How businesses use social media

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How Businesses use Social Media Bobby

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If you are looking to find out how businesses use social media, look no further. This post will tell all. If you already run a business, no matter what it is, you’ll find that all industries will at some time or another look into how businesses use social media. It’s the quickest way to get your business seen by prospecting clients or customers.

Some of the largest companies are employing designated people for the sole purpose of getting their company’s brand seen and heard on social media. Because they know how businesses use social media to connect with customers. Now it should be noted straight away that selling on sites like Facebook, Twitter and other social sites can be hard work. And to be honest, it’s a waste of time. Here’s why..

Do not try and sell on social media straight away. As soon as you are seen as just being on the social media to sell your product or service, most will ignore anything you post in the future and ultimately if they have enough of it they will stop following. This is not what we want. The correct way to use social media is believe it or not is to actually be SOCIAL!

Yes, you may have a product or service to provide and the core of any business is to ‘sell’ your product or service

but there is a means and way to doing this. Nobody wants to be bombarded on their ‘newsfeed’ with adverts all the time and when it comes to seeing the same advert or an advert that is from the same company all the time, we’re sure you’ve done it just like us – you hit the ‘unfollow’ button, because it becomes annoying. After one, maybe we’ll look but won’t bother, the second time we skip past it, the third we’ll say something like ‘wow, this company is desperate’, the forth we’ll probably hit the unfollow button or hide posts from button.

By somebody unfollowing or hiding your posts, you will never get your message, advertisement or just general content in front of that person again, and if you do it will be very very very hard work! Our advise – just don’t have them loose interest in you. The opposite in fact. Keep them wanting to anticipate your next post. How do you do this? Well it’s how businesses use social media for marketing. GIVING VALUE! That is all you need to do. Give them something to think about, don’t make out all you want is their money because that is the general consensus amongst people. Business is ‘dog eat dog’ and ‘cut-throat’. This doesn’t need to be true of your company.

If your company is seen as giving value to their potential customers these potential customers will become followers then ultimately customers. Then loyal customers because you will give them value. Got competition? Easy – give more value than them. Trade secrets are a thing of the past, all you need to do these days to find something out is ‘Google or YouTube’ it. There secret is out. Be the one giving out the secrets and people will see that as value and then want to hear or see from you again and again, because if you’re giving this information for free the stuff you have to buy will be priceless right? Seems too easy but it’s the truth.

You will hear on your online marketing journey this is the case over and over again, like a scratched record. Why? Because it is true. Start blogging if you haven’t already and share your blog posts on the social media sites. Every now and then throw an advert in but do not do it constantly YOU WILL LOOSE THE INTEREST OF PEOPLE. This is how businesses use social media to connect with customers, they build relationships then once that’s built, your company is the first place your potential and existing customers are wanting to spend their money. Businesses that use social media well will see increased profits as an indirect bi-product of giving value. How businesses use social media is a pivotal point in the amount of people that will gain interest in what you company has to offer. You can either gain a massive following or it can go the other way if not used properly. People will start getting annoyed with your ads and probably start talking to others on the site about how annoying your ads are. And bad marketing can be disastrous for any company.

So if you want to know how do businesses use social media to advertise, all you ‘advertise’ is your company, not what you sell, that’ll build the relationship with prospecting clients first, then after something is posted to a ‘follower’ that takes a massive interest in what you share, they’ll ‘like’ your page. This means that without annoying them you can get your content in front of them time and time again, eventually that person will visit your Facebook business page and click on the ‘Call to Action’ button – this will ultimately be your ‘landing page’. Once they’ve entered their email that’ll land on your list – you can market to them forever but again – not adverts all the time. Give value. There’s more to having someone opt into your list and there’s more on that on the list building page click here to jump to it.

Compared to how many businesses use social media 2014 to how many businesses use social media 2015 there was an increase of 1%. A study in the U.S in 2014 88% of companies were using social media for their marketing and 89% in 2015, but if you look closely at how these companies were actually using the platform, their marketing was really ineffective. You all you got were ads here and ‘like our page’ there, totally ineffective, not bringing value to their potential customers AT ALL! Just showing off their brand really as they’ve built on old methods of brand building from the conventional TV, magazines and posters.

If you want to know how businesses use social media effectively and build this value and trust we go on about so much we would be happy to show, tell and teach you. It all starts with a list you need to build. Social media is the perfect tool for this and this list is the basis on which your business will run. Concentrate on building the list and delivering value to those on your list and you will have buyers of your product or service or both. Click here to learn about list building for profit. This was given to me my Stuart Ross, one of the co-founders of the SFM, The Six Figure Mentors. Once I learnt what he touched on in this report fireworks were going off in my head for ideas! We’ve this and much more to show how businesses use social media in the best way possible to leverage any business in any industry.

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