We’re proud to be celebrating our 10th anniversary this year but we know we can’t be the only ones, so we did a little sleuthing to congratulate other Alberta food and beverage businesses. Join us in cheering on:
Our Readers Speak:
A Wish Cake & Café Carino Japanese Italian Kitchen Cilantro & Chive Cucina Enotri Wine Marketing Heaven Restaurant Bar Kitchen By Brad Lambtastic Farms Minhas Micro Brewery Model Milk National Beer Hall, 17th Avenue Pig & Duke Pubs Sho Sushi Tool Shed Brewing Tres Carnales Taquería Village Brewery And to the Peace Bridge, also celebrating 10 years this year!
We were blown away to see this Instagram post from Chris Lem when, after reading March Culinaire, his 10-year-old son was inspired to bake his own focaccia. Someone has a very bright future ahead of him, congratulations Joshua!
’M THE LUCKIEST PERSON as I have an email folder called ‘compliments’ that has 309 emails in it, and it really boosts my spirits to read them. Thanks to everyone that has written, you have no idea how much your kindness is appreciated, Linda. “Thank you for April’s copy. Found a great recipe for gyro’s and am going to get my husband the air fryer cookbook recommended. Always finds gems in the magazine! Thanks again,” SS
“I really do think your magazine is great and very informative. I identified at least 6 businesses I want to check out for myself and also found two glutenfree places my son and his girlfriend are sure to visit. I will also investigate the cooking classes mentioned in this edition because they sounded like something fun to do while we wait for spring to arrive. Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into this excellent publication. Best regards,” SB 6 Culinaire | May 2022
“Super proud of my son. He was reading @culinairemag and decided to make hand kneaded focaccia over spring break. It was absolutely delicious. Thanks Joshua! I'm proud of you. I look forward to eating whatever you make next. And thanks to @grandeamoreyyc for sharing your recipe.” “Good Lord Linda, congratulations on achieving such a fantastic milestone! I cannot believe that issue #1 was really that long ago. We are so honored to have been a part of that – and all of the other publications, partnerships and exchanges that have grown out of that first feature. This special anniversary really is a celebration for all of us in the industry – so YAY US – and thank you for your important contribution to the local landscape. We remain large fans of both Culinaire and Linda Garson. With complete admiration and friendship,” Spolumbo’s Fine Foods & Deli
“Dear Ms. Garson, I’m so glad your magazine has weathered the last 2 years of the pandemic. It’s been a struggle for everyone. I’ve been meaning to write for some time. While I’m a recently retired healthcare worker, I started my working life as an assistant editor in Toronto many, many years ago. So I know quality when I see it. Love everything about your magazine from the feel and quality of the paper stock to the wonderful content. I read every issue cover to cover. In fact, I pick up 2 copies - one for myself and one for the sister of a good friend who thoroughly enjoys cooking, baking and entertaining. Are we nearly there yet? Not quite but keep the faith. Many things are beyond our control. You are doing so many things right. Thank you for not gutting the quality and consistently putting out a quality product. Wishing you many more years of success,” BH
“Hello Linda, We just picked up the April issue of Culinaire magazine and I was very impressed with your editorial. You expressed the feelings that so many of us are experiencing now. So, we want to thank you for bringing some cheerful, encouraging articles about our city, our brave restaurant owners and staff, and recipes to give us a bit of enjoyment. Both my husband and I love to work together in the kitchen - an outlet with pleasure and appreciation in the mix. Please keep up the good work and thank your staff for their devotion to the cause. We look forward to every edition - you are a ray of light shining in the darkness and we need you! Best wishes to you all,” VS