Good names for business

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Good Names for Business Bobby

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You’re looking for good names for business because you’ve decided to start up your own. Great decision. Right from the get go this tiny piece of information will go a long way in the future of your firm. Congratulations of course for making the decision. That is often the toughest part for most of us entrepreneurs. Once we’ve made the decision to make it ourselves we get all these wonderful ideas coming into our heads and visualise ourselves rolling around on our living room floors with the carpet covered in freshly pressed bank notes! But then the obvious questions arise, such as I need a name, what are good names for business? Some points here are obvious some not so.

good names for business

Good names for business depend on these 5 factors: 1. Relevance 2. Ring (nice sounding) 3. Longevity 4. Searchable 5. Abbreviation

good names for business

Relevance “Of course” I hear you say! this is one of the obvious factors. It needs to be relevant to the industry your business will operate in. Naming your business something that doesn’t highlight your area of expertise, can often lead to search for your product or service to be missed on any listing in any directory or search engine.

good names for business

Ring (nice sounding) It has to sound nice to say and hear. (This is sort of obvious). But a big part of branding is how nice the word or words, good names for business sound. Household names generally come from sounding nice. If you look at pop music singers and bands, actors and those generally in the ‘limelight’ have all nice sounding names – they call them stage names because they sound nice, you will often hear of how these individuals have changed their name for it to be sounding much more like a movie or pop star.

good names for business

Longevity Think of a name that is going to stand the test of time. Don’t incorporate a word in the name of your business if the object the word is describing is going to be obsolete in 10 years time. Be sure that whatever industry your business will operate in, the words in your business name will still be in use and continue to be in use and hopefully never go out of use. Think of words of basic principles within operations of your industry, this your customers will related to.

good names for business

Searchable This is key and you will be thanking this post because of it. Good names for business are decided upon by those who think outside of the box. They are aware of search engine optimization (SEO). Good business names, these days, should really be decided on a search term people are using in internet search engines. The reason for this is because search engines like Google will ‘rank‘ a website if it finds ‘domain names‘ with the particular search term within them. For example: If somebody who lived in Heathrow required a window cleaner and was to search for a window cleaner in that area on a search engine let’s say Google. The most obvious search typed in the search bar would be “window cleaner in Heathrow”. Now if a window cleaner who serves that area has named his business ‘Window Cleaner in Heathrow’ Google will find it and display it in the search results very high up if not on the first page. (Please note there is more work required to ‘rank’ highly on search engines – but naming your domain as a search term is great place to start). Also this isn’t an absolute must but it does help with ‘organic‘ search results for the future of your business.

good names for business

Abbreviation This isn’t a must but if you think about when you were at work and the different companies you had to correspond with, their company names would fly about the office or warehouse with either abbreviations or acronyms used to refer to them. This is how your company’s name should be seen as being used. Good names for business sometimes become know as an abbreviation of an abbreviation! This is great because the customer is so familiar with you, they feel it’s okay to abbreviate or call you by your short name when speaking about you with their other colleagues. For example: The same window cleaner in Heathrow : His/Her company is called “Window Cleaner in Heathrow” This can be abbreviated to “WCH” Okay okay, “W”,”C” &”H” hasn’t got a ring to it but the letters together read wch which almost looks like ‘wash’ – therefore the company may be referred to as ‘Wash’ by their familiar customers as the word ‘wash’ is relevant to window cleaning. So what’s next when you’ve found yourself one of the good names for business to use. You need to start generating leads for your business because customers aren’t going to fall in your lap (yet). You need to build your business a list of leads, those interested in what it is you have to offer. List building is the first practice and will continue to be practiced throughout your business. Getting started is easy.

All you need is the same report I needed to get my business ‘‘ started. This report is called ‘List Building for Profit’ by one of my many mentors Stuart Ross. Click here to download your copy of the ‘List Building for Profit’ report by Stuart Ross that is the foundation of any business on or offline.

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