What is reality

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What is Reality? Bobby

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A question we should at some point in our lives is ask – What is reality? When we come to the point of asking such a question – we have come to a point of awareness. Most of us have been ‘programmed’ to try and answer what is reality? Our attempts would be along the lines of something like “Well…. it’s the stuff around us, the experiences of our lives, the time spent” And yes, to a degree these answers are correct, there is a but. But there is more to reality than most of us know. This video I found I felt compelled to share because of the nature of which the message is delivered. Sheer love and kindness. That is all I can feel when learning about the content of this video. The contributors of this video all say the same thing and with a passion but without ‘ramming it down our throats’! That is how I feel is the best way to relay a message. I’m sure you do too.

When we can get our heads around – what is reality? Believe it or not, we are all masters of our own destiny. We all possess the power to create our own realities. Now I’m not talking about cause and effect we all know and love I’m talking about the cause and effect we

subconsciously create. Watch this video and this will shed better light on the subject. When we can get our heads around what is reality we can adjust our ways of thinking to determine our reality. Yes, I said we can DETERMINE our reality. You may think I’m mad as billions around the world will also. But When you open your mind to what is in this video, you can use it to your advantage and incorporate it into your life and ultimately make a success of it. Whether it’d be your newly set up business or a passion you wish to pursue. The following posts will be based around mindset and adjusting it to have the most positive impact on your business or venture.

What is reality?………. click here to go back to the top!

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