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CROSSROAD MAGAZINE // JULY + AUGUST 2011 Life, art & the pursuit of happy music // Lenka PUBLISHER / CREATIVE EDITOR / FOUNDER Victor Flavius / / victor.flavius@crossroadmag.com CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER / PARTNER Steven Johnson / / steven.johnson@crossroadmag.com EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Janet Morris Grimes Catherine Johnson Dave Hansow Michael Hume Greg Baker Dana Chaffin Nisarg Lives Pastor Gilford T. Monrose Steve Countryman Michael Kubai Bridgette Presely Melissa Turner Cindy Tuttle Jimmy Pena CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING The Brand LLC - thebrandllc@gmail.com + Brand Director // Askia Fountain PUBLIC RELATIONS ASA Public Relations - ascott@asa-pr.com + CEO & President // Andrew Scott For any Editorial Request, Comments or Article Submissions: info@crossroadmag.com MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers music, healthy living, reviews, books that impact our spiritual and positive growth and lives, articles that inspire change and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published Bi-monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at crossroadmag@gmail.com. We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine, all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.


















JULY + AUGUST • www.crossroadmag.com






10 // FAITH

Forgiveness isn’t something that you do for the sake of the person who wronged you. It is something you do for yourself. I don’t forgive people because they deserve it, or earn it, or even ask for it. I forgive them for a very selfish reason.

Can You

The main purpose of forgiveness is to free yourself from the burden of the pain inflicted on you. Bitterness is a cancer that’ll destroy you and your relationships. As a pastor of a Church, I’ve witnessed this root of bitterness defile so many things that a person holds dear.


I knew a woman that held so much pain and bitterness against a person that she had literally made herself sick and physically weak. If she could forgive the person that had wronged her, she’d be able to release the burden of that pain and the bitterness.


and then

by Greg Baker Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro

The truly tragic thing about a grudge is that it hurts you more than the person you hold it against. In many cases, the other person is unaware of your grudge or the depth of your grudge or even of the fact that they may have hurt you. So your anger, bitterness, and pain are only hurting you. It is only destroying your own spirit. Christians are supposed to be big on forgiveness. I should know. But even they miss the main purpose of forgiveness. It isn’t to pretend that the wrong done to you is okay. It’s not so that you can give some offender a pass on his wrong, or to pretend you weren’t hurt or angry. It isn’t even to demonstrate how holy and righteous you are. It is to release that anger, to release the burden of the pain that you carry around. Jesus told Peter to forgive people until it became instinctual or habitual. He, being the Son of God, had much more clarity in this than we do. But the example suffices to demonstrate that unless we forgive, we have a human tendency to carry a grudge, to carry bitterness, to carry the burden of pain. This burden crushes you, not the person who hurt you. Forgive people. Do it for yourself so you can function in life, see clearer, and not have to live with the painful burden of bitterness. Don’t look at the other person to determine if they are worthy of your forgiveness. It’s not an issue of worthiness or even of relevance. It is about you releasing anger, pain, and bitterness. Carrying such a burden will affect your marriage, your friendships, your family, and every other relationship you possess. Your revenge plotting twists your mind more than it makes the person who hurt you suffer. Let it go-for your own sake.


“Forgive people. Do it for yourself so you can function in life, see clearer, and not have to live with the painful burden of bitterness ” .

12 // FAITH

A Matter



by Bob Valleau Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro



hen I first joined Facebook, I thought to myself: “Wow. Now I can share with old friends and new my passion, likes and dislikes.” After being on Facebook for awhile, I wonder why I made it into such a big deal.

A lot of us want to tell others who we are and why we exist. We seek empathy, and, in some cases, sympathy. This isn’t bad, but some on Facebook take chronicling their lives to the extreme. They are so busy posting their life online that they leave little room to actually live it. Social networking sites give people a platform to express their answer to an important question: Do I matter? I have often asked God the same question but usually add an addendum: Why do I matter? During His ministry, Jesus took the time to tell others that they mattered. On many occasions, He went out of His way to demonstrate God’s unconditional love. Then, out of that love, He paid the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. His life, death and resurrection was all a part of God’s plan -- because God saw in us lasting value, or eternal worth. So the answer to the question, “Do I matter?” comes a resounding, “Yes,” that continues to echo throughout the ages even until today. The answer to the addendum, “Why do I matter?” is just as important. The reason we matter to God is because we exist. Let me illustrate. Think for a moment about a newborn baby. Why do we love it so? He or she hasn’t had time to form an opinion about anything -- good or bad. We love newborn babies simply because they “are.” They coo and goo. They wiggle and giggle. Just their presence is a statement of God’s continuing creativity. Whenever I see a newborn baby, I am overwhelmed by joy, and then I think of them as a symbol of hope for the human race. How much more must God be pleased when another one of His miracles, with unlimited possibilities, is birthed into this world?

I have often asked God the same question but usually add an addendum: Why do I matter?

Over the years, I have often wondered if God cares for me, but even more, I have wondered if I mattered enough for Him to care. Time and again, He brings me to a place called Calvary. As I look up into His son’s beaten and bloodied eyes, I feel every drop of His unconditional love fall upon my face. I am reminded that there is no greater mercy and no greater grace than what Jesus accomplished that day upon the cross. Do I matter? Yes, I do. Why do I matter? Because I exist.


scripture meditation

Get your Head Straight by Steve Countryman Photo Credit / Tiago Ribeiro

“Your on-line personas, screen names, blogs, FaceBook, Myspace or e-mail friends DO NOT define you. God knows you better than you know yourself and is fully aware of the awesome potential in you, His Son Jesus, so that qualifies Him to be the only one who should define you.”

1 Corinthians 2:16 But we have the mind of Christ. Ephesians 5:1-2 1.Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2.and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Putting on the mind of Christ and being imitators of Christ is a daily decision for us Christians. This is not an easy task for you have to discard your past identity so that you can now identify with Christ.

It starts with the question of who or what defines you? Because what you allow to define you will also define your future. You must first eliminate all of the things that previously defined you. This is the process of knowing who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you. As a born-again believer your disabilities, inabilities, weaknesses, failures, flaws, faults, past reputations and past sins DO NOT define you. Your education or lack there of, job/profession/career or business partners DO NOT define you. Your successes, accomplishments, recognition or awards DO NOT define you. Your status, stocks/bonds and portfolios DO NOT define you. Your sicknesses, diseases, disabilities, disorders or addictions DO NOT define you. Your clothes, music, money, house, car, jewelry or fame DO NOT define you. Your religion, church, pastor, preacher, minister or fellow believers DO NOT define you. Your friends, school, teachers, counselors, classmates, earned degrees, titles or courses you take DO NOT define you. Your parents, family, neighbors or family tree DOES NOT define you. Your associations, clubs, groups or memberships DO NOT define you. Your on-line personas, screen names, blogs, FaceBook, My Space or e-mail friends DO NOT define you. God knows you better than you know yourself and is fully aware of the awesome potential in you, His Son Jesus, so that qualifies Him to be the only one who should define you. You are here to fulfill God’s will on earth. Either by your obedience and love for Him or by Him using you in spite of yourself. 2 Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. One of the many jobs of the Holy Spirit is to sanctify us by changing us from glory to glory, which is

an on-going process, that only ends once we arrive in heaven. It is in that process that the Holy Spirit works on our character. Shaping, molding, forming, creating and growing our true character to reflect God’s true character in and through us. For us to put on the mind of Christ and be imitators of Christ we must allow Jesus to shine through us by the way we live our daily lives. In our daily lives people will be witnesses to the love of God that we show and share with others. By aligning and agreeing with God’s Word can we have the mind of Christ shining through our daily character. Declaring out loud. It is critical that all your prayers, reading of the Word and declarations be done out loud. God spoke the universe into creation just as He spoke ALL things into creation. God didn’t just think them into existence but spoke them into existence. There is POWER in the spoken word! We, who are His children, are to do likewise. “Speak those things that are not as if they were.” You are to speak to your problems and your troubles. You are to speak to your surroundings, your environment, your daily trials and tribulations. Declaring the Word of the Lord to your situations, finances and jobs. Speaking God’s will at your problems. Not accepting the negative things that other people say about you. Not speaking anything negative about yourself or calling yourself names. Not speaking gossip or repeating gossip or lies about others. Forgive, release and declare blessings over your enemies. Declare blessings and favor over yourself, your family and your friends. Making your daily declarations out loud as part of your daily walk with the Father. Allowing Christ in you to be God through you. You are a child of the King and it is time you started acting like it! It is time to stand!!!


18 // FAITH



MAKING by Tobias

Photo Credit / 22 Visionz


“ I believe that you can find different ways of reaching your audience, but don’t ever lose sight of Christ as your main focus.”

The Artist Let’s start from the top, childhood. You sang in the youth choir of St. Elmo Baptist Church in Chattanooga, What was that experience like for you? That was my first encounter of stepping out and doing gospel music. I got an opportunity to do something that normally people don’t do in church, as far as being so young and having the responsibility of leading a choir. I learned how to advance my craft, enhance it and not just stay there with it. When I left, my season was up. It was the next level that God meant for me. I will never forget Pastor Billy Church at St. Elmo Baptist. He literally helped me and believed in me and, I guess, he saw something in me—maybe he saw the Christian artist I am today. Did your family embrace you and the love for singing? Yeah, they always had my back. My mother and father were like my anchors—Russell Sr. and Terri Gilbert. They stood beside me in the midst of my ups and downs. It was rough being at a young age and doing Christian music. The style of music I was doing was not as accepted. My mother and father kept reminding me of my value and who I was. Times were very tough, especially when you feel like an outsider in the church family. But the tough times helped me be a better person and artist. The music around us plays a very big part in shaping us as we grow up. What musicians did you listen as a child? I grew up listening to all types and styles and age brackets: Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Michael Jackson, Boyz II Men, Fred Hammond, Tonex, Usher. These are people I grew up listening to and admiring. Their sound and their whole movement allowed me to have a wide range in catalog. They were against the grain. I loved their lyrics. It helped me develop my style.

When I got to college, I began listening to other artists, like TobyMac, Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin. I always had a different voice. My voice was always considered like a ‘white boy’ voice just because I couldn’t do a lot of runs like a people expect of a gospel artist, but I was able to sing with a tone that was pleasing to hear. I developed my own style and believe I can be better. I am working every day to advance my vocal ability. I also loved their message behind the music. That’s what I always want to do: have a message with my music. My message is Jesus Christ—live and not die. Did you ever think you would be a recording artist? Just like everybody that has a dream, I always wanted to use the ability God gave me to make people smile and have joy. I didn’t know it would be in this capacity though. I didn’t know it would take this route. I knew that I had a dream, a goal and a passion and I just kept driving it. My dream turned into reality. The reality was to record great music so that people around the world could be inspired and impacted. But with that, it’s now even more—to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. What are some of the things you’ve had to endure along the way that’s made you the artist you are today? I had to endure pain, insecurity, lack of faith, but in all that, God turned it around and turned my pain into joy. My insecurity turned into confidence and my lack of faith into passion. That’s overwhelming to let people know about Jesus Christ and to love on them and let them know the truth. For those who know the truth, I try to remind them of who they are and their value. In the midst of all the things I went through, people turned their backs on me and didn’t believe what God put inside of me. It was hard living a Christian life as a teenager, but now, it’s like being in the army. I’ve gone through training to be a better soldier, but I know I am much stronger than I was way back then. It’s not easy, but God did say that in the midst of your suffering, there is deliverance. You have to keep the faith and hope. Seeing that you have a busy life, how do you find quiet time to spend with God? Especially if you are on the road, Is it at night or early morning? It’s an all-day every day thing. I’m always in prayer. I am always trying to find some Word and spend time with God. I feel it’s important to study the word and get into the word any time of the day. You’ve got to have time for God, especially with the work that I do. You can’t live life without knowing the person who gives life and understanding the person who give life.

Continued on page 20

20 // FAITH

The Struggle

The Movement

What keeps you grounded in your personal day-today struggle? God, of course. Also, people that have access to my life on a daily basis, that’s why I choose wisely on people in my life and had to remove people in my life. Some weren’t trying to restore things in my life, but trying to destroy things in my life. It’s good to surround yourself with good people to uplift you and keep you accountable. That’s why you need to choose wisely on the people who in the theatre of our life. Everybody can’t be on the front row.

Your blessed to have your own record label 22Visionz- where does the name come from? 22Visionz comes from Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Many of our young people struggle with various, Family problems, self-hatred, and dysfunction – these are issues that are not often talked about, especially because their trying to figure out who they are. What advice do you have for those who struggle with these things? The best advice I can give you is to never, never, never, never, never ever give up. Keep your faith and your hope and it won’t hurt for you to try Jesus Christ. What are some changes you would like to see in Christian music? I think we’re doing a good job. Continue elevating on what we’re already doing. Continue being creative with our music. I believe we are on the right track. As time keeps going, I believe we’ll really just see one movement—that’s music in general, not a separation. Do you think Christian artist are doing enough to promote Christ as the “ only” solution to problems? I really can’t speak for anybody, but what I can say is that whatever you do, please examine yourself and take what you do seriously because you can tell by a person’s motives and intentions—the fruit that they bear. I believe that you can find different ways of reaching your audience, but don’t ever lose sight of Christ as your main focus. If you could bring about change in your community in Chattanooga, what would you do and who would contribute most from this new change? First, I would continue what I’m doing right now. I would continue to preach the gospel and preach ‘live and not die,’ and let them know their value. I would let them know that Jesus Christ, I believe, is the only way for them to truly live.

Tell us about the artists on the label and your plans for the near future? God has blessed me with an awesome man of God named Royalty Jackson who is going to drop his EP nationally, entitled “The Concert”—dropping it digitally worldwide. He has a awesome heart and I believe the world needs to hear it. We have other artists that we are processing and bringing to the world. I believe their message and their stories are really going to bring a great movement. Also, I’m thankful to collaborate with Life-Line Worldwide as my distribution label. You’ve also started a movement with Culture Shock something you began one year ago. How did that come about and what exactly is “Culture Shock”? It came about as a alternative for people that wanted to be in an environment that was full of life, joy and peace. You have other places around the world that can’t do what we do. We’re worshipping God and promoting life. It was a cry out to people. Where some Christian music was not accepted in the church, they had an avenue for their music to be accepted at Culture Shock. I was an outsider. I wasn’t accepted because of my sound. The goal of Culture Shock is to reach the hurting and lost through the language of music. Culture Shock also brings different backgrounds and cultures together, and brings a shock to the city. The shock is that people thought it would never happen or that it would grow to become so great. What kind of inspiration do you look for when writing or creating music? The atmosphere I try to create around me. I can get inspired on a mountaintop or in the shower. It has to be the right atmosphere. That’s why I always have my recorder on my phone with me. Wherever I’m at or a person I meet, inspiration just comes. Who has inspired you the most in your walk with Christ? My family, especially my parents, Russell Sr. and Terri Gilbert Any last words before we go? Live and not die. Make sure you get the album that’s coming out in the fall—Live And Not Die: The Beginning. Where can people reach you? www.t-rangilbert.com


My message is Jesus Christ— live and not die.

22 // FAITH


DID WE MEET? by Bridgette Presely Photo Credit / Simona Dumitru

Love is prayer. This definition protects its life and its perfection. Prayer is the missing component in the many failures we experience. Most importantly, the fact that it never comes first is a failure in and of itself. As a result we as a self-proclaimed Christian society stand gazing at the oxy-moronic culture of Christian love. We preach that God, who is Love according to 1st John 4:8, meets us where we are. This is shown in many examples where someone in their current mess of flaws is repentant and willing to live in Christ’s love, having no idea how to do so, but faithfully clinging to love’s promises. Christ accepts these people where they are which draws these born again children into a higher echelon of living and loving others selflessly. What a beautiful picture…touching…hopeful. We preach it right and left especially when we are the accused. Interestingly enough the first set of words out of the mouths of a large majority of Christian speakers is the set of qualifications for choosing a life mate. “One must be perfectly whole in Christ. One must have a plan for their life and fulfilling it as planned. One must be this look, age, height, size, race. One must have enough money right then and there to support a family. One must be self-motivated. One must have these stereotypical male or female qualities.” Oh, how many times I have heard these qualifications. These are the leaders of our church, the most outspoken lay members proclaiming one of the most legalistic messages while pleading the most for mercy in their own lives. Continued on page 23


Prayer is humility, complete surrender and confession of how powerless we are. Prayer places others into the hands of God and not our own. Prayer says “I don’t know, but I know someone who does.” How could we accept such a set of contradictions and continuously press on as if they are truth? Who said we were qualified to receive God’s love? Then, if we are blessed with its experience, who said we are then qualified to proclaim that we truly know it enough to judge its presence? Where was our God-given wisdom in the midst of these claims being passed? We see the divorce rates in our church and instead of putting our best efforts towards reducing such numbers, we painstakingly stand on our relative success by proving that our divorce rates are not AS HIGH as marriages outside of the Christian faith. This is not the success we should be looking for. It can be proposed that the only reason these mate qualifications of perfection are uplifted is to mask a person’s true character. If your mate falls short of these qualifications, the law of Christ’s love is turned onto the person in a position to judge. If a person falls short, will we become angry, unaccepting, without compassion, reject them impatiently, constantly point out what needs to be changed and drench them in shame, insecurity, and resentment? How will we treat them? If these tyrannical characteristics are indeed revealed, then our lack of faith God’s work has revealed us sinful. I plead for you to consider Adam and Eve before the fall. They were one flesh and made in God’s image. They had perfect and unmasked communion with God in the Garden of Eden. However, let us zoom into the fall of man and where it truly happened. Remember that Adam and Eve were two people that formed one team. Teams have people who struggle and others that pick up their slack while the strugglers still continue to play. It is this collective effort that determines the outcome of the team to success or failure. This team of Adam and Eve knew the law, condition, and consequence of breaking the law. Forget Satan and his deception. We know temptations will be inevitable in this world. Temptations in the midst of perfect faith should be a non-issue.

The accountability falls on the team and their power of choice. In Genesis 3:6, choices are made in the following phrase that state “… she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” The missing ingredient that I spoke of earlier screams its unfilled space in the middle of Adam and Even who are taking and eating. No one called out for God. Eve could have called, but succumbed to the face off with the serpent. However, the shame of both Adam and Eve, the beginning of death did not fully manifest until AFTER Adam failed as well. The team lost. Adam in that last moment of his perfection, could have called out to His nearer than now God. “God, where are you?! Draw near now! I need your help! I’m powerless and powerlessly in love with her! My wife is in trouble. I love her but she has fallen short. I’m not sure what could be done but considering all you have done for us this far, come near to us.” Where were these words before Adam made his decision? Eve’s sin called for Adam to be tested on how well he really knew God. God’s law of love revealed Adam’s lack of knowledge of God even in his perfection. This is not a knock on God’s creation but an object lesson of how perfection must be sustained, watered, and nurtured by our choices. This lack of knowledge caused Adam to feel as though he had no choice but to abandon his own communion with God. Had she remained perfect, this strong, continuous need for God would not have been revealed at this point. We often miss that minor yet pivotal connector. Furthermore, we see the fruits of this lack of knowledge, the blame, the resentment, and pain to bear in the later verses of chapter 3. We are not to be fooled at how much Adam’s actions may parallel with the actions of Christ and His salvation. There is nothing romantic or heroic about this fall. Jesus did not sin in order to share in our suffering. He just remained with us. He became Adam but did not sin. Jesus’ secret ingredient in order to sustain his relationship with us was His attachment and calling to His Father in Heaven. It is through that contact, prayer, that He discerned how to abide with humans, how to love them inside and out, and how to deliver and heal them while still with them, without them feeling ashamed or breaking under suffering. Jesus was unashamed. God’s marriage to the church and the many nights of prayer Jesus shared with His Father and those who were to become His Bride are the combinations that make up what should have happened in the Garden. Prayer is humility, complete surrender and confession of how powerless we are. Prayer places others into the hands of God and not our own. Prayer says “I don’t know, but I know someone who does.” It acknowledges that we are not the super heroes in this controversy and brings forth nakedness without shame. Those in prayer have realized how much they need to depend on God for everything. Prayer strips us bare while we are still in clothes. Had prayer become the air that a team breathes, that cherished time alone, I am convinced by the numerous latter promises in God’s Word that Eve would have been pardoned in the Garden. No killing of animals, no leaving their home with more death to follow. The promise of Christ’s deliverance was only needed if they did sin. However, had Adam had the faith of a child, knowing for a fact that his Father had done so much already, he would have called for help that day while he was still without sin. We don’t need to know of the story of redemption separately, like a certification for grace. The knowledge of who God is encompasses redemption and causes us to ask in faith even the first time we are met with a difference. With prayer we no longer have to meet each other at a point where expectations are achieved and then love. We can now meet in the ground below, where a small fragile seed is planted, in the midst of powerlessness and undefined aim, and pray before we are choked out of growth. That is trust. That is love.


26 // FAITH

KATELYNNE COX Upon first glance, Katelynne Cox’s One Girl is hard to decipher; her big, earthy eyes seem to capsulate the entire world within them, while her soft lips and innocent hair depict a coming-of-age tale. Upon further listen, though, you learn that there’s so much depth to her music, that attempting to categorize it would almost be an exercise in futility If you had to, though, you’d be pretty accurate in calling it spirited music with contemporary undertones – and tinged with pop and rock. Simple, right? The album beings with the title track (“One Girl”), a synthy-poppy record with Rihanna-esque vocals, albeit in a much lighter tone. Good to get the kids moving and jumping, the album picks up again on the standout “15 Minutes of Fame”, one of the best songs on the record. In fact, the fourth track on the album, a ballad entitled “As We Go”, seems out of place, as her angelic voice is better suited for up-tempo tracks (like the blaze-of-glory follow-up, “You Satisfy”).


“Prove Em Wrong” takes another turn, this time into an almost-folksy route, but her heart-wrenching honesty shines through and makes the song work. “Sticking With You” is another standout, while “Smile” is a happy song for those long, dog days of summer. It’s on records like “You and Me” where Katelynne really shines, though, as her playful yet powerful lyrics are delivered stoically by her soft voice: “Politicians, parents…we can’t leave it up to them!” Her smooth, strong voice serves as a call-to-arms for kids, and is indicative of her overall strengths. When listening to One Girl, kids can feel like grown-ups, and grown-ups can feel like kids Great family fun for those long minivans trips to visit the grandparents!

Reviewed by Nisarg Lives



The album begins with the song “Just LikeYou”, which chronicles Jayess’ earlier life pleasures: spending time with girls, often colluding with the wrong crowd, and just having fun. However, all he now needs are his “music and his Bible”, and shunning material desires is now part of his daily life. A strong message is inherent, in the case of this song, though, the music doesn’t hold up its end of the bargain. “Saved” offers a more somber, subtle tone, which is way better in tune with Jayess’ style. He laments, “I was struggling, I was trembling, before the day I was saved, I was suffering,” and you can feel the honesty through his voice. Continuing on, the reggae-influenced hook of “Who Is It” is the best part, as Jayess struggles to find common ground with the head-nodding bop of the singer. Being an artist with a strong niche factor, the issue of limited subject matter is prevalent. “Ride With Me”, reminiscent of the

somber “Saved”, is another success. It’s understandably tough to be original on each song with such repetitive subject matter, but Jayess succeeds again on “Christology”, a good description of Jesus’ oft-told tale. A jumpy beat on “Intoxicated” is almost saved by a powerful, sexy, and sultry voice on the chorus; while “7even” is a rare part of the collection in which the instrumentation, lyrics, and message all come together for an enjoyable listen with high replay value. Elsewhere, “Good Love” is another standout, a lazy summertime-Sunday worship record with a smooth backdrop. “Genesis Snapshots” sees Jayess get a bit controversial, as he begs the question, “Why does man love everything that God hates?” This aggressive focus on real-life issues comes to a head on the following track, “Questions and Answers”, in which Jayess addresses a litany of both recent and timeless questions regarding Christianity, its influence, and its place in the world. “Who Is It (Remix)” continues Jayess’ success over songs with slower paces, and the record ends with “Bonus Track”, an old-school hip-hop posse cut in which every MC surprisingly hold their own. Not only one of the best songs on the album, it’s a perfect, upbeat, happy ending to a musical composition that takes the listener through every emotion imaginable

Reviewed by Nisarg Lives


A born-again Christian, U.K.-based artist Jayess is a testament to the power of newfound faith; and, how, under certain circumstances, it can be more moving than faith instilled at birth. With his latest piece of art, entitled “Genesis Snapshots”, Jayess relentlessly delivers the tireless message of faith, resolve, and a Christian way of life.

28 // FAITH



Dave and Jess Ray, a husband and wife duo who lead worship at the Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, Tx, are still basking in the excitement of their recent announcements. From their life-changing trip to Sudan two years ago, to the release of their latest indie album, and EP titled Music for the Radio, to their one-year-old son. By donating all the proceeds of their latest release to the Aid for Sudan Radio Station Project, they are as focused on the fact that it takes 32 downloads of one of their singles to purchase a single handheld, solar-powered radio for the villages in southern Sudan. Their 2008 trip to Sudan was life-changing for this couple, and the songs on this CD share those stories. First to grab my attention was Asinita, which introduces us to a Sudanese woman who owned nothing more than six chickens, but still offered one as a gift to her guests. The song, Better, inspires us to accept the daily gift of a life with Christ, and how that is truly better than any life we might have without him. And the title cut, Music for the Radio, simply states that God’s song is not for our ears only. It was meant to be shared as we sing along with it.

The Radio Station Project sponsored by Aid Sudan recognies that in this area of the country, less than one percent of the population is literate. So, by providing a fixed station radio that broadcasts the gospel of Christ along with health and hygiene tips, all translated into the language of the villagers, the focus is on the long-term needs of each person. Each radio is designed to last about twelve years, and Dave & Jess have already heart stories of entire villages gathering around one radio to hear the story of Christ. Dave & Jess Ray are relative newcomers to the Christian music scene, and even though this whisks them from one radio station interview to another, they are clearly not in it for themselves. By using their gift of music to reach forgotten villages in Sudan, they are creating meaningful and memorable tunes that matter, long after the radio has been turned off. For additional information on Dave and Jess Ray, visit http:// daveandjessray.com or find them on iTunes.

Reviewed by Janet Morris Grimes



Pleasant to the ear and catchy enough to soon be singing along, what gained my attention most were the lyrics. All but the title cut, Home, was penned by Tasker himself, With lines such as:

People in the world today Longing for a home Stumbling in the mess we made Long ago See the savior standing there Nail-scarred hands open wide. (from Lifted High) I recommend this CD offering from Nathan Tasker. It shares his story through music, memories, taking chances, and keeping a sharp focus on Eternity, and finding what we were truly created for.

Reviewed by Janet Morris Grimes


Nathan Tasker might come across as a newcomer to the Christian Music Scene here in America, but he brings with him three albums to his credit and awards for 2006 Artist of the Year and also for Song of the Year on the Australian Christian Music Charts. Not bad for a beginner. His initial release from Nashville is entitled Home; ironic in that this entire process eventually led to him working alongside Charlie Peacock in Nashville began when he and his wife, Cassie, decided to pack their bags and leave their home.



Boyz Inc.

By Melissa Turner / Communications Director City of Chattanooga Dept. of Educations, Arts & Culture

Character Building. Decision Making. Leadership Development.

Our young men are under construction, building a solid community one young man at time. It’s about choices. It’s about goals. It’s about getting there from here…


wo young men grew up in poverty at a Housing Authority site called Harriet Tubman homes in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

One joined a street gang and started selling drugs, and one day he became entangled in a shooting, taking the life of another person. He will be spending the rest of his life in jail. The other was an avid reader and kept pushing himself to succeed in school, and his high SAT score caught the attention of the local media, and he was recruited by Harvard University. Today he works as a successful stockbroker in Boston, Massachusetts. Continued on page 33

Photo: Kameer Dunnigan meets U.S. Federal Judge Curtis Collier.


“The Boyz Inc. pilot program is simple—it’s about providing tutoring and mentoring to young men during what we call ‘The Most Dangerous Time of the Day’—afterschool,” says Founder Missy Crutchfield.

Photo: End of the year meeting of Boyz Inc. with Boyd Buhl, Southern Adventist University and WSMC 90.5 FM; Recording Artist T-Ran Gilbert; Boyz Inc. Founder Missy Crutchfield; inventor Hobert Brabson; and Education, Arts & Culture Deputy Administrator David Johnson.

It’s About Choices. The room is filled with youth pastors from across the Southeast. They’re discussing the questions and concerns everyone has about youth today. How do we reach them? How do we guide them in finding their purpose? How do we share the positive choices they have available to them? How do we help them discover success in life? A woman steps up to the microphone: “I am a single mom. And I have a male child, who also happens to be a teenager!” She continues: “And I can teach him about values, I can teach him about character, I can teach him about success—but there’s one thing I cannot teach my son, I cannot teach him to be a man.”

With a passion for activating and engaging youth through arts, media, literacy, and social issues, that woman, that single mom, Missy Crutchfield, has cultivated a new model for youth outreach in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee which is poised for replication and expansion in other cities across the nation. With a small budget and a challenging economy, Crutchfield leads the way through innovative partnerships and leveraging resources. It’s about “Connecting the Dots.” It’s a paradigm shift. It’s about creating more with less by working with community partners and leveraging resources. It’s no longer about asking “What’s our budget?” Now it’s all about asking “Who’s at the table?”

As Administrator of the City of Chattanooga Department of Education, Arts & Culture, Missy Crutchfield and her team reached out to families and neighborhoods, churches and faithbased organizations, businesses and corporations, government agencies, non-profits, artists, media, clubs and civic groups, and others to launch Boyz Inc.—a national model she has been incubating and developing for five years. Meeting once a week at The Public Library’s “Teen Stack,” young men in Boyz Inc. connected with homework help, media spotlights, and successful male role models like inventors, judges, business leaders, and even mayors. Continued on page 35

Photo: Pastor Terry Ladd with some of the young men in Boyz Inc.

Top Photo: Chattanooga Mayor Ron Littlefield meeting some of the young men in Boyz Inc. Bottom Photo: Education, Arts & Culture Deputy Administrator David Johnson tutors Jarren Radden in math

It’s About Goals. When the Boyz Inc. pilot project launched in Chattanooga, one of the early supporters was a parent, Janet Radden. Janet is a single mother of four girls and one son, and she said “Boyz Inc. could not have come at a better time in my son’s life.” Each week, Janet’s son Jarren attended Boyz Inc. with his homework ready for help from Pastor Terry Ladd, a mathematics teacher of 20 years, who volunteers each week at Boyz Inc. helping the students with their algebra and geometry homework. As the Boyz Inc. pilot project progressed through the school year, Janet took a greater interest in the program and connecting it with her work at Chattanooga Housing Authority’s Greenwood Terrace and Scattered Sites apartments. She began finding ways to encourage parents and grandparents to bring their boys to the program and Janet has taken the lead on bringing a Boyz Inc. pilot project to Greenwood Terrace for summer 2011.

She continues, “It’s about engaging them in safe spaces with productive activities and inspiring them to make positive choices for their futures. And we have designed this to be replicated in neighborhoods across the city—a grassroots movement, a catalyst for change.”

It’s about getting there from here… Successful male role model U.S. Federal Judge Curtis Collier, United States District Court Eastern District of Tennessee visited Boyz Inc. to share his story. “I knew I didn’t want to be a cotton picker for the rest of my life, so I began setting goals and making choices to go to school and make something of myself,” he said.

For Janet, it all started with reading about Boyz Inc. in the newspaper and wanting a great opportunity for her son to learn and grow and mature in his journey toward manhood, and then from her personal experience with the program, she has impacted the lives of a dozen other boys by inviting them to the program and connecting Boyz Inc. with the Greenwood Terrace community to further ripple out the impact on young men in Chattanooga. With two pilot projects successfully underway, Boyz Inc. is ripe for sharing.

Middle and high school-aged boys listened intently and asked questions as Judge Collier shared with them his experiences early on as a cotton picker and the choices he made and how he came to be a U.S. Federal Judge appointed by United States President Bill Clinton. As successful male role models have shared their life stories with the young men in Boyz Inc. this is the common thread they almost instinctively come back to—it’s about choices, it’s about goals, you can get there from here.

“The Boyz Inc. pilot program is simple—it’s about providing tutoring and mentoring to young men during what we call ‘The Most Dangerous Time of the Day’—afterschool,” says Founder Missy Crutchfield.

All it takes is one person, one community, making a difference in the lives of our youth.


“The characteristic of a person will carry them a long way in life.”


e m a n a n i s t a h w s and isarg Live Story by N n so John Catherine


hat’s in a name? It’s your calling card, your mark, your remembrance. Names denote what you represent, what you stand for, and what people will remember you by. A name carrier your reputation, you belief system, and your values. That being said, Crossroad has identified some of the most notorious name-changes in the genre of hip-hop. While some name changes, like those from characters like Diddy or Prince, offered little spiritual value, and were based on more social or artistic merits, other changes, like the ones mentioned below, denote entire lifestyle changes. So, ask yourself, what’s in a name?

What’s in a name? First of all we know that a name is a noun which applies to a person, place or thing. When a child is born the first thing we do is come up with a name for the child, but without a name the child would be known as nothing but a boy or girl. What’s in a name? a name brings out who you are and who you belong to, some people give names to their children sometime to fit them, such as a nick name, After all we know the nick names or a name other than your birth name is not your real name example: Catherine being your birth name but someone may call you Cathy, but is that your real name? The answer is no you have been called a different name other than the name you where given. However, everything on this earth has a name and without a name we would not know who or what it is. The characteristic of a person will carry them a long way in life. However, some characters are good and others are bad. Personality means a lot in this world so don’t look at the person name and judge them find out who they are and what they stand for because their name can sound bad but is that who the person is on the inside? Now let us think about how many people have the same name as you. Are they you? The answer is no they just carry the same name as you, so there are many people who are popular around the world but is it their name that makes them popular? The answer is no. it is their character and personality that makes them popular. Names are used to identify a person especially in a criminal case, but the face has to go along with the

name size and height. We know when Adam was put here on this earth he was given authority to name every living creature on the earth. He was given dominion over these entire things because there was a reason for everything to be named so names are important. The names were given to identify what it is, but think about this each thing he named was different from each other what I am saying is although people have names they are different but all are people and have different personalities and characters. Therefore, let us not get hung up on the name of an individual but let us look at the character of a person that he or she has and their life style because this plays a big part of who they really are because people sometimes give themselves other names just for fame when they are in the music industry or acting in plays and movies, but is it the name that they have that help them reach their goal and success? Once the music or acting touches the lives of people and they become a success then they put a stamp on the name. The stamp is the success and it can carry a bad reputation for those who are bad or have a good reputation depending on the person. Finally let us not judge the person by a name just as we should not judge them by their color as Dr. King said, and I quote “Don’t judge me by the color of my skin but by the content of my character”. Inspirationally yours, Catherine Johnson

Continued on page 39


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“Adam was put here on

this earth, he was given authority to name every living creature on the earth. He was given dominion over these entire things because there was a reason for everything to be named, so names are important.

Shyne Shyne’s story is an oft-told tale bad timing, rough circumstances, and exercises in silent gangsterism, only to be turned around whilst paying his debt to society. Signed by mega-mogul Puff Daddy in 1999, Shyne was hailed as the hottest new rapper around, until a fateful shooting in December of that year that left him on trial, and, eventually, incarcerated. His vow of omerta assured his near ten-year stretch behind steel walls, which only served to increase his name, his fame, and to a certain extent, his infamy. It’s post-release, though, that we see a different Shyne. After having changed his given name from Jamal Michael Barrow to Moses Michael Levi in order to adapt to his new-found Jewish heritage, he emerged as a man torn; still delivering an occasional gang sign, he also spends hours studying Jewish theology in Jerusalem, while dressed in orthodox clothing. In his case, his name change served as a pre-cursor to a change in identity; clothing, surroundings, and circumstances all changed. What’s unfortunate is that hip-hop culture has yet to understand or accept his new belief system, and has left him at a seemingly never-ending paradox of which culture to indeed fully embrace. Continued on page 41



“Personality means a lot in this

world so don’t look at the persons name and judge them, find out who they are and what they stand for because their name can sound bad but is that who the person is on the inside?

r e l l i M y e r Co C-Murder The younger brother of mid-to-late 90’s impresario Master P, C-Murder began his career in his hometown of New Orleans, and went platinum with his 1998 album, Life or Death. Released at the height of No Limit Records’ fame, the album served as a mainstream introduction for the man Corey Miller, but whose pseudonym C-Murder would become far more recognized, much to his detriment. C-Murder was given a lifetime imprisonment sentence upon conviction of attempted murder and second-degree murder for a fatal 2002 incident at a New Orleans nightclub, which resulted in the death of a teen. Interest in the case has been high, due to the defendant’s notable celebrity status, charges of juror abuse and witness tampering. In 2005, four years prior to his eventual conviction, C-Murder changes his name to C-Miller, under the auspice that prosecutors were using his stage name and lyrics as a way of proving his guilt. It seems as if the name change has not gone in vain; shortly after the change, two Harvard-educated lawyers decided to take up C-Miller’s case, free of charge, based on strong evidence that his convictions were wrongful. Continued on page 43



Chad Butler Pimp C (of UGK) Added to the list, posthumously, and though not quite going through a name change, is Texas legend Pimp C. Active musically since the late 80’s, Pimp C and his partner Bun-B together formed pioneering Southern group Underground Kingz (UGK), widely acknowledged as seminal purveyors and parlayers of the southern rap sound. While their biggest mainstream successes came with Jay-Z (“Big Pimpin”) and OutKast (“International Players Anthem”), the group was widely regarded by their peers as highly influential - a possibly bigger compliment than mainstream attention can ever mean. Pimp C’s life was tragically cut short in 2007, when, at age thirty-tree, he passed away in a Hollywood hotel room, under questionable circumstances. Pimp C’s biggest windfall, however, came near the end of his short life. Following his 2005 release from prison after a four-year stint, his now-infamous interview with Atlanta’s Power 107 left a barrage of rap bodies, fake gangster tales, and an entire industry on its knees. “I’m dissing everybody talkin bout selling drugs... these records we listen to nowadays, we don’t get nothing out of em. We don’t get social commentary, some kind of knowledge out of em. Everybody talkin bout how much ice they got on, and how much dope is sold. But the truth is, I don’t believe you.” Did Pimp C’s choice to be vocal about the ills of industry politics lead to his downfall? Did he know what was coming to him? We’ll never know, but the rate to which this man shook the game in his last days is undeniable. Continued on page 45


“Let us not

judge the person by a name just as we should not judge them by their color as Dr. King said, and I quote “Don’t judge me by the color of my skin but by the content of my character.

G e n e T h o r n t o n


Malice (of the Clipse) As one-half of coke-rap duo The Clipse, Malice’s music has long been associated with the underground aspects of human life: coke, drugs, money, and sex. Unrepentantly vicious in their depictions of ghetto life, The Clipse brought forth audible aids to feelings of desperation, hunger, rawness, and futility. With album titles such as ‘Til the Casket Drops and Hell Hath No Fury, The Clipse were long-considered the go-to group for fans of the ‘coke rap’ genre. Unfortunately, though, reality sometimes hits too close to home, as their manager Tony ‘Geezy’ Gonzalez was recently jailed for a host of drug trafficking charges in Virginia.

As 2010 rolled around, and as brother and teammate Pusha T experienced long-foretold solo success, Malice seemingly took a back road into relative reclusiveness. That is, until, he released his book, “Wretched, Pitiful, Blind, and Naked”, and stopped responding to the name ‘Malice’. Chronicling his turn to spirituality and religion, the book was generally welcomed by the public, but not without its detractors, who questioned the timing of the name change and book release. He also released a freestyle with the same name as the book, in which he sheds light on his change: “Contrary to popular opinion, I done been found religion / Jesus was on the cover to Lord Willin’”. (Lord Willin’ is the name of The Clipses’ 2002 debut album.) Only time will tell as to how well fans respond to the change, and how the artist formerly known as Malice reacts with his music.

In conclusion, we can easily see how the

value of a name is a strong indicator of the public face of a character. Even large companies use this tactic to keep pace with the times (from Apple Computers to simply Apple, from International Business Machines to IBM), and the art isn’t lost on celebrities. Sometimes, we see that a name leads to often-incorrect, those not necessarily baseless, discrimination. Names like C-Murder conjugate thoughts of sprawling urban indignity, and could quite possibly lead to negative thoughts from peers (or jurors). Meanwhile, a name like Shyne may bring back memories of a different man, a different beast, a different value system. A more biblical name dedicates a life to virtue. If, in growing, we feel our names can help or hinder us, are we so wrong to make a change? You decide.


48 // LIFESTYLE GREENBRIAR COVE, perfectly situated on

100 picturesque acres in a valley at the base of White Oak Mountain in the CollegedaleOoltewah area near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Greenbriar Cove is a master planned retirement community specially designed for active adults ages 55 and older. We’re here to help you celebrate life with you!


How to Care For Our Parents When They Become Elderly

by Cindy Tuttle Photo Credit / Mee Lin Woon


Taking care of our parents can be a bittersweet experience. They used to be so active and full of life yet now they may find it hard to walk across a room. How are we to deal with the people we love being in their nineties and having a difficult time doing every day chores?

About Independent Healthcare Properties, LLC

My mother is 97 and is actually doing well. Her mind is sharp and she plays cards, etc. yet has a difficult time walking and doing daily errands. I go over every day to help out and see how she is doing. She actually has a very bad heart and wasn’t supposed to live this long. Thank God she is still here and has a quality life. Here are some suggestions I have if you might be in this situation now or in the future.

Independent Healthcare Properties, LLC (IHP) was founded by Greg Vital and Franklin Farrow in 1996. A Chattanooga, Tennessee-based company, IHP develops healthcare related and commercial real estate and owns a portfolio of 16

Take care of yourself. You can’t help your parents if you are overwhelmed and tired. Be sure to get the support you need and set time aside for activities you enjoy. Take care of your body. Eat healthy and get exercise. Instead of focusing on the struggles and sadness of seeing your parents get older, think of how blessed you are to be with them and savor each moment. However, that doesn’t mean to avoid your feelings over what is going to eventually happen. You may feel sadness, fear, and even anger. That is natural, but don’t let it overwhelm you and if you need someone to talk to about your feelings find someone caring who you can trust with your innermost feelings.

Give your parents as much control over their life as much as much as possible. They deserve our respect and for us to realize even thought they might not be as physically strong as they were THEY ARE STILL THE PARENTS who taught us to walk, changed our diapers and supported us during our life. Encourage them to use their mind and to socialize with their friends. Help them to exercise as much as they are able. You can make it fun by doing an activity they like. If you drive you can go on outings and family occasions. This is a topic we hate to talk about but at some point we have to ask about their will, and what arrangements they want when they die. This isn’t easy but so important. Do they want life support if they become seriously ill? Where do want their body to be when they die? Again, these are hard questions but need to be discussed. The final suggestion is to have fun! Do things they like enjoy. I try and make each day one she can enjoy. I don’t know if she will be here tomorrow. I always end each day by giving her a hug and telling her I love her. She does the same. Never miss the opportunity to do this. Hope these suggestions are hopeful and maybe we can make this a loving way to eventually having to say good by to them someday to someone who loves them even more than we do- God.

quality assisted living facilities in five southern states. IHP pro-

vides healthcare management companies with growth opportunities to complement their retirement and senior-based services through facility development and leasing options. With a knowledge and sensitivity to seniorbased services, IHP utilizes market research, architectural design features, project management and other development resources to provide a unique environment that fosters security and comfort for seniors. In addition to freestanding assisted living facilities, IHP develops services for specialized Alzheimer’s programs. Building on IHP’s real estate development resources, Vital and Farrow have created additional asset portfolios which include master planned retirement communities, commercial office buildings, and government-based service facilities. In the future, IHP will continue to grow its real estate holdings through new developments and acquisitions throughout the Southeast. Morning Pointe Assisted Living Facilities - Southeast United States The Dome Building - Chattanooga, TN The Custom House - Chattanooga, TN Greenbriar Cove - Collegedale, TN Independent Healthcare Properties, LLC P.O. Box 249 Georgetown, TN 37336 423-339-3050





YOU? by Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS and Eric Velazquez, NSCA-CPT Photo Credit / Michael Darter

Like athletes, they jumped, sprinted and lifted. Find out how some of the bible’s most famous characters moved just because Jesus was near and learn how you can start moving for Him today John the Baptist jumped in his mother’s womb when a pregnant Mary walked into the room. Shepherds dropped their tools and sprinted to see the newborn king. And years later, friends of a crippled man lifted him up and lowered him through the roof to be healed by Him. Then and now, there’s just something about Jesus. He moves people. John jumped, shepherds sprinted, and friends lifted. However He affects you, move, keeping in mind that an active, healthy lifestyle is as much an act of praise as it is obedience.


Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain or just having an overall healthier body, resistance training should be the foundation of your active pursuits. Training your muscles to be stronger makes your body more efficient at burning calories, more resistant to injuries and more capable for any other activity you might enjoy. Luckily, you don’t have to break the bank on a franchise gym membership or a team of trainers and nutritionists. No matter your experience level, you can get a challenging, energizing and physically transformative workout by simply using your own bodyweight. Familiarize yourself with these three foundational moves, then try one of the workouts provided to start being more faithful to your fitness – all in minutes a day, without leaving your house.


Standard Push-Up | Focus: Chest, shoulders, back, abs Get into a push-up position with your body in a straight line, feet together, hands wider than shoulder-width apart and your eyes focused on the floor. Press yourself up to full arm extension, keeping your abs tight and back straight. Squeeze your arms and chest at the top then lower yourself to the start and repeat. Don’t bounce your chest off the floor, but rather start each rep when your chest reaches a point an inch or so away from the floor. Bodyweight Squat | Focus: Legs, glutes, hamstrings, lower back Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, a light bend in your knees and your toes turned out slightly. Keeping your head neutral, abs tight and torso erect, bend at the knees and hips to slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Pause when your legs reach a 90-degree angle, then forcefully drive through your heels, extending at your hips and knees until you arrive at the standing position. Crunch | Focus: Upper abs Lie face-up on the floor with your hands cupped gently behind your head (do not pull on your neck). Keeping your knees bent and with your feet flat on the floor, crunch your upper body up until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Squeeze your abs then lower yourself back to the start and repeat.


Beginner Workout: Twice per week, perform as many repetitions of each exercise as you can, stopping once you can no longer perform additional reps with good form. For each exercise, write down the total number of reps and the total time it took to reach that number. Rest 2-3 days between workouts and aim to complete more reps in less time for each exercise from workout to workout. Intermediate Workout: Three times per week, perform 10 reps of each move and, without resting, quickly move to the next exercise. Repeat this circuit a total of five times, noting the total time it took to complete the workout. Rest at least one day between workouts, aiming to beat your previous time from workout to workout. Each week, add two reps to each exercise. Advanced workout: Repeat the exercises in circuit fashion, as in the intermediate workout, only perform as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes. Each week, add one minute to your time limit, striving to complete more total rounds each time through.” Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS, the founder of PrayFit (www.prayfit.com) is an exercise physiologist to LL Cool J, Tyler Perry and Mario Lopez.




by Michael Kubai Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro



13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. 17-18 Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them! I couldn’t even begin to count them— any more than I could count the sand of the sea. Psalm 139:13-18


ne question that tends to be on the minds of many human beings at one point in their life is: Where is he/she? The search for a marriage partner is one that many have been on. Others are currently on it, while others will embark on it in years to come. We long for someone with whom we can intimately share our lives with, someone who can care for us and love us, someone who’ll surprise us with text messages/flowers/chocolate in the middle of the day, etc. For some of us, if there’s any question we’d want answered now, it is this one. And there’s nothing wrong with this desire. I believe that the desire for a spouse is one that God has put within us. However, I believe that many are going about this search the wrong way, or rather, have misplaced priorities. When Eve was ‘introduced’ to Adam, she found him busy doing something i.e. pursuing God’s plan for his life. God had looked at Adam and saw it fit to create for him a help-mate, a companion, someone with whom he can fulfill purpose with. It was as Adam was pursuing his God-given purpose, that he ‘met’ Eve. The Bible states that God has planned everyday of our lives, even before we were born. It also goes on to say that God has good plans for our lives. This has a number of implications: 1) There is a purpose for which I was made. 2) Who I marry will greatly influence my ability to fulfill God’s plan for my life. God’s plan for my life must therefore include what kind of spouse is best for me, how I’ll meet him/her, etc. Continued on page 56


“ We were made for a purpose, and I believe that fulfilling that purpose should be our primary goal in life, and it is as we pursue this purpose, that we are to easily locate our life companions.” One thing that I think is true for many who are in search of a marriage partner is that some are not aware of what God’s purpose for their life is. Moreover, in looking for a spouse, many of the attributes people look for read something like this: God-fearing, intelligent, beautiful/ handsome, financially stable, caring, good sense of humour, etc. Nowhere among these attributes do you find the attribute ‘Complimentary life-purpose’. More than connecting on a spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social level, one needs to know whether the two of them will be able to fulfill God’s plan for their individual lives while being married (‘Are we walking on the same path?’). I’ve heard of a situation where after holding a secular job for a while, a gentleman strongly senses the call of God on his life to become a pastor, but his wife is totally against it and is not willing to support him. The husband was even willing to leave his wife so that he could pursue the calling, but he was advised against it by his pastor. For those who are in this search for a marriage partner, or are already dating and seeking God on whether you’re in the right relationship, my advice to you would be this-discover your purpose first. Knowing your purpose will, among other things, guide you in knowing what kind of spouse is best for you. It’ll place you in a better position from which you can make this decision. One of the major purposes of marriage is to help one another fulfill purpose. I imagine it to be very frustrating to desire to pursue your God-given purpose, but to be unable to do so because of the contrasting purpose one’s spouse has, or because of the unwillingness of one’s spouse to support them. I believe that the best way for us to locate our life partners is as we are pursuing our life-purpose. Many are frantically looking for a mate, fearing that the older they get, the less likely it is for them to get married. God, our heavenly Father, loves us, knows the desires of our hearts, and desires to fulfill them. The Bible says that we should delight ourselves in the Lord, and He shall grant us the desires of our hearts. We were made for a purpose, and I believe that fulfilling that purpose should be our primary goal in life, and it is as we pursue this purpose, that we are to easily locate our life companions. Adam was busy pursuing his purpose, and it was as he did so that he ‘met’ Eve and declared, ‘Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh!’ It’s purpose first, then partner.


A K LEN Lives byNisarg dit/ Photo Cre c si u M y Son

life, art & it the pursumusic of happy


The U.S.an “international artist”. enka is the definition of the ger/songwriter has toured based, Australian-born sin ail Th and Germany to Vietnam to world, from England to Lenka’s um); the accessibility of (where she’s gone platin child star, rs of the globe. A former rne co all d un aro r he ing music tak r native Australia, ccessful soap operas in he once the focal point of su ativity to further explore the cre sic mu o int e div the k 2008’s Lenka too ords (her debut release, rec hit of w sle A r. he n burgeoning withi a world tour s Heatseekers chart), and rd’ oa llb Bi on 3 . No s wa Lenka, ngeance with art, a new lease on life, a ve later, Lenka is back with and a penchant for love.


Lenka sat down r sophomore album, Two, he g sin ea rel of rge ve On the iew, in which she e for this exclusive interv with Crossroad magazin recent marriage & stardom, touring, her e fam nd ou wf ne r he s discusse in between. ist, love, and everything to an esteemed visual art in was life like, growing up ut our beginnings; what abo ry ? sto a tes e Sta hav the all to We ssed over it translate once you cro lly Australia, and how did ative. My parents were rea cre and , thy ear and l, ura nat y ver rts s wa hea g My upbringin atever crazy stuff our were encouraged to do wh ging ‘Bohemian’ (laughs). We very fondly on my upbrin k bac k ce, and acting – I loo an dan beg of I lot 13, a 12, did I at – ired ng des s quite you nal entertainer when I wa en I wh me ed par pre of d I started being professio kin that lt world quite early, but oved from acting. So I entered the adu sic It wasn’t too far rem mu pop in eer car a g ldin bui on us foc to a hit Americ the job done. ng professional, getting what I’d done before – bei re still young, what an actress while you we as d she pli om acc tty You were pre sic? d inspired the switch to mu m it for a while; I wante I sort of stayed away fro but , . sic ing mu act ed h lov wit ed ays isfi alw sat I’d t creatively er a while, I felt I wasn’ with a be to e hav u Yo to find my own path Aft lf. rse you e – you can’t do much by e, There’s a lot of downtim d, and I had a piano at hom ere pow em re mo l fee to d nte re wa mo I ch So . mu ncy ed, age pir e creativ much more ins songs, and loved it. I felt ll. te we wri to ded pon rted sta res t ple jus I peo e and it just took over onc lly, dua Gra l. tro con in empowered, and son, separate Lenka the per y struggle? How do you -da -to day new r you s What’ y from Lenka the artist? zing my time helps me sta rried (laughs), but organi ind rem to got e u’v Well I just recently got ma Yo . not working, and times I’m balanced There’s times I’m pop star all the time. a t jus not and son per ng yourself that you’re a livi e who hasn’t heard and your style to someon sic mu r you be cri des How would you ghs) it before? y happy and childlike (lau of an indie style, and ver bit a ger/ h ‘sin wit r it’s rite n the ngw m /so Singer someone’s mu ing to – if I’m talking to and r nge you e eon som to It depends on who I’m talk talking y the piano!’; and if I’m songwriters pop, and I pla nitely pop defi it’s t Bu ie. ind y re closel more into it, then it’s mo Continued on page 60


Not too long ago, your song ‘The Show’ received a lot of placements on major television and advertising spots. How did it feel to have such personal music be commercially embraced? Fantastic (Laughs)! The fact that I was exposed to a whole bunch of new fans – so many fans told me they found about me through that. It’s also nice that there’s a way for musicians to make a living I couldn’t be happier! It must have been cool to hear your music on Grey’s Anatomy and Old Navy ads Also, being an actor, I understand the importance of creating the drama Even though I was acting on that show; I liked to be involved in setting that up.

“ I want to be associated with getting into a good mood. That’s what my music is about – that feeling of rejuvenation you get when you turn on a song, and you change your mood, get a different outlook on your situation; on the world.” Was your song ‘Heart Skips A Beat’ inspired by a real-life relationship? Actually, it was inspired by something a bit more fun. I was getting a skip in my heart, and I asked my friend’s father – who’s a doctor – what was wrong. And he said, “Well, you’re in love!” Actually, I was just drinking too much coffee (laughs). But it was cute. But when I first fell in love with my now-husband, I literally felt something physical in my heart. And I remember that, your heart, this organ, just wakes up and tells you something important. And that’s kind of what the song is about. Not just love, but also in life, where passion is so important. Something inside you kicks you in the butt, and forces you to go! Continued on page 61


You and your husband collaborate quite frequently, him with his visuals, and you with your music, right? Yeah! We do. We have a great synergy when collaborating. He actually does all my CD covers and online stuff, and posters, and merch designs, all sorts of things! We love each others styles, very musical, very childlike, and plus, it allows us to be together as much as possible Talk about the big opening in Tokyo. That was amazing! He’d been asked to do a gallery in Tokyo, and we were able to do some cool cross-promotion. We actually wro te a manifesto kind of describing out art and styles, and were able to explain a lot behind the concepts of the work. With all the travel that you do, what are some of your favorite venues, and how do different countries differ? I love to perform in beautiful, old venues. My favorite – in San Francisco – the name escapes me, is like that. Also ‘Embodied’, in Germany – hundreds of people, just beautiful! Cathedral-esque, just impeccable! I also love outdoor festivals – they’re really wonderful, especially since I’m a country girl. In San Francisco, we performed outdoors and the audience was surrounded by Euclips – which is an Australian tree, so I was just so happy! I felt right at home. Give us a sneak peak inside your live show…what can we expect to hear and see? Well, I always do a few old songs – the songs that people love (laughs). Some new stuff, a lot of energy. I put a lot of effort into the visuals to crea te the ideal environment.

How taxing was your last tour? It was pretty expansive Well I’m actually about to go back on tour, I’m heading to the airport today. It’s quite exhausting, but it’s also really fun. The travelling, seein g different cultures; it’s great. Hanging out in airports – not fun! But kind of what you have to do. I just try to look after myself, make sure I have enough downtime. But I also find that if I don’t have time to have fun – do stuff like backpack through exotic lands – the trips aren’t as fun So I try and make time for all that as well. I try to get that balance right. I love to play music, so to be able to give new fans a show that they’re able to enjo y – there’s nothing better. It makes everything worth it. Where would you say is your strongest fan base, outside of Australia? Actually, Australia is not my strongest fan base, ironically enough. Asia – all different countries in Asia – Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand. I’ve gone platinum in Thailand, and have had five number one’s in Vietnam. Different areas in the U.S – New York, LA, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Portland – just a few pockets in America where I’ve got a lot of fans . And Germany, Switzerland, Austria, I’ve done quite well in. I speak a little bit of German, so I love it there. So you’re the female David Hasselhoff – actress turned megapop superstar! (Laughs)

When it’s all said and done, what do you want your music to be associated with? I want to be associated with getting into a good mood. That’s what my music is about – that feeling of rejuvenation you get when you turn on a song, and you change your mood, get a different outlook on your situation; on the world. I’ve met fans that let me know that my music help s them through a tough time, and I felt so good about that. To do music because you love it is one thing, but to know you can help people too – I’d love to that over and over again!


campus life



Huntington University is nestled in northeast Indiana in Huntington, just 20 miles from Fort Wayne, the state’s second largest city. This premier Christian college offers unique degree programs in film, animation, nursing and ministry, among 70-plus additional majors available on campus.

Photo Credit / Huntington University

“For 114 years, Huntington has been committed to developing the whole person by assisting students in understanding all areas of human knowledge from the perspective of a Christian worldview and preparing them to impact their world for Christ.”

Film production and animation are two of the fastest growing programs on campus as experienced professors and state-of-theart equipment have enticed students from around the nation to study at Huntington to become directors, screenwriters, animators and producers. Students work with professionals who have and continue to work in film and animation. Lance Clark has produced television commercials, corporate videos and overseas mission documentaries in Asia, Central America, Africa and Eastern Europe. Steve Leeper is a filmmaker and storyteller, formerly employed at Big Idea Productions, creator of “VeggieTales.” Bryan Ballinger is an illustrator with clients such as Microsoft, Nintendo, Disney and Harley Davidson. Animators Phillip Hall (Happy Feet Two, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Yogi Bear) and Shahbaaz Shah (Green Lantern, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Toy Story 3: The Video Game) are in-thefield mentors.

And the talent does not stop there.

While in the program, students have produced, directed, animated, illustrated and written feature-length films, animated shorts, books, commercials and the list goes on. They have won awards in film festivals and competitions around the country, and have used their experience to take them to advertising agencies, animated studios and Hollywood. View their work online at www. foresterfilms.com.

The exceptional nature of these programs is seen in all disciplines at Huntington as students study in state-of-the-art facilities under trained faculty. Each program at HU uniquely prepares students to impact their world for Christ. Beyond the classroom, Huntington competes in 16 intercollegiate sports, including men’s and women’s bowling which will start in 2012. Intramurals, Olympiad, the hoedown, Campus Paranoia and other activities keep students, and the seven on-campus residence halls promote the community — and fuel the competition — of these events.

// Our History

Huntington University was founded as Central College in 1897 by the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. The institution was named Central College because of its location to churches in the denomination. Among the founders was Bishop Milton Wright, father of well-known aviation brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright. In May 1917, the General Conference changed the name to Huntington College in response to community interests. In 2005, the name was changed to Huntington University. From Central to Huntington and college to university, Huntington has remained committed to providing a Christ-centered, liberal arts education to its students which is evident in the university’s motto: Christ. Scholarship. Service. Continued on page 66


Christian principles are a part of every classroom, every residence hall and all corners of the campus at Huntington.


// Christ // Out-of-the-box learning // Beyond undergrad

Huntington makes the transition back into college life easy with the EXCEL Adult Degree Program. Classes are offered one night per week, one subject at a time either online or onsite. Students can earn associate or bachelor’s degrees in an array of programs including nursing (RN to BSN), business and Christian ministry. And for students looking toward graduate school, Huntington offers master’s degree programs in education, counseling and youth ministry leadership. Classes are taught by some of the top professionals in their fields with the latest techniques and theories.

FANDANA FESTIVAL The first annual Fandana Festival is coming to the Huntington University campus on August 11-13.

More than 30 bands will perform on multiple stages around the campus, including Switchfoot, Photoside Cafe, Attaboy, Me in Motion and Sidewalk Prophets. The festival will also feature an indie band competition, seminars and a film competition. Tickets are $19 in advance or $25 at the gate. Groups of 15 or more are $15. Tickets are on sale now at www.fandanafestival.com.

During their years of study, students are encouraged to take their learning beyond the classroom with internships, practicum opportunities and PRIME experiences. PRIME, the Practical Research and Immersion through Ministry Effectiveness, is a seven-month ministry emersion program for students studying in the Department of Ministry and Missions. This unique opportunity provides students with hands-on experience before graduation. The university’s Enterprise Resource Center helps students connect with businesses and organizations to provide them with real-world experiences. Students have found internships with such companies as Amazon.com, Jellyfish Labs and Sweetwater Sound. These opportunities are transformative for students soon entering the job market. For 114 years, Huntington has been committed to developing the whole person by assisting students in understanding all areas of human knowledge from the perspective of a Christian worldview and preparing them to impact their world for Christ. U.S. News & World Report ranks Huntington eighth in the “Best Colleges in the Midwest” and fifth in the “Great Schools, Great Prices” category for best-value colleges in the Midwest.

campus life



Christian principles are a part of every classroom, every residence hall and all corners of the campus at Huntington. The university was founded by the Church of the United Brethren in Christ upon a vital evangelical Christian faith. The Board of Trustees, the administration and the faculty are united in the conviction that this faith should characterize the entire program of the institution.

// Scholarship

With the conviction that all truth is God’s truth, the university exists to carry out the mission of Christ in higher education. The university is committed to a strong liberal arts emphasis, with general requirements in the arts, history, literature, philosophy and natural and social sciences for all students, regardless of the vocation or profession for which they are preparing. In developing the whole person, Huntington emphasizes intellectual, physical, social and religious objectives.

// Service

Each year, more than 11,000 hours are volunteered around campus and the community. Huntington’s Joe Mertz Center for Volunteer Service is a student-directed organization that mobilizes the campus community for Christian service. The Joe Mertz Center involves students in the local community, instills a lifelong tendency toward service, and promotes the idea that one person can make a difference.




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By Michael Hume Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro


piritual oppression is a frequent visitor to me. It seems to be an experience I have been familiar with for over two decades of my faith life.

How do I overcome this? There are several ways.

1. Be honest and tell God about it first. God likes it when you go to him first rather than someone else. Suppose a child has a problem and confides in you first. Is it not because that child trusts you? And it builds a bond. Same with God and me. 2. Wait and listen to God. If nothing is obvious try and stay positive and don’t look at the problem agitating you. Now and again mention it to God. 3. Combat it with faith. Quote scripture verses to yourself. Also to tell Satan to be gone, and read the Bible to build faith. 4. Recall the good things God has already done and thank Him for them. This gives more perspective by putting your mind on positive things. 5. Keep praying and fasting if you can, and ask for extra regular prayer support. Place the matter into Gods hands.

6. Paul had bad trials but God simply said that His grace would be enough to see Paul through. Likewise expect at least Gods grace.

7. Depending on the oppression, expect an end to the trial. Ask God to show you the way out. He has put me through a variety and for nearly all there has been a way out. I’m still asking God to show me the way out of the few remaining ones. 8. Cultivate your hobbies and interests since these can balance off your life and help you keep happy. Mine are swimming, reading and walking to name some. 9. Take opportunities to enjoy life. Joy is a powerful antidote to being bogged down. There is enough in life trying to pull you down so do as much to keep cheerful. 10. Most of all expect God to act. Trust Him to do the impossible. He is a mighty God and I can never anticipate how he answers my prayers. That is part of the excitement of faith. The eager anticipation of the unknown and mysteriousness of God. It keeps faith interesting. This is quite basic, but it works for me so I hope it helps.




The 5th Quarter by Dana Chaffin

The 5th Quarter will be released to select theaters on March 25, 2011. To find a theater near you visit www.the5thquartermovie.com. The film is based on the touching true story of the Abbate family. It is a story of faith and football. The story shows how this family’s tragic loss was transformed into a triumph honoring the memory of 15 year old Luke Abbate.


On February 13, 2006 their lives were changed when Luke and four lacrosse teammates were heading home after practice. The teenage driver, a friend of Luke’s, was showing off and speeding when he lost control and crashed off a 70foot embankment. Still alive Luke was air lifted to the hospital where he died two days later from a massive brain injury. Luke was an advocate for being an organ donor, after long talks about the pros and cons the family decided to honor Luke’s wishes and donate his organs. It turns out that decision helped five people have better lives. One of which was a mother with a young daughter that the Abbate family later got to meet. Luke and his brother Jon shared a love for football. After Luke’s death Jon questioned ever playing again, but when he decided to play for two in honor of his little brother all doubts were gone. Jon asked his coach if he could change his jersey number to 5 because that was Luke’s number. The number 5 plays an important role for the family as they continue to honor Luke. Jon inspired the entire Wake Forest football team to push themselves harder than ever before. Wake Forest was predicted to finish last in their division, but with Jon’s drive and motivation leading them, they not only won games, but the championship. The 5th Quarter starts with the tragic accident that took the life of 15 year old Luke Abbate. The talented cast worked closely with the Abbate family to portray the true story of their life. Steven, the father, was played by Aidan Quinn (Desperately Seeking Susan, Legends of the Fall), Maryanne, the mother was played by Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Groundhog Day), Jon, one of Luke’s older brothers, played by Ryan Merriman (Final Destination 3, Home of the Giants), Luke’s other brother, Adam played by Matt McGrath, and Luke’s sister, Rachel played by Mandy Manis. The 5th Quarter is an outstanding story of how the Abbate’s faith brought them hope, but their love for each other and Luke is what brought them closer together. This amazing story is hoped to bring awareness of the dangers facing teenage drivers and how important organ donors are to those whose lives they save. The family started The Luke Abbate 5th Quarter Foundation to help with the awareness. Find out more at www. lukeabbate5thquarter.org.


Miracle of the Widow by Dana Chaffin

Miracle of the Widow is now available on dvd. This is a touching story of Ruth, a Holocaust survivor and Grace, a young woman who is trying to find her purpose in life. The two women came from very different backgrounds, but once their paths cross, so do their hearts. Ruth is holding on to a family secret that has been kept for many generations, but will Grace be the one to find out?

Miracle of the Widow was written and directed by Paul Stoos. It was the first film produced by Broadway Bridge Productions, but from the quality and acting you would not know. The cast and crew, totaling 80 members, were completely volunteers and none of them got a paycheck. They were humbled by each other’s passion and dedication for the film. Most of them had full time jobs and then would work long, long hours on the film. Not one of them said they regretted it or would not do it again. Each member of the crew gave the glory of this film to God, because without Him we could not have made this film. Miracle of the Widow is an amazing story of tradition, faith, and friendship. This is a great movie to share with your family. The twists in the story will surprise viewers and touch their hearts. You can find out more about the film, cast/crew, and buy the dvd at www.miracleofthewidow.com and www.familychristianmovies.com.


Miracle of the Widow starts in Hungary 1944 when a Jewish man fears that his family is in danger from the growing violence. He sends his young daughter, Ruth (played by Jody Spradlin), and a letter to his sister in Holland. Ruth later learns from old newspapers that her family was killed and now she and her aunt are the only family left. They decide to move to America where they can continue their family’s tradition of baking. The aunt opens a small bakery in Oregon called HIS Bakery. After the aunt passes, Ruth is left alone with only the bakery. She runs the bakery until her aging body is getting tired and she must find someone to help her run the bakery. Grace (played by Rachel Dennis) is a recent college graduate with a master’s degree and very opinionated attitude. She is not sure of where her life is going and she running away from her past. She enters HIS Bakery when she is hired at a children’s center to teach and help with the afterschool program.


Jerusalem Countdown by Dana Chaffin

Jerusalem Countdown the movie will be in select theaters and churches starting in the fall of 2011. Pure Flix Entertainment has come up with 3 ways you can help bring this awesome film to your community by joining their Action Team. The movie highlights a scenario that could happen based on the events described in the book by Pastor John Hagee. It points out possibilities of terrorism, New World Order, Peace talks in Israel, government, nuclear weapons, and end time events. This film has great acting with big names like Lee Majors and Randy Travis and the production quality is outstanding.


Jerusalem Countdown the feature film is an action packed story of nuclear weapons being smuggled into the United States. One FBI agent Shane Daughtry (David A. R. White) must find the weapons before they are detonated. He gets a tip from a shifty arms dealer (Lee Majors) about a plan by terrorists to destroy the world called ‘The 7 wonders’. It also explores several people on their journey to believing in God as events unfold. Pure Flix Entertainment worked closely with John Hagee Ministries to produce the film’s story with Hagee’s extensive facts from his book, the Bible, and the creative producers, they brought about a very stirring scenario of what could happen. “Jerusalem Countdown is suspected to turn some heads with its end times and terrorist story line. “The rapture scene in this film is amazing, they really put a lot of work into this!” says Scott Reed, vice president of distribution for Five and Two Pictures. Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World the book is packed with historical research and future possibilities. Hagee gives information on Iran’s hatred for Israel and America. In the book he gives a list of why Christians should support Israel based on Scriptures. For each chapter there are documented references with websites and more to give credit to his claims. Author John C. Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. His teachings are broadcast by television and radio all over the world. He has authored 28 books including two on the New York Times Best Seller’s List. Jerusalem Countdown keeps viewers on the edge of their seat. It has lots of guns, explosives, and even a love story. My heart was racing through it all and I could not sit still during some scenes. This is a very intense and convincing story that shows that no one knows when the end is coming, but the Bible warns us to be ready. To find out more about the movie, to find a theater near you, and to join the Action Team check out the official movie website www.jerusalemcountdown.com.


The Whisper Home by Dana Chaffin

The Whisper Home is now available as a 2 disc set on dvd at www.thewhisperhome.com. One disc is the full length movie and the other disc is loaded with humorous and moving behind the scene stories, 29 music scores, and other special features. It is a modern tale of the Prodigal Son parable. This award winning film is an emotional journey of faith, family, and forgiveness. It gives a heartfelt answer to the question, Are you your brothers keeper? The cast and crew’s dedication and love for the story helped to make it an outstanding film.

The Whisper Home had some of the most supportive and dedicated cast and crew members. When you can get a cast and crew involved emotionally with a script you can really show viewers the passion behind a film and this one definitely has it all. The cast were all impressed and moved by the story even that first night of reading through the script. Erin Beute, plays Rebecca Patterson, said “I knew we had something special and deeply moving!” Randy Vaughn, plays Dave Patterson said “Just saying the words out loud was really touching; the pauses, sighs, and tissue. Everyone was connecting emotionally with everyone in the room.” The crew was just as moved by the intensity of the story. Producer, Alex Diehl, said “I know the parable, but not like that! You can’t help but be reflective in your own experiences.” The Whisper Home is a professionally done movie. The story is absolutely amazing. Makes the parable come to life! The film makes the viewer really take inventory of your relationships. My own mother, who has not spoke to her brother in years, made a phone call to apologize after watching this film. The story is touching and relative to everyone. The surprises and twists will leave you speechless.


The Whisper Home is a new take on the old parable of the Prodigal Son. It brings that story right in to our generation. This film shows how those events are seen from all sides; the fathers, the brother and the sons. The story creatively deals with the issues that every family endures. The struggles between the siblings, like with all siblings, are very believable. The situations that the characters are going through and how they get over some issues are very stirring and keep the viewer’s attention. The story is very emotionally charged and extremely creative.


“I Love You This Big”

was 100% penned by Jay Smith but was eventually re-worked by urban songwriter Esther Dean and Nashville’s own Brett James for the 2011 American Idol winner Scotty McCreery.


BIG LOVE A glimpse into the life of songwriter Jay Smith, his journey and passion for music and the success of “I Love you this Big”. Sometimes, success is just around the corner. It’s a mix of timing, opportunity, hard work, and destiny; all rolled into one unforgettable phoenix of a lifetime of effort. For Jay Smith, aka ‘Saint’, the ride to the top has been tumultuous to say the least, but, alas, it seems the light at the end of the tunnel is finally within sight. Born and raised in Galveston, Texas, Saint was the ninth of eleven children, and before long, his family relocated to the Fifth Ward – one of Houston’s most notorious housing development. Always a presence at Church gatherings, Saint’s grandfather took the youngster along with him on yard work and other local handyman jobs, helping to instill a lust for hard work within the young man. Eventually, though, the lure of street life – the gold chains, knots of money bulging out of pockets of drug dealers – got the best of him. At the age of 12, his desire for material things led him to make his first drug deal. Although it wasn’t satisfying, at the time his new career choice seemed rewarding. Within two years, Jay would experience dual shocks that would’ve crumbled a lesser man two his knees: his mother tragically passed away, and three months after that, he lost his father to an unexpected, and equally tragic, heart attack. Finding himself shuffling between foster care and sleeping on the streets, Saint took on odd jobs, while re-kindling his love affair with the Church. From there, an outreach pastor named Dennis Rogers, whom Jay affectionately refers to as ‘Pop’, introduced the young man to boxing legend Evander Holyfield. Now with proper guidance, Jay’s life took a turn for the better; with vision, persistence,

and faith backing him, he developed a brand new vigor for life. Says Jay of the influence the two men wielded in his life: “Its funny how God took one dad away from me and gave me two, and it started my new beginning, my new life.” Chasing after his dreams, Jay decided that writing music was his life’s passion. With the attributes in place, hard work and determination, mixed with destiny, finally came to fruition, when this year, he had his first mega-hit. I Love You This Big’ was 100% penned by Jay Smith but was eventually re-worked by urban songwriter Esther Dean and Nashville’s own Brett James for the 2011 American Idol winner victor Scotty McCreery. Debuting at number 32 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, the record peaked at number 11, as it sold over 170,000 units its first week. Says co-writer Brett James of the song’s instant success: “We turned it in at 2:00AM Saturday morning and it was No. 1 on iTunes by Wednesday morning. It was a real blessing to be at the right place at the right time.” Although he may be battered and bruised, Saint stands strong and marches on to a new beat. God truly continues to bless, giving him new vitality to bring his music to the entertainment industry and to his fans all over the world. The unexpected success of “I Love You This Big” has given Jay yet another new lease on life, and his work ethic has multiplied to maintain the momentum. Timing, opportunity, and skills may be vital aspects of success, but it’s faith that builds the foundation – a fact not lost on young Smith, for whom success is just destiny being fulfilled.


For additional info about Jay Smith send all request to info@crossroadmag.com



and the future of EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY by Pastor Gilford T. Monrose / Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro


tar Trek and The Next Generation on the ship Enterprise wanted to explore and seek out new life and “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” The first Star Trek showed a world where humans had gone on a journey to obtain knowledge. Since this was a quest, it would go to outermost parts of the universal in seek out objective knowledge.


The shipmates would join forces to overcome problems that came up on the ship. They would collectively come to agreement as how best to proceed. On the Enterprise, all the crew worked together and thought things through in a rationale way unlike The Next Generation, where rationality is not always trusted. The shift between the two shows was that the world was moving towards post modernity, leaving modernity in the dust. Even though this was only a TV series, this was the reality of the new make up of the world, the way of thinking. As these and other changes became evident, so the challenge for the church became. The church had to rethink and retool the gospel to meet the need of the world. In the modern thinking mind, they assume that “knowledge is certain, objective, and good, and that such knowledge is obtainable.” Men try to seek out and discover knowledge during the Enlightenment Age and beyond. This crusade towards reason and truth was an individual concern. Common folks within the church now read the bible for them selves to decipher what is truth. The church was pushed out of the business of having the trademark of truth. The biggest challenge for the church now was postmodernism There was a time when most people in America believed in God and the Bible as authoritative. But since the birth of modernism and postmodernism, that would change by leaps and bounds. The world moving forward would experience three major earthquakes. I. The Scientific – Darwin’s theory of evolution questioned the authority of the Biblical view of creation. II. The Philosophical – questioned the Bible’s authority to define the meaning of man’s life and the reason for his existence. III. The Moral – questioned the Bible’s authority to dictate man’s morality. This worldview has no moral absolutes, everything is abstract and all belief systems are equally true. Just as in “The Next Generation” Data replaced Spock – just as postmodernity replaced modernity. Now not even the very fact of rationality can be accepted. The question now became how could the Gospel be shared within this context? Christianity is base on universal truths, which crosses all landmass and ocean shores. The reality is that the “center of reality” is Jesus Christ. Stanley Grenz proposed two contours that ought to shape future evangelical theology. A. An authentic postmodern evangelical theology must be postindividual. The church must capture an understanding of how this “culture” thinks. A need to gain an understanding on how we can reach this 21st century mindset with the Gospel message is

needed. The challenge of the church is to find ways to preach within this context. The idea of God must be portrayed that He is a personal God. He is a God that looks at each person’s individuality. Salvation is offered to each person. The plan of salvation must be communicated to be personal. A careful line must be drawn that while holding true to individualism, that the knowledge of God goes beyond whether or not an individual affirms that is true. The postmodern mindset individualizes the concepts of the world. They sense a private knowledge that creates some problems towards Christianity (which depends on universal truth). The knowledge of God and biblical doctrines even though it is concerned with each individual – and that this person is part of a larger community of believers - must regard individualism in its proper context. The individual does not stand solo, but is within a community. With a group of people believing the same truths, this will place them into an overall community. According to Grenz, the greater discovery is that Christianity is a community, in the highest sense. Each individual must feel that they are part of the community. The discovery of truth must be personal but not point where the individual falls outside the community of believers. B. In addition to being post-individual, a postmodern evangelical theology must be post-rational. A person is not in isolation but in a personal relationship with God. Meaningful relationship is needed. A postmodern evangelical theology must make sense and use reason to be effective. In Acts 17, Paul used reason as he presented the Gospel to the philosophers and their followers of his day. The hearer must be able to grab the basic concepts of the theology we present. Even though our theology does have “mystery” to it, the overall message must be clear and relevant. The Gospel must be able to meet the needs both spiritually and physically and be able to impact the individual with “realness”. There is a need for realness today to help balance emotion and spiritual aspects of life. Gaining and sharing objective knowledge is not for informational purposes only. “Knowledge is only good when it facilitates a good result, specifically, when it fosters spirituality in the knower.” It is more than knowing that counts. Our theology must be focused on the inner being, to bring out a glorious character and lifestyle. The ultimate purpose for our theology is to change the individual. The knowledge without true change or repentance is only head knowledge and not heart knowledge. The heart knowledge is what counts. Following the framework of these two basic contours, Christianity can reach where it has never gone before. The generation who were raised on Star Trek, would be able to identify with a evangelical theology structure to reach them. The beauty of the Christian faith is that it can be preached effectively within the context of postmodernism without preach at postmodernism.


D R O F T COLAll Fo r God & Country by Tobias



t’s no secret that Colt Ford is a showman. His charisma is infinitely alluring; his visual presentation a tour de force for the eyes, ears, and heart; and his dominating stature offer a not-quite-intimidating, but non-yet-understated presence. Behind it all, though, is a musician at play; a poet and author of rural life, told through auditory lenses. To coincide with the launch of his third album, “Every Chance I Get”, Colt took some time to speak with Crossroad Magazine regarding life, music, his roots, changing perceptions, reinventing norms, and the power of country.

When did you realize you had a gift for writing great music? I started writing songs when I was about 12 I guess. I don’t know if I have ever written any great songs but I have been blessed to write some songs that people really like. What message does Colt Ford strive to bring across; every artist has a story to tell, what’s your story? Well I have said from the beginning I believe in God-Family-Friends-America-Hard work and Freedom and I try and let that show in my songs. I like to have fun also and put a smile on folks faces. I guess my story shows that if you really want to do something you can because I beat all the odds. My mother has told me since I was little that God never gives you a gift he doesn’t intend for you to use. Your latest project “Every Chance I Get” sums up your music love & passion for Country music. What drives your passion to write records like this? Real life is what I write about and where I get all my inspiration from. Did you grow up listening to Country music only or were you exposed to various genres of music? I grew up hearing all kind of stuff. My folks really listened to country and Elvis but they let me explore all kinds of music. I had a drum set when I was about 10. I always liked the beat. Who influenced your life the most and how did they impact your life? My parents were my biggest influence in my life. They were supportive of all the things I wanted to do. I was really lucky to have that. When I got married to my beautiful wife Jessica she has been my next biggest influence in my life. There is no way I would be here doing music if it was not for her. Many consider you “only” as a Country rapper, but you’ve written for so many artist of various genres – What do you see your self as a writer or musician? I see myself as both. I love doing both writing and playing music. There is no better feeling then being on stage and seeing people having fun and singing your songs. Its also really special to have another artist record something you wrote. Continued on page 84


“My mother has told me since I was little that God never gives you a gift he doesn’t intend for you to use.”


84 // CULTURE Speaking of artist, Colt, let’s talk about your sound; the younger generation wants the sound to be more Hip with a fresh beat. Do you feel Country music has become too “Hip”? Well I just try and make the best songs I can make. I was not trying to create something new I just wanted to be honest and be myself and that is what you got. One of my favorite things is that I have songs that kids and there parents and their grand parents all like. That does not happen very much. I don’t shy away from being a role model for kids. I think it goes with the territory and I love it. I want to make songs that country kids can be proud of and I want them to say “Yes Maam” and “Yes Sir”. There ain’t nothing better then a kid with great manners and behavior. I always take time with the kids or anyone I want them to be a fan of my their whole life. What’s your favorite bible verse and why? That would be a long conversation because there are so many that have meant things to me at different times in my life. I just think that all we need to know and live is written in the Bible. Colt, with power comes much responsibility; what are some of the challenges you’ve faced in the past to get to this place in your life? Well I was told “NO” so much and I was knocked down so much but I always got up. There is nothing wrong with failing but I can’t live knowing I didn’t try. It is hard being gone from my family so much and there are so many temptations that are thrown at you. I make sure I surround myself with great people on the road. You really have to stay focused out here. I don’t believe all the press and hype, I am just a regular guy that is lucky to play music. With that said, what are your day to day struggles? It can be really hard in this business with folks pulling at you and telling you this and that. You can’t get caught up in all the ego stuff. I talk to my wife and kids everyday a few times a day and that really helps. What is the one Value you hold on to all these years, that you will now teach your kids? Well I have two kids and my wife and I have taught them both to have respect for other people and yourself. We have tried to teach them that they have two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice

as much as you talk. They both know that people will let you down but GOD will not. Back to the project “Every Chance I Get” the song “Country Thang” what was the atmosphere like creating this song? That song really describes me and who I am. It was great writing that song because I wrote it with three of my best friends who all believe what I do so we could write that song everyday. I was honored to have Eric Church on the song he is a good friend of mine and one of my favorite artist. Do you have any big plans for touring this year? What artist would you love to hit the road with? I am on the road a ton this year I really love playing and meeting all the folks out there. I love playing with anyone that likes to have fun and get after it on stage. I love playing with Jason Aldean and Eric Church I like Dierks Bently’s show a whole bunch. I will play with anyone who wants to have fun and play with me. You grew up in Athens, which has great food, Georgia is known for its Home-style Southern food, now you’re in Nashville. How’s the food compared to Athens and what’s your favorite restaurant? Well I still live in Georgia and always will. The food in Nashville is great I don’t guess I have a favorite place there really. They have a ton of cool places I like, like The Corner Pub and Stoney River. I also love Sambuka. I think that is how you spell it might be a little fancy for me but it sure is good. Colt, simple question-What do you have in your ipod? It is crazy. I have all kind of stuff and I bet mine is one of the more diverse ipods out there. I just love music and anything that is real and honest I can appreciate. Your music is awesome, God has blessed you and I know this new project “Every Chance I Get” will be a blessing to others, where can people get in touch with you and what’s next for you? Well thank you so much and you are right. I have been truly blessed. I hope I can keep making music that people want to hear and giving them all I got at my live show. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your magazine. God Bless!

“I believe in GOD, Family, Friends, America,

Hard work

and Freedom and I try and let that show in my songs.�


Spiritual Warfare Guarding the Mind by Dwayne Harris/ Photo Credit / Tiagø Ribeiro ”Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 The average adult brain weighs between 2.7 to 3.1 lbs. Notice I said “average.” It has over 100,000,000,000 neurons and is the control center of the human body. Our brains assist us by deciphering the information gathered through our senses and then formulating a response.

“You have been called with a high calling enlisted in an army that never sleeps, never retreats, and never quits.”

The mind allows us to experience the emotions of joy, happiness, and pleasure it even has the ability to process anger, fear, and pain. These thoughts and emotions determine our overall health; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The enemy of our soul, Satan, is all too aware of the power of a “sound-mind.” It is for this reason that he launches a barrage of negative thoughts and feelings upon us. If we are not careful, we will embrace these dangerous lies and become consumed and frozen by the negative feelings they create. Just as “faith” is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen so too, “fear” is a substance. When allowed to remain, it begins to materialize and produces negative consequences for the believer. Have you ever stopped to consider that your mind is the only internal organ encased inside a hardened shell of bone unlike our other vital organs, which are only partially protected by our flesh? Perhaps, God, who made us in His image, was fully aware of the importance of protecting one’s mind. As a follower of Jesus, we are instructed to “put-on” the mind of Christ. Simply put, we must begin thinking as He thinks. We must begin seeing ourselves as he sees us. This requires dwelling and meditating upon his “truth,” as opposed to the lies of the enemy. Only by covering our minds in his

Word can we walk in this peace that passes understanding. It is a peace that comes when our minds reflect upon what God says is true about our situations, as opposed to what we may feel or think is true. Spiritual-warfare begins in the battle-field of our minds. To gain the victory we must be willing to engage the enemy. If unchallenged, he will begin fortifying strongholds and “digging-in,” so to speak. His ultimate plan is to lead you into captivity as a prisoner of war. Christians who are unwilling to resist his efforts in this area will simply “hang-on” and “tolerate” life, at best. You have been called with a high calling enlisted in an army that never sleeps, never retreats, and never quits. Under the banner and blood of Jesus Christ, you have already been given the title: “Conqueror.” Rise up today! Arm your mind with the powerful “Helmet-of-Salvation” and silence the storm of a restless mind.

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Pray this prayer: “Lord, I declare that Jesus Christ is the Son-of God and acknowledge that my salvation and hope is found in him alone. Today, I surrender my mind to you. I ask you to come and guard my thoughts against the enemy’s lies. Please purge and expose every thought that is contrary to your truth about me. Remove the spirit of fear, doubt, low self esteem, and any other lie that attempts to hinder my effectiveness for you. I ask you to cover my mind with peace as I meditate upon your Words and thank you for the victory.” For more information on SWAT 10-4 Ministry please visit www.swat10-4.com



We are

not TOMS,

Invisible Children, or Charity Water by Dave Hansow/ Photo Credit / Dave Hansow-LGH



I’m sitting on my back porch early the other morning reading... and I am loving it! About 20 minutes into what has become my daily morning ritual, my mind begins to wander toward all of the things I’m going to have to do today once I get to the office. I think about the fact that Light Gives Heat has very little money right now and about how I am going to get our interns motivated to continue toward some huge goals we’re working on right now. We have a new version of Spread Campaign (using a system we are building called “Chrome Buffalo” - yeah... its weird, and we like that!) coming out that we’ve been working on for the past few months. The film that was supposed to take less than a year to finish is now a year and a half into the making and we still don’t quite know how we are going to finish it with our current finances. Each week, we must make sure to keep thousands of dollars readily available in our Ugandan Bank Account, otherwise our Ugandan employees don’t get paid that week and our American staff in Uganda get frustrated (rightfully so I might add). Eyes rolling yet at this little pity party I’m holding for myself? ...but hold on, this is not my point. This brings me back to my morning ritual.. sitting on the back porch reading... well, kind of reading. What I immediately do is begin comparing our organization to others. I look at cool new products that TOMS is coming out with (albeit crazy expensive glasses - cool, nonetheless), the cleanliness of the mission behind all that Charity Water does and how they seem to effortlessly get rock stars and movie stars behind them and then especially how Invisible Children seems to have a never ending group of good looking, trendy, cool people who live in San Diego working toward world domination...(OK, that may be stretching it a bit, but this is my head, remember? not reality! - truth be told: I love what they do and are huge fans) I would imagine if you’ve read this far you can probably relate to this in some sense. For you it may not be an organization or company that you’re envying. For you it may be your friend’s Facebook profile that you keep checking and realizing: 1. They look much happier than you 2. They are really good at taking an insane amount of pics 3. Do they ever do really anything or do they just tell people about what they are doing? hmmmm.. ponder that.

(WARNING: this section may be a huge letdown to those who love LGH as we are going to look much more like your Facebook profile than your cool friends’ profile) Let me tell you who Light Gives Heat really is just so we’re clear: + Even though we are a growing organization, LGH barely has enough money to pay its bills every single month - and the end of each month is a crap shoot as far as if we’ll have enough money to make payroll and it usually ends with us deciding that one of us will forgo a paycheck (again) in order to make sure everyone else gets paid. + We live in a small, really normal town in Western CO - (personally I love it but I am 30 years old, married with 2 kids - aka not as cool as I used to be) + A four-year-old and six-year-old run around the office a couple days each week: screaming. laughing. sometimes crying. annoying new interns. annoying staff. annoying their parents. (fyi - we are not going to win Parent of the Year this year.. I know.. I’m disappointed too) + My Mom is our fulfillment Coordinator (but she is awesome and I wouldn’t want anyone else) + I don’t have time to work out, keep a blog, or even the time to pretend like my life is cool on Facebook. + There are really only 4 full-time paid staff with LGH in America and 3 in Uganda (I like to add them all up and say we have 15 staff which really includes staff, interns, volunteers, my kids, the occasional board member - the kid down the street, etc... you get the point - it feels good to feel bigger and better than you really are) + We constantly (read “I constantly”) want LGH to be ‘cool’ when the reality is we aren’t - we’re just us, normal everyday people trying to do something of value and trying to make our mark on the world. It’s humbling to say the least. this list will get depressing real fast, so it’s ending here This is my point. Behind every organization, every cause, every company, my suspicion is that we are all just really normal, messy people who occasionally get jealous of one another and sometimes tend to think the grass is greener somewhere else. Well.. it’s not. Its not greener here. It probably isn’t greener at “TOMS Headquarters” (which by the way, every time I read that I think they are some sort of Military operation - side note... I own Toms and love what they do), it isn’t any greener or easier in New York for Charity Water... but let’s be honest its probably a little greener for Invisible Children as they are just cool. They all have really good hair, cool clothes, hang with Oprah and are just generally cooler than most of us. (note: in no way do I mean this in a negative way - I think all 3 are great role models for us and when you see our movie you can see the HUGE role that IC played in inspiring us to start LGH)! I pray that I (as well as you) begin to have eyes to see the beauty in the mundane -in the normal, running around, crazy days. The alternative is no fun. Trust me, I know. -Dave H. For more info on LGH visit: http://hope.lightgivesheat.org/




{a person, company, etc. that creates, espouses, or popularizes a trend or trends}.

Ye are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13


patrick ryan clark Now with his national debut, Where Would I Be (Word), Patrick hopes that he’ll have the opportunity to do the same for people on the spiritual fence like he once was. Drawing from his life experiences and the personal stories of the people he leads in worship each week at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, the songs on Where Would I Be are rife with encouragement, hope and a grace-centered perspective. And, for listeners who appreciate a great pop hook like Patrick does, there is definitely plenty to go around. Patrick hopes the songs from Where Would I Be will inevitably point listeners toward the One who rewrote his story, namely the new life in Christ that happened while he was busy making other plans. What are you busy making plans for?



Debbie Dee Debbie is the Music Director and on-air personality for the oldest African-American owned radio station in the country, Gospel 1590 KPRT. During your midday, you will stay inspired from 10am – 3pm. Debbie is well known for her “Pass a Smile” segment which aired for 6 years which she invited her listeners to “pass a smile” live on the air, to a fellow listener, family or friend. Debbie is also a published author, with a book of poetry entitled, “Through Whose Eyes” and enjoys volunteering her time in the community with The Children’s Place, church organizations, schools and most of all spending time with her son. ”




mark wexle Mark is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Not For Sale. He found his vocational direction while working on the streets of Durban, South Africa, and left in 2006 to Co-found Not For Sale. At Not For Sale, Mark manages program directors and facilitates strategic partnership agreements with other institutions.s.




dewayne harvey Based in Tallahassee, FL, DeWayne Harvey and Greater Blessings consists of sixteen powerful singers, comprised of Pastor Harvey’s magic formula of four sopranos, four altos, four baritones and four basses. The band also puts its own modern twist on the traditional sound of Gospel music, which follows Innovative Records’ mission. Pastor Harvey’s aim, through Innovative Records and his music, is to capture the attention of a broad audience, across all ages, races and religious denominations.




dara maclean Musical depth and Christian joy have rarely come together as compellingly as they do in the music of Dara Maclean. Hers is a joyful mix of pop idioms and eternal truths, danceable beats and the good news. A singer of incredible grace, power and control as well as a gifted songwriter, Dara’s “You Got My Attention” combines the soul and urban pop influences that infuse her musical approach with elevating vocals in service to intelligently uplifting lyrics.



nate walka As a child, Nate grew up in a musical household and sang gospel songs in choir, his uncle sung baritone and his sister sung alto. At an early age, Nate began developing a passion for writing. Nate Walka has just the right ingredients that will leave his listeners anticipating more, his unique musical style offers clever and quirky lyrics, and his dynamic vocal ability is sure to captivate any audience. “What motivates me is my family and friends because it’s not all about me. I want to build something that my family can benefit from for years and years to come.�


100 // CULTURE

hyland In the same city where Bob Dylan, Prince and even those scrappy garage rockers The Replacements all got their start, another standout rock ’n’ roll act, Hyland, has been quickly making a name for itself in Minneapolis and beyond. Armed with a veritable arsenal of inventive hooks and inspired melodies, a relatable, everyman take on everything from God to girls and the tireless work ethic Midwesterners are known for, Hyland is about to make its mark on an even grander scale with Weights & Measures, the band’s first full-length release on May 3rd (Tooth & Nail Records).



audrey assad Individualistic. A free spirit. Untraditional. In junior high those labels are a death sentence. In adulthood, they usually describe people the rest of us wish we could be – creative, intriguing people like Audrey Assad. Truly one-of-akind, this intensely honest singer-songwriter is carving out her own unique path in the music industry and opening hearts to God along the way. It’s a good thing Audrey has found a place that keeps her grounded because once listeners get an earful of For Love of You this earthy, artsy young talent will no doubt be flying high.


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