Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club 2020 Year Book

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2020 — Issue No. 72






Includes events of 2019

Opinions expressed in the Yearbook, whether in articles or advertisements are not necessarily held by the Club or the Committee. Advertisements are accepted without liability for any loss or damage caused by error or inaccuracy in the printing thereof. Advertisements are accepted with the assurance that all necessary authority and permission has been secured in respect of the use in the advertisements of any photograph and on the condition that the advertiser warrants that the advertisement does not contravene the provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and the Sex Discrimination Act and accepts full liability for such advertisements. All articles and other contributions have been edited and published in good faith. However, responsibility for the accuracy and otherwise of the content of this material is entirely a matter for the individual authors concerned. The editor, the Club and its Committee can therefore accept no liability or responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in any material published in this Yearbook. Model for Club Logo

CH. SANDYLANDS TWEED OF BLAIRCOURT by kind permission of the late Gwen Broadley 1

A.G.M. Will be held on

Sunday 26th April 2020

At Hilcote Miners Welfare 544, New Street, Hilcote, Alfreton DE55 5HU Coffee & biscuits

Visit our website at:

www.mclrc.net MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Single £10.00 – Joint £15.00 – Gamekeepers £2.00 Joining Fee £5.00 (includes current Year Book) Junior membership £3.00 (18 years and under) Membership entitles you to a free copy of the Club Year Book, reduced entry fees to Show & Field Trial events, newsletters throughout the year and also the Club’s Special Prizes. If you wish to become a member you should make an application to: Membership Secretary, Mrs Sharon Lambert 69 Haddon Street, Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5QB Tel. 01773 590343 Email: midlandcountieslrc@gmail.com Subscription payments can be made by cash or cheque, by direct debit or via Paypal see the Club website for details www.mclrc.net

Design & Page layout by CS Creative Studio Email: cscreativestudio.co.uk Website: www.cscreativestudio.co.uk Printed by Amber Print Services Email: hugh@amberprintservices.co.uk 2


OPEN SHOW The Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3JL Judge: Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)

18th April (Saturday)

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sandylands Centre, Staffordshire County Showground, Western Road, Stafford Dog Judge: Mrs Penny Carpanini (Carpenny) Bitch Judge: Mrs Christine Bailiss (Tissalian) Referee: Julia Lewis

26th April (Sunday)

A.G.M. Hilcote Miners Welfare, New St, Hilcote, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 5HU

19th July (Sunday)

LABRADOR GARDEN PARTY/FUN DAY Wellfield House, Alrewas, Staffs Fun classes for puppies from age 4 – 12 months, and for veterans special classes for 7+ years.

5th September (Saturday)

OPEN SHOW The Speedwell Rooms, Inkersall Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, S43 3JL Judge: Mr Bob Lane (Kulawand)

Novice and Open Working Tests, and Novice and Open Stakes are being planned for 2020. Information will be circulated by the Field Trial Secretary as soon as possible. All members and non-members are welcome at any Club event. If you wish for additional information, please contact the Hon. Secretary. You can keep up to date with Club news throughout the year on our website, on the Club’s Facebook page, and in our newsletters sent out to members.


THE MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Patron: His Grace The Duke of Rutland Hon. Life Members: Mrs. G. M. Benson, Mr. C. Chase, Mr. F. Gawthorpe, Mrs. M. Gawthorpe, Mrs. J. M. Hayes, Mrs. S. A. Hill, Mr. A. C. Ireland, Mrs. M. Jewitt, Mr. N. McCorquadale, Mr. R. Parker, Mr. A. Saul President: Mrs. J. M. Hayes Chairman: Mrs. M. Hopkinson Vice Chairman: Mrs C. Bailiss Hon Secretary: Mrs. Julia Lewis, 98 Lower Town End Road. Wooldale, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 1QD Tel: 07774 244051 Email: jlewisuk@aol.com Hon Treasurer: Mrs. Penny Smith, 8 Rayls Rise, Todwick, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S26 1HY. Tel: 07939 550261 Email: pennyteasdale@hotmail.com Field Trial Secretary: Mrs. Paula Gravett, 2 Guildway Close, Bonby, North Lincs. DN20 0QT Tel: 01652 618234 Email: sykes_paula@yahoo.co.uk Editor of Year Book: Mrs. Jenny Dobson, 88 Church Lane, Bessacarr, Doncaster, South Yorks. DN4 6QD Tel: 07887 840723 Email: jredobson@hotmail.com Membership Secretary: Mrs. Sharon Lambert, 69 Haddon Street, Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5QB Tel: 01773 590343 Email: midlandcountieslrc@gmail.com Show Secretary: Mr. Ryan Ennis-Holden, Ravenscroft, Liverpool Old Road, Much Hoole, Lancs. PR4 5JU. Tel: 01772 384725/07984 150977 Email: mariank-labradors@hotmail.co.uk Hon. Auditor: Mr. B. H. Hill, FCCA

Bankers: Lloyds TSB

GENERAL COMMITTEE Resign 2020: Miss L Finney, Mrs G Flockton, Miss M Smith, Mrs E Young, Mr H Young Resign 2021: Miss S Bean, Mr D Hopkinson, Mr M Reynolds, Miss C Rowe, Mrs S Thorpe (co-opted) Resign 2022: Mrs E Grummitt, Miss N Hutchinson, Mrs L Lesley, Mr M Neachell,, Mr N Woodburn

Field Trial Sub Committee Paula Gravett, Paul Sykes, Cliff Chase, Joan Hayes, Sue Hill, Emma Sanderson, Deborah Green, Jim Christon, Chris Busse, Margaret Jewitt, Chris Green



Diary of Events 2020..................................................................................................................... 3 Officers and Committee of the MCLRC........................................................................................ 4 Contents........................................................................................................................................ 5 Chairman’s Report ......................................................................................................................... 6 Editorial......................................................................................................................................... 7 Obituaries Vic Cole and others...................................................................................................... 8 MCLRC Club Rules & Code of Ethics........................................................................................ 10 Membership Information & Subscriptions................................................................................... 15 Accounts/Balance Year ending Dec. 2018..................................................................................... 16 MCLRC Shop.............................................................................................................................. 19 Roll of Honour............................................................................................................................ 20 Puppy Register & Advice for the Puppy Buyer............................................................................. 22 Lab Rescue SE & Central Annual Report..................................................................................... 24 Labrador Rescue Contacts & Coordinators.................................................................................. 26 Breed Standard & Points of the Labrador..................................................................................... 27 MCLRC Championship Show Judges 2020................................................................................. 28 MCLRC Championship Show 2019 Best in Show....................................................................... 30 Sandylands Trophy Winner; Award for Crufts RBOB 2019......................................................... 31 MCLRC Championship Show 2019 Report and Photos.............................................................. 32 MCLRC Championship Show 2019 Trophy winners................................................................... 44 MCLRC January Open Show 2019 Report and Photos............................................................... 48 MCLRC September Open Show 2019 Report and Photos........................................................... 58 MCLRC January and September Open Shows 2019 Trophy winners........................................... 67 CC & RCC Winners of 2019...................................................................................................... 71 New Labrador Retriever Champions of 2019............................................................................... 82 The Field Trial Secretary’s Annual Report..................................................................................... 87 Novice and Open Working Tests at Horkstow Bridge on 14/04/19.............................................. 88 Novice Working Test at Stoke Rochford on 16/06/2019.............................................................. 89 Open Working (Cold Game) Test at Ancaster on 21/07/19 ........................................................ 90 MCLRC 24 Dog 2day Open (Qualifying) Stake: Belvoir & Ancaster on 3 & 4/10/19................. 91 Novice I Trial at Roxby on 12/10/2019........................................................................................ 93 A.V. All Age Stake at Leverton 25/10/2019.................................................................................. 94 Novice II Trial at Blankney 12/12/2019....................................................................................... 95 Field Trial Trophy winners 2019................................................................................................... 96 Gundog Training Clubs.............................................................................................................. 100 Report on MCLRC Puppy Garden Party 2019 by Karen Callender........................................... 102 MCLRC Judges Seminar Days July and November 2019........................................................... 104 Crufts Best of Breed Winners through the years......................................................................... 110 Progesterone Testing: What it is by Anne Morley....................................................................... 113 Present Day Stud Dogs 2019/2020............................................................................................ 116 Index to Kennel Reviews............................................................................................................ 118 Kennel Reviews & Advertisements............................................................................................. 120 Membership Lists....................................................................................................................... 166 Championship Show Judges 2020.............................................................................................. 202 5

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2019 Dear Member, Another year and so much to report. Your Club has been extremely active with great shows and other successful events, under the guidance of your show and general committee. And there have also been superb field trials and tests, organized by the wonderful field trial subcommittee. Without the stalwart workers of F.T. Secretary Paula Gravett and her father Paul Sykes (along with the ever reliable judge organiser and real trooper for the field trial section, Mr Cliffe Chase), these events would not have been possible. The Trials as ever took place at some super grounds, many of which have been so kindly donated, and we are extremely grateful to these generous owners. Field Trial results and photographs appear as usual in the Yearbook. In the course of 2019 we have had very successful and well-entered shows and our judges have attracted exhibitors from far and wide. Again results and photographs are included and you will see how much pleasure members have had from these events. Our Puppy Party in July 2019 was held at Styrrup Village Hall, a new venue with all the fun and excitement that puppies always bring to this event. As ever, great catering along with a very busy BBQ, satisfying all the owners whilst the puppies all received their generous goody bags – soon demolished in true Labrador style!! Pictures there for all to see. This Club has been doing a lot of great work for all the young and upcoming show judges. In particular we have hosted two ‘Judges’ Education Days’. The first one of these was held at the lovely home of Michael and Judy Neachell. In spite of the marquees being blown into the

trees the night before, the event went superbly. A second and equally successful day was held at Kegworth. All judges, tutors, students and guests gave a great report of these events which could never have taken place without the whole Committee working as one and going the extra mile. So Judges’ Education Days look set to be a regular feature in the years to come. The Year Book has been a huge feature of this Club and something I believe all members look forward to. For many of us the Year Book has become a reference book, an address book as well as a reflection and comparison manual over the years. It also indicates how active the Club is with successful member events which keep it thriving and going from strength to strength. However, the Year Book is in serious danger of being substantially reduced in size, since it is difficult to justify its increasingly high production costs. In the past we have had enough kennel reviews to offset much of the cost. However, in the age of the internet, there are now very much fewer reviews being submitted which obviously creates cost difficulties. The Committee is keeping this under review and there will be further news in due course. I hope those of you who do take part in our events continue to enjoy all of the variety we bring, and I thank our very hard working secretaries, show managers, catering ladies, and everyone else who works so hard to bring you the high standard of events you are able to enjoy. Have a happy, healthy 2020. Marion Hopkinson, Chair

Chairmen of Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club 1946 – 1985 Mr H. I. P. Taylor 1990 – 2010 Mr F. Whitbread 1985 – 1990 Mr N. D. Robinson 2010 – present Mrs M. Hopkinson Secretaries Terms of Office 1947 - 1956 – Mrs H Taylor 1991 - 1999 – Mrs Sue Hill 1956 - 1973 – Mrs Jessie Taylor 1999 - 2005 – Mrs Jean Allen 1973 - 1991 – Mr Frank Whitbread 2005 - present – Mrs Julia K. Lewis 6


held last summer at Styrrup Village Hall, judged by Karen Callender. Fortunately, the weather was kind to us, and everyone appeared to enjoy the fun and not least, the excellent catering. Karen’s report on the event and some lovely photos, kindly supplied by Frank Gawthorpe, appear in this book. In 2019 the Club held two Judges’ Education Days, the first in July at Michael and Judi Neachell’s home, and the second in November at Kegworth. A brief report with feedback from some of the participants and photos can be found in this Yearbook. Both events were very successful, and it is anticipated that the Club will continue to run these in future for new and upcoming judges. Recently Chris Bailiss kindly sent me a list of all the Labrador Retriever Best of Breed Winners at Crufts since the breed was first given classes in 1904, which I have included in the Yearbook, as I felt it could well be of interest to members, and I’m not aware of any other source where this information is readily available. Anne Morley has kindly supplied a brief article on “Progesterone Testing” and its effectiveness in planning litters, as those who have made use of her services can no doubt confirm. You will find all of our regular features in the book, and I should like to thank those who have assisted with their production, especially Sharon Lambert and Gary Johnson. I should also like to thank those who have contributed the lovely colour photos which so greatly enhance this publication, Judi Neachell, Sharon Rogers, Frank Gawthorpe and Peter Kulleseid. Finally, I should like to thank all of you who have submitted kennel reviews, for without these there wouldn’t be a yearbook, so do please continue to support your club - feedback and suggestions for future publication also very welcome. I do hope you enjoy reading this yearbook and that you will support and enjoy the events that the Club has planned for the coming year, and I should like to wish everyone a happy, healthy and successful 2020. Jenny Dobson, MCLRC Yearbook Editor

Well, another year and … another yearbook, this being our 72nd! I’m delighted to say we’re still very much here, and our kennel reviews are even one up on last year! Nevertheless, we do still need a lot more membership support for the Club to be able to afford publishing the book in its present form. Following Sharon Lambert’s survey circulated to all members with the summer newsletter, to try and test how many members wanted to receive an actual print copy of the book, (letters went out to all 701 paid up members, with affirmative replies from only 126), we’ve decided to reduce the print run, while also posting a digital copy of the book on the Club’s website. This means that the Yearbook will be sent out to those members who’ve actually requested a copy, and also to all overseas members. Nevertheless, the book will still be available online to all other members. This will helpfully significantly reduce the printing and postage costs for the Club. 2019 has been another very busy year for the Club, with lots of activities organised for our members. In addition to our three shows and the Puppy Party which has now become a regular feature of our annual calendar, the Club has also run two very successful Judges’ Education Days, one in July at the home of Michael and Judi Neachell and the second one in November at Kegworth Village Hall. You will find results, critiques, reports and plenty of photos of all of these events in this Yearbook. The field trial section has also had a very full and successful year in 2019, running some excellent tests and trials, the results and photos of these events can also be found within. When reflecting upon the past year, one remembers the sad loss of friends, members of the Club and others who have made a significant contribution to the world of Labradors. As well as the obituary I have received from David Craig, who kindly writes for us on the very sad loss to the breed of long time club member Vic Cole, I have also included a list of other breed enthusiasts who have passed away, all of whom will be sadly missed. Our Puppy Fun Day and Garden Party was 7

OBITUARY VIC COLE (Stajantor) It is no surprise that with such a long-lasting and deep involvement in the breed, Vic’s services as a judge would be sought after. Known not only for his depth of understanding of the breed, Vic’s straight-talking approach manifested itself in the showring, where he was known for being totally unbiased, honest and fair which resulted in his unfailing ability to receive high entries, both quantitively and qualitatively. He judged the breed no fewer than 21 times at championship level in the UK, as well as being sought after all over the world, judging the breed in several continents. Highlights of his judging career must be judging the Labrador Retriever Club (parent club of the breed) championship show as well as a huge entry of bitches at Crufts in 2008. Here, his CC winner was a beautiful young yellow, winning her and her owner’s very first CC – Vic was justifiably and hugely proud that his choice quickly sailed to her title. Certainly, he possessed a ‘stockman’s eye’, and I know that he really enjoyed judging different breeds and varieties at open shows too, when he was delighted to follow the future success of his winners. Above all, Vic was a unique gentleman with a very special character: totally loyal, very generous (something which many will testify to if they’ve stayed chez Stajantor!), helpful to all who sought his advice and great fun. He had such a positive outlook on life in general and, win or lose, always enjoyed his days out at the dog shows, revelling in the social aspect of being around like-minded enthusiasts. In his own inimitable way, he could be the ‘life and soul’ of the party, as many will remember at the Sandylands party back in 2006 to celebrate the 90th UK champion. Joyce Brabban will always remember his tremendous dancing skills as will many of the onlookers! The last few months have not been easy, however, Vic’s outlook on life gave him an

It is with much sadness and many happy memories that I write of the passing of Vic Cole who, with his wife Janet have the very well-respected Stajantor kennel of Labradors (‘Sta’ from Station Farm which has been their home for many years, ‘Jan’ from Janet and ‘Tor’ from Victor, Vic’s Sunday name!). Born and bred in East Anglia, Vic was a real countryman through and through, hailing from a farming background and farming himself all of his life. Janet and Vic were the most devoted and quintessential couple and a perfect team so much so that, in a way, they were like ‘Strawberries and Cream’ - they went perfectly together and when you think of one of them, you thought of the other. Although the dogs were in the name of Janet, both Janet and Vic were equally involved and steeped in the breed. They supported each other, and although to a degree ‘the backroom boy’, Vic was always there and always involved. Totally passionate about the Labrador breed, Vic and Janet’s Stajantor kennel started in the mid-1960s and they quickly bred the Crufts RCC winning black, Stajantors Match Maker. Their first title holder, the homebred yellow male, Sh Ch Stajantors Honest John is still remembered as a class act today. He was certainly a quality, clean-lined dog who was a great showman and proved to be a good sire, producing the first title holders for the Allenie and Gallybob kennels. Further title holders followed consistently, for example, Sh Ch Astrellita Next Edition of Stajantor, Sh Ch Stajantor Dam Buster, Sh Ch Stajantors Dozer (all yellow), the black, Sh Ch Ballyduff Dawn of Bannowbridge whose grandson was the highly regarded darker yellow, Sh Ch Stajantor Robin who was the top winning Labrador for 2003. There were many other CC and reserve CC winning inmates of their small, select kennel, which is noted for its consistent, true type. 8

inner strength to deal with all challenges. Still in his own home with those he loved, he still got pleasure from watching the seasons, hearing the birds singing, seeing the bulbs bursting and having all of his family and friends around him, young and old. Vic enjoyed company and he was popular with young and older folk alike. The Labrador world has lost a very special and unique character who was held in the highest regard. Those who knew him and could call him friends will take solace in the multitude of memories of Vic over the years. The love and condolences of the whole Labrador world are sent to Janet at this very sad time. He will not be forgotten; without doubt, Vic was “one of the best!�. David Craig


Sadly, we have been informed of the deaths during the past year of the following former members of the Club, who have over the years made a significant contribution to the world of Labradors. They will all be much missed. John Crook OBE (Balrion) Vera Hart (Landyke) Brian Lowe (Raybooth) Peter Palmer & Jane Palmer (Jayncourt) Tony Pascoe (Trewinnard) Sheila Yoxall (Rustleton)


MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB RULES 1. The name of the Club shall be “The Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club” (the Club). The objectives being:(a) To promote and encourage the welfare and interests of the Labrador Retriever. (b) To promote the breeding, improvement and type of the Labrador Retriever, as defined in the Kennel Club Breed Standard. (c) To conserve the best type of working Labrador. (d) To promote Limit, Open and Championship Shows; Working Tests and Field Trials. (e) To ensure that only qualified judges be invited to judge at Shows and that adequate classification is given. (f ) To encourage the Junior and Novice Exhibitor. (g) To educate members in the training, handling and care of Labradors. 2. The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of members, whose names and addresses shall be kept by the Membership Secretary on the Club’s computer, which shall be open to inspection by members or by the Kennel Club. The election of members other than the original members shall be vested solely in the Committee (being the body constituted by Clause 5 below). Candidates for membership shall be proposed and seconded by existing fully paid-up members. Each member shall be entitled to one vote with the exception of the Chairman who will only have a casting vote (one vote for each member of a partnership) upon acceptance of membership. Postal or proxy votes are not allowed. 3. The Annual Subscription of each member shall be £10.00, joint £15.00, junior £3.00 (18 years and under) and £2.00 for bona fide Gamekeepers upon production of signed statements from their employers, payable on January 1st each year. Member’s liability shall be limited to the amount of their subscriptions, and no member shall be entitled to the privileges of the Club if his Subscription is unpaid. If a member’s subscription shall be more than six months in arrears he or she shall cease to be a member of the Club unless satisfactory explanation is accepted by the Committee when, upon payment of all arrears, he or she may be reinstated. Subscriptions of members elected after November 30th shall be deemed to cover the following year. 4. The financial Year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December. A Banking account shall be opened in the name of the Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club in to which all revenue of the Club shall be paid, and from which withdrawals shall be made on the signature of two or more officers one of whom shall be Treasurer. 5. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee (the Committee) consisting of not more than 16 members, excluding the President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Field Trial Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Show Secretary, Membership Secretary and Hon. Year Book Editor. The above named Officers shall be ex-officio members of all Committees. The Committee will appoint a Field Trial Sub-Committee consisting of nine members, together with the Hon. Field Trial Secretary. The Committee will act on behalf of the Club and all its members to promote and further the objectives of the Club. The Committee and Sub-committees must always act in the best interests of the Club and its members, and must manage the Club’s financial and other resources with all due prudence and diligence. The Committee and the Hon. Treasurer will be responsible for regulating all the Club’s financial matters and interests and for ensuring the financial well-being of the Club. If any Committee member or Sub-Committee member at any time becomes aware of any financial or 10

other personal interest that may be perceived as conflicting with the interests of the Club, the member must declare this to the Committee at the next available meeting and it shall be recorded accordingly in the minutes. If such a personal interest may reasonably be perceived as prejudicing the ability of the Committee or Sub-Committee to make a proper decision in the best interests of the Club on any particular item of business, the member will be required to declare such interest and shall take no part in the discussion of such item and shall not be entitled to vote. 6. The entire control and management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, who shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees as deemed necessary, make by-laws, and decide upon all matters of dispute not provided for by these Rules, subject to final appeal of the Kennel Club. Sub-Committees shall be answerable to the Committee on all matters, and the Chairman of the Sub-Committee shall be a member of the Committee, who will report the Sub-Committee’s activities to the Committee, and is accountable accordingly. All Sub-Committees must take minutes of all their meetings and any other decisions and submit them to the next available meeting of the Committee. The Committee shall have the right to co-opt members on to the Committee in the event of positions becoming vacant between General Meetings. Those co-opted shall hold office only until the next General Meeting of the Club at which an election of Officers and Committee takes place. A quorum for Committee meetings shall be seven excluding Officers. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Field Trial Sub-Committee, the Committee will appoint to the Sub-Committee a co-opted member on the recommendation of the Hon. Field Trial Secretary, who will be responsible for ensuring that such person is suitable and understands the responsibilities of Sub-Committee membership. 7. One third of the Committee longest in office, the President, the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Field Trial Secretary, the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Show Secretary, the Hon. Membership Secretary and Hon. Year Book Editor shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election and shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for Officers and one third of the Committee may be proposed by any Member of the Club, provided that the nominations are notified to the Hon. Secretary in writing by 31st January, together with the name of the Proposer and the Seconder, and the Nominee’s agreement to stand. The names of all persons seeking election together with the proposer and seconder will be included in the A.G.M. Notice and circulated to all Members prior to the A.G.M. Nominations for membership of the Field Trial Sub-Committee must be received by the Hon. Secretary in writing by no later than the 31st January each year. The Committee will determine the nature and content of nominations for membership of all Sub-Committees, and all other relevant procedural matters. Members of the Field Trial Sub-Committee will be appointed by the Committee annually at its first meeting following the A.G.M. Committee members unable to attend a Committee meeting must send an explanation to the Officers and Committee. Committee members attending less than 50% of Committee meetings held during the year, unless their absence is excused by an apology, acceptable to the Committee, must resign before the next A.G.M. but shall be eligible for re-election. Nominations will be required as for Officers and Committee members seeking re-election. 8. The Officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year the Maintenance of Title Fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Secretary for the continuance of registration and that by 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in the Kennel Club regulations for the registration and maintenance of title of societies and breed councils and the affiliation of agricultural societies and municipal authorities, will be forwarded to the Kennel Club. The Officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of Secretary of the Club which may occur during the course of the year. 11

9. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at such times and place as the Committee may appoint, providing that each meeting shall be held within 15 months of the preceding meeting. The Annual General Meeting will receive the report from the Chairman, the balance sheet and elect Officers and Committee and discuss any resolution duly placed on the Agenda, of which prior notice has been given to the Hon. Secretary by 31st January. No business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda, with the exception of routine matters or those, which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, are urgent. 10. The Hon. Secretary shall be bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting should he be requested to do so in writing by not less than 20 Members. Fourteen days’ notice shall be given in writing to all members of any General or Extraordinary Meeting, and no such business other than the business stated on the notice calling such Meeting shall be taken, except the passing of Accounts and the election of members of the Committee. Twenty Members to form a quorum. 11. Committee meetings shall be held at such date and place (or if necessary, by email) as the Committee may decide. The Hon. Secretary shall have the power to summon an Emergency Meeting whenever he or she may think it necessary, provided that three clear days’ notice is given of such Emergency Committee Meeting to each Member of the Committee. Seven members to form a quorum. 12. The Annual Report shall be drawn up by the Chairman and circulated before the Annual General Meeting to all members. The certified accounts for the year shall also be presented at the Annual General Meeting and if any member wishes to see them before they are presented then they will be sent a copy on request, by e-mail or by post on receipt by the Treasurer of a stamped addressed envelope. 13. No prizes, cups or subscriptions shall be granted to Shows or Field Trials, which are not held under the Rules of the Kennel Club. 14. In all matters of dispute the Kennel Club shall be recognised as the Final Court of Appeal. Any members who shall be suspended under Kennel Club Rule A42j (4) and/or any member whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A42j (8) shall cease to be a member of the Club for the duration of the suspension and/or disqualification. If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club, be injurious or likely to injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the Club may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused Member giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the meeting a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a member of the Club, except that he/she may within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such conditions as the Kennel Club may impose. 15. Any Member may withdraw from the Club by giving written notice to the Hon. Secretary. Provided that each member shall be liable for his subscription for the current year in which such notice is given, and shall have no further claim following resignation on any of the property or funds belonging to the Club. 16. If any member is expelled by the Club for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows, trials or competitions the matter will be reported to the Kennel Club in writing within seven days of the expulsion together with all the relevant documents. 12

17. In the event of the dissolution of the Club the free assets and property of the Club shall be disposed of as directed by a Special General Meeting called for that purpose, and a final statement of the audited accounts, with a record of the disposal of property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months, and the persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last return furnished to the Kennel Club. These Officers and Committee will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Club. All Challenge Cups, and other such items which are the property of the Club and which have not been won outright at the time of dissolution, shall wherever reasonably practicable be returned to the donors, their heirs, executors or assigns but if this is not reasonably practicable such items shall be disposed of in such manner as the Committee shall reasonably determine. 18. This Club shall not join any Federation of Societies or Clubs. 19. The foregoing rules shall form the basis of membership and shall not be added to, altered or amended except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting, notice of such proposed alterations and additions to be given 14 days prior to the meeting. The Kennel Club must approve any alterations before becoming effective. 20. To comply with Kennel Club rules regarding the submission of annual returns, the Club will utilize the Breed Council Judges Lists, and provide a list of members’ names and addresses. 21. No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered Society. 22. Any Committee, Sub-Committee Member or officer of the Club shall not be a Committee, Sub-Committee Member or officer of another Labrador Breed Club.

QUALITY GRAIN FREE FOOD • Minimum 50% meat content • Hypoallergenic - perfect for dogs with allergies • 100% complete • Available in a range of flavours and varieties to suit every breed, size and age Proud sponsors of the Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club annual Garden Party Contact Ryan for further information: 07984 150977 or RavenscroftPetFood 13

MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB GENERAL CODE OF ETHICS All members of the Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club undertake to abide by its general Code of Ethics. Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate. Members will:(1) Properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required. (2) Agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club. (3) Agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes. (4) Abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act. (5) Not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally. (6) Agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed. (7) Not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties. (8) Ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home. (9) Clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited. (10) Only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change. (11) Supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home. (12) Ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available. (13) Not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind, nor sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand-alone items (not accompanying a dog). (14) Not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog. (15) Agree to breed only from good stock of sound temperament, taking full advantage of eye testing schemes and BVA/KC hip scoring. (16) Not knowingly use their Labrador Retriever to cross breed, with the exception of producing Assistance Dogs. 14






MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Single Membership £10.00, Joint Membership £15.00, Gamekeeper £2.00, Joining Fee £5.00, Junior Membership £3.00 (18 Years and under).

MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS A copy of the Club’s annual yearbook if requested, notice and information regarding club events, reduced entry fees to MCLRC shows and Field Trials, and preference in the draw for Field Trials. Club trophies and Special Awards are restricted to Members of the Club.

SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE DUE ANNUALLY ON 1st JANUARY Payable by cheque (made out to Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club), cash, Paypal, BACS or Banker’s Order (please make sure it is kept up to date). For your convenience Paypal is available online at www.mclrc.net PLEASE NOTE all cheques must be made out to the Club’s full title as above, and not to MCLRC, as our bank will not accept these, and they will be returned. BANK TRANSFER account details: Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club, Lloyds TSB Bank, Sort code: 77-15-18, Account no. 20968060. Enquiries regarding Membership Subscription, requests for a copy of the yearbook, changes of address, telephone numbers and emails etc. should be made to:

The Membership Secretary Mrs Sharon Lambert, 69 Haddon Street, Tibshelf, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 5QB. Tel: 01773 590343 or midlandcountieslrc@gmail.com NEW MEMBERS PLEASE CONTACT THE ABOVE

Payments are Fast and Secure with Paypal




MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB For the year ended 31st December 2018




Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club Shop Official club branded clothing • Polo Shirts • Sweatshirts • Fleeces • Gilets Show leads available in a variety of colours and lengths Ring clips, Badges and much more …

Available at all our shows, Crufts and online Any questions please visit our shop at shop.mclrc.net 19

LABRADOR RETRIEVER ROLL OF HONOUR Senior Championship Show judges and Field Trial judges who have made a significant contribution to the Labrador breed, and who are now considered generally non-active in Judging

Roll of Honour List to date Mrs D Beckett Mr L Brabban Mrs J Brabban Mr D Coulson Mrs J Coulson Mrs S Halsted Mr D Hepper Mrs M Hepper Mrs D Johnson Mr J Nolan Mrs E Nolan Mrs M Young


Fun Training Day for Labradors

Sunday 19th July 2020 at 12pm Come and join us for a fun day with your family, two and four legs PARTY BAGS FOR ALL PUPPIES AND VETERANS ENTERED INTO CLASSES Eye testing open to all breeds, to be held during this event. Please pre book: John Goodyear B.V.M.S. Cert V Ophthal. M.R.C.V.S

Labradors only, any age welcome (Puppies must be fully vaccinated) To be held at: Wellfield House, Orgreave, Alrewas, Burton upon Trent, Staffs, DE13 7DH By kind permission of Michael and Judi Neachell 4 Puppy Classes: 1 2 wks – 4mths 4 mths – 6mths 6 mths – 9mths 9 mths – 12mths 2 Veteran Classes: 7-10 years 10 years + Gundog training for beginners. Good Citizen Dog Scheme (Bronze Award) Scurry: £20 for the winner Plenty of Refreshments including Beef burgers, Roast Pork cobs & Homemade Cakes Midland Counties LRC Shop 21


Forms can be downloaded if required from our website www.mclrc.net or contact the Hon. Secretary/Puppy Register Co-ordinator, who will forward an application form. Potential owners are sent the register of puppies for sale including a very useful and informative ‘advice to the puppy buyer’ sheet. For further details please contact: Julia Lewis Mob. 07774 244051 Email: jlewisuk@aol.com

The club maintains a popular and very successful ‘puppy register’, and also an ‘older puppies and adults’ register, which any member having puppies for sale may arrange to have them included on it. This free service is exclusively for fully paid up MCLRC members only, and although free of charge, we do ask for £10 which is donated to a canine charity. Please contact the Puppy Register Coordinator, whose details are included below. 22


From the Breeder of your puppy, you should receive the following: 1. A signed Pedigree Form 2. A signed Kennel Club Registration Certificate 3. An understanding and agreement to any Kennel club endorsements 4. A Diet Sheet 5. An advice sheet on your puppy’s vaccination programme. (until the vaccination programme is completed, your puppy must not mix with other dogs) 6. Advice on training of your puppy 7. A Worming Form (showing the dates your puppy was wormed whilst with the Breeder) 8. A copy of both Sire & Dam’s Hip Score Certificate & Eye Test Certificate

PLEASE BE AWARE, THE CERTIFICATES WILL ONLY SHOW THE STATUS OF THE SIRE AND DAM, AND CANNOT BE TAKEN AS A GUARANTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE PUPPY You are strongly advised to have made an appointment with your vet, as soon as possible after the purchase of your puppy, for a health check. At the same time, you can discuss with him/her, the worming and vaccination programmes. Your puppy should already be identified by microchip. You are strongly advised to take out insurance for your puppy (usually the breeder will offer a temporary insurance package with your puppy). The buyer of a Labrador Retriever puppy or adult, should be aware of the possible diseases, both genetic and otherwise, to which the breed is prone. KC/BVA HIP SCORE CERTIFICATE Hip dysplasia is a term which encompasses a number of specific developmental and other abnormalities involving the hip joint. The lower the score, the less the degree of Hip Dysplasia. The score range is 0 - 106. The breed’s mean score is 15. KC/BVA EYE CERTIFICATE & ECVO (European Eye Certificate) These examinations are for a number of hereditary eye conditions. Certificates are valid for one year only. You are advised to check the date of the examination on the relevant certificate. KC/BVA HIP ELBOW DYSPLASIA SCHEME The lower the overall grade (graded on a scale of 0 - 3), the less the degree of elbow dysplasia (not all breeders participate in this scheme).


Registered charity No. 1059122

Labfest would probably have more accurately described the annual gathering of LRSEC dogs at the Dogstrust in Harefield, Middlesex and a Dogsparty would have been more accurate for this year’s event as all breeds appeared and probably outnumbered the Labradors who were humiliated in the sausage catching competition by a Chihuahua. The 2nd Wittering scouts provided tea and much enthusiasm and then the chairman was called upon to judge the cake competition (which he had suggested), well someone had to be the judge and there aren’t many perks to being chairman.

The Labrador Rescue South East and Central Dogsparty travelled to Lincolnshire in September 2019 and was rechristened Labfest. I am not sure who came up with the name, but it seems reasonable although I did wonder if there would be studious-looking people pottering about without dogs asking about microscopes and test-tubes. Labfest was the result of much hard work by Maxine Woodley and Gillian Amos and despite the threat of rain there were a wonderful number of dogs of all shapes and sizes on the recreation ground in Wittering taking part in a fun dog show judged by Lorraine Tooth.


The visitors were able to try an agility course and a scurry and a wide variety of stalls and at the end of the day an amazing ÂŁ2624 was raised for the work of the charity. We are here to help with rehoming where necessary but can also provide assistance with all things Labrador, if you know of a dog or an owner who needs our help please contact your regional co-ordinator. Richard Best Chairman


MCLRC SUPPORTED CHARITIES Labrador Rescue and Labrador Welfare LABRADOR RESCUE SOUTH EAST AND CENTRAL CO-ORDINATORS Area 1 COUNTIES SOUTH OF M4 Hants, Surrey, Sussex, Berks, Middx, Wilts & SW London Julie Hammond Tel. 01424 210846 julie@loveyourlabrador.co.uk Area 2 COUNTIES NORTH OF M4 Herts, Beds, Bucks part Northants, Cambs and NW London Barbara Wilkinson Tel. 01234 831854 barbara@loveyourlabrador.co.uk Jacky Garvey Tel. 07736 791899 jacky@loveyourlabrador.co.uk


6 7


2 1


Area 3 MIDLANDS inc. Birmingham, Stafford, part Warwicks, Shrops, Worcs Christine Bailiss Tel. 01455 821775 christine@loveyourlabrador.co.uk Area 4 Kent, S.E. London Steve and Margaret Waller Tel. 0208 310 6101 margaret-steve@loveyourlabrador.co.uk

Area 6 Norfolk, Lincolnshire Janet Andrews Tel. 01508 494388 janet@loveyourlabrador.co.uk

Area 5 Essex, Suffolk, N.E. London Vivienne Wheeler Tel. 01379 642622 vivienne@loveyourlabrador.co.uk

Area 7 Oxfordshire, part Gloucs. Fiona Miller Tel. 07977 884952 fiona@loveyourlabrador.co.uk

LABRADOR WELFARE June Roberts, Sheffield. Tel. 0114 266 1756 EAST MIDLANDS LABRADOR RESCUE Harry Cooke Tel. 0115 921 378


KENNEL CLUB BREED STANDARD FOR THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER A Breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. Absolute soundness is essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. From time to time certain conditions or exaggerations may be considered to have the potential to affect dogs in some breeds adversely, and judges and breeders are requested to refer to the Breed Watch section of the Kennel Club website here www.the-kennel-club.org.uk for details of any such current issues. If a feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the right measure. However if a dog possesses a feature, characteristic or colour described as undesirable or highly undesirable it is strongly recommended that it should not be rewarded in the show ring. carrying excessive weight. Level topline. Loins wide, short-coupled and strong. HINDQUARTERS: Well developed, not sloping to tail; well-turned stifle. Hocks well let down, cowhocks highly undesirable. FEET: Round, compact; well arched toes and well developed pads. TAIL: Distinctive feature, very thick towards base, gradually tapering towards tip, medium length, free from feathering, but clothed thickly all round with short, thick, dense coat, thus giving ‘rounded’ appearance described as ‘otter’ tail. May be carried gaily but should not curl over back. GAIT/ MOVEMENT: Free, covering adequate ground; straight and true in front and rear. COAT: Distinctive feature, short dense without wave or feathering, giving fairly hard feel to the touch; weather resistant undercoat. COLOUR: The only correct colours are wholly black, yellow or liver/ chocolate. Yellows range from light cream to red fox. Small white spot on chest and the rear of front pasterns permissible. SIZE: Ideal height at withers: dogs: 56-57 cms. (22-22½ ins.); bitches: 55-56 cms. (21½-22 ins.). FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. NOTE: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Strongly built, shortcoupled, very active; broad in skull; broad and deep through chest and ribs; broad and strong over loins and hindquarters. CHARACTERISTICS: Good-tempered, very agile (which precludes excessive body weight or excessive substance). Excellent nose, soft mouth; keen love of water. Adaptable, devoted companion. TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, keen and biddable, with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness. HEAD AND SKULL: Skull broad with defined stop; clean-cut without fleshy cheeks. Jaws of medium length, powerful not snipey. Nose wide, nostrils well developed. EYES: Medium size, expressing intelligence and good temper; brown or hazel. EARS: Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back. MOUTH: Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. NECK: Clean, strong, powerful, set into well placed shoulders. FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders long and well laid back, with upper arm of near equal length, placing legs well under body. Forelegs well boned and straight from elbow to ground when viewed from either front or side. BODY: Chest of good width and depth, with well sprung barrel ribs - this effect not to be produced by

© Copyright the Kennel Club and reproduced with their kind permission. Last updated January 2018


PORTRAIT OF OUR JUDGE 2020 Championship Show Judge (Dogs) Mrs Penny Carpanini (Carpenny)

I bought my first Labrador Retriever, a yellow male in 1965, started showing in 1967, registered the “Carpenny” affix and exhibited at my first Crufts in 1969. However, for the next 20 years raising my family took precedence over the dogs. In 1970 I bought my first Labrador bitch and bred my first litter in 1974, which was the same year in which I had my first judging appointment. I bred my first big show winner in 1984, whom I later made up as my first UK Champion in 1986. I exceeded 100 UK CCs in the breed in 2008, was awarded the KC Accredited Breeders Accolade of Excellence in 2009 and made up my 15th Carpenny Labrador UK Champion in 2017, Sh.Ch. Carpenny Portia, who was also my seventh generation champion in direct line. I first awarded CCs in Labradors in 1989 and have judged nearly all of the UK Labrador Breed Club championship shows, plus most of the prestigious UK all-breed championship shows over the years, including Labrador Retriever Dogs at Crufts in 2008. Since my first appointment outside the UK, in 1989, I have awarded CCs, Green Stars, CACs, and CACIBs throughout Europe and beyond. My judging experience has taken me, often times all around the world officiating throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the Americas, Asia and Australia. To date I have been approved to judge Labradors at top level by the UK Kennel Club, FCI, AKC, Australian Kennel Club, JKC and the Irish Kennel Club. I have lectured and conducted seminars on judging and breeding the Labrador at home and abroad and for 12 years edited and produced The Labrador International Newsletter magazine that proved to be a great educational tool and had a readership in more than 40 countries worldwide. Carpenny Labradors have won BIS over the years at the LRC of Wales, The Scottish LRC, North West LRC, Three Ridings LRC, The Yellow LRC, Northumberland and Durham LRC, East Anglia LRC, Kent Surrey and Sussex LRC, West of England LRC, Cotswold and

Wyevern LRC, Midland Counties LRC, LRC of Ireland and the United Retriever Club, plus three times Group 1 and once Group 2 at general championship shows. Over the past 15 years, Carpenny Labradors have won BOB at Crufts twice (Ch., Int. Ch. Carpenny Walpole), BOS twice, with a further 6 RCCs, between 6 different Labradors. Many of my top winners have also been gun-trained, gaining their show gundog working certificates. Ch. Carpenny Anchorman WGC has awards in UK field trials distinguishing him as the only Labrador Crufts BOB to have accomplished this in over 35 years. Apart from the show-dogs and shooting companions, Carpenny Labradors have been acquired by Guide Dogs For the Blind in UK, Ireland, Holland and Spain, of which I am extremely proud. However, what makes me happiest is when pet owners come back again, wanting ‘one exactly like’ their much-loved family Carpenny that died at a ripe old age! Counting myself primarily as a breeder/ exhibitor, I know just how difficult it is to produce and show that ‘good one’ and it makes me appreciate excellence all the more in others. It is my privilege to judge Labrador dogs at the MCLRC Championship Show 2020 and I thank the Officers & Committee for the honour. Penny Carpanini 28


2020 Championship Show Judge (Bitches) – Mrs Christine Bailiss (Tissalian) What an honour, to be asked to judge again at Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club Championship Show. My first time giving tickets was at Midland Counties LRC in 2007, when I judged dogs. Basically, nothing has changed at “TISSALIAN” since then, we still try to breed the same type as we have always done (I think we have succeeded, as we sometimes get them mixed up! but that could also be down to old age). Type and temperament are essential to us, all our dogs go back to the dogs we started with at the beginning of our showing and breeding program. Our dog of a lifetime has to be Sh. Ch. Tissalian Hi Jack JW, who was BOB at Crufts 2018. His Gt. Gt. Grandmother, Sh. Ch. Tissalian Oh Sanchia was BOS at Crufts in 2003. We are so proud to have bred them both.... “these days are engraved in our memories forever”. Every one of our dogs is special, as each one plays a part to develop the lines you want. A big THANK YOU to the breeders who have allowed us to use their stud dogs and also to all the judges that have appreciated our dogs.

Without them none of this would have been possible. Judging Labradors, I have been given the privilege to visit and judge in lots of different countries, and to make friends all over the world. Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge again, at this prestigious club, an opportunity I am really looking forward to. Chris Bailiss Tissalian Labradors






MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday 20th April 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr. Chris Mills (Lembas) BITCHES – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos)



MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday 20th April 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr. Chris Mills (Lembas) BITCHES – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos)



MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday 20th April 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr. Chris Mills (Lembas) BITCHES – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos)



MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday 20th April 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr. Chris Mills (Lembas) BITCHES – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos)


MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW SATURDAY 20TH APRIL 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr Chris Mills Dog CC: Cain’s HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION Dog RCC: Candel’s CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL Best Puppy Dog: McLellans’ SARANDEN PENSACOLA Firstly, I would like to thank the Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club for their kind invitation, and super hospitality whilst judging dogs at the recent championship show, a great day made all the more pleasant with my hardworking stewards, thanks to you both. In my opinion dogs on the day were overall in good condition, coats were a problem for some and movement overall was not as good as it might have been, with some dogs heavy over the shoulders and lots of close movement behind, this obviously affected my decisions on the day. VETERAN DOG (7 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Sh Ch Ramsayville Ruby Walsh. What a super dog, balance is something i will keep returning to in my report and this dog has it in spades, a black dog of 7 years, super head and expression ,good neck correct angles front and back with enough loin to allow free effortless movement from well-muscled legs, shown in good condition throughout a very worthy winner. 2. L esley’ Steeleigh Secrets Out JW. Another quality black veteran, shown in good hard condition, good through front, nice depth of chest carrying a good coat, moved well but not quite reach of one, held a strong topline both moving and standing, lovely head and expression, good balanced picture. 3. Cains’ Sh Ch Southridge Sky Rocket To Hannabee.   SPECIAL WORKING DOG (3 Entries 1 Absent) 1. Maclean’s Ch Afinmore Azufral. Chocolate dog of 4 years very close call on this head to head both worthy champions but this dog winning on movement today super head and expression lovely through neck and shoulder loved this dogs topline on the move and standing holding a good coat well muscled throughout super tight feet moving free and easy. 2. Coodes’ Ch Warringahs Perth JW SHCM. Super yellow dog of undeniable quality that I have admired since I first saw him, the best of heads and expression and a dog I thought may be involved in my later decisions, great through neck and shoulder good depth of chest, short coupled with well-muscled rear quarters. Sadly, today he did not move as well as I know he can. MINOR PUPPY DOG (2 Entries 1 Absent) 1. Mallins’ Elisabetta Red Teddy. Fox red puppy of 8 months sadly standing alone but well deserving of his place kind head and expression correct through shoulder nice topline correct coat texture and tail. Moved well. 36

PUPPY DOG (9 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Mclellans’ Saranden Pensacola. Chocolate dog of 11months very good through neck and shoulder, kind head and expression Carrying a good coat and tail moved with drive and purpose, well-muscled throughout liked his balance and the way he held his topline both standing and on the move. 2. Campbell’s Binnaig Benavie. Very close between these two promising puppies this lovely yellow dog moved on well-muscled legs and tight feet showing the balance between front and rear angles he held his topline moving and standing has a super head and expression but lost to one today on coat. 3. Park’s Kinchyle High As A Kite. SPECIAL JUNIOR (8 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Richmonds’ Brigglebank Birdman. Loved this young black dog’s outline showing a square picture that only proper type can give, lovely head and expression, correct front and rear angles, good topline and tailset. He carried a super coat and moved out very well. 2. Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasures Get Lucky. Another very nice young black dog who has a very sweet head and expression, with a good neck and shoulder a good coat and he moves well on good legs and feet he was very attentive and was shown well. 3. Youngs’ Potterspiney Vanner. JUNIOR DOG (13 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands Hit The Road. There is something about a yellow like this that just shouts class, the outline showing the reach of neck, the depth through chest and loin, turn of stifle and attentiveness to his handler, and that is what I saw looking around this very good class, and on inspection he did not disappoint, with good head and expression, correct coat and texture, moving on well-muscled legs and tight feet, he held his topline both moving and standing, a well deserved winner. 2. Percival’s Wynfaul The Wicked JW. Super black dog of undeniable quality, nicely shaped head, super expression, very good through neck and forehand, good depth through chest, carried a good coat and he moved very well holding a good topline moving and standing. 3. Druggan’s Mafia Labs Taboo Webster At Balladoole. YEARLING DOG (13 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Cains’ Hannabee Rocket Mission. A yellow dog that I could not take my eyes off, the very best of heads with true labrador expression, standing over good legs and feet, he carried a super coat of the correct texture. Good depth through body and the crowning glory his fabulous movement, anyone who wants to know reach and drive should watch this dog move. Pleased to award him his first CC and in agreement with my co judge RBIS. 2. Douglas’ Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh. A yellow dog I have admired since I first saw him in minor puppy and a dog I thought would be fighting for top honours today, but he was unlucky to find one in top form, love this dogs head and expression, good through forehand, good depth of chest, held good topline not in the best of coats today and not so positive on the move as he can be. 3. Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasures El Toro At Balladoole JW. SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG (6 Entries) 1. Moodys’ Trendlewood Mr Blue Sky. Yellow dog of four years not in best of coats today but enough to show it is correct, nice head and expression, good through neck and forehand, nice depth through body, held topline nicely moving and standing shown well. 2. Hutchinsons’ Glosmere The Grenadier. A dog of 14 months of a paler yellow colour, carried a good coat and tail, has a nice head and expression, good depth through body he was well muscled but did not concentrate too hard on his movement today, gave good picture when standing. 3. O’Dell & Bills’ Vetybonbetty Chocolate Box. 37

NOVICE DOG (8 Entries) 1. Campbell’s Binnaig Benavie. Please see 2nd in puppy. 2. Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Five. Nice enough yellow dog, good head and expression, good through shoulder, liked his depth and overall shape, not best jacket today, moved all right when settled held good topline moving and standing. 3. Grumitt’s Suttonpark Phoenix At Manorwell. UNDERGRADUATE DOG (3 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Edwards’ Kimbajak Precious Metal. A lovely young yellow dog of 20 months, super head and expression good angles front and back A good balanced picture standing and moving which he did with drive and with purpose, he carried a good coat and held a strong topline and certainly deserved his place in the final line up. GRADUATE DOG (7 Entries 1 Absent) 1. Harvey Major’s Linjor Rigsby. I really liked this young yellow dog, super head and expression, lovely eye shape with great pigment, good neck shoulder transition into strong back, well-muscled throughout, he carried a good coat, and moved very well on good legs and feet, a balanced picture both moving and standing and very close for RCC at the end. 2. Rawlinsons’ Halshimoor Pitch Battle At Shanorrell. Another quality yellow dog in this good class, good through forehand, good head and expression, moved well holding a strong topline, well-muscled throughout, coat ok but of correct texture, shown well. 3. Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin At Lynquest. POSTGRADUATE DOG (4 Entries) 1. Miles’ Llanstinan Sugar Daddy JW. Really loved this yellow boy who oozes quality, the best of heads and expression, good through front, good depth through body, strong through loin into a well-muscled rear assembly, carrying a super coat , in the class, moving with drive and purpose and I thought this boy would feature at the final analysis, but sadly for me in the challenge he was not playing the game and was obviously very tired after his long day. 2. Broadleys’ Hannabee North Star. Nice black dog of a good type, good head, would prefer slightly more ovality in eye shape correct through front assembly, good depth of chest well-muscled, moved out well, nice coat of correct texture. 3rd. Markham’s Stmakajo Boba Fett. MID LIMIT DOG (7 Entries 1 Absent) 1. Rawlinsons’ Shanorrell Straw Boater At Halshimoor. Yellow dog of stature that on first impression did not really impress me, but on closer examination proved to be correct on all counts and came into his own when moving, covering the ground with ease reaching and driving from his well-muscled rear end, he held a good coat and held a strong topline both on the move and standing. 2. Litherland’s Oakhouse Orlando Bloom. A close call on this decision, this dog is not over showy but he is just correct all over, nice head and expression, correct through neck front and rib, short coupled with powerful rear quarters moved very well. 3rd. Felton Page’s Marshwiggle Mr Carson JW ShCM. LIMIT DOG (8 Entries) 1. Williamson’s Sharouns Talk Of The Town JW. A top quality yellow dog of four years of age, very nice head and expression, lovely depth through body very well-muscled, good coat just on the turn, moved very well on good feet and legs making a well balanced picture. 2. McCrorys’ Millroseglen Make My Day With Meadowvillabs. A yellow dog of similar type to one, slightly heavier build, nice head, good through forehand, deep body, strong through loin, did not move as positively as one today, but a good dog with a correct coat and well-muscled legs and good feet. 3. Stafford & Czajors’ Saturday Night Live Bella Mare Pol Jr Ch. 38

OPEN DOG (11 Entries 3 Absent) What a super class of dogs to be presented with. Many of whom could change places on another day on a whim. 1. Candel’s Ch Wahnahnish Simply Sensational. Top quality yellow dog, super head and expression, great shape through neck into well placed shoulders, strong deep chest, strong through couplings with well-muscled rear quarters and he was easily the best mover, and that is what gave him this class against the strong opposition it contained, pleased to award him the RCC. 2. Braddons’ Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW. A yellow dog from the top drawer, and another of this entry I initially thought may be in the running for top honours, the very best of heads with a fabulous expression, super pigment, lovely neck shape, good size, correct in angles front and back, well-muscled but his movement today could not be described as positive, which surprised me as he normally would be, an off day? He carried a good coat and was shown well. 3. Bailiss’ Sh Ch Tissalian High Jack JW. Another super yellow dog that deserves a few words. Judges in UK are very fortunate to have such quality in numbers to judge, there are very few places in the world where this is possible, Lovely head and expression, great depth and strength through body, balanced throughout, but again did not move as well as I have seen him move before. It is truly a privilege to have judged all these dogs today thank you for your entry. CHRIS MILLS (Lembas Labs)


MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW SATURDAY 20TH APRIL 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge Bitch CC: Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN Bitch RCC: Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Puppy Bitch: Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY I am lucky enough to judge Labradors all over the world, but to judge at a British dog show is something very special to me. I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to this lovely club show. Thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry of top quality Labradors. My two stewards may the ring run smoothly, so I could concentrate on the dogs 100%. VETERAN BITCH (14 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Dodd’s Sh Ch Brockburrow Breaking Dawn. Ten years old black bitch, showing all the breed credentials. Beautiful head and expression. Fantastic topline, excellent coat condition. Moved and showed well. Best veteran and best black bitch. 2. Dawson’s Sh Ch Beskerby Larksong. Nearly eight years old bitch of good breed type. Classical make and shape. Balanced head, youthful body. Moves a little close behind, lovely coat. 3. Lennox And Morgans’ Wilenmory Armani Diamond. SPECIAL WORKING BITCH (2 Entries 1 Absent) 1. King’s Linthwaite Cleopatra JW. Nice type, well angulated, with sweet head and kind expression. Could be more animated, both showing and on the move. MINOR PUPPY BITCH (16 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Southwell’s Driffwold Alba. Impressive puppy of excellent breed type. Good reach of neck, well angulated all around. Super double coat, presented a balanced picture. Moved and showed well. 2. Mcfaull’s Bogarie Glen Lorsa Dageid. Very typy puppy of top quality, standing fore square. Lovely coat. Moved and showed very well. 3. Woodall’s Mattand A Million Dreams For Thirlmere. PUPPY BITCH (22 Entries 4 Absent) 1. Bailiss’ Tissalian Hi Society. Outstanding, well made, 9 month old, with the most beautiful head, good reach of neck leading into a firm topline. Standing fore square and moves positively around the ring. I liked everything about her! Surely, she will have a bright future which I will follow with interest. I was happy to give her the RCC today and also Best Puppy in Show. 2. Neachell’s Suttonpark Penny Farthing. Another lovely puppy, with an exceptional front, pale in colour, very good coat quality. Moved freely. A happy showgirl. A little long in body. 3rd. Braddon’s Trendlewood Simply The Best. 40

SPECIAL JUNIOR BITCH (19 Entries 6 Absent) 1. Long’s Carpenny Pheya. This is a beautiful bitch, very well constructed, Appealing head, good reach of neck, mature body, double coat. Shown in tip top condition. Needs to work on presentation to reach full potential. 2. Neachell’s Suttonpark Penny Lane. Yellow shown in excellent coat and condition. Lovely head, good topline, impressive hindquarters. A little longer in loin to 1. Well handled. 3. Braddon’s Trendlewood Simply The Best. JUNIOR BITCH (17 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Reynolds’ Carromer Shimmering In Pink. Top quality yellow, built on clean lines, beautifully moulded head, strong neck of good reach. Good turn of stifle and length of leg, moved and showed well. 2. Mclellan’s Saranden Wichita. Another lovely bitch full of quality. Very well constructed, excellent hindquarters. Very pleasing coat quality, well presented. 3. Carpanini’s Carpenny Philly. YEARLING BITCH (18 Entries 6 Absent) 1. Charlton’s Classical Act At Foxrush JW. Fantastic bitch of the best breed type, so classical. Lovely balanced head. Good spring of rib, strong firm topline, standing correctly viewed from every angle. Could have moved with more enthusiasm. 2. Parkinson’s Burnthorn Box Office. Very typy yellow of good construction. Strong neck, good depth of body. Powerful hindquarters. Moved and showed steadily, prefer pigmentation of number 1. 3. King’s Linthwaite Indiana JW. SPECIAL BEGINNERS BITCH (12 Entries 2 Absent) 1. O’Neil’s Ramsayville Tali. Black bitch of excellent breed type, well angulated all over. Sweet feminine head, double coat. Shows and moves as one with her handler. 2. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Miss Muffet JW. Classical yellow of good type. Liked her head. Well angulated, good length of leg. Moves very well. Not in her best coat today. 3. Felton-Page’s Marshwiggle Wilhelmina. NOVICE BITCH (15 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Rawlinson’s Shanorrell Sentimental At Halshimoor. This is an eye-catching bitch, plenty of everything. Beautiful head and expression, excels in reach of neck. Very well turned stifles. and powerful hindquarters. Excellent double coat, moves ok. 2. Parkinson’s Burnthorn Barleytwist. Smaller yellow of excellent type, liked her head and expression. Correct coat, moved with purpose. 3. Wilmshurst’s Kroppsmarken’s Mama Mia Of Mandamay. UNDERGRADUATE BITCH (13 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Greenwood’s Harrop Lady Blackstar. Nearly 19 month old bitch of super quality. Lovely neck, front and bone. Strong topline, double coat. Moves well and shown in tip top condition. Head still needs to develop. 2. Rawlinson’s Halshimoor Pitch Perfect With Shanorrell. Eye catching yellow bitch of lovely breed type, good reach of neck. Firm topline, well angulated. Moves well and shown in good coat. 3. Dobson’s Lakemeadow Love To Dream.


GRADUATE BITCH (13 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Reynolds’ Carromer Classy Read JW. Lovely black, full of breed type. Nice head, long neck. Strong hindquarters. Presenting a balanced picture and expertly handled. 2. Woodley’s A Sense Of Pleasures Ella At Alkhamhurst. Well constructed classic black bitch. Old fashion in type, a little plain in head, well angulated, with a strong topline. Correct double coat. Moves well. 3rd. Jones Lembas Faith At Serenjar. POST GRADUATE BITCH (26 Entries 5 Absent) 1. Woodburn’s Centenalee Miss Madelyn. Outstanding yellow bitch. I liked everything about her! Beautiful head, good reach of neck, level topline, very impressive hindquarters. Good bone and feet. A great showgirl who covered the ground with ease when moving. I was pleased to award her the CC, and later with agreement with my c/o judge, she was BEST IN SHOW. 2. Hall’s Carromer Miss Dior At Handialla. Another classic bitch of super quality and type. So well constructed. Sweet head, well angulated, correct coat texture. Moved with style. 3. Parkinson’s Burnthorn Misty. MID LIMIT BITCH (21 Entries 2 Absent) 1. Newton’s Meadowline Mad About You For Ralyville. Attractive bitch of excellent breed type, so well constructed. Lovely head and expression. Well made, good angulations. Shown today in good coat, makes the most of herself at all times. Moved with drive. 2. Rawlinson’s Shanorrell Socialite At Halshimoor. Another great showgirl presenting an overall balanced picture. A little round in skull, long neck, level topline, strong hindquarters, Lovely coat! Moves with drive. 3rd. O’brien’s Maxfield Arabella. LIMIT BITCH (14 Entries 3 Absent) 1. Holliday & Auld’s Ramsayville Ria At Farbrae JW. Darker yellow bitch of high quality. Good length of leg. Shown in super coat and condition. So well angulated. Moved with real drive. 2. Newton’s Meadowline Mariabella For Ralyville. Well made yellow bitch, lots to like about her. Sweet head. Well angulated, moves with style. A little short of coat today. 3rd. Woodburn’s Centenalee Silver Ice. OPEN BITCH (16 Entries 6 Absent) This was a fantastic class, full of beautiful bitches! 1. Hopkinson’s Sh Ch Sh Ch Kilburnpark Miss Maureen At Rocheby. Outstanding yellow, who I have liked before, did not disappoint today. Shown in wonderful condition and good coat. So well made all over. Kind head and alert expression. Moved soundly and well presented. 2. Braddon’s Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night Jw. Smaller yellow of exquisite breed type. Lovely head and expression. Made in one piece, plenty of coat. Stands well and moves with drive. 3. Carpanini’s Sh Ch Carpenny Portia. JAN ROGER SAUGE (Judge)


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MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW SUNDAY 20TH APRIL 2019 DOGS – Judge: Mr Chris Mills (Lembas) BITCHES – Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos) PRESIDENTS CHALLENGE CUP Best in Show – presented by C. W. Chadburn Esq. JP (Past President) Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN THE COPPER GLEAM OF BARRA TROPHY Reserve Best in Show – presented by Mrs. N. Underwood Cain’s HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION WHATSTANDWELL LABRADOR CHALLENGE CUP Best Opposite Sex – presented by Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor Cain’s HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION DONNYBROOK CUP Reserve Dog C.C. – presented by Mrs. P. J. Morris Candel’s CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL THE BELTARN TROPHY Reserve Bitch C.C. – presented by Mrs. C. Hadwen Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY THE LATHBERN TROPHY Best Puppy in Show – presented by Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitbread Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY LUDALOR TROPHY Best Minor Puppy in Show – presented by Mrs. L. Tooth Southwell’s DRIFFWOLD ALBA BLONDELLA TROPHY Best Veteran in Show – presented by Mr. and Mrs. K. Burton Brown, Todd & Farquharson’s SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH THE ARDMARGHA CUP Best Black Dog in Show – presented by the Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clayton Brown, Todd & Farquharson’s SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH 44

KATHLEEN MACARTHUR CUP Best Black Bitch in Show – presented by Mr. D. A. MacArthur Dodd’s SH CH BROCKBURROW BREAKING DAWN WILF MOON MEMORIAL TROPHY Best Yellow in Show – presented by Mrs. C. Moon Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN LANDYKE CUP Best Yellow Dog in Show – presented by Mr. J. K. Hart Cain’s HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION THE BEATRICE MACARTHUR CUP Best Yellow Bitch in Show – presented by Mr. D. A. MacArthur Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN CH. COOKRIDGE TANGO CUP Best Chocolate Dog in Show – presented by Mrs. Pauling BRADKING TROPHY Best Chocolate Bitch in Show – presented by Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Kelley THE DALEABBEY BEST SELLER TROPHY Best Chocolate Dog Puppy – presented by Mrs. A. L. Joy McLellan’s SARANDEN PENSACOLA BOOTHGATES KOUNTRY KURIO TROPHY Best Chocolate Bitch Puppy – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Nightingale SKY OF ULPHATHWAITE CUP Best Veteran Dog – presented by Miss J. MacArthur Brown, Todd & Farquharson’s SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH ROCKABEE TROPHY Best Veteran Bitch – presented by Miss M. Thorp and Miss E. Walker Dodd’s SH CH BROCKBURROW BREAKING DAWN BOOTHGATES TROPHY Winner of Special Working Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Nightingale MacLean’s CH AFINMORE AZUFRAL THE ROCHEBY ACORN CUP Winner of Special Working Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkinson King’s LINTHWAITE CLEOPATRA JW TEAZELDOWN CUP Winner of Minor Puppy Dog – presented by Mrs. J. Bruce Mallin’s ELISABETTA RED TEDDY


LAWNWOOD CUP Winner of Minor Puppy Bitch – presented by Mrs. M. I. Satterthwaite Southwell’s DRIFFWOLD ALBA GLYNWOOD TROPHY Winner of Puppy Dog – presented by Major and Mrs. A. W. Jones McLellan’s SARANDEN PENSACOLA ROUGHBOROUGH TROPHY Winner of Puppy Bitch – presented by Mr. C. B. Chambers Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY AQUABRED CUP Winner of Special Junior Dog – presented by Mr. M. J. Staines Richmond’s BRIGGLEBANK BIRDMAN WOOLMAN TROPHY Winner of Special Junior Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. R. Shirton Long’s CARPENNY PHEYA TIBSHELF LABRADOR CHALLENGE CUP Winner of Junior Dog – presented by Mr. J. G. Severn Casey & Jayes’ SANDYLANDS HIT THE ROAD THE MALLARDHURN MEMORIAL TROPHY Winner of Junior Bitch – presented by Mmes. Robinson and Hunt In memory of Mr. N. D. Robinson Rawlinson’s SHANORRELL SENTIMENTAL AT HALSHIMOOR LYNDHURST TROPHY Winner of Yearling Dog – presented by Mrs. I. M. Hurst Cain’s HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION BRYNDAFYDD ATLAS SHIELD Winner of Yearling Bitch – presented by Ms. B. Garrett Charlton’s CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW ROCHEBY TROPHY Winner of Special Beginners Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkinson Moody’s TRENDLEWOOD MR BLUE SKY ROCHEBY CUP Winner of Special Beginners Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkinson O’Neill’s RAMSAYVILLE TALI TIBSHELF CHALLENGE BOWL Winner of Novice Dog – presented by the late Mr. J. G. Severn Campbell’s BINNAIG BENAVIE


OTTERY ROSE BOWL Winner of Novice Bitch – presented by Mrs. N. Perry Rawlinson’s SHANORRELL SENTIMENTAL AT HALSHIMOOR SIMANDEM CUP Winner of Graduate Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. T. Grant Harvey-Major ‘s LINJOR RIGSBY THE AMESLEAGH CUP Winner of Graduate Bitch – presented by Mr. L. and Mrs. G. Hepworth Reynold’s CARROMER CLASSY READ JW CARROMER DUSTY BIN TROPHY Winner of Post Graduate Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds Miles’ LLANSTINAN SUGAR DADDY JW CARROMER CUP Winner of Post Graduate Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN ANGLOCROFT WILLIAM OF NOVACROFT TROPHY Winner of Mid Limit Dog – presented by Mr & Mrs Gardner in memory of Olive Monchar Rawlinson’s SHANORRELL STRAW BOATER AT HALSHIMOOR NOVACROFT TROPHY Winner of Mid Limit Bitch – presented by Mrs. D. Gardner Newton’s MEADOWLINE MAD ABOUT YOU FOR RALYVILLE NEWINN TROPHY Winner of Limit Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. M. Hewitt Williamson’s SHAROUNS TALK OF THE TOWN JW ELVELEGE TROPHY Winner of Limit Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hill Holliday & Auld’s RAMSAYVILLE RIA AT FARBRAE JW WATERBROOK TROPHY Winner of Open Dog – presented by Mr. and Mrs. F. Gawthorpe Candel’s CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL BOOTHGATES TROPHY Winner of Open Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Nightingale Hopkinson’s SH CH KILBURNPARK MISS MAUREEN AT ROCHEBY














SUNDAY 13TH JANUARY 2019 Judge: Eddie Webster Best In Show: Coodes’ Ch Warringah’s Perth JW ShCM Reserve Best In Show: Williamson’s Sharouns Talk Of The Town Best Puppy In Show: Ayres & Jacksons’ Hannabee To Hull N Back With Musubi I wish to convey my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the club for affording me the honour and pleasure of judging at this excellent show. I was delighted with the fantastic entry and the quality which awaited me. It was also lovely to hear the applause for the winning dogs which contributed to the super atmosphere. Finally, thanks to my wonderful and very competent stewards who kept it all together and running so well. Best In Show was Coodes’ Ch Warringah’s Perth JW ShCM. 5 year old yellow dog in excellent condition exuding well-being coupled with superb temperament - it is easy to see why he is a title holder. He has a lovely clean balanced outline and is so well proportioned, broad skull, expressive eyes, strong neck of good length, fitting well into well laid shoulders, firm level topline held on the move, good tail and set, broad thighs and well turned stifles topped off with very good second thigh. Straight front with good bone and tight feet, deep through the chest and ribs well sprung, short muscular loin, shown in good coat, moved out with reach and drive and some style. Dog never took his eyes of his handler, expertly handled. Reserve Best In Show was Williamson’s Sharouns Talk Of The Town. 3 year old male of a different type, heavier built all through but retaining his balanced outline. Lovely head with super keen expression and fun in eyes, good ears and set, strong neck of good length, shoulders well placed, level topline, very good tail and set, broad thighs and good bend of stifle. Not quite the muscle tone of the top dog, bang on front with excellent bone and feet, deep and well ribbed back to short couplings, shown in very good coat, he moved with such enthusiasm a dog with a most wonderful temperament. Very well handled - it looked like hard work! Best Puppy In Show was Ayres & Jacksons’ Hannabee To Hull N Back With Musubi. Very appealing black coming up 9 months, standing over plenty of ground. Lovely clean outline, head well proportioned, dark eye and ears well placed, good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, good topline, tail and set, well developed at rear, straight front with good bone and neat feet, deep in chest and well ribbed, short coupled, in very good coat and condition, moved with reach and drive, I liked him so much I shortlisted him to the last four males. Very well handled. Best Minor Puppy In Show, Hopkinsons’ Rocheby Sparkling Ice. What an absolute sweetie. Superb in outline, prettiest of heads and soft, melting expressive eyes, good reach of neck and good shoulder placement, good topline even if she is slightly rising to quarters at present, good tail and set, well put together at rear, lovely bone and feet. Body developing as it should, moved straight and true with a couple of skips on the way, must go on to do well, just loved her. 52

Best Veteran In Show, Kulleseids’ SH CH Centenalee Sparkling Snow. Quality 8 year old yellow, not a surprise to find that she was a champion. Super balanced outline, lovely head and eye, good reach of neck into well constructed forehand, firm level topline held on the move, excellent tail and set, broad in thigh and well turned stifles, straight front with good bone and tight feet, deep in chest with good spring of rib, short coupled, shown in well presented coat and condition, moved out effortlessly. Very well handled. MINOR PUPPY DOG (4/1) 1. L ambert’s Trentagh Sedge With Mattand. Lovely 7 month black boy, nicely balanced and lovely in outline, lovely head and eye, very good length of neck and well placed shoulders, level topline, good rear angles, body maturing well, shown in good coat, moved very well, enjoying his day out which is always nice to see. 2. H opkinsons’ Rocheby Icelander. Well put together young man, really nicely balanced and very appealing in outline, shown in lovely coat and condition, moved well but not quite as good as 1. 3. H arman’s Kareldis Konor. PUPPY DOG (4/1) 1. Ayres & Jacksons’ Hannabee To Hull N Back With Musubi. As above. 2. Y oungs’ Potterspiney Vanner. 9 month yellow with good balance and type, soft head and expression, adequate neck and shoulders, level topline, nicely put together at rear, very good bone and tight feet, well ribbed, in good coat, moved ok. 3. Wilson’s Stelainros West Point. JUNIOR DOG (5) 1. Metcalfe’s Carromer Jack Flash To Baileydale. 17 month pale yellow boy of outstanding quality. Very balanced in outline and, although still looking a little immature, correct for his age. Lovely head and soft gentle eyes, good reach of neck, balanced angulation front and rear, good topline, excellent tail, set and carriage, straight front with good bone and neat feet, body developing well. Shown in good coat and excellent condi-tion, moved soundly and easily, expertly handled. Shortlisted to last four in males and pressed hard for top honours - just giving too much away in maturity to the two winners today. 2. Hopkinsons’ Rocheby Montgomery. 19 month yellow boy, very balanced with lovely head and eye, good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, firm level topline, very good rear end, good bone and tight feet, ribbing of good shape and length with short couplings. Moved out well. 3. Percival’s Wynfaul The Wicked. YEARLING DOG (6) 1. Hind’s Tawnybank Heroes And Villians. 20 month yellow boy, who is strongly built, very nice in outline, lovely head and eye, scores in neck and shoulder, firm level topline, good tail and set, good width of thigh and bend of stifle, straight front with good bone and feet. Ribs of good shape and length with short muscular loin, shown in good coat, moved with reach and drive. 2. Lesley’s Aramis Britannica Archpelago At Steeleigh (Imp Ltu) JW. Black boy of good type and balance, pleasing in head and eye giving kindly expression, good reach of neck into well angulated front, firm top-line, well constructed in rear, very good bone and tight feet, deep and well ribbed, short coupled, in good coat, moved out well. 3. Walton’s Gallybob Marmalade. MAIDEN DOG (1) 1. Youngs’ Potterspiney Vanner. As above. UNDERGRADUATE DOG (2) 1. Percival’s Wynfaul The Wicked. Just out of puppy and third in a very good junior class. Lovely 53

head and eye, good length of neck, shoul-ders ok, level topline, good tail and set, well angulated at rear, good bone and feet, well ribbed and short coupled, shown in good coat, moved well. 2. O’Dell & Bills’ Vetybonbetty Chocolate Box. Mature two year old choc dog carrying far too much weight for me and not in the best of coats. Pleasing in head with gently expressive eyes, good neck and ade-quate shoulders, moderate rear, good bone and well ribbed, movement badly affected by his weight so please get some weight off him. POST GRADUATE DOG (2/1) 1. Youngs Potterspiney Allanon. 2 year old black male, pleasing for balance, nicely headed, adequate neck and shoulders, level topline, tail carried a little high. Good rear, good bone and feet and well bodied but throwing his front a bit on the move. Shown in good coat. MID LIMIT DOG (5) 1. Williamsons’ Sharouns Talk Of The Town. As above. 2. Lesley’s Steeleigh Blue Print JW. 3 year old male, longer cast with very pleasing outline. Lovely head and eye, good length of neck into well placed shoulders and firm topline, good tail and set, well constructed at rear, good bone and feet, deep in chest and well ribbed, shown in good coat and lovely condition. Moved out well, very well handled. 3. Youngs’ Potterspiney Killian. OPEN DOG (4/1) 1. Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie. 2 year old yellow male with very good balance and clean outline, very pleasing in head, good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, level topline, good tail and set, good width of thigh and bend of stifle, straight front with good bone and tight feet, well ribbed back to short couplings. In good coat and moved well. 2. Ayres’ Ramsayville Reflection Of Musubi JW. 3 year old black longer cast than 1, well proportioned in head with dark eye, good front and rear construction, good tail and set, pleasing in bone and feet, deep in chest and well ribbed. Shown in good coat and condition, moved well. 3. Percival’s Wynfaul The Wizard. VETERAN DOG (4/2) 1. Lesley’s Steeleigh Secrets Out. Strongly built black boy looking really well for his 7 years. Super outline, lovely head and eye, well off for neck and well laid shoulders, still retaining a firm level topline, very good tail and set, powerful rear, very good bone and tight feet, very deep in chest and well ribbed, shown in very good coat, moved very well. A credit to his owner. 2. Hind’s Tawnybank Smooth N Debonair. 7 year old again looking very well for his years. Pleasing in outline and in head, good length of neck and well placed shoulders, level topline and good tail, good width of thigh and turn of stifle, nice bone and tight feet, deep in chest and well ribbed. In good coat, moved well. SPECIAL GRADUATE DOG OR BITCH (4/3) 1. Youngs’ Suttonpark Brogue. 6 year old choc dog, strongly built and soundly constructed, shown in good coat, moved out really nicely and well handled. SPECIAL WORKING DOG OR BITCH (1) 1st. Coodes’ CH Warringah’s Perth JW Sh CM. As above. MINOR PUPPY BITCH (11/4) 1. Hopkinsons’ Rocheby Sparkling Ice. Another promising youngster from this kennel, lovely balance and type, super head and eye, good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, nicely constructed at rear, good bone and neat feet, compact in body, in good coat and lovely condition, moved out well. 54

2. Bailiss’ Tissalian Hi Society. Very promising, really appealed, again lovely type and balance, well constructed all through, just lost out in movement today but look forward to seeing her again. 3. Metcalfes’ Baileydale Ooh Betty. PUPPY BITCH (7) 1. Woodburns’ Centenalee Meadow Mint. Top quality yellow superb for balance and excellent type. Lovely head and eye, good length of neck and well placed shoulders, good topline, excellent rear with good tail and set, good bone and tight feet, ribs of good shape and length and very short coupled. Shown in good coat, moved out really well. 2. Williamson’s Sidelock Scarlet For Sharouns. Slightly further for-ward, lovely outline, super head and soft eye, well constructed all through, shown in good coat and condition, moved with reach and drive. Very lively. 3. Metcalfes’ Princes Leia At Baileydale (Imp Ita). JUNIOR BITCH (12/2) 1. Charlton’s Foxrush Oops A Daisy. Strongly built yellow, appealing in head and eye with strong neck fitting nicely into well placed shoulders, firm topline, powerful in rear giving great driving action, good bone and feet, deep through chest and well ribbed, shown in good coat, lovely in profile. 2. R eynolds’ Carromer Shimmering In Pink. 17 month yellow bitch of quality although I felt she was slightly apprehensive today. Very pretty in head, good reach of neck, balanced angulation but rear still needs to develop. Good front, nicely ribbed and short coupled, moved out well. Slightly short in coat. 3. Needhams Danryl Opihr. YEARLING BITCH (9/1) 1. R eynolds’ Carromer Classy Read JW. Quality 21 month black bitch, stunning in outline, lovely head and eye, excellent neck and shoul-ders with firm level topline, good tail and set, broad thigh with good turn of stifle, straight front with good bone and tight feet, deep in chest and well ribbed back to short muscular loin. Shown in correct coat and excel-lent condition, moved with reach, drive and style, delighted to award this youngster best bitch in very good company. Very well handled. Best Bitch. 2. F lockton’s Dylsonleigh Miss Muffet. 19 month yellow, really lovely balanced outline to this feminine bitch, super head and eye, well constructed fore and aft, good tail and set, deep in body and well ribbed, in good coat and condition, moved out well. 3. C oddington & Shortlands’ Rocheby Silhoutte At Genisval. MAIDEN BITCH (6/5) 1. MacMillan’s Afinmore Andrasta At Ebeshb. 2 year old chocolate, good in outline and balance. Head a little strong for me but soft expres-sive eyes, adequate angulation front and rear, moved out well by her young handler. Not in her best coat today. NOVICE BITCH (7/3) 1. Woodburns’ Centenalee Miss Madelyn. Almost two year old yel-low bitch, scores for type and balance, superb clean outline, so taken with this bitch from head to toe, she was lovely to go over and her movement came from her excellent construction. Presented in tip top coat and condition and very well handled to win this class and strongly considered for top bitch but unfortunately she faded a little in the challenge. A beautiful girl. RBB. 2. Coddington & Shortlands’ Rocheby Silhoutte At Genisval. Pleasing bitch with lots to like, nicely put together but would prefer a slightly better upperarm. Moved well. 3. Percival’s Wynfaul Wind Chimes. 55

UNDERGRADUATE BITCH (9/4) 1. Hopkinsons’ Rocheby Melody. Two year old yellow bitch, lovely balanced outline, super type, very appealing in head and eye, good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, firm level topline held on the move, correct tail and set, good width of thigh and bend of stifle, straight front with good bone and tight feet, deep and well ribbed with short loin. In good coat and condition, moved with drive. 2. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Pretty In Pink. Lovely outline and head, pleasing in neck and shoulder but would like a little more in upper arm. Shown in good coat and moved ok. 3. Kulleseid’s Centenalee Shining Light. POST GRADUATE BITCH (9/5) 1. Lambert’s Mattand Front Page (AI). Two year old black bitch with lovely outline. Nicely headed with super expressive eyes, very good length of neck but would prefer a better lay back of shoulder. Level top-line, tail used well, good width of thigh and turn of stifle, good bone and tight feet, deep in chest and well ribbed back to short muscular loin. Shown in very good coat, moved with reach and drive, well handled. 2. Percival’s Wynfaul Vickers JW. Almost two year old black bitch, nicely balanced with lovely head, neck and shoulders, good rear and well bodied. Slightly lacking in coat today, moved easily. 3. Steeles’ Ashbypark Honey Spun Silk At Loumar. MID LIMIT BITCH (8/2) 1. Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Yellow Diamond. Striking two year old yellow bitch, very pleasing in outline. Super head and eye, good neck and shoul-der, firm level topline, good tail and set, moderate rear angulation, good bone and tight feet, deep in chest and well ribbed, short coupled, in good coat, moved out really well and very well handled to take two classes. Well done. Shortlisted for best bitch. 2. Hopkinsons’ Rocheby Centenalee Iced Gem. Slightly better in balance than 1, lovely head and soft gentle expression, soundly construct-ed throughout, shown in good coat and condition, moved correctly but not quite so positive. 3. Pattison’s Pattilands Shining Star. OPEN BITCH (5) 1. Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Yellow Diamond. As above. 2. Digweeds’ Notonlyblack Eclipse Of Moon At Willowkin (Imp Ita). Lovely 2 year old black soundly constructed with super balanced outline. Lovely head, neck of good length fitting well into well laid shoulders. Unfortunately dipping a little in topline which cost her this class as I thought she would be my winner on first glance. Well developed rear, good bone and feet, ribbing of good shape and length shown in love-ly coat and condition. Covered the ground well. 3. Coodes’ Warringah’s Gurley. VETERAN BITCH (3/1) 1. Kulleseid’s Sh Ch Centenalee Sparkling Snow. 8 year old bitch from the top drawer and not difficult to understand how she is a champi-on. Wonderful for balance and type, super head and eye, with good reach of neck and well placed shoulders, still holding a good topline, good tail and set, strongly built at rear, good bone and tight feet, deep in chest and well ribbed, short coupled. Shown in good coat and lovely condition. Moved out smartly. 2. Harman’s Lakemeadow Lotus Blossom Of Kareldis. 8 year old black bitch, larger frame and bigger made throughout, just loved her tem-perament. Very pleasing in head and nicely constructed, shown in good coat, moved well and nicely handled. Judge – Eddie Webster 56













SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Judge: Mr John Essenhigh Best In Show: Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Pretty in Pink Reserve Best In Show: Metcalf ’s Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale JW, BEL JNR CH Best Puppy In Show: Lambert’s Mattand This Is Me I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge the open show. I was very pleased with the entry I had and would like to thank the exhibitors for accepting my decisions on the day. The quality of dogs was high, and this gave me a lot to think about. However, there are some things that I want to mention some of the dogs were nervous - and one dog growled at me when I was going over it at one stage. This is not what a Labrador’s temperament should be. In almost 40 years I can honestly say it’s the first time this has happened. So please get your youngsters out to training classes and also socialise them. Again, thank you for the privileged opportunity to judge your show MINOR PUPPY DOG (4/1) 1. Dawson’s Beskerby Pageant. Yellow, head fairly broad, eyes of good shape and colour, ears set on well, with correct dentition, neck of good length on well placed shoulders, chest of good depth, level top line, good front and rear assembly, moved well and was in good coat. 2. Wilson’s Stelainros Harlequin. Black, pleasing head with kind expression, eye shape and colour good, ears set on nicely, strong neck on well placed shoulders, level top line, good quarters front and back, preferred movement on 1. PUPPY DOG (5/1) 1. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Old Timer. Kind expression from eyes of correct shape and colour, ears set well back on a skull that is broad, he has a correct bite, a neck of ample length set on well laid shoulders, level top line, chest and ribs ok for age, front and rear assembly good, movement straight and true from all angles. 2. Perkins’ Carromer Tegulia by Keeninspires. Typical Labrador head with kind eye, ears set well back, strong neck on well laid shoulders, level top line carries his tail well, well put together quarters, front and back, chest of good depth, moved out well. 3 Young’s Potterspiney Silas. JUNIOR DOG (8/2) 1. Hodge’s Naiken Elite Envoy (A.I.). Smart chocolate dog, with very pleasing head, correct dentition, eye shape and colour, ears of good size hanging close to head, skull broad with well defined stop, clean cut. Strong neck on well-placed shoulders, level top line with tail coming straight off the back. Deep chest well sprung ribs quarters fore and aft were well boned and well muscled, with well let down hocks, moved with drive. 62

2. Chapman’s Daisypatch Jelly Tot. Darker yellow with broad head, eyes of good colour ears we’ll set on head, neck of ample length, on well laid down shoulders, level top line and good tail set, deep chest and spring of ribs. Quarters front and back well boned and muscled, in good coat, moved well. 3. Wilson’s Stelainros Westpoint. YEARLING DOG (5/2) 1. Metcalf ’s Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale JW, BEL JNR CH. Super yellow dog masculine yet kind head and expression neck of good length and strong, on well laid shoulders, level top line. Deep chest with good spring of rib. Well put together quarters front and back, Free mover true coming and going. Pleased to award him Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show. 2. Hodge’s Naiken East Meets West. Again a super head on this dog all where it should be, on a strong neck of ample length, well laid shoulders leading to a level top line, slightly longer set than one. Deep chest and good spring of rib well put together quarters fore and aft, with ample bone, hocks well let down, good feet, moved well. 3rd Ayres & Jackson’s Hannabee to Hull n Back with Musubi. MAIDEN DOG (5/1) 1. Dawson’s Beskerby Pageant. As Puppy. 2nd Wilson’s Stelainros Harlequin. As Puppy. 3rd Lesley’s Sleddarwood Sako Flyer Over Steeleigh. NOVICE DOG (4/2) 1 Lambert’s Treantagh Sedge With Mattand. Black Dog, Head with wide skull eyes of good shape and colour ears set on well, neck strong and of ample length, on well laid shoulders, level back tail coming straight off back. Well put together quarters fore and aft, with well sprung ribs and deep chest. Moved straight and true coming and going. 2. Chapman’s Daisypatch Jelly Tot. As Junior. UNDERGRADUATE DOG (3/0) 1. Lambert’s Treantagh Sedge With Mattand. As Novice. 2. Hepper’s Amorozza in Extremo Mardas (Imp Rus). Yellow, dentition good, eye of good shape and colour ears set on well skull wide, neck of good length, on well laid shoulders, level top line, deep chested with spring of rib, front and back assembly are well constructed, would like to see more muscle. Moved well. 3. Hind’s Tawnbank Heroes n Villains. POST GRADUATE DOG (3/0) 1. Hutchinson’s Glosmere the Grenadier JW. Yellow of good size, masculine head with kind expression, skull of good width with ears set on well, kind eye of good colour, strong neck of ample length, on well placed shoulders level top line, rear quarters good stifle and hocks, deep chest with good spring of rib, ample bone, and good feet. Moved well. 2. Woodall’s Thirlmere Echo Falls JW. Black of good size masculine yet not overdone, dark eye, ears set well on head, neck of good length good shoulders level top line, quarters well put together both fore and aft. Chest with plenty of heart room, well sprung ribs, good tail, well muscled. Moved well. 3. Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin at Lynquest J.W. MID LIMIT DOG (2/0) 1. Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie. Yellow of good type, Head kind and masculine with correct 63

dentition, eyes of good colour and shape, ears of good size set well on head, strong neck on good shoulders, level top line. Good tail, quarters fore and aft well put together, deep chested with good spring of rib, well muscled and moved true from all angles. 2. O’Dell & Bills’ Vetybonbetty Chocolate Box. Head of good size with correct dentition good length of muzzle, eyes of good colour, ears set for enough back, good neck on good shoulders, level back, well put together rear quarters, well muscled, forequarters well put together, well boned good feet. Chest of good depth. Preferred movement on one. OPEN DOG (5/1) 1. Young’s Potterspiney Richochet. Masculine yellow, correct dentition, good length of muzzle, eyes of good colour, good width of scull, ears well set. Strong neck good shoulder leading to level top line tail coming straight off. Chest nice and deep with good spring of rib, good feet, moved freely, in good coat. 2. Tooth’s Sandylands Over The Moon to Ludalor J.W. Nice sized yellow a bit stronger in head than 1, with correct dentition good eye shape and colour. Strong neck of ample length, level back, good tail, quarters well put together. Chest of good depth barrel ribs, well muscled, preferred movement on 1 today. 3. Ayres’ Ramsayville Reflection of Musubi J.W. VETERAN DOG (4/1) 1. Young’s Suttonpark Brogue. 7 1/2 year old chocolate, good head kind expression, good eye colour, ears of good size well set on. Good neck on good shoulders, level top line, good tail, good depth of chest with well sprung rib, well boned and muscled, moved well, pleased to award Best Veteran In Show. 2. Reynolds’ Sh Ch Carromer’s Blue Lagoon. Smart yellow with good head all as it should be, neck of good length on good shoulders level top line, otter tail, good quarters fore and aft, deep chest well sprung rib, good bone, good feet, just preferred movement on 1 today. 3. Hind’s Tawnybank Smooth n Debonair. SPECIAL GRADUATE DOG/BITCH (4/2) 1. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Mimosa. Typical Labrador head kind with good expression, neck of good length, well laid shoulders, level top line, deep chest well sprung rib, forequarters-and hindquarters well put together well muscled with ample bone and good feet, moved freely around the ring. 2. Rocheby Melody. She was very hesitant and shy, but had a nice head, good neck and shoulders, top line was level on move, she had a good depth of chest and well sprung rib, ample bone with good feet. Moved ok. SPECIAL WORKING DOG/BITCH (1/0) 1. Coode’s Warringah’s Gulwarra J.W. Feminine chocolate with head giving a kind expression, nice eye shape and colour, ears set well on head, strong neck, on well laid shoulders, level top line, otter tail, well put together quarters fore and aft, chest of good depth well sprung rib, well muscled moved well. MINOR PUPPY BITCH (11/3) 1. Hopkinson’s Good Evening Rocheby. A sweet girl with a kind head, excellent bone, short coupled, level top line, good depth of body, quarters fore and aft well put together, moved well. 2. Hopkinson’s Rocheby String of Pearls. Very close between 1 and 2 in this class, sweet head with lovely expression, shoulders well placed, level back good otter tail, enough depth of body, good bone, just preferred movement on 1 today. 3. Perkin’s Keeninspires Moon and Stars. 64

PUPPY BITCH (10/2) 1. Lamberts’ Mattand This is Me. Super puppy, with smart head, on a neck of good length well set shoulders, level top line, super front with deep chest. Super rear quarters, well muscled, ample bone with good feet, moved with drive. Showed herself of well for her owner, best puppy bitch. Best Puppy in Show. 2. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Spice. Another smart puppy with good head and expression, good length to neck on well laid shoulders, level top line, deep chest, good quarters fore and aft, well muscled, moved well, in good coat. Just did not show herself off as well as 1. 3. Rowe’s Rochevale Once upon a Time. JUNIOR BITCH (5/1) 1. Hodge’s Naiken Etoile (AI). Good colour to this chocolate girl, she has a feminine head with kind expression, strong neck on well laid shoulders, level top line with tail flowing straight off her back, well constructed, well muscled, moved with drive. 2. Bailiss’ Tissalian High Society. Feminine head with kind eye, ears set well, neck of ample length on long sloping shoulders, fore and hindquarters well put together, level top line, good tail, deep chested, just preferred movement on 1. 3rd Hopkinson’s Rocheby Sparkling Ice. YEARLING BITCH (6/1) 1. Reynolds’ Carromer Shimmering in Pink. Feminine head with correct dentition, kind eye, ears well set back on head, strong neck on well laid shoulders, level back with tail flowing straight off back, well constructed quarters, deep chest, well boned with good feet well muscled, moved with drive. 2. Bailiss’ Tissalian High Society. As Junior 3. Charlton’s Foxrush Oops a Daisy JW. MAIDEN BITCH (11/2) 1. Woodall’s Mattand a Million Dreams for Thirlmere. Another super yellow puppy with a feminine head, ample length of muzzle with correct dentition, kind eye, ears well set back on head, ample length of neck on well laid shoulders, level top line, tail coming straight off back, quarters well put together front and back. Well boned with good feet, well muscled, moved with drive. 2. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Hi Jinx. Larger than 1, head feminine, eye of good colour, ears set well on head, neck of good length on good shoulders. Top line level, deep chest, quarters well put together fore and aft. Moved well. 3rd Lesley’s Sleddarwood Tikka Take Aim at Steeleigh. Novice Bitch (10/6) 1. Ayres’ Tantadecorus Isle of Shuna Musubi. Kind feminine head, on strong neck, shoulders laid well, level top line, deep chest well sprung rib, quarters well put together front and back, good bone, feet good, well muscled, in good coat moved true going and coming. 2. Lesley’s Sleddarwood Tikka take Aim at Steeleigh. Feminine bitch in larger frame, slightly longer cast. With nice head, on strong neck shoulders well laid down, deep chest, well sprung rib, good bone and feet, well muscled, just was not moving as well as 1. 3. Chapman’s Daisypatch Tutti Frutti. UNDERGRADUATE BITCH (9/3) 1. Smith’s Rudidale Lady Luck. Feminine head, good length of muzzle with correct dentition, eye of good colour, ears of good size and well set on head. Neck strong on well laid shoulders, topline level, good front with deep chest good spring of rib, well boned, with good feet, rear well muscled 65

with well let down hocks. Best mover in this class today. 2. Chapman’s Daisypatch Dolly Mixture. Feminine, good dentition, eyes of good colour, skull wide with ears well laid back. Good neck on good shoulders, level back, good tail, deep chested with well sprung rib. Quarters well put together, well muscled, moved well. 3rd Coddington & Shorthands’ Rocheby Silhouette to Genisval. POST GRADUATE BITCH (8/2) 1. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Miss Muffett. Super type with feminine head, kind intelligent, good dentition, dark eye, ears of good size and well set back on head, good neck on well laid shoulders, level top line, super tail, well developed chest deep with well sprung rib, well put together rear quarters. In super condition, pleased to have awarded her Reserve Best Bitch. 2. Reynolds’ Carromer Shimmering Silk. Another bitch I have admired from ring side, feminine with good eye ears set well back on head, strong neck, level top line, good tail, deep chest with well sprung rib, good quarters fore and aft. Did not move as freely as 1. 3. Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Yellow Diamond. MID LIMIT BITCH (6/1) 1. Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Pretty in Pink. Super yellow bitch. Feminine with good dentition, good length of muzzle, dark eye, with ears of good size and well set on, super neck on well laid shoulders, level top line leading to otter tail, quarters front and back well put together, deep chest giving plenty of heart room, well sprung ribs, well boned and muscled, with good feet, super movement, and shown in top condition. Pleased to give her Best Bitch, and Best in Show. 2. Lambert’s Mattand Excuse Me Sir. Feminine head all where it should be, neck of good length on well laid shoulders, level back leading on to a good otter tail, super quarters fore and aft, well boned, good feet, chest of good depth and width, well let down hocks. In super condition, just preferred 1 today. 3.Timm’s Lejie Peace Thyme. Open Bitch (6/2) 1. Coode’s Warringah’s Gurley J.W. Feminine, with kind expression, correct dentition, eye of good colour, good width to skull, clean powerful neck set in well placed shoulders, level top line, good tail, well sprung ribs, well turned stifle, well muscled, with ample bone and compact feet, moved true from all angles, show in good condition, as always from this kennel. 2. Charlton’s Classical Act At Foxrush J.W. A well put together bitch that I have admired ring side, super head, on a powerful neck set into well placed shoulders, chest of good width and depth, hind quarters well put together, good bone and feet, in good coat. Moved well. 3. Evans’ Farnfield Clarity. VETERAN BITCH (4/1) 1. Kulleseid’s Sh Ch Centenalee Sparkling Snow. 7 years 11 months, feminine, good dentition, good eye colour, ears of good size set on well, good neck on well laid shoulders, level top line, nice tail, well boned and muscled, good depth of chest, hindquarters well developed with good turn of stifle and good hocks, well boned with good feet, in good coat moved well. 2. Neal’s Amberstope Islay Mist. Larger frame than one, with sweet kind head and expression, on well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs, level topline, good hind quarters, well boned, good feet, did not move as freely as 1. 3rd Coddington & Shortlands’ Genisval Palm Springs. Judge – John Essenhigh


MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OPEN SHOW CUP WINNERS 2019 13th January 2019 – Judge Mr E Webster (Benjicroft) 7th September 2019 – Mr J Essenhigh (Brynlluan) TIBSHELF LABRADOR CHALLENGE CUP Best Exhibit in Show – presented by the late Mr. J. G. Severn Jan: Coode’s CH WARRINGAH’S PERTH JW ShCM Sept: Flockton’s DYLSONLEIGH PRETTY IN PINK KINLEY TROPHY Best Opposite Sex in Show – presented by Mr. F. G. Wrigley Jan: Reynold’s CARROMER CLASSY READ JW Sept: Metcalfe’s CARROMER JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE JW BEL JNR CH SH. CH. RAYBOOTH SOCKS TROPHY Reserve Best in Show – presented by Mr. B. Lowe Jan: Williamson’s SHAROUNS TALK OF THE TOWN JW Sept: Metcalfe’s CARROMER JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE JW BEL JNR CH STORMLEY CUP Best Puppy in Show – presented by Miss M. B. Booth Jan: Ayres & Jackson’s HANNABEE TO HULL N BACK WITH MUSUBI Sept: Lambert’s MATTAND THIS IS ME LONGLEY TROPHY Best Black Labrador in Show – presented by Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenningley Jan: Reynold’s CARROMER CLASSY READ JW Sept: Coode’s WARRINGAH’S GURLEY JW WOODBOROUGH CUP Best Yellow Labrador in Show – presented by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hallam Jan: Coode’s CH WARRINGAH’S PERTH JW ShCM Sept: Flockton’s DYLSONLEIGH PRETTY IN PINK TIBSHELF CHOCOLATE CUP Best Chocolate Labrador in Show – presented by the late Mr. J. G. Severn Jan: Not awarded Sept: Hodge’s NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (AI) ROCHEBY HONESUCKLE AT MIRAMONTE TROPHY Best Veteran in Show – presented by Mrs. S. Hibbert Jan: Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW Sept: Young’s SUTTONPARK BROGUE 67

TANRONENS BLACK ROSE TROPHY Best Minor Puppy in Show – presented by Mrs. A. Deane Jan: Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY SPARKLING ICE Sept: Hopkinson’s GOOD EVENING ROCHEBY PETHERTON CUP Winner of Minor Puppy Dog Class – presented by Miss Golland Jan: Lambert’s TREANTAGH SEDGE WITH MATTAND Sept: Dawson’s BESKERBY PAGEANT CH. LOUVIL OF TIBSHELF CHALLENGE CUP Winner of Puppy Dog Class – presented by the late Mr. J. G. Severn Jan: Ayres & Jackson’s HANNABEE TO HULL N BACK WITH MUSUBI Sept:Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY OLD TIMER NETHERTON CUP Winner of Junior Dog Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. B. Daly Jan: Metcalfe’s CARROMER JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE JW Sept: Hodge’s NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (AI) ROCHEBY ROYAL OAK TROPHY Winner of Yearling Dog Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. D. Hopkinson Jan: Hind’s TAWNYBANK HEROES ‘N’VILLAINS Sept: Metcalfe’s CARROMER JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE JW BEL JNR CH MARFELL TROPHY Winner of Maiden Dog Class – presented by Mr. E. and Mrs. C. Margerrison Jan: Young’s POTTERSPINEY VANNER Sept: Dawson’s BESKERBY PAGEANT ALKAMHURST CUP Winner of Novice Dog Class – presented by Mrs. M. Crocker-Williams Jan: No entries Sept: Lambert’s TREANTAGH SEDGE WITH MATTAND SCARTHO TROPHY Winner of Undergraduate Dog Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jan: Percival’s WYNFAUL THE WICKED Sept: Lambert’s TREANTAGH SEDGE WITH MATTAND CARROMER TROPHY Winner of Post Graduate Dog – presented by Mr. and Mr. M. Reynolds Jan: Young’s POTTERSPINEY ALLANON Sept: Hutchinson’s GLOSMERE THE GRENADIER JW AMESLEAGH AWARD Winner of Mid Limit Dog Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. L. Hepworth Jan: Williamson’s SHAROUNS TALK OF THE TOWN JW Sept: Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO TOP NOTCH ALFIE 68

TEAZELDOWN TROPHY Winner of Open Dog Class – presented by Mrs. J. Bruce and Miss A. Johnson Jan: Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO TOP NOTCH ALFIE Sept: Young’s POTTERSPINEY RICHOCHET NAIKEN TROPHY Winner of Veteran Dog Class – presented by Mrs. J. Hodge Jan: Lesley’s STEELEIGH SECRETS OUT JW Sept: Young’s SUTTONPARK BROGUE AMBERSTOPE TROPHY Winner of Special Graduate Dog/Bitch Class - presented by Mr. and Mrs. L. Neal Jan: Young’s SUTTONPARK BROGUE Sept: Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY MIMOSA FOXRUSH TANKARD Winner of Minor Puppy Bitch Class – presented by Mrs. J. Charlton Jan: Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY SPARKLING ICE Sept: Hopkinson’s GOOD EVENING ROCHEBY ROSBURN TROPHY Winner of Puppy Bitch Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. B. Swaby Jan: Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MEADOW MINT Sept: Lambert’s MATTAND THIS IS ME LYNDHURST TROPHY Winner of Junior Bitch Class – presented by Mrs. I. L. Hurst Jan: Charlton’s FOXRUSH OOPS A DAISY Sept: Hodge’s NAIKEN ETOILE (AI) ALLENIE TROPHY Winner of Yearling Bitch Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Jan: Reynold’s CARROMER CLASSY READ JW Sept: Reynold’s CARROMER SHIMMERING IN PINK JW TISSALIAN TROPHY Winner of Maiden Bitch Class – presented by Mr. I. and Mrs. C. Bailiss Jan: Macmillan’s AFINMORE ANDRASTA AT EBESHB Sept: Woodall’s MATTAND A MILLION DREAMS FOR THIRLMERE CARMEN MIRANDA TROPHY Winner of Novice Bitch Class – presented by Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds Jan: Woodburn’s CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN Sept: Ayres’ TANTADECORUS ISLE OF SHUNA MUSUBI AMESLEAGH BOWL Winner of Undergraduate Bitch – presented by Mr. and Mrs. L. Hepworth Jan: Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY MELODY Sept: Smith’s RUDIDALE LADY LUCK 69

POLLY’S PRIDE OF GENISVAL CUP Winner of Post Graduate Bitch Class – presented by Mrs. M. Coddington Jan: Lambert’s MATTAND FRONT PAGE (AI) Sept: Flockton’s DYLSONLEIGH MISS MUFFETT JW ROCKABEE AWARD Winner of Mid Limit Bitch – presented by Miss M. Thorp and Miss E. Walker Jan: Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO YELLOW DIAMOND Sept: Flockton’s DYLSONLEIGH PRETTY IN PINK ROCKABEE CUP Winner of Open Bitch Class – presented by Miss M. Thorp and Miss E. Walker Jan: Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO YELLOW DIAMOND Sept: Coode’s WARRINGAH’S GURLEY JW BELTARN BROOK BOWL Winner of Veteran Bitch Class – presented by Mrs. C. Hadwen Jan: Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW Sept: Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW


2019 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW RESULTS C.C. & RESERVE C.C. WINNERS Plus Best Puppy & Best Veteran where declared

BOSTON & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY (04.01.19) Mrs. L. Peggs (Jancet) BOB. Dog C.C. Braddons’ TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (2) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Dog Res C.C. Bailiss’ SH CH TISSALIAN HI JACK JW B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Hodge’s NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW (2) (Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Naiken African Story) Bitch Res C.C. McFaul’s LULUKELLA’S HOMETOWN GLORY JW Best Puppy Braddon’s TRENDLEWOOD SIMPLY THE BEST MANCHESTER DOG SHOW (29.01.19) Mr. M. Armstrong (Bitcon) Dog C.C. Lambert’s CH MATTAND EXODUS JW (23) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Amberstead Dark and Stormy Over Mattand) Dog Res C.C. Candel’s DUTCH CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL B.O.B. Bitch C.C Casey & Cavallos’ SH CH LEMBAS KISS ME KATE AT MOYGLASS (7) (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW x Sh Ch Lembas Chiquitta) Bitch Res C.C. Hodge’s NAIKEN CARINSIA Best Puppy Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S GET LUCKY Best Veteran Faulkener’s LEWISAN LOOK AT ME EAST ANGLIAN LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (03.03.19) Dogs: Mr. D. Wilmhurst (Mandamay) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Bailiss’ SH CH TISSALIAN HI JACK JW (11) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide And Seek) Dog Res C.C. Richmond’s BRIGGLEBANK BIRDMAN Bitches: Mrs. E. Hallgarth (Chaplemanor) Bitch C.C. Pastusiak & Dębiec POL CH MY FIRST LOVE OF LABGOLD (1) (CIB NL, Ch Ger, Ch Carpenny Scenario x Her Majesty Molto Bene) Bitch Res C.C. Williamson’s SHAROUNS VICTORIA’S SECRET JW Best Puppy Richmond’s BRIGGLEBANK BIRDMAN Best Veteran Rees’ SH CH/ IR SH CH THURBAJEN’S FLIGHTY FENNEL WITH ERMOS CRUFTS DOG SHOW (07.03.19) Dogs: Mrs. P. Harrison (Stebel) Dog C.C. Braddon’s TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (3) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Dog Res C.C. Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO TOP NOTCH ALFIE Bitches: Mrs. S. Wiles (Richbourne) B.O.B. Bitch C.C O’Brien’s SH CH MAXFIELD MAYBELLINE JW (4) (Sh Ch Am Can Ch Salty Dog of Tampa Bay JH x Mandursan’s Miss Demeanor of Maxfield) Stafford’s SH CH ARROWMOY FAIRYTAIL OF NEW YORK FARNFIELD (IKC) Bitch Res C.C. 71

Best Puppy Best Veteran


THREE RIDINGS LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (16.03.19) Dogs: Ms. R. Hodge (Naiken) Dog C.C. McLean’s CH AFINMORE AZUFRAL JW ShCM (4) (Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Ch Afinmore Antora) Dog Res C.C. Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH Bitches: Mrs. M. Litherland (Oakhouse) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Mitchell’s AFINMORE ARDMORE (1) Gowanvale Hot Chocolate x Afinmore Absinth) Bitch Res C.C. McClean’s CH AFINMORE ANTORA ShCM Best Puppy Lewis’ CRAMMONDKIRK YO YO Best Veteran McClean’s CH AFINMORE ANTORA ShCM KENT, SURREY & SUSSEX LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (31.03.19) Dogs: Mr. G. Fox (Treburrow) Dog C.C Percival’s WYNFAUL THE WIZARD JW (3) (Wynfaul Rocket Fuel x Cricklecreek Carolina at Wynfaul) Dog Res C.C. McRory’s MILROSEGLEN MAKE MY DAY AT MEADOVILLABS Bitches: Mrs. M. Hopkinson (Rocheby) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. McClellan’s SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY (1) (Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Solid x Saranden Leilani) Res Bitch C.C. Woodburn’s CENTENALEE SILVER ICE Best Puppy Campbell’s BINNAIG BENAVIE Best Veteran Lavelle’s CROSSCROYDE CHOICE WORDS LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF SCOTLAND (06.04.19) Dogs: Mr. D. Coode (Warringah’s) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (4) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Dog Res C.C. Woodley’s SH CH SECRET MOMENT AT ALKHAMHURST Bitches: Mrs. C. Coode (Warringah’s) Bitch C.C. Lally’s TREWINNARD PIMLICO (2) (Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard) Stafford’s SH CH ARROWMOY FAIRYTAIL OF NEW YORK FARNFIELD (IKC) Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy Campbell’s BINNAIG BENAVIE Best Veteran Woodley’s SH CH SECRET MOMENT AT ALKHAMHURST JOINT LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF SCOTLAND (07.04.19) Dogs: Mr. S. Slettedal (Fieldvalley) Dog C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (5) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Balshaw & Rawlinson’s HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORREL JW Dog Res C.C. Bitches: Mrs. L. Johansen (Dee-Fair) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Lally’s TREWINNARD PIMLICO (3) (Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard) Bitch Res C.C. McLellan’s TIMOURAN SIOUX FOR SARANDEN Best Puppy Hodge’s NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (AI) Best Veteran Woodley’s SH CH SECRET MOMENT AT ALKHAMHURST 72

MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (20.04.19) Dogs: Mr. C. Mills (Lembas) Dog C.C. Cains’ HANNABEE ROCKET MISSION (1) (Sh Ch Southridge Sky Rocket to Hannabee x Hannabee First Lady) Dog Res C.C. Candel’s DUTCH CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL Bitches: Mr. J. Sauge (Mambrino’s) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Woodburns’ CENTENALEE MISS MADELYN (1) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Rocheby Shadow at Centenalee) Bitch Res C.C. Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Veteran Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH WEST OF ENGLAND LADIES KENNEL SOCIETY (26.04.19) Mrs. D. Elliot (Lyndham) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (IMP DEU) (1) (Sh Ch & Multi Ch Blacksugar Luis x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Dog Res C.C. Johnson’s CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER SHCM Bitch C.C. Hodge’s NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW IR JUN CH (3) (Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Naiken African Story) Bitch Res C.C. Reynold’s CARROMER CLASSY READ JW Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY LABRADOR CLUB OF WALES (11.05.19) Dogs: Mrs. A. Stewart (Streamanda) Dog C.C. Bailiss’ SH CH TISSALIAN HI JACK JW (12) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide And Seek) Dog Res C.C. Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORREL Bitches: Mrs. J. Venturi-Rose (Leospring) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Hodges’ SH CH NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW IR JUN CH (4) (Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Naiken African Story) Bitch Res C.C. McClellan’s SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY Best Puppy. Chapman’s DAISYPATCH JELLY TOT Best Veteran Scutcher’s WINSLEYWOOD WILD HONEYJW ShCM BIRMINGHAM DOG SHOW SOCIETY (12.05.19) Mr. T. Jakkel Dog C.C. Nugteren’s INT CH MOCNY`S KNOXVILLE LUX JR CH (Fin Imp) (3) (Int Sh Ch Seawind Polish Poker x Ch Mysis Usvainen Meri) Dog Res C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S GET LUCKY B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Allen & Guilfords’ ALLENIES ATHENA AT MANDURSAN (2) Bitch Res C.C. Wood’s LOUGIN SECRET SPY AT SUNDYKE JW Best Puppy Young’s POTTERSPINEY SILAS Best Veteran Wallace’s RICHBOURNE SIGNATURE TUNE OF TIAJA THE SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB (17.05.19) Mr. A. Allen (Allenies) Dog C.C. Jayes & Caseys’ SANDYLANDS HIT THE ROAD (1) (Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack x Sandylands Free Time) 73

Dog Res C.C. B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy Best Veteran


BATH CANINE SOCIETY (24.05.19) Mrs L. Harvey-Major (Linjor) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (6) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Dog Res C.C. Gaskell’s SHAROUNS VENTRILOQUIST FOR TEMPASKELL JW Bitch C.C. McClellan’s SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY (2) (Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Solid x Saranden Coda ) Bitch Res C.C. O’Brien’s MAXFIELD ARABELLA Best Puppy Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY STOCKMAN Best Veteran Lavelle’s CROSSCROYDE CHOICE WORDS JW SOUTHERN COUNTIES CANNINE ASSOCIATION (02.06.19) Mr. G. Haran Dog C.C. Tooth’s SANDYLANDS OVER THE MOON TO LUDALOR JW (1) (Ch Ludalor Lunar Orbit x Sandylands Free Time) Dog Res C.C. Allen, Hess & Jordans’ TAMPA BAY`S MARCO POLO FOR EAGLE POND (IMP USA) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Allen & Guilfords’ ALLENIES ATHENA AT MANDURSAN (3) Bitch Res C.C. Evan’s FARNFIELD CLARITY Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Rees’ SH CH/ IR SH CH THURBAJEN`S FLIGHTY FENNEL WITH EREMOS Best Veteran THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (08.06.19) Dogs: Mrs. L. Tooth (Ludalor) Dog C.C. Bailiss’ SH CH TISSALIAN HI JACK JW (13) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide And Seek) Dog Res C.C. Logan’s MADGACK MULBERRY MINOQUA Bitches: Ms. C. Morton (Dakross) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST (5) (Ch Ger A Sense of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Bitch Res C.C. Hodge’s SH CH NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW IR JUN CH Best Puppy Campbell’s BINAIG BENAVIE Best Veteran Woodley’s SH CH SECRET MOMENT AT ALKHAMHURST THREE COUNTIES DOG SHOW (09.06.19) Mrs. M. Rees (Eremos) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Johnson’s CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER SHCM (2) (Trendlewood Snowman JW (Ai) x Cremino Cobnut) Dog Res C.C. Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO TOP KNOTCH ALFIE Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ SHANORRELL SOCIALITE AT HALSHIMOOR JW (2) Bitch C.C. (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Shanorrell Splendour at Halshimoor) 74

Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy


BORDER UNION AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY (15.06.19) Mr. D. Hopkinson (Rocheby) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Metcalfe’s CARROMERS JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE (1) (Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW x Carromer Shimmering Tiara JW) Dog Res C.C. Hutchinson’s GLOSMERE THE GRENADIER JW Bitch C.C Charlton’s CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW (1) (Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch x Foxrush Touch of Class) Bitch Res C.C. Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Veteran Bown’s VELVETINE SHAWNEE ShCM BLACKPOOL & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY (22.06.19) Mrs. L. Blunt (Balrion) Dog C.C. Parker’s PONIEL REASON TO BELIEVE AT BRUADARACH ShCM (2) (Poniel Eildon Sunrise x Poniel Garnet ) Dog Res C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S GET LUCKY B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Coodes’ WARRINGAH’S GULWARRA JW (1) (Rayleas Hot-Shot to Warringah (FRA IMP) x Warringah`s Gurley JW) Bitch Res C.C. Braddon’s TRENDLEWOOD SIMPLY THE BEST JW Best Puppy Lennox & Morgans’ WILENMORY EMPORIO DIAMOND WINDSOR DOG SHOW SOCIETY (29.06.19) Mrs . L. Miles (Llanstinan) Dog C.C. Hodgkiss’ DINNOZO TOP KNOTCH ALFIE (1) (Sh Ch Rocheby Horn Blower x Bowstones Sunshine Rosie) Dog Res C.C. Harvey Major & Merrills’ LINJOR THE SQUIRE JW ShCM B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ SHANORRELL SOCIALITE AT HALSHIMOOR JW (3) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Shanorrell Splendour at Halshimoor) Bitch Res C.C. Shirton’s WOOLMAN`S PROPER DREAM MAKER Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY COTSWOLD & WYEVERN LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (03.07.19) Dogs: Ms. S. Lambert (Mattand) Dog C.C. Coodes’ CH WARRINGAH’S PERTH JW ShCM (22) Ch Warringahs Gundaroo x Warringah Camira Creek) Dog Res C.C. CHADFRITH ALCAZABA Bitches: Miss. R. Hodge (Naiken) B.O.B. Bitch C.C Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST (6) (Ch Ger A Sense of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Bitch Res C.C. O’Neill’s RAMSAYVILLE TALI Best Puppy Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Veteran Woodley’s SH CH SECRET MOMENT AT ALKHAMHURST


EAST OF ENGLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY (07.07.19) Mr. M. Givan (Sudeo) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Douglas’ IR SH CH TALARD CEE THREE PEE OOH (2) (Blue Bayo Strog Wind of Kawarimono x Talard Tainted Love) Dog Res C.C. Ellis’ DOLWEN BUTTON MOON JW Bitch C.C. Casey & Cavallos’ SH CH LEMBAS KISS ME KATE AT MOYGLASS (8) (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW x Sh Ch Lembas Chiquitta) Bitch Res C.C. Charlton’s CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW Best Puppy Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY OLD TIMER Best Veteran Collin’s KASPAIR KISS AND TELL LEEDS CITY & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY (28.07.19) Dogs: Mr. D. Nightingale (Boothgates) Dog C.C. Parker’s PONIEL REASON TO BELIEVE AT BRUADARACH ShCM (3) (Poniel Eildon Sunrise x Poniel Garnet ) Dog Res C.C. Lambert’s CH MATTAND EXODUS JW Bitches: Mrs. A. Deane (Tanronens) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST (7) (Ch Ger A Sense of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Bitch Res C.C. Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI SOCIETY Best Puppy Hodges’ NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (Ai) Best Veteran Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW PAIGNTON & DISTRICT FRANCIERS (03.08.19) Mrs. J. Miller (Feorlig) Dog C.C. Coodes’ CH WARRINGAH’S PERTH JW ShCM (23) (Ch Warringahs Gundaroo x Warringah Camira Creek) Dog Res C.C. Gaskell’s SHAROUNS VENTRILOQUIST FOR TEMPASKELL JW B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Stafford’s SH CH ARROWMOY FAIRYTAIL OF NEW YORK FARNFIELD (IKC) (10) (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW ShCM x Phiilipstown Million Dollar Baby of Arrowmoy ) Bitch Res C.C. Hodges’ NAIKEN CLASSIC CLICHE Best Puppy Lambert’s MATTAND THIS IS ME Best Veteran Wallace’s RICHBOURNE SIGNATURE TUNE OF TIAJA NATIONAL GUNDOG ASSOCIATION (04.08.19) Dogs: Mr. C. Rose (Leospring) Dog C.C. Johnson’s CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER SHCM (3) (Trendlewood Snowman JW (Ai) x Cremino Cobnut) Dog Res C.C. Carpanini’s CARPENNY PRIMO Bitches: Mrs. A. Lavelle (Crosscroyde) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. O’Brien’s MAXFIELD ARABELLA (3) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Maxfield Maybelline JW) Bitch Res C.C. Wood’s SUNDYKE SECRET STEPS Best Puppy Hodge’s NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (Ai) Best Veteran Britton’s SH CH MARTINSTIDE PASTICHE AT BOWSTONES JW


UNITED RETRIEVER CLUB (07.08.19) Dogs: Mrs. E. Jayes (Sandylands) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (7) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Dog Res C.C. Candel’s DUTCH CH WAHNAHNISH SIMPLY SENSATIONAL Bitches: Mrs. M. McCulloch (Frewlings) Bitch C.C. Lally’s SH CH TREWINNARD PIMLICO (4) (Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard) Bitch Res C.C. Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST Best Puppy Hodges’ NAIKEN EAST MEETS WEST (Ai) Best Veteran Burn’s BONNIEBURNS BUBBILICIOUS BOURNEMOUTH CANINE ASSOCIATION (11.08.19) Mrs. J. King (Linthwaite) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Johnson’s SH CH CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER ShCM (4) (Trendlewood Snowman JW (Ai) x Cremino Cobnut) Dog Res C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW Bitch C.C. Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ SH CH SHANORRELL SOCIALITE AT HALSHMOOR JW (4) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Shanorrell Splendour at Halshimoor) Bitch Res C.C. O’Brien’s SH CH MAXFIELD ARABELLA Best Puppy Kent’s CHYANHAL TREVOSE OF TREWINNARD THE WELSH KENNEL CLUB (18.08.19) Mrs. B. Johnson(Downstream) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Johnson’s SH CH CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER ShCM (5) (Trendlewood Snowman JW (Ai) x Cremino Cobnut) Dog Res C.C. Britton’s LLANSTINAN LOUIS OF BOWSTONES Bitch C.C. Charlton’s CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW (2) Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch x Foxrush Touch of Class) Bitch Res C.C. Britton’s BOWSTONES POLKA Best Puppy Kent’s CHYANHAL TREVOSE OF TREWINNARD Best Veteran Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW THE SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB (28.08.19) Mr. M. Gadsby(Afterglow) Dog C.C. Logan’s MADGACK MULBERRY MINOQUA (2) (Afinmore Alain JW ShCM x Shaymiloney Serena at Madgack) Dog Res C.C. Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Jenkin’s SEKADA MISS BIANCA JW (3) Bitch Res C.C. Mowatt’s CLAYCHALK COSTA DIXIE WITH TANBECKMO Best Puppy McGillivray’s ANTONINE SWEET DREAMS (Ai) Best Veteran Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH CITY OF BIRMINGHAM CANINE ASSOCIATION (03.09.17) Mr. D. Ericsson (Raglan) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Braddon’s SH CH TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW (8) (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW) Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORREL JW Dog Res C.C. 77

Bitch C.C. Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy Best Veteran Best Junior :


RICHMOND DOG SHOW SOCIETY (08.09.19) Mrs. T. Butler (Ycart) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (IMP DEU) (2) (Sh Ch & Multi Ch Blacksugar Luis x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Dog Res C.C. Richmond’s BRIGGLEBANK BIRDMAN Bitch C.C. Hodge’s NAIKEN ETOILE (Ai) (1) (Nipntuck Blame It On Fame x Naiken Alize) Bitch Res C.C. Southwell’s DRIFFWOLD ALBA Best Puppy Lambert’s MATTAND THIS IS ME Best Veteran Harman’s LAKEMEADOW LOTUS BLOSSOM OF KARELDIS DARLINGTON DOG SHOW SOCIETY (15.09.19) Mrs. T. James (Blackmine) Dog C.C. Druggan’s MAFIA LAB’S TABOO WEBSTER AT BALLADOOLE JW (IMP BLR) (1) (Top Sekret Sitkowski Bor x Mafia Lab`s Riolla Dizar) Dog Res C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (IMP DEU) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Powell’s CH SEATALLAN YELLOW ARCHANGEL (AI) (3) (Int Ch Eneleon Wandering Star x Seatallan Waterlilly) Bitch Res C.C Percival’s WYNFAUL VICKERS JW Best Puppy Young’s POTTERSPINEY SILAS Best Veteran Kulleseid’s SH CH CENTENALEE SPARKLING SNOW DRIFFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY (20.09.19) Mrs. L. McGillivray (Antonine) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Druggan’s A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (IMP DEU) (3) (Sh Ch & Multi Ch Blacksugar Luis x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Dog Res C.C. Hodge’s NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (Ai) Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST (8) Bitch C.C. (Ch Ger A Sense of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) Bitch Res CC Hodge’s SH CH NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW Best Puppy Meier’s SWISSKING ADMIRAL BEACH BOY Best Veteran Robert’s STORMROSE GOLDEN FORTUNE JW ShCM THE YELLOW LABRADOR CLUB (25.09.19) Dogs: Ms. M. Woodley (Alkhamhurst) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH (5) (Ransayville Robert Downey x Sudeo Mystique at Ramsayville) 78

Dog Res C.C. Bitch C.C. Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy Best Veteran

Young’s POTTERSPINEY RICOCHET Bitches: Mrs. L. Kent (Trewinnard) Hodge’s SH CH NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW IR JUN CH (6) (Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Naiken African Story) Coodes’ WARRINGAH`S GULWARRA Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY STRING OF PEARLS Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH

BELFAST DOG SHOW SOCIETY (28.09.19) Mr. D. Shields (Wilholme) Dog C.C. Metcalfe’s CARROMERS JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE (2) (Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW x Carromer Shimmering Tiara JW) Dog Res C.C. Douglas’ IR SH CH TALARD CEE THREE PEE OOH B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Stafford’s SH CH ARROWMOY FAIRYTAIL OF NEW YORK FARNFIELD (IKC) (11) (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW ShCM x Phiilipstown Million Dollar Baby of Arrowmoy ) Bitch Res C.C. Campbell’s BINNAIG ESKIMO BLONDE Best Puppy Melcalfe’s BAILEYDALE MRS TIGGYWINKLE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF NORTHERN IRELAND (28.09.19) Mrs. G. Oulton (Oulsmi) Dog C.C. Holliday’s SH CH RAMSAYVILLE ROCK FESTIVAL AT FARBRAE (4) (Sh Ch Brighton Sarracenia(Imp) x Ramsayville Robyn) Dog Res C.C. Killeen LISVELLA BLUE BOY (IKC) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Park’s RAMSAYVILLE RHUBARB ROCK AT KINCHYLE (3) (Sh Ch Brighton Sarracenia(Imp) x Graybrae Golden Girl of Ramsayville) Bitch Res C.C Charlton’s SH CH CLASSICAL ACT OF FOXRUSH JW Best Puppy Douglas’ ROCHEBY SUNFLOWERS AT BALTARRAM Best Veteran Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH SOUTH WALES KENNEL ASSOCIATION (11.10.19) Mr. J. Daltrey (Bannadance) Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORREL (1) Dog C.C. (Shanorrel Sucession at Halshimoor x Sharouns Nostalgia) Dog Res C.C. Britton’s LLANSTINAN LOUIS OF BOWSTONES B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Kent’s TREWINNARD PICADILLY (1) (Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard) Bitch Res C.C. Allen’s WARRINGAH`S WIRRABARA AT TOMOURAN Best Puppy Harvey-Major’s LINJOR SANSA NORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (12.10.19) Dogs: Mrs. K. Powell (Seatallan) Dog C.C. Logan’s MADGACK MULBERRY MINOQUA (3) (Afinmore Alain JW ShCM x Shaymiloney Serena at Madgack) Dog Res C.C. Lesley’s STEELEIGH BLUE PRINT JW Bitches: Mr. D. Craig (Davricard) B.O.B. Bitch C.C. Woodley’s SH CH A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S YLVI AT ALKHAMHURST (9) (Ch Ger A Sense of Pleasure’s I’m A Joker x CIB, Ch Ger, Ch NL, & Ch Lux Waterlines Selleria) 79

Bitch Res C.C. Best Puppy Best Veteran


GUNDOG SOCIETY OF WALES (16.10.19) Mr. H. Bishop (Brylluan) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Bailiss’ SH CH TISSALIAN HI JACK JW (14) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide And Seek) Dog Res C.C. Hodges’ NAIKEN EAST MEETS WEST (Ai) Bitch C.C. Hodges’ NAIKEN CARINSIA (2) (Int Ch Raglan Jack Frost x Naiken Alize) Bitch Res C.C. Mills’ LEMBAS CRACKLIN` ROSIE JW Best Puppy Melcalfe’s BAILEYDALE MRS TIGGYWINKLE Best Veteran Wallace’s RICHBOURNE SIGNATURE TUNE OF TIAJA NORTH WEST LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB (20.10.19) Dogs: Mrs. S. Marskell (Berolee) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Hodges’ NAIKEN EAST MEETS WEST (Ai) (1) (Nipntuck Blame It On Fame x Naiken Alize) Dog Res C.C. Brown’s RAMSAYVILLE REVOLVER Bitches: Mr. C. Mills (Lembas) Bitch C.C. McClellan’s SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY (3) (Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Solid x Saranden Leilani) Bitch Res C.C. Hodges’ NAIKEN ETOILE (Ai) Best Puppy Douglas’ ROCHEBY SUNFLOWERS AT BALTARRAM Best Veteran Lennox’s WILENMORY ARMANI DIAMOND JW MIDLAND COUNTIES CANINE SOCIETY (25.10.19) Mr. A. Metcalfe (Baileydale) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Bailiss’ TISSALIAN HI JACK (15) (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide And Seek) Dog Res C.C. Nugteren’s WOEFDRAM`S ABERCROMBIE Bitch C.C. O`Neill’s RAMSAYVILLE TALI (1) (Paradoc’s Bellweather Heath (Imp USA) x Foulby Krista ) Bitch Res C.C. Flockton’s DYLSONLEIGH PRETTY IN PINK Best Puppy Hopkinson’s ROCHEBY OLD TIMER WEST OF ENGLAND LABRADOR RETRIVER CLUB (02.11.19) Dogs: Mrs. M. Gardner (Rewari) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Coodes’ CH WARRINGAH’S PERTH JW ShCM (24) (Ch Warringahs Gundaroo x Warringah Camira Creek) Dog Res C.C. Judd’s HARPITT`S TRUE SPIRIT Bitches: Mr. A. Ellis (Dolwen) Bitch C.C. Shirton’s WOOLMAN`S PROPER DREAM MAKER (1) (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW x Sh Ch Lembas Chiquitta) Bitch Res C.C. Jayes & Caseys’ SANDYLANDS HI TIME Best Puppy Coodes’ WARRINGAH’S THE BLUFF Best Veteran Braddon’s TRENDLEWOOD WORDS OF LOVE


GUNDOG BREEDS ASSOCIATION OF SCOTLAND (09.11.19) Dogs: Mrs. M. Nightingale (Boothgates) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORREL (2) (Shanorrel Sucession at Halshimoor x Sharouns Nostalgia) Dog Res C.C. Douglas’ IR SH CH TALARD CEE THREE PEE OOH Bitches: Mr. F. Gilroy (Claychalk) Bitch C.C. Meek’s WINTER STAR LEMINISCATUS AT JOHDINE (IMP POL) (1) (Secret Way to My Heart of Labgold x Silver Alpha Leminiscatus) Bitch Res C.C. Campbell’s BINNAIG ESKIMO BLONDE Best Puppy Dawson’s BESKERBY NUTCRACKER Best Veteran Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ SH CH RAMSAYVILLE RUBY WALSH LADIES KENNEL ASSOCIATION (14.12.19) Dogs: Ms. M. Brown (Ramsayville) B.O.B. Dog C.C. Douglas’ IR SH CH TALARD CEE THREE PEE OOH (3) (Blue Bayo Strog Wind of Kawarimono x Talard Tainted Love) Dog Res C.C. Meredith’s TWEEDLEDUM OFF THE RECORD Bitches: Mr. K. Roberts (Stormrose) Bitch C.C. McClellan’s SH CH SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY (4) (Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Solid x Saranden Leilani) Bitch Res C.C. Shirton’s WOOLMAN`S PROPER DREAM MAKER Best Puppy Harvey-Major’s LINJOR SANSA Best Veteran Wallace’s RICHBOURNE SIGNATURE TUNE OF TIAJA


MCLRC CONGRATULATES THE NEW CHAMPIONS OF 2019 NEW FULL CHAMPIONS – 2019 WYNFAUL THE WIZARD JW – black dog Wynfaul Rocket Fuel x Cricklecreek Carolina at Wynfaul DOB 17/10/14 Breeder/Owner: Mrs M Percival

NEW SHOW CHAMPIONS – 2019 A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (imp DEU) – black dog SH. CH. & INT.CH. Blacksugar Luis x INT.CH. Waterlines Selleria DOB 27/08/17 Breeder: Mrs K Korff Owner: Miss K Druggan ALLENIE’S ATHENA AT MADURSAN – yellow bitch SH. CH. & AM. CH. Salty Dog of Tampa Bay (imp USA) x Mandursan’s Athena with Allenie DOB 12/08/12 Breeder: Mr & Mrs G & Mr A Allen Owner: Mr & Mrs A Guildford & Mr A Allen CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW – yellow bitch SH. CH. Rocheby Old Punch x Foxrush Touch of Class DOB 17/06/17 Breeder: Miss C Rowe Owner: Mrs J Charlton CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER SHCM – yellow dog Trendlewood Snowman (AI) x Cremino Cobnut DOB 18/11/15 Breeder/Owner: Mrs J & Mr G Johnson MADGACK MULBERRY MINOCQUA – black dog Afinmore Alain x Shaymiloney Serena at Madgack DOB 21/10/16 Breeder: Mrs E Stoker Owner: Miss C Logan MOCNOYS KNOXVILLE (ATC FIN) – yellow dog SW. CH. Seawind Polish Poker x FIN. CH. Mysis Usvaninen Meri DOB 09/03/14 Breeder: Mrs T Ronko Owner: Mr S Nugteren MAXFIELD ARABELLA – yellow bitch FIN. CH. Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) x Mandursan’s Miss Demanour of Maxfield DOB 02/08/16 Breeder/Owner: Mr & Mrs S O’Brien NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW – black bitch CH. Naiken Zephyr JW x Naiken African Story DOB 02/08/17 Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge 82

PONIEL REASON TO BELIEVE AT BRUADARACH – black dog Poniel Eildon Sunrise x Poniel Garnet DOB 22/08/13 Breeder: Ms A Mackay Owner: Mrs S Parker RAMSAYVILLE RHUBARB ROCK AT KINCHYLE – yellow bitch SH. CH. Brighton Sarracenia (imp Pol) x Graybrae Golden Girl of Ramsayville DOB 16/05/15 Breeder: Mr A & Mrs M and Miss M Brown Owner: Mrs L Park SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY – yellow bitch SH. CH. Ramsayville Rock Solid JW x Saranden Coda DOB 01/02/15 Breeder/Owners: Mr D & Mrs S McLellan SEKADA MISS BIANCA JW – yellow bitch SH. CH. Ballyduff Marius x Brigburn Violet Sekada DOB 21/10/13 Breeder/Owner: Mr D & Mrs K Jenkins SHANORRELL SOCIALITE AT HALSHIMOOR – yellow bitch FIN. CH. Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) x SH.CH. Shanorrell Splendour at Halshimoor DOB 03/01/15 Breeder: Mr & Mrs D Balshaw Owner: Mr & Mrs D Balshaw and Messrs M & J & Mrs J Rawlinson TALARD CEE THREE PEE OHH – yellow dog THAI. CH. Blue Bayou Strong Wind of Kawarimond (ATC Thai) x Talard Tainted Love DOB 14/12/17 Breeder/Owner: Mr & Mrs A and Miss T Douglas TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW – yellow dog FIN. CH. Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) x SH. CH. Trendlewood Silent Night JW DOB 22/09/16 Breeder/Owner: Mr D & Mrs F Braddon TREWINNARD PIMLICO – black bitch Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper at Trewinnard DOB 19/04/16 Breeder: Mrs L Kent Owner: Mrs P Lally


(inc. those too late for inclusion in last yearbook) AMANCIO TIRPITZ OF FLYPATCH – black dog FT. CH. Flypatch Alfa x FT. CH. Amancio Swift DOB 01/06/15 Breeder: Mr P Down Owner: Mr T Brain 83

ARKGLAS TAYLOR – yellow dog FT. CH. Eastdale Harry x Fennel of Fern DOB 09/08/12 Breede : Mrs J Julian Owner: Mr A Slingsby BELLSPADDLE INTREPID – black bitch FT. CH. Eastdale Harry x Bellspaddle Explorer DOB 02/04/13 Breeder /Owner: Mrs S Dingle BROCKAGHS FORBA – black dog FT. CH. Calderhey Adder x Brockaghs Dervla DOB 03/04/15 Breeder / Owner: Mr J Collins BROCKLEBANK BRONZE OF CHATSWORTH – yellow dog FT. CH. Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth (imp Svk) x Jaywills Berry of Houghton DOB 20/03/13 Breeder: Mr J W Halsted Owner: Lady C Carter DERRITY MUSTARD OF BALSWAD – yellow dog FT. CH. Farmclose Paddy x Conneywarren Tammy of Derrity DOB 14/06/10 Breeder: Mrs C Jeffrey Owner: Mr R Daws DIGLAKE JASMIN – yellow bitch Jobeshill Valfrid of Avonford x Diglake Magic Noir DOB 23/04/12 Breeder: Miss D Scott & Mr S Newitt Owner: Miss D Scott HAWKSGARTH INDIANA – black bitch FT. CH. Levenghyl Malusi (AI) x Cynhinfa Jenny DOB 25/01/15 Breeder / Owner: Mr M Nelson HIGHWALK KERRY – black bitch FT. CH. Waterford Harris of Featherfly x Maldrake Anya of Highwalk DOB 08/06/15 Breeder: Mr N Cahill Owner: Mrs J Drysdale JOCKSBURN JOCK – black dog FT. CH. Leadburn Mist x Jocksburn Roxy DOB 23/04/15 Breeder/Owner: Mr T Forgie LAGGENGILL DAWN OF BLACKGRASS – black bitch FT. CH. Ellijas Danny x Jocksburn Suzie of Laggengill DOB 14/04/15 Breeder: Mr G Ford Owner: Mr L Jackson 84

LAGGENGILL DELTA – black bitch FT. CH. Ellijas Danny x Jocksburn Suzie of Laggengill DOB 14/04/15 Breeder: Mr G Ford Owner: Dr J Hay LENDOWN GORSE OF WADESHOT – yellow dog Levenghyl Cyber Star of Higgscroft x FT. CH. Brocksweir Barley DOB 07/05/14 Breeder: Mr & Mrs D Flood Owner: Mr R Wade MISTIGRIS FINN OF FEATHERFLY – black dog FT. CH. Levenghyl Bee of Featherfly x Astraglen Bebe at Mistigri DOB 25/06/15 Breeder: Mr R & Mrs G Gent Owner: Mr P Highfield MITFORTON OSCAR OF LEADBURN – yellow dog FT. CH. Gosberry Governor x Bedgebrook Scrumptious DOB 16/04/15 Breeder: Mrs A Robertson Owner: Mr W Steel MORDONMANOR BREE OF BLACKHARN – yellow bitch Tweedshot Teddy (AI) x Luscious Lady Lily DOB 19/07/13 Breeder: Mrs S Liversidge Owner: Mr A Parnell NETTLEBRAE ANDY OF FENDAWOOD (imp Aut) – black dog FT. CH. Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood (imp Svk) x Ragweeds Nettle DOB 14/04/15 Breeder: Miss A Knauer Owner: Mrs D Friedkin OLIVESTONE TUTTI FRUITY – black bitch FT. CH. Waterford Ganton x Olivertash Mavis DOB 27/03/14 Breeder: Mrs K Pinker Owner: Mr S Newitt OVERTHWARTS BERWICK – yellow dog Tagabea Flame of Ribblesdale x Overthwarts Olive DOB 06/06/11 Breeder/Owner: Mr A Wright THE WINDBREAK WHISPERER OF ARCKLEBEAR – black bitch Paid In Full x Meadow Stock Dove DOB 20/09/11 Breeder: Mr J Pye Owner: Miss C Baker TRODDENMILLS FULL THROTTLE OF LEACAZ – yellow dog FT. CH. Flypatch Alfa x Tayfordwoods Gingema with Troddenmills DOB 02/06/16 Breeder: Ms J Simpson Owner: Mr L Hartis 85

TURPINGREEN BARRERA OF LABDOM – black dog Lowforge Glenaveigh of Leacaz x Gablegorst Shuffler of Turpingreen DOB 20/06/15 Breeder: Mr K Butler Owner: Mr W Mitchell WEBSEND WHITEFAR LAND – black bitch FT. CH. Levenghyl Isle of Arran x Websend Zeta DOB 25/03/10 Breeder/Owner: Mr T Lowe WYTONRUSS FINNIGAN – black dog FT. CH. Leacaz Ricky of Caytonfell x Emmanygan Vogue DOB 06/10/14 Breeder: Mr D Sidwell Owner: Mr R Laughton ZAMBUCK LINNET – black bitch Sulby Tilt x Jobeshill Portia DOB 16/03/11 Breeder: Mr J Taberer Owner: Mrs V King

NEW WT CHAMPION – 2019 SARK LUCCA – black dog FT. CH. Astraglen Hail x Tadmarton Emma DOB 02/05/15 Breeder: Mrs V Andrews Owner: Mr & Mrs L Allen


FIELD TRIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT 2019 Hiya everyone hope you all had a good season. We had three working tests that all went well.... our first at Horkstow Bridge, where we will be back in April 2020, then some new ground at Stoke Rochford and we will be back on the ground for our novice this year, and our open cold game test at Ancaster.... hope to see you all at them. Our first trial was our Open at Belvoir and Ancaster. The first day at Belvoir went well and we saw some excellent dog work and a very well run day. Then are second day we went to Ancaster, where we again saw some more excellent dog work and for the dog who won it to be made up to field trial champion. The next trial was our Novice at Roxby where the guns and handler the judges made the day. We started off trying to get over a ditch and some of the guns thought there could jump in and here’s what happened...... But they were good sports and carried on all day. Then we had our All Age at Leverton where we saw some good dog work and we will be back again this year. Finally, we had our second novice at Blankney where it was good to be back and see some fine dog work, but the woodcock were just too good on the day. I would like to thank all those judges who have judged for me this year, all the keepers for their hard work, and the landowners for letting the Club use their land, as without them we could

not run the working tests and field trials. I would especially like to thank Mr Paul Sykes and Mr Cliff Chase for all the work they do for me and the Club, without them there would be no field trials...... they go above and beyond for the Club and for me. Thank you so much. Hope to see you all in the coming season and I hope you all think I am doing a good job. Paula Gravett, MCLRC Field Trial Secretary


NOVICE WORKING TEST HELD AT HORKSTOW BRIDGE HELD ON SUNDAY 14TH APRIL 2019 Judges: Clifford Chase, Andrew Slingsby, Jim Christon and Chris Busse Results: 1st Daisy Of Wold Newton - Jane Lidster 2nd Hollowgate Dancing Flames - Janette Sayer 3rd Tayberry Harry – M. Featherstone 4th Jogolo Ebony - Martin Abbott Handler Godfrey Lowe Certificates of Merit Wold Newton Black Sasha - Jane Lidster Clarkesbush Fallow - Rosie Featherstone Kenquince Sneak Right In - Helen Smith Luawyn Leeza of Abbottsmere - Mottis Abbott

OPEN WORKING TEST AT HORKSTOW BRIDGE HELD ON SUNDAY 14TH APRIL 2019 Judges: Clifford Chase, Andrew Slingsby, Jim Christon and Chris Busse Results 1st Hollowgate Dancing Flames - Janette Sayer 2nd Berrylaw Aberfeldy - Charlie Albone 3rd Wold Newton Black Sasha - Jane Lidster 4th Flashmount Ebony - Alan Penney Certificates of Merit Jogolo Dark Magic - Godfrey Lowe Jogolo Sail - Godfrey Lowe Daisy Of Wold Newton - Jane Lidster



HELD AT GRANGE FARM, STOKE ROCHFORD ON SUNDAY 16th JUNE 2019 Judges: Cliff Chase and Derrick Capel Results: 1st Bromleywood Alonso of Flypatch - Tim Brain 2nd Diglake Tam O’shanter - Nick Bowley 3rd Gwynteg Alize - Malcolm Jones 4th Higgscroft Omega - Handler Patricia Bell. Owner Pet Bell Certificates of Merit: Wendearose Didier - Sarah Eatwell Kayteens Tyson - Handler Kay Pallett. Owner David Clark



HELD AT ERMINE ST FARM, ANCASTER, LINCOLNSHIRE ON SUNDAY 21st JULY 2019 Judges: Cliff Chase and Tom Sager Results: 1st Wendearose Didier - Sarah Eatwell 2nd Killyrudden Surefoot Of Flypatch - Tim Brain 3rd Flossmill Eliott - Bel Grundy 4th Tarnedge Jaina - Claire Carvis Certificates of Merit: Lowsommer Seven Seas Of Rhye - Sue Lowe Luisenga Osprey - Darren Thompson Lowsommer Allenton - William Hales Wold Newton Black Sasha - Jane Lidster Lowsommer Story Of My Life - Sue Lowe


A.V. QUALIFYING 2 DAY OPEN STAKE (24 DOGS) AT BELVOIR ESTATE ON THURSDAY 3RD AND AT ANCASTER ON FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER 2019 Judges: Mr N. Rowson, Mr K. Helliwell, Miss H. Goodwin and Ms K. Smith Results: 1st 1st Arkglas Taylor - Andrew Slingsby (making the dog up to F.T. Ch.) 2nd Turpingreen Bohol - Kevin Butler 3rd Spiralline Chenas - Jo Rollinson MCLRC 2 day Open ‌ 1st day held at Belvoir Castle with kind permission of the Duke of Rutland and the 2nd day held at Irelands Farm, Ancaster with kind permission of the Ireland Family. First day was a cool, cloudy day with a light breeze. driven partridges and pheasants out of a maize cover strip with birds shot onto rough grass with patches of nettles, brambles and hedges and uneven terrain. Right from the beginning of the trial the poor scenting conditions proved difficult for many of the dogs and handlers, even on relatively short retrieves, which then resulted in only seven dogs and handlers making it through to the second day. Day two was held at Irelands Farm, Ancaster which mainly consisted of walked up partridges in sugar beet. The judges had the chance to stretch the dogs over longer distances which both tested the dogs and handlers with their marking and handling ability. Conditions were similar to the first day however scenting was noticeably better and therefore enabled dogs and handlers to show off some excellent work. Three dogs completed the day (day two) and the results were: 1st place Andrew Slingsby handling Arkglas Taylor (making him into FTCh) 2nd place Kevin Butler handling Turpingreen Bohol 3rd place Jo Rollinson handling Spiralline Chenas Many thanks go to judges, guns, helpers, land owners and the club for giving up their valued time to enable the trial to go ahead and to make the trial a success.






Judges: Clifford Chase, Andrew Slingsby, Paul William Sykes, and Tom Sagar Results 1st - Tarnedge Jaina, Owner/Handler Claire Carvis 2nd - Routengill Apollo, Owner/Handler Paul Stogden



ON THURSDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2019 Judges: P. Askew, Geoffrey Dobb, Julie Campbell, Denise Avery Results There were no awards given only the Special Trophies awarded in Memory of Dr. Chris Green. The Chris Green Trophy went to Sharon Dingle Bellspaddle Roscoe and the Chris Green Trophy for best on a runner went to Stewart North - Northglen Crumble. Guns’ choice went to Kevin Minett - Elyon Demeter (Golden Retriever)



HELD AT BLANKNEY ON THURSDAY 12TH DECEMBER 2019 Judges: Mr T. Parnell, Mrs L. Partridge, Mr A. Slingsby and Mr P. W. Sykes Results No awards given Chris Green Trophy for best on a runner went to Stewart North - Northglen Crumble. Guns’ choice David Wall with Brindlebay Ale


FIELD TRIAL CUPS AND TROPHIES 2019 NOVICE COLD GAME WORKING TEST Sunday 16th June 2019 The Staindrop Challenge Trophy kindly presented by Mrs J. Hayes was awarded to the winner of the Novice Working Test Tim Brain’s Bromleywood Alonso of Flypatch OPEN COLD GAME TEST – in SUGAR BEET Sunday 21st July 2019 The Mallardhurn Trophy kindly presented by Mr & Mrs N. D. Robinson was awarded to the winner of the Open Cold Game Test Sarah Eatwell’s Wendearose Didier NOVICE I STAKE (FOR LABRADORS ONLY) Wednesday 12th October 2019 The Rauceby Cup Kindly presented by A. C. Ireland Esq Awarded to the Winner of this Stake. Claire Carvis’ Tarnedge The Marsh Cup Kindly presented by A. P. Marsh, Esq OBE for the best dog or bitch gaining at least a Certificate of Merit, which has not been in the hands of a Professional Trainer for at least six months prior to this Stake. Claire Carvis’ Tarnedge Jaina The Woodfield Cup Kindly presented by R. H. Wood Esq Awarded for the best looking dog or bitch in the awards list (Not awarded) The Shooting Gazette Trophy Kindly presented by Mr M. Barnes editor of the ‘Shooting Gazette’ Presented to the ‘Guns Choice’ Claire Carvis’ Tarnedge Jaina Special Prize Kindly presented by C. W. Chase Esq in memory of Mr Robin Hayes Presented to the handler of the dog or bitch that was awarded the second prize. Paul Stogden’s Routengill Apollo


Special Prize Ice block memento kindly presented by Mrs Emma Sanderson to the winner of the stake Claire Carvis’ Tarnedge Jaina NOVICE II STAKE (FOR LABRADORS ONLY) Thursday 12th December 2019 The Player Cup Kindly presented by Stephen Player Esq Awarded to the Winner of this Stake. (Not awarded) The Shooting Gazette Trophy Kindly presented by Mr M. Barnes editor of the ‘Shooting Gazette’ Awarded to the ‘Guns Choice’ David Wall’s Brindlebay Ale Special Prize Kindly presented by Mrs Joan Hayes Presented to the handler of the dog or bitch that was awarded the second prize. (Not awarded) Special Prize Ice block memento kindly presented by Mrs Sue Hill to the Winner of this Stake (Not awarded) OPEN 24 DOG (Qualifying) STAKE for ANY VARIETY RETRIEVER Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th October 2019 The Poddington Perpetual Bowl Kindly presented by Capt. R.A.B. & Mrs Orlebar Awarded to the Winner of the Stake Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor The Staindrop Challenge Trophy Kindly presented by Mrs J M Hayes Awarded to the Winner of the Stake Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor The Kali-Kama Challenge Trophy Kindly presented by Anita Christenson (Denmark) Awarded to the Runner-up Kevin Butler’s Turpingreen Bohol The Belway Challenge Trophy Kindly presented by Mr P Singleton Awarded to the Best Labrador, handled by the owner, not having been in the hands of a Professional Trainer Jo Rollinson’s Spiralline Chenas 97

The Donnybrook Cup Kindly presented by the late Mrs P Morris Awarded to the best looking dog or bitch in the stake winning at least a Certificate of Merit. Kevin Butler’s Turpingreen Bohol The Woodfield Trophy Kindly presented by R H Woodfield Awarded to the best Owner-Handler dog or bitch in the awards list Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor The Knobhill Champa Memorial Trophy Kindly presented by Mr and Mrs R B Hain Awarded for the Guns’ choice having won at least a Certificate of Merit Jo Rollinson’s Spiralline Chenas The Swinbrook Trophy Kindly presented by Mr J P White Awarded for the Best Dog on a Runner Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor The Landyke Trophy Kindly presented by Mrs Hart Presented to the Best Yellow in the Awards Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor The Patrick Dean Memorial Trophy Kindly presented by Mrs Patrick Dean Awarded for the Best Performance on a Partridge Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor SPECIALS President Mrs Joan Hayes Special Prize of £10 For the dog showing the most natural (game-finding) hunting ability at all ranges, without undue interference from the handler, consistent with normal control. Andrew Slingsby’s Arkglas Taylor



GUNDOG TRAINING CLUBS Some clubs arrange training classes for their members. This list is based on information supplied by members, and we ask that anyone who knows a club which could be included to let either the Hon. Sec. or the Year Book Editor know, so that the list may be extended and updated. Thanks to all who have helped to keep it up to date. Note that the United Retriever Club divides into eight areas for training - they are included in the lists below. The Hon. F.T. Secretary of the United Retriever Club is Miss L Kentish, 15 Baring Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2NB. Tel: 01494 681524 Mob: 07860 115554 email: urcfieldtrial@gmail.com NORTH CLUBS

Merseyside Gundog Club

Mrs. A. Moss

01704 893128

Northumberland & Durham Lab Ret Club

Mr. G. Layfield

01670 791271

U. R. C. Northern

Mrs. P. Aubrey

01539 568377

Dove Valley Working Gundog Club

Mr. G. Radford

01889 567518

Dukeries Gundog Club

Mrs. B. Smith

01158 598477

East Midlands Gundog Club

(position vacant)

Midland Gundog Society

Mr. C. Warner

01676 549171

Shropshire Gundog Society

Ms. J. Holmes

01939 290552

U. R. C. Midlands

Miss S. Jaggard

01604 740352

U. R. C. North Midlands

Mr. P. J. Wagland

01909 476024

Arun & Downland Gundogs

Mrs. R. Parsons

01420 588464

Guildford Working Gundog Club

Mrs. S. Cole

01252 706806

Hampshire Gundog Society

Mrs. S. Entickap

01730 895246

Kennet Valley Gundog Society

Ms. Anjo

01264 737670

Kent, Surrey and Sussex Lab Ret Club

Mrs. J. Venturi-Rose

01428 751125

Lingfield area

Kim Jinks

07710 357861



Petworth area


Mid Sussex

Brenda Cox

01903 816348

Mid Herts Gundog Club

Mr. N. Smith

01474 853573

South Eastern Gundogs

Mrs. G. Nicholls

01435 862146

U. R. C. Buckingham

Mrs. S. Berman

07976 601842

U. R. C. Hampshire & South West

Mr R Tripp

07925 620522

U. R. C. Southern

Pat Richards

01342 325598

Barton on Humber Gundog Club

Mrs. S. Smith

01424 734700

Lincolnshire Gundog Club

Mrs. S. Lowe

01652 678838

Mid Norfolk Gundog Club

Mr. M. Danson-Hatcher

01263 579765

U. R. C. Essex

Mrs C Elsey

01787 371412

U. R. C. Lincolnshire

Mrs. G. Bell

01778 425104

U. R. C. Hampshire & South West

Mr R Tripp

07925 620522

U. R. C. Border Counties / Cotswolds

Mrs. H. Cripps

01225 782350

Clwyd Retriever Club

Mrs. M. Roberts

01244 344676

U. R. C. Border Counties / Cotswolds

Mrs. H. Smith

01452 730682

Usk Valley Working Gundog Society

Mr F Wright

01594 563070






My thanks to the Officers and Committee for their kind invitation to judge the Puppy Party on the 14th of July; it was an honour to be asked to officiate at such a wonderful event in the annual MCLRC calendar. The weather started out chilly and overcast but it didn’t affect the lovely atmosphere which was to be had, plus the super warm welcome from the committee, exhibitors and villagers alike; the whole experience was a joy! The venue was spacious, both inside and out, with ample parking close to the good sized ring and plenty of space to exercise the dogs. A very well laid out event, with eye testing in the main hall, outside stalls, space for the scurry hosted by FT Secretary Paula and her team, spectators chairs on the grass around the ring, an eating area with tables and chairs on the hardstanding to enjoy the delicious food organised by the committee including salads and BBQ, followed by strawberries, Pimms, trifle and home baked cakes - a truly quintessential summery event. So back to the show ring: I was thrilled with a super entry across the board, and equally impressed with both the quality and quantity of entries over the numerous puppy classes from 12weeks of age through to 12months, and then the two veteran classes 7-10years and 10years & over.

What a privilege to go over so many gorgeous puppies bred with true promise, all having fun, socialising and enjoying their day out as much as I was! I look forward to seeing them on the prestigious green carpet sometime in the future. To then going over the distinguished veterans; the commensurate professionals, with that wonderful presence, drive and love of the ring, soundly trotting and with the gleam in their eyes and super wagging tails. What a fabulous day out for all! Thank you to my brilliant stewards that kept the ring flowing so smoothly and to the extremely hardworking committee for such a super day all round. After a joyous and well contested competition, Best Puppy was awarded to Maxine Woodley’s beautiful puppy bitch Star. and Best Veteran to Leigh Lesley’s handsome veteran boy, Denzel. Many congratulations to all of the prizes winners, but I can’t finish this report without applauding all of my entries on the day and for making mine such a wonderful experience....I can’t thank you enough for coming along and wish I had had more rosettes and places to give out. Very well done to you all! Karen Callender - judge

Best Puppy, Maxine Woodley’s Star.

Best Veteran, Leigh Lesley’s Denzel.





This year the Club has held two training days for young, new and upcoming judges. The first one was held in July at the home of Michael and Judi Neachell and the second in November at Kegworth Village Hall. Both were well attended and very successful, and some extremely positive feedback has been received from the participants, both students and observers, some of which appears below. The format for these events was similar for both, with three well known judges each presenting different aspects of the dog to a small group of about 7 or 8 students. Each presentation, which involved demonstrating the various aspects on the dogs that were present, lasted about 45 minutes, after which the group moved on to the next judge to cover a different part of the dog. This gave the students an opportunity to go over the dogs themselves and ample time to discuss and ask questions. Movement was covered in July by the three groups together, but

in November was presented as a separate session to each individual group in turn. The Club would like to thank those judges who participated for their excellent presentations and for very generously giving their time to this project: Fiona Braddon, Gary Johnson and David Hopkinson in July; and Linda HarveyMajor, Penny Carpanini, Susie Wiles and Julia Lewis in November. Thanks also to Sue Nixon (Willowyre Fox Terriers) who kindly attended both sessions with her wirehair fox terrier to help demonstrate the difference in front construction and movement between the two breeds. Everything ran very smoothly, thanks to committee members and other volunteers on the day, and a pleasant informal atmosphere prevailed, with students having an opportunity to join in the interesting discussions and hear different opinions of some respected experienced judges. Catering was first class with excellent lunches


provided on each occasion, thanks to Elaine and her team of helpers. Everyone appeared to enjoy the day as can be seen from the following photos, and hopefully found it helpful and informative. Feedback from one of the students, Natalie Baron, who writes as follows… I was fortunate to have attended both Breed Education Days. They were quite different to the KC Breed Seminars I have attended previously. I really enjoyed this format and would love to see it adopted by the KC and other breed clubs. It was very much hands on and extremely informative. I went home both times surprised by how much I had learnt in just a few hours! We were split into four small groups of students with three judges each leading discussion on a specific part of the Labrador anatomy (heads, fronts and body/rear) and one judge doing movement. We spent around 45 minutes with each judge before moving onto

the next. The judges had pre-selected dogs that best demonstrated the part of the anatomy they were discussing, giving both correct examples and ones that were lacking. These ‘model’ dogs were volunteered by both committee members and students, and helpers were on hand all day to bring these dogs in and out. The judges made us feel at ease and we were able to ask questions, give our own opinions and have discussions about the dogs, as well as listening to them speak. After a tasty homemade lunch, we were able to go over several dogs and were asked to place them in order of merit. We did this quietly on a one to one basis with two of the judges and we were given time to explain our placings and given constructive feedback. We were given a folder to take home with lots of useful information on construction and movement and were given a certificate of attendance. After attending both days, my confidence has improved. I have more faith in myself and have


gained additional knowledge to support this. I hope to attend future Education Days to further enhance my knowledge and performance. There’s always more to learn and I would recommend them to anyone who has an interest in the breed and judging. Thanks to Midland Counties for taking the time and effort to organise both days. Email received from one of the observers, Ian Jones … Dear Julia and committee, Firstly, thank you for my invitation to attend your “Breed Education Day” last Sunday and congratulations to you all for a splendid day. Each of the tutors did a superb job and the whole day seemed to go without a hitch. I took a lot of good points away that hopefully North West Labrador Retriever Club can use within our next seminar. Regards, Ian Jones

Report from another participant, Hayley Jo Brambles … I feel very honoured to be asked to put a few words together about my experience of the Midland Counties L.R.C. Judges’ Educational Day. Educational day is the perfect title for this wonderful day as it covers everything any serious exhibitor, breeder, aspiring or current judge should know. I have previously attended breed specific seminars. Some were interesting, some very informative, but none, in my opinion, as comprehensive, hands-on and constructive as this day. We all arrived to a lovely welcome of refreshments, chat and a feeling of no pressure. A time to just “talk Labradors”. Everyone was introduced to each another and then we were put into small groups. Each group was taken to a different area of the lovely gardens, where a breed specialist was


looking for and why. The Midland Counties L.R.C. is a very proactive club, giving us Gundog Training days, the Puppy Fun Day, The Pup of the Year contest and now their Judges’ Education Days. Looking forward to the Club’s next exciting plans. waiting to discuss the particular aspect that they were presenting; all with the help of some lovely dogs that had been brought along for the day. We even had a terrier to look at, to show the very different and upright fronts they have. We covered how to judge and recognise a properly proportioned head, a correct shoulder and lay-back, rear and front angulation, tailset and correct movement; all discussed, demonstrated and explained fully. The dogs were then put in their respective age groups and a small show scenario was undertaken with all participants having an opportunity to assess and “place” the dogs. The huge difference on this day from others I’ve attended was the time allowed for discussion and being shown exactly what the judge is

Further feedback from another student, Ryan Ennis-Holden … I had the pleasure of attending both of the MCLRC Judges’ Breed Education Days as a student and thoroughly enjoyed each one. Both days covered the same three areas; fronts, rears and heads and at the second Education Day we had a specific module on movement. I found it really useful to hear from two different judges, all very well respected in the breed, about the specific areas - explained in different ways yet still arriving at the same conclusions and offering their own tips on judging techniques. It was great to have so many demonstration dogs at both days and the opportunity to go over these dogs, the judges also commented on how beneficial it was to have so much choice and variety to assist them in illustrating their points.


Covering fronts at the first Education Day was Gary Johnson (Cremino) and this was the module I found the most informative as I personally have always found front construction the most complex area of the dog. Gary explained in great detail yet still in a way that was easy to understand and demonstrated the points on different dogs, one of which happened to be my own! At the second day fronts were dealt with by Penny Carpanini (Carpenny) who was also very informative, and it was very interesting to hear the reasons behind why correct construction is important and the negative impact on a poorly constructed dog when working. We even had a Fox Terrier at both days to demonstrate what NOT to look for in a Labrador’s front! Moving on to rears, at the first day these were covered by David Hopkinson (Rocheby Labradors) who places great emphasis on the importance of a strong and powerful rear assembly. With my own breeding predominantly from Rocheby lines and having discussed this part of a dog’s construction with David in the past this was the area I was already most comfortable with, nevertheless it was still very useful to see a visual demonstration on different dogs alongside

the explanation. At the second day this area was covered by Sussie Wiles (Richbourne Labradors) who again covered the topic in great detail in an easy to understand way. Sussie made use of a variety of demonstration dogs, explaining the merits of each and which she would prefer when judging, giving her reasoning for this, which I found very useful. Heads were very well explained at the first day by Fiona Braddon (Trendlewood) and I found her tips regarding the techniques she uses when judging heads very helpful; for example, using the width of her hand to assess different areas of the head. Fiona explained that there is actually a lot to assess in this area and demonstrated the system she uses to do this effectively and efficiently. We also discussed teeth and the best


ways in which to assess a dog’s bite. At the second day Linda Harvey-Major (Linjor Labradors) was covering this area and it was great to see the dogs Linda chose to demonstrate with - we had all three colours and a mixture of dogs and bitches. This enabled us to discuss and see the differences in eye colour and pigmentation between the colours and also the difference between a good masculine and feminine head. At the second day Julia Lewis (Nigabee) was tasked with movement and we had a large area where we were able to clearly view the demonstration dogs from all angles. Julia chose a variety of dogs with different movement which enabled us to clearly see what correct movement should look like. We discussed as a group the order in which we would place these dogs based solely on movement and we were all in agreement with the chosen order. We also

discussed lameness and how this should be dealt with when judging. Both days were very well run and the famous MCLRC catering was well received by all! The days were both attended to full capacity, including students from abroad, and the feedback from judges, students and representatives from other breed clubs has all been very positive. Being on the MCLRC committee I know how much time and planning went into making these days the great success they were and I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their efforts, all who brought dogs to be demonstrated with and of course the fantastic judges who gave up their time to share their knowledge with us. I am looking forward to being involved in future Judge’ Breed Education Days hosted by the Club.



Crufts CC Winners 1904 – 1932 and Crufts Best of Breed winners 1933 to the present day The first show named ‘Crufts’ — ‘Cruft’s Greatest Dog Show’ — named after its founder, Charles Cruft, was held at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, in 1891. This was the first one at which all breeds were invited to compete. However, classes for labrador retrievers were not introduced till 1904 and only became a regular feature in 1907. Due to the First World War, the show was not held between 1918 and 1920. The show continued annually and gained popularity each year until Charles Cruft’s death in 1938. His widow ran the show for a few years until she felt unable to do so due to its high demands of time and effort. To ensure the future and reputation of the show (and, of course, her husband’s work), she sold it to The Kennel Club in 1942. The show was again interrupted by the Second World War, and therefore the 1948 show was the first to be held under the new owner and was held at Olympia in London, where it continued to gain popularity with each passing year. The 1954 show was cancelled due to an electrician’s strike. The results of the Labrador Retriever classes indicate the dog and bitch CC winners up until 1932, and thereafter the Best of Breed winner. Jenny Dobson 1904 Daphne 1905 No Classes for Labrador Retrievers 1906 No Classes for Labrador Retrievers 1907 Selina 1908 Ch. Belle Chienne 1909 Ch. Broome Park Bob Munten Sooty 1910 Ch. Dungavel Thor Kassatka 1911 Zephon Ch. Manor House Belle 1912 Ch. Brayton Swift Foxley Countess 1913 Ch. Brayton Swift Ch. Manor House Belle 1914 Ch. Type of Whitmore Ch. Manor House Belle 1915 Ch. Type of Whitmore Ch. Manor House Belle 1916 Horton Max Ch. Manor House Belle 1917 Ch. Withington Dorando Sh. Ch. Thelma of Whitmore 1921 Ch. Banchory Rando Banchory Fidget 1922 Ch. & FT. Ch. Banchory Bolo Sh. Ch. Balcombe Countess 1923 Ch. Gratley Ben Sh. Ch. Teazle of Whitmore 110

Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC

1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932

Ch. Withington Ben Sh. Ch. Wolferton Shelah Ch. Withington Ben Hawkesbury Dainty Ch. Banchory Danilo Ch. Tansey of Whitmore Hailes Peter Ch. Typist of Whitmore Ch. Banchory Danilo Ch. Juno Simon Called Peter Ch. Tansey of Whitmore Ch. Beningbrough Tangle Ch. Throne of Whitmore Ch. Alby Twink Ch. Reyden Lass Ch. & FT. Ch. Bramshaw Bob Ch. Judy of Prestwood

Best of Breed Winners 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1948 1950 1951 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969

Ch. & FT. Ch. Bramshaw Bob Ch. Reyden Lass Ch. Ingleston Ben Ch. Moorside Jock Ch. Cheverells Ben of Banchory Ch. Orchardton Donald Ch. Greatford Broom Ch. Annette of Staithes Ch. Ballyduff Whatstandwell Rowena Ch. Spurstow Scawfell Sniff Ch. British Justice Ch. British Justice Ch. Ballyduff Whatstandwell Rowena Ch. Whatstandwell Coronet Ch. Lady of Tring Ch. Diant Juliet Ch. Ruler of Blaircourt Ch. Ruler of Blaircourt Sh. Ch. Kinley Curlew Uphalwaite Ch. Landyke Lancer Ch. Ballyduff Hollybranch of Keithray Ch. Kinley Copper Ch. Sandylands Truth Ch. Kinley Copper Sh. Ch. Tanya of Keithray Ch. Cornlands My Fair Lady Ch. Kingsbury Nokeener Moonstar 111

Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC Dog CC Bitch CC

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Sh. Ch. Kinley Spruce Sh. Ch. Colinwood Fern Sh. Ch. Linershwood Sentinal Ch. Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer Ch. Sandylands Geannie Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer Ch. Sandylands Geannie Sh. Ch. Crawcrook Princess Sh. Ch. Rossbank Cochine Sh. Ch. Thors Lightening Boy Sh. Ch. Stajantors Honest John Sh. Ch. Balrion King Frost Ch. Cornlands Blonde Lady Sh. Ch. Heatherbourne Fisherman Sh. Ch. Receiver of Cranspire Sh. Ch. Squire Harvey of Allenie Sh. Ch. Warringahs Harlech Kupros Miss Bramble of Balnova Trewinnard Any Time Sh. Ch. Cambremer Madonna Sh. Ch. Simandem Kings Neptune Sh. Ch. Poolstead Pipe Dream Sh. Ch. Rocheby Popcorn Ch. Crosscroyde Cotton On Quick Ch. Crosscroyde Cotton On Quick Sh. Ch. Cambremer Be Generous Sh. Ch. Rocheby Polkadot Sh. Ch. Rocheby Polkadot Sh. Ch. Rocheby Polkadot Sh. Ch. Carromer Carmen Miranda Ch. Carpenny Walpole Sh. Ch. Poolstead Porridge Oats Danryl Bonny Lady Ch. Carpenny Anchorman Sh. Ch. Tullochmohr Final Edition Sh. Ch. Tullochmohr Final Edition Sh. Ch. Suttonpark Manifesto Loch Mor Welldone Sh. Ch. Lindall Strawberry Cream with Farbrae Sh. Ch. Sandylands Pressed For Time Sh. Ch. Naiken Way Out West Sh. Ch. Ronsard Me Celebrait Sh. Ch. Salty Dog of Tampa Bay It. Ch. Loch Mor Romeo It. Ch. & Sh. Ch. Loch Mor Romeo Sh. Ch. Loch Mor Giulietta Sh. Ch. Rocheby Sensational Ramsayville Ruby Walsh Sh. Ch. Tissalian Hi Jack Sh. Ch. Maxfield Maybelline 112

PROGESTERONE BLOOD TESTING WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT ? In a word “Ovulation” the hormone progesterone is the “engine that pulls the reproductive train” and testing to pinpoint this event via progesterone levels is without doubt the most valuable tool available to the breeders of today. No more long journeys all over the country and sometimes even overseas on a best guess or calendar calculation. All the guess work is taken out and science is your helping hand. Studies show that 80% of bitches miss (fail to conceive) simply due to incorrect timing of matings or insemination. Litter size can also be affected by timing. Yes, it can be costly but so is petrol and your time but most importantly your bitch’s uterus is aging every season that passes by. Unlike the boys who are lucky to have sperm constantly regenerating the girls are not so lucky and are born with their eggs which are aging every day that passes by. Every time she comes into season her uterus goes through an inflammatory process and ages, so “getting it right” is so important. Our hopes and dreams as competitors in both the working or show arena often lay in that very next litter and the progression of our breeding programme.

Progesterone testing is now widely available via vets and independent clinics. What often doesn’t accompany some of the providers testing is “knowledge” and “result interpretation”, years of experience in breeding and understanding how this hormone works and indeed sometimes “doesn’t work”; this is all relevant and paramount to your success. Some analyzers are not as sophisticated as others and don’t have a great “curve” (degree of accuracy). So, our advice is to embrace this technology whole heartedly but choose your provider very carefully. Progesterone testing is only as good as the person interpreting the results and the equipment on which it is processed. There are no guarantees with breeding, but “Progesterone Testing” should not be confused with “Vaginal Resistivity” (Draminski), Vaginal Cytology (smear), Ovulation Pads (vaginal secretion) or microscopic evaluation of saliva (ferning). Progesterone is found in the serum part of the blood and is utilized in human as well as animal fertility, it is for sure “The Gold Standard of Ovulation Timing”. Anne Morley


We are currently looking for puppies and potential breeding stock under 12 months who come from good pedigree lines to support our Training and Breeding Programmes. We rely on partnerships with private breeders who share our values. To become an Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind supply partner, we require the same standards we aim to set for ourselves. Health tests required for potential training stock ❏ Pedigree of both parents back a minimum of 3 generations. ❏ Hips Scores, Elbow Scores under BVA Scoring system – both parents. ❏ BVA eye test certificate – both parents. ❏G enetic Testing – EIC and PRA (Labs), PRA 1 and PRA 2 (Golden Retrievers), and HPNK - minimum one parent and should be clear. Health tests required for potential breeding stock ❏ Pedigree of both parents back a minimum of 5 generations. ❏H ips Scores, Elbow Scores under BVA Scoring system – both parents. Completed not before 12 months. ❏ BVA eye test certificate – both parents. Completed not before 12 months. ❏G enetic Testing – EIC and PRA (Labs), PRA 1 and PRA 2 (Golden Retrievers), and HPNK - minimum one parent and should be clear Further breeding standards ❏ Hip scores not to exceed 14 (total) for Labs and 18 (total) for Golden Retrievers. ❏ Elbow scores need to be 0/0 for both parents. ❏ DNA carriers are ONLY to be mated to a clear stud or brood. Temperament standards For our dogs to be successful, they need to be sound. We require sound puppies with no evidence of fearfulness, stranger-directed aggression or dog-directed aggression. Contact Please get in touch with claire@guidedogs.ie or shauna@guidedogs.ie if you are interested in supporting our Programmes to help us change the lives of those who are vision impaired and the families of children with autism. 114

We’ll design an advert you’ll be proud of … whatever your breed!

Yearbooks • Calendars • Newsletters • Diaries • Wallplanners aphne ens D Sky For Blak Look To The



Ch Marchdens


Top Bitch 2018



‘Ralph’ rt Strike Melverly Dese JW ShCM Gate over Acre 1 CC, 2 RCCs year, a successful Ralph has had able success, with some credit ne who has everyo ng thank you to le, I am looki made this possib ng Ralph in showi to rd forwa on in Veteran later the year.


ing judges

2020 R







K 2020 S IE

S showgirl BOB 7 RCC of this super 8 CCs 2for thinking so highly

the follow CCs – Welks Mr Albert Wight Counties – Three l Mr Max King – Welsh Kennel s – Welsh Kenne Mr R J W Thoma B’ham Mr Julien Barney – City of Bham ick – City of Mr S Plane – Crufts Mrs Nan Chadw Mrs Dot BrittenNational Terrier s– rn Counties RCCs Miss Gina Dorkin en (Fin) – Southe Harri Lehkoh B Baxter – E of E ond J Mr – Richm Wales son-Morgan way – South Mrs C Thomp Mr P J Green NTCGB CH SHOW – South Wales cha – Nagre Mr Tan sen (USA) Mr Frank Kane have Daphne for letting me Geir Flyckt-Peder CH Show and Denise Horne Anniversary et.com the lovely photos MCNTA 25th s_j@btintern for taking all Anne Johnsen 880903 philip rament Thank you to IPS 01858 – tempe JACKIE PHILL ng for health – type Breedi Thank you to




Our Services Include:

• Design of Editorial & Advertising • Printing & Delivery • Mailing of copies to your members

With over 30 years’ experience producing designs for dog people you can be sure we’ll get it right. For more information or to order a sample of our work please contact: Colin on 07955 248250 / colin@cscreativestudio.co.uk 115


Date of birth

Sire and Dam

Owner/contact number

Grangemead Pluto Hips 0:0, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 03/2019 PRA, EIC & SD2 Clear



Sire: Tarnedge Nevada at Highhouse Dam: Yarrowmarker Purdey of Grangemead

Mrs D.V. Walls-Duffin Tel. 01676 542471

Grangemead Monet Hips 3:5, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 05/2019 PRA Hereditary Clear



Sire: Grangemead Bulit Dam: Grangemead Pixie

Mrs D.V. Walls-Duffin Tel. 01676 542471



Sire: Sh Ch Silver Suede Over Rocheby Dam: Suttonpark Maggie May

Mrs J.M. Neachell Tel. 01283 790434

Sire: Sh Ch Carromer's Blue Lagoon Dam: Steeleigh Perfect Surprise

Mrs L. Lesley Tel. 01400 281214 Mob.07950 936791

Name of dog/information

Sh.Ch. Adoraden Hallmark At Suttonpark Hips 5:8, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 05/2019 PRA, EIC & HNPK Clear Steeleigh Blue Print JW Hips 5:5, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 04/2019 PRA & HNPK Clear, EIC Carrier Aramis Britannica Archipelago at Steeleigh JW Hips 4:7, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 04/2019 PRA, EIC & HNPK Clear Oakhouse Oh Two Hips 3:6, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 12/2019 PRA, EIC, HNPK & CNM Clear Oakhouse Orlando Bloom Hips 6:4, Elbows 0, Date of last eye test 04/2019 PRA, HNPK & CNM Clear

Black (carrying yellow)


Black (dominant)


Sire: Steeleigh Blue Print JW Dam: Heavenly Dream of Labgold

Mrs L. Lesley Tel. 01400 281214 Mob.07950 936791



Sire: Oakhouse Offside Dam: Oakhouse Orinoco Flow

Mrs M. Litherland Tel. 01678 521138



Sire: Am Ch, Sh Ch Salty Dog of Tampa Bay Dam: Trofarth Happy Go Lucky to Oakhouse

Mrs M. Litherland Tel. 01678 521138

Finding the perfect potential mate for a dog is a challenging task. There are many things that you need to consider, such a breed type, physical characteristics, temperament, health test results, genetic diversity and the general health of the sire and dam.

Finding the perfect potential mateoffor dog istoabechallenging Thereeasy arecarrying manyoutthings that Responsible breeders consider the health theirapuppies a priority, but ittask. is not always the to find a healthy or compatible mate type, for yourphysical dog. The Kennel Club’s free onlinetemperament, resource, Mate Select, goes test youresearch need to consider, such a breed characteristics, health some genetic way to assisting you withand this research. Mate Select provides you with results, diversity the general health of the sirehealth and related dam. information about individual dogs that you may be considering.

Responsible breeders consider the health of their puppies to be a priority, but it is not always easy Mate Select has a number of other useful services, which can be found below. carrying out the research to find a healthy or compatible mate for your dog. The Kennel Club’s free https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/services/public/mateselect online resource, Mate Select, goes some way to assisting you with this research. Mate Select provides you with health related information about individual dogs that you may be considering. Mate Select has a number of other useful services, which can be found below. https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/services/public/mateselect






160, 161



162, 163


































144, 145



152, 153












140, 141



156, 157



128, 129


136, 137



Bailiss Litherland


174 149

Barks Neachell


134 158

O’Brien Braddon


Charlton Perkins


142 133

Platt Charnock


147 138

Dahlin Reynolds


131 124

Dobson Rowe


145 154

Smith Douglas


155 171

Ennis-Holden Szasz Ferenc


156 164

Grummitt Thorpe


148 159

Venturi-Rose Hepper


138 152

Hodge Walsh


160 121

Watson Hopkinson


126, 164127

Hutchinson Young


144151 150,

Kaitila Lambert



142, 177143

141 158

















International & Nordic Show Champion, European Winner 2015 DIAMOND DREAMS OF ROCHEBY has won 15 BOB in Sweden, Norway and Denmark under judges such as Heather Wiles-Fone, David Craig, Becci Hodge, Allan Taylor, Sian Ellis and Bonnie Wiles. Her grandchildren by SH CH Rocheby Horn Blower out of SWE SH CH Andycap Diamond Dreams:

ANDYCAP FAIRY TALE Best Puppy in Show at the Swedish Labrador Club’s annual Club Show under judge Sue Marskell. Picture: CC at 9 months under judge Anna Geschwindt Eriksson.

ANDYCAP FILM STAR Nordic Junior Winner 2019 and RCC at 13 months under judge Sven Slettedal.

Håkan Dahlin Kornettvägen 5 • 192 73 Sollentuna • Sweden Mobile +46 76 047 61 70 • hakan.dahlin@andycap.se • www.andycap.se 120



Proudly owned, shown & much loved by Maura Walsh – Arrowmoy Labradors Maura Walsh maura.walsh@live.ie Tel: +353 85 7211122

Photo (left) by RMD images of Jack at 5 months

Best Baby Puppy in Show 3rd – Irish Kennel Club All Breed International Championship Show, Oct 2019

Best Baby Puppy in Show – Irish Gundog Field & Show Society Championship Show, Oct 2019

(Boy from the above litter)


‘Arrowmoy Someone To Watch Over Me’

The “Sweet Song” Litter – Born 20 May 2019 (picture taken at 8 weeks old) Breeder: Maura Walsh GB Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower & Philipstown Million Dollar Lady At Arrowmoy


Rocheby Sunflowers at Baltarram Rocheby Town Cryer x Sh Ch Hayley Sun In Your Eyes

Pictured here at 9 months winning BPIS at North West Labrador Ch Show Ruby had a good year for the few shows we attended across the water, with her being placed at all breed Ch Shows and winning BPIS at both Labrador Club of Northern Ireland Ch Show & North West Labrador Ch Show Many thanks to all judges plus a special thank you to Ginette Oulton & Chris Mills for these awards She has also won various classes at Irish Ch shows throughout the year and I look forward to a few more outings both at home and across the Irish sea throughout next year Many thanks to Marion & David Hopkinson for this girl who is quite a character and always gives her all Owned by Mark Douglas 167a Keady Rd., Armagh, N. Ireland baltarram@gmail.com 122


In June 2019 we introduced two new puppies to the show scene (grandmother Sh Ch Beskerby Larksong JW) namely...



Both have been well thought of by the many judges at Championship and Open shows culminating in Nutcracker’s Best Puppy in Breed at Gundog Breeds of Scotland in November. We look forward to 2020. Ian, Pam and Michelle www.beskerbylabradors beskerbydawson@hotmail.co.uk 01423 864616


CARROMER Carromer Shimmering In Pink JW 1CC, 2 RCCs Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW x Carromer Shimmering Tiara JW Thank you to all judges for such a wonderful year Happy New Year to all our friends, home and abroad CAROL and MERVYN REYNOLDS

Carromer Lodge, Bassingfield Lane, Bassingfield, Notts NG12 2LG Email: carol.carromer@aol.com Tel: 07891 420567 124 124


DYLSONLEIGH PRETTY IN PINK Ch Mattand Exodus x Dylsonleigh Tickled Pink

Photo courtesy Noelene Dodd

RCC – Midland Counties Canine Society Ch Show A huge thank you to Judge Andy Metcalfe (Baileydale) Best in Show – Midland Counties LRC Open Show Sept 2019 2nd Birmingham, 1st Windsor, 2nd Blackpool Ch Shows DYLSONLEIGH MISS MUFFET JW Ch Mattand Exodus x Ludalor Liesbeth at Dylsonleigh Reserve Best Bitch at Midland Counties LRC Open Show Sept 2019 1st Midland Counties, 1st Birmingham, 2nd Windsor, 2nd Midland Counties LRC Ch Shows and 2nd Crufts 2019 RCC at Birmingham Ch Show 2018 DYLSONLEIGH A TOUCH OF PINK Dylsonleigh Montpelier x Dylsonleigh Tickled Pink 3rd Minor Puppy & Maiden National Gundog, 3rd Minor Puppy Blackpool Ch Shows Only managed to attend a few shows in 2019, so very proud of my girls’ achievements Proudly owned, bred and very much loved by Gail Flockton Mobile: 07814219226 Email: gailflockton@gmail.com 125

Cuerdenlake Labradors


Oakhouse Office Boy x Cuerdenlake Blue Cypress Lola was born on the 14th June 2008, a singleton puppy, she was from one of the last litters sired by Oakhouse Office Boy Lola sadly passed away on the 11th June 2019. Andrew and Joanne Watson Tel. (01772) 491045 Email: cuerdenlakelabradors1@sky.com 126

Cuerdenlake Labradors


Poniel Pioneer x Cuerdenlake Monowai

Crufts qualified 2020 Andrew and Joanne Watson Tel. (01772) 491045 Email: cuerdenlakelabradors1@sky.com 127


Kyle & Erin Charnock, Sydney, Australia


Sire: Ch. Tapeatom Easy Rider Dam: Ch. Eraky Illusion

Ch. Eraky Ghost Rider (AI)




Ch. Eraky Repertoire



Sire: Ch. Eraky Dirty Harry Dam: Ch. Eraky Aqua Luna (AI)

Kyle & Erin Charnock, Sydney, Australia



MYS.CH EASTNOR SECRETLY TELLIN’ ‘CINDY’ D.o.b:- 7 June 2016 Sire:- Int.Ch Apac.Ch MYS Gr.Ch Tha.Ch Rocheby Ragtrade of Eastnor Dam:- Int.Ch MYS Gr.Ch Tha.Ch Rocheby Rossetta of Eastnor Owner & Breeder:- Linus Chan 130



The latest champion at Foxrush Sire: Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch Dam: Foxrush Touch Of Class Born: 17.6.2017

She has 3 CCs: Mr D. Hopkinson, Miss B. Johnson & Mr D. Ericsson And also 5 RCCs JUDITH CHARLTON foxrushlabradors@gmail.com www.foxrushlabradors.co.uk 131


Glosmere the Grenadier JW (22-01-18) Sh Ch Rocheby Horn Blower x Tissalian Killer Queen at Glosmere ‘Wilfred’ has had some great wins this season, also RCC (David Hopkinson) and gained his Junior Warrant

Glosmere Chitchat

Litter sister ‘Nelli’ has also had a successful season with some great placings and a good win at Windsor Champ show

Margaret and Nicola Hutchinson Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands 0121 3085477 glosmerelabs@yahoo.com 132


Carromer Teguila By Keeninspires

Rocheby Town Cryer x Carromer Shimmering Silk Hips: 4/5, Elbows: 0/0, EIC clear, PRA clear, HNPK carrier

Keeninspires Houdini

Lougin Loki x Linjor Formal Affair By Keeninspires Hips: 5/5, Elbows: 0/0, EIC clear, PRA clear, HNPK clear

STEPHANIE PERKINS 07825379593 stephanieperkins@hotmail.co.uk 12 Burford Mews, Gloucester, GL1 4EB 133


Keydella Koko

Photo at 2 years

Keydella Kafe Noir

Photo at 2 years

D.O.B. 10.03.17 Ch/Ir Ch Meadowleigh Brown Sugar x Keydella Kristelle

D.O.B. 10.03.17 Ch/Ir Ch Meadowleigh Brown Sugar x Keydella Kristelle ISOBEL KEY Email: redlandsfarm@yahoo.co.uk 134

Tel: 01636 812892


Centenalee Shining Light (Abigail)

Thank you for all the support we have had and thank you to all the judges that placed our girls this year. Peter & Cheryl Kulleseid

Centenalee Sparkling Snow (Honey)


Jenny Dobson


Pearly has only been to a handful of shows this year, but the highlight was her winning Reserve Best in Show at the North West Labrador Retriever Club Show in February

Lakemeadow Love To Dream





Sadly, my wonderfully wilful girl, Ebony left us in early December. She would have been 15 years old in the Spring. She was never shown, though proved to be an excellent brood, producing 2 RCC winners. Moreover, she was such a character, my “delinquent granny dog”, stubborn yet so generous in nature and with a great sense of humour. William’s mum and Pearl’s great gran, she was totally unique and very special indeed and will be hugely missed


This young guy, Otto has joined us recently, thanks to Shaun Williamson, and has just turned 12 weeks old. Hopefully, he will be out in the showring in the coming year Jenny Dobson

www.lakemeadow.co.uk 137


Leospring Labradors Proudly Dual Purpose



Field Trial Working Test and Championship Show awards BRIWED MAGIC AT LEOSPRING Hips 5.5, Elbows 1, DNA clear GPRA CNM EIC HNPK SD2 Field Trial Working Test and Championship Show awards Hips 5.5, Elbows 1, DNA clear GPRA CNM EIC HNPK SD2

Colhook Teak at Leospring KC WGC Working Test & obedience winner Championship Show Awards

Warringahs Camira Creek of Briwed KC WGC

Ft Ch Brindlebay Butler

FT Ch Brindlebay Jude

Bel Ch Saxthorpe Buzzard of Brindlebay Saxthorpe Domino of Brindlebay

FT Ch Mansengreen Bizzy of Brindlebay Ch Carpenny Anchorman Crufts BOB, FT & WT awards

Bringwood Bo of Bedgebrook FT Ch Shorthorn Ninja of Mansengreen Augustus Tuplady of Leospring FTW

Leospring Avenger Emma

Colhook Kalinka at Leospring

Ch Warringah’s Tennants Creek JW

Sh Ch Dolwen Thomas Charles Warringah’s Karalee

Warringah’s Kakirra

Ch Ludalor Lunar Orbit JW Ch Warringahs Bunya

Sh Ch Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny Earl Harrow of Leospring Leospring Kiri’s Song of Colhook Trenow Lancelot Budellydd Anna Marie of Dolwen Oakingham Monarch of Leospring FTW Warringahs Karu Karu Ch Amberstope Blue Moon Ch Ludalor Lilly Ch Warringah’s Digger Warringah’s Bunyip

Thanks to all the great and careful breeders who have enabled us to breed our

Thanks to all the great and carefulwhich breeders have enabled us to breed our lovely Labradors give us who so much pleasure. lovely Labradors which give us so much pleasure. Joy Venturi Rose and Chris Rose, Liphook, Hampshire.

www.leospring.co.uk. Joyventuri.rose@btinternet.com. Joy Venturi Rose and Chris Rose, Liphook, Hampshire www.leospring.co.uk Joyventuri.rose@btinternet.com 01428 751125 Microchipping Service, Training, DNA collection and process management service. Microchipping Service, Training, DNA collection and process management service Stud work assistance service. Stud work assistance service. 138 138


SUTTONPARK PHOENIX AT MANORWELL JW Sh Ch Adoraden Hallmark At Suttonpark x Manorwell Georgia At Suttonpark

I am proud to welcome to Manorwell


GB Ir & Int Ch Carpenny Made A Million x Ir Sh Ch Carpenny Verona At Dromtacker Owned in partnership with Anne Dempsey of Dromtacker Labradors, Tralee. ‘Bailey’ will spend 2020 at Manorwell ELAINE GRUMMITT The Manor House, Ab Kettleby, Melton Mowbray LE14 3JJ Tel 07951 927514


MATTAND LABRADORS Treantagh Sedge at Mattand JW

(Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Mattand Look To The Future at Treantagh)

DOB 01/05/2018 Hips: 4:0 / Elbows : 0 Black carrying Yellow Current clear eye test and clear for prcd-PRA/HNPK/EIC/SD2/CNM

SHARON LAMBERT 01773 590343 / 07813 975 307 Email : mattandlabradors@btinternet.com www.mattandlabradors.co.uk 140

MATTAND LABRADORS Mattand This Is Me JW (Ch Mattand Exodus JW x Mattand Rio)

D.O.B: 10/09/2018 Hips 7:7 Elbows 0 Clear for prcd-PRA/HNPK/EIC/SD2/CNM

SHARON LAMBERT 01773 590343 / 07813 975 307 Email : mattandlabradors@btinternet.com www.mattandlabradors.co.uk 141


Photo: Noelene Dodd

SH CH MAXFIELD MAYBELLINE JW CRUFTS 2019 BEST OF BREED WINNER Many thanks to judge Mrs Sussie Wiles for thinking so highly of our girl Darcy Also co-judge Mrs P Harrison who was in agreement for Best of Breed A day we will never forget … “Dreams really do come true” Following in her sire’s footsteps, Crufts BOB 2012

SH CH AM/CAN CH SALTY DOG OF TAMPA BAY and not forgetting her dam,

MANDURSANS MISS DEMEANOR AT MAXFIELD Top Labrador Brood Bitch of the Year 2017 142


A second home bred show champion for us this year


Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Mandursans Miss Demeaner at Maxfield Bella gained her 1st CC at 14 months old under Mrs Erica Jayes, her 2nd under Mr Ed Casey and her 3rd and crowning CC under Mrs Anne Lavelle with Best of Breed. Many thanks to the judges for Bella’s awards Thank you to all our friends for their kind words and support. We would like to wish you all a Happy, Successful and Peaceful 2020

Lynn & Steve O’Brien, Macclesfield, Cheshire lynno39brien@icloud.com 07535892137 143


hips 3:3, elbows 1:0, BVA clear eye cert DNA clear for prcd-PRA, EIC, HNPK, CNM, SD2


hips 7:3, elbows 0:0, BVA clear eye cert DNA clear for prcd-PRA, EIC, HNPK, CNM, SD2



And their sister ...


Jackie, Alan & Becci Hodge 01926 843114 jackiesidai@btinternet.com www.naikenlabradors.co.uk



Mrs Eveline Platt 16 Dunderdale Avenue Nelson BB9 0AR Tel: 01282 615576



148 148


Nigabee Guy Gibson

Rocheby Navy Blue ex Nigabee Nasturtium 25.4.99

Boothgates Headliner ex On A Prayer To Oakhouse 10.11.92

Oakhouse Over The Moss To Nigabee

Lower Town End Road, Wooldale, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 1QD mobile: 07774 244051 email: jlewisuk@aol.com

Julia Lewis

We wish all our friends a happy, successful and peaceful 2020.

Nigabee Gyroscope

Rocheby Navy Blue ex Nigabee Nasturtium 22.12.97



Hips 3:5, Elbows 0 Free from PRA, EIC, HNPK & CNM




DOB 23-10-18 At 6 months old he achieved BPIB Group One and Reserve Best Puppy in Show at Birmingham National Show, followed by Best Puppy in Show at Stafford Show His success continued at: Three Ridings to win Best Puppy in Show. He is a consistent winner of Puppy and Junior Classes currently achieving over 15 BPIB, Group One, Group Two and Group Three winnings. We are proud to say he has gained his JW at only 11 months old. Silas has achieved the ‘Our Dogs’ Top Labrador Puppy for 2019

Potterspiney Richochet DOB 30-05-13

Whilst being handled by Evie, Richochet achieved Reserve CC at Yellow Labrador Show. So proud of them both! Holds Stud Book Number HIP 4.6, Elbows 0 Health Tested Certificates

Potterspiney Tickety Boo DOB 05-05-19

New to the show ring with a good start at 6 months old she achieved BPIB at 2 shows and Group Three Winner


POTTERSPINEY LABRADORS Potterspiney Angel Delight

Potterspiney Vanner

Reserve Best in Show East Anglian Labrador Retriever Show, along with numerous other Best of Breeds whilst out showing

Numerous wins throughout the year, still loving the show ring

Potterspiney Killian DOB 05-11-14

Another successful year for Killian, winning several Best of Breeds Holds Stud Book Number Hips 4.5, Elbows 0

Thank You to all the judges for giving us another good year!

Owned and loved by Elaine & Harry Young including granddaughter Evie Spinney Field Farm, 1 Potters Hill, Melton Mowbray, Leics, LE14 JE Tel: 01664 566169 potterspineylabrador@yahoo.co.uk 151


ROCHEBY OLD TIMER (A1) Rocheby Old Smokey x Sh Ch Rocheby Sensational How lucky we were to get this lovely boy.

ROCHEBY STOCKMAN Pol, Rus Ch Rocheby Mr Tom x Sh Ch Rochby Sweet Sensation Another lovely youngster (pictured at 7 months)

David and Marion Hopkinson Tel: 01302 742791 www.rochebylabradors.co.uk 152

AND THERE WERE MORE GOOD EVENING ROCHEBY Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch x Foxrush Touch of Class Breeder – Charlotte Rowe Busy time with so many youngsters but such a delight to have.

ROCHEBY SPICE Pol, Rus, Ch Rocheby Mr Tom x Sh Ch Rocheby Sweet Sensation Lovely start to her showing with many best puppies.

ROCHEBY STRING OF PEARLS Rocheby Town Cryer x Sh Ch Hayley Sun in their Eyes Baby of this new generation.

****STOP PRESS****

Manchester Championship Show Rocheby String of Pearls takes the Bitch CC, Best Puppy in Breed, Gundog Puppy Group and Reserve Best Puppy in Show What a Day!!! Huge thanks to judges - Moa Persson, Fiona Coward Scholes (Breed) and Mark Cocozza (BPIS) 153


Rochevale Once Upon A Time

Rocheby Centenalee Sir Oliver x Manorwell Mrs Miniver at Rocheby 29/10/19

Had a lovely first year with ‘Belle’ lightly shown with some excellent wins and placings Qualified for Crufts 2020.

Rocheby Mimosa at Rochevale Rocheby Town Cryer x Sh Ch Kilburnpark Miss Maureen at Rocheby

Amazing start to 2019 with ‘Sasha’ winning 2nd at Crufts in a big Junior class. Then lightly shown through the rest of the year. Charlotte Rowe 6 Pope Avenue, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3PF 07969 316117 c.rowe92@hotmail.co.uk 154 154

Rudidale Rudidale’s Story Teller Sh. Ch. Adoraden Hallmark at Suttonpark x Rudidale’s Rudidale’s Jazztime

Rudidale Lady Luck Sh. Ch. Adoraden Hallmark at Suttonpark x Rudidale’s Top Secret Lady Luck gained her stud book number at LKA

Rudidale Lucky Bug Sh. Ch. Tissalian Hi Jack x Rudidale Lady Luck 1st MPB at Manchester Championship Show

Owned, bred and loved by Monika Smith

Tel: 01332 521707 Mobile: 07779 85062 Email: rudidale20@yahoo.co.uk 155


Bluey & I proudly present his 3 resident kids

Sleddarwood Sako Flyer over Steeleigh (Floyd) Floyd finished his puppy career taking BPIS at Northumberland & Durham LRC Championship Show Will need time to mature both in mind & body but he is slowly coming together

Sleddarwood Tikka Take Aim at Steeleigh (Angel) Floyds litter sister who has also equipped herself well She was BBP at URC Championship Show age just 9 months and like her brother she will take her time to mature but I think both will be worth waiting for Steeleigh Blue Print JW x Sleddarwood Shooting Star DOB 23/10/18 www.steeleighlabradors.co.uk 156


Aramis Britannica Archipelago at Steeleigh JW (Bingo) 1CC & RBIS Steeleigh Blue Print JW x Heavenly Dream of Labgold 10/07/17 Hips 4:7, Elbows 0, PRA EIC & HNPK Clear. Eyes tested clear Apr ‘19 (Proven sire, dominant black)

Steeleigh Blue Print JW (Bluey) 1 RCC

Sh Ch Carromer’s Blue Lagoon x Steeleigh Perfect Surprise 15/08/15 Hips 5:5, Elbows 0, PRA & HNPK clear, EIC carrier, Eyes clear Apr ‘19 Hillcrest, Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington, Notts NG23 5HZ

Proudly owned & loved by Leigh Lesley

Tel: 01400 281214 Mobile: 07950 936791

Email: steeleighlabs@btinternet.com 157

SUTTONPARK Litter sisters

Suttonpark Penny Farthing

1st Puppy Birmingham National, Res. Best in Show Labrador Retriever Club.

Suttonpark Penny Lane Sh. Ch. Adoraden Hallmark at Suttonpark X Picka Penny Rocheby Michael & Judi Neachell, Wellfield House, Orgreave, Alrewas, Burton upon Trent DE13 7DH Tel. 01283 790434 suttonparklabradors@gmail.com 158 158



Sire: Sh. Ch. Adoraden Hallmark at Suttonpark Dam: Picka Penny Rocheby

Qualified for Crufts on two occasions 2019 Health screening so far : Hips 8/7 = 15 Elbows 0 11/12/2019 Eyes Unaffected 14/07/2019 Patricia and Tim Thorpe Clipston on the Wolds, Nottinghamshire 07802224500 patricia@taph.co.uk 159


Ian and Chris Bailiss 83 Desford Road, Newbold Verdon, Leicester LE9 9LG Tel: 01455 822 821 Mob: 07813 140 742

Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower x Tissalian Hide and Seek

DOB: 11/07/2018

Tissalian Hi-Society JW

Heidi has delighted us by winning 4 RCC’s by the age of 13 months Thank you to all judges who thought so highly of her


Tissalian Sh Ch Tissalian Hi-Jack JW 15 CCs 11 BOBs 9 RCCs Another lovely year, good luck to all Jack’s progeny Our first Jack babies have had a flying start

Tissalian Hi-Chaperal DoB: 08/04/2019 Sh Ch Tissalian Hi-Jack x Tissalian One Vision

Litter mates

Tissalian Hi-Class

Both Crufts qualified

Ian and Chris Bailiss

Email: tissalian@btinternet.com 161

Trendlewood What an amazing year!

TOP LABRADOR DOG 2019 — Our Dogs — Arden Grange

Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW 9 CCs, 4 BOBs, 9 RCCs

The highlights were winning the CC and making Bruce up at CRUFTS and winning the double at Lab Club of Scotland and Joint Clubs on April 6th & 7th Thank you to all judges for awarding him top honours and to Becci Hodge for moving him so well and showing off his excellent movement to advantage living up to his name … Born to Run 2019 has been truly a year to remember – the best in our 40 years in Labradors 162

Trendlewood www.trendlewood.com

Trendlewood Simply the Best JW Sh Ch Richbourne Londoner x Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night

Junior Warrant won at 13 months RCC at Blackpool at 14 months Well done to Bruce’s winning progeny: Chyanhal Trevose of Trewinnard Langanhoe Doris Day Chyanhal Trezelah Trendlewood Day Dreaming Trendlewood Back to Black FIONA & DEREK BRADDON Tel: 01454 775084 Mobile 07785 774804 163



Owned & Loved by Szasz Ferenc

 RO, M- Ciuc str. Szek, nr. 98-5 HR  +40 744 130 034

 tojkoskennel@yahoo.com


 www.tojkoslabradors.ro 164 



Ch Waterbrook Bugsy Malone

I know it’s been hard for my parents Frank and Margaret to sign over the Waterbrook affix that they have held since 1977 over to me in October 2019 This picture is of my Dad’s all-time one in a million dog Ch Waterbrook Bugsy Malone. Fellow exhibitors that know my dad will know why I have used a picture of Bugsy. You will still see them both around at shows from time to time. Mum and Dad thank you for all you have done for our affix over the years. Karl Gawthorpe 07733 157961 karlgawthorpe71@gmail.com

www.waterbrooklabradors.com 165



East Anglian Labrador Retriever Club

Three Ridings Labrador Club

Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club

Labrador Club Of Scotland

Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club

West Of England Ladies Kennel Society

Labrador Retriever Club Of Northern Ireland*

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Scottish Kennel Club

Bath Canine Society

Southern Counties Canine Association

Three Counties Agricultural Society

The Labrador Retriever Club

Border Union Agricultural Society

Blackpool & District Canine Society

Windsor Dog Show Society


















(4:30 p.m. start)

Joint L.R.C. (Yellow Labrador Club)

Labrador Retriever Club Of Wales



Manchester Dog Show Society


Angela Williams

Both Sexes

David Craig

Ed Casey

Sheelin Cuthbert

Judith Charlton

Ann Britton

Sharon Rogers

Jenny Dobson

Shaun Williamson

Knut Sigurd Wilberg

Bonnie Wiles


Lesley Dantinnes

Penny Carpanini

Fiona Braddon

Jacqueline Ward

Jackie Hodge

Julia Lewis

Lucy Kent

Karl Gawthorpe

Fiona Coward-Scholes

Boston & District Canine Society


Dog Judge

Name of Show



Ronwein Phillips

Mac Percival

Chris Bailiss

Alison Scutcher

Mairi Brown

Ann Britton

Linda Heron

Carol Reynolds

Yolande Shirton

Moa Persson

Bitch Judge


Leeds City & District Canine Association

Paignton & District Fanciers’ Association

National Gundog Association

United Retriever Club

Bournemouth Canine Association

Welsh Kennel Club

Scottish Kennel Club

City Of Birmingham Canine Association

Richmond Dog Show Society

Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd

Belfast Dog Show Society*

Yellow Labrador Club

Driffield Agricultural Society

Northumberland & Durham LRC

North West Labrador Retriever Club

Gundog Society of Wales

South Wales Kennel Association

Midland Counties Canine Society

Gundog Breeds Association Of Scotland

West of England Labrador Retriever Club*

Ladies Kennel Association






















*Show with judges and date still awaiting confirmation as at 10/01/2020

East Of England Agricultural Society


Both Sexes

Ian Dawson

Richard Morris


Pat Ayres

Linda Thompson

Richard Edwards

Joan Woodall

Pam Blay

Caron Morton

Nancy Farquharson

Janet Cole


Eric Parr

Isabella Key

Hilary Male

Per Iverson

Paul Collins

Gary Johnson

Maureen D’Arcy

Richard Bott

Marlene Taylor

Brian Hayward

Ronwein Phillips

Cotswold & Wyevern Labrador Retriever Club


Dog Judge

Name of Show



Dennis McLellan

Karen Walsh

Sharon Lambert

Sven Slettedal

Anthony Jury

Jackie Hodge

Sian Ellis

Caroline Campbell

Margaret Brown

Bitch Judge

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