Self development skills

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Self Development Skills Bobby

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Finding self development skills is required when an individual decides that they wish to develop. This sounds obvious but let me explain… The reason why I state what I did above, was because there is a point in time of the person’s life that the idea of self development arises. This isn’t always the case. Some go without having this idea ever popping into their head- or some believe it’s not needed because they know it all (and to be completely honest here – I was one of them). There is no right or wrong, of course, everybody has the right to live their lives the way they want to. But we all must respect the decision of others. Nobody has the right to criticise individuals wishing to learn self development skills nor do those wishing to learn self development skills has the right to criticise those who do not wish to learn self development skills. This is something I learnt on my journey as it is easy to sway from one end of the subject spectrum to the other – but we must give everybody the mutual respect each and everyone of us deserves. We’re going to go over a couple of self development skills that you can start to implement as soon as you feel comfortable to do so. There is no rush of course because rushing into something like this will overwhelm you, and as a result, could potentially have you give up learning the self development skills you’ve seeked out.

self development skills

So here we go! :1. Acceptance: You are going to be learning, ALL THE TIME! Never forget that you are always constantly learning new things, as time progresses so does methodology in the way we do things in life – this can be the way we do our shopping, the way we think about certain topics, anything, things change and we learn about the change and adapt to it until it changes again. These changes can subtle or monumental but change happens and we must learn to accept it or we will find it very difficult for our self development skills to take effect. 2. Self Awareness: This you will hear over and over again on your self development skills journey. It’s obvious when you know this but before you can develop you must know what, who and where you are. A great analogy delivered by one of my mentors ‘Jay Kubassek’ is the use of a map. What use is a map to anybody if they do not know their position on it?! You need points of reference, where you are – and where you are going! 3. Meditate: Rest your mind. We have countless thoughts racing through our heads both when we are awake and asleep. Our minds are working constantly whether we want them to or not! Learning to rest your mind will increase the rate of self development skills. To free up some ‘space’ in your mind for the new information you’re about to learn and to generally keep thoughts as best organised as possible. Making this habitual will allow for you to keep a firm grasp on your emotions too. Keeping calm when it’s required and having a clear head to solve any problems that may arise efficiently and accurately. 4. Find mentors: If you embark on a self development journey on your own, you will not be pushing any personal boundaries. Having a mentor that is in the position that you desire to be in is the only way one can develop towards it. Without this ‘goal’ you will only be learning self development skills as opposed to developing yourself. I learnt this on my journey quite late so I hope that this finds you before set off on your journey. When I learnt about finding mentors I of course set out to find them – people who resonated with me, and there were a few I found and I’ve learnt a huge amount from them all and will continue to do so. One of my mentors is Stuart Ross. I found Stuart because he was able to show me a way of boosting my development potential by the next self development skill on the list… 5. Unleash your Entrepreneur: Everybody has one within them. They just don’t know it. The reason they don’t know I can explain in a Skype call with you as this post would be much much longer to explain here. Long and short of it is that everybody is an entrepreneur all they need is the information to release the entrepreneur within. The reason being an entrepreneur is listed here is because of the challenges it initially brings into people’s lives. I said initially. Why? because it’s all about making the step then learning, then doing it so often it becomes second nature. Just like learning piano, trumpet, Djing or producing, another language or mechanical engineering. All it takes is to learn about it and then practice it and get better and better at it! The obvious question now is how do I unleash my entrepreneur? Well this is why Stuart was such help to me, click the link below to meet Stuart and he’ll explain..

Click here to meet one of my mentors, Stuart Ross as he will explain how he has helped thousands of people just like me to build a business with his business model!

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