Barca af heidi gaba

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Indholdsfortegnelse 1. Indledning

- 3

1.1. Problemformulering

- 5

1.2. Valg af empiri

- 6

1.3. Teori og specialets struktur

- 6

1.4. Metode

- 7

2. Corporate Social Responsibility

- 9

2.1. Hvad er Corporate Social Responsibility

- 9

2.1.1. Baggrunden for Corporate Social Responsibility

- 9

2.1.2. Definition af Corporate Social Responsibility

- 13

2.1.3. Tilgange til Corporate Social Responsibility

- 16

2.2. Uddybelse af de vĂŚsentligste tilgange til Corporate Social Responsibility

- 21

2.2.1. Corporate Citizenship

- 21

2.2.2. Stakeholder management

- 23

2.3. Delkonklusion

- 25

3. Corporate Social Responsibility i samfundet

- 27

3.1. Corporate Social Responsibility i Spanien

- 27

3.2. Corporate Social Responsibility i FIFA

- 29

3.3. Corporate Social Responsibility i UEFA

- 30

3.4. Delkonklusion

- 31

4. Corporate Social Responsibility i sportens verden - 32 4.1. Fodbold som institution

- 32

4.2. Corporate Social Responsibility i sportsorganisationer

- 34

4.3. Sport som produkt

- 37

4.4. Delkonklusion

- 38

5. Kommunikation af Corporate Social Responsibility - 39 5.1. Internettet som kommunikationsmedie for CSR

- 40


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