Buying website traffic

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Buying Website Traffic Bobby

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Want the knowhow when buying website traffic? We will happily let you in on the many ways on doing so… Buying website traffic can be daunting at first as this is one of the first investments that you will make in your business. The difference with this investment is that this is one that is made regularly. Your website needs traffic remember? Theres a whole post on it. Click here to read up on the importance of traffic if you haven’t already. Although you will still need to practice the ‘organic‘ (linked to internet marketing glossary) free traffic method (click link to read if not already). Paying for traffic is quicker and will pay for itself in no time at all. Buying website traffic is the best short term solution and for what you really pay it isn’t much at all. Although this is short term for the ‘campaign‘ you will be buying website traffic on each and every campaign – for your business to gather momentum so we are going to list each of the ‘buying website traffic’ methods. As ever, there is lots of information to be delivered here. So each of the listed ‘buying website traffic’ methods will be explained in greater detail in their own posts. We are not going to link the posts to each of the below like we normally do for the sake of not getting overwhelmed here. (If you’re familiar with us then you know that we are careful about the information fed to our followers so they don’t suffer from information overload).

Buying Website Traffic Methods List:

1. Solo Ads 2. Banner/Sponsorship Advertising 3. Facebook Ad Campaign 4. Twitter Ad Campaign

5. YouTube Ad Campaign 6. Ezine Advertising We will explain each of these but before we do – let’s look at what needs to be done for an offline ( bricks and mortar) business to receive a ‘potential’ customer. If you think about how a ‘bricks and mortar’ business needs to market their services or products the owner of that business has to spend an absolute fortune just to get: 1. Their brand noticed by the viewer – This could be a leaflet (which usually goes straight in the bin), an advert in a magazine, bus stop, bill board or on trains you get the picture. 2. Appealing enough to make the viewer want to gather their efforts to visit the brand’s shop. 3. Get the viewer physically into the shop 4. Buy something in the shop If the ‘customer’ doesn’t buy anything and leaves the shop, what are the chances that person would return to buy something in the future? Quite slim. Unless they’re informed of any promotion or new products. How would they get this information sent to them? You guessed it – The Brand would get the customer’s email address on their visit to the shop (well, logic says that they should, whether they do or not is really down to how much they know about the power behind email marketing). Now if you ask us- that is hard work trying to get just anybody to do all that by placing an advert in any of the aforementioned places (bus, train, bill board etc). How often do you think that the ‘impression‘ made any of the ‘bricks and mortar’ businesses got the potential customer to step 4? Not often at all. And bear in mind, all that advertising costs $/£ 1000′s.

“So what is different when you market online?”

Well, you don’t need to spend tens of thousands to get people in front of your offer. By investing in one or more of the seven buying website traffic methods listed above, the amount is a fraction of the money spent by the ‘bricks and mortar’ business above. In this post, we’re going to suggest #6 Ezine advertising if you’re starting out online. The reason being is because it’s probably the one you’ve not heard of and it’s the most effective for new starters online. Which is fine – we didn’t know about it until we were introduced to it by Jay and Stuart the co-founders of the SFM & DEA (The Six Figure Mentors & Digital Experts Academy) Click here to meet them and learn about the amazing community of entrepreneurs they’ve built. So what is Ezine advertising? Well first we’re going to say this tool is one that should be in every online marketer’s toolbox. This video will explain… We don’t really need to say much else but Click Here! To see what the Directory of eZines will do for your business. As with everything – with all things good there are aspects to take into account. Be sure to do your research on the publishers before you invest. Do not rush into buying a solo ad or advertise your article. Make sure that you contact the publisher ask the questions that Charlie tells you to ask.

Without doing so – you could be investing into a campaign that might not give you a return on investment. The great thing about the Directory of Ezines is that each of the publishers are rated! There are publishers on there that make claims of having 300’000 on their list but other members have reported that they haven’t had a decent return on any of their campaigns – therefore the 300’000 on the list might of been built by buying the list (list buying we will not teach you, it’s a waste of time and money. We will teach you to build a list from scratch for you to have complete control over). Besides that – Charlie gives a ton of value and we highly recommend that you get involved to this vast array of business resources. Click here to get involved. Great for building your list, great for promoting your offer. Great for buying website traffic. Buying Website Traffic ………. click here to go back to the top!

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