Connecting Race Networks: A UK Directory of Civil Service Race Networks

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Ofgem - Embrace Group Embrace is Ofgem’s staff initiative that seeks to create a workplace culture where race diversity, equity and inclusion is understood and embedded in the workplace. We recognise that the work of a “diversity” network is more than just about achieving equality in terms of measurable numbers and targets. We believe it is vital that we also take practical steps to create an inclusive organisational culture where staff feel included, supported and encouraged to excel in the workplace whatever their racial or ethnic background. Vision A culture that demonstrably embraces race, diversity and inclusion, where equality of opportunity is embedded in workplace practices. Purpose •

To empower staff to bring their authentic self to work; empowered people feel included and happy, supported and encouraged to excel in the workplace.

To facilitate an open non-judgemental dialogue about race.

To understand the drivers for differences in outcomes and opportunities across race.

To remove organisational barriers that disadvantage people because of their race.

To contact Ofgem Embrace Network by email - Return to index

OFSTED - Ethnic Equalities Network Aims • To ensure, where relevant, Ofsted has a clear focus on reducing the employment gap in senior posts. • To encourage staff to tackle discrimination in the workplace and embrace diversity practices. • To ensure staff perspectives and considerations are kept high on the agenda.

Objectives The Ethnic Equalities network provides a forum to: • provide support, informally and where appropriate formally, including networking opportunities to members of the network; 31

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