The Labrador Club Year Book 2019

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The Labrador Retriever Club

Year Book 2019

YEAR BOOK 2019 Reflecting the Club’s activities during



GDPR............................................................................................................................................... 4 Membership Fees........................................................................................................................... 10 Club Notice Board...........................................................................................................................11 Contacting the Club & Committee.................................................................................................. 12 The Labrador Retriever Club Officers and Committee................................................................... 13 Editorial........................................................................................................................................... 14 Puppy Page.................................................................................................................................... 14 Chairman’s Report.......................................................................................................................... 15 Secretary Report............................................................................................................................ 16 Treasurer’s Balance Sheet............................................................................................................. 18 Obituaries....................................................................................................................................... 20 Breed Standard.............................................................................................................................. 27 Water Test 2018.............................................................................................................................. 28 Field Trial Open 2 Day Open Stake................................................................................................ 30 Field Trial All Aged Stake................................................................................................................ 31 Field Trial Novice Stake.................................................................................................................. 32 The Banchory Bolo Cup ................................................................................................................ 33 IGL Retriever Championships........................................................................................................ 34 2019 New FT Champions............................................................................................................... 40 2019 New Show Champions.......................................................................................................... 42 Cups and Trophies awarded at the LRC........................................................................................ 45 The Labrador Retriever Club Championship Show 2019............................................................... 46 The Labrador Retriever Club Open Show 2019............................................................................. 64 2019 Challenge Certificates & Reserve Challenge Certificate Winners......................................... 72 Champ/Open Show Judges Profiles 2020...................................................................................... 77 Etiquette at Field Trials................................................................................................................... 84 Kennel Reviews.............................................................................................................................. 86 L.R.C. Rules and Regulations...................................................................................................... 134 Code of Ethics.............................................................................................................................. 139 Membership List........................................................................................................................... 140 Labrador Judges for 2020............................................................................................................ 190 Judges’ Listings............................................................................................................................ 191

© Labrador Retriever Club No part of this publication, including illustrations or Club logos, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the L.R.C. Design and Production by CS Creative Studio Tel: 07955 248250 Printed by Blackmore Ltd Tel: 01747 856135


GDPR Privacy Notice 1.


1.1. The Labrador Retriever Club is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy. 1.2. This Privacy Notice sets out the basis on which any personal data that we collect from or about you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. 1.3. The Labrador Club is the data controller and responsible for your personal data (also referred to as we, us or our within this privacy notice. 1.4. We will keep this Privacy Notice under regular review. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. 2.

Data Protection Contact

2.1. The contact details for our data protection coordinator for any data protection queries are as follows: 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3.

Karl Gawthorpe The Labrador Retriever Club, 19 Badger Road, Woodhouse, Sheffield, S13 7TQ 07917 645015


ou have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Y full contact details for which can be found at


Data Protection Principles We will comply with data protection law. This says that the personal information we hold about you must be: 1. Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way. 2. Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes. 3. Relevant to the purposes we have told you about. 4. Accurate and kept up to date. 5. Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about. 6. Kept securely.


Where do we obtain your personal data from?


Most of the above personal data is received directly from you (the data subject). However, information may be received from third parties (eg Fosse Data Systems Limited & the Field Trial Management System).


Particulars of processing


e process personal data about members, judges, and ring stewards, competitors/exhibitors at our W events, landowners, suppliers and business contacts. The way in which we process personal data is described in detail in the Annex to this Privacy Notice.



We do not collect any special categories of data or information about criminal convictions and offences.


If you fail to provide personal data

Where we need to collect personal data under the terms of a contract with you and you fail to provide that data when requested we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you (for example to administer your membership). If we are unable to proceed then we will contact you if this is the case at the time. 7.

Your rights as a data subject


The General Data Protection Regulation provides the following rights to individuals in certain circumstances:


The right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request rectification of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request erasure of the personal data that we hold about you;


The right to request restriction of processing about you;


The right to object to processing; and


The right to data portability.

Please contact our data protection coordinator using the details above if you wish to exercise any of these rights. How we will use information about you


We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal information in the following circumstances: 1. Where we need to perform the contract we have entered into with you or are about to enter into with you. 2. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. 3. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests. We may also use your personal information in the following situations, which are likely to be rare: 1. Where we need to protect your vital interests (or someone else’s vital interests). 2. Where it is needed in the public interest [or for official purposes].

8.1 We will generally process your personal data for contractual necessity in providing membership services and events. We may also use personal information for additional relevant and related purposes where you might reasonably expect us to do so, where the benefits of doing so are not outweighed by your own interests or fundamental rights or freedoms. These may include: 8.1.1 To maintain our records and other administrative purposes, including updating your details and preferences:



To assist with queries, complaints and dispute resolution;

8.1.3 For communications related to membership and invitations to participate in canine market research or canine health studies: 8.1.4 To assist with upholding our Club constitution and taking action in cases where there may be a breach of the Club rules or Codes of Ethics: 8.1.5

You will receive newsletters and information about future events and other marketing information associated with the Club where we believe this may interest you and where you have not opted out of receiving that marketing.


Recipients of Data

9.1. We may use service providers to help us provide you with our services. Personal data may be transferred to such a service provider, who will act for or on our behalf, for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the data was originally collected or may otherwise be lawfully processed. These third parties are set out in the Annex. 9.2. We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We do not allow third party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. 9.3.

In appropriate circumstances, we may disclose data to authorised bodies as required by law.


Visitors to The Labrador Retriever website – Cookie Policy

10.1. We DO NOT use cookies or any other method of data collection to monitor how people use our website. 11.

How long do we hold your personal data for?


ersonal data will be retained for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes P for which it was collected. Such periods are in accordance with statutory requirements, Kennel Club requirements and recommendations and the Club’s retention policy, which is available on request.


Data Security

12.1 We have put in place appropriate measures to prevent your personal data being accidently lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to the Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Field Trial Secretary, Year Book Editor, Cup Steward and Puppy Register Coordinator. 13

Do we use your data for any automated decision making?

No personal data is processed for automated decision-making.


International Transfers.

We do not transfer your personal data outside the UK.


ANNEX This Annex sets out the Labrador Retriever Clubs processing of personal data relating to members (including Officers and committee members), judges, exhibitors/competitors at our events, land owners, suppliers and business contacts. What personal data do we process, why do we process it and what is the lawful basis? Members/Officers/Committee Members • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Registered kennel name [affix] • Membership fee We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose]

[Lawful basis]

• Provision of membership services including administration and transactional communications relating to membership

Contractual Necessity

• Upholding the Labrador Retriever Club Rules and Code of Ethics

Contractual Necessity

• Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding newsletters, invitations and information about club events/meetings.

Legitimate Interests (to develop our services and grow our Club)

• Publication in the Members’ Yearbook/Membership List or on the website (for Officers and Committee Members)

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club admin)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice. Judges • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Registered Kennel Name [affix]

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose] [Lawful basis] • Administration and transactional communications relating to Contractual Necessity judging appointments • Upholding Labrador Retriever Club Rules and Code of Ethics Contractual Necessity • Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations Contractual Necessity (including sharing relevant required information) • Publication in the Labrador Retriever Club Judges appointments Legitimate Interests (to in the show/event schedules. – List on Website/Facebook maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed) • Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice. Necessary to comply with legal obligation.


Exhibitors/Competitors • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number • Dog information We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose] [Lawful basis] • Administration and transactional communications for Contractual Necessity exhibitors/competitors entering our events • Provision of services relating to our events

Contractual Necessity

• Upholding the Labrador Retriever Club Rules Contractual Necessity and Code of Ethics • Compliance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding future events

Legitimate Interests (to develop our services and grow our Club)

• Publication of your name address and dog information in show/event catalogue.

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed)

• Publication of event results on our website or the Labrador Retriever Club Facebook Pages

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration and keep competitors informed)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Land Owners/Business Contacts/Suppliers • Name • Address • Email address • Telephone number We process your personal data for the following purposes: [Purpose]

[Lawful basis]

• Administration and transactional communications

Contractual Necessity

• Provision of your services relating to our events

Contractual Necessity

• Contacting you regarding future event organisation

Legitimate Interests (to maintain up to date records for Club administration, to keep you informed and to grow our Club)

• Notifying you about changes to our terms or our privacy notice

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation


Recipients of your personal data We disclose data to the following outsourced data processors: Lavenham Group Limited, in line with section 5 of our main Privacy Policy, for the purposes of publication in the Labrador Retriever Club Year Book and Membership List; and show entrants’ data is provided to Fosse Data Systems Limited for inclusion in our show catalogues. Kennel Club records The Kennel Club will hold the personal data of officers of the Labrador Retriever Club as a part of the implementation of Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. We provide the Kennel Club with details of the Labrador Retriever Club Officers, Challenge Certificate winners and all Field Trial entrants in order to meet requirements in the Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.


Swinderby Road, Collingham, Newark NG23 7NZ Here is a list of a few places for accommodation nearby: Coach House B&B, Collingham Beth Foster 01636 892203 07736 419719 Old Chandlery Apartments, Swinderby Jane 01522 868123 Premier Inn, Newark, Lincoln Rd 0871 5278784 (Beefeater next door) Travel Lodge, North Muskham, Newark 0871 984 6088 (Burger King next door)


THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES The annual membership fees are due on 2nd January each year: UK Single £10.00 Overseas Single £14.00*

UK Joint £12.00 Overseas Joint £17.00*

Request for Membership applications forms, bank standing order forms, change of personal details, and all membership subscriptions should be sent to: The Membership Secretary Mrs Geraldine Thompson, Mill House, Chrishall, Royston, Herts. SG8 8QH Telephone: 01763 838004 Email: Bank transfer payments may be paid to: NatWest Bank

Account Name: The Labrador Retriever Club

Sort Code: 60-40-09

Account Number: 41387619

IBAN number: GB57NWBK60400941387619 BIC SWIFT code: NWBKGB2L (Please advise the Membership Secretary in advance of payment if possible and quote your surname followed by initials as a reference) Cheques, postal orders, bank drafts and international money orders should be made payable to ‘The Labrador Retriever Club’ and must be in UK £ sterling. Only UK Sterling Cash notes can be accepted, but unfortunately we are unable to accept Eurocheques, foreign coins or credit cards If it is easier, one payment may be made to cover several members, or for more than one year’s membership


CLUB NOTICE BOARD DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TBC The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LZ Starting at 11am An excellent opportunity to meet up with other club members and the Officers and Committee. Please do try to attend and have your say on how the club is run, your support is always appreciated.

CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Saturday 6th June 2020 ******** NEW VENUE ******** Oakridge Arena, Swinderby Road, Collingham, Newark NG23 7NZ Judges: Dogs: Mrs A Britton (Bowstones), Bitches: Ms M Percival (Winfaul) Referee: Mrs L Tooth (Ludalor) Schedules available on FosseData Or by contacting the Secretary, Mr Karl Gawthorpe on 0114 2694089 / 07733 157961 or by email:

OPEN SHOW Sunday 8th November 2020 Tomlinson’s Canine Centre, Upper Grange Farm, Ratby Lane LE67 9RJ Judge: TBC Schedules available on FosseData Or by contacting the Secretary, Mr Karl Gawthorpe on 0114 2694089 / 07733 157961 or by email:

WORKING TESTS & FIELD TRIALS Once these events have been finalised with dates, judges and venues, the club will of course inform its members of this information. Any changes to the above will be publicised in the Breed Notes of the Canine Press, our website and Facebook.


CONTACTING THE CLUB AND COMMITTEE The Club website: (Join us on Facebook) Chairman

David Coode

Vice Chairman

Joy Venturi-Rose

Hon. Secretary

Karl Gawthorpe


Caron Chattwood

Field Trial Secretary

Fiona Joint

Membership Secretary Geraldine Thompson membershipsecretary Water Tests/SGWC

Joy Venturi-Rose

Puppy Sales List

Jane Rawlinson

Trophy Steward

Lynne Minchella

Year Book Editor

Nigel Small

Website Editor


Show Manager



The Labrador Retriever Club and the Hon. Editor do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed i any article or report published in the Yearbook. Further, all advertisements and Kennel Reviews are accepted in good faith. It is not possible for the Labrador Retriever Club or its Hon. Yearbook Editor to check every claim made in any advert or Kennel Review before making a decision or taking action. 12

The Labrador Retriever Club Patron HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN President The Earl of Lonsdale

Chairman Mr David Coode

Vice Chairman Mrs Joy Venturi-Rose The General Committee

Retiring April 2020 Mr K Gawthorpe, Mrs J Venturi-Rose, Mr S Williamson, Mr S Cullis, Mrs G Thompson, Mrs P Cullis Retiring March 2021 Mrs C Coode, Mr D Coode, Mrs L Minchella, Mrs J Rawlinson, Mrs A Scutcher, Mr N Small, Mrs L Tooth, Mrs M Woodley Retiring April 2022 Mrs F Joint, Ms C Edwards, Mr Steve Richardson, Ms Caron Chattwood Show Manager Position Vacant Hon. Membership Secretary Mrs. Geraldine Thompson Mill House Chrishall, Royston Herts. SG8 8QH Tel: 01763 838004

Field Trial Secretary Mrs Fiona Joint Chalky Lane Cottage Chrishall, Royston Herts, SG8 8QX Tel. 07711 160925

Hon. Treasurer Ms. Caron Chattwood Tel: 07748 116030

Yearbook Editor Mr Nigel Small 07866 442268

Hon. Club Secretary Mr K Gawthorpe 19 Badger Road, Woodhouse, Sheffield, South Yorkshire. S13 7TQ Tel. 0114 2694089 / 07917645015


EDITORIAL It’s that time of year again folks where we get to sit down and reflect on another great year in the ‘Labrador world’ whether you show, work your dogs or just have a house full of them. This has been my first year as the editor of the year book and it has been a very steep learning curve for which I would like to thank Colin Swaffer for without his guidance I’d probably still be putting this together in June. This year’s book shows that our members have indeed had a very successful year both in the field and the show-ring; I would like to encourage more people from the Field Trial and Working background to submit a kennel review so that we can see more of the great dogs we have out there. With this mind I will be writing to all the members of the club to give them the opportunity to submit articles for next years book - should I still be incumbent in this role. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone the greatest of successes in the coming months, whether your aim is to win a class at your local open show, your first green card or the stakes you have entered at some of the most incredible shooting grounds we have been given the opportunity to run our dogs over. Nigel Small


A large number of enquiries are received from people interested in buying Labrador puppies or young adults. Members with home-bred puppies or older Labradors for sale should send the following information to our Puppy Co-ordinator: • Name, address, telephone number; • Copies of hip and eye certificates of dam and sire; • Number of puppies available, their colour, sex, date of birth and their suitability for pet, show or work.

Mrs Jane Rawlinson, 17 Old Hall , Daisy Hill, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancs BL5 2HQ Tel: 01942 840386 Please note: no check is made by the Club regarding the suitability of purchasers. This remains the responsibility of the breeder.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT The past 12 months has seen the Club get back to doing what it does best, running events, after the problems that beset us at the end of 2018, which I am pleased to say have now been resolved. The Club’s events have been very well supported, with Championship Show moving to a new venue. Although the weather was not kind to us the venue’s excellent indoor facilities proved their worth. Both this show and the Open Show in November attracted quality entries and the write up for these events are included later in the Yearbook. The Club ran three very successful Field Trials this year and we are indebted to the Landowners for allowing us to hold our trials on their estates and to the teams of Guns who, not only shoot on the day, but contribute towards the cost of putting the trials on, this is greatly appreciated. With the exception of the Club’s Championship Show I have managed to attend all the Club’s other events this year and very much appreciate the hard work that is put into organising these events by our Secretary Karl Gawthorpe and our Field Trial secretary Fiona Joint. Fiona had indicated her wish to stand down at the end of the 2018 season but when her replacement withdrew at the last minute she kindly agreed to take on the role for another year. The help of the whole Committee at our events is greatly appreciated without their hard work these events could not be put on. Our new Treasurer Caron Chattwood has very ably taken over the Club’s finances, despite the innumerable obstacles posed by the banks in changing signatories and closing accounts. Overall the Club’s financial position at the end 2019 has improved over the previous 12 months. Going forward the Club will hold a Breed Assessment Day in October 2020, and other events are being planned, a Field Trial/Have a go day for beginners and a summer party. Finally may I wish you all a successful 2020 with your dogs whether trialling or showing, most importantly enjoy the success of others as much as your own success. David Coode Chairman David Coode Acting Chairman


SECRETARY’S REPORT Dear members, I have to say being the secretary of the Labrador retriever club is hard work but also very enjoyable at the same time, I would like to thank my fellow officers and committee for all their hard work in the last year, it also does make it very rewarding when we get lovely feedback form members and exhibitors for all the hard work we do for you. The AGM was held in May last year at The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, it was lovely to see everybody there and there was a nice relaxed and friendly atmosphere. After the meeting we had a light lunch, were we had chance to have a lovely catch-up with members. Please remember that the officers and committee are there to serve the membership, so please let any of us know of any issues, and we will do our best to rectify it for you. In June we held our championship show at our new venue Oakridge Arena, Newark, we were very aware that this was not going to be an easy move, but we did the move thinking of you the members, the venue has lovely outside and inside areas and a lovely restaurant with delicious food, we also decided to give everyone a free tea or coffee on arrival. I would like to thank Maxine, Lorraine, Nigel and my dad for helping with the set up the evening before the show, we had also bought four lovely gazebos with the club logo and name on them. Our dog judge was Mrs Lorraine Tooth (Ludalor) and bitch judge was Ms Caron Morton (Dakross), Mrs Tooth awarded her CC to Mrs Bailiss’s Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW, RCC to Miss Logan’s Madgack Mulberry Minocqua, with Best Puppy Dog being awarded to Ms Campbell’s Binnaig Benavie. Ms Morton awarded her CC to Mrs Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU), RCC to Mr, Mrs & Miss Hodge’s Naiken Dance Rhythm JW IR JUN CH, with Best Puppy Bitch being awarded to Ms Lambert’s Mattand This Is Me. I would like to thank the stewards on the day, and also to the exhibitors and committee for making this show a success. The Open Show was held in November at Tomlinsons Boarding Kennels and Canine Centre, Leicestershire. Our judge was Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple) she awarded Best Bitch and Best in Show to Reynold’s Carromer Shimering Pink, Reserve Best in Show Neachell’s Suttonpark Penny Farthing, Best Puppy in Show Woodley’s Alkhamhurst Polar Star. I would also like to thanks our two stewards on the day for keeping a well-run ring, Mrs Barbara Gentleman and Mrs Jane Rawlinson. Crufts was another successful event for the club and I would like to thank Maxine for doing a great job sourcing some great merchandise to sell on the day and also for the committee that helped on the day. The yearbook was another great success and I thank everybody that placed an advert in the book, these books are really a great read for members all over the world. We took the decision to post out the books before Crufts to try and make it less for you to carry. Fiona Joint our Field Trial secretary has run and held our three Field Trials throughout the year and I would personally like to thank her and all her helpers that have made these field trials possible. Fiona’s report and the reports of the field trials will be found later on in the book, so I won’t repeat here. I would like to say many thanks to my fellow officers and committee for all the hard work that that have put into the club over the past year and without you all my job would be much harder to carry out. Finally I would just like to thank the members of the club for supporting me in this role and I will always do my best to ensure that the club continues to go from strength to strength but this is only possible with your continuing support. Also massive thanks must go to Gilbertson and Page Ltd who continue to sponsor and support all our events. Many thanks Karl Gawthorpe


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Ingrid Gunbie Photography Local Dog Photographer Are you interested in having your dog/s photographed? Please visit my website for information



THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB Balance sheet as at 31st December 2018 2018 ASSETS Current assets Petty Cash Santander Current Account NatWest Current Account NatWest Current Account Bank Deposit Account PayPal Account Debtors Payments in advance Stocks at committee valuation Total current assets Total assets

503 19,727 6,269 3,901 8,430 182 1,451 1,094 1,039

Current liabilities Creditors and Accruals Prepaid Income ‐ year book ‐ subscriptions Total current liabilities

(5,500) (1,243) (787)


FINANCED BY Accumulated fund at 1st January Surplus/(Deficit) for the year

David Coode Chairman


42,596 42,596


1,654 2,802 8,074 ‐ 26,321 3 1,756 1,526 841

(2,091) (919) (1,244)

42,977 42,977




38,723 (3,657)

36,847 1,876



20th April 2019

Accountant's report In accordance with the Kennel Club regulation C.3.a.(15), I have examined, without carrying out an audit, the attached Income and Expenditure Account, together with the attached Notes 1 to 5, for the year ended 31st December 2018 and Balance Sheet at that date, which have been prepared from the accounting records of The Labrador Retriever Club. I confirm that they are in accordance with the accounting records and information and explanations received. David Allison‐Beer FCCA Blackwater, Hants

20th April 2019


Screen your dog for inherited disease Labrador Retrievers are commonly known to suffer from the symptoms of inherited disease. BVA and the Kennel Club offer a number of health schemes. These can be used to assess breeding potential, as well as providing a comprehensive health check for dogs whose breed could likely suffer from inherited conditions. These results enable owners and their vets to manage a dog’s condition throughout their lifetime by providing appropriate veterinary care.

Canine Health Schemes screen for the following conditions: Hip dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia

Inherited eye disease

Hip dysplasia causes abnormal growth in the hip joint which can be very painful and have serious effects on health, welfare and behaviour.

Elbow dysplasia causes abnormal growth in the elbow joint which can be very painful and have serious effects on health, welfare and behaviour.

Eye disease can have serious effects on health and welfare, causing pain, blindness, or the need for lifelong medication.

The British Veterinary Association and the Kennel Club — working together for excellence in canine health

BVA CHS YourDog A5 FPA Yearbook ad v3.indd 1


29/11/2018 18:15


Deepest Sympathy We remember with respect and sadness those Labrador friends that have passed away during the year. Eileen Ayling Vic Cole Tony Pascoe John Crook


Eileen Ayling Although her death may have been a shock to many who may had thought her ‘immortal’ her illness was not something she wanted to share neither did she want sympathy and it was her request that today not be doom and gloom.

Eileen was only small but she made up for that in personality, energy and attitude. Eileen was born in 1932 before being adopted by a retired nurse. She had a happy, privileged childhood and moved around a bit during the war before settling in Felpham. Her love of animals started young with quite a menagerie of all creatures “great and small” including a donkey which she used to take all the kids to school in her donkey and trap During her early years she was a great sailor and was in the sea rangers where she became bosun, and used to go away regularly on training courses on the ship. The navy used to organize concerts on these trips and during one Eileen and a friend were selected to sing on the ship “Somewhere over the rainbow”, which became something she would like to sing, as she knew the words! In her teens she joined a sailing club in Felpham where she met Peter, who was one of the founder members. They married in 1954 with a guard of honor of oars, and sailing and sea rangers continued to be her passion until she moved to Westergate. It was at that time that she went to a New Forest Pony sales and bought her first pony that she kept in a local field, from then on Ponies featured heavily in her life and she was very successful with one of her ponies competing and winning at The prestigious “Horse of the Year Show” Over this period she was given a Jack Russel terrier from a stable owner that turned out to be a rather nasty dog, the stable owner offered to take it back on condition Eileen would take a Labrador puppy in exchange and that was it she was hooked to Labradors and gundogs.


Not long after they moved to Norton and started to build what is now known as Cats Barn, where, during its development, she project managed and was quite a force to be reckoned with! Over the years she bred Labradors and Spaniels and rescued, Cats,chickens and donkeys and even once a turkey called Sainsburys! She was never happier than when she had a litter of puppies to raise - she was in her element . Her Meadowmill Labradors where her first and last love and over the years she won many accolades in both showing and working and was a Kennel Club Assured Breeder. She got into working gundogs picking up, working tests and field trials. Supporting and helping develop clubs and teaching at training days. Her classes were always inventive and fun, with her many cuddly toys often being used as decoys or retrieve articles. These events were usually followed by tea and cake whenever possible. She was often described by friends as being a little dynamo and at times like a terrier or a dog with a bone who wouldn’t let go once something got her rattled She will be remembered for being an ardent campaigner – winning the accolade of “KC campaigner of the year 2007” for her work to promote the banning of electric collars, and featured in several papers. She worked tirelessly to get harsh handling of gundogs banned and particularly the use of electric and pronged collars on gundogs and all dogs, and whilst she was behind many changes for the good sadly she did not get to see these devices banned but others have sworn to continue this to the end on her behalf In 2008 she was also the oldest person to become a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor in Working Gundogs and Companion Dogs at Advanced level, no easy task, involving a lot of work, dedication and assessment. At training days and her classes she was always supportive of others and helped many owners get the best from their dogs and often helped retrain them and get them happily working and would scorn any harsh treatment of dogs or their owners She will be remembered for always being generous with her time and expertise and has left quite a legacy of knowledge to the dog world. Although Eileen rarely seemed to get hysterics there was one occasion recalled by friends where, whilst waiting to work their dogs, they were sitting in a row but her chair went down a rut and her over backwards - all that was visible where her little legs and wellies jiggling in the air to everyone, including her, amusement. Notdoubt all made better at the end of the day by tea and cake! She loved to buy shoes although in most recent years despite buying many pairs she will be best remembered for her Crocs, Croc Wellies or Clogs, though she did complain when her feet got wet. She was never one for eating out, or parties, but loved to organise tea (in china cups) and cake at any opportunity, including the local Christmas gathering of the dogs and owners who trained with her and had fun with her until the end.


Vic Cole It is with much sadness and many happy memories that I write of the passing of Vic Cole who, with his wife Janet have the very well-respected Stajantor kennel of Labradors (‘Sta’ from Station Farm which has been their home for many years, ‘Jan’ from Janet and ‘Tor’ from Victor, Vic’s Sunday name!). Born and bred in East Anglia, Vic was a real countryman through and through, hailing from a farming background and farming himself all of his life. Janet and Vic were the most devoted and quintessential couple and a perfect team so much so that, in a way, they were like ‘Strawberries and Cream’ - they went perfectly together and when you think of one of them, you thought of the other. Although the dogs were in the name of Janet, both Janet and Vic were equally involved and steeped in the breed. They supported each other, and although to a degree ‘the backroom boy’, Vic was always there and always involved. Totally passionate about the Labrador breed, Vic and Janet’s Stajantor kennel started in the mid1960s and they quickly bred the Crufts RCC winning black, Stajantors Match Maker. Their first title holder, the homebred yellow male, Sh Ch Stajantors Honest John is still remembered as a class act today. He was certainly a quality, clean-lined dog who was a great showman and proved to be a good sire, producing the first title holders for the Allenie and Gallybob kennels. Further title holders followed consistently, for example, Sh Ch Astrellita Next Edition of Stajantor, Sh Ch Stajantor Dam Buster, Sh Ch Stajantors Dozer (all yellow), the black, Sh Ch Ballyduff Dawn of Bannowbridge whose grandson was the highly regarded darker yellow, Sh Ch Stajantor Robin who was the top winning Labrador for 2003. There were many other CC and reserve CC winning inmates of their small, select kennel, which is noted for its consistent, true type. It is no surprise that with such a long-lasting and deep involvement in the breed, Vic’s services as a judge would be sought after. Known not only for his depth of understanding of the breed, Vic’s straight-talking approach manifested itself in the showring, where he was known for being totally unbiased, honest and fair which resulted in his unfailing ability to receive high entries, both quantitively and qualitatively. He judged the breed no fewer than 21 times at championship level in the UK, as well as being sought after all over the world, judging the breed in several continents. Highlights of his judging career must be judging the Labrador Retriever Club (parent club of the breed) championship show as well as a huge entry of bitches at Crufts in 2008. Here, his CC winner was a beautiful young yellow, winning her and her owner’s very first CC – Vic was justifiably and hugely proud that his choice quickly sailed to her title. Certainly, he possessed a ‘stockman’s eye’, and I know that he really enjoyed judging different breeds and varieties at open shows too, when he was delighted to follow the future success of his winners. Above all, Vic was a unique gentleman with a very special character: totally loyal, very generous (something which many will testify to if they’ve stayed chez Stajantor!), helpful to all who sought his advice and great fun. He had such a positive outlook on life in general and, win or lose, always enjoyed his days out at the dog shows, revelling in the social aspect of being around like-minded enthusiasts. In his own inimitable way, he could be the ‘life and soul’ of the party, as many will remember at the Sandylands party back in 2006 to celebrate the 90th UK champion. Joyce Brabban will always remember his tremendous dancing skills as will many of the onlookers!


The last few months have not been easy, however, Vic’s outlook on life gave him an inner strength to deal with all challenges. Still in his own home with those he loved, he still got pleasure from watching the seasons, hearing the birds singing, seeing the bulbs bursting and having all of his family and friends around him, young and old. Vic enjoyed company and he was popular with young and older folk alike. The Labrador world has lost a very special and unique character who was held in the highest regard. Those who knew him and could call him friends will take solace in the multitude of memories of Vic over the years. The love and condolences of the whole Labrador world are sent to Janet at this very sad time. He will not be forgotten; without doubt, Vic was “one of the best!” David Craig April 2019

Tony Pascoe (Trewinnard) 1936- 2019 On behalf of my family, I would like to thank everyone for their kind messages of condolence. We were very comforted by the large number of Labrador friends who attended my father’s funeral on a cold and overcast February day. My father was a proud Cornishman, with a lifelong love of all things nature related, anything from being able to name a bird by its song to the details in a five generation pedigree. Dad was generous with his knowledge, patient with his time and dedicated to the Labrador breed. I was fortunate to have been brought up with this appreciation of pedigree livestock, being taken to dog shows from an early age and encouraged to get involved in the Trewinnard kennel. I have many fond memories of my childhood with numerous UK and overseas dog visitors at our family home. Many hours were spent talking about all things dog. Dad made many lifelong friends who shared his enthusiasm of pedigree dogs. He was incredibly hardworking jointly running a successful pet supplies business with my mother, while being fully committed to his dog activities from judging, his involvement with numerous dog societies and of course his own kennel of dogs. One thing that sticks out for me is his honesty and fairness in how he treated everyone he met. A dearly missed husband, father and grandfather … and a hard act to follow.


Lucy Kent

Good night sweet prince and flights of angels Memories of a Great Man – My Father, John Crooksing thee to thy rest I first met John Crook on August 26th 1964, the day after his 32nd birthday. Whilst my memories of that first meeting are very hazy I soon came to know him extremely well. The main advantage of being born then was that mine was the only birthday he never forgot!! Dad was an amazing man, he started his working life working in a blood bank in Manchester, moved to medical research at ICI (where he met and married my mum, Glenda) and then took a left turn and went into quality control in frozen foods. From there he moved up the corporate tree eventually becoming CEO at Hazlewood Frozen Foods, and working for the government on European fishing policy, earning an OBE for services to industry along the way. Meeting the Queen at Bucking Palace was a day to remember! When I was born mum and dad bought a lab puppy (Healing Jet) for me to grow up with. When he died of Leukemia at the age of 4 we set off to find a replacement. We lived in Yorkshire and found our way to Yvonne Paulings Cookridge Kennel. Mum and Dad looked at the lovely dogs there and pointed at one in particular. ‘We would like one like that’ to which Yvonne commented ‘That’s Ch Cookridge Cormorant – you have a great eye for a lab’. She sent us to Ilkley Moor to visit Mr Oldfield, he sent them out walking with his two boys whilst my brother and I enjoyed squash and cakes at the kitchen table. To cut a long story short we went home with Hindlehurst Cuban PrinceJohn (Black)Crook and O ​ BE Hindlehurst Good News (Chocolate). Mr Oldfield asked us to show them as the black was the atbest Balrion Weathertop dog he had ever bred….and the rest is history. 1932 - 2019 We spent many happy years showing, breeding and working our labs. The kennel has the distinction of being the only one to produce four UK Champions from one litter (Sh Ch’s Balrion King Frost, B Wicked Lady, B Black Ice and B Royale Princess of Rodarbal). King Frost was a multiple Group Winner, with one BIS and one RBIS all breeds Ch Show to his name. The kennel produced two other Group Winners/Res Group Winners and one RBIS winner (Sh Ch B Kings Ransom and Sh Ch B Black and Tan). King Frost took the long-standing breed CC record and was then ‘retired’ only going out on special occasions, he was also BOB at Crufts. Balrions made a mark across the world – particularly in the USA, Australia and South Africa - some famous names, many fantastic friends. The kennel was particularly famous for its blacks but we had some great yellows (including fox reds – which were thanks to King Frost) and some beautiful chocolates. Growing up the walls and shelves were covered in certificates, rosettes and cups of all shapes and sizes. Mum and dad made a formidable team, working together to bring up my brother and I to enjoy the outdoors, working, showing and loving our Labradors, rugby, musicals, nature, the Goons, ‘ecky thump’, good old fashioned comedy…and so much more. Dad encouraged us to spread our wings, try something new (potholing…I loved it, despite being scared of the dark), stretch ourselves and reach for the stars. Dad spent a lot of time away, but he was always there. He had a wicked sense of humour, which came out often. Dinner tables were usually a riot! Whenever he or I were away he would send letters signed ‘the beady eye, the listening ear, and the nosey nose’ – he was always there for me, even when he wasn’t. The same can be said for so many other people whos’ paths


crossed his. He made sure Nicholas and I had the best start in life and saw us embark on successful careers and long-standing marriages. He was a great role model. After 38 happy years of marriage we lost mum to cancer. You might think dad would put his feet up and retire gracefully – but no, he met Saudjie, married and set about bringing up another teenager – Kiana. They continued to breed and show labs, embarked on the Happy Hands AI service and dad still had 6 labs, a Shiba Inu and a working collie when he too succumbed to the demon cancer, ironically the same one that took mum. As I write this I have a heavy heart and a lump in my throat -and yet so many happy memories. He was a great man, I miss him terribly….but, in the words of the great Douglas Adams ‘So long (Dad), and thanks for all the fish!!’ Louise Blunt (Balrion Labradors)


THE LABRADOR BREED STANDARD General Appearance. Strongly built, short-coupled, very active; broad in skull; broad and deep through chest and ribs; broad and strong over loins and hindquarters. Characteristics. Good-tempered, very agile (which precludes excessive body weight or excessive substance). Excellent nose, soft mouth; keen love of water. Adaptable, devoted companion. Temperament. Intelligent, keen and biddable, with a strong will to please. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness. Head and Skull. Skull broad with defined stop; clean-cut without fleshy cheeks. Jaws of medium length, powerful not snipy. Nose wide, nostrils well developed. Eyes. Medium size, expressing intelligence and good temper; brown or hazel. Ears. Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back. Mouth. Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Neck. Clean, strong, powerful, set into well placed shoulders. Forequarters. Shoulders long and well laid back, with upper arm of near equal length, placing legs well under body. Forelegs well boned and straight from elbow to ground when viewed from either front or side. Body. Chest of good width and depth, with well sprung barrel ribs - this effect not to be produced by carrying excessive weight. Level topline. Loins wide, short-coupled and strong. Hindquarters. Well developed, not sloping to tail; well turned stifle. Hocks well let down, cowhocks highly undesirable. Feet. Round, compact; well arched toes and well developed pads. Tail. Distinctive feature, very thick towards base, gradually tapering towards tip, medium length, free from feathering, but clothed thickly all round with short, thick, dense coat, thus giving ‘rounded’ appearance described as ‘Otter’ tail. May be carried gaily but should not curl over back/ Gait/Movement. Free, covering adequate ground; straight and true in front and rear. Coat. Distinctive feature, short dense without wave or feathering, giving fairly hard feel to the touch; weather-resistant undercoat. Colour. The only correct colours are wholly black, yellow or liver/chocolate. Yellows range from light cream to red fox. Small white spot on chest and the rear of front pasterns permissible. Size. Ideal height at withers: dogs: 56-57 cms (22-221/2 ins); bitches: 55-56 cms (211/2-22 ins). Faults. Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work. Note. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Reprinted with Kennel Club permission


WATER TESTS 2019 The Labrador Retriever Club held water tests at the home of the Deerbridge Labradors- Deerbridge House, Elstead, Surrey on Friday 2nd August by kind permission of Mr John and Mrs Elizabeth Barnes. The day was a great success with a good entry. The judges were John Barnes, Dr Diane Heywood and Mrs Toni Saunders. The tests were set by myself and John and Liz Barnes. The Special Puppy and Novice Dog Novice Handlers did the same tests (Beginners) and the Novice undertook a slightly more difficult variation. These were run in the morning and in the afternoon there was an open test. The Beginners tests were Test one with two dogs in line a mark in the water and a memory mark behind. Test two a mark in the water with a mark onto a small island to be collected first. Test 3 a mark into the river and a blind alongside the river to be collected first. The Novice tests were: Test one with two dogs in line a mark over the water into some long grass with a blind behind. The dog collecting the dummy over the water were positioned near the water’s edge down a small incline so that they could not see the other dog collecting the blind first and who was stood a couple of yards behind the dog being sent for the mark. The positions and retrieves were then reversed. Test two was a mark into the water at a right angle with a blind on the small island to be collected first. Test 3 was a mark over the river and a memory mark into some roots by a feed bin. In the afternoon. The open dogs had to collect a blind the other side of a pond which had fallen up an inlet gully. Before being sent there was a distraction thrown to the right on the bank. This was collected second. The second test was a mark thrown into a small lake partially obscured by overhanging trees. The dogs were then walked to an area a short distance away where a “wounded duck” needed to be collected first which had been seen at the end of a water ditch running long ways through a wood. There was quite a small window for handlers to keep their dogs in. Afterwards they returned to the starting point to collect the mark which necessitated the dog negotiating another long ways gulley before they reached the retrieve on the lake. For the last test the dog and handler walked along the river bank and a dummy was thrown to the other side on a sandy bank. They walked on a little further and had to collect a blind across the river on a Z bend on the diagonal. Afterwards, they collected the mark from the same position which if done perfectly the dogs went down a small bank on the diagonal across the river in the opposite direction. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and the tests. RESULTS Special Puppy (after a run off for the first 3 places) 1st Jane Manley’s Dog Gatlinburg Antler (FT Ch Waterford Harris of Featherfly x Westmacott Jojo) 2nd Chris Rose’s Bitch Leospring Magnolia (Briwed Magic at Leospring x Leospring Zest) 3rd Jackie Davis’s Dog Bellespaddle Matchless (Ferbury Lancelot of Smithsteads x Bellspaddle Intrepid)


Certificates of Merit: Angie Townsend’s Bitch Beggarbush Wilderness to Elmertown (Gosberry Governor x Stauntonvale’s Little Devil) Chrissie Walton’s Dog Braltontwist Blaze (Foxglove of Super Sid x Opal Grey Ivy at Twistmount) Novice Dog Novice Handler. The winner was running in his first test 1st John Scott’s Bitch Abbotsann Honeydew (Ettinsmoor Sandman of Bellaroyal) Abbotsann Allspice) 2nd Karen Wenzel’s Bitch Tashwarne Willow at Meonriver (FT Ch Greenbriar Thunder at Drakeshead x Tashwarne Flick) 3rd Rowan Mould’s Bitch McVean’s Black Zulu (Chancelend Pitch of Heathergaye x Hawkgarth Artemis) Novice (after a run off for first place) 1st Vincent Mahon’s bitch Lavanthill Belle Alsaro Bitch (Eastdale Harry x Tanglefield Olivia) 2nd Angie Townsend with Keith Townsend’s bitch Elmertown Angelique (Heronsrest Acer x Elmertown Akoya Pearl 3rd Vanessa North’s bitch Fendoville Ava Sunda (Baileys Aguzannis of Fendawood x Fenway Warbler 4th Abbie Reid’s Dog Riverlilly Summer Storm (Ft Ch Kestrelway Freddie x Riverlily Angel of Sunshire Certificates of Merit Chrissie Walton’s Bitch Twistmount Purdy (Jopstel Eagle x Chasing Jasmine) Pauline Young’s Bitch Winkfieldrow Belle (/Waterford Harris of Featherfly x Winkfield Moss) Open 1st Jason Mayhew’s Dog Ft Ch Kestrelway Drake (on a full score) 2nd Belinda Welbourn’s Dog Wylanbriar Hideaway (Bedgebrook Never Say Never to Wylanbriar x Bedgebrook Shamrock at Wylanbriar) 3rd Keith Townsends Bitch Elmertown if I May (Never Disarday at Wylanbriar x Elmertown Applejacks Lady Certificate Merit of Merits to Wendy Brown’s Bitch Kenquince Time for Twister (Drakeshead Vodka x Kentely Sunrise) Janice Miller’s Bitch Studebaker Allegro of Millerise (Ft Ch Eastdale Harry x FT Ch Ducies Dodge by Studebaker) Best looking Labrador in the awards over the day was Chris Rose’s Leospring Magnolia I had a tremendous amount of help over the day which ensured that everything went very smoothly. Thank you to everyone that stepped forward including Elizabeth West on the desk all day. Derek Bull and Sophie Mills and Jenny all day. Our Chairman David Coode all day. Sylvia McCrae, Mary Adkins, Scotty, Sarah Burnell, Chris Rose Brian West, Sophie Mills, Leigh and Lee Stutton, Shirley Carew Karen Wenzel and a few others who I have probably forgotten. Apologies for this. Also thank you to our tremendous hosts with John judging and Liz helping to organise moving people between test three and two and generally keeping everyone on their toes. Also, to Hampshire Gundog Society and the Kent Surrey and Sussex Labrador club for loan of dummies and additional radios. Joy Venturi Rose


Open Stake – Midlands – 11th/12th November 2019

With the holding of our Open Stake our Field Trial season comes to a close. The ground was extremely testing, bracken on the first day and the handlers and dogs making it through to the second day all showed great skill. The weather changed from cold and dry to cold and wet. We began walking up in a thigh-high heritage crop and once the dogs were sent, they were immediately out of sight, so the winning dogs had to work without their handlers’ input, and this enabled the judges to make their final decision. RESULTS 1st and winning The Liphook Game Farm Cup, The Tweedshot Kite Cup, The LRC Challenge Cup for the Breeder, The Quinton Dick Memorial Cup for the Best Owner/Handler FtCh. Artistryn Ulrich Dog 13/03/2013. By: Cynhinfa John Ex: Artistryn Quail Breeder/ Handler/Owner: David Field 2nd and winning The Idsworth Challenge Cup Mash Pie Maple Bitch 30/06/2016. By: FtCh. Astraglen Fergie Ex: Autumnwillow Maiden. Breeder: D Donnelly. Handler/Owner: Mark Bettinson 3rd Artistryn Usha. Bitch. 13/03/2013. By: FtCh. Cynhinfa John David Field Ex: Artistryn Quail. Breeder: David Field.Owner: Suzanne Bailye. Handler: David Field Gilbertson & Page Ltd Prize for Guns’ Choice: Mash Pie Maple The Quintin Dick Challenge Cup for the Best-Looking Dog/Bitch in the Awards: Mash Pie Maple Thank you to all the volunteer helpers, the trial would not have run so smoothly without you. Special thanks to David Coode, our Chairman, who has attended all three trials this season.


All Aged Stake – Norfolk – 9th September 2019 The 2019 Field Trial Season began on 9th September 2019 with an All Aged trial at Eastmoor in Norfolk by kind invitation of the Chapman Family and keeper Mr Richard Beckerleg who, with his hardworking team, provided an excellent trial which began in a stubble field and continued in sugar beet for the rest of the day. The guns were organised by Dale Parker, this is the second time his team of guns have shot for us and it was such a pleasure to have the birds being shot cleanly and at a sensible range to test the dogs. Judges for the trial were Mr Guy Bennett and Mrs Fiona Joint on the right of the line and Mrs Joy Venturi-Rose and Mr Andy Mutimer standing in for his father, who fractured his ankle during the summer, on the left. Unfortunately, two dogs were dropped early after the eventual winner eye-wiped them and making the retrieve look relatively simple. The trial continued apace with some dogs shining and others falling by the wayside. One minute the scent seemed to be good and the next it evaporated and the judges eye-wiped the dogs. Eventually it was down to three dogs and the judges had a long discussion before making their final choice as follows: RESULTS 1st and winning The Labrador Retriever Club Rosebowl and the LRC Gamekeeper’s tankard for the Best Looking Dog in the Awards: Mistigris Finn of Featherfly 25/06/2015 Sire: Levenghyl Bee of Featherfly. Dam: Astraglen Bebe at Mistigris. Breeder: R & G Gent. Owned and handled by Phil Highfield. 2nd and winning The Gilbertson & Page Prize for Guns’ Choice went to Luisenga Osprey. 26/12/2015. Sire: FT Ch Copperbirch Paddy of Leadburn. Dam: Glassgreen Tawny Owl. Breeder: C M Hotchin. Owned and handled by Darren Thompson. 3rd went to Stauntonvale Hot Toddy of Rushbrigg. 31/03/2016. Sire: FT Ch Kestrelway Freddy. Dam: FT Ch Stauntonvale Fastnet. Breeder: L Hill. Owned and handled by Mrs Sam Morley Riches. We were very fortunate in having Tracey Chesser as dog steward, Mandy the pickerup, Amanda Thorley held the red flag and kept the line tight. Vince Thorley and David Coode manfully carried the game throughout which wasn’t easy as at times in the thigh high sugar beet.


Novice Stake – Shropshire – 1st October 2019 Tuesday 1st October saw the Labrador Retriever Club hold their Novice trial at Hopton Wafers in Shropshire. We have been coming here for several years thanks to the kindness and generosity of Mr Peter Vale and Law Plant & Tools. He takes the day as one of his regular shooting days and tasks the Shoot Manager, Dave Morris with putting on the day for us.

Winner of the Novice Trial - Sarah Miles with Peter Vale.

Terry Bailey’s was presented with a leaving present from the club.

Gilpa as always very generously provided all the competitors and the winner with bags of their excellent dog food. Peter Vale also chooses guns who have an interest in watching the dogs work and all in all, it is always a very jolly occasion. This year our judges were Linda Partridge, Steve and Paula Cullis and Barney Williams. Our current Chairman David Coode and Geraldine Thompson stewarded the day so that I was able to run my dog in the Clwyd two-day stake at Hy Fly. The handlers had to work their dogs in very difficult conditions with high winds and torrential rain for most of the morning which made the shooting very challenging and hard for the judges. The guns included our previous Chairman Terry Bailey who was finally able to receive his leaving present from the club. His wife Gaynor was one of the pickers up. Fortunately I was able to get back there in time to see him presented with his gift. My thanks to Dave Morris, his keeper and to all those who contributed to the success of this event. RESULTS 1st and winning the Boutflour Trophy and The Loebl Cup for the Best Owner/Handler was Troddenmilll Gets Cracking at Meonvalley. 19/02/2017. Jobeshill Guns of Navarone x Tayfordwoods Gingema with Troddenmills. Breeder: Ms J Simpson. Handler/Owner: Ms Sarah Miles 2nd Nobsquinton Nettle 25/03/2017. Mistigris Finn of Featherfly x Nobsquinton Cornflower. Breeder: Ann Colley. Handler/Owner: Claire Raymond 3rd and Guns’ Choice. Dealminster Drew of Hassycott. 14/04/2015. Shuttifield Sinbad x Silken Whisper. Breeder: P & K Verinder. Owner/Handler: Morton Redpath 4th Sarnesfield Midnight Run. 18/05/2017. FT Ch Rimrock Hurricane x Sarnesfield Lady Lottie. Breeder: Mr SW & Mrs JL Tippins. Owner/Handler: Craig Perry CoM and Best Looking Dog in the Awards. Fieldcrest Quinn . 19/06/2016. Fieldcrest Miller x Willowyck Greta. Breeder/Handler/Owner: Phil Garton


The Banchory Bolo Cup 2018/2019 The winner of this prestigious award for the 2018/19 season is FTCh Castlemans Gobi of Garronpoint, owned by Richard Hinks and handled by Annette Clarke with 135 points. In 2nd place, FTCh Stauntonvale Tic Bean owned and handled by Laura Hill with 125 points 3rd FT Ch Websend Whitefarland, owned and handled by Tom Lowe with 102 points. Our congratulations to all.

Mr David Coode (Chairman) presenting the Banchory Bolo Cup to Annette Clarke for the most points accumulated in Field Trials during 2018 Season.


IGL Retriever Championships 2019 Irish eyes were smiling in Scotland This year the International Gundog League Retriever Society Retriever Championships was held at Glenalmond Estate in Perthshire by kind permission of Astrup-Fernley and the support of Micheal Thompson, the Estate Factor and Head Keeper Brian Dickson. Glenalmond has been a traditional Scottish Sporting Estate since 1529 and currently supports farming, forestry, conservation alongside sporting pursuits including shooting and fishing. The work put in to make this a super three days for competitors and spectators was second to none. There was a catering tent providing hot food, drinks and snacks from 6am through to the end of each day which was a welcome sight in the cold wet weather. There was transport laid on for all the competitors, helpers and spectators, with the sight of the tractors appearing at the end of the long, cold and wet days was really appreciated by all. Parking was a challenge for some in the wet field but everyone helped to get the vehicles out at the end of the day including the tractor drivers who assisted once they had everyone off the hill. There was medical backup which was required for at least two IGL 2019 winner Declan Boyle and FT Ch Miller McDuff. competitors and a police presence which due to the superb organisation and registering of attendees wasn’t, but it was reassuring that they were there. There were 64 dogs qualified to run but last years winner Billy Steel Junior’s FT Ch Harperrig Breac was injured and unable to attend and Scott Marland and Greenbriar Tame did not run. Of the qualifiers 47 were dogs and 17 were bitches and four were Golden Retrievers, the rest Labrador Retrievers. John Halsted, running in his 28th Championship, had qualified four dogs, one ‘regular’ was Lady Carter’s FTCh Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth who has been qualified by handler John Halsted for an eighth time, a record I believe. He was the oldest dog running, born April 2010, and has previously gained the following awards: 1st in 2015, 3rd in 2016 and awarded Diplomas of 2nd Place handler Jamie Bettinson and owner Wendy Glue. Merit in 2012 and 2018.


At the other end of the scale was the youngest dog, Nathan Laffy’s Golden Retriever dog FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero who was whelped in May 2017. There were four previous winning handlers qualified: Keith Broomfield, John Halsted, Leigh Jackson and W G Steel and eighteen first time handlers: Katarina Ljungquist, Henrik Hanson, David Wall, Sandra Onens, Kelly RogersDavidson, Lee Hayman, Dr Jackie Hay, Richard Johnston, Sharon Dingle, Noah Parsons, Henrik Vilendal, Simon Capstick, Mike Forbes, Sam Drysdale, Damian Kelly, Matty Lambden, Kelvin Nettleingham and Mike Jones. FT Ch Eastdale Harry, FT Ch Ferbury Lancelot of Smithsteads and FT Ch Waterford Featherman each had three progeny running.

John Halstead with his four dogs.

The first morning started with a briefing which demonstrated the excellent organisation, as four tractors and trailers had been supplied to transport everyone to the hills where we would start. Helen Chatterton, stepping in for IGL Secretary Sandra Onens (as she was running), gave us an Introduction to the stewards and officials, the outline of the day and introducing the judges with Mrs L Mitchell and Mr K Bedford on the right and Mr D Newman and Mr P Parkins on the left. The Judges had decided that in the first round each dog would have one retrieve. Brian Dickson the headkeeper introduced the guns, and gave us directions for the day.

3rd was Matty Lambden with Ir FT Ch Tamrose Aragon

Once everyone had arrived on the hill the line set off and there was a flush of birds and the first retrieves were completed smartly, some taking woodcock and some on pheasant and partridge. There was a breathtaking moment when Declan Boyle and Int FT Ch Miller McDuff and Kelvin Nettleingham with Tagabea Pretty Thing of Luddesdowne were sent for a woodcock which had been shot in front and had fallen into a gully. Both dogs made a good job of the area and failed to find it, so the judges went out and searched the area but also failed to find it.


At the other end of the line Jim Collins and FT Ch Brockaghs Forba were sent for another woodcock shot off the other end of the line. He made a good job of searching the area and failed to find so the two dogs from the other side were then taken up to the other end of the line. Declan sent his dog and was successful in his retrieve, putting out Jim. There was a steady flush of birds as we walked along and then Andy Latham and Aneeterbeg Seamus were sent for a hen bird which landed over a fence into a plantation. He was unable to find it and so Sam Drysdale and FT Ch Highwalk Kerry was sent. As they were also unable to find it the two dogs from the other side were brought over and Dawn Scott with FT Ch Diglake Jasmin successfully retrieved the bird, putting out the previous two dogs. A bit of a distraction was a very lively unshot cock pheasant which was running up and down the fence, visible to the gallery but not to the handlers, once he had left the area it made life easier for the dogs. Fences were used regularly, throughout the three days, and all barbed wire had been removed for the safety of the dogs. We moved on and the judges found a bird after trying two dogs putting out Greenfox Viper at Scarningvale handled by Peter Abbs and Cherry Finlan’s FT Ch Macgraight Foxy Lady, handled by John Halsted. The birds came at a steady pace and were picked well and then Keith Broomfield with Golden Retriever FT Ch Polihale Vodka Surprise bought over from the left, eyewiped three dogs but as he gave the bird to the judges he slipped and ricked his back, which meant he was transported off the hill by the ambulance staff in a gaitor. Another notable retrieve was Mike Jones with Ffynongain Buzzard of Wauniago who made a lovely job hunting through a bracken bank for a rabbit. He covered the ground well with style and picked the rabbit, gaining a round of applause from the gallery. The day continued with the half of the second round dogs completing retrieves started to lose the light and the guns were asked to unload and the day ended with 39 dogs going through into the next day. The second day started with a misty drizzle and a forecast which didn’t promise much of a change. After a briefing and introductions we were again transported up the hill onto a different area and the trial started


2nd Day Guns

again with all of the remaining second round dogs taken into the middle of the line. The birds again flushed and were shot at a steady pace and the judges gave the dogs time to work in the difficult wet, misty conditions. Sometimes the far end of the line was covered in mist and we were unable to see the handlers and as the dogs crossed the line to pick they were not visible to their handlers. The judges did a grand job moving up and down the line to give everyone the best chance of succeeding. There were two birds required in the third round and Nathan Laffy with Golden Retriever FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero made a great job of picking a partridge which had landed the other side of a small The Keepers pond, he swam the pond and hunted the far side, picked the bird and returned to his handler swimming back across the pond. Four dogs were tried for a bird in front and all failed to find the bird but the judges found it when they went out and so we lost all four dogs. To end the day we had a series of mini duck drives and after that we ended up with 21 dogs for the third and final day. Again we were briefed and the handlers and dogs for the last day were gathered and photos taken, five of the handlers were first time qualifiers for the IGL making it really special for them. The third day started with the promise of a bright and sunny day and as we were once again transported up the hillside we were eventually able to see the beauty of the ground with fantastic hills ranging in all directions. We were told on a clear day, if you went to the tops of the hills you would be able to see most of Perthshire. We started around a small pond where a number of ducks were shot and the dogs sent. A few were picked and then over the right hand side of the pond three dogs were tried and failed to find, then


up came Daniel Marx with Lockthorn Zeta who took a superb straight line and picked the bird to a round of applause from the spectators but, we unfortunately we lost the other three dogs. We had a series of mini drives and the third round was completed. Nathan Laffy picked behind one of the strong favourites from the previous days, Paul Dukes and Brocklebank Boorbon which saw him leave the trial. In the fourth round, with 16 dogs left, again the judges were looking for two retrieves and the retrieves became longer and more difficult although the sun shining and the wind not too strong made it a fabulous day for watching the work. Good steady work, left us with 11 dogs for the next round where the judges required one retrieve. We lost Clare Baker in that round and we were then taken down the hill to the lake for the final drive. The lake was beautiful with a small island and a pontoon in the middle where some of the guns taken out by boat, were placed, one gun remained in the boat. Around the edges of the lake were a number of topiary gun butts which looked fabulous, then along one edge were ten handlers and dogs awaiting this final test before the end of the trial. There was a drive where half a dozen ducks were shot and the first to be sent was Declan Boyle and FT Ch Miller McDuff who went out and completed a good retrieve. Next to be sent was Matty Lambden with Ir FT Ch Tamrose Aragon who picked cleanly, followed by Jamie Bettison with Wendy Glue’s FT Ch Tanyrhallt Blue Bloods who went to the island where a pricked bird dived and he picked a dead bird at the other side of the island coming back on a good line. David Field with FT Ch Artistryn Ulrich was sent for another bird but was called up. Nathan Laffy with FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero was sent for a long swim of 140 yards for a duck behind the island and he picked and returned. There was another small drive and the rest of the competitors were sent, Ffynongain Buzzard of Wauniago and Mike Jones followed by Lee Hartis with FT Ch Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leacaz, Lady Carter’s FT Ch Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth handled by John Halsted, Louie Robertson with Mitforton Onour, Mark Demaine with Burrendale Fergie of Caytonfell were all successful and the trial was declared over. We returned to the meet and awaited the results. RESULTS 1st Declan Boyle and FT Ch Miller McDuff Mike Jones and Ffynongain Buzzard of Wauniago 2nd Jamie Bettison with Wendy Glue’s FT Ch


Tanyrhallt Blue Bloods 3rd Matty Lambden with Ir FT Ch Tamrose Aragon 4th Mike Jones and Ffynongain Buzzard of Wauniago Diploma of Merits to: DOM and Guns Choice to Nathan Laffy with FT Ch Think Twice Zero to Hero DOM Lee Hartis with FT Ch Troddenmills Full Throttle of Leacaz, DOM Lady Carter’s FT Ch Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth handled by John Halsted, DOM Louie Robertson with Mitforton Onour, DOM Mark Demaine with Burrendale Fergie of Caytonfell DOM David Field with FT Ch Artistryn Ulrich Declan told me that Paddy had qualified for the championships four times and this was his first award but he had won numerous high level competitions and given him so much. He thanked everyone in his acceptance speech, especially his partner Sam, who had also qualified. Report: Dawn Rose

Photos: Angie Cooper

The IGL 2019 Beaters.

Judge Damian Newman.



(including those too late for inclusion in last year’s book) ARKGLAS TAYLOR yellow dog FT Ch Eastdale Harry ex Fennel of Fern DOB 09/08/12 Breeder: Mrs J Julian

Owner: Mr A Slingsby

BROCKLEBANK BRONZE OF CHATSWORTH yellow dog FT Ch Asterix Aguzannis of Chatsworth (imp Svk) ex Jaywills Berry of Houghton DOB 20/03/13 Breeder: Mr JW Halsted Owner: Lady C Carter DERRITY MUSTARD OF BALSWAD yellow dog FT Ch Farmclose Paddy ex Conneywarren Tammy of Derrity DOB 14/06/10 Breeder: Mrs C Jeffrey

Owner: Mr R Daws

JOCKSBURN JOCK black dog FT Ch Leadburn Mist ex Jocksburn Roxy DOB 23/04/15 Breeder/Owner: Mr T Forgie LAGGENGILL DAWN OF BLACKGRASS black bitch FT Ch Ellijas Danny ex Jocksburn Suzie of Laggengill DOB 14/04/15 Breeder: Mr G Ford Owner: Mr L Jackson LENDOWN GORSE OF WADESHOT yellow dog Levenghyl Cyber Star of Higgscroft ex FT Ch Brocksweir Barley DOB 07/05/14 Breeder: Mr & Mrs D Flood

Owner: Mr R Wade

MISTIGRIS FINN OF FEATHERFLY black dog FT Ch Levenghyl Bee of Featherfly ex Astraglen Bebe at Mistigri DOB 25/06/15 Breeder: Mr R & Mrs G Gent

Owner: Mr P Highfield


OLIVESTONE TUTTI FRUITY black bitch FT Ch Waterford Ganton ex Olivertash Mavis DOB 27/03/14 Breeder: Mrs K Pinker Owner: Mr S Newitt OVERTHWARTS BERWICK yellow dog Tagabea Flame of Ribblesdale ex Overthwarts Olive DOB 06/06/11 Breeder/Owner: Mr A Wright SARK LUCCA black dog FT Ch Astraglen Hail ex Tadmarton Emma DOB 02/05/15 Breeder : Mrs V Andrews

Owner: Mr & Mrs L Allen

THE WINDBREAK WHISPERER OF ARCKLEBEAR black bitch Paid In Full ex Meadow Stock Dove DOB 20/09/11 Breeder: Mr J Pye Owner : Miss C Baker TURPINGREEN BARRERA OF LABDOM black dog Lowforge Glenaveigh of Leacaz ex Gablegorst Shuffler of Turpingreen DOB 20/06/15 Breeder: Mr K Butler Owner: Mr W Mitchell WEBSEND WHITEFAR LAND black bitch FT Ch Levenghyl Isle of Arran ex Websend Zeta DOB 25/03/10 Breeder/Owner: Mr T Lowe WYTONRUSS FINNIGAN black dog FT Ch Leacaz Ricky of Caytonfell ex Emmanygan Vogue DOB 06/10/14 Breeder: Mr D Sidwell

Owner: Mr R Laughton

ZAMBUCK LINNET black bitch Sulby Tilt ex Jobeshill Portia DOB 16/03/11 Breeder: Mr J Taberer

Owner: Mrs V King


2019 NEW CHAMPION WYNFAUL THE WIZARD JW black dog Wynfaul Rocket Fuel ex Cricklecreek Carolina at Wynfaul DOB 17/10/14 Breeder/Owner : Mrs M Percival

2019 NEW SHOW CHAMPIONS A SENSE OF PLEASURE’S EL TORO AT BALLADOOLE JW (imp Deu) black dog Sh Ch/Int Ch Blacksugar Luis ex Int Ch Waterlines Selleria DOB 27/08/17 Breeder: Mrs K Korff Owner: Miss K Druggan ALLENIE’S ATHENA AT MADURSAN yellow bitch Sh Ch/Am Ch Salty Dog of Tampa Bay (imp USA) ex Mandursan’s Athena with Allenie DOB 12/08/12 Breeder: Mr & Mrs G & Mr A Allen Owner: Mr & Mrs A Guildford & Mr A Allen CLASSICAL ACT AT FOXRUSH JW yellow bitch Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch ex Foxrush Touch of Class DOB 17/06/17 Breeder: Miss C Rowe

Owner: Mrs J Charlton

CREMINO CHILLY PEPPER ShCM yellow dog Trendlewood Snowman (AI) ex Cremino Cobnut DOB 18/11/15 Breeder/Owner: Mrs J & Mr G Johnson MADGACK MULBERRY MINOCQUA black dog Afinmore Alain ex Shaymiloney Serena at Madgack DOB 21/10/16 Breeder: Mrs E Stoker Owner: Miss C Logan MAXFIELD ARABELLA yellow bitch Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) ex Mandursan’s Miss Demanour of Maxfield DOB 02/08/16 Breeder/Owner: Mr & Mrs S O’Brien


MOCNOYS KNOXVILLE (ATC Fin) yellow dog Sw Ch Seawind Polish Poker ex Fin Ch Mysis Usvaninen Meri DOB 09/03/14 Breeder: Mrs T Ronko

Owner: Mr S Nugteren

NAIKEN DANCE RHYTHM JW black bitch Ch Naiken Zephyr JW ex Naiken African Story DOB 02/08/17 Breeder/Owner: Mr A & Mrs J and Miss R Hodge PONIEL REASON TO BELIEVE AT BRUADARACH black dog Poniel Eildon Sunrise ex Poniel Garnet DOB 22/08/13 Breeder: Ms A Mackay Owner: Mrs S Parker RAMSAYVILLE RHUBARB ROCK AT KINCHYLE yellow bitch Sh Ch Brighton Sarracenia (imp Pol) ex Graybrae Golden Girl of Ramsayville DOB 16/05/15 Breeder: Mr A & Mrs M and Miss M Brown Owner: Mrs L Park SARANDEN ROCK YOUR BABY yellow bitch Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Solid JW ex Saranden Coda DOB 01/02/15 Breeder/Owners: Mr D & Mrs S McLellan SEKADA MISS BIANCA JW yellow bitch Sh Ch Ballyduff Marius ex Brigburn Violet Sekada DOB 21/10/13 Breeder/Owner: Mr D & Mrs K Jenkins SHANORRELL SOCIALITE AT HALSHIMOOR yellow bitch Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) ex Sh Ch Shanorrell Splendour at Halshimoor DOB 03/01/15 Breeder: Mr & Mrs D Balshaw Owner: Mr & Mrs D Balshaw and Messrs M & J & Mrs J Rawlinson TRENDLEWOOD BORN TO RUN JW yellow dog Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition (imp USA) ex Sh Ch Trendlewood Silent Night JW DOB 22/09/16 Breeder/Owner: Mr D & Mrs F Braddon


TREWINNARD PIMLICO black bitch Carpenny Primo ex Trendlewood A Whisper at Trewinnard DOB 19/04/16 Breeder: Mrs L Kent Owner: Mrs P Lally WYNFAUL THE WIZARD JW black dog Wynfaul Rocket Fuel ex Cricklecreek Carolina at Wynfaul DOB 17/10/14 Breeder/Owner: Mrs M Percival


CUPS AND TROPHIES AWARDED AT THE LRC Championship Show 2019 THE CORONATION CUP presented by Lorna Countess Howe for Best in Show to Mrs M Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU). THE TWYFORD CHALLENGE CUP presented by T.W. Twyford Esq. for Best in Show to Mrs M Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU). THE JOHN WHITWORTH CHALLENGE CUP presented by Mrs. W.M. Whitworth for Best in Show to Mrs M Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU). THE EARL OF BRADFORD’S CUP presented by Earl of Bradford for Best Bitch in Show to Mrs M Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU). THE LISNAMALLARD SALVER presented by Mrs. R. Hicks for Best Yellow in Show to Mrs C Bailiss’s Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW. THE HIWOOD CUP presented by Lady HiII-Wood for Best bred by owner to Mrs C Bailiss’s Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW. THE AMERICAN TROPHY presented in honour of Gwen Broadley for Best in Show to Mrs M Woodley’s Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU). THE CHAIRMAN’S TROPHY presented by B. Death Esq. for Best Opposite Sex in Show to Mrs C Bailiss’s Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW. THE CLAWSON CHALLENGE CUP presented by W.G. Heymann Esq. for Best Dog in Show to Mrs C Bailiss’s Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW. THE BURYMANOR BRUSH CHALLENGE CUP presented by E.M. Rowell Esq. for Best Black Bitch bred by Exhibitor. THE LOUGHDERG PUPPY CUP presented by Mrs. Pamela Sim for Best Puppy (open to all) Ms C Campbell Binnaig Benavie. THE WILBURY CHALLENGE CUP for Best Minor Puppy was awarded to Ms S Lambert Mattand This Is Me. THE CHILWORTHY CHALLENGE CUP presented by Mrs G.M.Kemmis for Best Black Dog was awarded Miss C Logan Madgack Mulberry Minocqua. THE DALBRADOR CUP presented by Miss Fiona Kinlock for Best Veteran was awarded to Mrs M Woodley Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurs. THE BONYTHON TROPHY presented by Mrs. D. Lee for Best Black having won a 1st 2nd or 3rd prize award at a Field Trial was awarded. THE JANICE PRITCHARD MEMORIAL TROPHY was awarded for the Best Special Working Dog to Mr D Coode Ch Warringah’s Perth JW ShCM. THE CH. FOLLYTOWER MERRYBROOK BLACK STORMER TROPHY presented by Mrs. M. Woolley for Best Chocolate in Show was awarded to Mr & Mrs A R V & Miss R Hodge Naiken Classic Cliche. THE CH. KUPROS MASTER MARINER TROPHY presented by Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Hart for Best Stud Dog was awarded to Mrs M Woodley Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst.


The Labrador Retriever Club Championship Show 2019 The Oakridge Arena, Newark on June 8th 2019 Judges: Lorraine Tooth (Dogs) and Caron Morton (Bitches) The results of the top honours are as follows: Best in Show Sh. Ch. A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst Reserve Best in Show SH CH Tissalian Hi Jack JW Best Puppy in Show Campbell’s Binnaig Benavie

Best Veteran in Show Woodley’s Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst

Dog Judge: Lorraine Tooth (Ludalor) It was a great honour for me to be invited to Judge this prestigious show and I enjoyed it immensely. The quality of the exhibits was very good. I did notice a few level bites. Also a few upright fronts! But movement has improved since I last judged males. On the whole I feel our breed is fairing well. The new venue was excellent and most people seemed happy with it, reflected by a very good atmosphere. Thank you to all the exhibitors, especially those travelling long distances to come under me. SPECIAL WORKING DOG 1 1st Mr Coode CH Warringah’s Perth JW SH CM Beautifully presented yellow dog 5 years old, pleasing head and expression, good pigmentation, was very attentive. Good reach of neck onto well angulated front, firm topline, well set tail. Strong quarters, moved well around the ring. FIELD TRIAL DOG 1 1st Mr Rose Briwed Magic at Leospring. Dark yellow boy in super fit condition. Well balanced head, good length of muzzle. Strong neck onto a good lay back of shoulder, firm topline held on the move. Well angulated rear in good coat. VETERAN DOG 6 (1 abs) 1st Mrs Woodley SH CH Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst. What a character this boy is, never stopped showing! 8 ½ years old yellow in super condition. Pleasing head and expression, good pigmentation, correct bite. Well angulated front and rear, good depth of body in really good coat and well clothed tail. Moved with drive. Best veteran in Show.


2nd Mrs Cain SH CH Southridge Sky Rocket to Hannabee I have judged this lovely boy before and he never ceases to please. Now 7½ years old he was shown in super condition. Pleasing head, kind expression, good reach of neck, well balanced throughout, moved and showed beautifully. 3rd Mrs Lesley Steeleigh Secrets Out JW Res: Miss Logan Driffwold Break Free to Minocqua VHC Mr & Mrs Airey Cambremer Galileo for Ronsard MINOR PUPPY DOG 7 (1 abs) 1st Mrs Perkins Carromer Tegulia Really liked this young boy, very sweet head well proportioned with good pigmentation, correct reach of neck. Well angulated front, level topline, well sprung rib, good turn of stifle. In very good coat. Moved well for his age. 2nd Mrs Young Potterspiney Silas Pleasing yellow dog, shown in good condition, nice head and expression, good reach of neck and front assembly, in good coat and tail, moved ok. 3rd Mr Coode Warringah’s Opossum Bay Res Mrs Lesley Sleddarwood Sako Flyer over Steeleigh VHC Mr & Mrs McLellan Saranden Muscogee PUPPY DOG 3 (1 abs) 1st Mrs C Campbell Binnaig Benavie 11 month old pale yellow boy, has the most beautiful head and expression, enhanced with his super pigmentation. Balanced throughout and full of breed type, correct front and rear, moving true and straight, keeping his topline. In super coat and correct Otter tail – Best Puppy in Show 2nd Mr & Mrs Mallin Elisabetta Red Teddy 10 month old dark yellow, different type to No. 1 but still a lovely boy. Pleasing head and expression, good reach of neck, well angulated front and rear, in good coat, moved ok. JUNIOR DOG 13 1st Mrs Lambert Treantagh Sedge with Mattand Loved the clean lines of this 12 month old black dog he was just right for his age, not overdone but he has it all to come. Pleasing head and expression, correct bite, clean through the neck, well layed back shoulder, firm topline, well muscled rear used to advantage as he moved around the ring, in good coat.


2nd Mrs Percival Wynfaul The Wicked JW Well grown 17 month old black dog, in hard condition, masculine head pleasing expression, good barrel rib and depth of body, good turn of stifle, well muscled rear, moved ok. 3rd Mr Allen & Bott Tessholly’s Explorer with Allenie Res Mrs Young Potterspiney Vanner YEARLING DOG 8 (1 abs) 1st Mrs McGillivray Antonine Charley Barley JW Lovely yellow boy maturing slowly in excellent coat and condition. Masculine head but not over done, good bone and feet, deep through the body with a good spring of rib. Balanced throughout, moved and showed well. 2nd Mrs Cain Hannabee Rocket Mission Really liked this 23 month yellow boy and it was a close decision, nicely angulated front and rear with a good turn of stifle . Pleasing head and expression. Moved well. 3rd Douglas Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh Res Quick & James Farnfield Tamzaneti VHC Needham’s Danryl Hendricks MAIDEN DOG 3 (1abs) 1st Ms Lambert Treantagh Sedge with Mattand 2nd Mrs Ayres & Jackson Hannabee to Hull and Back with Musubi Well grown black dog in fit condition, pleasing head and expression, deep through the chest with a good spring of rib, everything in the right place but needs time to reach his full potential. Moved well. NOVICE DOG 3 (1 abs) 1st Mrs Ayres & Jackson, Hannabee to Hull and Back with Musubi 2nd Wilson Stelainros Westpoint Black of pleasing type, masculine head kind expression, well constructed throughout, good depth of chest short coupled body, good bone and feet, moved ok.


UNDERGRADUATE DOG 3 (1 ABS) 1st Mrs Grummitt, Sutton Park Phoenix at Manorwell Really liked this 17 month old yellow dog, he was shown in excellent coat and condition, pleasing head not overdone, good reach of neck with well placed shoulder. Correct depth of body, well balanced throughout, moved well. 2nd Mrs Meredith Linjor Lucca 2 year old yellow, well balanced throughout, pleasing head and expression, good pigmentation. Well angulated rear, good turn of stifle, not in his best coat today, moved well. 3rd Hutchinson Glosmere the Grenadier GRADUATE DOG 7 (1 abs) 1st Harvey-Major Linjor Rigsby Beautifully presented yellow dog, 20 months old, kind attractive head with an intelligent expression, excellent reach of neck into well laid back shoulder, firm topline and a good tail set, well muscled rear and good second thigh, in good coat, moved well. 2nd Mrs Waltons Gallybob Marmalade A well put together dog, compact and short coupled. Well angulated front and rear, which allowed him to move freely around the ring in good coat and tail. 3rd Miss Hodgkiss Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie Res Bambrooks Marshwiggle Shakespeare at Ravoaker VHC Ms Haslam Manorwell Buckskin at Lynquest JW POST GRADUATE DOG (7 1 abs) 1st Ms Edwards Kimbalak Precious Metal JW Yellow of super quality with more to come. Pleasing head, lovely expression. Good forequarters short coupled and well angulated rear quarters, moved true and straight. In very good coat. 2nd Miss Jones Hafnau Emmanuel Lovely back dog well proportioned head with a pleasing expression. He has a good reach of neck although he has so much coat at times it looked a little stuffy. Deep through the body. Excellent bone and feet, moved well. 3rd Mrs Key Keydella Koko Res Mrs Moody Trendlewood Mr Blue Sky VHC O’Dell and Bills Vetybonbetty Chocolate Box


MID LIMIT DOG 1st Miss Logan Madgack Mulberry Minocqua What a super dog, he has quality and type. Beautiful head well proportioned not overdone. Well angulated front and rear, deep through the body level top line, good tail set, moved with purpose and drive. Considered him for top honours but he was a little distracted but I was pleased to award him RCC 2nd Mrs Perkins Keeninspires Houdini Really liked this dog he has matured well. Pleasing head and expression , good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, good top line and tail set, strong quarters, moved well around the ring. 3rd Mrs Lesley Steeleigh Blue Print JW Res Harvey-Major & Bambrook Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoaker Sh CM LIMIT DOG 1st Allen, Hess & Jordan Tampa Bay’s Marco Polo For Eagle Pond (Imp USA) Beautifully presented yellow, good balance and breed type. Strong top line deep through the body with a good barrel rib, good bone and feet moved well. 2nd Williamson Sharouns Talk of the Town JW Really liked this striking yellow dog he is well balanced with good angles front and rear. In full coat and excellent tail. Pleasing head and expression, was a little heavy for me today. 3rd McCrory Millroseglen Make My Day With Meadovillabs Res Faulkner Lewisan Likely Lad VHC O’Dell & Bills Veybonbetty Chocolate Box OPEN DOG 5 (1 abs) 1st Mrs Bailiss SH CH Tissalian Hi Jack JW I just love this young dog he oozes quality balance and breed type, I have never judged him before and I was not disappointed, he is a worthy SH CH. Beautiful head kind expression, powerful neck firm top line correct tail set, good spring of rib and depth of body. Stood on good bone and feet he moved steadily around the ring at one with his owner. I was pleased to award him the CC and with my co-judge Caron Morton he was Res BIS, he was just losing a little coat today 2nd Braddons SH CH Trendlewood Born to Run JW Another yellow of super quality and breed type, pleasing head and expression good pigmentation


well angulated front and rear, firm top line and good tail set shown in good coat and condition, moved well but a little unsettled at times. 3rd Harvey-Major & Merrill Linjor the Squire Res Ayres Ramsayville Reflection of Musubi JW STUD DOG 1st Mrs Woodley SH CH Secret Moment at Alkham Hurst

Dog Judge: Lorraine Tooth (Ludalor)


The Labrador Retriever Club Championship Show 2019 Saturday 8th June 2019 at The Oakridge Arena, Newark Judge: Caron Morton (Bitches) I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge The Labrador Club’s Championship show, it was indeed a great honour, the show was expertly run by a great team even though we had to go indoors with the weather everything went like clockwork, my co judge & myself agreed on every decision at the end of the day. I must of course thank the exhibitors for bringing such a quality entry under me, I had some absolute gems and my line up I thought was fabulous, my final 4 were all blacks and could have been made in the same mould and all were in tip top coat & condition, thank you also to the committee for their hospitality and my beautiful gift I will treasure it very much. BCC & BIS Woodley’s Sh. Ch. A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU) RBCC Hodge’s Naiken Dance Rhythm JW IR JUN CH BPB & BMPIS Lambert’s Mattand This is Me SPECIAL WORKING BITCH (2) 1st Coode’s Warringah’s Gurley Classic black with a most lovely kind head & expression, compact short coupled body with great angulation, good topline with strong powerful hindquarters moved & handled beautifully 2nd Hodge’s Naiken Classic Cliché Lovely quality chocolate who is a size bigger than 1 & again has a lovely head with good length of muzzle, very good reach of neck with good front angulation, shown in fit hard condition, moved very soundly although closer behind than 1. FIELD TRIAL B (1) 1st Venuturi-Rose’s Leospring Tay Black built on finer lines, pretty feminine head with good eye colour, decent front angulation although is longer cast than I like, very hard condition as one would expect, firm hindquarters & moved soundly with ease VETERAN BITCH (7, 1 abs) 1st Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM Lovely yellow of 8 years she has great balance & a lovely outline, real pretty girl with a good length of muzzle and has kept her shape well, she has great all round conformation with fab spring of rib & is short coupled with very good hindquarters, moved & showed beautifully


2nd Kulleseid’s Sh. Ch. Centenalee Sparkling Snow, Another lovely yellow of very similar proportions to 1, great conformation & of lovely breed type, smashing head & expression, this girl has a lovely topline which she held well on the move 3rd Lennox & Morgan’s Wilenmory Armani Diamond JW MINOR PUPPY B (16, 3 abs) 1st Lambert’s Mattand This Is Me Gorgeous yellow baby just about 9 months, I thought her head was stunning with a most beautiful expression, has super neck & front with well boned legs & good feet, super topline & extremely good quarters, carries a great coat & moved with ease & style & showed her socks off, lovely baby BPB & BMPIS 2nd Braddon’s Trendlewood Back To Black Lovely black of 7 months, extremely lovely breed type with a sweet head, just right for her age, clean neck & outline & has great length of leg with a good turn of stifle, tight close fitting jacket, she is a little bum high at the moment but that will level as she grows, moved well 3rd Lesley’s Sleddarwood Tikka Take Aim PUPPY BITCH (13) 1st Hodge & Lapper’s Naiken Evita Smashing black of 10 months who has classic breed type, beautiful head & expression, good bone & feet, nicely constructed baby with good quarters, has a fab coat & otter tail, another who can stand bum high which again should level out, moved with ease 2nd Campbell’s Binnaig Eskimo Blonde Smashing yellow, very nice head, great neck & front angulation has a well ribbed body & great hindquarters with smashing turn of stifle, moved very soundly, 2 quite different but both lovely puppies 3rd Bailiss’ Tissalian Hi Society JUNIOR BITCH (18, 4 abs 1 wd) 1st Minchella’s Abbeystead Psion at Haslorhill Truly lovely classic black of good size, she has the most lovely head & expression, great through the shoulder & front with excellent feet, fab correct coat & tail, well ribbed & so clean & balanced all through she has great length of leg, I will watch with interest to see how she matures, she has super quarters & moves so free & soundly


2nd Woodburn’s Centenalee Meadow Mint Lovely yellow built in a very different mould to 1 is a good size smaller, still has a very attractive head & expression although very different, super neck & front angulation, well ribbed with strong body & quarters, smashing topline, moved & handled very well 3rd Braddon’s Trendlewood Simply The Best YEARLING BITCH (18, 3 abs) 1st Hodge’s Naiken Dance Rhythm JW IR JUN CH, Superb black of real quality, flows together as one piece & has the most lovely head, expression & eye colour, great angulation to her front with excellent well ribbed body, level topline & tailset, she has super well angulated quarters & carries a great coat with otter tail, moved so very soundly & with the greatest of ease fought hard and took the RCC I understand she has recently gained her Sh. Ch. Title well done its very well deserved 2nd McGillivray’s Woefdrams American Abbygail with Antonine (Imp NDL) Another fabulous youngster of top quality, very different head but still lovely, super reachy strong neck with good depth of chest, has well boned legs & very good feet, good topline & tailset with super quarters & moved with great drive, I’m sure these 2 girls will exchange places many times 3rd Jones’ Hafnau Georgette MAIDEN BITCH (9, 3 abs) 1st Ayres’ Tantadecorus Isle of Shuna Musub Well grown black puppy who was unplaced in a lovely puppy class, very nice head & has a smashing clean outline, in very good coat with lovely tail, has a well turned stifle & moved very well 2nd Woodall’s Mattand A Million Dreams for Thirlmere Yellow of smaller size & was placed reserve in Minor puppy, sweet & pretty head with a slightly darker eye than is my preference but this does not detract from the fact she is a quality girl, she has a lovely shaped body well boned legs with a very good spring of rib, nicely turned stifles & good quarters, moved soundly 3rd McDonald’s Oakhouse On Fire for Marronoir (TAF NAF) NOVICE BITCH (11, 3 abs) 1st O’Neill’s Ramsayville Tali What a find in a Novice class my instant reaction to this girl was “wow”…this is a fabulous black of 13 months old & she is of the highest quality, she just screams Labrador, her head is to die for has the most beautiful expression with


super reach of neck, she has spot on front angulation, bone & feet, well ribbed short coupled body, carries an excellent coat with super tail & has great hindquarters, altogether a top quality bitch who I considered very much for the RCC just pipped marginally by the lovely Yearling bitch, if there’s one I would have taken home it would have been this girl, I hope she grows on an fulfils her early promise I will watch her career with much interest, she was handled & moved extremely well 2nd Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Daisy, 8 months yellow who was placed in Puppy, has a very pretty head, smashing all round construction, well sprung ribs & has lovely quarters, is in good coat & moved & handled very well 3rd Bysouth’s Luckswarren Secret Phoenix UNDERGRAD BITCH (10, 3abs) 1st McLellan’s Saranden Wichita Classy yellow with a most lovely head & expression, lovely strong reachy neck into excellent front angulation bone & feet, well sprung ribcage strong through the loin & has super quarters, great coat & tail & moved with drive from her strong hocks & lovely backend she was in great hard condition 2nd Wood’s Sundyke Secret Steps Super young black who is a lovely shape, very balanced girl, very pretty head & expression, smashing reach of neck into well placed shoulders, fab level topline & in super coat, sound firm quarters & moved with ease 3rd Shirton’s Woolman Proper Enchanting GRADUATE BITCH (15, 6 abs) 1st Reynold’s Carromer Classy Read JW Great class headed by this lovely classic black who is of good size, most lovely head with great eye colour, she is so clean & well balanced in outline & has a wonderful topline & tailset, she had plenty of coat & had a great otter tail, moved so very soundly with ease and was in my final 4 for the challenge 2nd Stoker’s Madgack Mimosa Black built in a slightly smaller mould than 1 but is very similar in shape & balance, very lovely head, good front angulation, great topline & tailset with smashing rounded quarters, stands four square, moved & showed very well 3rd Shirton’s Woolman Proper Dream Maker


POSTGRAD BITCH (18, 5abs 1 wd) 1st R Tali 2nd Lesley’s Steeleigh Blue Heaven Really smashing black with a lovely head, very nicely constructed, bags of substance without being overdone, great bone & feet, super coat & tail, well ribbed body with good hindquarters, moved rather lazy on second run but pulled herself together enough to take 2nd place in a quality class 3rd Bell’s Westerulston Nola MID LIMIT BITCH (15, 3 abs) 1st Mitchell’s Afinmore Ardmore Substantially built Chocolate of great breed type, very lovely head & good eye colour, super strong neck into correct front angles, deep bodied with well sprung ribcage, level topline held on the move, in extremely good coat of a fabulous colour, fab tail & great strong hindquarters, moved very soundly

Intentionally blank

2nd Williamson’s Sharouns Victoria’s Secret JW Very lovely yellow, really well put together, very sweet head & expression, great reachy neck into well placed shoulders & good front angulation, deep bodied & well sprung ribs, super hindquarters & in very hard fit condition, moved soundly 3rd Hodge’s Naiken Carinsia LIMIT BITCH (15, 5 abs) 1st Woodburn’s Centenalee Miss Madelyn Lovely headed yellow, very well balanced girl, super forechest & front, well boned legs & very good feet, deep chested with great spring of rib, great topline & strong quarters, moved really well & with ease 2nd Jenkins’ Sekada Miss Bianca JW Sweet darker yellow of super breed type put together in a slightly smaller & lighter frame, pretty head never took her eyes off her owner, well angulated front with enough bone she is well ribbed & short coupled & has a good turn of stifle, moved soundly 3rd Holliday & Auld’s Ramsayville Ria at Farbrae JW


OPEN BITCH (5) 1st Woodley’s Sh. Ch. A Sense Of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (Imp DEU) Most beautiful & stunning black with a gorgeous head & expression, so well put together, correct shoulder & front angulation, super outline with a beautifully balanced frame, has well sprung ribs & she flows beautifully together from her nose to the tip of her tail, superb quarters & in fit hard condition, very well muscled, in great coat & has a wonderful tail, held her topline on the move & moved beautifully with style & ease, loved her BCC & BIS in a quality entry with total agreement with my co-judge Lorraine Tooth 2nd McLellan’s Saranden Rock Your Baby Absolutely smashing yellow of great quality with a super head & expression, a size bigger than 1 but still has femininity & great balance, strong bone & smashing feet, well sprung ribs strong through the loin & strong rounded quarters, not in the coat of the winner, she is so well muscled & moved soundly & with drive 3rd Wood’s Lougin Secret Spy at Sundyke JW Judge: Caron Morton


58 Best in Show - Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvi at Alkhamhurst (IMP DEU)

59 Best Puppy in Show - Binnaig Benavie

60 Best Veteran in Show - Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst


Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex - Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst

62 Best Minor Puppy In Show: Mattand This Is Me

63 Best Chocolate In Show: Naiken Classic Cliche

The Labrador Retriever Club Open Show 10th November 2019 Judge: Di. Arrowsmith (Fleetapple)

It was an honour to receive the invitation to judge this breed club show and a privileged to be graced with such an excellent entry. Not just on quantity but in the quality of the exhibits too. I so enjoyed this appointment and I thank all those that gave me the opportunity to go over their charges. I was looking for the classic Labrador outline, head, coat, tail and tail set and I was rewarded with finding them in abundance. This made my task doubly difficult and all the more enjoyable It is my habit, when I come across an exhibit that is especially pleasing, to put a star on my judges book with the critique. Whilst I had more than sufficient stars in the dog classes, in the bitches I had eight. Eight exhibits that ticked my boxes. This was a first for me except for my Crufts group. This being the case, the bitch challenge was a bit like a strictly dance off. It was all won or lost on this last performance. I had to nit-pick and be hypercritical to split them such was the quality of the line up. Minor Puppy D. (2) 1st, & BMPIS, Coode’s Warringah’s The Bluff. Lovely black he excelled in skull proportions, expression, ideal front and on good well padded feet. Firm top line with balanced angles fore and aft. So sound on the move for such a baby. 2nd Shirton’s Woolman Cromwell. Lovely yellow dog presented a typical outline and sound on the move. I preferred the tail set of winner. Puppy Dog (2) 1st McLellan’s Saranden Muscogee. Yellow dog excellen in head and expression. Well off for bone, sound front and on good feet. Ideal ribs, strong top and correct underline. Sound on the move. 2nd Wilson’s Stelainros Harlequin. Black with good head and expression, with good front and on sound feet. Short couples I just preferred the top line of the winner. Junior Dog (2) 1st Young’s Potterspiney Silas. Yellow boy with ideal skull proportions, excellent coat, froon and feet. Ballanced fore and rear angulation, with sound top line and correct couples. Moved well. 2nd Perkins’ Carromer Tegulia by Keennspires. Yellow dog, up to size and presenting a sound outline, I preferred the couples of winner. Yearling Dog (4) 1st Lesley’s Sleddarwood Sako Flyer over Steeleigh. Yellow dog presented a sound outoine with good head and expression. Well off for bone, clean neck, strong firm topline and good tailset. Moved well. 2nd Percival’s Wynfaul The Wicked JW. Black dog again presented an ideal outline, expression and moved well. I just proffered the tight straight front pasterns of winner. 3rd Wilson’s Stelainros Westpoiint.


Maiden Dog (2) 1st Wilson’s Stelainros Harlequin. 2nd Perkins’ Carromer Tegulia by Keennspires. Graduate Dog (6) 1st, & RBD, McLellan’s Saranden Pensacola. Chocolate boy typical and balanced outline, ideal skull proportions, good pigmentation and eye, on sound front and feet. Firm top line, ideal fore and real angulation. Correct top and underline and sound on the move. A pleasure to go over. 2nd Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin at Lynquest JW. Another typical yellow boy with all the estentials. Just lacked pigmentation as often yellow’s do in winter. 3rd Ayres & Jackson’s Hannabee to Hull N Back with Musubi. Post Grad Dog (2) 1st Woodall’s Thirlmere Echo Falls JW. A black dog presenting a typical outline he excelled in head, muzzle, eye and leathers. Ideal forehand assembly, firm top line, correct couples and sound on the move. 2nd O’Dell & Bills‘ Vetybon Betty Chocolate Box. As in the name a chocolate dog with typical outline and skull proportions. I preferred the shoulder of winner. Limit Dog (4) 1st, BD & BOS, Williamson’s Sharouns Talk of the Town JW. Caught my eye from the moment he came into the ring. This smart yellow dog ticked the boxes. Typical and balanced outline he excelled in skull proportions, expression, eye and leathers. Ideal forehand assembly, firm top line held level on the move. Typical barrel ribs correct couples and balanced rear quarter. Sound and active on the move. A pleasure to judge. 2nd Lesley’s Steeleigh Blue Print JW. Black boy again presenting a typical outline and sound on the move, I just preferred the tailset of winner. 3rd Hodgkiss’s Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie. Open Dog (5) 1st McCrory’s Millroseglen Make My Day with Meadovillabs. Yellow again, presenting a typical outline with lovely head and expression. With sound front and on good well padded feet. Ideal angles fore and aft and sound on the move. Pressed hard in the challenge. 2nd Carpanini’s Carpenny Primo. Black dog presenting the ideal outline with correct fore and real angulation. Sound on the move. 3rd Percival’s Sh.Ch. Wynfaul the Wizard, JW Field Trial Dog or Bitch (1) 1st Rose’s yellow dog Briwed Magic at Leospring. Yellow dog presenting ideal forehand assembly, top line and rear angulation. Sound on the move. Veteran Dog or Bitch ( 4) 1st & BVIS, Harvey, Major & Bambrook’s Linjor Sessile Oak at Ravoacar Sh.CM. Lovely yellow gentleman presenting a typical outline with ideal angulation fore and afte. On sound front and feet, excellent coat and very sound on the move. 2nd Bysouth’s Halloran Ohoenix over Luckswarren. Black bitch sound front and feet, forehand assembly, topline and sound on the move. 3rd Pattison’s Pattilands Shining Star.


Minor Puppy Bitch (10) Wow what a class of baby bitches. I was particularly looking at heads and tails here. 1st Lawrence’s Meadovillabs Finding Dory Via Dunnabbey A chocolate baby with good head and expression, neck, and top line. Well off for bone and on sound feet. Moved well. 2nd Young’s Potterspiney Tickety Boo. Very close to winner and difficult to split these two. No. one having a marginally better forehand assemble. 3rd Pervival’s Warringa’s Tandarra with Wynfaul. Puppy Bitch (5) 1st, & PBIS, Woodley’s Alkhamhurst Polar Star. Lovely black baby of type and balance with correct outline. She excelled in skull proposition, forehand assembly, top line and rear angulation. Coat and very sound moving. 2nd McCrory’s Meadowvillabs Seren Seathu. Again a lovely head on this yellow baby with typical outline. A very exuberant girl and happy on the move. 3rd Percival’s Warringah’s Tandarra with Wynfaul. Junior Bitch (4) 1st, and one of my stared bitches, Hodge & Lapper’s Naiken Evita (AI). Lovely outline, typical and balanced all through. Typical in head, expression and leathers. Dry neck into ideal forehand assembly. Sound straight front and on good feet, firm top line, deep in brisket and well ribbed up. Balanced rear angulation and lovely on the move. 2nd Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Daisy. Another promising youngster. All the essentials here in this yellow youngster, she pushed hard for the top spot. No one just heading her off the first place. 3rd McCrory’s Dunnabbey Uptown Girl at Medowvillabs. Yearing Bitch (7) 1st, BB & BIS, Reynold’s Carromer Shimering Pink. The second of my stared bitches. This yellow girl presented correct type and balance. She excelled in head, expression, eye, leathers, neck set into ideal forehand assembly. Firm top line held strong and true standing and on the move. Balanced rear angulation, correct tail set and carriage with perfect movement. Nothing over done with this bitch yet she ticked all the boxes. A joy to go over. 2nd Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Daisy. 3rd Smith’s Rudidale Hiden Secret. Maiden Bitch (4) 1st Neachell’s Suttonpark Penny Farthing. The third of my stared bitches. Lovely yellow girl with sound typical outline. Lovely head and expression, dry neck, straight front and on good feet. Ideal forehand assembly, firm topline, correct couples, balanced rear angulation, well let down rear pasterns. Good ribs, loin and croup with correct tail set and carriage. A delight to see on the move, so sound and true. 2nd Warringah’s Tandarra with Wynfaul. Didn’t stay for critique. 3rd Lavelle’s Crosscroyde Chelsea Flier. Novice B (4) 1st Ayres Tantadecorus Isle of Shuna Musubi. Black, my notes read Samba girl such was her wagging tail and bottom. She took a while to settle on the move but was sound when she did. 2nd Wilson’s Stelainros Ambiance. Another lovely yellow bitch on good front and feat, I just preferred the outline of winner. 3rd King’s Linthwaite Saffron.


Graduate Bitch 1st The fourth stared bitch. Tooth’s Ludalor Blue Saphire. Lovely outline, typical all through and balanced. She excelled in head, eye and leathers, clean neck set into ideal forehand assembly. Correct ribs, loin and croup, tail set and carriage. Deep in brisket, correct underline, balanced rear angulation and short rear pasterns. So very sound on the move. She pressed hard for the top spot. 2nd Coddington’s Rocheby Silhouette to Genisval. Yet another sound, typical and balanced bitch. A yellow girl she excelled in skull proportions, expression, eye and leathers. Lovely outline, forehand assembly, topline and balanced hind quarters and sound on the move. These two difficult to split the black just filling my eye today. 3rd Woodall’s Mattand A Million Dreams for Thirlmere. Post Grad Bitch (7) 1st. Yet another stared bitch. Woodley’s A Sense of Pleasure’s Ella at Alkhamhurst(Imp Deu) The clean lines of this black bitch caught my eye immediately. Yet another of type and balance. She presented an ideal forhand assembly, correct top and underline. Good sound front and on well padded feet. Balanced rear angulation and so very sound on the move. She so deserved to be in the challenge. 2nd Venturi Rose, Leospring Bunty Choconut. Yet another sound and typical chocolate bitch. All the attributes of the winner and difficult to split. One just filled my eye on the day. 3rd Shirton’s Woolman Proper Dream Maker. Limit Bitch (7) My sixth started bitch. 1st Tooth’s Ludalor Lucille. Smart, so very typical, balanced and eye catching bitch. She ticked all my boxes in this class. She excelled in head, expression, eye , leathers, dry neck, well laid shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Excellent ribs, top and underline, hind quarters, tail set and so very sound on the move. I though she might take the top spot but she just didn’t quite catch my eye in the challenge. 2nd Pattison’s Pattilands Ms Independent. A lovely yellow girl. Balanced and typical in outline, lovely head and expression one to watch for the future. No one just filling my eye today. 3rd Percival’s Wymfaul Vickers JW Open Bitch (3) 1st Reynold’s Sh.Ch. Carromer Shimmering Satin. The seventh of my stared bitches. Yet another very smart yellow bitch of type and balance. She excelled in all departments. Head, neck, shoulder placement, forehand assembly, top line, under line, rear quarters, and movement. Nothing over done with this lady. Again, I thought she would be a strong challenger but she did not quite sparkle when it was most needed. 2nd Shirton’s Woodman Proper Fancy Free . Close up to one, I preferred the underline of winner. 3rd McLellan’s Saranden Rock Your Baby Special Working (1) My last and final stared bitch. 1st Coode’s Warringah’s Gulwarra. Nothing overdone with this chocolate bitch. She excels in head, expression, eye and leathers. She presents a very typical balanced outline with clean neck, ideal fore quarters, topline, loin and croup, underline and rear quarters. She is so very sound on the move as one would need in a working dog. Again, just out shone in the challenge. Stood alone but a most worthy winner.


Best in Show - Carromer Shimering Pink

Reserve Best in Show - Suttonpark Penny Farthing 68

Best Puppy in Show - Alkhamhurst Polar Star

Best Minor Puppy in Show - Warringah’s The Bluff 69

Best Opposite Sex - Sharouns Talk of the Town JW


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Ingrid Gunbie Photography Local Dog Photographer Are you interested in having your dog/s photographed? Please visit my website for information


CC RESULTS 2019 BOSTON Dog CC Trendlewood Born to Run JW Liz Peggs res CC Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW Bitch CC Naiken Dance Rhythm JW (BOB) res CC Lulukella’s Hometown Glory JW MANCHESTER Dog CC Ch Mattand Exodus JW Moray Armstrong (D) res CC Dutch Ch Wahnahnish Simply Sensational Chris Jury (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Lembas Kiss Me Kate at Moyglass (BOB) res CC Naiken Carinsia LAB CLUB of WALES Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born to Run JW Mandy Stewart (D) res CC Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW Joy Venturi-Rose (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm (BOB) res CC Saranden Rock Your Baby EAST ANGLIAN LRC Dog CC Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW (BOB) David Wilmshurst (D) res CC Brigglebank Birdman Liz Hallgarth (B) Bitch CC My First Love of Labgold (ATC Pol) res CC Sharouns Victoria Secret CRUFTS Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Pat Harrison (D) res CC Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie Sussie Wiles (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Maxfield Maybelline JW (BOB) res CC Sh Ch Arrowmoy Fairytale of New York Farnfield JW ShCM 3 RIDINGS LRC Dog CC Ch Afinmore Azufral Becci Hodge (D) res CC Sh Ch Ramsayville Ruby Walsh Margaret Litherland (B) Bitch CC Afinmore Ardmore (BOB) res CC Ch Afinmore Antora KSS Dog CC Sh Ch Wynfaul The Wizard JW Gordon Fox (D) res CC Millroseglen Make My Day with Meadovillabs Marion Hopkinson (B) Bitch CC Saranden Rock Your Baby (BOB) res CC Centenalee Silver Ice LAB CLUB of SCOTLAND Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) David Coode (D) res CC Sh Ch Secret Moment at Alkhamhurst Carole Coode (B) Bitch CC Trewinnard Pimlico res CC Sh Ch Arrowmoy Fairytale of New York Farnfield JW ShCM JOINT CLUBS Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Sven Slettedel (D) (Nor) res CC Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW Lene Johansen (B) (Den) Bitch CC Sh Ch Trewinnard Pimlico (BOB) res CC Timouron Sioux for Saranden


MID COS LRC Dog CC Hannabee Rocket Mission Chris Mills (D) res CC Dutch Ch Wahnahnish Simply Sensational JR Sauge (B) Bitch CC Centenalee Miss Madelyn (BOB) res CC Tissalian Hi Society WELKS Dog CC A Sense of Pleasure’s El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) (BOB) Dale Elliott res CC Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM Bitch CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW res CC Carromer Classy Read JW BIRMINGHAM NATIONAL Dog CC Sh Ch/Int Ch Mocnys Knoxville (ATC Hol) Tamas Jakkel res CC A Sense of Pleasure’s Get Lucky (imp Deu) Bitch CC Allenie’s Athena at Mandursan (BOB) res CC Lougin Secret Spy at Sundyke JW SKC (May) Dog CC Sandylands Hit The Road Anthony Allen res CC A Sense of Pleasure’s El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Bitch CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm (BOB) res CC Philipstown Lexington (ATC Eire) BATH Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) Linda Harvey Major res CC Sharouns Ventriloquist for Tempaskell JW Bitch CC Saranden Rock Your Baby (BOB) res CC Maxfield Arabella SOUTHERN COS Dog CC Sandylands Over The Moon to Ludalor Gordon Haran res CC Tampa Bay’s Marco Polo for Eagle Pond (imp USA) Bitch CC Sh Ch Allenie’s Athena at Mandursan (BOB) res CC Farnfield Clarity LAB CLUB Dog CC Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW Looraine Tooth (D) res CC Madgack Mulberry Minoqua Caron Morton (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst (BOB) res CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW THREE COS Dog CC Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM (BOB) Mo Rees res CC Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie Bitch CC Shanorrell Socialte at Halshimoor res CC Foxrush Oops A Daisy JW BORDER UNION Dog CC Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale JW (BOB) Dave Hopkinson res CC Glosmere The Grenadier Bitch CC Classical Act at Foxrush JW res CC Tissalian Hi Society BLACKPOOL Dog CC Poniel Reason To Believe at Bruadarach Louise Blunt res CC A Sense of Pleasure’s Het Lucky (imp Deu) Bitch CC Warringah’s Gulwarra JW (BOB) res CC Trendlewood Simply The Best JW


WINDSOR DCC Dinnozo Top Notch Alfie Linda Miles res CC Linjor The Squire JW ShCM BCC Sh Ch Shanorrell Socialte at Halshimoor (BOB) res CC Woolman Proper Dream Maker COTS & WYVERN LRC Dog CC Ch Warringah’s Perth JW Sharon Lambert (D) res CC Chadfrith Alcazaba Becci Hodge (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst (BOB) res CC Ramsayville Tali EAST OF ENGLAND Dog CC Talard Cee Three Pee Ooh (BOB) Maurice Givan res CC Dolwen Button Moon JW Bitch CC Sh Ch Lembas Kiss Me Kate Moyglass res CC Classical Act at Foxrush JW LEEDS Dog CC Sh Ch Poniel Reason To Believe at Bruadarach David Nightingale (D) res CC Ch Mattand Exodus JW Mandy Deane (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst (BOB) res CC Tissalian Hi Society PAIGNTON Dog CC Ch Warringah’s Perth JW Jenny Miller res CC Sharouns Ventriloquist for Tempaskell JW Bitch CC Sh Ch Arrowmoy Fairytale of New York Farnfield JW ShCM (BOB) res CC Naiken Classic Cliché NATIONAL GUNDOG Dog CC Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM Chris Rose (D) res CC Carpenny Primo Anne Lavelle (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Maxfield Arabella (BOB) res CC Sundyke Secret Steps URC Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) Erica Jayes (D) res CC Dutch Ch Wahnahnish Simply Sensational Mary McCulloch (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Trewinnard Pimlico res CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst BOURNEMOUTH Dog CC Sh Ch Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM (BOB) Jenny King res CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW Bitch CC Sh Ch Shanorrell Socialte at Halshimoor res CC Sh Ch Maxfield Arabella WKC Dog CC Sh Ch Cremino Chilly Pepper ShCM (BOB) Becky Johnson res CC Llanstinan Louis of Bowstones Bitch CC Classical Act of Foxrush JW res CC Bowstones Polka SKC (Aug) Dog CC Madgack Mulberry Minocqua Mike Gadsby res CC Sh Ch Ramsayville Ruby Walsh Bitch CC Sh Ch Sekada Miss Bianca JW (BOB) res CC Claychalk Costa Dixie with Tanbeckmo


CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Dog CC Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW (BOB) Dan Ericsson res CC Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW Bitch CC Sh Ch Classical Act of Foxrush JW res CC Carromer Shimmering in Pink RICHMOND Dog CC A Sense of Pleasure’s El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Tracy Butler res CC Brigglebank Birdman Bitch CC Naiken Etoile (AI) (BOB) res CC Driffwold Alba DARLINGTON Dog CC Mafia Labs Taboo Webster at Balladoole JW (imp Blr) Tracey James res CC A Sense of Pleasure’s El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) Bitch CC Ch Seatallan Yellow Archangel (AI) (BOB) res CC Wynfaul Vickers JW Dog CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s El Toro at Balladoole JW (Imp Deu) (BOB) Driffield Linda McGillivray res CC Naiken Elite Envoy (AI) Bitch CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst res CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW YELLOW LRC Dog CC Sh Ch Ramsayville Ruby Walsh (BOB) Maxine Woodley (D) res CC Potterspiney Ricochet Lucy Kent (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Naiken Dance Rhythm JW res CC Warringah’s Gulwarra JW Belfast Dog CC Carromer Jack Flash to Baileydale JW David Shields res CC Ir Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ooh Bitch CC Sh Ch Arrowmoy Fairytale of New York Farnfield JW ShCM (BOB & G2) res CC Binnaig Eskimo Blonde LAB CLUB of NI Dog CC Sh Ch Ramsayville Rock Festival at Farbrae Ginette Oulton res CC Lisvella Blue Boy (IKC) Bitch CC Sh Ch Ramsayville Rhubarb Rock at Kinchyle (BOB) res CC Sh Ch Classical Act of Foxrush JW SWKA Dog CC Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW Jonathan Daltrey res CC Llanstinan Louis of Bowstones Bitch CC Trewinnard Picadilly (BOB) res CC Warringah’s Wirrabara at Timouron N & D LRC Dog CC Sh Ch Madgack Mulberry Minocqua Karen Powell (D) res CC Steeleigh Blue Print JW David Craig (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Ylvie at Alkhamhurst (BOB) res CC Tissalian Hi Society GUNDOG SOC of WALES Dog CC Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW (BOB) Huw Bishop res CC Naiken East Meets West (AI) JW Bitch CC Naiken Carinsia res CC Lembas Cracklin’ Rosie JW


NW LRC Dog CC Naiken East Meets West (AI) JW (BOB) Sue Marskell (D) res CC Ramsayville Revolver Chris Mills (B) Bitch CC Sh Ch Saranden Rock Your Baby res CC Naiken Etoile (AI) MIDLAND COS Dog CC Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW (BOB) Andy Metcalfe res CC Woefdram’s Abercrombie Bitch CC Ramsayville Tali res CC Dylsonleigh Pretty In Pink GUNDOG BREEDS SCOT Dog CC Halshimoor Pitch Battle at Shanorrell JW (BOB) Marilyn Nightingale (D) res CC Ir Sh Ch Talard Cee Three Pee Ooh Frank Gilroy (B) Bitch CC Winter Star Leminiscatus at Johdine (imp Pol) res CC Binnaig Eskimo Blonde WEST of ENGLAND LRC Dog CC Ch Warringah’s Perth JW (BOB) Margaret Gardner (D) res CC Harpitts True Spirit Arwyn Ellis (B) Bitch CC Woolman Proper Dream Maker res CC Sandylands High Time LKA Dog CC Douglas’ Talard Cee Three Pee Ohh (BOB) Mairi Brown (D) res CC Meredith’s Tweedledum Off The Record Kenn Roberts (B) Bitch CC McLellan’s Saranden Rock Your Baby res CC Shirton’s Woolman Properre Dream Maker


Ann M Britton


The Bowstones prefix was registered with the Kennel Club in 1946 by my late mother, Irene Booth, who bred Clumbers and Labradors, supplying yellow working Labs to HRH King George V1ths Windsor kennel. Her Labradors were gun-trained at the Orchardton kennels of Hardy Carruthers in Scotland, from whence came Lady Howes black dog Ch Orcharton Du O’Banchory. My mother later became a world renowned and respected breeder of many champion Cavalier King Charles and Shih Tzus over a forty year period. She was a championship show judge of Toy and Utility breeds. In the early 1920s after the First World War, my maternal Grandmother imported into the UK some of the very first GSDs, then known as Alsatians, in partnership with the later, long-time Chairman of the Kennel Club, Air Commodore JA Cecil Wright. I was born in Bramhall, Cheshire into this canine orientated family. Our house looked up towards the Bowstones, the megalithic stones high above the Cheshire plain, from whence came the Bowstones kennel-name. The family soon moved with their Labradors to Cookridge, near Leeds, in Yorkshire. One of our frequent Labrador escapees eventually went to live permanently with a lady over the road. She was Mrs Yvonne Pauling who fell for the delights of the Labrador breed and later, having moved from Cookridge to Tadcaster, became known for her famous Cookridge Labradors. I attended my first dog show, Crufts in 1948 as a toddler in a push chair and have been involved with dogs, showing, breeding and Championship dog show organisation all my life. (Plus horses, but that’s another chapter for another time.) Well before motorways were invented, early childhood was spent travelling from Yorkshire to distant dog shows with my mother and her dogs: up and down the country, through the night in rickety, rattling, freezing cold, unheated motor-coaches, with steamed up, condensation covered windows, surrounded by sleeping owners and snoring dogs. There was always great camaraderie and spirited celebration on the way home, all sharing the joy of those who had won well on the day. We certainly enjoyed each other’s success after the long day out. In the 1950s as well as the distant coach journeys, my Father would sometimes drive us to shows in his car, with a mixture of exhibits, Labrador, Clumbers, Cavaliers squashed in beside me on the backseat from whence came my frequent cries of “Mum? Megs dribbling!”, Yes, it was pre Clumberbib time in the dog showing world. I took part in Junior Handling, which in those early times was not about acquiring the professional skill and style of today’s wonderful young handlers, but more to win a bag of toffees once post-war rationing was over. The downside of that being, the toffees usually pulled the fillings out of ones teeth and a visit to a pretty brutal dentist ensued! Another house-move took the family to Wythall in the Midlands, south of Birmingham where I was lucky enough to further indulge my love of horses and riding.


My father, a Kennel Club Member from the 1960s was a committee member of Birmingham City Canine Association (Treasurer) and the National Dog show (Vice President) for about forty years and sat on the KC Show Exec Committee. Consequently from my early teens, after school, other than riding my horses, I was learning the basics of Dog Show organisation, helping out at the home of the well-known dog show Secretaries, Owen and Olive Grindey who ran three of the major Midland Championship dog shows. To improve my musical education, as we worked bundling up prize cards, Owen would proudly play Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture with its explosive cannon bursts, very loud, on his latest, sideboardsized gramophone. It was ironic my first Stud Book number gained with a home bred Labrador was 1812! Following Art School and qualifying in the architectural profession, I married and, bar recently coowning a characterful Jack Russell Terrier, have only owned Labradors since then. In the early 1970s I purchased a yellow bitch of Sandylands / Kinley breeding. She was for me “Best Dog Not In Show”, un-shown as I was busy working full time, but would come with me whenever I was out in the countryside surveying land for future farming projects or building developments. Show Architect/Planner Somehow my involvement with dog showing, show organisation, building projects and land surveying set the path to my future as a dog show planner. From the mid-1980s, for the next 35 years I was committee member, Show Architect/Show Planner covering at times four of the all-breed Championship shows; Birmingham City Canine Association, Birmingham National Dog Show Society, LKA and WELKS; most until recent retirement. I am Vice Chairman of the West of England Ladies Kennel Society and also President of the South East and Central German Shorthaired Pointer Club which I helped to set up. The Show Architect designs the show layout, what breed goes where, the ring order, judging times and the trade stand positions. Initially there were 16,000 dogs per show, now it is nearer 9,00010,000 dogs per show. Having planned the National since 1985, initially at Stoneleigh, and the City of Birmingham at Perry Park, as an exhibitor I soon thought we could do much better than the existing layout of outdoor rings, cramped wet weather rings and separate benching tents often situated miles from the allocated rings. I thought it was time for brave innovation. I introduced to the UK show scene the completely new idea of “In and Out Pavilions” when the National moved to Perry Park, Birmingham. After the first show with that layout, the dog press queried the idea. “Has Show Architect, Ann Britton, perhaps gone too far with her ideas this time? Only time will tell!” Time certainly did tell. Exhibitors loved my idea and still do. Very gradually over the following thirty years, most shows switched to the “In and Out” layout wherever possible. I was invited to join the Kennel Club in 1987 and was a representative on the Kennel Club Show Executive Committee, attending the monthly meetings in London for very many years, dealing with all aspects of the dog showing world.


I have been the weekly Labrador breed note columnist for Our Dogs magazine for well over 20 years, write books on Labradors, and articles for Labrador periodicals and general dog magazines both at home and abroad. The Bowstones kennel has featured in pre Crufts TV programmes and I have appeared by invitation of ITV on the Richard and Judy TV show with my Labradors. At the time I was not even sure who Richard and Judy were! Judging. I never sought to judge and was more or less frog-marched into it by the established dog folk in the Midlands, including the Grindeys, long-time family friend Jo Braddon, Les Page, Bill Pinches,Terry Thorne, Margaret Everton, plus the straight talking Gundog exhibitor, Dot Gardner. Hence, in the 1980s, I found myself at an Agricultural show judging their Open Dog Show. On that day in the middle of the ring, I learnt to my delight that I thoroughly enjoyed going over, assessing and placing the dogs. This ability was certainly developed no doubt during my childhood, by my mother casually standing up puppies from various litters as soon as I returned home from school and instructing me to pick the best and explain why. I didn’t realise then, but it must have sunk in! Mary Roslin Williams had recited to me the Judges Prayer some time beforehand, “Dear God, let me have some good dogs entered at the show for me to go over, and, Dear God, please don’t let me miss them!!” I was very thankful that the MRW’s prayer worked when I first awarded CCs at Blackpool in 1996. What a memorable start. My CC winner’s owner, I later learnt that day, was a Mrs Hopkinson. She was showing a young yellow Graduate Bitch called Rocheby Polkadot, who stood out a mile. I awarded her the CC on the day, her first CC and thank goodness I did! She later became a most famous Labrador champion, Sh Ch R. Polkadot, a multiple CC and Best of Breed winner, including Crufts for several years. Since then I have judged one or both sexes of Labradors at UK and European championship shows nearly every year with further UK appointments already booked.Whilst not owning chocolates myself, I have awarded future UK champions of all colours their very first CCs. The pinnacle of any judging career, I judged Labrador Bitches at Crufts in 2014. As those who know me from my straight talking, northern roots, I judge without fear or favour; my aim to find the very best on the day, whatever colour, whether it be in famous hands or those of a complete newcomer. Breeding and Showing. In the early 1980s living near Sutton Coldfield, I became great friends with Arthur and Peggy Kelley of the Bradking Kennels nearby. Such kind enthusiastic mentors; I saw or spoke to them most days of every week until their passing in 2009. My mother, who had recently made up her final Cavalier champion, knew she was dying of cancer and wanted to encourage me to continue the Bowstones kennels and to start showing Labradors. Together with Peg and Arthur Kelley she organised my purchase of a black Labrador bitch, Brentcalm Lovealot of Bowstones, a daughter of Sh Ch Bradking Cassidy x Simandem Sorceress of Brentcalm. The Simandem affix at that time belonging to Peggy Stephens and later to Tom Grant. Hence, in the early 1980s, I entered the dog show ring somewhat fearfully, with my first black bitch, Brentcalm Lovealot of Bowstones and was overjoyed when I won a 3rd prize in a huge class at my


very first Ch show, City of Birmingham CA in Perry Park. I was thrilled and hooked for the next forty plus years! A few months later, I bought another black bitch from Arthur and Peggy Kelley, Bradking Marquesa of Bowstones (Ch Kupros Master Mariner x Keysun Ruling Star of Bradking). Peggy loved her yellow Labradors and had hoped for some yellows from this litter, so she was somewhat disappointed when all the pups in the litter were black. Her worst nightmare! However, what a litter it later turned out to be, containing Sh Ch Bradking Music Maker of Kingstream, Sh Ch Bradking Molly Mo and Am Ch Bradking Mike and my own Bradking Marquesa. Pride comes before a fall. With typical beginners luck or otherwise, for these were my first steps into actually showing Labradors, Marquesa won well, even beating her litter sister, Molly Mo, at times and, despite my inexperienced handling, looked to be going the successful way of her expertly handled brothers and sisters shown by John Banner and David Craig, Filled with enthusiasm for the future, when Marquesa was two years of age, I decided to breed my first Labrador litter. She produced some beautiful pups sired by Sandylands April Fool. However, as we all discover in due course with animals, when everything is apparently going really well, nature intervenes and put us back in our place. Marquesa returned successfully to the show ring after her litter. Then with another BOB to her name from a big entry and appearing in perfect health, just a few hours later she went rapidly downhill and was diagnosed with closed pyometra. To save her life, she was spayed that night in an emergency operation. She recovered completely, but her show career was finished as the KC did not allow spayed bitches to be exhibited at that time. Whilst her siblings became, Sh Ch Bradking Music Maker of Kingstream, Sh Ch Bradking Molly Mo and Am Ch Bradking Mike, she stayed at home, a much adored and admired pet. However, in the end, experience is only gained by adversity. My Mothers words echoed in my ears, “When breeding dogs, the most important thing is to always maintain a strong bitch line!” those words coupled with “Never breed from an animal with a bad mouth or light eyes, because you’ll never get rid of them”, have proved their worth over many years. Luckily for me, both Lovealot and Marquesa, (above), had each produced one single litter of top quality pups. These bred on to continue the successful lines I still have here today, where every dog residing in the kennel is either a Show Champion or holds CCs, RCCs or their Stud Book Number. Lovealot when mated to Sh Ch Bradking Music Maker of Kingstream produced the dual CC winning Bowstones Bandannagh and Bowstones Britannia. The latter was the dam of multiple CC winning, multiple Group placed, Ch B Carruthers. Bradking Marquesa of B’s daughter was Bowstones Bramble, who when mated to Sandylands Special Vintage produced Sh Ch Bowstones Susanna. When Sh Ch B. Susanna was mated to Ch Bowstones Carruthers (above) they produced Sh Ch Bowstones Martha Black and Lynda Miles CC and RCC winning B Bertie Wooster of Llanstinan, the latter behind dual CC and RCC winning LLanstinan Morwenna of Bowstones, who became the dam of CC and RCC winning Bowstones Beattie. Carruthers and Susanna, through L.Bertie Wooster of L, (above) are behind Sh Ch Llanstinan Buzby Bowstones and still appear in the five generation pedigree of my current 2 year old black dual RCC winner Llanstinan Louis Lewis Bowstones.


I also purchased from the Kelleys the CC and Southern Counties Group 2 winner, the yellow bitch Bradking Roseanna of Bowstones, who was the full, elder litter sister of the Breed Record Holder, Sh Ch Bradking Hugo. Hugos litter sister Bradking Heidi lived at Lynda Miles Llanstinan kennel and with B Bertie Wooster of L is behind Sh Ch L. Buzby Bowstones. Hence the Bradking lines still survive in the Bowstones and Llanstinan kennels to this very day and are treasured by both kennels. Sadly showing came to a complete and shocking halt in 2009 for several years, when my late husband became severely ill. It was necessary to cut down and some beautiful CC winning animals, who would doubtless have gained their titles, were placed in permanent loving pet homes. Some years later, with the help of close friends, I ventured out to start showing again at local Ch shows. I purchased a beautiful yellow bitch puppy sired by Sh Ch Rocheby Statesman, from the late Geoff and Margaret Sidaway. She became Sh Ch Martinstide Pastiche of Bowstones, and also a yellow dog puppy, Llanstinan Hot Toddy of Bowstones who won 2 RCCs in very limited showing. He was later mated to Sh Ch M Pastiche of B and produced my current dual RCC wining yellow bitch, Bowstones Polka and her brother B Pumpkin. Llanstinan Louis Lewis Bowstones, the two year old black dual RCC winning dog I am currently showing goes back to Ch B Carruthers and Sh Ch B Susanna through Bowstones Bring Me Sunshine, as does the 2019 Crufts RCC winner, Stephanie Hodgkiss’s CC and dual RCC winner, the yellow Dinnozo Top Knotch Alfie. My lifetime with Labradors and dog show organising has certainly brought me much happiness and many friends with whom these days I sit ringside and discuss the “old days of dog showing” and the current fashions and foibles of today’s modern dog world. I feel honoured to be asked to judge Dogs at the Labrador Retriever Club Show 2020 Ann Britton. www.bowstoneslabradors

Mac Percival

My first labradors came in 1972, and 1974, both rescue dogs. Under the guidance of Mary Rosslyn Williams, of the famous Mansergh Kennel we mated these two and in 1978, and the resulting bitch Wynfaul Apple Charlotte was the foundation of our kennel. Wynfaul Apple Charlotte,went on to produce both dogs with field trial awards and show ring success, indeed she was the grand mother of Champion Wynfaul Tobasco considered to be the forefather of the modern fox red Labrador. All of our dogs go back to the two original dogs. In 1976 we had moved to Langholm, and lived at Langholm Lodge, where historically some of the first labradors imported in the UK by The Duke Buccleugh had lived and worked. It was here that I started working the dogs picking up on the grouse moors and pheasant shoots. From this an interest in trialling developed.


Early in the 1980’s I started showing and had a huge stroke of luck with the first litter we bred with the aim to show, by SH CH Balrion King Frost X Apple Charlotte. Wynfaul Flutter and Wager both won Reserve CC’s. We then bought a yellow bitch Edenlea Sunrise At Wynfaul and she too won a Reserve CC! Needless to say I was hooked, and have been ever since. Totally gone to the dogs! Over the years I have kept and worked pointers, wire haired german pointers, springers and cocker spaniels (which have also had field trial awards). I Also trained a few dogs for friends an on the strength of one of these dogs I trained a dog for the late Prince Ranier of Monacco, so I suppose I could say I am by royal appointment! I have been a field trial secretary for three clubs and treasurer for one of those clubs. I was added to The Kennel Club Field Trial Judges B list in 1992, and also passed to award The Kennel Clubs Challenge Certificates in 1994. Both of these I consider to be badges of honour. I have had the honour and great pleasure to judge in USA, Canada, Italy, Germany and Belgium as well as the UK. Thank you for your invitation, I am one again honoured, and very much looking forward to judging your dogs. Mac Percival


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The Sky For ns Look To Ch Marchde



Top Bitch 2018

1 CC, 2 RCCs year, a successful Ralph has had able success, with some credit ne who has everyo g thank you to le, I am lookin made this possib ng Ralph in forward to showi in on Veteran later the year.


2020 R

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S showgirl BOB 7g RCC of this super 8 CCs 2for thinkin so highly

the follow CCs – Welks Mr Albert Wight Counties – Three Mr Max King – Welsh Kennel s – Welsh Kennel Mr R J W Thoma B’ham Mr Julien Barney – City of Bham ick – City of Mr S Plane – Crufts Mrs Nan Chadw Mrs Dot BrittenNational Terrier s– n Counties RCCs Miss Gina Dorkin en (Fin) – Souther Harri Lehkoh B Baxter – E of E ond Mr J rgan – Richm South Wales – ay son-Mo Mrs C Thomp Mr P J Greenw NTCGB CH SHOW ha – South Wales – Mr Tan NagrecPedersen (USA) Mr Frank Kane have Daphne me letting Flycktfor Geir CH Show and Denise Horne Anniversary the lovely photos MCNTA 25th _j@btinterne for taking all Anne Johnsen 880903 philips ament Thank you to IPS 01858 – temper JACKIE PHILL ng for health – type Breedi Thank you to

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‘Ralph’ rt Strike Melverly Dese JW ShCM Gate over Acre


dd 86

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The following is an article printed by kind permission of the Derrick Capel, A Panel Judge, and by The Yellow Labrador Club. Given the behaviour of a very few people at our trials this season it is well worth reprinting here.

Etiquette at Field Trials Those of us who attended Field Trials in the seventies and eighties will recall of course that there were far fewer events, and the majority were held on private estates and farm shoots who gave one, or perhaps two trials in a season. Many of those taking part were keepers who persuaded their employers to allow them to run a trial, and although they might choose not to run on their own ground, they would hope to have a run when the neighbouring estate, held their own event. There was a feeling that everyone was striving to ensure that their trial was the best in the area, guns were often invited by the keeper generally as a token for some favour rendered during the past season. Some keepers, although they did not trial themselves, could be persuaded to run an event if approached by one of their regular beaters or pickers up. You will appreciate that with this sort of background we all felt very privileged to be involved and everyone took great care to thank all concerned. Compared to the current scene there was much more general interest in the progress of the entire event and rarely did competitors leave before the end of the event. Today many trials are run on commercial shoots. The club pays for the day and very often then lets the shooting, albeit at a discounted rate to a team of guns. This change has resulted in a shift of emphasis in the attitude of those taking part. The mood is not now one of gratitude for whatever the day might bring, but an air of “I am paying for this and therefore I am entitled to complain bitterly if everything is not exactly as I might have wished.” I am not going to pretend that, in the past, we did not complain about all the things that can go wrong on the day – shortage of game, poor shooting etc but we did so behind closed doors not (as if often the case today) within earshot of the host or keeper. The purpose of this article is to appeal to all those involved in trials to remember that we are in a competition, and all the general rules of good sportsmanship and conduct should be observed. Do not openly criticise the judges, do not complain about the shooting within earshot of the guns and certainly do not complain about the flow of game. Nobody will be more concerned than the keeper himself and he will not need reminding if things are not going according to plan. Please remember that nobody has to allow us on their ground, but we cannot run trials without landowners, guns and judges, so let’s get back to being grateful for their contribution to our sport. As a final note, if at the completion of the trial there are birds still unpicked, make sure you take your dog and clear the ground, they were shot for YOU. Derrick Capel


A Sense of Pleasure’s

Katrin and Urich Korff with the whole team, send the best greetings

June (Bekspring Northern Twilight) at work 86

A Sense of Pleasure’s

CIB & CIE & CH NL, Ger, Lux & Winner Ger 2018 & Winner NL 2019

Sparky Blackrock Siscia

(Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s Winnie The Pooh - Capronca Octavia) Breeder: Ivica Blaskovic

CIB & CIE & CH- GER, NL LCD Clubwinner 2017 & DRC Clubwinner 2018

A Sense of Pleasure’s Tea For Two

(BISS Ch Time Square Ulysses – CIB Coco Loco’s Tea Cup) 87

A Sense of Pleasure’s

A Sense of Pleasure’s Hannefore (13 months)

(CIB Sparky Blackrock Siscia x Just A Second von der Kaiserfellen)

Express Pleasure Road of Princes

(Ch Waterline’s Pineapple Express x A Sense of Pleasure’s Vivi}) Breeder: Mark Ter Horst 88

A Sense of Pleasure’s

Junior World Winner 2018 Germ Junior Winner 2018 Jch Ger & Lux

A Sense of Pleasure’s Elsa

(CIB Blacksugar Luis - CIB Waterline’s Selleria)

Ch Ger & Jch Ger

Kim Wilde von der Kaiserleiten

(Ch A Sense of Pleasure’s No Risk No Fun – Ch Aphrodite Goddnes of Love) Breeder: Gudrun und Manuel Mühringer 89



Breeding with Love and Passion IT CH, C.I.E., SLO CH ANUEDIS RED CARPET (Giotto) (Int Ch Ramsayville Red Hot Gossip x SLO Ch Anuedis Achtung Baby)

Giotto has finished his IT CH title with style this year and is life qualified for Crufts He has proved to be a very good producer, both in Italy and abroad


(Nelson for Loch Mor of Finnwoods x Tweedledum Late for Lunch)

2019 was a very successful year for my kennel having 4 new homebred Italian Champions, and a number of champions abroad Thank you to all my friends that helped me to achieve this important result, we are a great team ! Federica Bidin Tel: 0039.342.9874583 91


Rocheby Sunflowers at Baltarram Rocheby Town Cryer x Sh Ch Hayley Sun In Your Eyes

Pictured here at 9 months winning BPIS at North West Labrador Ch Show Ruby had a good year for the few shows we attended across the water, with her being placed at all breed Ch Shows and winning BPIS at both Labrador Club of Northern Ireland Ch Show & North West Labrador Ch Show Many thanks to all judges plus a special thank you to Ginette Oulton & Chris Mills for these awards She has also won various classes at Irish Ch shows throughout the year and I look forward to a few more outings both at home and across the Irish sea throughout next year Many thanks to Marion & David Hopkinson for this girl who is quite a character and always gives her all Owned by Mark Douglas 167a Keady Rd., Armagh, N. Ireland 92


MIRA HERE COMES THE SUN OF BLOSSOMCROFT ‘Henry’, born 16.02.2019 with his charming and successful great-grandmother


‘Naiade’, born 07.05.2009 Naiade is an Int. Champion, Swiss Champion and Vet. Champion, she has won 8 CACs, 5 Res CACs, 3 Vet CACs, 1Res Vet CAC and was 3 times Best Gundog

Henry lives now with Josie Turpin and her family in North Wales and we wish this promising boy lots of luck in the showring and also as a Gundog Floriana Dettwiler-Brunold, Aeneas-Silvius-Strasse 23, 4059 Basel and Kräheggweg 4a, 4438 Langenbruck, Switzerland 93

Original oil by Nigel Hemming


Sh Ch Martinstide Pastiche of Bowstones (Sh Ch Rocheby Statesman x Martinstide Patchwork) and daughter Bowstones Polka 2 RCCs sired by Llanstinan Hot Toddy of Bowstones JW 2 RCCs Sh Ch M Pastiche of B won Veteran Bitch at Cotswold and Wyevern LRC Ch show – R Hodge and at National Gundog – A Lavelle. Daughter, Polka was Best in Show at the Labrador Club of Wales Open show – E Grummett and RCC winner at Welsh Kennel Club Ch - B Johnson Black kennelmate, Bowstones Windchime (Int Ch Dolbia Will to Please x Bowstones Georgiana) won Championship 1sts at Labrador Club of Wales – J Venturi Rose and Southern Counties – G Haran Ann Britton Bowstones, Linton, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7RY 94


Llanstinan Louis Lewis Bowstones

(Llanstinan Double Jeopardy x Bowstones Good Day Sunshine) 19/04/2017 Louis is maturing slowly and steadily and won very well at the few Championship shows attended in 2019 including: RCC Welsh Kennel Club 2019 – B Johnson RCC South Wales Kennel Club 2019 – J Daltrey 1st National Gundog Ch – C Rose 1st Gundog Society of Wales Ch – H Bishop 1st West of England Lab Club Ch – M Gardner Congratulations to his cousin, Stephanie Hodgkiss’s yellow

Dinnozo Top Knotch Alfie

(Sh Ch Rocheby Horn Blower x Bowstones Sunshine Rosie)

who won the RCC at CRUFTS 2019 – P Harrison Ann Britton Bowstones, Linton, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7RY 95


Photo John Jackson

Callyswood Crystal (Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack x Sh Ch Callyswood Caitlin) Qualified for Crufts 2020 at her very first show and consistently in the cards during 2019 Sweetest of temperaments and a pleasure to live with! Looking forward to being in the ring with her in 2020 Angela Mitchell, Church Clerk’s Cottage, Church Hill, Lawford, Essex CO11 2JX Tel: 01206 396541 Email: 96


Carromers Shimmering In Pink JW 1 CC, 2 Res CCs Sire: Sh Ch Tissalian Hi Jack JW x Dam: Carromers Shimmering Tiara JW

Thank you judges for a wonderful year Happy New Year to all our friends home and abroad Carol and Mervyn Reynolds Tel: 07891420567 Carromer Lodge, Bassingfield Lane, Bassingfield, Nottinghamshire NG12 2LG 97


Rocheby Town Cryer x Rocheby Gingersnap for Daisypatch D.O.B 3/7/18 BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Labrador Retriever Club of Wales Championship Show Feb 2019 RES BEST DOG IN SHOW Kent, Surrey & Sussex Labrador Retriever Club Breed Show BEST DOG IN SHOW Labrador Retriever Club of Wales Breed Show 5 First places at Championship level and approximately 45 wins at Open level gaining 26 Junior Warrant points Hips 4:5, Elbows 0, PRA prcd hereditary clear Thank you to all judges who have thought so highly of our dogs this year and thank you to Andy Chapman for the photos. Bred, owned and adored by Heather and David Chapman Daisypatch Labradors, Linden Lea, Camomile Green, Upper Lydbrook, Glos. GL17 9LN email: Tel: 01594 861271




D.O.B 3/7/18

Rocheby Town Cryer x Rocheby Gingersnap for Daisypatch Only lightly shown during 2019, Crufts qualified 2020. Georgie has had some high placings at both Championship and Open shows Hips 5:7, Elbows 0, PRA prcd hereditary clear


Rocheby Town Cryer x Rocheby Gingersnap for Daisypatch Only lightly shown during 2019, Crufts qualified. Dolly gained her Stud Book No. at Lab. Club of Wales at 18 months old Numerous BOB at Open level and frequently placed highly at Championship level Dolly passed her assessment to become a Pets as Therapy Dog at the young age of 12 months old. She will be taking up this role in 2020 Hips 5:6, Elbows 0, PRA prcd hereditary clear


Carriegame Moonshine


Carriegame Moonshine ‘Winston’

Hips 2:2 Elbows 0 DNA tested clear of PRA, EIC, CNM, HNPK, Cystinuria, Degenerative Myelopathy & Skeletal Dysplasia

Produces both black and chocolate Puppies Gail Dodd Tele 07946342013 101



The latest champion at Foxrush Sire: Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch Dam: Foxrush Touch Of Class Born: 17.6.2017

She has 3 CCs: Mr D. Hopkinson, Miss B. Johnson & Mr D. Ericsson And also 5 RCCs JUDITH CHARLTON 102


Carromer Teguila By Keeninspires

Rocheby Town Cryer x Carromer Shimmering Silk Hips: 4/5, Elbows: 0/0, EIC clear, PRA clear, HNPK carrier

Keeninspires Houdini

Lougin Loki x Linjor Formal Affair By Keeninspires Hips: 5/5, Elbows: 0/0, EIC clear, PRA clear, HNPK clear STEPHANIE PERKINS 07825379593 12 Burford Mews, Gloucester, GL1 4EB 103

Leospring Labradors Proudly Dual Purpose



Field TrialField Working Test and Championship Show awards Trial Working Test and Championship Show awards Hips 5.5, Hips Elbows 1, clear GPRA EIC HNPK SD2 5.5 Elbows 1DNA DNA clear GPRA CNM EICCNM HNPK SD2 FT Ch Brindlebay Jude Colhook Teak at Leospring KC WGC Working Test & obedience winner Championship Show Awards

Warringahs Camira Creek of Briwed KC WGC

Ft Ch Brindlebay Butler

Leospring Avenger Emma

Ch Warringah’s Tennants Creek JW

Warringah’s Kakirra

FT Ch Mansengreen Bizzy of Brindlebay Ch Carpenny Anchorman Crufts BOB & FT & WT awards Colhook Kalinka at Leospring Sh Ch Dolwin Thomas Charles Warringah’s Karalee Ch Ludalor Lunar Orbit JW Ch Warringahs Bunya

Bel Ch Saxthorpe Buzzard of B’Bay Saxthorpe Domino of Brindlebay Bringwood Bo of Bedgebrook Ft Ch Shorthorn Ninja of Mansengreen Augustus Tuplady of Leospring FTW Sh Ch Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny Earl Harow of Leospirng Leospring Kiri’s Song of Colhook Trenow Lancelot Budellydd Anna Marie of Dolwin Oakingham Monarch of Leospring FTW Warringahs Karu Karu Ch Amberstope Blue Moon Ch Ludalor Lilly Ch Warringah’s Digger Warringah’s Bunyip

Thanks to all the great and careful breeders who have enabled us to breed our lovely Labradors Thanks to all the great and careful breeders who have enabled us to breed which give us so much pleasure.

our lovely Labradors which give us so much pleasure.

Joy Venturi Rose and Chris Rose Liphook Hampshire Joy Venturi Rose and Chris Liphook, Hampshire 01428 751125 LIPHOOKRose, HAMPSHIRE Microchipping Service, Training, DNA collection and process management service. Stud work assistance service 01428 751125

Microchipping Service, Training, DNA collection and process management service. Stud work assistance service.



D & M Hepper

01405 860833

LINJOR Home Bred for quality and temperament All stock Hip/elbow scored, clear eye certificates (BVA) Optigen Clear.

Bred with thought, Owned with love, Shown with pride


(Sh Ch Linjor Cassablanca JW.Sh CM / Linjor Talea. JW. Sh CM)

Riggs has made an excellent year gaining 10 firsts at Ch Winning through Junior, Yearling, Graduate & Post Graduate, now just 2 years old has been considered for the Reserve CC several times. 106

LINJOR The Three New Girls!

Linjor Sansa Anuedis Hearts On Fire In Linjor (Imp It) (Elsa) Lab Lodur’s Tamara To Linjor (Imp DK)

Linjor Sansa Sansa & Elsa qualified for Crufts with 1st Places first time out Sansa has nearly completed her Junior Warrant (Dec 2019) And finished 2019 with Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Breed at LKA Championship Show TO MY DOGS: For the devotion they give me, and the pleasure they bring me. My Thanks


Tel: 01600 890 909 Email: Website: (Please sign the guest book!) 107


Sandylands Over the Moon to Ludalor JW ‘Amos’ 1 CC Southern Counties 2019 Judge Gordon Haran), 1 RCC Hips 4-3, Elbows 0, PRA Clear, CNM Clear, EIC Clear, HNPK Clear, SD2 Clear, Current Clear Eye Certificate. We congratulate all of Amos’s winning progeny both at home and abroad. Much loved and owned by LORRAINE TOOTH Home: 01623 400625 Mobile: 07807 127688 Email: 108


Ch Ludalor Lunar Orbit JW ‘Seth’

Ch Amberstope Blue Moon Ch Ludalor Lilly JW

Until we meet again, My dearest friend you were the best! Much loved and owned by LORRAINE TOOTH Home: 01623 400625 Mobile: 07807 127688 Email: 109


Treantagh Sedge at Mattand JW

(Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Mattand Look To The Future at Treantagh)

D.O.B: 01/05/2018 Hips: 4:0 / Elbows: 0 Black carrying Yellow Current clear eye test and clear for prcd-PRA/HNPK/EIC/SD2/CNM

Sharon Lambert 01773 590343/07813 975 307 Email: 110


Anne & Martin Hoban Bradford on Avon Wiltshire

RBIS LRC Wales Lisa Finney BIS WELRC Sian Evans

SBN Ch Naiken Zephyr JW x Meadowleigh Romantica

Meadowleigh Romantic Quest



1st UGB Bournemouth Jenny King BIS South Western Gundog

2nd JB 3 Counties Maureen Rees.

Ch/Ir Ch Meadowleigh Brown Sugar x Meadowleigh Romantic Quest


Meadowleigh Black In Style


Photo: Noelene Dodd

SH CH MAXFIELD MAYBELLINE JW CRUFTS 2019 BEST OF BREED WINNER Many thanks to judge Mrs Sussie Wiles for thinking so highly of our girl Darcy Also co-judge Mrs P Harrison who was in agreement for Best of Breed A day we will never forget … “Dreams really do come true” Following in her sire’s footsteps, Crufts BOB 2012

SH CH AM/CAN CH SALTY DOG OF TAMPA BAY and not forgetting her dam,

MANDURSANS MISS DEMEANOR AT MAXFIELD Top Labrador Brood Bitch of the Year 2017 112


A second home bred show champion for us this year


Fin Ch Devonshires London Edition x Mandursans Miss Demeaner at Maxfield Bella gained her 1st CC at 14 months old under Mrs Erica Jayes, her 2nd under Mr Ed Casey and her 3rd and crowning CC under Mrs Anne Lavelle with Best of Breed. Many thanks to the judges for Bella’s awards Thank you to all our friends for their kind words and support. We would like to wish you all a Happy, Successful and Peaceful 2020

Lynn & Steve O’Brien, Macclesfield, Cheshire 07535892137 113

Steve Bancroft

Jackie, Alan & Becci Hodge 01926 843114 114




D.O.B. April 2016

Sire: Poolstead Part And Parcel Dam: Poolstead Pushed For Time

The Poolstead flag continues to fly Thank you so much Sarah and Johnnie for this wonderful boy He has such a nice temperament and we are happy to share our lives with him

Sergio and Cinzia Sgorbati & Marco Morlotti e-mail:

ITALY web site: 116

SONGIACOMO Dual Purpose Labradors in Italy


HORSELL (Sangiacomo D’Artagnan ex Cassiopea) DoB 20/6/2002 granddaughter of my

ITALIAN DUAL CHAMPION, INT.CH. ATTENTIALLUPO Intended as a foundation bitch for Paola Corradini’s new Kennel her destiny was changed as a malicious vet insisted she had “rotten” hips, was therefore not suitable so sterilized. Other local breeders did not want competition. Paola’s father Corrado took her in hand as his rough shooting gundog for the next ten years, mostly wild duck on the river Tagliamento, also snipe, pheasant, hare, rabbit –whatever turned up! Horsell became a legend in the area by retrieving lost birds for other guns- in the reeds “blind” as she was not present when they were shot. Often at night or the following day she picked every bird lost by the other hunters’ dogs. She spent much of her life in water, never having any hip problems needless to say. Sadly Corrado had a terrible fatal illness leaving Horsell in the enlarged Kennel at nearly 12. Having a great friendship with the family I asked if she could retire with me (knowing they too adored her) We spent more than five wonderful years in and around Lake Como, my local Lake Montorfano and the seaside. Quiet, dependable, very intelligent and extremely loving towards me she was a real old-fashioned lady who finished her SEVENTEEN YEARS in a DIY dog swimming pool for therapy in 33 degrees Celsius- in her element. I am very proud of her life achievements and the joy she brought to us all. Grateful thanks to her first family Paola, Caterina & Max. Thank you Horsell- Labs such as you are hard to find!

Louise Alexander Greetings to friends at home & abroad


ROCHEBY OLD TIMER (A1) Rocheby Old Smokey x Sh Ch Rocheby Sensational How lucky we were to get this lovely boy.

ROCHEBY STOCKMAN Pol, Rus Ch Rocheby Mr Tom x Sh Ch Rochby Sweet Sensation Another lovely youngster (pictured at 7 months)

David and Marion Hopkinson David and Marion Hopkinson Tel: 01302 742791 Tel: 01302 742791 118

AND THERE WERE MORE GOOD EVENING ROCHEBY Sh Ch Rocheby Old Punch x Foxrush Touch of Class Breeder – Charlotte Rowe Busy time with so many youngsters but such a delight to have.

ROCHEBY SPICE Pol, Rus, Ch Rocheby Mr Tom x Sh Ch Rocheby Sweet Sensation Lovely start to her showing with many best puppies.

ROCHEBY STRING OF PEARLS Rocheby Town Cryer x Sh Ch Hayley Sun in their Eyes Baby of this new generation.

****STOP PRESS****

Manchester Championship Show Rocheby String of Pearls takes the Bitch CC, Best Puppy in Breed, Gundog Puppy Group and Reserve Best Puppy in Show What a Day!!! Huge thanks to judges - Moa Persson, Fiona Coward Scholes (Breed) and Mark Cocozza (BPIS) 119





Surprising’s NORW. SHCH SURPRISING’S MARGARET (Int Nord ShCh SW-14-15-16 Tjottes Lover Under Cover x Norw. ShCH Surprising’s Heather) Margaret has been winning well and is pictured here placed Group-4 at our biggest outdoor ChampionshipShow. The Group was judged by Jenny Miller, UK. This is


(ShCh Surprising’s Norris x ShCh Surprising’s Lillian) at 9 months old. She is our 16th generation (all ShChampions) in direct line from our foundation bitch Sandylands Georgina, born in 1968. We were delighted to make up 3 new ShChampions in 2019: The choc bitch Surprising’s Margaret and the top winning black litter brothers S. Norris and Nashwille (Sw.NL ShCh Seawinds Polish Poker x ShCh Surprising’s Isolde) Eva W. Mjelde and Anne Mjelde Myhr Tyriveien 40, 5104 Eidsvag in Aasane, Norway Tel: +47 930 64 786 e-mail: 121

SUTTONPARK Litter sisters

Suttonpark Penny Farthing 1st Puppy Birmingham National; Res Best in Show Labrador Club

Suttonpark Penny Lane

Sh Ch Adorden Hallmark at Suttonpark ex Picka Penny Rocheby

Michael & Judi Neachell, Wellfield House, Orgreave, Alrewas, Burton-upon-Trent DE13 7DH Tel: 01283 790434 122


Mattand A Million Dreams for Thirlmere ‘Edie’

What a brilliant start to her show career, having been consistently placed at 13 out of the 17 Championship Shows attended (including several class wins) and many BP and BOB wins (including Groups 1,3 and 4) at Open Shows. Looking forward to what the future may hold with this promising youngster

Thirlmere Echo Falls JW Stud Book No. 1905DE Hips: 5/4 Elbows: 0/0 Clear Eye Cert (PRA Her Clear) HNPK & EIC Clear Although only lightly shown this year Stanley has won his way out of Graduate and has been placed at 7 out of the 123 8 Championship Shows attended. At stud to health tested bitches.

Joan and Tony Woodall 95 Peveril Crescent, West Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6ND Tel: 0115 9304469 Mob: 07804 328124

Ian & Chris Bailiss, 83 Desford Road, Newbold Verdon, Leicester LE9 9LG Tel: 01455 822 821 Mob: 07813 140 742

DOB: 11/07/2018

Tissalian Hi-Society JW

Heidi has delighted us by winning 4 RCCs by the age of 13 months, thank you to all the judges who thought so highly of her


Ian & Chris Bailiss, 83 Desford Road, Newbold Verdon, Leicester LE9 9LG Tel: 01455 822 821 Mob: 07813 140 742

Current clear eye certificate

Hips: 4-4 Elbows: 0 PRA, EIC, HNPK Clear

SH CH Tissalian Hi-Jack JW

Jack has had another lovely year in the show ring, and we wish all his progeny worldwide the best of luck. 15 CCs 11 BOB 9 RCCs



TOP LABRADOR DOG 2019 — Our Dogs — Arden Grange

Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW 9 CCs, 9 RCCs

Hips 5:4, Elbows 0, PRA prcd Clear, Hereditary clear for EIC and HNPK Winning progeny Chyanhal Trevose of Trewinnard Trendlewood Day Dreaming Chyanhal Trezelah Trendlewood Back to Black Langanhoe Doris Day


Fiona & Derek Braddon Tel: 01454 775084 Mobile 07785 774804

photo Roy Edwards


Another exciting and successful year for the Trewinnard kennel.


(Sh Ch Trendlewood Born To Run JW x Sh Ch Trewinnard Pimlico) She has won group placings at Championship and Open shows since her debut in April. Thank you to all the judges who have thought so highly of her.


(Carpenny Primo x Trendlewood A Whisper At Trewinnard) Wins the CC at South Wales Kennel Assn. October 2019, along with many class wins at Championship shows throughout the year. As always, enquiries very welcome. Mrs Lucy Kent Orchard Cottage, Angersleigh Taunton TA3 7SY Tel: 01823 421321 Email: 127


David and Carole Coode

Tel: 019897 40296

2019 successes include: Warringah’s Gulwarra – 1CC, 1 BOB, 1 Res CC Ch Warringah’s Perth – 3 CCs 1BIS Warringah’s The Bluff JW – 1 BPIS Ch Show 6 BPIS Open Shows



Ch Waterbrook Bugsy Malone

I know it’s been hard for my parents Frank and Margaret to sign over the Waterbrook affix that they have held since 1977 over to me in October 2019 This picture is of my Dad’s all-time one in a million dog Ch Waterbrook Bugsy Malone. Fellow exhibitors that know my dad will know why I have used a picture of Bugsy. You will still see them both around at shows from time to time. Mum and Dad thank you for all you have done for our affix over the years. Karl Gawthorpe 07733 157961 129


Bred and loved by Alison Scutcher Tel: 01255 871489

Left to Right:- Winsleywood Wild Rose, Winsleywood Willow JW ShCM, Winsleywood Wild Daisy JW, Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM & Winsleywood Wild Anise JW ShCM


Woefdram’s Woefdram’s Abercrombie (Fitch)

JW ’18 NJK ’19 BJK ’19 DJK ’19 ES ’19 BWB ’19 BS ’19 1x BIS (out of 7300 entered dogs) 7x Gundog Group 1 14x BOB 24x CAC Res.CC at Midland Counties on his second show in the UK (Judge Mr.Metcalfe) Fitch is sired by: Am.Ch.Clearcreek Bonaventure Dust in the Wind x Int.Sh.Ch.Clearcreek Bonaventure Texas Cowgirl DoB 09-11-2017HD:A - ED:0-0 - Eyes:Clear Normal/Clear on PRA, HNPK, CNM, DM, RD-OSD, SD2, carrier of EIC

We have high hopes of our future star Fitch!

Mocnys Knoxville (Knox)

We are thrilled with our first UK SHOW CHAMPION! CC & BIS Kent Surrey & Sussex 2016 Mrs McGillivray CC Scottish Kennel Club 2017 Mrs.Peak CC National Birmingham 2019 Mr. Jakkel Big thanks to: his breeder Mrs.Rönkkö in Finland for allowing Knox to come to Holland! Mrs. McGillivray for having Knox for a year in 2017 and give him a great time!

DoB 09-03-2014 HD:A - ED:0-0 - Eyes:Clear Normal/Clear on PRA, HNPK, CNM, DM, RD-OSD, SD2, EIC

Fam.Nugteren - The Netherlands - - 0031180615500 131


WOODMIST MIMOSA at 5 years Stud Book KC Good Citizen GB Ir & Int Sh Ch Carpenny Made A Million (EW '09 Vet Ch) x Woodmist Saffron (2CCs 2 Res CCs)

Sharon Rogers 132

Wynfaul 2019

Photo Steve Bancroft

Ch Wynfaul The Wizard JW

Wynfaul Rocket Fuel x Cricklecreek Carolina at Wynfaul Born: 17/10/14

All of his progeny in the ring, winning well in 2019 – 2 bitches Reserve CCs Wynfaul Vickers JW 24/1/17 and Warringah’s Wirrabara At Timouron 31/7/18 Wynfaul Wind Chimes 5/1/18, & litter brother Wynfaul The Wicked 5/1/18 JW Warringah’s The Bluff 12/4/19 Junior Warrant at 9 months old Mac Percival Tel: 07974 728008


RULES and REGULATIONS 1. Name and Objects. The name of the Club shall be ‘The Labrador Retriever Club’; its objects being: (a) to encourage the breeding of pure, sound Labradors; (b) to protect the type of Labrador that has proved itself so eminently suitable for work; (c) to encourage Field Trials and Shows and ensure qualified judges at both. 2. Establishment and Constitution. The Club shall consist of a) A Patron, President, Vice-President(s), Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Field Trial Secretary, Hon Show Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Yearbook Editor and a Committee of not more than 14 Members. The Patron, President and Vice-presidents shall be ex-offico Members of the Committee, but shall not have voting rights. b) An unlimited number of members, whose names and addresses shall be recorded by the Membership Secretary on a database which shall be available for viewing if so requested by Members of the Club at reasonable times, or for inspection by the Kennel Club. The Club undertakes to send a list of Members and their addresses to the Kennel Club with the Annual Returns. Each candidate for admission shall be proposed by one Member and seconded by another (not husband and wife or partners) both of whom must be fully paid up. The election of Members is vested solely in the General Committee and shall be by ballot. At least twelve months’ continuous membership is required for entry to Field Trials, Year Book review pages and Puppy Sales lists. 3. Management of the Club. The affairs of the club shall be conducted by 20 elected Members who will form the General Committee. The General Committee will, from their number, annually elect a 134

Chairman and Vice Chairman. The appointments of Secretary, Treasurer, Field Trial Secretary, Show Secretary, Membership Secretary and Yearbook Editor shall be made and should any appointments be made from outside the Committee, voting rights shall be included. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Field Trial Secretary, Show Secretary, Membership Secretary and Yearbook Editor shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. The General Committee shall meet as and when necessary; the quorum shall be ten. The Hon. Secretary in conjunction with the Chairman or Vice Chairman shall have the power to summon a Committee Meeting by giving a minimum of seven days’ notice. No person whilst undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society. The word ‘shall’ is mandatory and the word ‘may’ is permissive 4. Powers of the General Committee. The property and management of the Club shall be vested in the General Committee jointly, who shall have power at any time to call a General Meeting of the Club, to arbitrate in disputed matters, to elect Members as aforesaid, to appoint sub-committees and to carry out the day to day business of the Club. The General Committee shall have the power to deal with any question which may arise and for which provision is not made in the Rules and to fill any vacancy occurring in their number between Annual General Meetings, those co-opted shall only hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The General Committee shall have the power to invite a Patron, President, Vice President or Hon. Life Members at their discretion. 5. Method of Conducting Business. At every meeting of the General Committee, Minutes of the previous meeting shall be read and confirmed. At least seven days’ notice shall be sent of every meeting together with an Agenda of business to be transacted. The Chairman, if present shall preside at every meeting. In his absence, the Vice Chairman shall take his place and in the absence of both, the members present shall elect a Chairman, who shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie and whose ruling on any point shall be binding on the meeting. 6. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General meeting of the Club shall be held early in the year, at a date to be fixed by the General Committee. Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to every Member not less than twenty-one days before that date of the Meeting. At this Meeting the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting shall be read and confirmed. One third of the General Committee, longest in office, shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election. 135

Any vacancy which occurs must be held over until the members have been made aware. Candidates for the General Committee must be proposed and seconded by two Members and all must have their subscriptions up to date. The name of each candidate, duly proposed and seconded, must reach the Hon. Secretary before 1st February of the year of the Annual General Meeting and be circulated on the Agenda before the Annual General Meeting. Any proposition, duly proposed and seconded by paid up Members, for inclusion on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting, must reach the Hon. Secretary before 1st February of the year of the Annual General Meeting. The Hon. Secretary shall be bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time, should he/she be required to do so in writing, by no less than thirty Members and the General Committee shall have power to call an Extraordinary Meeting whenever they think it is desirable, giving fourteen days’ notice. Any resolution passed, either at an Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary meeting can only be altered or rescinded at a subsequent Annual General Meeting due notice having been given to the Members. The quorum for each of the last named meetings shall be twenty-one. No business other than that contained in the Agenda shall be discussed at any Annual General Meeting, with the exception of routine. The Rules of the Club may not be altered except at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, notice of which includes details of the Proposal to alter the Rules. Such alterations shall not be brought into force until the Kennel Club has been advised and has given its approval of the alterations. New Rules and amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately and be included in the Club’s constitution with effect from the Club’s Annual General Meeting. 7. Annual Report and Accounts. An Annual Report shall be drawn up and presented by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting. The Annual Accounts shall be certified annually and presented at the Annual General Meeting. The Accounts shall be certified by either one qualified Accountant or by two individuals with accountancy experience. Those undertaking the certification shall be independent of those who prepared the accounts. The name of the person or persons to be appointed to certify the Accounts shall be presented to the Annual General meeting. A copy of the certified accounts shall be available to all members on request 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting and will be available for inspection by members at the Annual General Meeting. 8. Finances The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each calendar year. The General Committee shall have power to deal with any expenses incurred on 136

behalf of the Club. A Bank Account shall be opened in the name of the Club, into which all revenue shall be paid and from which withdrawals will only be made on the signature of two or more officers, as nominated by the General Committee. Each year prior to the Annual General Meeting, there shall be an Agenda item at a suitable General Committee Meeting, to decide any contribution to expenses to be paid to the Officers of the Club, or others so deemed by the Committee. A proposal for the amount/s to be paid, to each recipient, shall be put to the members for approval at the Annual General Meeting. 9. Subscriptions. The Annual subscription for the following year shall be recommended by the Committee to the Annual General Meeting and be payable on election and thereafter on the 2nd January each year. The subscription of anyone joining after 1st October and not wishing to participate in any Club activities or receive the Year Book for the current year shall be valid for the following year. NO one shall be deemed a Member of the club or entitled to the privileges of membership until the annual subscription is paid. A lapsed Member may be reinstated at any time by the General Committee on furnishing what they consider to be a satisfactory explanation and paying all arrears of subscriptions. It shall be in order for any Member to withdraw from the Club by giving notice to the Hon. Secretary in writing before 31st December of any year, provided always that such Member shall be liable for his or her subscription for the current year in which he or she gives notice and for any monies due to the Club. Joint subscriptions shall be available for husband and wife or joint partnership in dogs. In Field Trials, only one nomination in any trial shall be granted to a joint subscription. 10. Kennel Club Fees and Returns. The officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, maintenance of Title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Hon. Secretary for the continuance of registration and that by 31st July each year other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities, will be forwarded to the Kennel Club. The officers acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of Secretary of the club which may occur during the course of the year. 11. Expulsion of Members. Any Member who shall be suspended under Kennel Club Rule A42j (4) and/or any member whose dog(s) is/are disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A42j (8) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Club for the duration of the suspension and/or disqualification. If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the club 137

may, at a meeting, the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her. Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the Meeting, that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Club, except that he/she may, within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel club upon and subject to such conditions as the Kennel Club may impose. If the Club expels any Member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required. 12. Show Judges Lists. The Club shall participate in the production of the Show Judges lists drawn up annually by the Labrador Breed Council. 13. Disposal of Assets. In the event of the cessation of the Club, the assets shall be liquidated and disposed of, as far as possible, at the discretion of the General Committee. A final statement of Audited Accounts with a record of the disposal of the property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months and the persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last Return furnished to the Kennel Club will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Club. 14. Settlement of Disputes. The Club shall not join any Federation of Clubs or Societies without the specific permission of the Kennel Club. The Kennel Club shall be the final Court of Appeal in all matters of dispute.


THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB GENERAL CODE OF ETHICS All members of the Labrador Retriever Club undertake to abide by its general code of ethics. Club members: 1. will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required; 2. will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, may report such operation the kennel Club; 3. will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes; 4.

will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act;


will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally;

6. will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could in any way be harmful to the dog or to the Breed; 7. will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or to those carrying out official duties; 8. will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under proper control when away from home; 9. will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited; 10. will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life, and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change; 11. will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home; 12. will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available; 13. will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog); 14. will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the Breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog; 15.

ill breed only from good stock of sound temperament, taking full advantage of eye w testing schemes and BVA/KC hip scoring.

Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from Club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.


2020 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW JUDGES LIST DATE 09/01/2020 16/01/2020 01/02/2020 05/03/2020 07/03/2020 21/03/2020 29/03/2020 04/04/2020 18/04/2020 23/04/2020 07/05/2020 15/05/2020 22/05/2020 29/05/2020 04/06/2020 13/06/2020 20/06/2020 26/06/2020 01/07/2020 02/07/2020 10/07/2020 24/07/2020 01/08/2020 02/08/2020 05/08/2020 08/08/2020 21/08/2020 29/08/2020 04/09/2020 18/09/2020 01/10/2020 03/10/2020 04/10/2020 09/10/2020 22/10/2020 14/11/2020 12/12/2020

SHOW Boston Manchester Lab C of Wales Crufts East Anglian LRC Three Ridings LRC KSS LRC LRC of Scotland Midland Counties LRC WELKS Birmingham National SKC Bath Canine Society Southern Counties Three Counties LRC Border Union Blackpool Cots & Wyevern LRC Windsor East Of England Leeds Paignton National Gundog URC Bournemouth Welsh KC Scottish Kennel Club City Of Birmingham Darlington Driffield N & Durham LRC North West LRC South Wales Midland Counties Gundog Breeds Scotland LKA

VENUE Peterborough Stafford Chepstow NEC St Ives Bradford Maidstone Lanark Stafford Malvern Stafford Ingliston Bath Newbury Malvern Oakridge Arena Kelso Blackpool Malvern Windsor Peterborough Leeds Exeter Malvern Malvern Poole Builth Wells Ingliston Stoneleigh Ripon Wetherby Hexham St Helens Builth Wells Stafford Ingliston NEC

DOG JUDGE Mrs A Williams Mrs F Coward-Scholes Mr K Gawthorpe Mrs L J Kent Mrs J K Lewis Mrs J S Hodge Mrs J A Ward Mrs F E M Braddon Mrs P M Carpanini Mrs Lesley Dantinnes Miss B M Wiles Mr K S Wilberg Mr S P Williamson Mrs J R E Dobson Mrs S P Rogers Mrs A M Britton Mrs J Charlton Mrs M S Cuthbert Mrs R M Phillips Mr Ed Casey Mr B A Hayward Mrs M Taylor Mr R P Bott Mrs M D’Arcy Dog Mr G R Johnson Dog Mr Paul Collins Mr P Iversen (Norway) Mrs H I Male Mrs I M Key Mr E Parr Miss A B Farquharson Miss C L Morton Mrs P A Blay Mr R L Edwards Miss L J Thompson Mrs P Ayres Mr R J Morris

BITCH JUDGE Mrs A Williams Miss M A E Persson (Swe) Mrs Y Shirton Mrs C Reynolds Mrs L F Heron Mrs A M Britton Miss Mairi Brown Mrs A Scutcher Mrs C Bailiss Mrs Lesley Dantinnes Miss B M Wiles Mr K S Wilberg Mr S P Williamson Mrs J R E Dobson Mrs S P Rogers Mrs M A Percival Mrs J Charlton Mrs M S Cuthbert Mrs M Brown Mr Ed Casey Mr B A Hayward Mrs C Campbell Mr R P Bott Mrs S W Ellis Mrs J S Hodge Mr Paul Collins Mr P Iversen (Norway) Mrs H I Male Mr A W Jury Mr E Parr Miss A B Farquharson Ms S M Lambert Mrs K J Walsh Mr R L Edwards Miss L J Thompson Mr D N McLellan Mr R J Morris

In the case of general championship shows, the first day of the show is the date we have given. Venues as at time of going to press. Please check the schedule to ensure these are correct.



B List of Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe



01805 622592 01515 103802 07769 156760 01912 341788 0796 652 4320 07759 848742 01323 832349 01539 732101 01576 610 546 02392 597341 01225 743 123 01737 360997

Catherington, Hele Lane, Frithelstockstone, Torrington, Devon EX38 8JW

21 Dunsford, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 5NP

2 Whiteways, Cranbrook, Nr Exeter EX5 7FH

2 Laburnum Avenue, Walkerville, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 4PP

79 Madginford Road, Bearsted Maidstone, Kent ME15 8ND

The Bungalow, Moat Farm. Stow Park, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 2AL

Chilthurst Kennels, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4UA

50 Hall Park, Burneside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6QF

Cowburn Cottage, Corrie, Lockerbie, Scotland, DG11 2NU

39 Green Lane, Clanfield, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 0JX

21 Brockleaze, Neston, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9TJ

12 Mint Cottage Mint Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7 3DT













Page 1

STECARO 01443 225399

35 Colliers Avenue, Llanharan, Mid Glamorgan CF72 9UT


STECARO 01274 407975

5 Peverell Close, Holme Wood, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD4 9DN


DEERBROOK 01274 407975

5 Peverell Close, Holme Wood, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD4 9DN


MUSUBI 01443 842585

Haulwen, Church Lane, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7TQ


REYNBANK 01777 249407

Waverley, Cottam, Retford Notts DN22 0EZ


JILLYWIN 07889 714516

Anchor House, Lower Road, Grundisburgh, Suffolk, IP13 6UQ


DUNCANDALE 01634 371893

542 Lower Rainham Road, Gillingham, Kent ME8 7TP


01282 436390

Duncandale, 14 Wroxham Close, Burnley, Lancs, BB10 2NU


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

This list comprises Breed Specialist Judges who have been approved by the Labrador Breed Council to judge the breed at shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have judged Labradors for a minimum of 4 years ~ To have judged at least 30 Labrador classes ~ To have judged at venues with a proportion beyond the mean geographical area ~ To have attended at least one Breed Specific Seminar

Updated - 15th August 2019

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961



01162 202361 01684 833487 01257 452500 01704 231963 01449 768678

81 Forest Gate, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7FJ

23 Dukes Way, Poolbrook, Malvern, Worcs, WR14 3JE

Malt Kiln Farm, Tinklers Lane, Eccleston, Chorley, Lancs PR7 5QY.

Richmondhill Kennels, Southport New Road, Mere Brow, Tarleton, PR4 6JA

2 The Old Post Office Cottage, Cedars Hill, Wetheringsett-Cum- Brockford, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5PQ








01334 870490 01772 335930

Merrylee, 29 Main Rd, Balmullo, St Andrews, Fife KY16 0AE

Teazledown, 103 Chain House Lane, Whitestake, Preston, Lancs PR4 4LB

5 Y Berllan, Llenrwst , LL26 0HR




Page 2



Post Box 16, Rawsonville 6845 , South Africa




01635 42468

Woodlands, Newtown, Newbury, Berks, RG20 9DB

HOPGOOD MRS S 01492 642029


01501 763340

9 Faraday Place, Addiewell, West Lothian EH55 8NG




Meadowleigh, 36 The Pastures, Westwood, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 2BH 01225 866669


STEBEL 01558 822 035

Cwm Glas Farm, Salem, Llandeilo SA19 7NT

WOODBOROUGH 01371 856369


Cherry Trees, Stebbing, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 3ST


MANORWELL 01159 652347

Warrens Close, 3a Main Street, Woodborough, Notts, HG14 6EA


BEAVERBROOK 07951 927514

The Manor House, Ab Kettleby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 3JJ


BRANDLESHOLME 01905 767 335

53 Wolsey Close, Worcester , WR4 9ES


THORNCROSS 01706 870951

2 Bankside Close, Bacup, Rossendale, Lancs, OL13 8HZ


KNOYDAR 01548 550879

24 Elmwood Park, Loddiswell, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 4SA



186 Clark Drive, Irvine, Ayrshire KA12 0NS


01294 277139

Rewari Kennels, Whiteshaw Road, Carluke, Lanarkshire, ML8 5HE


01555 751258

0121 705 5458

47 Lode Lane, Solihull, West Midlands B91 2AF



01353 688510

67 Great Fen Road, Soham, Nr Ely, Cambs, CB7 5UH



01353 688510

67 Great Fen Road, Soham, Nr Ely, Cambs, CB7 5UH



01623 625188

93 Marples Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts NG19 9EZ



0797 127 8577

21 Park Crescent, Skewen, Neath SA10 6SH



01269 844846

217 Waterloo Road, Pen y Groes, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA14 7RB



07867 513371

Glenhurst, Slipe Drove, West Pinchbeck, Spalding, Cambs PE4 7ZP



01355 382559

01829 261 813

8 Kenton Drive, Lindsayfield, East Kilbride G75 9FP


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

Woodlands Cottage, Whitchurch Road, Spurstow, Cheshire, CW6 9RU




01626 207244 Page 3

Mile End House, 1 Mile End Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 1RN

01506 630053

Rosebank, 22 Bathgate Road, Blackburn, W Lothian, EH47 7LW




LESNEE 01256 322216

Lyde Luxury Boarding Kennels, London Road, Old Basing, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 7JL


OTHAMCOURT 01279 814533

The Bungalow, Fullers End, Elsenham, Bishop Stortford, Herts CM22 6DU


PENKARIC 01323 832349

Chilthurst Kennels, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4UA


BADGERSLEIGH 01706 877851

42A Lee Road, Bacup, Lancashire OL13 0EA


SENENDAL 01344 626571

42 Park Crescent, The Rise, Sunningdale, Berkshire, SL5 0AZ


KEENINSPIRES 01584 819509

19 Berrington Road, Tenbury Wells, Worcs WR15 8EL.


BURNTHORN 07825 379593

12 Burford Mews, Gloucester , GL1 4EB

01723 863512



02086 424752

Norfield, Ayton Road, Irton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4RQ

4 Ferndown Close, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5TG




MEACULPA 01207 658747 / 07766 337652

Spring House, Knitsley Nook, Knitsley, Consett, Co Durham DH8 9EE


ROEMORE 01704 880112

4 Culshaw Way, Scarisbrick, Ormskirk, Lancs, L40 9SA


CALLYSWOOD 01945 700417

8 Main Road, Parson Drove, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 4LF


SIDELOCK 01206 396541

Church Clerk's Cottage, Church Hill, Lawford, Essex, CO11 2JX


LEMBAS 01824 780501

Pen-y-ffrith, Llandegla Road, Llanarmon-yn-lal, Mold, Denbighshire CH7 4QX


GOSTWYCK 01458 833158

2 Helyar Close, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9LQ.


JAMBRET 00353 949 649 405

Corracommeen, Carrowbehy, Castlerea, Co Rosscommon, Eire


MARRONOIR 01904 421507

17 Highfield, Osbaldwick, York YO10 3NZ



01642 320395,

6 Clarence Road, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough TS7 0DA



01515 238339

Jepejo, 9 Blaydon Close, Netherton, Liverpool, L30 1SU



007795 515199

Johnstonecleuch, Johnstonebridge, Lockerbie DG11 1HW



01329 833868

Arosa, Liberty Road, Newton, Fareham, Hants PO17 6LD



+33 4 50 94 86 81

722 Route de Prailles, 74140 Sciez-sur-Leman , France



01287 659 574

4 Nidderdale, Skelton, Cleveland TS12 2FY



01745 550263

Pen Lon Almon, Groes, Denbigh, North Wales, LL16 5SE



0115 920 4752

Suntop Kennels, 164 Spring Lane, Lambley, Nottingham, NG4 4PE



01582 873233

7 Clements End Road, Studham, Beds LU6 2NG



0780 960 7900

4 Willow Dyke, Corbridge, Northumberland NE45 5JR


01244 556915

B List of Breed Specialist Judges

14 Granston Court, Connah's Quay, Deeside CH5 4GR





46 0 855159207 01895 823 227 01642 458137 01772 816937 01248 810287 01709 830952

Thornborough House, West Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 3PW

Thornborough House, West Lane, Burton Fleming, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 3PW

Old Balgowan School, Methven, Perth PH1 3QY

Hayden House, Main Street, Asselby, Nr Goole, East Yorkshire DN14 7HB

59 Halewick Lane, Sompting West Sussex, BN15 0ND

Oakdene, Garway , Hereford HR2 8RE

Emmastraat 85, 2641 EC Pijnacker , Netherlands

15 Elder Way, North Holmwood, Dorking RH5 4TD

22 Tower Hill, Williton, Somerset, , TA4 4NT

Downsview, 24 Cornmill Gardens, Wannock, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 5NL

Murlaggan, Banavie, Fort William, Innverness-shire, PH33 7NF

Bulgenen, Brentwood Road, Bulphan, Essex, RM14 3TJ

10 Kenmore Drive, Cleckheaton West Yorkshire, BD19 3EJ

Lotsta Gard, 153 94 Holo, Sweden

Bourne Farm, Harefield, Middlesex UB9 6NA

28 Normanby Hall Park, Normanby, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS6 0SX

7 Rivington Close, Tarleton, Nr Preston, Lancs, PR4 6DG

College, Llansadwrn, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, Gwynedd LL59 5SN

92 Rotherview Road, Canklow, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S60 2UP





















0790 0077894 01262 470832 01738842854 01757 630942 01903 755963 01600 750705 00316 51494958 01306 888052 01984 568282 / 07763 942572 01323 489646


07939 550261


BRUXINHO 07739 907473

Page 4

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2020

BULGENEN 01274 873458 01397 703331 01375 891554

8 Rayls Rise, Todwick, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S26 1HY



8 Salwick Close Marshside Southport , PR9 9PH

0033 251316281



07866 442268

Les Mignardieres, Poire Sur Vie, 85170, Vendee, France


01270 760104


4 Deer Park Home Village Dartmouth TQ6 0SB


B List of Breed Specialist Judges

2 The Coach House, Zan Drive, Wheelock, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 4QQ



B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe

Nashenden Farmhouse, Nashenden Farm Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3TQ

3 Loughabin Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim BT53 5NP

Maker Lane Farm, Hoar Cross, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 8QR





01926 842178 01452 712107 01922 447330 07739 562505

Beaconsfield, Wolverton Fields, Norton Lindsey, Warks, CV35 8JN

Parton Farm, Buttermilk Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JA

18 Bescot Drive, Walsall, West Midlands WS2 9DF

The Herdsman, Homeside Farm, Bossingham, Kent, CT4 6AR






01245 320398 01352 780421 01883 342274 01683 300638 01226 282097 01709 582816 01355 229470 01948 770543 01698 887776 01634 364539 01283 713134

7 Bryn-y-Gwynt, Pentre Halkyn, Flintshire CH8 8HU

Autumnwood House, Markfield Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6RQ

Willow Cottage, Palaceknowe, Moffat, Scotland, DG10 9PH

13 Redthorpe Crescent, Redbrook, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 1JE

Hillside Farm, 1A Racecourse Rd, Swinton, Nr Mexborough, South Yorks S64 8DW

43 Inglewood Cresent, Westwood, East Kilbride G75 8QD

Dog Kennel Farm, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7BT.

Tarskavaig Cottage, 45 John Street, Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, ML9 2ET.

Guildstead Court, Yelsted Lane, Yelsted, Kent, ME9 7UT

Classicway, 405 Lichfield Road, Barton under Needwood, Staffs, DE13 8EH












Page 1


01227 274324

Broomhirst, Willow Wood, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3DW

Chelmset, Main Road, Bicknacre, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 4HW


LOURDACE 020 8941 2557

24 Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0DF


01283 575448



07813 763365 01543 375519


01634 409816

15 Castle Close, Brownhills, Walsall, West Midlands, WS8 7QF.


01899 641045


Annavale, Biggar, South Lanarkshire ML12 6LX


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

This list comprises Non Breed Specialist Judges who have been approved by the Labrador Breed Council to judge the breed at shows where Challenge Certificates are not on offer. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have judged Labradors for a minimum of 4 years ~ To have judged at least 30 Labrador classes ~ To have judged at venues with a proportion beyond the mean geographical area ~ To have attended at least one Breed Specific Seminar

Updated - 15th August 2019

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961



10883 622121 01436 820478 01382 611076 07831 257969 01302 834424 01885 482404 01229 464203 01745 730215 01292 283738 01924 525304 01663 762122 01663 762122 01215 251417 01142 435776 01509 674 059

Summerhill, Shandon, By Helensburgh, Argyll, G84 8NR

142 Liff Road, Dundee, Angus DD2 2TS

8 Old Orchards, Chard, Somerset TA20 1NA

Chrisandre, 4 Gatewood Lane, Branton, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN3 3PN

Brook House, Edvin Loach, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4PW

5 Alexander Place, Askam in Furness, Cumbria LA16 7BT

Tanglewood, Alit Goch, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0BP

101 Prestwick Road, Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, KA8 8LJ

70 North Road, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF13 3AD

8 Overdale Road, Newtown Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 2RJ

8 Overdale Road, Newtown Disley, Stockport, Cheshire, SK12 2RJ

15 Kiniths Crescent, West Bromwich, West Midlands B71 4BX

133 Standon Road, Sheffield , S9 1PG

25 Whatton Road, Kegworth, Derbyshire DE74 2EZ
















01322 408359 01322 408359 07581 083008 01628 631157 0208 6986422 01324 823133 01564 823838 01564 823838 01929 462002 01977 645422 01823 662503

116 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, Kent DA1 2NN

116 Shepherds Lane, Dartford, Kent DA1 2NN

Nineteen Lands Farm, Lythe, Whitby, N Yorkshire, YO21 3SQ

1 Norfolk Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7AS

2 Bamford Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 5QR

43 Kilbirnie Terrace, Denny, Central Scotland FK6 6JL

Portway Court, Portway, Worcs B48 7HY

Portway Court, Portway, Worcs B48 7HY

Penywaun Boarding Kennels, Ebenezer Road, Llanedi, Carms, SA4 0FE

5 Swallow Close, Wool, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6HN

58 High Street, Upton Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF9 1HQ

Langlea, Ford Street, Wellington, Somerset, TA21 9PE

70 Higher Road, Hunts Cross, Liverpool L26 1TD

23 Wilbury Hills Road, Letchworth , SG2 4JU















Page 2


01590 610238

3 Bays Road Pennington, Lymington, Hants SO41 8HL


01462 672696



01204 528320

22 Withins Drive, Bolton, Lancs BL2 5LE


0151 4863570


01865 343435

Mandarin, Henley Road, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxon, OX44 9PR



01524 222052

School House, Main Street, Arkholme, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 1AU



01254 397392

267 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey CR6 9TL


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

13 Pickup Street, Accrington, Lancs BB5 0EY





01352 810490 01530 481080 07717763044 01623 624114 01636 706699 01307 830378 01244 520073 01502 580802 01685 371761 01202 575581 01475 321335 01544 230794 01948 770543 0161 773 1104 01885 490896 023-8081. 2763 01684 833360 01132 843889 01531 640102 01942 497463 01788 510367 01483 827122 01506 880191 01505 685539 01573 460363 01573 460363 01302 701209 01939 220537 01461 204972 01543 473220 01721 721158 01668 213293 01792 795 382

3 Wildgose Close, Ibstock Leicestershire, LE67 6PE

Thirldene, 92 Berry Hill Road, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4RR

15 Primrose Ave, Farndon Fields, Farndon, Notts, NG24 3TY

Pickerton Farm, Guthrie, By Forfar DD8 2TZ

5 Blenheim Close, Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3SJ

107 Clarkson Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 3NX

Glannant Nantddu, Cwmtaff, Nr Merthyr Tydfil CF48 2HY

28 Hull Road, Bournemouth , BH11 9RE

3 Lomond Road, Wemyss Bay, Renfewshire PA18 6BE

Highfield, Walton Green, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2PU

Dog Kennel Farm, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7BT.

9 Droughts Lane, Simister, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 2ST

Crumble Cottage, Bishops Frome, Worcester WR6 5AU

Oakley, Chinham Road, Bartley, Nr Southampton, SO40 2LF

Coltrim, Upper Pendock, Malvern, Worcs, WR13 6JW

Station House, Station Road, Arthington, Otley, West Yorkshire LS21 1NN

Oakberrow, Stoneyard Green, Coddington, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1JR

9 Bransfield Close, Wigan, Lancs WN3 5NW

60 Guilsborough Road, West Haddon, Northants NN6 7AE

31 Glendale Drive, Burpham, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7HZ

Dreghorn Lodge, Mid-Calder, West Lothian EH53 0EA

2 Auchengree Road, Glengarnock, North Ayrshire KA14 3BU

Smailholme Croft, Smailholme, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7PJ

Smailholm Croft, Smailholm, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7PJ

1 Byron Avenue, Campsall, Nr Doncaster. DN6 9NE

Stoneleigh, High Street, Clive, Shrewsbury, SY4 3JL

Kazval, 8 Hollinlea, Carlisle Road, Annan, Dumfries DG12 6QU

Bournehouse, Bond End Holdings, Yoxall, East Staffs, DE13 8NJ

Braidwynn, Winkston, Peebles, Scotland, EH45 8PH

Gardners Cottage, Twizell, Belford, Northumberland, NE70 7HU.

4 Clos Sant Teilo, Llangyfelach, Swansea SA5 7HG
































Page 3


07711 845687

The Lodge, The Nant, Llanferres, Mold, Denbighshire CH7 5SS.


B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

21 Southside Gardens, South Hylton, Sunderland SR4 0NP



B List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

Page 4

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2020


C List of Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe


01789 842088 01789 842088 07976 201880 01977 790488 01942 723847 01355 302659 01225 793614 01723 863512 01352 781366 01968 672646 01423 864616 01359 269538 01639 730 041 01659 656293 01865 632533

28 Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9TG

28 Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9TG

67 Tunstall Lane, Wigan , Lancs WN5 9HP

7 Pear Tree Close, Pontefract Road , WF8 4RL

22 Moore Drive Haydock, St Helens WA11 0PA

Highfields, Eaglesham, Glasgow G76 0NT

The Grange Coach House, Middle Lane, Whitley, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 8QN

Norfield, Ayton Road, Irton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4RQ

Rhosesmor Road, Hendre, Nr Mold, Flintshire, CH7 5QP

39 Craigiebield Crescent, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 9EQ

South Edge, Flaxby, Knaresborough HG5 0RR

Tyler, Hall Lane, Troston, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1EU

Cwmtawe Villa, Caerbont, Abercrave SA9 1SW

Honeysuckle, Fairfield Close, Broughton, Brigg, North Lincs DN20 0TT

The Willows, Chelford Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 8LY
















Page 1


01253 762544

The Poplars, Kitty Lane, Marton, Blackpool, FY4 5EG



028 3884 0118

18 Laurel Heights, Laurelvale, Tandragee, Co Armagh, BT62 2NR


TIMOURON 01555 840003

Greens Cottage, Newbigging, Nr Carnwarth, Lanarkshire, ML11 8NB


01354 688414

17 East Street, Manea, Cambs PE15 0JJ


07702 102817

37 Cliffield Road, Swinton, Mexborough S64 8PX


C List of Breed Specialist Judges

The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have shown an active interest in the breed ~ To have attended a Labrador Retriever Novice Judging Seminar and to have judged (hands on) 10 or more Labrador Retrievers.

This list comprises Breed Specialist Judges who do not qualify for "A" or "B" lists, but who are aspiring judges and have the confidence of The Labrador Breed Clubs to judge up to 5 classes at Open Show level.

Updated - 15th August 2019

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961



0157 661 0239 01942 840386 01738 842854 07802 224500 01664 566169

Brooklands, Woodside Farm, Touch, Cambusbarron, FK8 3AH

22 North Road, Gedney Hill, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 0NL

62 Wedmore Close, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 9PF

Roadlip Cottage, Mosscastle Road, Slamannan, Flakirk, Stirlingshire FK1 3EL

15 The Burlongs, Glebe Road, Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 7DR

6 Draughton Road, Maidwell, Northampton NN6 9JF

Little Whitriggs, Corrie, Lockerbie DG11 2NX

17 Old Hall Lane, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton Bolton BL5 2HQ

Old Balgowan School, Methven, Perth, Scotland, PH1 3QY

Broadlands, Cotgrave Rd, Clipston-on-the-Wolds Notts NG12 5PE

21 Ridgeway Close, Farnsfield, Nottinghamshire NG22 8DT

28 Acacia Avenue, Verwood, Dorset BH31 6XG

7Rectory Fields, Mepal, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2BT

69 Loughor Road, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 6AZ

Bog Farm, Horton Heath, Nr Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 7SP

20 The Chase, Crowland, Peterborough PE6 OLN

20 The Chase, Crowland, Peterborough PE6 OLN

Spinney Field Farm, 1 Potter Hill, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3JE



















Page 2


01604 686354

2 Ashley Park, Uddingston, GLASGOW G71 6LU



01353 774 859 01792 899 792 01202 822 664 01733 211011 01733 211011



07809 681326



01793 854 666 01623 882100


01324 851978 / 07714 419357

0117 3739200


42 Park Road, Morton, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA2 6DS



Pen Lon Almon, Groes, Denbigh LL16 5SE


01406 331295

10 Stanshall Drive, Filton, Bristol BS40 9UN




01567 820464

The Old School House, Kiltyrie, Killin, Perthshire, FK21 8TY


01786 465240


01294 221066

58 Pladda Avenue, Broomlands, Irvine KA11 1DS




01670 828123

17 Ridley Terrace, Cambois, Blyth, Northumberland, NE14 1QS


07764 532670


01744 750070

27 Royal Grove, Ravenhead, St Helens WA10 3NA




01744 750070

27 Royal Grove, Ravenhead, St Helens WA10 3NA


01228 592970


0115 938 405

29 Brackenfield Drive, Giltbrook, Nottingham NG16 2US


01745 550263


01738 631485


01332 832996

2 Muirhall Terrace, Perth , PH2 7ES


C List of Breed Specialist Judges

The Firs, 168 Brookside Road, Breadsall Village, Derbys, DE21 5IH



List will expire on 31st May 2020 01664 566169

C List of Breed Specialist Judges

Spinney Field Farm, 1 Potter Hill, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3JE


Page 3

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.



C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

THE LABRADOR BREED COUNCIL 19 Badger Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7TQ

Hon Secretary : Mr K. Gawthorpe


01943 464876 0161 633 3623 01206 540029 01454 228439 01792 792 176 01527 61377 01257 265934 01283 536260 07764 157351 01380 699337 01873 840291 01432 353519 01159 664572

19 Ings Way, Ingbirchworth, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 7GL

Hawkstone, Rhewl Lane, Gobowen, Oswestry, SY10 7AS

Goodwren Farm, Newall Carr Road, Clifton, Otley, LS21 2HD

10 Eskdale Avenue, Royton, Oldham OL2 6SP

122 King Harold Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 4SQ

Hill House, Wotton Road, Iron Acton, Bristol, BS37 9XA

Shardanell, Upper Glanywern, Llansamlet, Swansea, SA7 9YQ

3 Latchford Close, Redditch , Worcs B98 9NQ

2 Limes Avenue Euxton, Lancs PR7 6BJ

5A Ivy Lodge Stapenhill, Burton on Trent DE15 9RD

Fuzzelands, 20 Acacia Drive, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6AP

22 Kings Road, Easterton, No Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4PX

Brynhysryd, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Nr Abergavenny NP7 9DY

200 Whitecross Road, Hereford , HR4 0DJ

Walnut Lodge, Thorpe Lea, Gunthorpe, Notts, NG14 7FG
















Page 1


01691 650213

The Granary, Cross Lanes, Tollerton, York, YO61 1RB


DANNISH 01226 766866

8c Walpole Gardens, Chiswick, London W4 4HG


01347 830128


01382 611076


01332 792328

142 Liff Road, Dundee , DD2 2TS


01376 344760

Shardlow Boarding Kennels, 136 London Road, Shardlow, Derbyshire, DE72 2GP


60 Coldnailhurst Avenue, Braintree, Essex CM7 5PX


C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

This list comprises Non Breed Specialist Judges who do not qualify for "A" or "B" lists, but who are aspiring judges and have the confidence of The Labrador Breed Clubs to judge up to 5 classes at Open Show level. The minimum experience required for the consideration of the proposing club is : ~ To have demonstrated an active interest in the breed ~ To have attened a Labrador Retriever Novice Judging Seminar and to have judged (hands on) 30 or more dogs in another breed.

Updated - 15th August 2019

Email - Tel 0114 269 4089 Mobile - 07733 157 961




01793 520347 01304 241211 01484 358135 0117 9322096 01924 689019

Greenacres, Whiting Farm, Roman Road, Dover, Kent CT15 5JY

1 Teddington Avenue, Dalton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD5 9HR

The Goldens, 5 Wall Tyning Gardens, Cherry Garden Lane, Bitton, Bristol BS30 6AB

39 Howard Crescent, Durham, Wakefield WF4 3AJ





Page 2

Lists are for specific periods and upon expiry new ones will be published by the Labrador Breed Council. Inclusion in any part of a list does not guarantee automatic admission to subsequent ones. The member clubs of the Labrador Breed Council alone shall decide on those judges whose names are to be included in the annual list of Judges and fulfilling any part of the various criteria does not guarantee inclusion in any part of a list.

List will expire on 31st May 2020


01942 494458

40 Liskeard Way, Freshbrook, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8NL


30 Ashdale Road, Marus Bridge, Wigan, Lancashire, WN3 5QT

01275 332652 / 07894 009231


01772 614982


Moorledge Farm, Moorledge Lane, Chew Magna, Bristol, Somerset BS40 8TL


C List of Non Breed Specialist Judges

Glenthorne, 7 Moss House Lane, Much Hoole, Preston, PR4 4D


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