How to succeed without a degree

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How to Succeed Without a Degree Bobby

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How to succeed without a degree? you may ask – most of us have been to school and yes the basics of what was taught was so so valuable. Without the first 10 years or so at school we wouldn’t be able to read, write, count or most importantly to OBEY. Not important to us of course. Yes, obey certain rules or procedures to get things done efficiently and accurately, but the type of obeying that is taught in schools as soon as children are given the ‘okay’ to become pupils/students of certain schools they are taught RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY and do as they are told or they will be punished. This is the standard model of which those of us that have attended our schools. DO NOT GET US WRONG when we question the standard model. It does serve some good to peoples lives. But in the same breath it does not. We will explain. Rules and regulation is there to avoid chaos, but would there be chaos if the rules weren’t there? By restricting those to do what they want to do in their lives, those restricted would be tempted to break the rules wouldn’t they? Catch 22 some may say. So by teaching kids when their brains are at the peak of absorbing information to respect authority and obey the rules becomes second nature to most. To most, not all. We shall explain later on in this post. We all have had it drummed into our heads how education will improve lives of those in pursuit of it and we at could not agree more. Education is the key to success in life in general. But have we ever wondered why the syllabus is what it is and why certain subjects or basic teachings aren’t on there? The basics in English speaking countries is to get a great grasp of English, Maths and Science. All subjects that is hugely passionate about. The reason for this is for the student to become ‘obedient workers’. So they can understand the processes put in place by organisations, if they do not display characteristics to become a leader so they can join those at the ‘elite’ of

‘authority’ Joining the very ‘elite’ that taught them. Ever worked with someone who has got a promotion and the ‘authority’ went to their head? Yes, we think we’ve all been there. Other subjects are chosen at secondary level by the student for them to aid their chosen career. Nothing wrong with this at all of course but it is still limiting the student to be a worker for an already existing business. Again nothing wrong with that, but what about teaching the students to start up on their own? Wouldn’t that be something they would be interested in? The given system has planted the idea that you must get a good education i.e a degree to get a half decent job. This half decent job is described so by the salary band that position would fall in. Anything say, $35’000 or below would be considered average whereas anything above would be considered ‘half decent’. The salary considered alone would seem quite shallow minded therefore job satisfaction is thrown into the mix. We believe that careers advise is good in the education system but not good enough. Entrepreneurship should be taught a lot more and highlighting the potential of the student as an individual. So if you really want to know how to succeed without a degree start with yourself and your mindset. What we are about to show you will make you see just how this diagram will boost your mindset into thinking differently. Watch this short video and you’ll see what we mean – Google’s Dr Eric Schmidt back in 2011 mentioned how Britain should re-introduce the Victorian education system when poems were being written and bridges were being designed and built – bringing together art and engineering. This has since been lost over time. Fair point but it appears that all that is sought after is a degree in something or another whereby the end result will bring to that individual a decent job, a decent job of course with a decent salary. So what has this all got to do with how to succeed without a degree? What is success? (Alan Watts asks). Is it money? Is it your job title? Is it the monetary value of your home, car and belongings? Or is it as Alan Watts says achieving your goal? Achieving what you set out in your life is what we say is success. Remember we said earlier that “respect authority and obey the rules becomes second nature to most. To most, not all.” We mentioned this because one of the reasons was created because of a man called Richard Branson. We knew that Richard Branson created his Virgin brand and he had no degree at the time of starting, running and building. That’s how to succeed without a degree. Knowing this Bobby De La Vega set up to aid others with the same thoughts. Thinking that a degree was needed in order to succeed. We now know this isn’t the case, a degree isn’t needed at all. What is needed is the knowledge shared in the video above. If we carried on in the faith that we work as hard as possible to gain a degree, we will not have to work as hard when we find a job after getting that degree. That’s not true. Degree or no degree working for a company other than your own you will always be working hard. When, not if, when you decide to set up on your own of course you will have to work hard at first but once your business is firing on all cylinders, you can start to enjoy your time doing what you want to do – like the holidays you want to have – and enjoy the money you make to buy the car you want, the house you want etc etc.. How to succeed without a degree? You start up your own business. How do you start your own business? By learning about how the digital economy is hidden from mainstream education and know that it truly is the future of the way we are educated. is here dedicated to educate those that are looking for the other way they knew deep down was out there and how successful people became so by believing in themselves and not in a degree. Click here and to find out how to start your business immediately because the business starts with the thought of starting up, then all the information you need will come to you as your seek it to build your newly founded business.

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