How to start your own business

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How to start your own business Bobby

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In this post I’m going reveal the ease of how to start your own business! There are a couple of pre-business launch checks that need to be made and don’t worry, a huge investment isn’t one of them!! I’ve mentioned before on a few occasions that the first step how to start your own business is to KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO IT! You must know that you can do it, don’t think that you can do it, KNOW IT.

You can do anything. Absolutely anything. All it takes is practice and you will progressively get better and better at what it is you set out to get better at.

I say this to everyone I meet. Whether I know them personally or not. I want people to know what they’re actually capable of; And that is – anything they want to be capable of. PRACTICE! This is required to get better. But you can’t practice if you’re not doing anything. ACTION! is therefore required in order to practice. THOUGHT! is therefore required for you to take action. You see how I’ve ‘reversed the process’ (Practice, Action, Thought) as opposed to (Thought, Action, Practice). I’ve done this for a reason. This is because one of the things I learnt running my business is that we need to concentrate on the SOLUTION not the PROBLEM. By doing this the solution becomes more clear whereas concentrating on the problem will only encourage the longevity of the problem. So what I do is ‘reverse engineer’ the solution. So example :This image is how I used to feel in my previous jobs. Am sure you’ve either felt the same way at some point or you are actually feeling that way as you read this! If you are, don’t worry because I’m going to reveal how we can

eliminate this from all of our lives. The reason I show you this is because this is what made me THINK. So I had a THOUGHT about (excuse my French here please) being ‘shat’ on from a great height. Very much like the the image here describes. The only way I could be cleaner and not be ‘shat’ on would be to progress to the next level. This proved to be quite difficult. In the sense that it wasn’t that I wasn’t capable of the work – after all, I had plenty of practice! But a case of patience wearing thin. Part of the ‘Progression’ process in the conventional business establishments is that you are ‘shat’ on from a great height until you become the manager – which could take years and during that time you TAKE IT! TOTALLY UNFAIR! If you ask me. I spent 14 years in one profession slowly working my way up the ranks. Still – I didn’t get to the level where I wasn’t being ‘shat’ on!

This doesn’t need to happen anymore..

So my THOUGHT to me to take ACTION. I started to search the internet how to start your own business. I was worried because although I had musical hobbies turning the hobby into a career was a financial risk. I wanted to find out whether it was possible to start a business when you didn’t have a product to sell. I found it. I learnt that you can run a business online and the best thing is that it can be totally automated. That means I do a fraction of what I did at my previous jobs and the rewards far surpass that of my previous wages. I then PRACTICED and PRACTICED and PRACTICED. I actually got better and better as you can imagine, good enough to start teaching others how to do it!! So to summarise here, I ‘reverse engineer’ the result I want to get what I want. As below: RESULT REQUIRED: START YOUR OWN BUSINESS THOUGHT: RESEARCH INTO STARTING OWN BUSINESS ACTION: I FOUND THIS – CLICK HERE PRACTICE. Links to previous helpful posts below: Blogging Affiliate Marketing Adverts List Building YouTube Get Traffic How to start your own business ………. click here to go back to the top!

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