Connecting Race Networks: A UK Directory of Civil Service Race Networks

Page 23

Houses of Parliament - ParliREACH (Parliaments Workplace equality network for Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage) ParliREACH and is one of Parliaments six Workplace Equality Network groups and was established in 2013 to provide a platform for BAME members of staff, Members and Peers and their staff across the Estate to increase awareness and appreciation of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage issues. We work with the Inclusion and Diversity teams in the Houses of Lords and Commons toward meeting Parliaments corporate equality objectives; to diversify Parliament, both in staff & public audience and to create an inclusive working environment that reflects the democracy its serves. We provide a support network and safe place for our members to voice concerns regarding their lived experiences while working on the Estate. ParliREACH is also a point of resource for all who want to better understand the culturally diverse community of people who work here. And for allies who wish to support their BAME colleagues by challenging negative behaviours. Priorities include: •

To escalate the views of our members to our board and, as appropriate, to Members of both Houses in order to encourage necessary change in Parliament.

Advocate for the recruitment, development, and retention of staff from underrepresented groups.

To organise and run a range of campaigns and events which helps raise awareness of particular issues of interest to members of ParliREACH and allows opportunities to socialise and network

To work together with staff of both Houses and non-political external organisations and subject experts.

You can contact the network at

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