How to avoid stress in the workplace

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How to Avoid Stress in the Workplace Bobby

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We have all asked ourselves how to avoid stress in the workplace at some point in our working lives or maybe we are asking ourselves now.

But this blog post will answer in full and the answer IS absolutely the definitive the answer. We have great pleasure in stating that and are confident that you’ll agree.

Before we explain, of course we must of experienced it before we came to the conclusive answer. And boy did we! for every company worked for after about 2 to 3 months of getting into the ‘swing’ of things there was a start to seeing flaws in systems and how ‘balls’ being dropped at certain points of the ‘system’ caused more work for other ‘colleagues/workers’.

This inconsideration for other workers and selfishness is what bothered the most. The particular ‘colleagues/workers’ that were probably the most selfish had a commitment to the company that only existed in front of the management or when the directors were visiting the site. When left alone, and the management or directors would go back to their offices, the fact the aforementioned ‘colleagues/workers’ would moan about systems and how they would gossip about how fundamentally flawed the procedures in that place was, yet they would do absolutely nothing to change it let alone make any useful suggestions. ONLY MOAN – because this was

something to talk about to others that like to moan too.

These ‘moaners’ had common ground and the sad story is – this is the way the working world is. With a ‘nothing is perfect’ attitude therefore complacency would become commonplace. Instances like this made me ask how to avoid stress in the workplace. I’d start looking into ways to improve the way things were done in the workplace to alleviate stresses not just on me but other colleagues too.

I had been saying for years to new starters in every line of ‘work’ I had been in that

“5 minutes due care and attention to a task can save you or somebody else 1 hour in messing around rectifying later on”

It’s true, this works but it did not solve how to avoid stress in the workplace, yes a little bit, but did not solve, in it’s entirety, how to avoid stress in the workplace.

So how to avoid stress in the workplace completely? I’d ask myself then it come to the point of finding the cause working my way up the hierarchy. The usual trend when working in any place is that the ‘management’ was at fault – again the moaners have a field day when such a subject is picked to talk about in the smoking area or in the canteen! So if management were a fault, what should we do about it? A mutiny? A boycott? A strike? all options but don’t really help the situation because remember, the goal here is how to avoid stress in the workplace.

Best way on how to avoid stress in the workplace? 100% is to start your own business. Your rules, your systems, your own time being spent on what matters. Start your own business is how to avoid stress in the workplace end of discussion. Nobody can argue that if you run your own business you have nobody to answer to, no unreasonable deadlines or targets only those that you set yourself thus eliminating stress.

Consider it. Would you start your own business if it meant you were to enjoy your life more without the stresses of work? I know what my answer would be and when I found out how I could start my own business without a product to sell or service to provide I made a start on it. This is where Click Start Your Business came into being. I found information that empowered me to start up. That information was provided to me by The SFM – The Six Figure Mentors.

This community of entrepreneurs provided the knowhow I needed to ‘click’ start my business and I’m show you all how to do it too!

I first was introduced to the ‘Digital Economy’ by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek the founders of The Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy. I promptly wanted to learn so I became a student of theirs and I know I’m running my own business thanks to the knowledge given to me by them. Without this knowledge I was stuck,

between a rock and hard place. I didn’t know how I could emerge out of the question I’d been asking for as long as I’d been working about how to avoid stress in the workplace. Now I know, and I’m introducing as many like minded people as I possibly can that want to help themselves who are in the same position as I was in. Those who are asking the same question as I once did “how to avoid stress in the workplace”.

My workplace is now stress-free. I got out and started my own workplace and I love it more than I ever have loved any job. You can do it to. To learn about the digital economy and what it can do for you simply click here and receive your 7 day bootcamp video series.

This series will inform over a 7 day period so you can absorb the information at your own pace – stress free – and once you see the potential in yourself you will truly be able answer to how to avoid stress in the workplace.

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