Chinese University Student Press - 2020 Orientation Booklet - English Version

Page 23

Freshmen Year By Rishika


The moment I got my letter of acceptance into the undergrad-

When I was travelling back to Hong Kong, news of undiscov-

uate Engineering programme of The Chinese University of

ered virus spread like wild-fire. I never thought it would take

Hong Kong, I was elated. I knew that the journey from then

the face of a global pandemic as it is today, but it was still a

would not be an ordinary one. Being a girl with a head of big

matter of importance in the month of January. Weeks passed

dreams, I knew that my exposure to the academic and co-cur-

in the second semester as we entered the Chinese New Year

ricular activities at CUHK would help me realize the same.

holidays with many plans to explore the city, as we had not been able to do so earlier. However, the virus grew exponen-

As soon as I joined campus, I was taken aback by the vastness

tially by then and I came back home once again. It felt heart

of beauty the landscape captured. Truly, it was a feast for my

wrecking when I was sent home, again and could not join

eyes and for my parents too. There was something promising

and enjoy University life properly. However, there was an un-

in the aura of the campus, something that made me prepare to

derlying hope of things returning to normalcy when online

face my challenges from here onwards and face the big world

classes became the new norm and fighting the differences be-

out there. The professors and college students from different

tween timezones a cup of tea.

parts of the world that I started meeting subsequently kept making me realize of my potential to keep growing and de-

Both the situations imposed upon us unexpectedly was over-

livering quality work to the best of my abilities. I-lounge and

bearing. However, the University and my college — United

a couple of different places on campus became my hideouts

College took care that there were no problems being faced

to meet new people and make a circle of friends from differ-

by the international students. Classes were held online and

ent walks of life. Classes began after the orientation camp,

professors were helpful throughout the period of time. From

and though they seemed to be pretty fast initially, I learnt the

one-on-one meetings to addressing the classes collectively,

Hong Kong culture of being in top of your toes since then.

we were able to bond easily and understand our concepts too. My college made sure that our belongings were taken care

I had somehow learnt how to go with the flow and live by

of despite leaving our rooms in a mess and took care of my

myself when political conditions in Hong Kong turned out

mental and emotional well-being too. Both the circumstances

to be violent and we had to evacuate with our most import-

faced by me made me closer to the CUHK family. It certainly

ant belongings as campus was not safe anymore. It was over-

is home away from home. I fall short of words when I have

whelming for many of us as we had to leave immediately and

to express gratitude to the entire management and adminis-

were uncertain how things would be the coming semester.

tration team, who made our learning possible despite the un-

However, time acted as a balm and we were informed that

certainties and did not let the learning spirit die. This was the

the University would resume as per normalcy with stricter

most extraordinary and eventful year of my life and though I

arrangements for campus access. This boosted me up and I

am still uncertain when would I be going to Hong Kong next,

was looking forward to joining University again.

because of the pandemic, I would be willing to give my 100% in everything I do. The colleges and University is still taking measures to help us come back because of the strict laws in both the countries. However, hope is that flame that keeps everything ignited in the darkness of uncertainties. Hoping to come back to ‘Zhong Wen Da Xue’ soon.

Student Contribution


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