Mexico in lisbon 2014 - Catalog

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Welcome to Lisbon! mee#NG art Chiado is proud to host MEXICO IN LISBON, a interna9onal exhibi9on that will provide a wide range of ar9sts from MEXICO to show their work here in Lisbon.


general informa5on

Curator | Gonçalo Madeira Dura5on of the Show | April 5th – 15th 2014 Loca5on | mee5NG art Chiado Rua Nova da Trindade, 5G 1200 Lisboa -­‐ PORTUGAL Exhibi5on Hours | Tue-­‐Sat from 11am to 6pm Private View | April 5th, 2014, 3pm Vernissage Schedule | April 5th, 2014, 3pm -­‐ 8pm Website |hWp:// Email Address |


list of par5cipa5ng ar5sts 05-­‐06 | Lilian Hicel 07-­‐08 | Emmanuel Vazquez 09-­‐10 | Osram Acevedo 11-­‐12 | Adriana Torres 13-­‐14 | Luis Buitron 15-­‐16 |Marcelo Espinosa 17-­‐19 |Norma Amanda


MEXICO IN LISBON 2014 Lilian Hicel

Lilian Hicel was born in Mexico City, she has no depth percep5on , Lilian began pain5ng in 2003, realizing that her works lacked the same than she lacked of: depth and volume. She realized that the blind people had no opportunity to see or feel what was reflected in her works. So he began to emphasize even more all the lines and details, perfec5ng her style over 5me, giving different textures and volume for each colour and for each emo5on that is forming and shaping on the canvas or in sculpture. She found different textures that when they are touched the body can experience them, such fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, peace, etc. Lilian captures and paints on each line of traits, experiences and different feelings , thus the blind people can communicate with her work only stroking them and to know what is reflected in them , and being able to feel and vibrate the emo5ons, captures on each pain5ng. That's how she created the pain5ng style which he called BLINDISM, designed and intended for the blind. Moreover, most of her works can be viewed in 3D. With her work she wants art to be lived and experienced; liven up every moment of history, feelings; her art is passionate, evokes emo5ons, strength, wind with the sea; idealizes and penetrates the soul of the hero with death and Ideal to his feet. Revolu5onizes pain5ng because she carries in her spirit the ideal that embodies the shed blood; the tears of hope; that soul that she carries in her veins the fight for the welfare of others, showed the leWer to read "Freedom and Giving" . Her pain5ngs say that woman is courage, is life, hope, the fight, is part of the revolu5on and fight for freedom, is duality, the overwhelming love and hunted, the woman is the red kiss , the flavour that wakes the senses, who loves un5l she becomes ashes ...

Hun5ng | Mixed Technique on canvas | 70X90cm

The bond between genera#ons of Ethnic groups Mixed Technique on canvas 100X80cm


MEXICO IN LISBON 2014 Emmanuel Vázquez I am a mexican visual ar5st, as apart of my crea5ve process I try to exalt our human nature, with no judges, invi5ng the spectator to make an exercise of honesty to find the real human being inside of us and who is constantly repressed by the society and ourselves. The base of my inspira5on is a constantly test of introspec5on, my feelings, ideas, needs and desires, and how my inner is really sa5sfied with the person I show to the society. I don’t look to plasm the beauty or the perfec5on, I elevate the imperfec5on to the first plane. I this imperfec5on I found hope, love, hate, passion, sadness, lust, life, death: humanity. Represent this humanity is my principal objec5ve, the language of my work pass to the second plane, even my mainstream is pain5ng, I found several ways of expression on installa5ons, sculpture, ready made and video art. However, I am not expec5ng to impose my point of view to the spectator, the important for me is the people understand my discourse and produce the need of revalue their personal condi5on.

The Search | Acrylic on canvas | 150x100cm


MEXICO IN LISBON 2014 OSRAM ACEVEDO Osram, Mexican painter who started drawing at an early age earning several poetry contests as well as drawing and pain5ng ones. He made his pain5ng studies with master Ge5no at La Academia de San Carlos, took engraving lessons at la Esmeralda (na5onal arts centre) and worked with Cesar Mar5nez at the Mexican-­‐German project "agua wasser. With a rich work that goes from the subtlety of stroke to its colorful and fulfilled with symbolism forms to thick strokes pasted with violet, blue and black tones. The ownership of anthropomorphic forms, filias, paraphylias, fe5sh or even the rhizomorphic trees suspended on an existence ecstasy. This is the way we can behold the ar5s5c evolu5on that only the passage of 5me can provide. He currently imparts art conferences and works with several medical magazines as well as art magazines and also imparts drawing and pain5ng lessons.

Paisaje con constelación Oil on canvas 60x40cm

Constelación con Mercurio Oil on canvas 60x40cm

Movimiento #26 Óleo, hoja de oro sobre madera imprimada. 2013 11



MEXICO IN LISBON 2014 LUIS BUITRÓN Nace en la ciudad de México en 1981, psicólogo de profesión y ar5sta por convicción, desde muy chico empieza a viajar teniendo oportunidad de vivir en Canadá, Rusia y España. Es en San Petersburgo, Rusia, cuando 5ene su primer acercamiento al mundo de las artes. Pero es en Madrid, España cuando se desarrolla como pintor, fotógrafo y escultor. Ha realizado exposiciones en San Petersburgo, Madrid, Ciudad de México y Guadalajara. El viajar y relacionarse con personas de otros países hacen que Luis tenga una gran cultura y crea5vidad. Está por iniciar un proyecto de esculturas en Argen5na y Chile. Su sede principal desde el 2006 es Guadalajara,México. Es un joven tenaz y crea5vo, no se e5queta en ningún es5lo o corriente, pero sin duda su obra 5ene un lenguaje dis5n5vo que lo hace único y con un gran futuro a desarrollar. Actualmente trabaja promoviendo la expresión arxs5ca en personas ciegas y débiles visuales

Nombre: Mujer de Portugal Medidas: 100 x 120 cm Técnica: Pintar con Luz

Nombre: El color de la fe Medidas: 100 x 120 cm Técnica: Pintar con Luz



MARCELO ESPINOSA MEDINA México, D.F., 1978. Ar5sta visual de formación autodidacta que inicia en la ilustración a los 15 años. Busca representar conceptos e ideas a par5r del dibujo, la pintura y la fotograya para desarrollar mundos abstractos y de fantasía por medio de la experimentación a par5r de diferentes proyectos mul5disciplinarios.

Título: Nostalgia Técnica: Illustrator/Photoshop Dimensiones: 50 x 50 cm.

Título: Preludio Técnica: Illustrator/Photoshop Dimensiones: 66 x 96 cm.


MEXICO IN LISBON 2014 NORMA AMANDA DE LA ROSA MENDIETA Diseñadora de Interiores por convicción, Arquitecta de Profesión y fotógrafa por pasión. Maestría en Diseño de Interiores, Universidad Motolinia del Pedregal generación 2011-­‐2013. Licenciatura en Ingeniero Arquitecto, Escuela superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura generación 1999-­‐2004. Fotógrafo Profesional, Escuela De Fotograya y Publicidad George Eastman generación 2008-­‐2010. Fotógrafa por pasión, ya que la primer cámara que tuve en mis manos fue cuando tenía 4 años de edad, inicie las primeras tomas y de ahí en adelante en la mochila siempre cargue una cámara, me embriaga el aroma de los químicos y extasiada en tonos grises, sepias y colores brillantes me enamore de las imágenes que se veían a través de la lente y de las impactantes impresiones que estas producían después de un click.





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