Csrd 2014 annual report

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The family is traditionally very important in the Vietnamese culture. With the advent of fast economic growth and industrialisation, families and communities face a challenge to balance their cultural life with economic pressures.

Working to create resilient communities The Centre for Social Research and Development (CSRD) is a Hue-­based, local non-­government organisation (NGO) which works to protect the natural environment, in particular, the river systems, and to support poor and vulnerable communities, many of whom traditionally depend on the rivers for their quality of life and their livelihood.

industrialisation, in particular, the rapidly-­ expanding hydropower industry.

Working at the grass roots level, in partnership with local communities in Thua Thien Hue, other provinces in the central region and across borders where necessary, CSRD provides support with information, training, Vietnam is increasingly advocacy services and affected by climate change practical assistance. and the negative impacts of

&65'¶V DSSURDFK LV research based providing communities with skills to enable them to monitor their own environment. This evidence can then be used as a basis for dialogue with industry and government to instigate improvements and positive change. CSRD is able to make a GLIIHUHQFH WR SHRSOH¶V OLYHV and create communities that can adjust and succeed towards a better future.


¶2QH RI RXU JUHDW VWUHQJWKV DW &65' LV WKDW ZH work at the grassroots level in partnership with WKH FRPPXQLWLHV ZH DUH KHOSLQJ·

From the Director, Lam Thi Thu Suu This year I have been supported with a strong team of enthusiastic and dedicated staff and partners. Together we have achieved considerable success. I believe our great strength, and that which distinguishes us from other NGOs, is that we are working with communities at the grassroots level and helping them cope with the changes that so drastically affect their lives. Some of our major achievements during 2014 have been: x The raised awareness of people concerning the impact of hydropower dams, climate change, and other environmental issues.

x Helped vulnerable communities by giving them the methodology and skills necessary to monitor their

local environment and gather data to support their case. x Provided the means for people to mobilize and voice their opinions about hydropower plants in Quang Nam and Quang Binh. x Conducting a series of workshops that has increased confidence of women in the affected areas who are now able to speak out about gender inequality and their own issues around hydropower. x The creation of a network of communities who can support each other. x Practical support for households to mitigate and adapt to climate change in Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue Province helping them use biogas, solar panels and compost-­making. Allocation of land to people who have been

involuntarily re-­settled along with technical assistance to be able to crop and manage those lands. x Acting as the coordinator for the activities of the Vietnam Rivers Network (VRN) for the central region of Vietnam and also for national activities. During the coming year, with the help and funding from our partners, CSRD will continue to commit to helping the poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable.

Lam Thi Thu Suu 3

CSRD Values x We aim to work to protect the environment and its complex eco-­systems which are essential for the continuing health and well-­being of our country and our people.

x We believe in the value of all human beings and their right to live a life of dignity.

x We strive to establish mutually respectful partnerships with our stakeholders.

x We believe in ourselves and our capacity to introduce change peacefully within laws and regulations.

x We will work to support poor and vulnerable people in Vietnam to live a better life by addressing the issues which produce negative impacts on them such as industrial development, climate change, rapid social change and gender inequality.

From the CSRD Board, Nguyen Thi Phuc Hoa there are many poor and vulnerable people who lack the resources to adapt easily or successfully to this new way of living. It is these people that CSRD seeks to help. Industrialisation brings benefits but also radical change in the ways families and villages operate. Many people have Vietnam is a country been disadvantaged with the undergoing significant affects of industrialisation. transition. We have to cope Some have even been forced with the affects of climate to move away from their homes change as well as a rapidly and their means of livelihood to increasing rate of social areas where they struggle to change. survive with little land or access Some of these changes the to water. young people may embrace Many of the women bear a with enthusiasm. However, heavy burden because they

remain the primary carers for children and older family members, whilst at the same time, they are expected to work outside the home. It is these vulnerable groups that CSRD has aided over the past year. On behalf of all of the board members, I wish to give our full support the work of CSRD and we are proud of the achievements in the past year and will continue to support them with their projects in the coming year. Nguyen Thi Phuc Hoa Chair, CSRD Advisory Board 4


Community members discuss climate change strategies.

CSRD worked with communities and faith-­based organisations (FBO churches and pagodas), helping them understand how to adapt and prepare for climate change in their coastal communities. The Department of Flood and Storm Control staff visited at-­ risk communes and help the

Donor: Nordic Church Aid (NCA) Project Date: 2014 Location: Hai Duong Commune, in Huong Tra Town, Phu Thanh Commune in Phu Vang District, Thua Thien Hue Province local people develop a risk management assessment of their local area. Following this a group of 20 FBO members then visited these communities in the province discuss and share their knowledge and to develop a train-­the-­training programme. The final part of the project

was a sharing workshop to link these groups and organisations from communities all over the province with others who had the expertise, technical knowledge and skills, including academics and researchers from universities and staff from government ministries and departments.

WORKING ACROSS BORDERS TO PROTECT THE MEKONG RIVER Donor: Oxfam Project Date: 2014 -­ 2015 Delegates take a boat on Tonle Sap in Cambodia to visit a dedicated conservation area protected by the community.

This project was to develop strong networks across the Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam regions along the Mekong River to protect the river, the surrounding environment and the livelihood of the communities that depend on these resources. A regional workshop was held in Ho Chi Minh with the participation of

representatives from Non-­ Government Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and community representatives in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The workshop was considered as a kick-­off step for a regional network of CBOs and NGOs using a community-­based approach to safeguard community

livelihoods in a sustainable way, whilst at the same time protecting the Mekong River and the surrounding natural resources. All the participants highly appreciated the initiatives of the workshop which provided an opportunity to discuss issues, to exchange ideas and learn from each other. 5


Just six pigs can provide enough biogas for a family to cook meals.

Donor: Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) Project Date: 2014 Location: Nam Dong and Phong Dien Districts, Thua Thien Hue

BIOGAS Many rural communities rely on using wood to cook and heat their homes. However, the forested areas of Vietnam need to be protected to ensure the integrity of the land and prevent erosion and loss of soil. A further issue is that many farmers used manure directly on to their crops as fertiliser, resulting in pollution, smells and the spread of disease. CSRD worked to install a biogas system into 13 homes where biogas would provide a means of fuel for cooking and

the process by-­product was safe to use on crops as a fertiliser. To have biogas the homes had to have at least six pigs and the farmers had to contribute 30 per cent towards the cost of biogas installation. Agriculture specialists and advisors, along with CSRD, provided training to the farmers on how the biogas would work and on-­going maintenance. The results were very successful with more members of the community now interested in biogas installation.


Hien, Phong Hien and Nam Phu. Students learnt about climate change and what they could do to help. To reinforce the learning children helped with tree plantings and took part in school competitions. A poster competition involved groups of children who drew pictures of their understanding of climate change. For the older children, a Question and Answer competition was organized

Planting trees was one of the school activities in which the children were happy to participate..

An education program was initiated in five rural schools;; Bac Hien, Dong Hien, Tay


The compost was tested in the FRPPXQLW\¶V YHJHWDEOH JDUGHQV

In the Phong Hien commune 30 households took part in the programme to learn about composting to recycle their agicultural waste and also to improve the production of their crops.

The posters were judged by a team of CSRD and teachers to select the posters that best conveyed the climate change message.

where teams competed against one another to answer questions relating to climate change. 6

GIVING A VOICE TO WOMEN Donor: Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) Date: 2014 Women from Ben Van village, Loc Bon Commune discuss the issues they face since being moved from their original homes.

This was a project to change perceptions of women in the community and educate women about gender equality and their rights. Women in these villages have to work hard and more so since they were forcibly moved from their original homes due to the construction of the Ta

Location: Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Hue

Trach reservoir. The women, are culturally responsible for the housework, provision of food, health of the family and caring for the children. Prior to being moved the community was mainly self-­ sufficient in provision of food;; growing their own crops and maintaining livestock, in their

new situation they have poor access to water, infertile and insufficient land. Many of the women have to work outside the community to gain money to buy food. Workshops were held with the women and men, covering laws and the benefits of sharing ideas and feelings.

MONITORING THE IMPACT OF HYDROPOWER DAMS Donor: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS) and Oxfam Project Date: 2014 Location: Quang Binh and Quang Nam province When the large concrete dam is built the river and its environment is changed forever.

Many people, often from ethnic minority groups, have been re-­ settled to new areas due to the building of hydropower dams. These people, as well as others living downstream of the dams, suffer from losing their traditional culture and their livelihood which depended on the river and surrounding environment. &65'¶V ZRUN KDV KHOSHG

with workshops and training on WKH FRPPXQLW\¶V ULJKWV DQG existing laws that should protect them. The people were trained to use methodologies and skills to conduct their own environmental and social research. With this data CSRD then instigated a dialogue with investors/dam builders, provincial and district

authorities to voice concerns. In July 2014, a photo-­voice exhibition was held in Hue. Over 138 photos were showcased by community members, telling the story on how their lives are affected by the dams. The event obtained wide media coverage, spreading the message. 7

HELPING DISPLACED COMMUNITIES SURVIVE Donor: ICCO Foundation Project Date: 2013 ± 2016 Location: Communities displaced by This A Luoi family were displaced when the A Luoi dam was built. They struggle to feed their family having no longer access to fishing in the river or growing their own food. CSRD has been working with groups of these relocated communities, due to the building of the Bing Dien Dam, the Huong Dien Dam and the Ta Trach Dam and A Luoi Dam. A large proportion of the affected people were from the ethnic minorities of the Co Tu, Bru Van Kieu and Kinh (Viet). The task was to work in the area of Evidence Based Advocacy (EBA), helping the people understand their rights and be able to negotiate solutions. There are laws requiring environmental and social impact assessments and the dam-­building companies are required to monitor impacts and address issues. However, this legislation is not adequately policed by the authorities, non-­compliance with legislation was not followed-­up and the dam

Binh Dien Dam, Huong Dien Dam, Ta Trach Dam and A Luoi Dam

owners have not addressed issues they have caused. On top of this the affected people were poorly educated and were not aware of the legislation that could protect them or their rights. 2QH RI &65'¶V ILUVW WDVNV was to hold workshops to ensure the affected communities were aware of the legislation. They then trained the people in methodologies and skills to undertake their own Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The evidence collected was recorded and ratified by scientists and independent consultants. CSRD then mediated contact and dialogue with the relevant government departments and dam owners to address the issues. There have been some positive results.


x The affected communities have formed a network and have been instrumental in working with people in newly-­planned dam areas to inform them of their rights and the possible negative outcomes if they are forcibly moved away from their current homes.

x Signification media coverage has informed the general public in Vietnam of the issues and the negative impacts of the dams on the Vietnamese environment.

x Some additional land has been made available to some of the affected communities.

x 96 hectares have been given to re-­ settled people in Huong Tien Commune, for individual households to grow of crops.

x A further 83 hectares have been allocated to groups in three villages: Hoa Binh, Binh Duong and Hoa Thanh in Binh Thanh commune.

x 87 hectares of land was allocated to the people of Bo Hon village in the Binh Thanh commune.


Why Hydropower Dams are a social and environmental issue

After the building of many dams, the Vu Gia River, once wide and flowing, is now just a trickle.

Vietnam is a rapidly have downstream, such as growing economy and with flooding. industrialisation comes the These affected need for increased communities must learn resources such as electricity. different ways of surviving. To cope with this demand Learning new ways of Vietnam has built many farming will take time to dams on its rivers. These learn and many may be Many fish species may not survive dams have had a significant due to poor water quality and the forced to use outmoded and impact on the environment changed river ecology. illegal slash-­and-­burn and on the lives of those agriculture that destroy people who were dependent Hydropower plant forests. on the river for their operation and deforestation livelihood. are creating conflict over Many people and water usage. Hydropower communities have been requires vast quantities of forcibly moved due to the water from the rivers and construction of dams. These destroys the river ecology. people were poor but had Downstream from the Many people, no longer able to sustainable lives along the dams, people face many grow their own food, try to find river, growing their own food water-­related issues, seasonal work in plantations in and fishing in the river. They including;; river bank erosion, order to be able to buy food for their families. have been moved to areas water shortage, water where they have insufficient pollution, decreasing fish There has to be greater land to grow their own food stocks and flooding. community consultation with and provide for their families, Hydropower companies the affected people to no access to employment release water stored in dams ensure their livelihood and to and often no access to clean at times which suit their own secure the protection of the water. operations only, without rivers and surrounding regard for the effect it will environment. 9

Centre for Social Research and Development Organisational Structure Advisory Board

Director Vice Director Technical

Vice Director Operations

Project Teams

Finance & Administration

Environment & Climate Change Gender & Social Justice Saving Resources

Team Leader Finance Officer

Communications/PR International Volunteer

The Centre for Social Research and Development operates under the governance and management guidelines of a Quality Management System. CSRD values transparency and accountability in its work and operations which include annual financial audits.

Project Assistants/ Volunteers


Two CSRD graduates who are gaining experience in the office and on projects. The Centre for Research and Development has a permanent staff of 12 plus three volunteers.

assist the permanent staff in Having a graduate the office but also have the internship programme is just opportunity to work on another way that CSRD can projects in the field. help others, in this case young university graduates, CSRD helps train the Over the years many past who can then enter the graduates in an office volunteers have found workforce with real environment to give them employment in other NGOs experience and become a practical skills and knowledge or have gone on to further credit to their future that will help them find future university study. employers. employment. The volunteers 10

Centre for Social Research and Development Financial Results INCOME 2014

Amount (VND)

Total funds received from project donors


Total funds receivedfrom consultancy contracts





Project expenses


Administrative expenses (salaries, office operation costs)



Project expenses Administr ative expenses

Overheads were maintained at 21 per cent of total expenditure. The projects received 79 per cent of funds over the 2014 year.


Note: total expenses were higher than income 2014 but this was offset by funds balance from 2013

Our Donors and Partners CSRD would like to thank all of our partners and donors with whom we have worked during 2014. Without their help our projects could not have succeeded in helping so many people in our community. It is with your assistance that we are creating resilient communities that will be able to adapt to our constantly changing world.


Some of the people affected by the building of Hydropower Dams attending a photo exhibition of their work to raise awareness of their plight.

2/33 Nguyen Truong To Hue City Thua Thien Hue Province Vietnam Tel/Fax (+84) 543837714 Email: info@csrd.vn Website: www.csrd.vn CSRD was established under the Decision numbered 10/QD-­ LHH by Thua Thien Hue Union for Science and Technology Association (HUSTA)


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