To celebrate our 130th birthday, we’ve launched this delicious Classic Golden Oats bar! Filled with 100% Aussie oats combined with Golden Syrup and a sprinkle of coconut, it’s the go-to snack for wherever the day takes you - how YUM! Limited Edition only.
NEW Bickford’s Sugar Free Raspberry Cordial is a vibrant and refreshing blend, that maintains the Bickford’s tradition of delivering a quality product with exceptional flavour. Crafted with a blend of Stevia and Erythritol, it contains no artificial ingredients. Indulge without compromise, enjoying the true taste of Bickford’s in every sip.
Uncle Tobys Protein Muesli Bars are everything you love about muesli bars with 20% protein^ to help you feel fuller*. Now available in a new delicious Double Choc flavour.
^7g protein per bar
*as a part of a healthy varied diet
Sanitariums So Good Vanilla Bliss is a delicious plant based frozen desert, Dairy Free, Gluten free, Low Fat, no cholesterol, Vegan friendly, and most importantly delicious, available now.
Start the day off with a refreshing bang! Grants Whitening Toothpaste with Spearmint has a strong minty flavour that will leave your mouth feeling extra, extra fresh – thanks to baking soda which has been proven to naturally whiten teeth, remove stains and reduce plaque build-up. Grants Whitening Toothpaste with Spearmint is available at Coles Supermarkets and selected health food stores.
Wild Nectar Orange Blossom Honey is made in the buzzing citrus orchards of the Riverina, NSW. Harvested by their beekeepers each Spring, it is raw and cold extracted to maintain maximum flavours of the fragrant orange orchards, with a clear, fresh aroma and light, sweet taste.
Even sweeter treat Milkybar and MILO have teamed up to launch Milkybar MILO. With the success of Kit Kat Milo it made sense to offer consumers another great combination of popular flavours. Milkybar MILO will be available in bar and blocks.
How about you check out Kettles new cooked in avocado oil range, three great flavours, Crushed Sea Salt, Lime and Chili, Sea Salt and Lemon.
A recent CSIRO report says that Pears surpass all other fruits when it comes to digestive health, so if you are feeling sluggish, improving your digestive health is a great way to get back to feeling light and energetic. Pears are pact with both soluble and insoluble fibre, are low GI, which makes you feel fuller for longer, and a great source of vitamin C.
Dietitian & Nutritionist expert Rebecca Gawthorne says It is the unique combination of nutrients in pears that promotes regularity and a healthy digestive system.
“ The mix of fibre and naturally-occurring sugars in pears - sorbitol and fructose – helps to keep your digestive system healthy and prevent constipation,” said Ms Gawthorne.
A healthy digestive system and gut helps you feel great and boosts your energy levels – perfect for that extra little kick as you get back into exercise in spring. It also helps your body absorb nutrients from food and builds your immunity
Pears are great for overall health, and are low allergenic for those who find other fruits and snack foods a challenge, then give pears a go.
One of the great things about pears is their versatility, you can eat pears as they are, cooked, pickled, jam but don’t forget to eat that delicious nutrient packed skin.
When you cook with pears you can get a different flavour depending on how you cook them, which is unique qualitay. Ripe pears are simply delicious but if your pears over ripen do not throw them out as they are then in the perfect state for cooking. If you are shopping and want to know if the pear is ripe, you can give the neck a little squeeze, do not squeeze the belly of the fruit as they bruise easily.
You can see more diet and nutritional tips from Rebecca Gawthorne @noursih_naturally
If cutting a pear in half, use an elastic band to help reassemble the fruit so it can be eaten later and will not go brown.
Ripe pears last longest if refrigerated, if your pears are not quite ripe you can leave them in a bowl, and they will ripen naturally.
caster sugar
1 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped
12 x 125g Beurré Bosc pears, peeled and cored
Vanilla Cakes
125g butter, softened
2/3 cup (150g)
caster sugar
2 eggs
1 1/4 cups (190g) self-raising flour, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup (125ml) milk
Place the water, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan over low heat and stir until the
2. Add the pears, cover with a round of non-stick baking baking paper and a lid, and cook for 25-30 minutes or until tender.
3. Drain on absorbent paper, set aside and allow to cool.
Vanilla Cakes
1. Preheat oven to 160°C.
2. Place the butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for 8-10 minutes or until pale and creamy.
3. Gradually add the eggs and vanilla, beating well after each addition.
4. Fold in the flour and milk.
5. Line 1 x 12 cup (250ml) capacity muffin tins with paper cases and spoon 1/4 cup (60ml) of the mixture into each case.
6. Carefully push in the pears and bake for 30-35 minutes or until cooked, test with a skewer.
1 3
2 4 5
Pears are the go-to fruit for a healthy gut. Pears contain a unique combination of nutrients that help maintain normal bowel function and a healthy digestive system. A happy gut helps you feel great, and allows the body to absorb nutrients from food and build your immunity.
Pears are a great snack if you are looking to slim down or trying to keep those winter kilos at bay. They have a low energy density and they also contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps to keep you feeling full for longer.
A pear a day may be all it takes to help nail your daily fibre target. Pears are one of the highest fibre fruits with a medium pear containing 4.1g of fibre – that’s more than five prunes (3.1g fibre). Australian women fall short of the recommended daily fibre intake by 4g a day (RDI – 25g/day) –a pear would be all it takes to bridge that gap.
For more than 2000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has used pears to help clear the lungs. Modern science is just beginning to catch up with emerging research showing that eating pears may help to ease symptoms of allergy-related diseases like asthma and hayfever, as well as other respiratory conditions.
Whether chomping, blending or cooking pears, keep the skin on to get all the goodness. The skin of pears is full of polyphenols, which provide loads of health benefits related to managing and reducing the risk of diabetes, heart health and obesity.
Sweet and juicy. Perfect for preserving, poaching and juicing. Skin yellows as it ripens.
Crisp, fragrant and candy sweet Eat fresh or paired with aged cheese, cured meat, dark berries or nuts
Crimson red freckles indicate maturity.
Sweet and buttery, firm flesh Perfect for desserts, maintains its shape. Golden brown, elongated shape.
Smooth, sweet and juicy white flesh Versatility king. Fresh with soft cheese, cooked with pork or sautéed with cinnamon for desserts.
White, fine textured flesh, mild flavour. Perfect for poaching. Rust coloured, striking on plate.
Bold pear flavour. Eat fresh. Yellow and medium size.
Buttery creamy white flesh. Use in desserts and fruit salads Ruby red turns crimson when ripe.
Aromatic and crisp. Eat fresh or in desserts. Pairs with hard and soft cheese, salty nuts, salads or sweets.
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup gluten free plain flour
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon bi carb soda
1/4 vegetable oil
1/3 cup almond milk
1/3 cup sparkling apple juice
2 eggs
2 tablespoons maple syrup, plus 1 extra to serve
1 medium Pear, finely diced
1. Preheat oven to 180°C, grease a 12-hole muffin tin
2. In a medium bowl, combine the flours, almond meal, coconut sugar, baking powder and bi carb
3. In a medium sized jug, whisk together the eggs, and all of the remaining ingredients except the pear
4. Pour into the flour mix and stir to combine
5. Stir through pear and divide evenly between prepared muffin tins
6. Bake for 30 mins, cover with foil at 20 mins if browning too quickly
7. Brush with reserved maple syrup while warm
Uncle Tobys has helped Aussies start the day with the goodness of Oats since 1893. Since then, Uncle Tobys muesli bars became a lunchbox staple among Aussie families. Now, to celebrate their 130th birthday, they’ve launched a delicious Classic Golden Oats bar! Filled with 100% Aussie whole grain oats combined with Golden Syrup and a sprinkle of coconut, it’s the go-to snack for wherever the day takes you – how YUM! Limited-edition only, so hurry up and try one for yourself today.
Most people think that if they don’t clean their teeth, they may be more prone to a filling and that’s about the worst that can happen. But that’s not the half of it - failing to brush twice a day and floss once a day and not eating a diet low in sugar is exposing you to a range of serious and potentially life threatening illnesses and diseases.
For Dental Health Week (7-13 August) the Australian Dental Association (ADA) wants to alert Australians to the very close links between WHAT GOES ON IN THEIR MOUTH AND THE FAR-REACHING EFFECTS ON THE REST OF THE BODY
The risks from a neglected mouth include heart attack, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke, stomach ulcer, asthma, low birthweight babies and preeclampsia in pregnant women.
Countless studies over the last few decades have shown these links, and what’s concerning, says the ADA’s President Dr Stephen Liew, is that so many people just aren’t aware of this vital link. But how does the mouth link up with the rest of the body?
“After this they are free to move onto other parts of the body where they induce a range of responses such as in the liver or heart.
Research across a range of studies has shown that people with periodontitis have a higher risk of a heart attack than people without it. In a study by Prof Joerg Eberhard, an oral health scientist and Chair of Lifespan Oral Health at the University of Sydney’s School of Dentistry, IT WAS FOUND THAT NOT BRUSHING YOUR TEETH CAUSED SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION WHICH COULD PROMPT SERIOUS CARDIAC EVENTS
For the study a cohort of healthy young people with no cardiovascular risk factors, deliberately did not brush the same quadrant of their mouths to see what effect it would have on their health.
“After three weeks the inflammation in that quadrant was measured and it was found the inflammation caused by not brushing there had also reached other parts of their body. As soon as they started brushing again, C-reactive protein, a risk marker for heart attacks, went down to normal levels.”
Dr Liew said: “These serious health conditions and events can be significantly reduced if people regularly look after their mouths by brushing twice a day with a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily, eating a diet low in sugar and seeing your dentist regularly for checkups.”
“This should include a scale and clean which is vital for removing the bacteria that build up and start the process of periodontitis and inflammation.”
While other risk factors include older age, smoking, drinking alcohol above recommended levels and having diabetes, Dr Liew said that periodontitis signs can be difficult to spot and may include bleeding from the gums and very little or no pain. Without treatment, the condition
can worsen over time until affected teeth may finally become loose.
“While severe periodontitis damage often can’t be reversed, you can stop its progression by seeing a dentist for treatment including professional cleaning of the teeth above and below the gums which the patient cannot access. This halts the disease and reduces inflammation.
“Regular dental visits are the best way to keep on top of your oral health and detect and manage conditions such as periodontitis, in their earliest stages of development.
Allergic Rhnitis, we know it as Hay Fever. For many Spring is a fantastic time of year, for hay fever sufferers it’s a season of itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing and wheezing. When preparing for Spring many sufferers generally head to the Chemist for their preferred antihystermine, but there are other things that can help prevent the on set of Hay Fever, and as we know prevention is better than the cure.
Hay Fever is not just caused by pollon, dust, mites and pet hair,even household mould can cause hay fever. Giving the house a good Spring Clean is the first step in the prevention of Hay Fever symptoms. Removing anything that can become airborn is a great first step, but be wary of some high chemical cleaners as they can also contribute to Hay Fever or produce symptoms similar to Hay Fever.
• Check the weather for the days pollen count, most weather forecasts have Pollon counts available.
• Stay indoors on windy days or days that have turbulent weather forecast, like thunderstorms.
• Choose plants that are pollinated by birds or insects, rather than plants that release their seeds into the air.
• Don’t visit people who have pets that shed hair. Spring is the first stage of transition from Winter coat to Summer coat for pets.
• Try splashing water on your eyes a few times a day as Hay Fever can build up and mild regular cleansing may help.
• Steer clear of people mowing the lawn or areas that have recently been mowed.
The above are all avoidance techniques, but if you want to continue to enjoy the outdoors you can wear a mask, these days its common practice to wear a mask for just about anything.
Also, if you get to know what triggers you then you will be able to manage your Hay Fever and possibly reduce the amount of things you need to avoid.
Over the years, the Happy Little VEGEMITEs jingle and accompanying advertisement have woven themselves into Aussie culture – with the iconic ad capturing the essence of Australia as the ‘lucky country’ down under. Now, the ad has been remade to celebrate the next generation of Happy Little VEGEMITEs. From the 10,000 who responded to VEGEMITE’s national casting call auditions, six lucky youngsters made the final cut. Introducing Brielle (6), Cyril (7), Albie (7), Amber (10), Ava (10) and Xavier (11). VEGEMITE thanks each Happy Little VEGEMITE who submitted their audition Many might recognise the iconic Trish Cavanagh (images below) who was just seven years old when she marched on top of the VEGEMITE jar in the original 1950s ad, and the company said it was thrilled to have Trish, now 71, on board as a special guest within its 2023 remake.
Aged 7, Trish didn’t realise what she was getting herself into at the time, but 64 years later the Happy Little VEGEMITEs ad is now as iconic as ever.
“I’m so honoured VEGEMITE asked me to be involved in the ad that changed my life forever. VEGEMITE has been and continues to play a huge role in my life, and I am so thrilled to be passing
the baton to the next generation of Happy Little VEGEMITE kids,” said Cavanagh.
“The new Happy Little Remake, and the next generation of Happy Little VEGEMITEs, proudly celebrates the tapestry of Aussie life – where the simple act of enjoying VEGEMITE brings people together and fosters a sense of belonging and nostalgia that resonates within every Australian heart.
“Bega Group invites you to raise your VEGEMITE-covered toast to spread some Aussie cheer for 100 years of VEGEMITE.
The Australian Emerging Topical Fruits
Strategic RD&E Plan identified jackfruit as a priority for investment and to receive research and development support. AgriFutures
Australia is investing nearly $1 million into the new project developing ready to market jackfruit products for the Australian market.
Australian Jackfruits are currently grown in the Northern Territory and due to high transportation costs are sometimes hard to find in the Southern States.
AgriFutures Emerging Industries Senior Manager, Dr Olivia Reynolds is excited by the investment into the tropical fruit.
“Jackfruit is a fruit which is realising expansion of plantings in Australia as a result of strong
market demand signals for fresh and valueadded products that can be differentiated from imports through superior genetics, quality and safety standards,” said Dr Reynolds.
The Northern Territory Government’s Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) Project Lead, Chelsea Moore said Jackfruit has so many potential uses beyond fresh fruit.
“The arils can be cooked when they are green for a savoury flavour, the seeds can be roasted like nuts, and other parts can be processed into highly nutritious products,” said Moore.
Spoil him this Fathers Day with The Aussie Man Ultimate Anti- Ageing Skincare Set, Cleanser, Moisturiser, Elixir, Serum, and cream. Natural, vegan and cruelty free products. Buy now for Fathers Day and receive 20% off the entire order, minimum purchase of $75.00!
Afterpay available www.theaussieman.com
20% OFF* with the code BUYAUSTRALIAN
*Conditions apply: This offer applies to onetime purchases, one use per customer with a minimum purchase of $75.00, can’t combine with other discounts. Expires 4th September 2023
Wobble-Tee’s new sprinkler the RolaRain would make the perfect gift for dad this Fathers Day. Covering upto a 15m diameter this sprinkler is made tough with a flexible top. It also features wheels for easy movability. Check
Here’s a gift dad will really enjoy this Father’s Day. The Coopers DIY Beer Brew Kit includes everything dad needs to brew his own great tasting beer in 4 simple steps – mix, brew, bottle and enjoy.
Perfect to give to the “King of the BBQ” as this box works beautifully with only the best meats for the BBQ.
If you need a gift this Father’s Day for the home chef, oaster and BBQ dad you can’t go past this solid Blackwood, carving and all purpose board. Chop, carve and serve up a feast on this chunky board that is both practical and elegant.
See full range of gifts
www.australianwoodwork.com.au/ collections/shop
Recycled plastic golf tees and golf balls this gift packof golf products are recyclable, durable, and designed for high performance on the course.
Go green both on and off the course. This pack comes gift-wrapped with ustainable, paper-only packaging (no plastic!) and supports local recycling efforts.
Bliss Bean Bags has designed a website which allows you to choose from 120 colour combinations to create the perfect bean bag. Create a bean bag in his footy club colours, or favorite colours. It’s a bit of fun and a quality product he can enjoy for years to come.
Bliss Bean Bags offer a lifetime warranty on craftsmanship and materials and use a thread so strong it can pull a small car. Use these bean bags indoors while watching a movie or take them outside to lay in the sun. They will handle everything our Australian weather has to throw at them. www.blissbeanbags.com.au
Farm Goat products are beautifully presented making for thoughtful gifts or a touch of luxury for yourself! Ideal for those of us with sensitive skin, including eczema & psoriasis Farm Goat s0aps are gentle leaving your skin silky soft and wonderfully moisturised.
FREE shipping in Australia all orders above $55
De Bortoli Wines are adding to the multi award winning WOODFIRED range following the success of the Heathcote Shiraz, Heathcote Cabernet Sauvignon, and Heathcote Sparkling Shiraz with a dark fruited, rich yet soft Heathcote Grenache. Crafted from the vineyards in the northern sections of Heathcote, WOODFIRED encapsulates the unique geography, climate and growing conditions of Victoria's home of big reds. The range is recognisably dense and complex with ripe dark fruits, cedar-wood and balance that pair perfectly with any char-grilled foods.
With our legendary no-fuss, non-greasy hand repair cream, our whopping 15g matte SPF15 Lip Protector, and our popular 'Boss' soap, it's the best of Aussie Man Hands all wrapped up in one gift box. Just what dad needs for Father's Day!
Maggie Beer Braised Chicken Drumsticks with Tomato, Olive, Rocket & Basil Sugo
Pear Tarte Tatin
Strawberry Chia Pot
Air fryer Taco Boats
Beef Casserole with Cinnamon & Dried Plums
Passionfruit Coconut Crackle Slice
Kanzi® Apple Pie Smoothie
Violet Crumble Cookie Pie
1.2kg free range
chicken drumsticks, skin on 3 tbspn Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tspn sea salt
2 tbspn Verjuice
2 cups Tomato, Olive, Rocket & Basil Sugo
2/3 cup Chicken Stock
1. Preheat a fan forced oven to 180c.
2. Line a high-sided baking tray (approx. 30cm x 20cm) with baking paper, set aside.
3. Place the chicken drumsticks into a large mixing bowl, drizzle over the olive oil, season with sea salt and massage into the chicken until well coated.
4. Place a large non-stick fry pan over a high heat with a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil and once hot, seal off the chicken drumsticks on all sides until golden brown. Pour over the Verjuice to deglaze the pan, allow to cook for 30 seconds, then pour in the sugo and chicken stock. Bring to a simmer.
5. Remove pan from the heat, then place the drumsticks into the lined baking tray, followed by the sauce.
6. Place baking tray into the preheated oven and allow to bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 5-7 minutes before serving.
Scan the QR code to discover more delicious recipes from Maggie Beer.
Maggie Beer’s range of richly flavoured Sugos are slow cooked in the Barossa Valley using premium ingredients. Find them today in leading supermarkets.
1 sheet puff pastry, thawed
1/2 cup coconut sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla paste
1 tablespoon verjuice
3 small ripe Pears, peeled, core removed and cut into halves
1 egg, lightly whisked
1. Preheat oven to 180°C
2. Over a medium heat, melt the butter in the pan until it bubbles
3. Add the coconut sugar, vanilla, verjuice
4. Reduce liquid until if forms a golden colour and has thickened
5. Arrange the pears around the edges of the pan, then fill the pan to the centre with remaining pear halves
6. Cook gently on a low heat, covered, to soften and coat the pears with the caramel. Turn to coat but replace the halves with the cut side facing up before placing the pastry over the top of the pan
7. Drape the pastry over the top of pears and tuck the edges firmly under
8. Lightly brush with the egg mixed with 1 tablespoon of water
9. Place into oven and cook for 15 minutes or until puffed and golden
10. Remove from oven and rest for 5 minutes
11. Run a knife around the edge of the pastry, place a plate over the top and carefully invert
Some 30 years ago Mary and John McCormick opened a fish and chip shop in Innisfail. From these humble beginnings grew the concept of creating a quality easy-to-mix readymade batter emerged. Their batter allowed a uniform product to be deep fried, and this became the vital difference in attracting customers. As time went by, they realised that the Mary Mack’s Instant Batter was unique, and were approached from a local supermarket to
“Mary Mack’s Instant Batter” can be found on the shelves throughout the Australian Supermarket outlets as well as a growing number of overseas countries.
Mary McCormick Pty Ltd is a 100% owned private Company and the product uses 99% Australian grown ingredients. The product contains no preservatives, no artificial colourings or flavourings and is suitable for many uses domestically and for restaurants or fast food outlets.
Due to increased demand for the products, both nationally and internationally, a purpose-built factory, distribution and marketing office was setup. It now handles all manufacture, marketing and distribution of Mary Mack's products to the supermarkets, food service and export trade.
Mary supplies the base ingredients and continues to manufacture for the local North Queensland market.
Keep an eye out for the new Mary Mack’s Instant Batter packs in your supermarkets, now with great recipe ideas on the back.
Mary Mack’s Instant Batter 150g can batter up to 1kg seafood, chicken of vegetables.
1 tablespoon chia seeds, 100ml milk, 4 Beta Immune sachets, 2 tablespoons vanilla yoghurt, 4 strawberries (pureed), + 1 strawberry (sliced).
1 tablespoon chia seeds, 100ml milk,
4 Beta IMMUNE sachets,
2 tablespoons vanilla yoghurt, 4 strawberries (pureed), + 1 strawberry (sliced).
1. Combine chia seeds and milk in a bowl and soak overnight in the refrigerator.
2. Prepare strawberries and blend.
3. Pour the strawberry puree into base of serving pots.
4. Combine 4 sachets of Beta IMMUNE with yoghurt and chia seeds. Layer onto strawberry puree.
5. Slice strawberry and arrange on top.
6. Enjoy immediately.
A2 Protein Milk
Sometimes the most powerful superheroes in life are those see, like Colostrum and Lactoferrin found in mother’s first milk. As babies, they gave us the foundation for great health, growth, and immune system. Beta IMMUNE brings together superheroes to give the kick life, for EVERY body, EVERY To learn range
8 eggs
2 tbsp milk
2 tsp garlic powder
1 bunch broccolini, trimmed and cut into 4cm lengths
2 tbsp olive oil
200g button mushrooms, sliced
2 cups (240g) grated cheese
8 Stand ‘n Stuff soft tortilla boats
1. Whisk eggs, milk and garlic powder together in a large bowl.
2. Steam, microwave or boil broccolini until just tender. Cool under cold water to prevent overcooking. Drain and set aside.
3. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook mushrooms until golden and softened, about 5 minutes.
4. Sprinkle half the cheese into the base of 8 tortilla boats. Divide mushrooms and broccolini into boats, pour ½ cup of egg mixture into each. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Place 4 boats into an air fryer basket and cook at 160°C for 20 minutes. Repeat with remaining boats.
1 pkt MAGGI Smoky BBQ Bowls
500g chicken breast, cut into strips
500g cooked brown rice
2tsp oil
6 cups of veggies (1½ cups per serve) Your choice! We like corn kernels, grated carrots, sliced cabbage, and baby spinach. Served fresh, no need to cook.
PREP TIME: 10 mins COOK TIME: 10 mins
1. PULL APART: the two sachets.
2. COOK the rice according to the directions on the packet.
3. MARINATE: In a medium-sized bowl, combine Quick Marinade and chicken breast strips. Marinate for 5 minutes.
4. COOK: Heat 2 tsp oil in a frying pan over high heat. Fry chicken breast strips for 5 minutes or until cooked through.
5. FINISH: Build your bowls with cooked brown rice, your favourite veggies and cooked chicken breast strips. Add the Drizzle as a dressing to each bowl and enjoy!
2 kg boneless chuck steak, cut into
2.5cm pieces
¼ cup plain flour
¼ cup olive oil, plus 2tbsp extra
3 small brown onions, roughly chopped
2 stalks celery, trimmed and chopped
3 cloves garlic, bruised
2 tsp ground ginger
2 cinnamon quills
4 cups salt-reduced beef stock
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp brown sugar
255 g dried plums (prunes), seeded
50 g flaked almonds, toasted
¼ cup roughly chopped coriander
leaves, plus extra leaves, to serve
Baked root vegetables
4 small parsnips, trimmed, halved
lengthwise, cut into rough wedges
4 small carrots, trimmed, halved
lengthwise, cut into rough wedges
4 small beetroots, cut into wedges
6 sprigs rosemary, bruised
½ bulb garlic, bruised
2 tbsp olive oil
1. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Place a heavy based casserole over a moderately high heat. Rub some olive oil over the lamb and season with salt and pepper. Sear for 8 minutes or until browned all over. Remove the shanks and set aside.
2. Place the shallots in the pan and cook for 4 minutes or until coloured. Add the wine, stock, vinegar and rosemary along with the lamb. Bring up to the boil, cover and place in the oven for 2 hours or until very tender. Remove the lid and cook for a further 30 minutes. Turn them over once or twice if they are colouring too much.
3. Use a spoon to skim off any fat that has risen to the surface and reduce the sauce over a high heat if necessary. Serve with olive oil mash and steamed brocollini.
• The lamb shanks can be cook the day before and gently heated to serve.
• You can substitute the mashed potato with some soft polenta
This easy no-bake passionfruit and coconut slice starts with a can of condensed milk. The crunchy Caramilk crackle base sets it apart from other passionfruit slice recipes, the crunchy base with creamy filling is truly irresistible.
Crackle Base
60g Copha, chopped
100g Caramilk chocolate, finely chopped
1 ½ cups (60g) Kellogg’s Rice Bubbles
2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
Passionfruit Topping
100g Copha, chopped
75g white cooking chocolate, chopped
1/3 cup (80ml) sweetened condensed milk
1 cup (250ml) sour cream
2 tablespoons passionfruit pulp
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Extra 2 tablespoons passionfruit pulp and flaked toasted coconut, to decorate
Crackle Base
1. Line the base of a 34cm x 11.5cm x 3cm (base) fluted loose bottom tart tin with baking paper.
2. Place the Copha and half the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir until smooth. Cool.
3. Combine the Rice Bubbles, coconut and remaining chocolate in a large bowl.
4. Pour Copha mixture into the Rice Bubbles and mix well until evenly coated. Press crackle mixture firmly into the base and up sides of prepared pan, using a glass with flat base and straight sides to help. Refrigerate until required.
Passionfruit Topping
1. Melt the Copha and chocolate in a saucepan over low heat until fully melted and combined. Cool to room temperature.
2. Place sweetened condensed milk, sour cream, passionfruit pulp and lemon juice in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Add the Copha chocolate mixture and whisk until smooth.
3. Pour mixture over the base and smooth the top. Place in the fridge to set for 4 hours or until firm.
4. Just before serving, spoon over extra passionfruit. Decorate with coconut flakes, slice and serve.
• This slice can be made 2 days in advance. Cover with cling film and refrigerate.
• This slice will keep in an airtight container for up to 2-3 days.
• You will need 3-4 passionfruit for this recipe. Alternatively, use canned passionfruit.
200g Violet Crumble Cubes
1 roll of pre-made cookie dough (we used Aunty Kath's)
Biscoff spread
1. Crush or dice 200g of Violet Crumble cubes
2. Evenly distribute the cookie dough along a skillet base (save at least 1/4 of the roll for the top)
3. Add a generous dollop of Biscoff and spread it on top
4. Sprinkle crushed or diced Violet Crumble
5. Add the rest of the cookie dough on top
6. Bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes
7. Serve warm with a sprinkle of crushed Violet Crumble and a dollop of icecream
“This healthy smoothie is bursting with the natural sweet and tangy flavour of juicy KANZI® apples! A simple blend of spices and a touch of vanilla make this clean treat reminiscent of a warm apple pie.” –Marie Duong (Eats with Marie)
2 KANZI® apples, cored and roughly chopped
2 bananas, frozen and sliced
2 tsp cinnamon
1⁄4 tsp nutmeg
1⁄2 cup almond milk1
1⁄2 cup plain unsweetened
Greek yoghurt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp maple syrup (optional)
1 cup ice (adjust as necessary)
1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. For a thicker consistency, add extra ice and/or frozen banana.
2. Taste and add maple syrup if desired.
• Any dairy or plant-based milk will work in this recipe. I recommend almond or oat milk.
Recipe created by Eats with Marie for KANZI® Apple Australia
What determines a coin’s worth in the numismatic (the fancy term for coin collecting) market will depend on how many coins were minted, the condition of the coin and whether the coin has a defect, known as an ‘error’. Along with market demand for a specific coin, these are the factors that can drive up the value. Here are four coins that you should look out for:
Don’t dump your five cent coins just yet! This is a spectacular example of an error coin where both sides of coins are heads. Supposedly, there’s only 700 of these in circulation and they can fetch you anywhere between $500 to a few grand, depending on the condition!
Commonly known as the ‘Red Poppy’, this is Australia’s first coloured coin that was released into circulation. Made to commemorate Remembrance Day, these coins were initially distributed through RSLs as a fundraiser but as many were left unsold, the rest were dumped into circulation. The popularity of coloured $2 coins rising in recent years, this coin can fetch you between $100 and $290, depending on condition.
When Australia moved into decimal currency in 1966, millions of 20c coins were minted in preparation. It was found down the track that there were two varieties of 20c: one being the regular and other being the wavy baseline. If you find a 1966 20c coin, turn it to the tails side and have a look at the base of the number ‘2’. If the top of the base is curved rather than flat, you’re looking at a minimum of $300!
Sometimes the Mint can make errors, and this is one of them! In 2000, a small proportion of $1 coins were minted with a regular tails side however the heads side was minted with a 10c die. What that means is the Queen’s head is slightly smaller and a double-rim effect is created on the heads side. This error is one of the most sought after and can fetch you at least $400.
While these are just a few examples, there are plenty of other rare coin varieties out there, making Australian coin collecting a fascinating hobby. Even if a coin isn't particularly rare, the variety of commemorative designs across denominations makes them worth collecting. If you do happen to come across a rare coin, make sure to speak to a reputable coin dealer. You can find one through Google by searching "ANDA Find a Dealer". So, next time you have some loose change, take a closer look – you never know what hidden treasures you might find. Happy hunting!
In simple terms, organic foods are those that are grown or produced without the use of synthetic fertilisers, toxic pesticides, persistent chemicals or GMOs. This results in products that are better for you and better for Australian ecosystems. More and more Australians are choosing to become a part of the organic movement. The recently released Australian Organic Market Report 2023 states that broad cultural change is driving preference for organic products, with factors like health, sustainability, environmental benefits and animal welfare all considered important to consumers.
Industry peak body Australian Organic Limited (AOL) is committed to promoting the many benefits of organic systems while protecting the industry from greenwashing and false organic claims. As Australia is one of very few countries without an enforced regulatory standard of the word ‘organic’, unscrupulous businesses can make organic claims on their products even if they contain as little as two per cent organic ingredients. This is why organic certification is so important to the growth of our vital industry. Each September, AOL holds Australian Organic Awareness Month to promote certified organics and celebrate the businesses, retailers and shoppers that underpin the sector.
The theme of this year’s AOAM is Why Organic? What are the benefits for consumers who choose to support the certified organic industry during their weekly shop?
As stated above, organics are free of synthetic herbicides, toxic pesticides and persistent chemicals. Many of the chemicals detected in non-organic foods can negatively impact human health, even at very low concentrations. Unfortunately, simply washing your non-organic produce is ineffective to remove all traces of pesticides.
“Only 19% of chemicals are removed when washing non-organic strawberries in tap water.”
Organic food is produced using sustainable methods that imitate natural ecological processes. These processes do not disrupt ecosystems in the way that synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers or GMOs may do. Instead, food produced organically helps to reduce the impact of chemical run-off from farms and can lower agricultural greenhouse gas emissions compared to non-organic practices.
Under organic livestock standards, animals including poultry, pigs, sheep, goats and cattle must live, grow and breed naturally in group sizes appropriate to their species, with more space to roam compared to their non-organic counterparts.
Using chickens as an example, battery farming or cage farming of hens is prohibited under organic production. Organic poultry have access to pasture and are fed organic grains mixes to complement production.
“No more than 1,500 birds are permitted per hectare for certified organic chickens, whereas non-organic free range can be up to 10,000 per hectare.”
The best method to ensure you are purchasing legitimately organic products is to keep an eye out for certification marks on packaging (such as the ‘Bud’ logo).
“77% of organic shoppers are aware of certification marks.”
Certification marks prove that the business in question has chosen to undertake a rigorous certification process that confirms their output is legitimately organic. You’ll find plenty of certified organic options from local producers in your nearest independent supermarket store.
To learn more about the value of an organic lifestyle, including recipes, FAQs and exclusive special offers, make sure you visit budorganic. com.au and sign up to the Bud Organic Club for free.
*Statistics extracted from Australian Organic Market Report 2023 and budorganic.com.au
Winners of the inaugural Australian Organic Brand of the Year in 2022, Kialla Pure Foods are one of Australia’s wholefood pioneers. They’ve been milling certified organic grains since 1988, at their mill in the heart of Queensland’s Darling Downs.
Products include a wide range of premium artisan flours, flavoured porridges, pancake mixes, bread mixes, and more. The Plate2Farm tracker on every packet tracks the grain back to the farmers, providing insights into how organic farming changes the way food is grown for the better.
1 cup nuts of choice – try a different nut on each layer,such as roasted hazelnuts, sliced almonds, choppedmacadamias, and pistachios (great on top)
Line an 8×8 high-sided dish (or 9-inch rectangle) with parchment paper to make it easier to lift out. With electric mixer, beat egg yolks with ¼ cup sugar until pale, creamy and doubled in volume.Remove from bowl
Whip ricotta and mascarpone with remaining sugar until soft peaks form. Fold in the Cointreau andegg mixture and whisk until well combined (don’t overmix or you’ll lose the
Place the juice and Grand Marnier in a shallow dish. Dip ladyfingers in mixture just enough to moisten(careful not to keep them in too long or they will fall apart). Lay close
Spoon half the mascarpone mixture over top, followed by a layer of fruit. Scatter half the nuts overtop. Repeat layers,
6. If there is any liquid remaining, drizzle a little over the top. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours orovernight.
Since 1898, Sanitarium Health Food Company™ has been nourishing Aussie families with affordable healthy foods, educating people to eat well and move more, and giving food to communities in need. On its 125th birthday, the Australianowned company has reaffirmed its commitment to make a positive impact on the nation’s health.
Sanitarium began in a neighbourhood bakery in Melbourne, when a small group of Seventh-day Adventists began making foods inspired by those used by Dr John Harvey Kellogg at his American health institute. The first products were ready-to-eat cereals, including Granose wheat biscuits - a forerunner to Weet-Bix - and Sanitarium Peanut Butter.
Within a decade, Sanitarium expanded to open several health food cafes around Australia and moved manufacturing to Cooranbong on the New South Wales’ Central Coast. When the fledgling company made its first profits in 1906, it donated them to support health education in the South Pacific Islands, embedding a lasting spirit of community care in the business.
Today, Sanitarium is one of Australia’s most trusted food companies with products including Weet-Bix™, So Good™ and UP&GO™ found in 2 in 3 households. The Company employs 1000 people across six Australian sites and exports products to almost 40 countries. Ninety percent (90%) of Sanitarium products carry a 4 to 5 Health Star Rating.
Sanitarium CEO Kevin Jackson said: “We believe healthier choices support the potential for every Australian to live a long and healthy life.
“Sanitarium was founded with the core purpose of helping Australians to eat well and live well. This purpose remains just as important today, particularly as an increasing number of people struggle with the growing impacts of lifestyle-related chronic diseases, food insecurity and cost-of-living pressures."
Signs you pet may have an ear problem.
There are of course the basic symptoms, the ones you can see like inflammation and damage, but most ear problems humans cannot see, like excessive hair, hair balls, ear wax (yes dogs have ear wax) deep ear infection and inflammation. So, how can you tell if something is wrong. »
Pets often mask pain, but they will rub sore areas, either with their paws or by rubbing their head on the ground, in more serious cases you may smell an infection. In many cases owners that do not see a problem do not think there is a problem, but with ears it is important that even if you suspect a problem you get to vet for a check-up.
Another indicator your dog could have a problem with hearing or going deaf is if the pet walks with a tilted head, exposing the good ear to noise so it hears better or to protect an ear from wind as it is infected and sore. This can also happen for older dogs going deaf or blind, they will tilt their heads to maximise hearing or sight.
Your vet will give you pet a ear health check when you have a health check visit, if your pet is pretty healthy you may have long stretches where you don’t visit the vet so you should periodically just take a peek inside your pets ear, if you see anything even slightly suspicious you know its time for a vet check.
Dogs that like the beach, or water, in are very outdoorsy and curious need regular ear checks, dogs find it very difficult to remove water from their ear canals due to their L shape.
Did you know most puppies cannot hear when born as their ear canals are closed at birth and take around two to three to develop. Some say that puppies are born deaf which is probably technically true, but definitely short term.
Dogs can hear sounds up-to four times louder than humans and at frequencies humans cannot hear.
You can often tell what a dog is thinking by what their ears are doing, happy short eared, straight up high, scared, or worried, back, or behind, moving ears, curious. Of course, this is less obvious with long eared dogs as those ears tend to just flop around.
Dental trends come and go but some are certainly more damaging than others and the ones relating to teeth are guaranteed to make most of us wince in discomfort at the thought. For a few years now social media influencers have been posting about treating dental issues at home, including closing gaps between teeth with rubber bands, removing braces with a spoon - or smoothing uneven edges with nail
While Gen Zs in particular are embracing these dangerous shortcuts to dental perfection, such nonsense DIY hacks which have gone viral on Tik Tok, can create irreversible tooth damage and may end up costing the experimenter more
This Dental Health Week (7-13th August) the Australian Dental Association is warning people of the problems associated with these DIY dental hacks - while some may superficially appear harmless, there are often many unintended consequences that can’t be easily seen like loss of supporting tooth structure.
“Nail files and sandpaper are not suitable for smoothing and grinding the edges of the teeth,” said the ADA’s Oral Health Promoter Dr Janani
“The grit is too hard and rough to be used safely on your teeth without damaging your tooth enamel. The nail bed also harbours extensive numbers of bacteria that you’re transferring to your mouth by using a nail file.
Professional dental polishing equipment and materials are specially designed for teeth –talk to your dentist about adjusting minor imperfections.
Many DIY hacks lead to irreversible loss of enamel. Once enamel is lost it does not grow back. It exposes softer layers beneath that are more susceptible to damage and acid attack, so avoid:
• Healthy gut tonics including warm lemon water or balsamic vinegar with soda which can wreak havoc on teeth due to their high levels of acidity, contributing to enamel loss.
• Cola and apple cider vinegar are even more acidic and shouldn’t be swished around the mouth to remove stains.
Don’t brush your teeth straight away after drinking or consuming anything acidic. The tooth is in a vulnerable state, and you could scrub away further enamel. Rinse your mouth with water and wait an hour before brushing with fluoride toothpaste.
People wanting a white smile are warned to consider the harms DIY hacks can do - many have been found to be too abrasive and acidic.
• Steer clear of crushed cucumbers, kiwifruit and strawberries to whiten teeth. These foods all contain acids that will dissolve tooth enamel over time.
• Home-made toothpaste made from rough and scratchy materials like baking soda, bentonite clay, charcoal, cinnamon, salt and powdered eggshells are also not a good idea. They may even cause the user an unwanted reaction. Over-the-counter toothpaste is lab-tested to remove stains without damaging your teeth.
• Rubbing your teeth with a ‘magic eraser’ (a small white sponge used to remove stains on kitchen work surfaces). Though these products feel soft, they’re made of hard plastic and may damage your tooth enamel which doesn’t grow back. Stick to using magic erasers for cleaning stubborn kitchen stains.
• Don’t apply hydrogen peroxide or other bleaches like the ones purchased from the pharmacy to bleach hair, directly to your teeth. They can cause chemical burns to your mouth and throat or worse if ingested.
Professional teeth whitening products like takehome whitening products from your dentist, are a much safer option as they use plastic trays which are customised to the shape of your teeth and peroxide at a safe level that won’t damage teeth. Your dentist will always give clear instructions on how use these kits to whiten your teeth safely at home.
Using a rubber band to try and straighten your teeth or removing your own braces before the orthodontist or dentist recommends it, can actually cause permanent damage to your teeth, gums and jawbone.
Elastic bands and hair pins can scratch, injure and strain the teeth, gums and jawbone causing permanent damage that may require professional dental treatment or worst-case scenario, could result in tooth loss. Removing your braces early can take away all the hard work and your teeth can move back to where they were originally. Orthodontists and dentists are specially trained in tooth movement and use precise measurements and equipment to safely adjust the positioning of the teeth gradually and safely.
If you have a toothache, never put an aspirin tablet inside your mouth next to your gums. This can cause a burn on your gums. See a dentist to get the help you need.
The ADA’s Oral Health Promoter Dr Janani Ravichandran warns: “The ADA does not recommend any form of do-it-yourself treatments at home or otherwise.
“What you think may save you money in the short term, may end up costing you more in the long run when you still have to seek professional dental care to fix what you’ve tried to remedy yourself at home.”
Generation after generation, Maxiblock sunscreen provides quality protection against the harsh sun.
Proudly Australian made and owned since 1979, Maxiblock is dermatologically tested, fragrance-free, and non-greasy with eco-friendly packaging.
Get the most out of your life outdoors with Maxiblock. maxiblock.com.au