Make money online without being scammed part iii

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Make Money Online Without being Scammed Part III Bobby

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Following our previous post make money online without being scammed part II (which you can read by clicking here) we touched on the main method of internet marketing or ‘IM’ sometimes called online marketing or digital marketing. There are a huge number of methods of marketing online. Whether you’re just starting out or running a business offline at the moment. Online marketing will take your business to the next level when you do it right.

These next few posts in this series of how to make money online without being scammed will touch on each of the different methods and how you can implement them into your business’ marketing strategy.

This post is going to touch on the absolute basic which is to own a website for your business.

If you’re completely new to online marketing and don’t know where to start, who to speak to about getting a website made and ‘hosted’ then this post will help.

If we are used to using the internet (which I’m sure most of us are) then the first place we generally look for help with anything is the search engine of your choice.

Whether that’d be Google, Yahoo, Bing or any of the other smaller search engines, we all use them to find whatever information we are looking for.

So for arguments sake, lets say we use to search website builders. Google will find tens of thousands of pages of businesses that offer a website building service. But building a website isn’t enough. When your website it built it needs it’s slot on the internet. Much like renting a house, you pay your rent and are able to live in the house, you pay for your website to be built and pay the ‘rent’ for it to be able to ‘live’ on the internet. This is called hosting.

Prices can range dependant on the type of website you would like for your business. Hosting prices range from hosting company to hosting company.

Another aspect to take into account is that once your beautiful website has been built and you agreed a price for hosting, your website cannot go live until you have what’s called a ‘Domain Name’. This is our next post topic.

This all may seem an awful lot of rigmarole to simply just have your website go and stay live. You would be right. It is lots to take into account and you can end up paying hundreds of dollars a month just exist on the internet. This next step is to generate big business from your investment…. Well this would need a lot more work for that to happen.

You will be pleased to know that all of what’s has been mentioned above can all be done in one place (including Domain Name). The best news is that it isn’t hundreds of dollars, pounds or euros! The better news is that all the techniques needed in order to generate this ‘big business’ mentioned earlier will be taught to you!

Our friends at the SFM & DEA (Six Figure Mentors & Digital Experts Academy) give all the resources you need. Absolutely everything. Whether you are looking to click start your business from scratch or you’ve a business offline and want to utilise the internet to generate more business, SFM & DEA have it ALL set out in a structured learning and practice for entrepreneurs like you. Click here to either click start your business from scratch or click start your existing business by utilising the internet.

So in summary, getting your existing business or newly started business online, the absolute must do call to action is own a website. To get one you need:

Website built by web designer Domain name Website ‘hosted’ by hosting company Spend around $200-$500/month


You can quite simply just click here and recieve 7 videos that will show you how the digital enconomy as risen over the years and how you can be a part of it & best of all there is no need to go through the traditional routes to have a website built. By clicking here you have all that’s been mentioned above done for you!

This will get you started and over time, as with anything new you practice, it will become second nature.

Make Money Online Without being Scammed Part III ………. click here to go back to the top! Set up Your Digital Business Lounge Tidy up Your URLs with the tidyurl Tool What came from where? This’ll Tell You.. Capture your Leads, Build Rapport With Your List Share

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