed. We advocate using your freedom and purchasing power to give freedom to others and begin making your fashion statement against companies who violate labor laws and the standards of fair trade.


As a hub for fair-trade, Freedom and Fashion showcases businesses and organizations that are already doing the front line work of educating, producing and empowering. FnF promotes these organizations and raises awareness for their cause on the runway, in our magazine, on our blog, and in our short films. In addition, people can purchase fair-trade friendly and causeconscious merchandise on the day of the fashion show at the adjoining vendor fair. ______________________________________________


At the core of FnF’s values is God’s love. We believe in the call to action — to love the poor, the needy, and helpless, as exemplified in His word. At our events, we want to create an atmosphere that empowers guests to act, not out of hatred, but out of an understanding that power in the wrong hands can produce injustice. We want all attendees to become educated about their own purchasing power and how it can be used to make a statement beyond just fashion. Note: Our organization welcomes people of all backgrounds to still participate in our mission’s goals to help those who are in oppressive situations. While our goal is to render Christian service and share the message of Jesus, we do not impose our beliefs on our staff or our partners and learning about the Christian faith is a voluntary exercise.



{a person, company that creates, popularizes a trend or trends}.

Ye are the salt of the earth //Matthew 5:13


eugene cho

Eugene is the co-founder (w/ his wife) and executive director of One Day’s Wages – “a movement of People, Stories, and Actions to alleviate extreme global poverty.” He is also the founding & lead pastor of Quest Church and the founder & executive director of Q Cafe – a non-profit community cafe and music venue in Seattle. Born in Korea, he immigrated to the U.S. at age six and grew up in San Francisco. He trekked out to the East Coast for several years, returned to the HomeLand of the Morning Calm [South Korea] for couple years, and now lives in Seattle with his family.He and his wife, Minhee, have been married for 15 years and have three children. When he does travel around the globe, Eugene speaks and consults on issues of Christian faith, leadership, non-profits, social entrepreneurship, social media, and the work for common good.

beckah shae


Mission: “Releasing songs of freedom and revelation of God’s love in pursuit of identities being restored back to Christ.”


Beckah Shae showers songs with soulful melodies to catch anyone’s ear who’s listening. Her husband, Jack “Shoc” Shocklee, produced all six of her albums, “Butterfly,” “Joy,” “Emmanuel,” “LIFE,” “Destiny,” and “Scripture Snacks, Vol. 1.” Beckah Shae was featured on tobyMac’s album “Tonight” and sang with him at the 2010 Dove Awards. Her singles “Here In This Moment” and “LIFE” charted in the top 10 of Billboard Christian CHR radio and got over 500,000 views on YouTube within 12 months. In 2011 she was nominated for a Dove Award for “Urban Song of the Year.” “To see yourself the way God sees you is the beginning of freedom. You are adored, and dearly loved. His passion for you is from everlasting to everlasting. If you could only accept and receive this immeasurable free gift, you then would discover the overwhelming peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. Nothing can discourage a heart that beats in time with the heart of God. And the only way to have his heartbeat, is to first run into his arms, allow him to hold you close...and then remain.” BECKAH SHAE Beckah currently resides in Nashville, TN with her husband, Jack, and their daughters, Joy & Grace.

the wrecking


Explicit sincerity as musicians as well as people has allowed The Wrecking the ability to seamlessly navigate between Christian and mainstream venues with instant credibility and great success. As drummer Darren Elder explained in a previous interview, “Christ has changed my life and the lives of all the guys in the band, and we are so thankful for that, that’s the essence of what the songs are about. We truly respect what anyone believes and want to be sensitive to that, we just want to say, Hey, His love is beautiful and it sustains us”. The Wrecking is defined by an unparalleled drive for what is deeper. Musically, emotionally, and spiritually this band communicates on a level that is undeniable. Commonly referred to as perfectionists in their obsessive pursuit of sonic excellence and explosive execution, The Wrecking has cultivated a truly unique sound that is readily accessible. This passion has sparked an ever-increasing blaze of not only hope inspiring songs but a battlecry for the abolition of slaves around the world. With a stunning debut recording and with a reputation for an exacting live show, The Wrecking is releasing some of the most buzz worthy songcraft emerging from today’s alternative music scene.

royalty jackson


Don’t call him a “rapper” without calling him a “worshipper” first. That’s how Nashville rapper Royalty Jackson (a.k.a. Eric D. Jackson, Jr.) describes himself: a Worshipper using his gifts and talents to bring God’s kingdom to earth. “My purpose is all about renewing how people view worship,” he said. “I’m more than a rapper. It’s more than just a song.” Royalty Jackson grew up listening to the Contemporary Christian music that his parents sang as Praise & Worship leaders. He began penning lyrics by the time he was 12, but found his passion for rap and hip hop during his early years at Berea College in Kentucky. Since then, he has shared the stage with FLAME, Shonlock, K-Drama, Leon Timbo and Andale. In addition to performances in his hometown, he has performed in Nashville, Cincinnati and Lexington. He has performances slated this year on two hip hop-laced tours spanning the East coast (T-Ran Gilbert’s L.A.N.D. Tour).


“I am royalty only by his grace and being called out of darkness. God has called us into his marvelous light,” Royalty says.”

byron chambers


The Orlando-born performer is no stranger to the stage or the recording studio. Chambers grew up in a musical household where he was exposed to everything from Gospel to Jazz, but the one particular sound that captured his heart and imagination was the Talkbox. He heard it used by Funk Master Roger Troutman and knew immediately that he had to make it his own. His excellence as a writer, arranger, musician and performer opened doors for him, and Chambers soon found himself performing alongside such Gospel greats as Jonathan Butler, The Mighty Clouds of Joy, Fred Hammond, CeCe Winans, Kurt Carr and Bishop T.D. Jakes, to name just a few. Chambers’ career exploded when he was offered a shot at playing keys with mega-pop band *NSYNC, and he has since toured and performed with pop superstars like the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, O-Town, Gloria Estefan and Jordan Knight. But as heady as the bright lights of fame and fortune can be, it can also take a toll. Chambers took a good hard look at where his life was headed, and he didn’t like what he saw. He decided to step away from *NSYNC in order to focus more time on his wife and family. “God told me at the height of my blossoming career to leave the road and dedicate my life to him, and he would bless my music to minister to the world,” Chambers says simply. And God has been faithful to His Word.”

zach hunter



Zach Hunter became an abolitionist at the age of 12 after studying William Wilberforce in school. Now, as a high school senior, Zach has completed his third book, Lose Your Cool, which challenges teens to expand their horizons and discover their passions. By looking at the lives of people like BB King, Don Quixote, Keith Green, Wess Stafford, Maya Angelou, Shane Claiborne, Millard Fuller and others, Zach discusses how these people’s interests were able to change the world. Each chapter includes questions and study guides, and Zach’s website - - even goes further, with ideas for new music, films, sports and adventures that can help you discover your own passions! He has been featured as a CNN World Changer, been interviewed on Good Morning America and the 700 Club, and has been featured in publications like the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Ignite Your Faith, Newsweek and the LA Times. He was also chosen as the global student spokesperson for the Amazing Change campaign for the film Bristol Bay feature film Amazing Grace: The William Wilberforce Story.

bonnie kim



TRENDSETTER The story of Freedom and Fashion is one of redemption. When Bonnie Kim was in the 3rd grade, she was molested by a stranger at a church retreat site. This ultimately set her on a path of confusion and anger as the years progressed. After a few rebellious middle school years filled with drugs, associating herself with gang members, and all things chaotic, she found herself ironically at a church retreat, on her knees. While praying, she heard God speak, “I’ve waited for you. Tonight, make a decision, choose me or the world.” Frightened by the invitation, she muttered, “Lord, I will choose your way, but please help me. I can’t be like these good Christian girls. I don’t know how I’ll ever change, so please help me.” That night set her on an unexpected course. She was in the 10th grade, not knowing what to make of her life except to enter into fashion school and pursue her life as a designer. God had given her an ability to forecast trends, mix and match clothing that would surely raise an eyebrow at its eccentricity. She entered into the school-wide district art contest and placed first in the fashion design category. Surely, this was confirmation of her calling, she thought. However, God had other plans. When Bonnie gave her life to Jesus Christ, she also gave Him permission to do whatever He wanted. Shortly after starting a relationship with God, she asked, “Lord, what would You like me to do?” He replied, “Teach.” Bonnie decided to forgo her ambition for arts and fashion design and majored in English at California State University, Fullerton. It was there she tried to take up a minor in art, yet the Lord challenged her to “give up your Issac.” With tears, and slightly embittered, she dropped her minor and continued on, eventually obtaining a teaching credential and a Masters in Education degree from UCLA. However, in her heart still longed to be an artist. In the spring of 2008, Bonnie decided to volunteer at Nightlight, an organization that fights human trafficking and the exploitative sex industry in Bangkok, Thailand by rescuing victims and providing them with jewelry making jobs. After her volunteer work was over, she learned about various organizations globally doing the same front-line work of providing sustainable jobs to those at-risk, or formally exploited and trafficked. But she found that all these organizations shared a similar struggle — they all needed consistent marketing of their mission and products. When Bonnie came back from Thailand, she decided to pray for guidance. She felt God directing her to utilize her passion in art and fashion for social justice. God wanted her to create an organization that would act as a conduit for businesses and organizations committed to fair trade and social justice issues. God downloaded visions of how these like-minded groups could be showcased in a fashion show. Specifically, she was to feature fair trade and cause-centric designer collections on a runway and facilitate vendor fair space to make merchandise available to the public. Many of these articles of clothing were made by former victims of sex trafficking, allowing for an empowering solution. In this novel way, Bonnie wanted to generate awareness about human rights issues, assist groups in recruiting new volunteers, and redirect consumer purchasing power. Thus, Freedom and Fashion was born. While entering into the eduction sector did not make sense for Bonnie initially, it had ultimately allowed for Freedom and Fashion (FnF) to be grounded on the principles found in educational practices. Without Bonnie’s pedagogical background, FnF may have turn into a “cool” and “trendy” cause brand, losing a critical eye to its mission goals. With Freedom and Fashion now in its fourth year, much has been accomplished. Various partners including AVEDA, TOMS, Nor For Sale, CAST, FIDM, Yelp and Eventbrite all have contributed to making its fashion shows well attended with over 1,300 at one of their shows. Various artists, such as 89.9 KCRW’s Anthony Valadez, Janette...Ikz, J.Mediros, and others have played their part, donating their time and efforts to Freedom and Fashion. This year, FnF plans to host a summit in late fall for those interested in learning how to start, invest, or assist in bringing socially conscious brands to mainstream society. Along with this goal, the summit digs deep into the issues of sex and labor trafficking with their powerful line up of speakers. More information to come in the summer months. For now, follow us on facebook. com/freedomandfashion, and visit our website: To contact us for sponsorship opportunities:

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