The Labrador Retriever Club Year Book 2021

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The Labrador Retriever Club

Year Book 2021

YEAR BOOK Reflecting the Club’s activities during

2021 1


GDPR................................................................................................................ 4-9 Membership Fees................................................................................................10 Club Notice Board...............................................................................................11 Contacting the Club & Committee.......................................................................12 Officers and Committee.......................................................................................13 Editorial...............................................................................................................14 Puppy Page.........................................................................................................14 Chairman’s Report...............................................................................................15 Secretary Report........................................................................................... 16-17 Treasurer’s Balance Sheet............................................................................ 18-19 Obituaries...................................................................................................... 20-24 Breed Standard...................................................................................................25 Field Trial Report........................................................................................... 26-27 IGL Retriever Championships....................................................................... 28-32 Etiquette at Field Trials........................................................................................33 New Show Champions........................................................................................34 Roll of Honour.....................................................................................................35 The Labrador Retriever Club 76th Championship Show................................ 36-52 The Labrador Retriever Club 77th Championship Show................................ 54-70 Open Show Report November ‘21................................................................ 72-80 Challenge Certificate Winners....................................................................... 82-87 Judge’s Profile.....................................................................................................88 Labrador Judges for 2022...................................................................................89 Kennel Reviews...................................................................................................90 L.R.C. Rules and Regulations....................................................................114-118 Code of Ethics...................................................................................................119 Membership List........................................................................................ 120-151 Judges’ Listings......................................................................................... 152-162 © Labrador Retriever Club No part of this publication, including illustrations or Club logos, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the L.R.C. Design and Production by CS Creative Studio Tel: 07955 248250 Printed by Blackmore Ltd Tel: 01747 856135


GDPR Privacy Notice 1.


1.1. The Labrador Retriever Club is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy. 1.2. This Privacy Notice sets out the basis on which any personal data that we collect from or about you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. 1.3. The Labrador Club is the data controller and responsible for your personal data (also referred to as we, us or our within this privacy notice. 1.4. We will keep this Privacy Notice under regular review. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. 2.

Data Protection Contact

2.1. The contact details for our data protection coordinator for any data protection queries are as follows: 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3.

Karl Gawthorpe The Labrador Retriever Club, 19 Badger Road, Woodhouse, Sheffield, S13 7TQ 07917 645015


ou have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Y full contact details for which can be found at


Data Protection Principles We will comply with data protection law. This says that the personal information we hold about you must be: 1. Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way. 2. Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes. 3. Relevant to the purposes we have told you about. 4. Accurate and kept up to date. 5. Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about. 6. Kept securely.


Where do we obtain your personal data from?


Most of the above personal data is received directly from you (the data subject). However, information may be received from third parties (eg Fosse Data Systems Limited & the Field Trial Management System).


Particulars of processing


e process personal data about members, judges, and ring stewards, competitors/exhibitors at our W events, landowners, suppliers and business contacts. The way in which we process personal data is described in detail in the Annex to this Privacy Notice.



We do not collect any special categories of data or information about criminal convictions and offences.


If you fail to provide personal data

Where we need to collect personal data under the terms of a contract with you and you fail to provide that data when requested we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example to administer your membership). If we are unable to proceed then we will contact you if this is the case at the time. 7.

Your rights as a data subject


The General Data Protection Regulation provides the following rights to individuals in certain circumstances:


The right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request rectification of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request erasure of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request restriction of processing about you;


The right to object to processing; and


The right to data portability.

Please contact our data protection coordinator using the details above if you wish to exercise any of these rights. 8.

How we will use information about you We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances: 1. Where we need to perform the contract we have entered into with you or are about to enter into with you. 2. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. 3. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. We may also use your personal information in the following situations, which are likely to be rare: 1. Where we need to protect your vital interests (or someone else’s vital interests). 2. Where it is needed in the public interest [or for official purposes].

8.1 We will generally process your personal data for contractual necessity in providing membership services and events. We may also use personal information for additional relevant and related purposes where you might reasonably expect us to do so, where the benefits of doing so are not outweighed by your own interests or fundamental rights or freedoms. These may include: 8.1.1 To maintain our records and other administrative purposes, including updating your details and preferences:



To assist with queries, complaints and dispute resolution;

8.1.3 For communications related to membership and invitations to participate in canine market research or canine health studies: 8.1.4 To assist with upholding our Club constitution and taking action in cases where there may be a breach of the Club rules or Codes of Ethics: 8.1.5

You will receive newsletters and information about future events and other marketing information associated with the Club where we believe this may interest you and where you have not opted out of receiving that marketing.


Recipients of Data

9.1. We may use service providers to help us provide you with our services. Personal data may be transferred to such a service provider, who will act for or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected or may otherwise be lawfully processed. These third parties are set out in the Annex. 9.2. We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow third party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. 9.3.

In appropriate circumstances, we may disclose data to authorised bodies as required by law.


Visitors to The Labrador Retriever website – Cookie Policy

10.1. We DO NOT use cookies or any other method of data collection to monitor how people use our website. 11.

How long do we hold your personal data for?


ersonal data will be retained for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes P for which it was collected. Such periods are in accordance with statutory requirements, Kennel Club requirements and recommendations and the Club’s retention policy, which is available on request.


Data Security

12.1 We have put in place appropriate measures to prevent your personal data being accidently lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Field Trial Secretary, Year Book Editor, Cup Steward and Puppy Register Coordinator. 13

Do we use your data for any automated decision making? No personal data is processed for automated decision-making.


International Transfers. We do not transfer your personal data outside the UK.


ANNEX This Annex sets out the Labrador Retriever Clubs processing of personal data relating to members (including Officers and committee members), judges, exhibitors/competitors at our events, land owners, suppliers and business contacts. What personal data do we process, why do we process it and what is the lawful basis? Members/Officers/Committee Members • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Registered kennel name [affix] • Membership fee We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose]

[Lawful basis]

• Provision of membership services including administration and transactional communications relating to membership

Contractual Necessity

• Upholding the Labrador Retriever Club Rules and Code of Ethics

Contractual Necessity

• Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding newsletters, invitations and information about club events/meetings.

Legitimate Interests (to develop our services and grow our Club)

• Publication in the Members’ Yearbook/Membership List or on the website (for Officers and Committee Members)

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club admin)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

Judges • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Registered Kennel Name [affix]

We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose] [Lawful basis] • Administration and transactional communications relating to Contractual Necessity judging appointments • Upholding Labrador Retriever Club Rules and Code of Ethics Contractual Necessity • Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations Contractual Necessity (including sharing relevant required information) • Publication in the Labrador Retriever Club Judges appointments Legitimate Interests (to in the show/event schedules. – List on Website/Facebook maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed) • Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice. Necessary to comply with legal obligation.


Exhibitors/Competitors • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Dog information We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose] [Lawful basis] • Administration and transactional communications for Contractual Necessity exhibitors/competitors entering our events • Provision of services relating to our events

Contractual Necessity

• Upholding the Labrador Retriever Club Rules Contractual Necessity and Code of Ethics • Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding future events

Legitimate Interests (to develop our services and grow our Club)

• Publication of your name address and dog information in show/event catalogue.

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed)

• Publication of event results on our website or the Labrador Retriever Club Facebook Pages

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Land Owners/Business Contacts/Suppliers • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose]

[Lawful basis]

• Administration and transactional communications

Contractual Necessity

• Provision of your services relating to our events

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding future event organisation

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration, to keep you informed and to grow our Club)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation


Recipients of your personal data We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors: Lavenham Group Limited, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of publication in the Labrador Retriever Club Year Book and Membership List; and show entrants’ data is provided to Fosse Data Systems Limited for inclusion in our show catalogues. Kennel Club records The Kennel Club will hold the personal data of officers of the Labrador Retriever Club as a part of the implementation of Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. We provide the Kennel Club with details of the Labrador Retriever Club Officers, Challenge Certificate winners and all Field Trial entrants in order to meet requirements in the Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.


THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES The annual membership fees are due on 2nd January each year: UK Single £10.00 Overseas Single £14.00*

UK Joint £12.00 Overseas Joint £17.00*

Request for Membership applications forms, bank standing order forms, change of personal details, and all membership subscriptions should be sent to: The Membership Secretary Mrs Geraldine Thompson, Mill House, Chrishall, Royston, Herts. SG8 8QH Telephone: 01763 838004 Email: Bank transfer payments may be paid to: NatWest Bank

Account Name: The Labrador Retriever Club

Sort Code: 60-40-09

Account Number: 41387619

IBAN number: GB57NWBK60400941387619 BIC SWIFT code: NWBKGB2L (Please advise the Membership Secretary in advance of payment if possible and quote your surname followed by initials as a reference) Cheques, postal orders, bank drafts and international money orders should be made payable to ‘The Labrador Retriever Club’ and must be in UK £ sterling. Only UK Sterling Cash notes can be accepted, but unfortunately we are unable to accept Eurocheques, foreign coins or credit cards If it is easier, one payment may be made to cover several members, or for more than one year’s membership




25th April 2022 Via Zoom - Link and information will be sent out to fully paid-up members for 2022 Starting at 7pm

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Saturday 16th July 2022

Pure Agility, Ashby Road, Tamworth B79 0BU Judges: Dogs: Mrs. J Hodge (Naiken), Bitches: Mrs. F Braddon (Trendlewood) Referee: Mr. K Gawthorpe

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Sunday 17th July 2022

Pure Agility, Ashby Road, Tamworth B79 0BU Judges: Dogs: Mr. A Allen (Allenie’s), Bitches: Mr. M Givan (Sudeo) Referee: Mr. K Gawthorpe


Saturday 16th July 2022

Pure Agility, Ashby Road, Tamworth B79 0BU Judge: Miss Kira Leith-Ross (Shork) Schedules available on FosseData or by contacting the Secretary, Mr. Karl Gawthorpe on 0114 2694089 / 07733 157961 or by email:

WORKING TESTS & FIELD TRIALS Once these events have been finalised with dates, judges and venues, the club will of course inform its members of this information. Any changes to the above will be published in the Breed Notes of the Canine Press, our website and Facebook.


CONTACTING THE CLUB AND COMMITTEE The Club website: (Join us on Facebook) Chairman David Coode Vice Chairman Joy Venturi-Rose Hon. Secretary Karl Gawthorpe Treasurer Caron Chattwood Field Trial Secretary Fiona Joint Membership Secretary Geraldine Thompson Water Tests/SGWC Joy Venturi-Rose Puppy Sales List Jane Rawlinson Trophy Steward Lynne Minchella Year Book Editor Nigel Small Website Editor Vacant Show Manager Vacant DISCLAIMER

The Labrador Retriever Club and the Hon. Editor do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in any article or report published in the Yearbook. Further, all advertisements and Kennel Reviews are accepted in good faith. It is not possible for the Labrador Retriever Club or its Hon. Yearbook Editor to check every claim made in any advert or Kennel Review before making a decision or taking action.


The Labrador Retriever Club Patron HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN President The Earl of Lonsdale Chairman Mr David Coode

Vice Chairman Mrs Joy Venturi-Rose

The General Committee Retiring April 2022 Mr D Coode, Mrs L Minchella, Mrs J Rawlinson, Mrs A Scutcher, Mr N Small Retiring March 2023 Mrs Fiona Joint, Mr Steve Richardson & Miss Caron Chattwood Retiring April 2024 Mr Karl Gawthorpe, Mr Shaun Williamson and Mrs Sarah Winter Show Manager Position Vacant

Hon. Membership Secretary Mr Richard Gill Glenhurst Slipe Drove West Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 3QF Tel: 07899 955574

Field Trial Secretary Mrs Sarah Winter Acorns, 3 Wicham Common, North Boarhurst, Hampshire PO17 6JG Tel: 07964 412097 Yearbook Editor Mr Nigel Small 07866 442268

Hon. Treasurer Miss Caron Chattwood Tel: 07748 116030

Hon. Club Secretary Mr K Gawthorpe 19 Badger Road, Woodhouse, Sheffield, South Yorkshire. S13 7TQ Tel. 0114 2694089 / 07733 157961



Well ladies and gents it gives me great pleasure in being able to put this yearbook together for the club this year, with shows tentatively coming back on line and seeing all the friendly faces has been truly joyous. I would like to take a moment and thank all the members who have submitted kennel reviews to the yearbook to make it in part what it is and to the sponsors who have so very kindly donated prizes for our shows and lastly remember those of our number who are no longer with us. For those of you reading this and have enjoyed looking through the various kennel reviews of proud breeders and owners sharing their achievements, please take the time to consider having your own kennel or dogs put in to the limelight for next years yearbook. It is hoped that there will be far more to report on this time next year, with this in mind I would ask that you send in any kennel reviews before the end of November 2022 so we can start putting the artwork together, don't worry if you dog goes on to win after this date it will be an easy amend to the kennel review and should prevent ground rush at the end of January to get the publication together. I look forward to seeing you all at various shows and trials this year. Best wishes for the coming year Nigel Small, Editor


A large number of enquiries are received from people interested in buying Labrador puppies or young adults. Members with home-bred puppies or older Labradors for sale should send the following information to our Puppy Coordinator: • Name, address, telephone number; • Copies of hip and eye certificates of dam and sire; • Number of puppies available, their colour, sex, date of birth and their suitability for pet, show or work.

Mrs Jane Rawlinson, 17 Old Hall , Daisy Hill, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancs BL5 2HQ Tel: 01942 840386 Please note: no check is made by the Club regarding the suitability of purchasers. This remains the responsibility of the breeder.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The year 2020 will go down as a nonexistent year as far as dog events were concerned, no shows, no trials, a nothing year. This year I am pleased to say, has turned considerably better that most would have expected. The club held their back to back Championship Shows at the new venue near Tamworth. The event went off very well, although it was unfortunate that it turned out to be the hottest weekend of the year. The whole weekend being capably orchestrated by our hardworking Secretary Karl Gawthorpe. Our new Field Trial Secretary Sarah Winter arranged three Field Trials, all of which were a resound success and bookings have already been made for the 2022 season. Our Treasurer Caron Chattwood has finally got the accounts and bank accounts sorted, but quite number of members have continued to try and pay in to the now closed bank account. Our Breed Assessment for planned for 2021 had to be cancelled but it will now take place early in 2022 unless we get more lock down restrictions imposed. I am pleased to say that the Kennel Club have now agreed to meet with Labrador breeders to discuss the issue of the colour in Labradors. Finally my thanks go the whole Committee to work and support they have given during the past 12 months. There are vacancies on the Committee and it would be nice to see some new young faces join the Committee. Finally may I wish you a Happy and successful 2022 with your dogs. David Coode Chairman


SECRETARY’S REPORT Dear members, I have to say that it is good to be writing a report again to appear in the yearbook, I know that a lot of members look forward to their yearbook, so we are glad to be able to publish one again for reporting events in 2021. I would like to thank my fellow officers and committee for all their hard work in the last few years, it also does make it very rewarding when we get lovely feedback form members and exhibitors for all the hard work, we do for you. The AGM was held in November last year at The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, it was a shame that there wasn’t many members in attendance, but you can look at it, that you are happy with how we are running the club so you thought there wasn’t a need to attend, but we really would like to see our members attending the AGM, we find it a lovely relaxed and friendly atmosphere to be able to catch up with you all. Please remember that the officers and committee are there to serve the membership, so please let any of us know of any issues, and we will do our best to rectify it for you. We must say a big thank you to the four committee members than stood down at the AGM for all their hard work, Mrs Carole Coode, Mrs Geraldine Thompson, Mrs Paula Cullis and Mr Steve Cullis. I was a pleasure to welcome Sarah Winter to her position as Field Trial secretary and we wish her luck in the position. In July we held our cancelled 2020 championship show and our 2021 championship show at our new venue Pure Agility, Statfold, Tamworth, it took me some time to find this venue and I believe what a find it was, sadly there was nothing I could do about the weather, the shows were held outside, so it was either going to be a very wet day or a very hot day and yes we got the latter, which did affect the dogs, exhibitors and judges. I would like to thank Maxine, David, Alison, Caron, Shaun, Jane, and my dad for helping with the set up the day before the show, it was nice to see our four lovely gazebos with the club logo and name on them. Our dog judge was Mrs Ann Britton (Bowstone) and bitch judge was Mrs Mac Percival (Wynfaul), Mrs Britton awarded her CC to Hodge’s Naiken East Meets West (AI) JW, res CC to Grummitt & Dempsey IR Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order (IKC), Best Puppy dog Hutchinson’s Glosmere Ragamuffin, Mrs Percival awarded her CC to Campbell’s Binnaig Brene, res CC Braddon’s Trendlewood Simply The Best JW, Best Puppy bitch to Powell’s Clairstone Sweet Memory of Seatallan (DMK) NAF. The second show our dog judge was Mrs Margaret Brown (Ramsayville) and bitch judge was Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield), Mrs Brown awarded her CC to Lambert’s Ch Mattand Exodus JW, res CC Hodge’s Naiken Elite Envoy (AI) JW IR JUN CH, Best Puppy dog to Morley’s Carpenny Paddy at Rockledge, Mr Stafford awarded his CC to O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali JW, res CC Kent’s Chyanhal Trevose of Trewinnard JW, Best Puppy bitch to Charlton’s Foxrush Tickled Pink. The Open Show was held in November at Tomlinsons Boarding Kennels and Canine Centre, Leicestershire. Our judge was Miss Lisa Finney, she awarded Best Dog to Rawlinson’s Shannorrell Black Sabbath at Halshimoor, res best dog Grummitt & Dempsey’s Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made to Order 9IKC) best puppy dog Metcalfe’s Baileydale Puff Daddy, Best Bitch to Williams A Sense of Pleasures Ella at Alkhamhurst, res best bitch Wiles’ Ch Dolehamhalt Dazzler of Richbourne, Best puppy bitch McLellan’s Wynfaul Resolution for Saranden


The yearbook was another great success and I thank everybody that placed an advert in the book, these books are really a great read for members all over the world. We took the decision to post out the books before Crufts to try and make it less for you to carry. Sarah Winter our Field Trial secretary has run and held our three Field Trials throughout the year, and I would personally like to thank her and all her helpers that have made these field trials possible. Fiona’s report and the reports of the field trials will be found later in the book, so I won’t repeat here. I would like to say many thanks to my fellow officers and committee for all the hard work that that have put into the club over the past year and without you all my job would be much harder to carry out. Finally, I would just like to thank the members of the club for supporting me in this role and I will always do my best to ensure that the club continues to go from strength to strength, but this is only possible with your continuing support. Also, massive thanks must go to Gilbertson and Page Ltd who continue to sponsor and support all our events. Many thanks Karl Gawthorpe


THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Balance sheet as at 31st December 2019 2019 Fixed assets Equipment as at 1st January 2019 Additions Depreciation

0 2380 (595) 1785

Fixed assets at net book value

Current assets Petty Cash Santander Current Account NatWest Current Account NatWest Current Account Bank Deposit Account PayPal Account Debtors Payments in advance Stocks at committee valuation Total current assets Total assets

Current liabilities Creditors and Accruals Prepaid Income - year book - subscriptions Total current liabilities


456 524 26,622 3,563 4 379 130 (50) 1,170

(2,409) (330) -


FINANCED BY Accumulated fund at 1st January Surplus/(Deficit) for the year

David Coode Chairman

32,798 34,583


0 0 0 0

503 19,727 6,269 3,901 8,430 182 1,451 1,094 1,039

(5,500) (1,243) (787)

42,595 42,595




35,066 (3,222)

38,723 (3,657)



31 May 2021

Examiner's Report In accordance with the Kennel Club regulation C3.d.(10), we have examined, without carrying out an audit, the above Income and Expenditure Account, together with the attached notes 1, 2, 3 and 4, for the year ended 31 December 2019 and Balance Sheet at that date, which have been prepared from the accounting records of the The Labrador Retriever Club. I confirm that they are in accordance with the accounting records and information and explanations received. My examination does not provide any assurance on the completeness and accuracy of either the accounting records or information and explanations received. 31 May 2021


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Deepest Sympathy

We remember with respect and sadness those Labrador friends that have passed away during the year. Peter Hammond Jo Coulson Keith Elliott Lorne Kentish Peter Hammond Brian Parrott Dave Hodge Lorna Blackie Gunilla Ek Phil Wainwright Kevin Easey

Sue Douglas Peter Dawes Ian White Ron Sills Sir Alan Traill Ivan Wadey Jan Hollingsbee Maureen Tickner Mrs J Coulson Anne Bourne Margaret Rooth


Peter Hammond 1937 - 2021 Peter Hammond, the second son of Albert and Mildred Hammond, was born in December 1937 in Rendlesham, Suffolk. Whilst at school he started working for Manns of Bawdsey helping to look after the sheep, cycling from Rendlesham to Wickham Market for school and then to Bawdsey to walk the sheep along to Shingle Street and back before returning home on his bike. In his spare time, he started racing pigeons, building his own loft and won several races with the Leiston Pigeon Club. During this time, he was also one of the founding members of the Rendlesham Motorcycle Club 1956/57. Apparently, the pigeons didn’t take too kindly to being transported on a motorcycle! He then worked as a shepherd for Captain Sheepshanks for 11 years. During this time, he built up a pedigree flock of Suffolk sheep with which he won a number of trophies and rosettes and was presented to the Queen Mother. He took up wildfowling and punt gunning, as well as training his own sheepdogs. The flock was sold in 1968 and Peter then moved to Iken to be a Gamekeeper for Major Henry Dumas. It was here that he started to train his own gundogs and developed his love for field trialling. He was a founding member of the Suffolk Gundog Club persuading Angie Musk to become their secretary and hosting many field trials at Iken. When the Iken estate was sold, Peter moved to Great Livermere on the Ampton Estate where he started Ampton Game Farm. Here he started his collection of waterfowl and his love for birds began when he was asked to find a Mynah bird for a child in the village and came home with an African Grey Parrot as well, and so his amazing collection of exotic birds began. At Ampton, he continued to train and excel with his gundogs and in 2003 he achieved the ultimate title of Field Trial Champion with his dog Stafley Jubilee of Stramers ‘Bruce’ and became an A panel judge. He travelled home and abroad to judge trials, ran his dogs in the English team and by invitation at Sandringham and Windsor. His last FT Champion was Upcountry Hawk of Strammers. He judged the IGL Retriever Championships at Windsor in 2007 and met Her Majesty, The Queen. Many shooters, judges and triallers will recall convivial evenings with him sitting at the head of the enormous table at Great Livermere Hall entertaining them with tales from his past, whilst they dined on the wonderful roasts cooked by Elsie, his second wife, and imbibing rather too much wine! He was a great raconteur but most of his anecdotes are too risky to recall here! Others will remember seeing the old Volvo bouncing across the stubble feeds at Ampton with Elsie at the wheel bringing sustenance for the judges and beaters, and if in favour, the


odd competitor; Elsie dealt with the catering, finance and bookings side of the business, Peter was the practical one of the partnership. Peter started training classes and walked up training days long before it was common practice and Phil Askew, Mike Tallamy, Stan Harvey, Peter and Mary Darton and Jennie Hankey were all fortunate to benefit from these. At Ampton, he had a great team of young lads who Peter and Elsie took in as underkeepers living in the house and who were trained to do things Peter’s way… those who didn’t make the cut, soon left… he could be a hard task master! Many of these underkeepers went on to hold senior positions on other famous estates. The best of these was his son, Alan who not only excelled but went on to become the head keeper at Ampton. In his later years, Peter developed Bowel Cancer and whilst they were operating, the doctors also found he had an aneurysm on his aorta but this didn’t stop or hold him back, he carried on working leaving the field to have his chemo and then return to finish the day. When he finally retired, he and Elsie moved to a redundant pig farm at Battisford which he was able to convert to hold his collection of birds and dogs. Sadly Elsie was taken ill very suddenly and died leaving him rootless for a while. His family rallied round and he continued to pick up at Ampton, Higham and Cavenham until his hip was no longer able to cope with the sugar beet. Unfortunately, his neighbours didn’t appreciate his collection of birds, and without Elsie to soothe the ruffled feathers, he was forced to leave and move to Thorington where he spent the rest of his life being cared for by his family. The trialling world owes Peter an enormous debt of gratitude. It can be argued he did more than any other to give triallers a level playing field and whilst estates were cutting back on their shoots, he opened up Ampton to clubs across the country to host their trials. We are very fortunate that the tradition is still maintained and improved on by his son, Alan. RIP Peter, dear friend to so many.

Jo Coulson 15 October 1936 – 27th December 2021 th

It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Mrs Jo Coulson, one of the most respected members of merit of the Dutch Labrador Retriever Club. She passed away a few days after Christmas. The news was a big shock for those who had the privilege of knowing her. Jo was friendly, diplomatic in every fiber of her petite figure, interested, intelligent, well known for her integrity and reliability and above all: very modest. I met Jo and her husband Derek on my first visit to Crufts, over 30 years ago. They shared their love


for and sincere interest in Labrador Retrievers and for many years they gave information about our breed to the many visitors of this leading show, emphasizing the importance of well-being and health. That was ground-breaking in England at the time. Jo knew what she was talking about. Under her own prefix she could boast of wonderful show results. In 1972 her yellow dog ‘Ch. Linershwood Sentinal (Sh. Ch. Tadfield Kirbyhall Sherpa x Linershwood Crystal of Keithray) became ‘Best of Breed Winner’ at Crufts. Apart from that she won Championships in England and the USA (Am.Ch. Linershwood Kalan) with some of her other self-bred dogs. As soon as it was possible, she had her dogs examined for genetic defects and published the results. Together with Janice Pritchard, NLV-honorary member Elza Gravestein and Anneke Bruin she helped Isabella Kraft with her ‘PRA-boekjes’. In those days the most reliable source of information as there were no DNA-tests available yet. From 1981 Jo was for 18 years a formidable secretary of the oldest Labrador Breed Club in the United Kingdom, the L.R.C. (formed in 1916) and in addition, she was treasurer of this club for over 20 years. Jo Coulson was appointed member of merit by the then NLV board for several reasons. She greatly appreciated the efforts of NLV members with ‘blind Labradors’, which helped Gus Aguirre/OptiGen make huge strides in developing the prcd-PRA DNA test and the pioneering role of the NLV in the field of ED screening. Convinced of its usefulness and necessity, Jo advocated such an approach in Great Britain as well and was thus a great ambassador for our club during the years when we maintained close ties with ‘the motherland of our breed’. Apart from this, Jo wrote or contributed to dozens of very readable articles/books about our breed. Such as: “A celebration of 75 years: The LRC 1916-1991”; the reissue of ‘Stud book and Record of Field Trials (1949)’; ‘Champions on Parade’ (1993) and ‘Living with a Labrador retriever’. At our request, she gave a fascinating lecture about the breed standard and the need to avoid exaggerations and one-sided selection on certain traits (show or work) and to continue striving for balance, as described in the breed standard. She illustrated the lecture with unique historical images of the founders of our breed. Mostly functionally built dogs, a requirement for intensive hunting. She was concerned about the commercialization of purebred dog breeding, which led to excesses in both show and field. Partly because of this, she gradually shifted her interest to organizations such as ‘Canine Partners’ ( assistance dogs) where her knowledge was much appreciated. She once described her motivation to write as follows: ‘We believe in order that the breed can continue to progress and flourish, modern Labrador breeders will gain benefit from looking back to the origins of the breed. The breeding plans and dedication of the early breeders will hopefully be a source of inspiration to those who have the responsibility of taking the Labrador into the 21st century’.


Though Jo and Derek (they met in 1955 whilst both serving in the Royal Air Force) judged worldwide at the highest level, they felt honoured every time they were invited to judge the NLV Championship show in Apeldoorn and later at the grounds of Hoekelum Castle, not in the least because of the wonderful atmosphere, the incredible number of entries in those years (700-800!) and the excellent organization by the NLV-Committee, the ‘CMC’. . The Coulsons were great company during the subsequent dinners. Then the stories came after Jo had finished her glass of wine - invariably diluted with water. CMC member Jane Fleur remembers Jo’s story about getting lost during a shoot at Sandringham: ‘Suddenly a small lady with a headscarf turned up with two gamekeepers: ‘Come with me’, she said ‘they won’t shoot me!’. It was Queen Elisabeth, Patron of the L.R.C. till this very day. The breed and ‘De Nederlandse Labrador Vereniging’ are deeply indebted to Jo and many cherish fond memories of this unique ‘keeper of our breed’ who was supported in everything by the love of her life, Derek.

The picture is the presentation made to Jo Coulson on her retirement by the Duke of Wellington (President) and Mr Death (Chairman).


Roswitha Lubbers (also on behalf of Ireen Bunnik, Jane Fleur, Hans Haenen, Ton Koene, Ingrid Nijman, Amanda Velt).

THE LABRADOR BREED STANDARD General Appearance. Strongly built, short-coupled, very active; broad in skull; broad and deep through chest and ribs; broad and strong over loins and hindquarters. Characteristics. Good-tempered, very agile (which precludes excessive body weight or excessive substance). Excellent nose, soft mouth; keen love of water. Adaptable, devoted companion. Temperament. Intelligent, keen and biddable, with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness. Head and Skull. Skull broad with defined stop; clean-cut without fleshy cheeks. Jaws of medium length, powerful not snipy. Nose wide, nostrils well developed. Eyes. Medium size, expressing intelligence and good temper; brown or hazel. Ears. Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back. Mouth. Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Neck. Clean, strong, powerful, set into well placed shoulders. Forequarters. Shoulders long and well laid back, with upper arm of near equal length, placing legs well under body. Forelegs well boned and straight from elbow to ground when viewed from either front or side. Body. Chest of good width and depth, with well sprung barrel ribs - this effect not to be produced by carrying excessive weight. Level topline. Loins wide, short-coupled and strong. Hindquarters. Well developed, not sloping to tail; well turned stifle. Hocks well let down, cowhocks highly undesirable. Feet. Round, compact; well arched toes and well developed pads. Tail. Distinctive feature, very thick towards base, gradually tapering towards tip, medium length, free from feathering, but clothed thickly all round with short, thick, dense coat, thus giving ‘rounded’ appearance described as ‘Otter’ tail. May be carried gaily but should not curl over back/ Gait/Movement. Free, covering adequate ground; straight and true in front and rear. Coat. Distinctive feature, short dense without wave or feathering, giving fairly hard feel to the touch; weather-resistant undercoat. Colour. The only correct colours are wholly black, yellow or liver/chocolate. Yellows range from light cream to red fox. Small white spot on chest and the rear of front pasterns permissible. Size. Ideal height at withers: dogs: 56-57 cms (22-221/2 ins); bitches: 55-56 cms (211/2-22 ins). Faults. Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work. Note. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Reprinted with Kennel Club permission


All Aged Stake – 16th November, 2021

Stubton Estate, Stubton nr Newark by kind permission of Malcolm Partridge

The club had a total of 50 entries – We had a total of 26 changes and the trial card finished with 24 dogs. The day before the trial there were three changes to the card and thankfully the three of the four people, I called agreed to run their dogs. The main reason for all the changes was due to hanlders being offered open runs, Two of the judges plus David Coode and myself stayed the night before the trial at The Hare and Hounds, Fulbeck. Steve and Paula Cullis joined us for dinner, The guns and judges met again for breakfast. The Hare and Hounds also prepared a packed lunch for judges, guns and helpers including filling two flasks of coffee. Everyone met on a hard standing where the introductions were made, and the trial declared as open. We drove for around five minutes onto the ground. A secure area on an old airfield. The trial started with the first four dogs walking through a small wood where the first few birds were shot. We then moved into knee high rape and the birds were shot quickly by the guns. Good marking skills and dogs getting their heads down was essential. We then moved into tall sugarbeet and the line walked across rows. Again, good marking skills were needed as the guns put birds on the ground. At the end of the 2nd round 8 dogs remained, and we moved onto a drive into the sugarbeet. The dogs were tested and after 5 retrieves each there were four dogs remaining. Judges huddled and had to go through their books to come up with a result. We moved back to the vehicles where judges, guns and helpers had their lunches and I quickly prepared the results as we were losing light. It was a very good trial with several challenges and excellent dog work. RESULTS 1st and guns choice - Tempurong Fern’s Red Rose LB - Vanessa King Labrador Retriever Club Rose Bowl 2nd Ticefield Ramble on to Elbertow LB - Angie Townsend 3rd Riverview Farm Dr Pepper LD - Kevin Haynes also best looking dog in the awards – LRC Gamekeepers Cup 4th Elmertow If I May LB - Keith Townsend.


Open Field Trial – 27th & 28th October, 2021 Ampton Estate, Great Livermere by kind permission of Peter Rushbrook

The Labrador Retriever Club ran its Open 2-day stake on the 27th and 28th October 2021 at Ampton Estate by kind permission of Peter Rushbrook. The club had a total of 135 entries – 3 of those were paper copies (from 1 person). We had a total of 17 changes and the trial card finished with 118 dogs. Fiona opened the trial on day 1. After a good day in ground near the lake, 11 dogs remained. I started the day off on Day 2 and we quickly moved off to some tricky ground with thick tall cover. The guns shot well giving a good supply of game to stretch the dogs. With a few technical retrieves, the 11 dogs reduced to 5. The remaining 5 dogs really did lift to the occasion and the judges had to revisit their books, taking 2 forward for a runoff. Again, dogs excelled with the last 2 dogs having 8 retrievers. The judges once again had to dig deep into the last 2 days to separate them, A final decision was made and trial was over. While the judges, guns and helpers enjoyed their lunch, the cups were put on display and result cards prepared. Thank you’s were made and gifts were handed out. The results were then given. RESULTS 1st FTCH Amencio Tirpitz Of Flypatch - Tim Brain The Liphook Game Farm Cup, The Tweedshot Kite Cup, The Quintin Dick Memorial cup for best owner/handler The LRC Challenge Cup for the breeder of the winner 2nd Bellspaddle Dexter At Wephamdown - Kate Bollen, The Idsworth Challenge Cup 3rd FtCh. Stauntonvale Moose Milk - Laura Hill COM Berryshot Wigeon - Jason Mayhew COM Eiderbay Malin - James Murphy The Quintin Dick Challenge Cup for best looking dog was awarded to Eiderbay Malin - James Murphy Gilbertson & Page prize for Guns Choice was awarded to Bellspaddle Dexter At Wephamdown - Kate Bollen


IGL Retriever Championships 2021

The lovely ground at the Ampton Shoot was the setting for the 2021 IGL Retriever Championships by kind permission of the Turner family and invitation of Peter and Charles Rushbrook of Boxtree Games Supplies Limited. 54 dogs qualified but as Mark Demaine was one of the judges his dog FT Ch Breckmarsh Ethan of Caytonfell did not compete and one of the Irish competitors John Dawson with Balleyvalley Riley was also absent. Of the 52 dogs running there were 3 Golden Retrievers ( 2 bitches and 1 dog) and 49 Labrador Retrievers, (11 bitches and 38 dogs). Last years winner FT Ch Miller McDuff was the oldest dog competing at 8 years of age and the youngest was Tyrrellison Jafar at just under 2 and a half. Handlers that have previously won the Championship were Tess Lawrence, David Latham, Leigh Jackson, Mike Tallamy, Keith Broomfield, David Lissett, John Halsted and Declan Boyle, winner of the last Championship.


Day 1 Guns.

The Judges were Kevin Doughty, Jamie Bettinson, Garry Ford and Mark Demaine The Steward of the Beat was Head Keeper, Alan Hammond and although there was snow on the previous weekend, the first morning was frosty and cold as we set off from the main house, down the concrete road towards a large field of mustard. Viewing for the gallery was not easy as the dogs were hidden in the crop but we flushed plenty of game as we walked along and dogs were sent and retrieves gathered. Two retrieves were given for the first round. A partridge was shot and landed on the right hand side of the line in front of the competitors gallery, Tim Brain’s FT Ch Amancio Tirptiz of Flypatch was sent and he was held in the area and retrieved the bird but we could see how little scent there was as he worked the area but didn’t pick it until he was right upon it. A bird was then shot in front of the gallery and it landed in an icy puddle, breaking the ice

Judges discussing their books.

Head Keeper Alan Hammond.


Day 2 winner with hen pheasant.

and sinking, making it difficult for the dog to find, Paul Dukes’ Brocklebank Boorbon of Ravencote was put out by Liz Taylor with FT Ch Tagabea Loganberry . We stayed out in the mustard crop for the rest of the first round when the judges called a halt. Talking to Alan Hammond afterwards he commented that there was about another 100 yards to go before we ran out of mustard when the trial was ended for the day. The guns shot brilliantly with few runners and the judges gave the dogs every chance to pick. There was one bird, shot behind the line which saw Keith Broomfield with Lowtrey Klay of Ticefield, Kevin Haynes with Adoraden Trevor of Cairngryffe and Marianne Copp with Pointhill Peregrine eyewiped by the judges. Louie Robertson with FT Ch Mitforton Onour put out Amy Collier and Brocklebank Vital and Simon Capstick with Gunnerspeg Apollo and then Gary Wood with Millbuies Ghillie picked a pigeon behind Keiron Coey’s Tyrellison Jafar, Declan Boyle’s FT Ch Jake of Blackburn and Niels Henrik Hansen’s FT Ch Drakeshead Calico. The day ended with 33 dogs (31 Labradors and 2 Golden Retrievers), being asked to return for the second day. The second day saw us moving into a rape crop which made viewing much easier for everyone. Again the guns shot well and there were a number of hares shot as well as the partridge, pheasant and pigeons. One retrieve was required for round 2. This round saw us lose just a few dogs and 26 dogs were required for the third round of two retrieves. The day progressed mainly through the rape crop and we watched some lovely dog work with retrieves across the line. Frazer Forbes and FT Ch Omachie Colonel of Carnochway completed a lovely two dog eyewipe and Mel Brooks with Anningtonbay Maddi May picked behind Tim Brain and Mike Tallamy with FT Ch Brindlebay Brigands picked behind Leigh Jackson’s FT Ch Laggengill Dawn of Blackgrass. At the end of this round and day two we were left with 17 dogs required ( 16 Labradors and 1 Golden Retriever) for the third and final day.


Day 3 - Eight remaining dogs for the duck drive.

The third day started in the rape again and the dogs were stretched with long retrieves and some lovely dog work. We then moved into mustard which was not as thick as the first day and the viewing was good although the gallery was moved around in circles to keep up with the line as it wheeled around, leaving Fiona Joint who was in charge of the competitors tearing her hair out!!! There was a lovely retrieve by Gary Wood when he picked a woodcock and put out two dogs. Ronnie Laughton and FT Ch Wytonruss Finnigan was then brought from the far side and completed a retrieve across the line, eye wiping another two dogs. Super dog work to watch all morning, with some dogs with super credits unfortunately falling at the last hurdles. There were eight dogs required (7 Labradors and 1 Golden Retriever) for the duck drive. Frazer Forbes with FT Ch Omachie Colonel of Carnochway, Jason Mayhew with Mr and Mrs Berry’s Berryshot Bernie, Kirsty Cousins with Westerkames Rigline of Brogdenview, Annette Clarke’s FT Ch Castlemans Gobi of Garronpoint, Nathan Laffy with FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero, Gary Wood and Millbuies Ghillie, Ronnie Laughton and FT Ch Wytonruss Finnigan and Tony O’Hare with FT Ch Burrendale Ace were all lined out along one side of the lake and the guns on the


opposite side. A number of ducks were shot and the first four dogs were sent over for retrieves. More ducks were driven over the lake and the other four dogs were sent. Annette Clarke’s dog was lost at this point and the trial was over. We all walked back to the main house and much discussion was had whilst the judges deliberated and the committee prepared for the prize giving. There were thank you’s to the sponsors and helpers and gifts given to the guns, the keeper and his staff, the landowners and of course to the judges. The main event was the announcement of the awards. 1st Gary Wood and Millbuies Ghillie 2nd Frazer Forbes with FT Ch Omachie Colonel of Carnochway 3rd Nathan Laffy with FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero 4th Ronnie Laughton and FT Ch Wytonruss Finnigan Diplomas of Merit Jason Mayhew with Mr and Mrs Berry’s Berryshot Bernie Kirsty Cousins with Westerkames Rigline of Brogdenview Tony O’Hare with FT Ch Burrendale Ace Gary thanked everyone involved but gave special thanks to his wife for her support. The judges spoke of the superb dog work they had seen and the difficulties of keeping the dog and handler focussed for three long hard days of competition. The Honorary Field Trial secretary Mrs. May Jane Opie, and the officers and committee of the International Gundog league had done a fantastic job, and had organised an excellent 3 days. There was a fundraiser running during the Championships organised by Sharon Dingle for the Country Food Trust who provide protein rich meals for people in need using game meat, every £1 raised provides a meal for someone in need. The link will have expired by the time you read this but it’s a worthy cause that you may wish to give a New Year donation to. Here is the link to find out more www.


The following is an article printed by kind permission of Derrick Capel, A Panel Judge, and by The Yellow Labrador Club. Given the behaviour of a very few people at our trials this season it is well worth reprinting here.

Etiquette at Field Trials

Those of us who attended Field Trials in the seventies and eighties will recall of course that there were far fewer events, and the majority were held on private estates and farm shoots who gave one, or perhaps two trials in a season. Many of those taking part were keepers who persuaded their employers to allow them to run a trial, and although they might choose not to run on their own ground, they would hope to have a run when the neighbouring estate, held their own event. There was a feeling that everyone was striving to ensure that their trial was the best in the area, guns were often invited by the keeper generally as a token for some favour rendered during the past season. Some keepers, although they did not trial themselves, could be persuaded to run an event if approached by one of their regular beaters or pickers up. You will appreciate that with this sort of background we all felt very privileged to be involved and everyone took great care to thank all concerned. Compared to the current scene there was much more general interest in the progress of the entire event and rarely did competitors leave before the end of the event. Today many trials are run on commercial shoots. The club pays for the day and very often then lets the shooting, albeit at a discounted rate to a team of guns. This change has resulted in a shift of emphasis in the attitude of those taking part. The mood is not now one of gratitude for whatever the day might bring, but an air of “I am paying for this and therefore I am entitled to complain bitterly if everything is not exactly as I might have wished.” I am not going to pretend that, in the past, we did not complain about all the things that can go wrong on the day – shortage of game, poor shooting etc but we did so behind closed doors not (as if often the case today) within earshot of the host or keeper. The purpose of this article is to appeal to all those involved in trials to remember that we are in a competition, and all the general rules of good sportsmanship and conduct should be observed. Do not openly criticise the judges, do not complain about the shooting within earshot of the guns and certainly do not complain about the flow of game. Nobody will be more concerned than the keeper himself and he will not need reminding if things are not going according to plan. Please remember that nobody has to allow us on their ground, but we cannot run trials without landowners, guns and judges, so let’s get back to being grateful for their contribution to our sport. As a final note, if at the completion of the trial there are birds still unpicked, make sure you take your dog and clear the ground, they were shot for YOU. Derrick Capel



MILLROSEGLEN MAKE MY DAY WITH MEADOVILLABS Baileydale Blaze A Trail x Baileydale Naughty Alice of Millroseglen Breeder/Owner: Mr P McRory


LEMBAS CRACKLING ROSIE JW Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio AI JW x Sh Ch Lembas Chiquitta Breeder/Owner: Mr C & Mrs C Mills SHAROUNS VICTORIA’S SECRET Shanorrell Succession At Halshimoor x Sharouns Nostalgia Breeder/Owner: Mr S Williamson NAIKEN EAST MEETS WEST (AI) JW Nipntuck Blame It On Fame x Naiken Alize Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge RAMSAYVILLE TALI Am G Ch, Can Ch Paradoc’s Bellweather Heath (Imp USA) x Foulby Krista Breeder/Owner: Miss K & Miss C O’Neill CARROMER CHIPPENDALE Sh Ch Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM x Carromer Shimmering Silk Breeder/Owner: Mr M & Mrs C Reynolds SANDYLANDS HIT THE ROAD Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack x Sandylands Free Time Breeder/Owner: Mr E Casey & Mrs E Jayes NAIKEN CARINSIA Int Ch Raglan Jack Frost x Naiken Alize Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge CARROMER JACK FLASH TO BAILEYDALE JW Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack x Carromer Shimmering Tiara Breeder: Mr M & Mrs C Reynolds Owner: Mr A & Mrs J Metcalfe HALSHIMOOR PITCH BATTLE AT SHANORRELL JW Shanorrell Sucession at Halshimoor x Sharouns Nostalgia Breeder: Miss L Rawlinson Owner: Mr M, Mrs J & Miss L Rawlinson, Mr D & Mrs P Balshaw ROCHEVALE ONCE UPON A TIME Rocheby Centenalee Sir Oliver x Manorwell Mrs Miniver At Rocheby Breeder/Owner: Miss C Rowe SANDYLANDS HIGH TIME Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack x Sandylands Free Time Breeder/Owner: Mr E Casey & Mrs E Jayes NAIKEN ELITE ENVOY (AI) JW IR JCh Nipntuck Blame It On Fame x Naiken Alize Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge NAIKEN ETOILE (AI) Nipntuck Blame It On Fame x Naiken Alize Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge Reproduced with kind permission of Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club (Editor, Jenny Dobson)


ROLL OF HONOUR Mrs D Beckett ​Mrs J Brabban ​Mr Derrick Capel ​Mr D Coulson ​Mrs J Coulson ​Mr F Gawthorpe ​Mrs M Gawthorpe ​Mrs J Green ​Mrs S Halsted ​Mr D Hepper ​Mrs M Hepper ​Mrs D Johnson ​Mrs C Jury ​Mr J Lees ​Mr J Nolan ​Mrs E Nolan ​​Mrs M Young 35

The Labrador Retriever Club 76 Breed Championship Show 2021 th

Pure Agility, Tamworth on Saturday July 17th 2021 Judges: Ann Britton (Dogs) and Mac Percival (Bitches) The results of the top honours are as follows: Best in Show Hodges Naiken East Meets West Reserve Best in Show Campbell’s Binnaig Brene DOGS After a long lockdown break due to Covid19 forcing cancellation of most post-Crufts UK dog shows in 2020 up to mid-summer 2021, at last things look brighter. Show committees have been putting in a lot of hours behind the scenes to get our hobby going again, with full adherence to necessary Covid guidelines to keep us all safe. Having been approved to judge the Labrador Retriever Club Ch Show in 2020, which show was cancelled due to Covid 19, I was lucky enough to have been re-appointed to judge the Dog entry on the first day of the two day, Lab Club Championship show weekend 2021, at the new, excellent Pure Agility, Tamworth venue. What a find; a modern indoor and outdoor venue with camping area, level well maintained outdoor ring areas and excellent indoor facilities. Hopefully this venue will become the permanent site for many dog shows in future. My thanks to club Secretary Karl Gawthorpe and his show organising committee. So much work you must have put in over the previous months. You have coped with so well, not least securing the new and splendid venue in such difficult Covid times. The weekend shows were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone attending and were an organisational credit to you all. The first show-day of the weekend dawned in the middle of a UK heatwave with temperatures in full sun soaring into the upper 30s each day. Exhibitors had come well prepared with cool mats, gazebos and tents to shade their dogs and store their belongings whilst judging was in full unremitting sun. I thoroughly enjoyed being back in the ring and my two excellent stewards Nige Small and Sarah Thorpe, kept everything running smoothly throughout the day, including reminding me to sanitize my hands between every single dog I went over to comply with Covid rules. My general observations were:- On the plus side, temperaments in my ring were impeccable, and typical breed standard Labradors abounded. Front angulation


was greatly improved and the overweight show Labrador generally seems a thing of the past. Exhibits were in the main presented in a fit and clean condition and moved soundly. Well done. Whilst I was very pleased with my winners, there was clear evidence of some marked changes in structure over the past 18 months when there have been no shows. Whatever you do, do not lose the gorgeous shaped head and melting brown eyed expression of the typical Labrador. Once lost, it will take generations to get back. The breed Standard describes the head and skull as follows - Skull broad with defined stop, clean cut without fleshy cheeks. Jaws of medium length, powerful not snipey. Nose wide, nostrils well developed. I was surprised to see several narrow skulled, thin faced examples. Always remember above anything else, the outstanding features of a Labrador are Head, Coat and Tail. Barrel ribs, are called for by the standard, but were in shorter supply than expected and width of chest needs watching. Viewed from the front, narrow chests with front legs so close to each other are no good to a Labrador. The weather was incredibly hot which may have accounted for a few decidedly saggy toplines. In normal circumstances that is not at all good for the dog and level really does mean level, not tending towards a hammock. Above all a memorable, happy day, with a new Show Champion made up for the Naiken Kennel. SPECIAL WORKING DOG 1 1st Findjans Rossacre That’ll Do WGC Typical, well built, well boned, short coupled yellow with pleasing head and kind expression. FIELD TRIAL DOG 1 1st Roses Briwed Magic at Leospring Good size, shape and stature on this 6 year old, rich darker yellow. Well built, well boned muscular, clean lined and well angulated throughout. Pleasing masculine head, good eye colour and kind sensible expression. On his toes, attentive to handler. Moved with drive, enthusiasm and energy. VETERAN DOG 6 (1) 1st Chapmans Killanow Sentinel at Daisypatch 10years, very sound balanced and wellpresented yellow in good coat and excellent condition. His quality, well angulated lines stood out. Lovely head and kind expression, clean lined through neck and shoulder, good upper arm and


forechest, well boned legs and neat feet, well ribbed with level topline. Strong quarters with good turn of stifle. Moved freely with drive. 2nd Lamberts Ch Mattand Exodus JW 7 years already. Where has the time gone since he was a youngster winning the Finals of the Pup of the Year? Such an impressive career followed, together with his Working Certificate for this characterful, kind natured dog. Well made throughout with pleasing head and expression. Good body properties. Carrying a huge double coat on this hot day. Done himself well in lockdown and for me could carry a few kilos less. Shown proficiently and moved steadily. 3rd Harvey Major and Bambrooks Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoakar ShCm VW 8 years well made short coupled yellow. Pleasing head, good legs and feet, well ribbed, level topline, strong quarters. Moved and showed well. MINOR PUPPY DOG 9 (3) 1st Hutchinsons Glosmere Ragamuffin Best Dog Puppy and Best Puppy in Show. 8 months black. Well made and well angulated throughout. Short coupled and well balanced. Correct head with kind masculine puppy expression. Strongly made without coarseness with good bone, legs and neat feet. Deep barrel rib, level topline, strong quarters and well set tail. In double coat. Carrying the correct weight. Moved enthusiastically, showing his socks off and wagging happily all day despite the over 30 degree temperature. 2nd O’Brien Maxfield Hugo Boss Well made, well constructed short coupled yellow with good angles front and back. Another in full coat. Could carry less weight. 3rd Parkes and Young Optimist Vision Promising happy balanced puppy of six months . Pleasing head and expression well made well boned and well angulated front and back. Moved freely. PUPPY DOG 10 (3) 1st Morleys Carpenny Paddy at Rockledge Liked him a lot. Well made throughout. 10 months black. Well balanced and well angulated front and back. Pleasing head, expression and eye colour, clean neck, good forechest, good legs and feet. Carrying correct condition for age and moved well. 2nd McLellans Saranden Shadeuxplay 11 month, black. Pleasing head. Kind expression, more development ahead of him but angles and build right for age. Moved soundly and freely and showed well. 3rd Harvey Majors Linjor Ross 9 months well-constructed yellow, well angulated throughout. Typical head, kind expression and good eye colour and pigment, well boned legs, well ribbed, short


coupled and strong quarters. Moved soundly. His perfect huge rich coloured double coat was his likely downfall on a day with the sweltering temperatures soaring in full sun, his enthusiasm had deserted him and his sensible thoughts were more likely on an ice cool pond somewhere, rather than a sweltering dog show ring. JUNIOR 9 (3) Good class of some future stars. 1st Druggans Balladoole Captain Tom 14 months yellow. Neat and tidy all over with classic outline. Well balanced and well angulated. Pleasing typical head. Good neck shoulder and upper arm, well bone legs and neat feet Well ribbed strong quarters, short coupled, level topline, good second thigh, correct tail. In good coat and moved well. 2nd Woodleys Alkamhurst Moment of Truth Black of top quality. Typical head with correct eye colour, well made and well balanced throughout with clean lines to neck, shoulder and level topline. Good upper arm, well boned legs and neat feet, well ribbed with balanced strong quarters. Moved well. 3rd Ellis and Matulla Dolwen Stargzer 14months well angulated yellow. Pleasing head and expression, balanced and short coupled made on the right lines with more maturity to come. In good coat. Moved freely. YEARLING 3 (1) 1st Reynolds Carromer Chippendale Quality, well-made classic pale yellow. Kind masculine head lovely expression with black pigment. Clean through neck shoulder and upper arm, well boned legs and neat feet. Shown in good double coat and great condition. Moved steadily. 2nd Hills Kimbajak Full Golden Monty of Waggador Very excited yellow giving his owner/handler an extremely hard time. (Later with different handler in control, calmly won Maiden). Pleasing head and expression. Well-built and well angulated front and back. Strong through ribs and quarters, short coupled, level topline. His movement in this class was a trifle chaotic but sound. MAIDEN 5 (1) 1st Hills’ Kimbajak Full Golden Monty of Waggador As 2nd in Yearling with different handler in full control. 2nd Edwards Chelmscote Key Component 11 months yellow kind head and expression, well made and well boned with good legs and feet, well ribbed, strong quarters, good second thigh level topline Moved well.


3rd Smith Flyenpyg Pie Eyed 4th in Minor Puppy black 6 months baby. Nicely made all over, well angulated and moved freely but feeling the heat on this awfully hot sunny day. NOVICE 8 (1) 1st Mounts Buckholt Falcon Fergus Pale yellow of excellent construction throughout. Pleasing head and expression good angulation front and back, well ribbed level topline, strong quarters with good second thigh in good coat, moved well. 2nd Logans Madgack Monarda Minocqua Black 5th in excellent Junior class. 16 months Pleasing head and lovely kind brown eyed expression. Well made throughout with good angulation front and back. In good double coat. Moved freely, 3rd Harvey Majors Linjor Ross 3rd in Puppy Dog UNDERGRADUATE 3 (1) 1st Finney and Carpaninis Carpenny Kipling Top class 2years black. Stood out for potential and quality. One to watch for the future. Lovely head shape and kindest brown eyed expression. Balanced and well angulated throughout. Everything in proportion. Well boned legs and neat feet, level topline strong quarters good second thigh. Active sensible mover, striding competently around the ring. 2nd Andersons Maxfield Chase the Ace Short coupled yellow 4 years well angulated, well boned with good legs and feet. Well ribbed with strong quarters. GRADUATE11 (5) 1st Chapmans Daisypatch Jelly Tot JW Darker yellow of 3 years. Typical, well made and well angulated throughout. Pleasing head and expression, clean through neck and shoulder good legs and neat feet. Barrel ribs, level topline strong quarters and good second thigh. Presented in lovely condition. Moved freely. 2nd Lamberts Treantagh Sledge with Mattand JW Well made, short coupled black, masculine head and gentle brown eyed expression attentive to handler. Moved steadily. 3rd Dawsons Beskerby Pageant 2 years Lots to like, well made throughout short coupled with strong quarters. Moved steadily.


POST GRADUATE 9 (4) 1st Edwards Kimbajak Precious Metal Pleasing head Well angulated and balanced front and back, strong deep ribs, good length of leg neat feet. Level topline strong quarters with good second thigh. Moved steadily. 2nd Wilsons Stelainros Westpoint Short Coupled Black with kind masculine expression. Well -built and well angulated, well boned legs and neat feet, well ribbed with level topline in full coat. Moved steadily. 3rd Druggans A Sense of Pleasures Get Lucky JW (Imp Deu) Eye catching active dog well shown. Well- made, short coupled, well angulated body built on strong sound masculine lines. Moved accurately. MID LIMIT 8 (2) 1st Hodges Naiken Elite Envoy (AI) JW IR JUN CH. Impressive choc of good size, shape, construction and balance throughout. Pleasing head and kind expression, clean lines, lovely generous attitude and a great mover. Enjoyed his showing regardless of the heat. Presented in excellent muscular condition as were all from this kennel. 2nd Youngs Potterspiney Silas JW Full coated short coupled yellow. Pleasing head, good pigment and eye colour, well made in slightly smaller mode to 1. Balanced with good legs and feet, well ribbed with level topline strong quarters. Not enjoying the heat. 3rd Bambrooks Marshwiggle Shakespeaer at Ravoakar JW Well schooled and attentive 5 years yellow. Well made, well ribbed with strong quarters. Moved steadily. LIMIT 9 (1) 1st Meredith Tweedledum Off The Record. 3 years. Black. Excellent throughout, with time will mature and develop even further, the type that never goes over the top, keeping his looks for life. Quality balanced and short coupled made on right lines. Lovely head and expression good neck shoulder, chest legs and feet, strong through ribs to quarters. Moved and handled well. 2nd Rawlinson and Balshaw Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW Yellow 4 years Lovely head and kind masculine expression, strong clean lines to neck shoulder and upper arm. Well ribbed with level topline well angulated and well constructed throughout. Moved well.


3rd Autey Chadfrith Alcazaba Sturdy well angulated chocolate. Top size for me. Well built with good head, neck shoulder, good bone, strong through ribs topline and tail. Moved well. OPEN DOG 6 (2) 1st Hodges Naiken East Meets West (AI) JW Ir Jun Ch CC and later learnt made up on the day. Great dog to go over turned out in to perfection. In full double coat. Balanced, fit and active 3year old, short coupled black dog of good size and shape. Masculine head with kind expression. Good angulation front and back. Well boned legs and neat feet, Deep through heart room and barrel ribs. Level topline, strong quarters and good second thigh. Tail well set on. Moved enthusiastically coping with the 30degree plus heat easily, with power and strength. 2nd Grummitt and Dempsey Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made to Order (IKC) RCC. 4yrs. Classic yellow maturing steadily and not finished yet. So typical. Made on the right lines throughout. Pleasing head, with kind gentle masculine expression. Good neck, shoulder, forechest, deep barrel ribs and all over angulation. Good legs, bone and feet. Short coupled with strong quarters and good second thigh. Moved soundly in the heat. On later reflection, reminded me so much of his grandfather Sh Ch Carpenny Made a Million, another slow to mature but excellent forever after. 3rd Casey and Jayes Sandylands Hit the Road Active 3year old. Pleasing head. Kind expression, well made all over with clean lines and level topline to tail. Very alert, happy showman who moved energetically. Not in best of coats on the day CHAMPION DOG 1 1st Druggans Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasures El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Strong black on his own but deserving of his title. Rising 4 years. Balanced front and back. Masculine well-proportioned head, well angulated, well boned and well made throughout. Strong through brisket, barrel ribs, level topline short coupled, strong second thigh and well turned stifle. Good otter tail. Shown in full coat Moved steadily.


Ann Britton Judge

The Labrador Retriever Club 76 Breed Championship Show 2021 th

Pure Agility, Tamworth on Saturday July 17th 2021 Judges: Ann Britton (Dogs) and Mac Percival (Bitches) BITCHES Thank you very much to the committee for inviting me, and to you the exhibitors for your entries. It is always an honour and a very great pleasure to judge. Thank you too to my excellent stewards, Barbara Gentleman and Dianne L. Rourke-Knight, always a pleasure to have your expertise, and good company. Great new venue, a good find, I hope the show goes back there next year. Some lovely, quality classes with many really nice bitches, on the down side I did find several bad mouths and some carrying too much weight which spoils the outline and movement. SPECIAL WORKING 3 (-2) 1st Findjan’s Rossacre Xekia Black, nice type with good body depth and spring of rib. Gentle expression, balanced head and clean neck, good coat. FIELD TRIAL 1 1st Venturi Rose’s Leospring Tay Black, good outline which she maintained on the move, moved well. balanced head, neat ears, good eye colour and shape, well defined stop, good length of muzzle. VETERAN 3 (-1) 1st Wood’s Lougin Secret Spy at Sundyke JW Black, Clean outline which she kept on the move, well muscled and fit, hard to believe she is 8. Excellent movement. Correct eye shape and colour, kind expression well laid shoulders, deep body and good spring of rib. Neat feet, not in the best of coats, Best Veteran in Show. 2nd Jones’s Hafnau Anastasia Black, rising 10 years old and a credit to her owner, carrying more weight than my 1st and in double heavy coat, moved well, good outline and hind angulation.


MINOR PUPPY 8 (-3) 1st Kennett’s Magnavalleys Trebah Chocolate, just 6 months, lovely outline, moved really confidently and soundly, pleasing head, good length of muzzle, neat feet, a very promising compact young bitch puppy. 2nd Braddon’s Chyanhal Pendray in Trendlewood Black, balanced head, neat ears, good eye shape& colour and good length of muzzle. 3rd Allen’s Timouron Candy Cane – Black, very pleasing type, shorter in muzzle, clean neck good shoulders. PUPPY 12 (-4) 1st Powell’s Clairstone Sweet Memory of Seatallan (DMK) NAF Black, clean outline which she kept on the move, moved four square, covering the ground. Balanced head with neat ears, correct length of muzzle, good eye shape and colour, kind expression. Clean neck, good forechest and shoulders, excellent hind angulation, true tail, straight and well set on, good coat. Not overdone in any way, a lovely young bitch Best Bitch Puppy 2nd Casey & Jayes’s Lapema Masquerade At Sandylands Yellow, great outline, clean neck, good depth of body, good eye shape and colour, dark pigmentation, true tail – straight and well set on, neat feet, moved well 3rd Tooth’s Ludalor Loquacious Yellow, another good outline maintained on the move, clean neck, very pleasing head and expression, good pigmentation, correct tail well set on, tight feet, moved well. JUNIOR 10 (-3) 1st Campbell’s Binnaig Brene Black, excellent bitch pleasing from head to tail & toe, lovely conformation, outline maintained on the move, moved as she is made, tracking 4 square, striding out & pushing the ground out behind her. Balanced head with good breadth of skull, defined stop, neat ears close to head, correct eye shape and colour, good length & breadth of muzzle, true kind expression. Clean neck, well laid shoulder and front angulation giving a good broad forechest and front legs properly positioned under the body. Deep body with good spring of rib, strong quarters, good hind angulation and well let down hocks. True tail shape and set, good double coat. She never stopped showing. Bitch CC, Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex


2nd Parkes & Young’sPotterspiney Evie’s Dream Black, typey bitch good conformation, pleasing head, kind eye, good tail, not in full coat, movement sound, so well handled. 3rd Barthram McManus’s Danru Brexiteer Depetta Yellow, sound type and mover. YEARLING 12 ( – 5) 1st Parkinson’s Burnthorn Morning Mist Black, good outline and firm topline which once again, most importantly, she maintained on the move. In excellent coat carrying the right weight. Balanced head with a correct eye shape and colour, kind expression. Good shoulder, depth of body, tail and feet. 2nd Smith’s Exelby Hellebore in Flyenpyg Black, clean outline, pleasing head and expression, excellent nose and well defined nostrils. In good coat. Good leg length to body ratio, neat feet, moved well. 3rd Mount’s Buckholt Georgie Girl Black, balanced bitch in good coat, pleasing head, and well shaped tail, moved well. MAIDEN 5 (-2, 1 withdrawn) 1st Barthram McManus’s Danru Brexiteer Depetta Third in Junior. 2nd Mount’s Buckholt Georgie Girl Third in Yearling. NOVICE 8 (-2) 1st Campbell’s Binnaig Brene First in Junior, 2nd Smith’s Exelby Hellebore Flyenpyg Second in Yearling 3rd Davey’s Southridge Tolverne Black – Well constructed , firm outline, moved well, pleasing head, good spring of rib and angulation. Good feet. Not in the best of coats today. UNDERGRADUATE 6 (-2, 1 withdrawn) 1st Williamson’s Likav Academic at Sharouns Yellow, lovely outline, clean neck, balanced head, pleasing expression. Well laid shoulders giving a good broad forechest. Good spring of rib & depth of body, strong quarters, correct set on tail & tail shape, neat feet, moved with drive


2nd Dawson’s Beskerby Nutcracker Yellow, typey bitch, good head, expression & pigmentation. Tight feet, moved well. 3rd Chapman’s Daisypatch Dolly Mixture Yellow, good pigmentation, kind expression, good coat moved well. GRADUATE 17 (-5, 2 withdrawn) Strong Class 1st Carpanini’s Carpenny Berry Black, this bitch was a strong contender for the Reserve CC, Excellent clean outline which she maintained on the move, good reach of neck, balanced head with defined stop, good muzzle length & width, eye and expression. Strong quarters, correct tail shape and set, in good coat, neat feet. Looked for her owner, but moved extremely well for her young runner. 2nd Lambert’s Mattand This Is Me JW Yellow, clean outline with lovely neck and shoulders, feminine head, neat ears. Not in the best of coat but good harsh texture, good angulation and strong quarters, moved with drive. 3rd Woodall’s Mattand A Million Dreams for Thirlmere JW Yellow, litter sister to second, good outline, well proportioned head, excellent pigmentation & eye colour, good feet, moved well. POST GRADUATE 10 (-4) 1st Flockton’s Dylsonleigh Miss Muffet JW Yellow, very attractive well balanced bitch, good weight & leg length to body ratio. Clean neck, very deep body, strong over loin well muscled quarters, moved well. 2nd Jones’s Hafnau Orabela Black, nicely put together, fit , kept her shape on the move. Attractive head, good muzzle length, very deep in body. In full coat, tight feet. 3rd Farrar’s Donamick’s Creasts of Waves for Henissy Choc, clean neck, well shaped and coloured eyes, good spring of rib, handled well. MID LIMIT 11 (-2 ,1 withdrawn) Another very good class. 1st Braddon’s Trendlewood Simply The Best JW Yellow, lovely conformation, good weight, well muscled and fit. Kept her outline as she moved. Moved well. Neat ears set close to head, well balanced head with eyes good shape and colour. Good neck, shoulders, depth of body, spring of rib, quarters, true tail both shape and set. RBCC


2nd Hodge’s Naiken Etoile Choc, well balanced outline, moved with reach and drive, good depth of body, bone, tail & coat. 3rd O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali JW Black, well made, good depth of body, neck, angulation, correct tail and tail set, compact feet, good coat. LIMIT BITCH 12 (-2) 1st Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time Yellow, another stunner, outline flowed as she powered round the ring. Feminine head, good muzzle length, pigmentation, soft expression, clean neck, well laid shoulders, broad chest, well sprung ribs, correct tail & tail set, neat compact feet. 2nd Jones’s Hafnau Georgette Black, level topline, very deep in the body, well muscled quarters, pleasing head, in good coat, moved & showed well. 3rd Casey & Jayes’s Sandylands High time Yellow, very clean in neck, attractive head and kind expression, good pigmentation, deep in body, neat feet. Moved well. OPEN 3 (-2) 1st Longhurst’s Hurstmeon Bit of a Pickle Choc, VHC in Limit, genuine type, deep body, good harsh coat, very attentive to her handler, showed and handled well. CHAMPION 3 1st Hodge’s SH CH Naiken Dance Rhythm JW Black, great outline, good reach of neck, neat ears, balanced head, pleasing expression, good shoulders & forechest, depth of body, good bone, tight pasterns, moved well. 2nd O’Brien’s SH CH Maxfield Arabella Yellow, good topline maintained on the move, well sprung ribs, good angulation & shoulders, correct tail and tail set. Moved well. 3rd Park’s SH CH Ramsayville Rhubarb Rock At Kinchyle Yellow, lovely girl not such clean lines as first 2, kindest expression, coat good harsh texture, moved well. All three with nothing to prove, great to see them,thank you for bringing them. Mac Percival


48 Best in Show - Hodges Naiken East Meets West


Best Puppy in Show and Best Minor Puppy in Show - Hutchinsons Glosmere Ragamuffin

50 Best Veteran in Show - Wood’s Lougin Secret Spy at Sundyke JW

51 Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex - Campbell’s Binnaig Brene

52 Best Field Trial In Show: Roses Briwed Magic at Leospring

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Photos courtesy

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Yearbooks • Calendars • Newsletters • Diaries • Wallplanners

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The Labrador Retriever Club 77TH Breed Championship Show Pure Agility, Tamworth on Sunday July 18th 2021 Judges: Margaret Brown (Dogs) and Rich Stafford (Bitches) The results of the top honours are as follows: Best in Show Lambert’s Ch Mattand Exodus Reserve Best in Show O’Neil Ramsayville Tali JW DOGS I was delighted to be given the opportunity of judging at The Labrador Retriever Club and would like to thank the Committee for their kind invitation and to my capable stewards for keeping me in check. Thank you to everyone who braved the incredible heat and stayed over for the second days’ judging. I am afraid if I had shown dogs on Saturday and knew it was going to be even hotter on Sunday, I would have gone home. Therefore, my sincere thanks to everyone who stayed and showed their dogs to me. It was difficult to ask the dogs to move more than was necessary as it was so very hot. Some poor dogs were really suffering. My apologies to anyone who felt I should have moved them more. I never have preconceived ideas before I go into the ring. I simply judged as I saw the dogs on the day. SPECIAL WORKING DOG 1st Findjan’s Rossacre That’ll Do (Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio - Rossacre Summer Syke WGC) lovely dog with good overall confirmation & construction, such a lovely balanced head with kind alert expression, lovely dog to go over very biddable and steady, strong over the neck with good front assembly, short coupled with good length of rib, strength over his quarters to balanced him in profile and on the move, well let down hocks, lovely type FIELD TRIAL – NO ENTRIES CLASS 3


VETERAN DOG 8 1st Lambert’s Ch Mattand Exodus (Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition Imp USA – Amberstead Dark and Stormy Over Mattand) This is such a beautiful yellow of excellent type with a lovely balanced outline, he has a masculine head with kind expression and good length of muzzle, one who has a good length of leg to body proportions, he has excellent bone & substance, has strength and resilience in his pasterns with neat compact feet and well-arched toes, he is so clean over the neck with a good lay of shoulders and excellent topline, carries a correct coat and tail, moved with style covering the ground with ease, I liked him for her sheer unexaggeration and beautiful breed type, he looked so very well in profile and as a veteran he can still hold his own in the best of company, I would love to have bred him. Congratulations to his owner/breeder DOG CC and BIS. 2nd Faulkner’s Lewisan Likely Lad (Lewisan Lightening – Lewisan Look At MBOLD) a lovely yellow who was exceptionally good in outline, such a kind head and expression, excellent front angulation, in grand coat & condition on the day, moved out well using his strong quarters to cover the ring, I remember seeing him as a very young raw puppy, great to see how well he has developed and matured, a lovely dog who I like very much 3rd Bold’s Shaymiloney Senate JW (Mardas Roman Republic JW – Shaymiloney Sweetpea) this black really scored in neck & shoulders, beautiful head with intelligent expression, good length of muzzle, well-turned stifles, and strong quarters, in excellent coat, sound mover, a very stylish dog who looked so good in profile. So unlucky to meet the first two today. Quality dog. 4th Thorpe’s Taph’s Tango JW (Sh Ch Adoraden Hallmark at Suttonpark) 5th Logan’s Driffold Break Free To Minocqua (Sh Ch Rocheby Statesman -Ludalor Loganberry at Driffold MINOR PUPPY DOG (7) 1st Parks’s And Young’s Optimist Vision (Tissalian High Chaparral – Suttonpark Penny Farthing) very much a baby but won this class on his overall balance and sound movement, very attractive head, short coupled, well-constructed in front with good shoulders and clean neck, has a strong topline which he held very well on the move, a little small in stature now but everything is there, he just needs to grow and mature.


2nd Braddons’s Trendlewood The Man (Sh Ch Rocheby Hornblower – Trendlewood Strange Magic) yellow who is very raw at the moment, we are all so used to seeing puppies in the ring who look the finished article and are mostly overdone by the time they reach maturity, this puppy will take his time to develop, has a lovely disposition with a kind expression, carrying a decent coat, will be interested to see how he grows on. PUPPY DOG (9) 1st Morley’s Carpenny Paddy At Rockledge (Drumtacker Made To Order – Sh Ch Carpenny Portia) Such an impressive youngster who has a lovely head with correct shaped eyes of the desired colour, lovely expression, good length and depth of muzzle, has good length of neck and lay of shoulders, very balanced in profile for one so young, good feet with strong pasterns, I was delighted that my co-judge thought he was equally impressive and agreed to award him best puppy. Certainly, one to watch for the future. 2nd Harvey- Major’s Linjor Ross (Linjor Rigsby – Linjor the Cover Girl) lovely head on this puppy, kind intelligent expression, he is balanced in profile, first-class coat of the correct length and texture, he has good bone and substance, moved with a free easy stride. 3rd Braddon’s Trendlewood Superstition (Naiken East Meets West – Trendlewood Back to Black) sweet head and expression on this puppy, alert intelligent expression, clean neck, correct double coat, well-made quarters, calm & steady, sound on the move 4th Grummit’s Manorwell Danny Boy (Ir Sh Ch Drumtacker Made to Order – Manorwell Georgia at Suttonpark) JUNIOR DOG (8) 1st Woodley’s Alkhamhurst Moment Of Truth (Sh Ch Secret Moment At Alkhamhurst – A Sense of Pleasures Ella At Alkhamhurst) what a lovely young black of excellent type with a well-balanced outline, masculine head with kind expression, correct coat and tail, moved with style, very sound covering the ground with ease, strongly considered this young fellow for top awards, just lost out on maturity which is to be expected as he is still young but definitely one to watch. 2nd Druggan’s Balladoodle Captain Tom (Mafia Lab’s Taboo Webster at Balladoodle JW (Imp Blr) – Bellissima Principessa Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmebury) lovely striking yellow who was exceptionally good in outline, excellent front angulation, in grand coat & condition on the day, moved


out well using his strong quarters to cover the ring excellent showman, a quality dog who is very eye-catching and stylish. 3rd Ellis & Matulla’s Dolwen Stargazer (Sandylands Hit the Road – Dolwen Starlight) this youngster is still very raw at the moment, but the construction is there and only needing maturity to bring it together, I liked his overall confirmation, at the moment one and two just have the edge, only needs time. 4th Hofma’s Ansjoros Flash Guy (Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale- Ansjoros Cutey) 5th Logan’s Madgack Monarda Minocqua (Naiken Elite Envoy JW – Madmack Mimosa) YEARLING DOG (4) 1st Hill’s Kimbajak Full Golden Monty of Waggador (Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale- Kimbajak Taittinger) balanced youngster, has a kind masculine head & intelligent alert expression, clean strong neck, stands four square with a good balanced outline, is short coupled with firm topline, well-laid shoulders, he has good bone and substance, correct coat, sound on the move. MAIDEN DOG (4) 1st Hill’s Kimbajak Full Golden Monty of Waggador NOVICE DOG (7) 1st Harvey- Major’s Linjor Ross 2nd Lesley’s Steeleigh Love Machine (Aramis Britannica Archipelago at Steeleigh JW (Imp LT) – Steeleigh Made to Love) a lovely black who was giving his handler a hard time in the heat, beautiful expression. I really liked his overall construction, he has the correct angulation in shoulder, a clean strong neck with good depth of forechest, he carries an excellent coat and tail. Sound on the move albeit a little erratic at times, lots to like about him, just needs time. 3rd Mount’s Buckholt Falcon Fergus (Richbourne Londoner – Buckholt Willow Herb) a lovely pale yellow, masculine head with the correct length and depth of muzzle, kind intelligent expression, just the right amount of angulation over the quarters, well let down hocks, moved well covering the ground, a very promising youngster


UNDERGRADUATE DOG (2) 1st Finney & Capanini’s Carpenny Kipling (Rus Ch Sun-Laurie Blowing in The Wind – Sh Ch Carpenny Portia) lovely black of quality and true type as we always expect from this kennel, lovely kind expression, strong clean neck with well-placed shoulders, excellent construction overall, strong firm quarters with just the right amount of angulation behind, carrying the correct amount of weight for his size and frame, first-class coat, moved out very well GRADUATE DOG (8) This was a difficult decision between the first two dogs. I like them both very much. 1st Lesley’s Sleddarwood Sako Flyer Over Steeleigh (Steeleigh Blueprint JW – Sleddarwood Shooting Star) striking yellow, looked extremely well in profile, I liked his length of leg and well-balanced head, really scores over the neck and topline, has good depth of brisket and length of rib, long sloping shoulders, good turn of stifle, sufficiently angulated in quarters to give him overall balance in outline, excellent coat of good texture, showing correct undercoat, sound, and free movement 2nd Ayre & Jackson’s Hannabee To Hull N Back With Musubi – (Ramsayville Reflection of Musabi – Mattand Briny At Hannabee) this young dog has an excellent front assembly with good depth of brisket and well-laid shoulders, strong neck of correct length, slight arch giving a continual line from the neck into strong firm topline, kind masculine head with intelligent expression, good length of rib which allowed him to move unrestricted, moderate angulation in quarters, correct in stifle, first-class coat, was unphased by the heat and beautifully handled. 3rd Lambert’s Treantagh Edge With Mattand JW – (Ch Naiken Zephyr – Mattand Look to The Future at Treatagh) black with a strong clean neck, he is short coupled with good depth of brisket, he has a good turn of stifle and width in second thigh, not over angulated but enough to give the dog balance in profile. 4th Mount’s Buckholt Eagle Eddie Spirit (Ch Naiken Zephyr – Buckholt Rosetta) POST GRADUATE DOG (12) 1st Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasure Get Lucky JW (Imp Deu) (Clearcreek Bonaventure Windsock – A Sense of Pleasure Tea for Two) Black who is very striking, stands four square with an excellent balanced outline, not a big dog and perhaps could be overlooked in favour of a larger dog, however, he


is so very well constructed, short coupled with a good, barrelled rib, first-class feet and pasterns, strong clean neck with very good layback of shoulders. He has a kind masculine expression; firm strong topline correct clothed tail and he carries an excellent double coat. Lovely dog. 2nd Climpson’s Othamcourt Heathcliff (AM GCH Paradocs Bellwether Heath – Othamcourt Misty Dreams) excellent double coat and well-clothed tail on this black, he has a lovely kind expression, such a charming temperament on handling, very much a Labrador, excellent bone which continued right through his pasterns, very appealing overall with excellent construction nose to tail, gave me such a difficult decision and even in the final look at these two dogs, I was splitting hairs, both full of quality proves to me how much I really liked these two 3rd Perkin’s Carromer Tequila By Keeninspires (Rocheby Town Cryer – Carromer Shimmering Silk) such a lovely head masculine and kind, is so unexaggerated with little to improve on, firm topline and correct double coat has good angulation in quarters to give him overall balance in outline and on the move, well presented and handled 4th Bailiss’s Tissallian Hi Chaparral (SH CH Tissalian Hi Jack JW – Tissalian One Vision) 5th Wilson’s Stelainros Westpoint (SH CH Rocheby Hornblower – Stelainros Layla) MID LIMIT DOG (8) 1st Hodge’s Naiken Elite Envoy (Ai) (JW) (Ir Jun Ch) (AM GCH /FIN CH Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – Naiken Alize) Super chocolate with so much about him to like, masculine head which is well balanced with a good length and depth of muzzle, he has excellent bone, feet and pasterns, barrelled rib and correct loin, he was in superb coat and condition on the day, firm, fit and carrying the correct weight for his frame, strong neck with well laid back shoulders, strong, firm level topline, excellent mover, he has good reach in front and covers the ring well with an unexaggerated stride, the perfect package of strength, soundness and type, so very well handled with the minimum of fuss, delighted to award him the Res CC. will gain his title I am sure. 2nd Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin At Lynquest (JW) (ISR GR CH Carpenny Rio Grande of Manorwell – Lynquest Witchcraft at Manorwell) lovely outline on this yellow, stands four square and really makes the most of himself, excellent front assembly, firm top line, and well-developed quarters, has strength all through without being overdone in any way, moved out well sound and positive. 3rd Young’s Potterspiney Silas (JW) (Suttonpark Brogue – Potterspiney Heart Warmer) another quality yellow, I liked his overall construction, such a lovely head with alert intelligent expression, just


the correct degree of angulation in quarters to give a balanced outline, good bone and substance, clean outline, well presented. 4th Findjan’s Rossacre That’ll Do 5th Kennett’s Magnavalleys Cornishman (INT/POL/DEU/SWE CH Dolbia Will to Please – Magnavalley’s Amazing Grace) LIMIT DOG (9) 1st Meredith’s Tweedledum Off The Record (AM GCH Paradocs Bellwether Heath–nicol Poli Sea Breeze (RUS IMP) what a lovely black this is, he stands out for construction and presentation and is really super in profile, his handler allowed him to show off his quality with the minimum of fuss, his head has a good length and depth of muzzle and is well balanced with kind expressive eyes, I particularly like the size and overall balance of this dog, he has the correct shoulder angulation with a clean neck which flows into a strong topline, has good reach in front on the move and drives well from behind, his movement is positive and without exaggeration, he carries a good double coat of the correct texture, quarters are well-muscled and strong with good width in second thigh. Considered him strongly in my final cut. 2nd Mccrory’s Meadovillabs Black Onyk (AM GCH Paradocs Bellwether Heath (IMP USA) – Barnagrow Zarkava) lovely young dog, masculine head with typical Labrador expression, he has the correct length and angulation in shoulder and is clean over the neck, first-class topline, he is short coupled with good length of rib and depth of brisket, his coat is of the correct texture and shows good undercoat, I really like the length of leg and overall construction of this black, not over angulated in rear, just enough to give him balance in outline. 3rd Hodgkiss’s Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie (SH CH Rocheby Hornblower – Bowstones Sunshine Rosie) lovely wellproportioned head on this yellow, strong over the neck, good upper arm, and depth of brisket, he has overall balance and style, very good in outline strong over the quarters, well-clothed tail set a little low, he carries a good level topline both standing and, on the move, sound dog 4th Mullett’s Shaymiloney Schinus Afinmore (Afinmore Alain JW ShCM – Shaymiloney Santuzza) 5th Dodd’s Carrigame Moonshine – (Dolwen Button Moon JW – Dywysoges Fach)


OPEN DOG (6) 1st Hodge’s Naiken East Meets West (Ai) JW (AM GCH /FIN CH Nipntuck Blame It On Fame – Naiken Alize) impressive dog, one who has real presence in the ring, an excellent showman, balanced in outline with an alert intelligent expression & correct length of muzzle, is very masculine but in no way coarse, good depth of brisket, he is short coupled with good length of rib, has a strong level topline and the perfect degree of angulation over the quarters with the accompanying width in second thigh, carrying an excellent coat, very stylish dog who was handled to get the very best out of him, moved very well with good reach in front and drive in rear. 2nd Mclean’s Afinmore Alain JW (ShCM) (Afinmore Aristotle – Afinmore Alana) chocolate who is such a beautiful moving dog, really scores in this department covering the ground without effort, not a flashy dog in any way, just sound honest Labrador, lovely head, and expression, first-class neck and shoulders, ample quarters and well let down hocks, would have liked a little more condition on him but nevertheless a quality Labrador and one I think should have gained his title. 3rd Grummit & Dempsey’s Ir Sh Ch Dromtocker Made To Order IKC (SH CH/IR SH CH/ INT CH Carpenny Made a Million – IR SH CH/INT CH Carpenny Verona at Dromtacker) have admired this dog from the ringside, yellow of lovely type, excellent balanced outline, kind masculine head with kind expression, strong over the neck and with a good layback of shoulder, has depth to his brisket and has good angulation in quarters. Good double coat and clothed tail. I felt he was a little soft in body today but nevertheless a very worthy champion. Lovely dog. 4th Harvey Major’s Linjor Rigsby CHAMPION CLASS (3) This was a very difficult class because I have admired all three dogs from the ringside. 1st Logan’s Sh Ch Madgack Mulberry Minocqua (Afinmore Alain JW (ShCM) – Shaymiloney Serena at Madgack) This is such a lovely unexaggerated black, really excels in front with ample neck that flows into well-placed shoulders, good balanced head with a kind willing to please expression, good width in second thigh with firm quarters which are not over angulated, well let down hocks and good feet and pasterns, just carrying the correct weight today, lovely honest dog of beautiful type. 2nd Druggan’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) (Sh Ch Blacksugar Luis – Waterline’s Selleria) I have admired this dog from the ringside on many occasions, a lovely black to go over, wins on type and construction, masculine head, very alert and attentive to handler, has excellent depth of forechest, strong over the quarters, excellent otter tail, textbook coat


of the correct texture, it is always difficult to keep just the right amount of show condition on a fully mature dog, I felt he was a little overweight today, however, this does not change the sheer quality of the dog. 3rd McCrory’s Sh Ch Millroseglen Make My Day With Meadovillabs (Baileydale Blaze a Trail – Baileydale Naughty Alice of Millroseglen) another I have always liked from the ringside, loveliest of heads, strong over the neck with well-placed shoulders, short coupled but still has a decent length of rib, strong quarters and has an excellent coat, feet, pasterns, and bone. Like 2, I felt he was carrying too much weight today and needs to drop a bit of weight as it settles on his shoulders. Still a fine dog and worthy of his title. Margaret Brown

The Labrador Retriever Club 77TH Breed Championship Show Pure Agility, Tamworth on Sunday July 18th 2021 Judges: Margaret Brown (Dogs) and Rich Stafford (Bitches) BITCHES Truly an honour to be invited to judge bitches at the LRC championship show, I would like to express my gratitude to the committee and exhibitors who made this weekend happen. I judged on the second day of which must have been the hottest weekend for some time. Absenteeism was high understandably due to the heat. I forgave coats in some classes as many exhibits were shedding. I must thank my stewards for the sterling work they carried out during the extreme heat. SPECIAL WORKING (1) 1st Findjan Rossacre Xekia WGC Lovely black of pleasing type, feminine expression, 6 years of age and looking very well, nice reach of neck and shoulder, well off for bone with neat feet, correct spring of rib, leading to super quarters, level top line which she held on the move, correct tail and carriage moved with drive and purpose around the ring. VETERAN (8, 7) 1st Woods Lougin Secret Spy at Sundyke 8 year old black of pleasing type and balance, lovely melting expression clean neck and shoulders super bone and feet her lovely otter tail wagging as she effortlessly moved around the ring a credit to her owner, super type, another between coats.


MINOR PUPPY (10, 4) 1st Charlton Foxrush Tickled Pink Yellow of 6 months pleasing type and well pigmented. Plenty of bone and neat feet well bodied leading to strong quarters and turn of stifle, super otter tail which she used to advantage, shown in good coat 2nd Braddon Chyanhal Pendray in Trendlewood Black showing plenty of promise pleasing head and clean neck and shoulders. Well bodied, good bone and tight feet super otter tail which he used well. Moved very well for her age. 3rd Mills Jaybec Winter Wispa Yellow with a pretty feminine expression, would prefer a little more substance, pleasing reach of neck and well placed shoulders, well bodied and moved ok PUPPY (11) 1st Powell Clairstone Sweet memory of Seatallan (DMK) NAF Black of correct size for age pleasing feminine expression leading into well placed shoulders with plenty of fore chest and bone. Held her top line on the stack and move steady and soundly. 2nd Meissner & Gajda-Meissner Saorsa Polar Star Yellow with a lovely head and expression, this young lady has plenty of substance. Carrying too much weight here today for me which spoilt her chances for a higher placement, very deep through the front for her age, shown in enough coat 3rd Hutchinson Glosmere One Love Overall a lovely type of yellow with pleasing pigment, I would have liked more head which would have enhanced her expression for me, moved and shown well JUNIOR (8) 1st Campbell Binnaig Brene Quality black who didn’t put a foot wrong she won for type and soundness, true Labrador expression with correct ear set, eye and pigment, super neck leading to correct shoulder placement, good bone and feet, well sprung rib and level top line leading to correct tail set, moved very well fore and aft, shown in full bloom, her day will come 2nd Meissner & Gajda-Meissner Saorsa Polar Star see previous class 3rd Ellis & Matulla Dolwen Morning Star A quality bitch with plenty to admire, feminine head shape and expression, super body proportions. Lovely top line which she held on the move and standing, moved very well


YEARLING (13, 7) 1st Jones Serengoch Solar Eclipse. Black with pleasing head and expression, bone and feet, well off for substance correct top line held on the move, well angulated hindquarters, super otter tail moved with drive between coats here today but a worthy winner. Moved well 2nd Kennett Magnavalley’s Bespoke. Liver of super type, correct pigment to eye colour, well bodied, clean shoulders and reach of neck, just need to keep an eye on the tail when moving. 3rd Hutchinson Glosmere The Dancing Queen Yellow of pleasing type and correct pigment, well placed shoulders, well bodied for her age, falls away over the croup. MAIDEN (9, 5) 1st Jones Serengoch Solar Eclipse see previous class 2nd Perkins Keeninspires Lady Million, lovely type, correct coat to eye colour, super top line which she held on the move and when standing, being ultra critical her head was a little too strong for me here today. Moved well. 3rd Charlton Foxrush Tickled Pink see a previous class NOVICE (15, 5) 1st Cambell Binnaig Brene see a previous class 2nd Ellis & Matulla Dolwen Annastasia A super black bitch with a beautiful outline, pleasing feminine expression clean neck leading to well placed shoulders, carrying correct amount of weight, super bone and feet, barrelled rib with strong quarters, shown in good coat and moved with purpose. 3rd Jones Serengoch Solar Eclipse see previous class UNDERGRADUATE (4,1) 1st Neachell Suttonpark Consuela Yellow with a pleasing expression and head shape. Clean neck and shoulders lovely bone and super feet. Well bodied and with correct double coat, moved very well with a pleasing stride on side gait. 2nd Williamson Likav Academic at Sharouns Yellow different type to the winner just preferred expression and coat of the winner, super showy bitch who gave her all, pleasing neck and shoulders, well bodied, enough sunstance moved well


3rd Meissner & Gaja- Meissner Saorsa Pisco Punch Black of larger type, carrying enough weight, shown in correct coat, moved a little sluggish in this heat GRADUATE (19, 7) 1st Kent Chyanhal Trevose of Trewinnard JW Another black in coat. Pleasing expression and correct eye colour to coat. Clean neck leading to well placed shoulders and front assembly. Barrel rib and double coat. Carrying correct amount of weight and moved around the ring with drive at one with her owner. Shown in full bloom, correct otter tail. Pleased to award her the reserve Challenge Certificate, her day will come 2nd Carpannini Carpenny Berry Black, unlucky to meet the winner is such good form. Sweet expression with correct ear placement, a balanced young lady with all the qualities you would expect from this kennel, enough substance, well bodied super quarters and well let down hocks, between coat here today, moved very well 3rd Woodall Mattand A Million Dreams for Thirlmere JW Yellow with a super outline, loved her feminine head and expression, made along clean lines not the biggest, but a very pleasing type, super mover. POST GRADUATE (15, 9) 1st Rowe Rochevale Once Upon A Time A lovely pale yellow shown in full bloom, loved her expression, appealing eyes and pigment, strong neck of good length leading to super shoulder placement with a good fore chest. Plenty of substance and very neat feet. Correct barrel rib, super quarters with correct second thigh and moved true fore and aft. 2nd Farrar Donamick Creasts of Waves for Henissy Liver of pleasing type well balanced and showing well. Correct eye colour to coat colour, clean neck and well placed shoulders, well bodied between coats at the moment, moved well 3rd Scutcher Winsleywood Wild Daisy JW Yellow of different type, not the biggest here today. Made along clean lines, correct barrel rib and shown in good coat, moved ok MID LIMIT (8, 3) 1st O’Neil Ramsayville Tali JW Quality black full of type and balance, pleasing feminine expression, strong neck leading to well placed shoulders, super fore chest, ample bone, correct barrel rib, double coat with correct texture one of only a few in coat here today, strong


quarters and well muscled second thigh, level top line and correct tailset, moved with drive and purpose. Pleased to award her the challenge certificate which was her crowning all important third, well done. 2nd Wood Sundyke Secret Steps Another quality black with balance and type. Pleasing head and expression leading to correct shoulder placement, well boned, super body proportions correct barrel rib, good loin and quarters, moved well 3rd Hodge Naiken Etoile (Ai) Liver of quality as you would expect from this kennel. Pleasing head and expression, another with balance and breed type, correct shoulder placement super bone and feet moved very well LIMIT (12, 7) 1st Peggs Jancet Aurora Yellow bitch of good quality and type, pleasing head, expression and pigment, well arched neck and lay of shoulders, well bodied and in full bloom, moved with drive and ease using her otter tail to full advantage 2nd Parkes & Young Suttonpark Penny Farthing Lighter shade of yellow than winner, lovely shaped head and expression, well bodied, correct amount of bone with good feet, barrelled rib and strong quarters not in her best jacket here today, moved well 3rd Bartram McManus Gulsary Grand Operetta at Danru Bigger type than previous two, correct front assembly, well bodied with strong quarters shown in good coat and moved well. OPEN (3, 2) 1st Scutcher Winsleywood Wild Anise JW ShCM Yellow in good form super head and expression, clean through the neck leading into well placed shoulders, super bone and feet shown in coat, super quarters and well muscled, well placed tailset and moved very well. CHAMPION (2, 1) 1st Park Sh Ch Ramsayville Rhubarb Rock at Kinchyle Yellow with pleasing head, bone and feet, well off for substance correct top line held on the move, well angulated hindquarters , super otter tail moved with drive correct texture and feel of her double coat. Richard Stafford


67 Best in Show and Best Veteran in Show - Lambert’s Ch Mattand Exodus

68 Reserve Best in Show and Opposite Sex - O’Neil Ramsayville Tali JW

69 Best Puppy in Show - Morley’s Carpenny Paddy at Rockledge


Reserve Best Puppy In Show and Best Minor Puppy In Show - Charlton’s Foxrush Tickled Pink

Screen your dog for inherited disease Labrador Retrievers are commonly known to suffer from the symptoms of inherited disease. BVA and the Kennel Club offer a number of health schemes. These can be used to assess breeding potential, as well as providing a comprehensive health check for dogs whose breed could likely suffer from inherited conditions. These results enable owners and their vets to manage a dog’s condition throughout their lifetime by providing appropriate veterinary care.

Canine Health Schemes screen for the following conditions: Hip dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia

Inherited eye disease

Hip dysplasia causes abnormal growth in the hip joint which can be very painful and have serious effects on health, welfare and behaviour.

Elbow dysplasia causes abnormal growth in the elbow joint which can be very painful and have serious effects on health, welfare and behaviour.

Eye disease can have serious effects on health and welfare, causing pain, blindness, or the need for lifelong medication.

The British Veterinary Association and the Kennel Club — working together for excellence in canine health

BVA CHS YourDog A5 FPA Yearbook ad v3.indd 1


29/11/2018 18:15

THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OPEN SHOW Sunday 14th November 2021 Judge: Lisa Finney The most enjoyable day and such an honour to judge for the Labrador Retriever Club at their Single Breed Open Show. Thank you to the Committee for their kind invitation and for such a well run day, for the gift to cherish, to my super stewards for keeping everything flowing throughout, and to all of the exhibitors who entered, and showed under me, making it such a wonderful day to remember. So many lovely dogs, and full of quality, resulting in a lot of close decisions and certainly not enough first place cards to go around! I was very pleased with both my dog and bitch line-ups however and especially pleased with my principal winners. Congratulations and thank you to all. DOGS Minor Puppy Dog (4,0a) 1st Metcalfes’ Baileydale Puff Daddy 9 months well grown quality black stood out in his class for size, balance and maturity; good head proportions, kind eye and lovely expression, clean neck, good front and rear construction, compact, short coupled, well muscled, good bone and feet, coat of correct type and texture, moved accurately and steadily, well handled. Pleased to award him BPD & BMPIS. 2nd Hopkinson’s Rocheby Old Salt, Just six months on the day, sweetest of expressions, good angles front and rear, standing four square, good spring of rib, short coupled and ample quarters, excellent feet and bone, and in super coat. Still firming up, correct for age and lots of promise. Moved out nicely, a steady accurate mover. Puppy Dog (2,0a) 1st Metcalfes’ Baileydale Puff Daddy. 2nd Young’s Apollo Daydream 10 months yellow, nice head shape and proportions, kind eye and expression, good angles fore and aft, nice bone and neat feet, in excellent coat, just needing to settle more for handler on the move. 1st McLellans’ Saranden Shadeuxplay 14 months black with good head and kind expression. Another quality youngster of good size, standing four square with a balanced outline, nice length of neck into good lay of shoulder, firm topline, excellent tailset and otter tail, in good coat of correct type and texture, I liked the scope of this dog, he moved well, covering the ground with ease. Deserving of his first place and shortlisted in the best dog challenge.


Yearling Dog (2,1a) 1st Woodley’s Alkhamhurst Moment of Truth 20 months Black, masculine but not overdone, lovely kind eye and soft expression, liked his size and balanced outline, good clean length of neck into well laid shoulders, excellent angles fore and aft, correct upper arm, good width and depth of chest, barrel rib, short coupled, well muscled hind quarters, good second thigh, lovely bone and feet, correct double coat. Moved accurately, with drive and purpose around the ring, straight and true. Another quality youngster, he stood alone in his class, but thoroughly deserving of the first place card and pushed hard for top honours when shortlisted in the best dog challenge. Maiden Dog (3,1a) 1st Hopkinson’s Rocheby Old Salt. 2nd Grummitt’s Manorwell Danny Boy 14 months Yellow Appealing head and expression, lovely eye shape and colour, stands four square on good legs and feet, in good coat. Level topline and good tail set. Novice Dog (1,1a) Graduate Dog (3,1a) 1st Lesleys’ Steeleigh Love Machine. Splitting hairs in this class. Two years black, kind head, good length of muzzle, good neck and lay of shoulder and front angulation, level topline, tail off the back, stood four square. Good forechest, depth of chest and spring of rib, well muscled quarters, good turn of stifle, balanced and clean in outline. In the better coat of these two good exhibits. Active and moved well once settled. 2nd Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin At Lynquest 4 years handsome yellow, I have admired from ringside often. Appealing head close-up, masculine, but not overdone, with kind eye. Good clean neck and shoulder, firm topline, strong rear quarters. Moved well. Coat on the blow today. Post Graduate Dog (4,2a) Another class of splitting hairs and where places could easily change on another day. 1st Grummitt’s Suttonpark Phoenix At Manorwell JW 4 yrs upstanding yellow, of good size. Masculine head with kind eye, soft melting expression and good eye colour. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders, level topline, tail off the back, stood four square on good bone and feet, well muscled quarters, good length of leg covered ground easily. Both dogs handled well and moved with drive. 2nd Coode’s Warringah’s The Bluff JW 21/2 yrs black, smaller than first, standing four square with everything in the right place on this quality youngster, good angles front and rear, compact, short coupled, level topline, firm across loin, good spring of rib, and well muscled quarters. Sadly not in his best jacket today which affected his outline. Another dog I have admired from ringside and close up the most appealing head, kind eye and biddable expression. Limit Dog (4,2a) 1st Rawlinsons’& Balshaws’ Shanorrell Black Sabbath At Halshimoor. A pleasure to go over. 2yrs black, loved his head, proportions, kind eye and melting expression, good clean neck into excellent lay back of shoulder, ample forechest,


upper arm, depth of chest and heart room. Loved his balance and clean flowing outline. Has firm level topline with excellent otter tail off the back, good spring of rib, short coupled, well muscled quarters, excellent turn of stifle and second thigh, well let down hocks, moves easily with reach and drive, shown in excellent coat of correct type and texture, lovely bone and feet. He moved effortlessly, straight and true, at one with handler, didn’t put a foot wrong. In strong competition, delighted to award him BD and ultimately deserving of BIS. 2nd Lesleys’ Sleddarwood Sako Flyer Over Steeleigh JW Almost 3 yrs Yellow, masculine head, kind expression, good angles fore and aft, nice spring of rib, good body/leg proportions. Moved soundly and covers ground with ease once settled. Open Dog (5,2a) Three top class quality exhibits, a privilege to go over. 1st Grummitt & Dempsey’s IR SH CH Dromtaker Made To Order (IKC) 4 yrs Yellow most beautiful head proportions and melting expression, excellent eye colour. Clean neck and shoulder. A clean balanced outline that flows from head to tail. Good length of neck into lovely lay back of shoulder, flowing into level topline and tail off the back. Correct angles fore and aft, moves with reach and drive, straight and true. Standing four square on lovely bone and neat feet, good spring of rib and well muscled rear quarters and second thigh, coat of correct type and texture. Not carrying any extra weight, he moved with effortless ease, pleased to award him RBD. 2nd Reynolds’ SH CH Carromer Chippendale Nearly 2 yrs Yellow, impressive youngster, masculine head with kind expression. Well constructed throughout, standing four square on excellent bone, strong neck into well made front with ample forechest, correct upper arm and depth of chest, firm topline, strong over loin, active strong dog. 3rd McLellans’ Saranden Pensacola. Special Working Dog (0 entries) Field Trial Dog or Bitch. (2,0a) 1st Venturi Rose’s Leospring Tay. 61/2 yrs black female, beautiful feminine head with softest expression, longer than second but with good leg length to body ratio presenting a clean balanced outline. Good front and rear construction which enables her to move with reach and drive, liked her clean neck into well laid shoulder and firm topline which she held on the move, has good turn of stifle, is well muscled on her smaller frame. Correct double coat and shown in good hard condition. Moved with purpose, handled well. 2nd Venturi Rose’s Briwed Magic At Leospring. 63/3 yrs darker yellow male with masculine head and loveliest of expression, uses his ears well. In good coat, stands well on strong bone and good feet, clean neck and well placed shoulders, firm topline, in fit condition and moved soundly, just preferring the slightly more positive movement and balance of first today. Veteran Dog or Bitch (5, 0a) This class just filled my eye. A top class of quality veteran’s, shown in fit condition, moving soundly, all a credit to their owners/handlers and one of the best classes of the day!


1st Wiles’ CH Dolehamhalt Dazzler Of Richbourne JW. 81/2 yrs Black, wow, completely on her toes, such an active lady for her years, I couldn’t fail to be impressed, such accurate sound movement, this quality bitch was on top form! I loved her clean outline and beautiful reach of neck into well laid shoulder, solid topline and correct otter tail off the back. She flowed in outline as did her positive accurate movement. Correct angles front and rear, well muscled, in fit hard condition and in excellent coat, stood four square on lovely bone and neat feet. Beautiful head, with melting expression, and just a hint of cheekiness, lovely eye colour and expressive use of ears. I was totally charmed and thrilled to award her BVIS and RBB. 2nd Shirton’s Woolman Proper Fancy Free. 83/4 yrs Yellow bitch, another top drawer exhibit with the most beautiful feminine head and expression. Not in as good coat as first today, but offering so many qualities as did many in this class of super veterans; admiring her balanced outline, clean neck into good shoulders, correct upper arm, lovely spring of rib, front and rear construction and moving really well. 3rd Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM. Minor Puppy Bitch (6,4a) 1st Woodley’s Alkhamhurst Prima Donna. 7 months Black, feminine head with the sweetest expression, lovely head proportions right for age, beautiful eye shape and colour, clean neck into excellent lay of shoulder, good topline and set on tail, very much liked her angles front and rear, presented a lovely balanced flowing outline, in excellent condition and coat. Quality youngster with even more to come. Moved soundly and so attentive to handler. 2nd Lesleys’ Steeleigh Heaven Sent. 7 months Black, a little difficult to assess until settled, but another quality youngster. Nice head proportions and a kind eye. Correct angles fore and aft, in good coat and condition. Moved soundly. Puppy Bitch (6,3a) 1st McLellans’ Wynfaul Resolution For Saranden. 10 months Black, full of character, beautiful head and eye, neat and compact, growing nicely with balanced outline, lovely reach of neck into correct lay back of shoulder, good body proportions to leg ratio, good bone and neat feet, solid level topline and tail off the back, short coupled and firm over loin, good turn of stifle and well let down hock, presented so well in fit condition and good coat of correct type and texture, active and attentive to handler, moved positively with reach and drive. Pleased to award her BPB and BPIS. 2nd Shirton’s Woolman Carefree. Nearly 12 months yellow, such an appealing head and beautiful expression, appreciating her clean outline and reach of neck into well laid shoulder, level topline, good angles front and rear, slightly longer than first, but good length of leg, so also presenting well balanced outline, moved soundly and steadily. First was in better jacket today. 3rd Rogers’ Woodmist Emerald. Junior Bitch (8,2a) Another lovely class of quality youngsters throughout. 1st Venturi Rose Leospring East Tennessee. 13 months Black. Most appealing youngster with so many qualities to like and


deservedly shortlisted in my final 6. Beautiful head and soft expression, dripping in correct double coat, appearing slightly longer in body but still growing, clean on neck and shoulder, super forechest & depth of chest, excellent spring of rib, lovely bone and feet, well muscled quarters and second thigh, moved well. So much to like, this quietly handled youngster pushed hard in the bitch challenge. A most promising future ahead. 2nd Metcalfes’ Baileydale Dizzy Miss Lizzy. Another quality youngster with everything in the right place with good angles front and rear, good neck and shoulder, topline and tail set, in good coat and moved well at one with handler. Pretty head and expression. 3rd McLellans’ Saranden The River. Yearling Bitch (6,4a) 1st Wiles’ Richbourne Hermione. 2 yrs Yellow. Feminine head, good eye and pretty expression, uses her ears to advantage. Full of quality, standing four square on excellent bone and feet, correct angulation fore and aft, flowing from good neck and shoulder, into solid topline and correct tail. Active and strong, moved with drive from well muscled quarters and well let down hocks. Well presented in good coat and deserving her shortlist in the best bitch challenge. 2nd Venturi Rose’s Leospring East Indie. 13 months Chocolate. In excellent coat and well off for bone. Lovely head and expression, very nice eye. Good clean neck and level topline. Good angulation, well developed rear quarters. Right for age and more to come. Maiden Bitch (4,1a) 1st Young’s Potterspiney Mystic Zuri. 3 yrs Black. Pretty head and uses ears well. Presents a balanced outline and scores well on clean neck, into good lay of shoulder, solid topline, firm loin, correct otter tail. In good coat and she moved soundly. 2nd Grummitt & Dempsey’s Eires And Graces. Just over 12 months Yellow, prettiest of heads, lovely feminine eye, presents a clean outline with solid level topline and tail off the back, good ribs, enough bone and good leg length, shown in fit condition. First in the better coat today. 3rd Lesleys’ Steeleigh Lock Down Legacy. Novice Bitch (9,5a) 1st Smith’s Rudidale Lucky Bug. 3 yrs Yellow. Prettiest of heads and lovely eye shape and colour. In excellent coat, standing four square presenting pleasing balanced outline, clean neck and shouder, good depth of chest and spring of rib, short coupled, firm in loin, level topline, tail off the back, good angles front and rear, nice bone and feet, in fit condition, not overdone in any way, handled well with easy movement, covered the ground accurately. Well presented and shortlisted in my final 6. 2nd McLellans’ Wynfaul Happy New Year For Saranden. 101/2 months Yellow. So much to like with pleasing head and pretty expression, excellent front, body proportions and rear quarters, moved well, but not in her best jacket or the firmness of condition of first today. 3rd Lesleys’ Steeleigh Lock Down Legacy


Graduate Bitch (4,4a) Post Graduate Bitch (8,2a) One of the strongest classes of the day, full of quality. 1st Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Daisy JW 3 yrs Yellow. So pretty, such a feminine head, lovely proportions, uses her ears to advantage, beautiful eye shape and colour, she flows from her clean neck into level topline, good angles front and rear, stands four square, lovely bone, well developed hind quarters, good second thigh and turn of stifle, moving straight and true, with reach and drive, coat of correct type and texture, beautiful clean outline, deserving her shortlist in best bitch challenge. 2nd Ayres’ Tantadecorus Isle Of Shuna Musubi. 3 yrs Black such a beautiful face and melting eye, clean neck and shoulder, into solid topline held on the move, the best of otter tails, in good coat, presents lovely balanced outline, moved accurately and steadily. 3rd Hodge’s & Lapper’s Naiken Evita (Ai) Limit Bitch (6,2a) Another class full of quality and splitting hairs decisions! 1st Peggs’ Jancet Aurora. 3 yrs Yellow, a beautiful exhibit I have awarded highly before as a youngster, as she has matured, she did not disappoint today. Such beautiful feminine head proportions, lovely eye shape and colour, clean flowing lines, balanced in body to leg ratio, lovely front and rear quarters, good second thigh and well let down hocks, she flows from head to tail, level topline which she held on the move, moving straight and true, coat of correct type and texture. Another shortlisted and considered for top honours. 2nd Neachell’s Suttonpark Consuela. 21/2 yrs Yellow Another with the most beautiful head and melting expression, lovely reach of neck, depth of chest and spring of rib, nice length of leg, liked her balanced flowing profile, well developed hindquarters and good second thigh. She moved well, at one with her handler. 3rd Shirton’s Woolman Proper Dream Maker. Open Bitch (4,1a) 1st Woodley’s A Sense Of Pleasures Ella At Alkhamhurst 4 yrs quality black of excellent breed type, so balanced and appealing, in excellent coat and condition, she filled my eye. I loved her classic type and the more I looked at her the more I liked her. Beautiful head and expression, lovely eye shape and colour and ear placement, excellent angles front and rear with good clean neck into well placed shoulders, excellent upper arm, depth of chest and spring of rib, firm topline which she held on the move, good turn of stifle, well developed hindquarters, second thigh and well let down hock, oozing correct double coat and condition, she flowed from her head to the tip of her otter tail. Standing four square attentive to handler and moving out well; straight and true, accurately and steadily, everything that was asked of her. Delighted to award her BB, RBIS & BOSIS. 2nd Rowe’s SH CH Rochevale Once Upon A Time. Nearly 3 yrs Yellow. Most appealing head, beautiful eye colour and expression, good clean length of neck, layback of shoulder, level topline, short coupled, well


muscled hind quarters, nice turn of stifle and well let down hock, allowing her to move with drive. 3rd Pattisons’ Pattilands Ms Independent Special Working Bitch (5, 0a) 1st Wiles’ CH Dolehamhalt Dazzler Of Richbourne JW. 2nd Coode’s Warringah’s Gulwarra JW SGWC. Nearly 61/2 yrs quality chocolate, another not looking their age and a credit to their owner, shown in fit hard condition. One I have awarded highly before. Unlucky though to meet first today. Excels in head proportions, good eye colour and expression, lovely length and reach of neck into well placed shoulders, excellent angles front and rear, good bone and neat feet, has an excellent coat and best of tails, moved very well, accurately and steadily. 3rd Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Anise JW ShCM WGC.

Best in Show - Rawlinsons’& Balshaws’ Shanorrell Black Sabbath At Halshimoor.


Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex Woodley’s A Sense Of Pleasures Ella At Alkhamhurst

Best Puppy in Show - McLellans’ Wynfaul Resolution For Saranden 79

Best Minor Puppy in Show - Metcalfes’ Baileydale Puff Daddy

Best Veteran in Show - Wiles’ CH Dolehamhalt Dazzler Of Richbourne JW 80

We create designs that you’ll be proud of … whatever your breed!

C h a r ito n (Mr Wallace e







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Photos courtesy

Year Book 2021

of Jenny Loubert

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Yearbooks • Calendars • Newsletters • Diaries • Wallplanners

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(Photo: Michae

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Reproduced with kind permission of Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club (Editor, Jenny Dobson)

BOSTON Mrs Angela Williams Dog CC Mcrory’s Millroseglen Make My Day With Meadovillabs Dog Res CC Hodge’s Naiken Elite Envoy (Ai) JW, Ir. Jun. Ch. Bitch CC Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ylvi At Alkhamhurst (BOB) Bitch Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time MANCHESTER Dogs: Mrs Fiona Coward-Scholes Bitches: Mrs Moa Persson Dog CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands Hit The Road (BOB) Dog Res CC Gaskell’s Sharouns Ventriloquist For Tempaskell JW Bitch CC Hopkinsons’ Rocheby String Of Pearls Bitch Res CC Bailiss’ Tissalian Hi Society Best Puppy Hopkinsons’ Rocheby String Of Pearls LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF WALES Dogs: Mr Karl Gawthorpe Bitches: Mrs Yolande Shirton Dog CC Hodges’ Naiken East Meets West JW Dog Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands Hit The Road Bitch CC Braddons’ Trendlewood Simply The Best JW (BOB) Bitch Res CC Casey’s Sh. Ch. Lembas Kiss Me Kate At Moyglass CRUFTS Dogs: Mrs Lucy Kent Bitches: Mrs Carol Reynolds Dog CC Brown, Todd & Farquharsons’ Sh Ch Ramsayville Ruby Walsh (BOB) Dog Res CC Braddon’s Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Bitch CC Hopkinson’s Sh Ch Hayley Sun In Their Eyes Bitch Res C C Bailiss’ Tissalian Hi Society EAST ANGLIAN LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Julia Lewis Bitches: Mrs Lynda Heron Dog CC Bailiss’ Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW Dog Res CC (Subsequently Disqualified) Bitch CC Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ylvi At Alkhamhurst (BOB) Bitch Res CC Mitchell’s Afinmore Ardmore


Reproduced with kind permission of Midland Counties Labrador Retriever Club (Editor, Jenny Dobson)

KENT, SURREY & SUSSEX LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Anne Lavelle Bitches: Mrs. Sussie Wiles Dog CC Bailiss’ Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Mclellan’s Saranden Pensacola Bitch CC Mills’ Lembas Crackling Rosie JW Res Bitch CC Campbell’s Binnaig Brene


SOUTHERN COUNTIES CANNINE ASSOCIATION Mrs Jenny Dobson Dog CC Meredith’s Tweedledum Off The Record (BOB) Dog Res CC Mills’ Lembas Maui Bitch CC Williamson’s Sharouns Victoria’s Secret Bitch Res CC O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali JW JOINT LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUBS Dogs: Mr David Craig Bitches: Mrs Jackie Hodge Dog CC Braddon’s Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Bailiss’ Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW Bitch CC O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali Bitch Res CC Deane’s Abbeystead Glamour At Tanronens EAST OF ENGLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Mrs Lorraine Tooth Dog CC Reynolds’ Carromer Chippendale (BOB) Dog Res CC Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Bitch CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time Bitch Res CC Campbell’s Binnaig Brene EAST ANGLIAN LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mr Richard Bott Bitches: Mrs Sheelin Cuthbert Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Shanorrell Black Sabbath At HalshimoorDog Dog CC Res CC Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Bitch CC Williamson’s Sharouns Victoria’s Secret (BOB) Bitch Res CC Allen’s Warringah’s Wirrabara At Timouron COTSWOLD & WYEVERN LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Linda Heron Bitches: Mr Gary Johnson Dog CC Chapman’s Daisypatch Jelly Tot JW Dog Res CC Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Halshimoor Pitch Battle Of Shanorrell Bitch CC Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time (BOB) Bitch Res CC Kent’s Chyanhal Trevose Of Trewinnard JW THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Ann Britton Bitches: Mrs Mac Percival Dog CC Hodges’ Naiken East Meets West JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Grummitt And Dempseys’ Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order (IKC) Bitch CC Campbell’s Binnaig Brene Bitch Res CC Braddons’ Trendlewood Simply The Best THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Margaret Brown Bitches: Mr Richard Stafford Dog CC Lambert’s Ch Mattand Exodus (BOB) Dog Res CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Bitch CC O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali Bitch Res CC Kent’s Chyanhal Trevose Of Trewinnard JW


LEEDS CITY & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY Dogs: Mrs Claire Mills Bitches: Mrs Maureen D’Arcy Dog CC Douglas’ Ir Gb Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh (BOB) Dog Res C.C. Braddon’s Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Bitch CC Rawlinson And Balshaws’ Halshimoor Pitch Perfect With Shanorrell Bitch Res CC Parr’s Stoneavon Minni The Moocher THREE RIDINGS LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Sheelin Cuthbert Bitches: Ms Linda Thompson Dog CC Autey’s Chadfrith Alcazaba (BOB) Dog Res CC Heron’s Globetrotter Lab’s Valley At Brigburn Bitch CC Jones’ Hafnau Orabela Bitch Res CC Campbell’s Binnaig Brene BATH CANINE SOCIETY Mrs Anne Hoban Dog CC Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Dog Res CC Douglas’ Ir Gb Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh Bitch CC O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali (BOB) Bitch Res CC Jones’ Hafnau Orabela NATIONAL GUNDOG ASSOCIATION Dogs: Mrs Sussie Wiles Bitches: Mrs Elaine Bradley Dog CC Reynolds’ Carromer Chippendale (BOB) Dog Res CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West Bitch CC Peggs’ Jancet Aurora Bitch Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time UNITED RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mr Gary Johnson Bitches: Mrs Jenny King Dog CC Reynolds’ Carromer Chippendale Dog Res CC Hodge’s Naiken Elite Envoy JW Bitch CC Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time (BOB) Bitch Res CC O’Neill’s Sh Ch Ramsayville Tali JW PAIGNTON & DISTRICT FRANCIERS Mr Jim Richardson Dog CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands Hit The Road (BOB) Dog Res CC Braddons’ Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Bitch CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time Bitch Res CC Wallace’s Tiaja Love In The Sun BOURNEMOUTH CANINE ASSOCIATION Mr Frank Kane Dog CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Dog Res CC Douglas’ Ir Gb Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh Bitch CC Wiles’ Richbourne Hermione (BOB) Bitch Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time


BLACKPOOL & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY Mrs Jane Eyeington Dog CC Douglas’ Ir Gb Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh (BOB) Dog Res CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Bitch CC Hodges’ Naiken Carinsia Bitch Res CC Williamson’s Likav Academic At Sharouns LABRADOR CLUB OF WALES Dogs: Mrs Chris Bailiss Bitches: Mrs Leigh Lesley Dog CC Hutchinsons’ Glosmere The Grenadier Dog Res CC Ellis & Matullas’ Dolwen Button Moon JW B.O.B. Bitch CC O’Neill’s Sh Ch Ramsayville Tali JW Bitch Res CC Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time DRIFFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Mrs Marion Hopkinson Dog CC Metcalfes’ Carromer Jack Flash To Baileydale JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Hutchinsons’ Glosmere The Grenadier JW Bitch CC Jones’ Hafnau Georgette Bitch Res CC Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Sh Ch Shanorrell Socialite At Halshimoor NORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Ms Caron Morton Bitches: Ms Sharon Lambert Dog CC Balshaw & Rawlinsons’ Halshimoor Pitch Battle At Shanorrell JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Browns’ Ramsayville Revolver Bitch CC Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time Bitch Res CC Parkinson’s Burnthorn Box Office RICHMOND DOG SHOW SOCIETY Mr Karl Gawthorpe Dog CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Dog Res CC Godden’s Woodmist Coldplay Bitch CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW Ir Jch (BOB) Bitch Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Lapema Masquerade At Sandylands MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Penny Carpanini Bitches: Mrs Chris Bailiss Dog CC Grummitt & Dempseys’ Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order Dog Res CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West JW Bitch CC Hopkinsons’ Rocheby String Of Pearls (BOB) Bitch Res CC Rowe’s Rochevale Once Upon A Time DARLINGTON DOG SHOW SOCIETY Mrs Maureen Rees Dog CC Druggan’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s Get Lucky JW (Imp Deu) (BOB) Dog Res CC Grummitt & Dempseys’ Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order Bitch CC Key’s Keydella Kafe’ Noir Bitch Res CC Carpanini’s Carpenny Berry


BIRMINGHAM NATIONAL DOG SHOW SOCIETY Miss Becci Hodge Dog CC Grummitt & Dempseys’ Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order (BOB) Dog Res CC Mcclellans’ Saranden Pensacola Bitch CC Stoker’s Madgack Mimosa Bitch Res CC O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali THE YELLOW LABRADOR CLUB Dogs: Mr Andy Metcalfe Bitches: Mr David Hopkinson Dog CC Reynolds’ Sh Ch Carromer Chippendale (BOB) Dog Res CC Grummitt & Dempseys’ Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made To Order Bitch CC Williamson’s Likav Academic At Sharouns Bitch Res CC Neachells Suttonpark Consuella LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF SCOTLAND Dogs: Mrs Linda Miles Bitches: Mrs Margaret Gardner Dog CC Druggan’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) (BOB) Dog Res CC Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Halshimoor Pitch Battle At Shanorrell JW Bitch CC Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Sh Ch Shanorrell Socialite At Halshimoor Bitch Res CC Ellis & Matullas’ Dolwen Anastasia THE SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB Mr Jeff Horswell Druggan’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) (BOB) Dog CC Dog Res CC Ellis & Matullas’ Dolwen Stargazer Bitch CC Casey & Jayes’ Sandylands High Time Bitch Res CC Metcalfes’ Baileykin Barley Sugar For Baileydale THE SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB Mr Ian Ganney Dog CC Browns’ Ramsayville Revolver Dog Res CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Bitch CC Hodges’ Naiken Etoile (Ai) (BOB) Bitch Res CC Lewis’ Crammondkirk Yo Yo BORDER UNION AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Mr Tony Floyd (Trenow) Dog CC Mcculloch’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s John Boy To Frewlings (Imp Deu) Dog Res CC Ellis & Matulla’s Dolwen Stargazer Bitch CC Casey & Jayes’ Lapema Masquerade At Sandylands (BOB) Bitch Res CC Woods’ Lougin Secret Spy At Sundyke JW NORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mr R.B. Phillips Bitches: Mrs Maxine Woodley Dog CC Hodges’ Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch (BOB) Dog Res CC Browns’ Ramsayville Revolver Bitch CC Jones’ Hafnau Georgette Bitch Res CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW Ir Jch


GUNDOG SOCIETY OF WALES Ms Ginette Oulton Dog CC Mills’ Lembas Maui (BOB) Dog Res CC Casey & Jayes’ Sh Ch Sandylands Hit The Road Bitch CC Stoker’s Madgack Mimosa Bitch Res CC Carpanini’s Carpenny Berry BELFAST DOG SHOW SOCIETY Ms Nancy Farquharson Dog CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken Elite Envoy JW Ir Jch Dog Res CC Douglas’ Ir Gb Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh Bitch CC Hodges’ Naiken Etoile (Ai) (BOB) Bitch Res CC Crook & Browns’ Weathertop Windy WEST OF ENGLAND LABRADOR RETRIVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Lesley Dantinnes Bitches: Mrs Sue Marskell Dog CC Druggan’s Sh Ch A Sense Of Pleasure’s El Toro At Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Dog Res CC Dodd’s Carriegame Moonshine Bitch CC Lewis’ Crammondkirk Yo Yo (BOB) Bitch Res CC Woodley’s A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ella At Alkamhurst WEST OF ENGLAND LABRADOR RETRIVER CLUB Dogs: Mrs Mac Percival Bitches: Mrs Julia Lewis Dog CC Braddon’s Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Coodes’ Warringah’s The Bluff Bitch CC Rowe’s Sh Ch Rochevale Once Upon A Time Bitch Res CC Coodes’ Warringah’s Gulwarra LADIES KENNEL ASSOCIATION Mrs Shelagh Walton Dog CC Dodd’s Carriegame Moonshine Dog Res CC Rawlinson & Balshaws’ Shanorrell Black Sabbath At Halshimoor Bitch CC Casey & Jayes’ Sh Ch Sandylands High Time (BOB) Bitch Res CC Rowe’s Sh Ch Rochevale Once Upon A Time MIDLAND COUNTIES LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Dogs: Mr Mark Rawlinson Bitches: Mr Andy Metcalfe Dog CC Hodges’ Sh Ch Naiken East Meets West JW (BOB) Dog Res CC Williamson’s Sharouns Ventriloquist For Tempaskell JW Bitch CC Rowe’s Sh Ch Rochevale Once Upon A Time Bitch Res CC Allens’ Saranden Santee Sioux Timouron


JUDGES PROFILE 2022 Jackie Hodge (Naiken) In 1977 I had my first dog, a German Shepherd and in 1981 our first chocolate Labrador ‘Tekka’ joined her and my husband’s yellow rescue Lab. The affix NAIKEN is taken from NAIROBI, KENYA, where my husband and I were both born. This was granted in 1985. ‘Tekka’ produced Naiken Adisi, a dog I did everything with, a real multipurpose Labrador. I showed her at Open level with some success and when she produced Naiken Dusty Drover (1989) and Naiken Eduardo Esquire (1991) I began showing at Championship level with a lot of success for a newcomer and chocolates. Through my bitches I like to produce Labradors, which can do other things apart from show, so we work them on shoots in the winter, they also do agility, obedience and more recently Scentwork and Man-trailling and we put them through the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Schemes. All our dogs are health checked. The kennels first English show champion was Naiken Kris in 2001 and first full champion, having gained her Show Gundog Certificate N. Russian Rhythm. Followed by Quincy, Way Out West, Xclusive Dream, Zephyr, Dance Rhythm, Carinsia and the 3 siblings East Meets West, Elite Envoy & Etoile. Having also won CCs and RCCs with our other show dogs over the years and Naiken champions have been made up in other countries. N. Classic Cliché has also been successful in Ireland winning 6 Green Stars and a CACIB to date. The highlight of our show career so far was winning BOB at Crufts 2010 with N. Way Out West; having been awarded the CC by David Craig and BOB in agreement with Barry Rooth. I started judging in the U.K. in 1992 and awarded my first CCs in 2004. I have judged several breed clubs and have had numerous appointments around the world, giving me the opportunity to see some fabulous Labradors. I am very much looking forward to judging the dogs at this prestigious club.



DATE 07/01/2022 21/01/2022 05/02/2022 05/03/2022 13/03/2022 19/03/2022 27/03/2022 02/04/2022 16/04/2022 22/04/2022 05/05/2022 20/05/2022 28/05/2022 03/06/2022 12/06/2022 19/06/2022 25/06/2022 25/06/2022 26/06/2022 03/07/2022 10/07/2022 12/07/2022 24/07/2022 16/07/2022 17/07/2022 06/08/2022 07/08/2022 11/08/2022 15/08/2022 21/08/2022 28/08/2022 04/09/2022 11/09/2022 18/09/2022 24/09/2022 24/09/2022 28/09/2022 01/10/2022 07/10/2022 08/10/2022 12/10/2022 27/10/2022 05/11/2022 12/11/2022 10/12/2022

SHOW Boston Manchester Labrador Club of Wales East Anglian Labrador Club Crufts Three Ridings Labrador Club Kent, Surrey & Sussex Lab Club Labrador Club Of Scotland Midland Cos Labrador C West of England LKS Birmingham National Scottish Kennel Club Bath Canine Society Southern Counties Three Counties Border Union Blackpool North West Labrador Club North West Labrador Club Windsor East of England Cotswold & Wyevern Labrador C Leeds Labrador Retriever Club Joint Labrador Retriever Club Paignton National Gundog United Retriever Club Bournemouth Welsh Kennel Club Driffield City of Birmingham Richmond Darlington Belfast Labrador Club of Northern Ireland Yellow Labrador Club SKC South Wales KA Northumberland & Durham Lab C Gundog Society of Wales Midland Counties West of England Labrador C Gundog Breeds of Scotland Ladies KA

DOG JUDGE Sian Ellis Tom Mather Shaun Williamson Sian Evans Linda Harvey-Major Dennis McLellan Eric Parr Joan Woodall Sharon Lambert Huw Bishop Chris Mills Liz Hallgarth Gordon Haran Patsy Hollings Amanda Stewart Paul Collins Dan Ericsson Jenny King Pam Blay Arwyn Ellis Brian Hayward Robin Pollock Keith Young Fiona Braddon TBC Hans Stigt Kenn Roberts Ronwein Phillips Judith Charlton David Bell Margaret Brown Isobel Keys Ian Dawson Bonnie Wiles TBC TBC Ed Casey TBC Carolyn Jones Noelene Dodd Marion Waddell P M Harrison Margaret Litherland TBC Richard Morris

BITCH JUDGE Sian Ellis Tom Mather Liz Pegg Joan Woodall Ronwein Phillips Shaun Williamson Jacqui Ward Ed Casey Heather Fone Huw Bishop Ann Britton Liz Hallgarth Gordon Haran Patsy Hollings Amanda Stewart Paul Collins Dan Ericsson Tracey James Karen Walsh Arwyn Ellis Brian Hayward Penny Williams Caroline Campbell Jackie Hodge TBC Hans Stigt Mairi Brown David Craig Judith Charlton David Bell Margaret Brown Isobel Keys Ian Dawson Bonnie Wiles TBC TBC Lynda Miles TBC Carolyn Jones Mary McCulloch Sian Evans P M Harrison Karen Powell Linda McGillivray Richard Morris

In the case of general championship shows, the first day of the show is the date we have given. Venues as at time of going to press. Please check the schedule to ensure these are correct.



CARPENNY BERRY 2 RCCs (Russian Ch. SUN LAURIE BLOWING IN THE WIND X Sh Ch CARPENNY PORTIA 7CC’s) BERRY and littermates KIPLING and Russian Ch. DAISY have been a consistent delight to us all with their good looks, soundness and sweet dependable temperaments. My thanks to the judges who have appreciated them and to Lisa Finney who has handled Berry so abley for me. Penny Carpanini 01989 720790 HR9 7SW 92




Photo by Irene Luel-Brockdorff


Sire: SH. CH. Linjor Cassablanca JW ShCM Dam: Jancet Little Miss Sunshine Lottie has had a fabulous year her highlights being 1st Limit bitch CC Elaine Bradley 1st Limit bitch. Richard Stafford 1st Limit bitch. Karl Gawthorpe 1st Limit bitch. Tony Floyd 1st Limit bitch. Jeff Horswell B.I.S. LRCW. Open SH. Katie Stewart B.I.S. WELRC. Open SH. Elaine Grummitt Many thanks to all judges who placed Lottie.

Liz PEGGS Mobile 07717266899 Landline 01989 564699


Leospring Labradors After a funny two years with so much disruption because of covid we wish all our labrador friends a better 2022, a more complete competition calendar and a fresh start with your young and upcoming dogs.


Rossclyde Highland Grouse at Leospring (Boris) ex Leospring Magnolia ‘Noli’ (left) Bred for our friend Sophie At Stud: Rossclyde Highland Grouse at Leospring (Yellow) Hips 2.2 Elbows 0.0 DNA Clear or Hereditary clear PRA CNM EIC SDs & HNPK (working test winner) Also the blacks carrying yellow LEOSPRING ZOOM, LEOSPRING MAGNET and yellow BRIWED MAGIC AT LEOSPRING. All with excellent health results and working and show awardssee our website for more information Our new puppies LEOSPRING EAST TENNESSEE and LEOSPRING EAST INDIE (Naiken East Meets West ex Leospring Bunty Choconuts) both qualified for Crufts at their first championship show and continue to delight us with their show placings and their working ability.

Joy Venturi Rose and Chris Rose Liphook Tel: 01428 751125 Email: Pregnancy Ultrasound scanning, microchipping and training undertaken 95

LINJOR Home Bred for quality and temperament

All stock Hip/Elbow scored, Clear Eye Certificates (BVA) (Optigen)

Bred with thought, Owned with love, Shown with pride.

Linjor Rigsby, JW

(Sh Ch Linjor Cassablanca JW.Sh CM / Linjor Talea. JW. Sh CM)

Rigsby has been consistently placed in 1st or 2nd in Open and Championship shows this year.

Linjor Winter Frost

(Multi Ch Exquisitos Icono / Linjor with Attitude JW ShCM))

Frost came out in Junior this year and has won: 9x1st and 9x2nd through to Graduate To My Dogs For the devotion they give me and the pleasure they bring me. My thanks. 96

LINJOR Home Bred for quality and temperament

All stock Hip/Elbow scored, Clear Eye Certificates (BVA) (Optigen)

Bred with thought, Owned with love, Shown with pride.

Linjor Miss Jones

(Linjor Rigsby JW.Sh CM / Linjor Cover Girl JW)

Joules came out in September and has won 1st at B. Nat, YLC, G Soc, Mid Western, URC and WELRC. She is now well on her way to Junior Warrant.

Floki The Jestor in Linjor

(Linjor The Squire JW Sh CM / Lab Lodors Tamara in Linjor)

Picking up a Pheasant at four months old! He will start showing in February LINDA HARVEY MAJOR Tel: 01600 890 909 Email: Website: (Please sign the guest book!) 97


photo Sharon Rogers

Ludalor Loquacious Hip score 4-4 Elbows 0 Current clear eye certificate Bred and loved by LORRAINE TOOTH Tel:: 07807 127688 Email: 98


Carpenny Paddy at Rockledge Sire: Ir Sh Ch Dromtacker Made to Order Dam: Sh Ch Carpenny Portia

Dob 12.09.2020 (BVA/KC) Hips 0 / 2 Elbows: 0 / 0 Clear eye certificate (07/10/2021) prcd-PRA Hereditary clear, EIC Hereditary clear, HNPK Hereditary clear

Paddy has been a consistent winner in the few shows he was entered in both Puppy and Junior classes. Best puppy in show at The Labrador Retriever Club Championship show 2021 Thanks to Penny for letting us have such a fun-to-live-with boy. Mandy & Ed Morley Windyridge, Asby, Workington, Cumbria CA14 4RR Tel: 01946 861644 Email: 99



SONGIACOMO Dual Purpose Purpose Labradors in Dual in Italy Italy

Songiacomo Kensington- “Olympia” black bitch, here at 14 months. (ShChTrenow Plover x Songiacomo Cuba Libre)

Seen with her granddam behind- FrFTCh Songiacomo Wagtail, sound at 15 years. A sweet companion to join FrFTWinner Songiacomo Made-to-Measure, 8 years old in our new location 10km from Como. Her health certs are coming. Hoping to take her into the ring when shows get going again & to give her group training for hunting as she matures; Keen with excellent nose & strong swimmer but hasn’t seen much game yet. I still miss the furred & feathered English country side! My Trenow Minstrel Boy pups didn’t arrive with S,Nike so will try again in 2022; another chance to see friends Julia Kaser & her dear parents outside Zurich. “Miles” is worth it... Wishing you all healthy, long-lived Labs of excellent conformation with brains. Remembering those past passionate breeders who have given us so much to work with, in the most popular breed worldwide. Not to be taken for granted. Louise Alexander Via Beato Michele da Carcano 1, 22031 ALBAVILLA (CO) Italy +39 338 9316868



Michael and Judi Neachell Tel: 01283 790434

Sire. Sh.Ch. Tissalian Hi Jack Dam. Manorwell Georgia at Suttonpark Hips: 5.4 Elbows:0 Eyes. Clear




Trendlewood Simply The Best J.W. Sh Ch Richbourne Londoner ex Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night

1 CC., 2 RCCs

Sh Ch Trendlewood Born to Run J.W.

Bruce has only been shown a few times in 2021 – he went BIS at Joint Labrador Clubs (YLC) and BIS at West Of England LRC, RCC at Leeds

He congratulates all his winning progeny, so lovely to see them all at WELRC where he won Stud dog class. Fiona & Derek Braddon Tel : 01454 775084 07785 774804 104

TREWINNARD Breeding for type, temperament and soundness

TREWINNARD PICCADILLY (Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard)

1 CC & multiple championship show wins.

As always, enquiries very welcome

Mrs Lucy Kent Orchard Cottage, Angersleigh, Taunton TA3 7SY Tel: 01823 421321 email: 105



1CC 3 Res CCs Best Chocolate in Show at both WELRC Ch Shows

Warringah's Gulwarra

David and Carole Coode

107 Karl Gawthorpe | | 07733157961

Darrabol Tampa Bay Breeze Around Waterbrook


Winsleywood Est 1997

Photo J Jackson


2005 - 2020 (Ch. Int & Nord Ch Carpenny Walpole ex Nonairbra Country Pride at Winsleywood)

Photo S Rogers


(Int Ir & Eng Sh Ch Carpenny Made a Million ex Winsleywood Willow JW ShCM) Best Veteran in Breed @ Boston Championship Show 20 Reserve Best Veteran in Show @ East Anglian LRC Championship Show Best Veteran in Show at YLRC Open Show 21 Best Veteran in Breed @ Paignton Championship Show 21


(BISS GCH Am Ch & Eng Sh Ch Farnfield Topo Gigio JW ShCM ex Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM) 1st Open Bitch @ Southern Counties Championship Show, East of England Championship Show & The Labrador Retriever Club Championship Show in 2021 Achieved her KC Working Gundog Certificate on Dummies Sept 2021


(Sh Ch Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM ex Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM) 1st Post Graduate Bitch @ East of England Championship Show, East Anglian Labrador Club Championship Show, Paignton Championship Show in 2021 Loved and owned by Alison Scutcher


I would like to express both my gratitude and my congratulations to Kerrie and Mark Godden for all their achievements with these two boys.

Woodmist Wesley SGWC

CH Meadowleigh Brown Sugar SGWC X Woodmist Rosemary SGWC

Stud Book Number, Gold Good Citizen

Woodmist Coldplay

A Sense Of Pleasure’s ZZ Top JW X Woodmist Mimosa

Working Gundog Certificate, Stud Book Number 1st Limit Dog and RCC Richmond 2021 Both dogs are Woodmist Saffron SGWC grandsons. Thank you Kerrie and Mark for all your efforts, Sharon Rogers, Woodmist Labradors

Ch Wynfaul The Wizard JW and Sh Ch Wynfaul Rosy Glow

Congratulate their six grandchildren on their 2021 Wins and Crufts Qualification

Wynfaul Windrush

22.01.20 (Wynfaul The Wicked JW x Wynfaul Vickers JW 1 RCC) 111

Wynfaul New Years Eve JW

01.01.21 (Saranden Pensacola 2RCCs x Wynfaul Vickers JW 1RCC) New Years Eve gained her JW in just over 4 months. Along with her two sisters, Wynfaul Resolution for Saranden and Wynfaul Happy New Year for Saranden they have given us the excitement and pleasure of 32 Championship and 16 Open Show wins between them, and multiple Best Puppy in Breed and Best Puppy in Show awards. Great big thank you to all the judges. We intend to repeat the mating this spring.

Mac Percival – 112

Wynfaul Dancing Flame JW

23.07.20 (Wynfaul The Wicked JW x Wynfaul Flame and Fortune JW 1RCC)

Wynfaul Phoenix

05.01.21 (Elisabetta Red Teddy x Wynfaul Wind Chimes) 113


RULES and REGULATIONS 1. Name and Objects. The name of the Club shall be ‘The Labrador Retriever Club’; its objects being: (a) to encourage the breeding of pure, sound Labradors; (b) to protect the type of Labrador that has proved itself so eminently suitable for work; (c) to encourage Field Trials and Shows and ensure qualified judges at both. 2. Establishment and Constitution. The Club shall consist of a) A Patron, President, Vice-President(s), Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Field Trial Secretary, Hon Show Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Yearbook Editor and a Committee of not more than 14 Members. The Patron, President and Vice-presidents shall be ex-offico Members of the Committee, but shall not have voting rights. b) An unlimited number of members, whose names and addresses shall be recorded by the Membership Secretary on a database which shall be available for viewing if so requested by Members of the Club at reasonable times, or for inspection by the Kennel Club. The Club undertakes to send a list of Members and their addresses to the Kennel Club with the Annual Returns. Each candidate for admission shall be proposed by one Member and seconded by another (not husband and wife or partners) both of whom must be fully paid up. The election of Members is vested solely in the General Committee and shall be by ballot. At least twelve months’ continuous membership is required for entry to Field Trials, Year Book review pages and Puppy Sales lists. 3. Management of the Club. The affairs of the club shall be conducted by 20 elected Members who will form the General Committee. The General Committee will, from their number, annually elect a 114

Chairman and Vice Chairman. The appointments of Secretary, Treasurer, Field Trial Secretary, Show Secretary, Membership Secretary and Yearbook Editor shall be made and should any appointments be made from outside the Committee, voting rights shall be included. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Field Trial Secretary, Show Secretary, Membership Secretary and Yearbook Editor shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. The General Committee shall meet as and when necessary; the quorum shall be ten. The Hon. Secretary in conjunction with the Chairman or Vice Chairman shall have the power to summon a Committee Meeting by giving a minimum of seven days’ notice. No person whilst undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society. The word ‘shall’ is mandatory and the word ‘may’ is permissive 4. Powers of the General Committee. The property and management of the Club shall be vested in the General Committee jointly, who shall have power at any time to call a General Meeting of the Club, to arbitrate in disputed matters, to elect Members as aforesaid, to appoint sub-committees and to carry out the day to day business of the Club. The General Committee shall have the power to deal with any question which may arise and for which provision is not made in the Rules and to fill any vacancy occurring in their number between Annual General Meetings, those co-opted shall only hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The General Committee shall have the power to invite a Patron, President, Vice President or Hon. Life Members at their discretion. 5. Method of Conducting Business. At every meeting of the General Committee, Minutes of the previous meeting shall be read and confirmed. At least seven days’ notice shall be sent of every meeting together with an Agenda of business to be transacted. The Chairman, if present shall preside at every meeting. In his absence, the Vice Chairman shall take his place and in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a Chairman, who shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie and whose ruling on any point shall be binding on the meeting. 6. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General meeting of the Club shall be held early in the year, at a date to be fixed by the General Committee. Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to every Member not less than twenty-one days before that date of the Meeting. At this Meeting the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting shall be read and confirmed. One third of the General Committee, longest in office, shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. 115

Any vacancy which occurs must be held over until the members have been made aware. Candidates for the General Committee must be proposed and seconded by two Members and all must have their subscriptions up to date. The name of each candidate, duly proposed and seconded, must reach the Hon. Secretary before 1st February of the year of the Annual General Meeting and be circulated on the Agenda before the Annual General Meeting. Any proposition, duly proposed and seconded by paid up Members, for inclusion on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting, must reach the Hon. Secretary before 1st February of the year of the Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Secretary shall be bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time, should he/she be required to do so in writing, by no less than thirty Members and the General Committee shall have power to call an Extraordinary Meeting whenever they think it is desirable, giving fourteen days’ notice. Any resolution passed, either at an Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary meeting can only be altered or rescinded at a subsequent Annual General Meeting due notice having been given to the Members. The quorum for each of the last named meetings shall be twenty-one. No business other than that contained in the Agenda shall be discussed at any Annual General Meeting, with the exception of routine. The Rules of the Club may not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, notice of which includes details of the Proposal to alter the Rules. Such alterations shall not be brought into force until the Kennel Club has been advised and has given its approval of the alterations. New Rules and amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately and be included in the Club’s constitution with effect from the Club’s Annual General Meeting. 7. Annual Report and Accounts. An Annual Report shall be drawn up and presented by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual Accounts shall be certified annually and presented at the Annual General Meeting. The Accounts shall be certified by either one qualified Accountant or by two individuals with accountancy experience. Those undertaking the certification shall be independent of those who prepared the accounts. The name of the person or persons to be appointed to certify the Accounts shall be presented to the Annual General meeting. A copy of the certified accounts shall be available to all members on request 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting and will be available for inspection by members at the Annual General Meeting. 8. Finances The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each calendar year. The General Committee shall have power to deal with any expenses incurred on 116

behalf of the Club. A Bank Account shall be opened in the name of the Club, into which all revenue shall be paid and from which withdrawals will only be made on the signature of two or more officers, as nominated by the General Committee. Each year prior to the Annual General Meeting, there shall be an Agenda item at a suitable General Committee Meeting, to decide any contribution to expenses to be paid to the Officers of the Club, or others so deemed by the Committee. A proposal for the amount/s to be paid, to each recipient, shall be put to the members for approval at the Annual General Meeting. 9. Subscriptions. The Annual subscription for the following year shall be recommended by the Committee to the Annual General Meeting and be payable on election and thereafter on the 2nd January each year. The subscription of anyone joining after 1st October and not wishing to participate in any Club activities or receive the Year Book for the current year shall be valid for the following year. NO one shall be deemed a Member of the club or entitled to the privileges of membership until the annual subscription is paid. A lapsed Member may be reinstated at any time by the General Committee on furnishing what they consider to be a satisfactory explanation and paying all arrears of subscriptions. It shall be in order for any Member to withdraw from the Club by giving notice to the Hon. Secretary in writing before 31st December of any year, provided always that such Member shall be liable for his or her subscription for the current year in which he or she gives notice and for any monies due to the Club. Joint subscriptions shall be available for husband and wife or joint partnership in dogs. In Field Trials, only one nomination in any trial shall be granted to a joint subscription. 10. Kennel Club Fees and Returns. The officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, maintenance of Title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Hon. Secretary for the continuance of registration and that by 31st July each year other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities, will be forwarded to the Kennel Club. The officers acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of Secretary of the club which may occur during the course of the year. 11. Expulsion of Members. Any Member who shall be suspended under Kennel Club Rule A42j (4) and/or any member whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A42j (8) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Club for the duration of the suspension and/or disqualification. If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the club 117

may, at a meeting, the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the Meeting, that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Club, except that he/she may, within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel club upon and subject to such conditions as the Kennel Club may impose. If the Club expels any Member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required. 12. Show Judges Lists. The Club shall participate in the production of the Show Judges lists drawn up annually by the Labrador Breed Council. 13. Disposal of Assets. In the event of the cessation of the Club, the assets shall be liquidated and disposed of, as far as possible, at the discretion of the General Committee. A final statement of Audited Accounts with a record of the disposal of the property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months and the persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last Return furnished to the Kennel Club will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Club. 14. Settlement of Disputes. The Club shall not join any Federation of Clubs or Societies without the specific permission of the Kennel Club. The Kennel Club shall be the final Court of Appeal in all matters of dispute.


THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB GENERAL CODE OF ETHICS All members of the Labrador Retriever Club undertake to abide by its general code of ethics. Club members: 1. will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required; 2. will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, may report such operation the kennel Club; 3. will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes; 4.

will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act;


will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally;

6. will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could in any way be harmful to the dog or to the Breed; 7. will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or to those carrying out official duties; 8. will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under proper control when away from home; 9. will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited; 10. will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life, and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change; 11. will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home; 12. will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available; 13. will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog); 14. will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the Breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog; 15.

ill breed only from good stock of sound temperament, taking full advantage of eye w testing schemes and BVA/KC hip scoring.

Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from Club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.



B List of Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe

542 Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 7TP

Anchor House, Lower Road, Grundisburgh, Suffolk, IP13 6UQ

Waverley, Cottam, Retford, Notts DN22 0EZ

28 Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9TG

35 Colliers Avenue, Llanharan, Mid Glamorgan, CF72 9UT

Catherington, Hele Lane, Frithelstockstone, Torrington, Devon EX38 8JW

2 The Ham, Market Lavington, Devizes, SN10 4DF

2 Laburnum Avenue, Walkerville, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 4PP

Sonblest, Linghall Lane, Newyork, Lincolnshire, LN4 4YQ

The Grange Coach House, Middle Lane, Whitley, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 8QN

Chilthurst Kennels, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4UA

50 Hall Park, Burneside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6QF

Cowburn Cottage, Corrie, Lockerbie, Scotland, DG11 2NU

39 Green Lane, Clanfield, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 0JX

12 Mint Cottage Mint Road, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 3DT

Woodlands Cottage, Whitchurch Road, Spurstow, Cheshire, CW6 9RU

8 Kenton Drive, Lindsayfield, East Kilbride, G75 9FP

Glenhurst, Slipe Drove, West Pinchbeck, Spalding, Cambs PE4 7ZP

217 Waterloo Road, Pen y Groes, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA14 7RB




















Page 1

17 East Street, Manea, Cambs, PE15 0JJ


B List of Breed Specialist Judges


01354 688414 01634 371893 07889 714516 01777 249407 01789 842088 01443 225399 01805 622592 07769 156760 01912 341788 01526 343123 01225 793614 01323 832349 01539 732101 01576 610 546 02392 597341 01737 360997 01829 261 813 01355 382559 07867 513371 07541 284309

This list comprises Breed Specialist Judges who have been approved by the Labrador Breed Council to judge the breed at shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have judged Labradors for a minimum of 4 years ~ To have judged at least 30 Labrador classes ~ To have judged at venues with a proportion beyond the mean geographical area ~ To have attended at least one Breed Specific Seminar

Updated -10.10.2021

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961



01704 231963 01449 768678 07714 214469 01294 277139 01548 550879 07951 927514 01159 652347 01501 763340 27233491105 01334 870490 07969 440416 01244 556915 01582 873233 07967 121393 +33 4 50 94 86 81 01287 659 574 01329 833868 007795 515199 01515 238339 01642 320395 01406 331295 01904 421507 00353 949 649 405 01458 833158 01824 780501

Richmondhill Kennels, Southport New Road, Mere Brow, Tarleton, PR4 6JA

2 The Old Post Office Cottage, Cedars Hill, Wetheringsett-Cum- Brockford, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5PQ

Rewari Kennels, Whiteshaw Road, Carluke, Lanarkshire, ML8 5HE

186 Clark Drive, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 0NS

24 Elmwood Park, Loddiswell, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 4SA

The Manor House, Ab Kettleby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 3JJ

Warrens Close, 3a Main Street, Woodborough, Notts, HG14 6EA

9 Faraday Place, Addiewell, West Lothian, EH55 8NG

Post Box 16, Rawsonville 6845, South Africa

Merrylee, 29 Main Rd, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife KY16 0AE

5 Y Berllan, Llenrwst, LL26 0HR

14 Granston Court, Connah's Quay, Deeside, CH5 4GR

7 Clements End Road, Studham, Beds, LU6 2NG

Suntop Kennels, 164 Spring Lane, Lambley, Nottingham, NG4 4PE

722 Route de Prailles, 74140 Sciez-sur-Leman, France

4 Nidderdale, Skelton, Cleveland, TS12 2FY

Arosa, Liberty Road, Newtown, Fareham, Hants PO17 6LD

Johnstonecleuch, Johnstonebridge, Lockerbie, DG11 1HW

Jepejo, 9 Blaydon Close, Netherton, Liverpool, L30 1SU

6 Clarence Road, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS7 0DA

Saranden, 22 North Road, Gedney Hill, Spalding, Lincs PE12 0NL

17 Highfield, Osbaldwick, York, YO10 3NZ

Corracommeen, Carrowbehy, Castlerea, Co Rosscommon, Eire

2 Helyar Close, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9LQ.

Pen-y-ffrith, Llandegla Road, Llanarmon-yn-lal, Mold, Denbighshire CH7 4QX


























Page 2


01684 833487

23 Dukes Way, Poolbrook, Malvern, Worcs, WR14 3JE



0121 705 5458

47 Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands, B91 2AF



01353 688510

67 Great Fen Road, Soham, Nr Ely, Cambs, CB7 5UH

01353 688510



01623 625188

67 Great Fen Road, Soham, Nr Ely, Cambs, CB7 5UH


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

93 Marples Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, NG19 9EZ




01704 880112 01207 658747 / 07766 337652 02086 424752 01324 851978 / 07714 419357 01723 863512 01873 830099 07825 379593 01584 819509 01344 626571 01706 877851 01942 840386 01323 832349 01279 814533 01506 630053 01626 207244 07866 442268

0790 0077894 01262 470832 01757 630942 01903 755963 01600 750705 00316 51494958 01306 888052 01984 568282 / 07763 942572 07739 907473 07939 550261

4 Culshaw Way, Scarisbrick, Ormskirk, Lancs, L40 9SA

4 Agar Close, Consett, Co Durham, ,

4 Ferndown Close, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5TG

Roadlip Cottage, Mosscastle Road, Slamannan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire FK1 3EL

Norfield, Ayton Road, Irton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4RQ

Kymin Cottage, The Tyla, Govilon, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire NP7 9RU

12 Burford Mews, Gloucester, GL1 4EB

19 Berrington Road, Tenbury Wells, Worcs, WR15 8EL.

42 Park Crescent, The Rise, Sunningdale, Berkshire, SL5 0AZ

42A Lee Road, Bacup, Lancashire, OL13 0EA

17 Old Hall Lane, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton, Bolton BL5 2HQ

Chilthurst Kennels, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4UA

The Bungalow, Fullers End, Elsenham, Bishop Stortford, Herts CM22 6DU

Rosebank, 22 Bathgate Road, Blackburn, W Lothian, EH47 7LW

Mile End House, 1 Mile End Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 1RN

4 Deer Park Home Village, Dartmouth, TQ6 0SB

8 Salwick Close,, Marshside,, Southport,, PR9 9PH

8 Rayls Rise, Todwick, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 1HY

Thornborough House, West Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 3PW

Thornborough House, West Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 3PW

Hayden House, Main Street, Asselby, Nr Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 7HB

59 Halewick Lane, Sompting, West Sussex, BN15 0ND

Oakdene, Garway, Hereford HR2 8RE

Rodenrijseweg 329, 2651 BT, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Netherlands

15 Elder Way, North Holmwood, Dorking, RH5 4TD

22 Tower Hill, Williton, Somerset, TA4 4NT



























Page 3


01945 700417



01206 396541

8 Main Road, Parson Drove, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 4LF


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

Church Clerk's Cottage, Church Hill, Lawford, Essex, CO11 2JX





01375 891554 07497 254810 46 0 855159207 01895 823 227 01642 458137 01772 816937 01248 810287 01709 830952

Quhytewoolen Farmhouse, Lockerbie, Dumfresshire, DG11 2NE

Lotsta Gard, 153 94 Holo, Sweden,

Bourne Farm, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6NA

28 Normanby Hall Park, Normanby, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS6 0SX

7 Rivington Close, Tarleton, Nr Preston, Lancs, PR4 6DG

College, Llansadwrn, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, Gwynedd LL59 5SN

92 Rotherview Road, Canklow, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2UP








Page 4

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2022


01397 703331

Bulgenen, Brentwood Road, Bulphan, Essex, RM14 3TJ


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

Murlaggan, Banavie, Fort William, Innverness-shire, PH33 7NF



B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe


01245 320398 01352 780421 01683 300638 01709 582816 01355 229470 01948 770543 01698 887776 01634 364539 01283 713134 01254 397392 10883 622121 01436 820478

Chelmset, Main Road, Bicknacre, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 4HW

7 Bryn-y-Gwynt, Pentre Halkyn, Flintshire, CH8 8HU

Willow Cottage, Palaceknowe, Moffat, Scotland, DG10 9PH

Hillside Farm, 1A Racecourse Rd, Swinton, Nr Mexborough, South Yorks S64 8DW

43 Inglewood Cresent, Westwood, East Kilbride, G75 8QD

Dog Kennel Farm, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7BT.

Tarskavaig Cottage, 45 John Street, Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, ML9 2ET.

Guildstead Court, Yelsted Lane, Yelsted, Kent, ME9 7UT

Classicway, 405 Lichfield Road, Barton under Needwood, Staffs, DE13 8EH

13 Pickup Street, Accrington, Lancs, BB5 0EY

267 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TL

Summerhill, Shandon, By Helensburgh, Argyll, G84 8NR













Page 1


01227 274324

Broomhirst, Willow Wood, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3DW


ROMAUNT 07739 562505

The Herdsman, Homeside Farm, Bossingham, Kent, CT4 6AR


DUNLAN 01452 712107

Parton Farm, Buttermilk Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JA


FLOCKTONS 01926 842178

Beaconsfield, Wolverton Fields, Norton Lindsey, Warks, CV35 8JN


FLEETAPPLE 020 8941 2557

24 Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 0DF


ABINVALE 01283 575448

Fleetapple Lodge,, Marker Lane Farm,, Hoar Cross,, Burton on Trent, Staffs DE13 8QR


LEDGANDS 07813 763365

3 Loughabin Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim, BT53 5NP


RUTILUS 07956 553244

Nashenden Farmhouse, Nashenden Farm Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3TQ


01899 641045

Annavale, Biggar, South Lanarkshire, ML12 6LX


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

This list comprises Non Breed Specialist Judges who have been approved by the Labrador Breed Council to judge the breed at shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have judged Labradors for a minimum of 4 years ~ To have judged at least 30 Labrador classes ~ To have judged at venues with a proportion beyond the mean geographical area ~ To have attended at least one Breed Specific Seminar

Updated -10.10.2021

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961




01885 482404 01229 464203 01292 283738 01924 525304 01663 762122 01663 762122 01215 251417 01142 435776 01509 674 059 01524 222052 07885 442757 01204 528320 01590 610238 01322 408359 07581 083008 01628 631157 0208 6986422 01564 823838 01564 823838

01623 624114 01636 706699 01307 830378 01244 520073 01502 580802

Brook House, Edvin Loach, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4PW

5 Alexander Place, Askam in Furness, Cumbria, LA16 7BT

101 Prestwick Road, Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, KA8 8LJ

70 North Road, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF13 3AD

8 Overdale Road, Newtown Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 2RJ

8 Overdale Road, Newtown Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 2RJ

15 Kiniths Crescent, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B71 4BX

133 Standon Road, Sheffield, S9 1PG

25 Whatton Road, Kegworth, Derbyshire, DE74 2EZ

School House, Main Street, Arkholme, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 1AU

221 The Moors, Kidlington, , Oxford, OX5 2AE

22 Withins Drive, Bolton, Lancs, BL2 5LE

3 Bays Road, Pennington, Lymington, Hants SO41 8HL

116 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, Kent, DA1 2NN

Nineteen Lands Farm, Lythe, Whitby, N Yorkshire, YO21 3SQ

1 Norfolk Road, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 7AS

2 Bamford Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5QR

Portway Court, Portway, Worcs, B48 7HY

Portway Court, Portway, Worcs, B48 7HY

Penywaun Boarding Kennels, Ebenezer Road, Llanedi, Carms, SA4 0FE

Pollards, Furzen Lane, Ellens Green, Rudgwick, Horsham RH12 3AR

58 High Street, Upton Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1HQ

Langlea, Ford Street, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9PE

70 Higher Road, Hunts Cross, Liverpool, L26 1TD

23 Wilbury Hills Road, Letchworth, SG2 4JU

21 Southside Gardens, South Hylton, Sunderland, SR4 0NP

The Lodge, The Nant, Llanferres, Mold, Denbighshire CH7 5SS.

Thirldene, 92 Berry Hill Road, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4RR

15 Primrose Ave, Farndon Fields, Farndon, Notts, NG24 3TY

Pickerton Farm, Guthrie, By Forfar, DD8 2TZ

5 Blenheim Close, Hawarden, Flintshire, CH5 3SJ

107 Clarkson Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 3NX

































Page 2


01302 834424


01823 662503


01462 672696 07711 845687 01352 810490

0151 4863570


01977 645422

01403 822222


07831 257969

Chrisandre, 4 Gatewood Lane, Branton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN3 3PN


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

8 Old Orchards, Chard, Somerset, TA20 1NA




01543 473220 01721 721158 01668 213293 01792 795 382

Bournehouse, Bond End Holdings, Yoxall, East Staffs, DE13 8NJ

Braidwynn, Winkston, Peebles, Scotland, EH45 8PH

Gardners Cottage, Twizell, Belford, Northumberland, NE70 7HU.

4 Clos Sant Teilo, Llangyfelach, Swansea, SA5 7HG





Page 3

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2022


01461 204972

Kazval, 8 Hollinlea, Carlisle Road, Annan, Dumfries DG12 6QU


BENJCROFT 01939 220537

Stoneleigh, High Street, Clive, Shrewsbury, SY4 3JL


MAGREGOR 01573 460363

Smailholm Croft, Smailholm, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7PJ


CHATAWAY 01505 685539

2 Auchengree Road, Glengarnock, North Ayrshire, KA14 3BU



01506 880191

Dreghorn Lodge, Mid-Calder, West Lothian, EH53 0EA



01483 827122

31 Glendale Drive, Burpham, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7HZ



01788 510367

60 Guilsborough Road, West Haddon, Northants, NN6 7AE



01942 497463

9 Bransfield Close, Wigan, Lancs, WN3 5NW



01531 640102

Oakberrow, Stoneyard Green, Coddington, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1JR



01132 843889

Station House, Station Road, Arthington, Otley, West Yorkshire LS21 1NN



023-8081. 2763

Oakley, Chinham Road, Bartley, Nr Southampton, SO40 2LF



0161 773 1104

9 Droughts Lane, Simister, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 2ST



01948 770543

Dog Kennel Farm, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7BT.

01544 230794



01475 321335

Highfield, Walton Green, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2PU


01685 371761


3 Lomond Road, Wemyss Bay, Renfewshire, PA18 6BE


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

Glannant Nantddu, Cwmtaff, Nr Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 2HY



C List of Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe



01789 842088 07976 201880 01977 790488 01942 723847 01241 828432 01355 302659 01723 863512 01352 781366 01423 864616 01359 269538 01659 656293 01865 632533 07877045618 01738 631485 0115 938 405 01744 750070

28 Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9TG

67 Tunstall Lane, Wigan, Lancs WN5 9HP

7 Pear Tree Close, Pontefract Road, WF8 4RL

22 Moore Drive,, Haydock, St Helens, WA11 0PA

Garside, By Arboath, Angus, DD11 4TY

Highfields, Eaglesham, Glasgow, G76 0NT

Norfield, Ayton Road, Irton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4RQ

Rhosesmor Road, Hendre, Nr Mold, Flintshire, CH7 5QP

South Edge, Flaxby, Knaresborough, HG5 0RR

Tyler, Hall Lane, Troston, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1EU

Honeysuckle, Fairfield Close, Broughton, Brigg, North Lincs DN20 0TT

The Willows, Chelford Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 8LY

Cherrybank, 151 Peartree Lane, Bexhill On Sea,

2 Muirhall Terrace, Perth, PH2 7ES

29 Brackenfield Drive, Giltbrook, Nottingham, NG16 2US

27 Royal Grove, Ravenhead, St Helens, WA10 3NA

















Page 1


01253 762544

The Poplars, Kitty Lane, Marton, Blackpool, FY4 5EG



028 3884 0118

18 Laurel Heights, Laurelvale, Tandragee, Co Armagh, BT62 2NR



01282 436390

Duncandale, 14 Wroxham Close, Burnley, Lancs, BB10 2NU


01555 840003

Greens Cottage, Newbigging, Nr Carnwarth, Lanarkshire, ML11 8NB


C List of Breed Specialist Judges

The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have shown an active interest in the breed ~ To have attended a Labrador Retriever Novice Judging Seminar and to have judged (hands on) 10 or more Labrador Retrievers.

This list comprises Breed Specialist Judges who do not qualify for "A" or "B" lists, but who are aspiring judges and have the confidence of The Labrador Breed Clubs to judge up to 5 classes at Open Show level.

Updated - 10.10.2021

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961



01604 686354 0157 661 0239 07969 316117 01738 842854 07802 224500

10 Stanshall Drive, Filton, Bristol, BS40 9UN

42 Park Road, Morton, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA2 6DS

2 Ashley Park, Uddingston, GLASGOW, G71 6LU

62 Wedmore Close, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 9PF

15 The Burlongs, Glebe Road, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 7DR

6 Draughton Road, Maidwell, Northampton, NN6 9JF

Little Whitriggs, Corrie, Lockerbie, DG11 2NX

6 Pope Avenue, Conisbrough, Doncaster, West Yorkshoire, DN12 3PF

Old Balgowan School, Methven, Perth, Scotland, PH1 3QY

Broadlands, Cotgrave Rd, Clipston-on-the-Wolds, Notts NG12 5PE

21 Ridgeway Close, Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire, NG22 8DT













Page 2

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2022

POTTERSPINEY 01664 566169

Spinney Field Farm, 1 Potter Hill, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3JE


PITNEZE 01664 566169

Spinney Field Farm, 1 Potter Hill, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3JE


PITNEZE 01733 211011

20 The Chase, Crowland, Peterborough, PE6 OLN


ARGHISHALEE 01733 211011

20 The Chase, Crowland, Peterborough, PE6 OLN


LUNARPET 01792 516983

69 Loughor Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 6AZ


AMBERWATCH 01202 822 664

Bog Farm, Horton Heath, Nr Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 7SP



7Rectory Fields, Mepal, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2BT


01353 774 859

Ballynabole, Ballinacarrow, Co Sligo, Eire, F56 V524



28 Acacia Avenue, Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6XG


00353 85 7211122



07809 681326 01623 882100

01793 854 666

0117 3739200



01567 820464

The Old School House, Kiltyrie, Killin, Perthshire, FK21 8TY




01294 221066

58 Pladda Avenue, Broomlands, Irvine, KA11 1DS


07764 532670


01670 828123

01228 592970


01744 750070

17 Ridley Terrace, Cambois, Blyth, Northumberland, NE14 1QS


C List of Breed Specialist Judges

27 Royal Grove, Ravenhead, St Helens, WA10 3NA



C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe


01943 464876 0161 633 3623 01206 540029 01454 228439 01792 792 176 07763 233792 01527 61377 01257 265934 07824 993959 01283 536260 07764 157351 01380 699337 01873 840291

Hawkstone, Rhewl Lane, Gobowen, Oswestry, SY10 7AS

Mousewater Cottage, Forth, Lanark, ML11 8ET

Goodwren Farm, Newall Carr Road, Clifton, Otley, LS21 2HD

10 Eskdale Avenue, Royton, Oldham, OL2 6SP

122 King Harold Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 4SQ

Hill House, Wotton Road, Iron Acton, Bristol, BS37 9XA

Shardanell, Upper Glanywern, Llansamlet, Swansea, SA7 9YQ

The Barn, Badgers Lane, Lower Tysoe, Warwickshire, CV35 0BY

3 Latchford Close, Redditch, Worcs B98 9NQ

2 Limes Avenue,, Euxton, Lancs, PR7 6BJ

The Sycamores, Sarn, Flintshire, CH8 9DE

5A Ivy Lodge,, Stapenhill, Burton on Trent, DE15 9RD

Fuzzelands, 20 Acacia Drive, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6AP

22 Kings Road, Easterton, No Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4PX

Brynhysryd, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Nr Abergavenny, NP7 9DY
















Page 1


01505 812430

The Granary, Cross Lanes, Tollerton, York, YO61 1RB


DANWISH 01691 650213

8c Walpole Gardens, Chiswick, London, W4 4HG


01347 830128


01382 611076


01332 792328

142 Liff Road, Dundee, DD2 2TS


01376 344760

Shardlow Boarding Kennels, 136 London Road, Shardlow, Derbyshire, DE72 2GP


60 Coldnailhurst Avenue, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5PX


C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

This list comprises Non Breed Specialist Judges who do not qualify for "A" or "B" lists, but who are aspiring judges and have the confidence of The Labrador Breed Clubs to judge up to 5 classes at Open Show level. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have demonstrated an active interest in the breed ~ To have attened a Labrador Retriever Novice Judging Seminar and to have judged (hands on) 30 or more dogs in another breed.

Updated - 10.10.2021

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961





01772 614982 01275 332652 / 07894 009231 01942 494458 01793 520347 01304 241211 01484 358135 0117 9322096 01924 689019

Moorledge Farm, Moorledge Lane, Chew Magna, Bristol, Somerset BS40 8TL

30 Ashdale Road, Marus Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire, WN3 5QT

40 Liskeard Way, Freshbrook, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8NL

Greenacres, Whiting Farm, Roman Road, Dover, Kent CT15 5JY

1 Teddington Avenue, Dalton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD5 9HR

The Goldens, 5 Wall Tyning Gardens, Cherry Garden Lane, Bitton, Bristol BS30 6AB

39 Howard Crescent, Durham, Wakefield, WF4 3AJ








Page 2

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2022


01432 353519

Glenthorne, 7 Moss House Lane, Much Hoole, Preston, PR4 4D


C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

200 Whitecross Road, Hereford, HR4 0DJ


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