Station Casinos: Hear Thy Workers

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A Special Message From

Clergy And Laity United For Economic Justice Las Vegas

Pasto Tree of rLiJohn Langford fe Church of God in Christ Pastor A Rev. K r Amistad H turo Salas Evange urt Sortland ispana Church inlical Lutheran America Rev. R Unity Baapymond Nichols Imam M tist Churc u Yunus stafa h Minis Masjid asRichards Sabur Daughtetersr Kimberly Sc of Zion M ott Pastor D inistry decision of the workers, as expressed through the results of the secret r. Imam Soul Harv Yvette Whe est Churc eler Masjid aFs ateen Seifulla ballot election, was delayed for years. The union and the workers h h Sabur Pastor D e participated in good faith and wanted the company to participate in Rev. Delm M. C. Jesu metrio Esco s es el Sen bar Holy T an Howa or good faith as well. The workers won the election. The company Churchrinity African Mretd Ms. Chris h o d tie Huffo ist Episco appealed the election results and lost. They went to court to B o a rd pal r Assista United CMhember-Mary Mad appeal a second time and lost. After three years of failed appeals, urch of C gdalene Fr Unity Bapnt Pastor Henr hrist iends tist Churc y Robinso Rev. Joh h n Santa Fe was forced to negotiate, and, while in negotiations, they n E. Hall Pastor Is U n it y Baptist C Centro Cri rael Hernan sold the company to Station Casinos who refused to hire most of hurch stiana Fila dez Fr. Anto delfia the workforce, in essence, getting rid of the union. nio Lope Pastor O St . Lu ke’s Episco z Restorer ntiwaun Car pal Churc of the Bre ter h M a r. Edwin ch Ministr In April 2012, ten Station workers and five union members felt so strongly S Rev. Geo ies m C it o h ve n a r n g t e C h B M ri about their desire for a fair process that they took their valuable vacation time etropolita algan stian Fell owship n Commu Sister R nity Churc to refrain from eating for seven days and to sleep in tents on the sidewalk aheela R Rev. Lesl M h a sj o id o -E h ie i -T H a o w Hispanic ld heed outside of Palace Station in record heat. Many of us visited the fasters every Ministrieridge Rev. Anth s-Episcop o al Church n day to pray and remind them that God walks with them and so do we. Dawn Minister y U n ity Baptist D. Egnor Unity Bap Roosevelt Ne Church Vaseur, a cocktail server at Santa Fe Station, explained why she decided to tist Churc roes Mr. David h B D a r. ll B ou o Ah fast: “Fasting to me has always meant to break a bondage—to break a ard Masjid-Em-Tad Mohsin Church Member-Metropoli awheed tan Comm strong hold—to have your voice heard on high to the Lord.” Will Station unity Mr. Andr Ms. Sheil Casinos listen to the voices of its own workers? e L a Morris Mountain . Crockett Se cr eta top Faith Friends Ury of the Board M nited Chu Mary Ma We were disturbed when a company spokesperson demeaned the sacrifice Rev. Adolph Ku inistries rch of Ch gdalene rist nen Ms. Virg in of these courageous fasters when she called the fast a “disingenuous ia Llama Rev. Jess A m is ta s d e H L is . O p Se a sb na cond Bap publicity stunt.” In many of our religious traditions, fasting and praying tist Chuorne Pasto True LorveWillie Jacobs are spiritual practices that challenge us to examine ourselves and make VMr. Lester Walk rch Missiona ry Baptist a commitment to compassion. We pray that others do the same and, in egas View Churcheorf God Church Pastor C in le o C M h Ja ri s. P m o st M rt e a a so particular, those at the helm of Station Casinos. ls r ia n to S G a lo n Amistad H ry Church d ispana oval of God in Rabbi M Christ el Hecht Rev. Cyn B ’n ai Jewish th ia Holy Trin Pitts Fellowship Church ity African Met Rev. D hodist Ep Greater r.E Welton T. Sm iscopal Rev. Oba C h urch vergreen Missionitah ry Baptist Unity Bap diah Jones tist Churc Rev. Har h v Ms. Ch Founta ey Vaughn Board ristina E. Gr Episcopain of Hope Africa l Church n Method United CMhember - Mary aMnt ist urch of C agdalene Fr Pastor W hrist iends il li Rev. Jac a m P a ra D e d m ise of Pra New Life k Spivey ise Minispsor Center Cen try Minister tre o Bisho Iglesia de Hispano Fe rnando Cristo GreaterpNJames Rogers Rentería ew Jerusa Mr. Jo lem Bapti st Church St. PaulhCn Bratton ommunit y Baptist Blessings and Peace, Church LAS VEGAS

: Hear Thy Workers

s o Cisnero Rev. Hila’sriEpiscopal Church ke St. Lu s n Edward ca Bishop DlaDiocese of Nevada el Mencha pa Pastor JoCristiana co Epis d Amista lmage of n hen S. Ta pal Rev. SteGprand Canyon SynCodhurch ard Jackso p, Rev. Leoncan Methodist Episco an Bisho gelical Luther ri Af t rs an Fi Ev e th Church in America e are clergy and lay leaders from across the Las Vegas Valley nsberry La J. ce Jelinek hurch a d ed an Rev. Tome United Methodist C and we are deeply concerned about working people in our Rev. Dr. SuC perintendent Unit ag Herit District st Church community. We have met with workers from Station Casinos, é d A d Methodi ce d ji n a Mr. Ahmnity Outreach – Mas a, Confere ev u n heard their cries for justice, and we cannot stand by idly. Our faith la il u V Comm r Rev. Felirx thern as Sabu traditions call on employers to recognize the rights of workers to organize Ministe hurch of Christ Sounce ore United C ia Nevada Confere ilfred MeoUnited Church W and bargain collectively and the right of their employees to choose freely . ev n R or if Cal Peac Abundantt ndsey Jr.ern h and Li it whether to unionize or not without intimidation or coercion. lt Fa ve n is ig se hr o th C pa of Rev. Ro g Elder of the Soudist hts Cam Human RigLas Vegas tries is in Presidin ia African Metho M g n in Religio wship of Affirm Unfortunately, Station Casinos has been found to have broken federal Californ l Church The Fello st Region Episcopa oa la labor law eighty-eight (88) times, according to two National Labor C vi t es -A a W st s ardo Inie mas st Church o Relations Board (NLRB) Administrative Law Judges. That is the Rev. Bernr Hispanic Ministrie h T n n A Rev. United Methodi Canon fo l Church largest number of unfair labor practices committed by a single Griffith Episcopa in Cherry employer in the history of Nevada gaming. The company appealed athan Kle or Willieve Missionary Baptist n st Jo a i P b b a R ro n Pleasant G the judges’ recommended decisions, and, last October, the NLRB Shtibl Minya Church ah am AbduNllevada sl l in Washington, D.C. completely denied the company’s appeals and A el d m a id st Im Society of .R sali Rev. Ianr ofW Unitarian Univser Islamic even found two more violations. Workers at Station Casinos simply te ga is Ve in s d M n n of La an CopeleaSouthern Congregatio want to ensure their rights are honored and they can provide for th Rev. Norm of r r a de PresidingiaElAfrican Methodist onard Folm hrist themselves and their families. This is a struggle about human Deacon LeChurch of God in C Californ l Church Ebenezer e Episcopa n dignity, one that should come to a just resolution. en old enour ed in a Poling-G ryn A. Ob Rev. Martcal Lutheran Church Rev. Kathdalene Friends Unit Evangeli Station Casinos and their workers do not agree about which Mary Magof Christ America Church y Jr. legal process to use to determine unionization. Station Casinos er w l Lo il e B li t nden ister Wil Church in M wants a secret ballot election, and the majority of workers Superinnteell Jr. st ti hrist Unity Bap McDon Church of God in C ert teeb m er want a fair process. A fair process, a card check/neutrality a ez -L n en Eb r Commit Floyd Gle s Sr. S. Giddentist Church Mr.esident, Jewish Labo d n agreement, is one that is just, legal, and free of retaliation. o ym a Pr ion Rev. R stor - Unity Bap Western Reg n n Senior Pa ó so m m lo a a li il no-S A majority of Station workers in Culinary and Bartenders pal alph E. W da Zambra s: Rev. Dr. Rcan Methodist Episco Pastor riNelo Evangelistico Jesu ri Af t classifications have signed a petition calling on the company rs te Fi Minis Verdad, y Vida Church Camino, to agree to a fair process to decide whether or not to d n se n , ant Tow er Gersicoff astor Bryistian Worship Lead P unionize. In March 2012, many of us walked with workers Ms. Leslveie Director tern Agape Chr Executi bor Committee-Wes ldenne o as they delivered this petition to Station executives. The fair G La gh n is li o w P Je in d Rev. Davical Lutheran Church Region process workers are requesting is the same process that li ge an l Ev ie a n AlmonMdinistries ic li o er rs Am A virtually all major casino employers have agreed to in Las . Rev ld Filipino Holy Chi l Church rone SeaAslssembly Ty p Vegas. There is no reason why Station workers should be o h is pa B Episco Baptist New Birth ur k a treated any differently than their counterparts in the rest h S fi e a an Imam Hha Lee Spragu y irman of Las Vegas. Ms. Jamiet of the Board - MarChurch Board C ndation Presiden ne Friends United ILM Fou le da ag M rs Station Casinos, however, wants a “secret ballot . S. Roge of Christ Rev. Dr. MSount Sinai MRMI Clemens t election”. After the election, the employer can er Greater b o R Bishop Host Ministries Rock of cil challenge the result, which can lead to years of Mr. CraigSocial Justice Coungregation Lord Chair of n Universalist Con litigation. The fact is that the secret ballot election ia Unitar gas Ve s process was tried in 1993 at the Santa Fe, and the La of


Station Casinos, God hears your workers’ cries for Justice. All of our faith traditions support the rights of workers to freely organize or not without intimidation or coercion. We pray you soften your hearts, hear your workers, and agree to a fair process. Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice - Las Vegas

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Station Casinos: Hear Thy Workers by Culinary Union - Issuu