CONNECTING CITIES OF THE FUTURE Prem Rodrigues, Director of Sales & Marketing, Siemon (India, Middle East & Africa), highlights how the firm adds value to customers’ data centre and intelligent building requirements.
support low-latency performance
parallel optics with multi-fibre
and reliability whilst enabling rapid
connectivity (i.e., MPO/MTP) or
deployment and scalability.
wave division multiplexing (WDM)
Siemon’s pre-terminated copper
technologies should be considered.
and fibre optic cabling solutions
Base-8 plug-and-play fibre systems
enable 30% faster installation time
provide seamless transmission from
compared to field terminated cabling
duplex 10Gb/s to current and future
solutions. In the data centre, the
8-fibre applications.
customer should utilise the Base 8
speed applications. With Siemon’s
Which aspects of digital transformation are customers not paying adequate attention to?
data centre design services, customers
An organisation often underestimates
have an optimised data centre design
the Layer 1 infrastructure, which
in place with the right architecture,
is the foundation that supports the
topology, and components to
technologies that facilitate digital
support their digital transformation
MPO OM4 cabling solution or Base8 MPO single-mode fibre cabling solution for easy migration to higher
initiatives. Our ConvergeIT solution
Digital transformation using digital
What is the main focus for your company at GITEX 2021?
will allow them to bring in silo
technologies to create new or modify
devices into one IP platform, thereby
existing business processes, culture,
Siemon was founded in 1903 and over
helping them to connect and work
and customer experiences are critical
the last 118 years, we have built on our
with each other as a unified system. It
to meet changing business and
USP of product innovation. At GITEX
will help transform a building into a
market requirements.
2021, our focus is on the regional
truly smart building.
data centres and smart /intelligent
Security is one key aspect that needs high attention. Customer service and customer experience are
migration capabilities. For intelligent
Which key technologies should customers invest in today to ensure business continuity in the digital era?
buildings, it is about the integration
Customers should invest in cabling
and convergence of multiple systems
technologies that provide sufficient
onto one single platform.
application support today while at the
Can you elaborate on your plans for the regional market over the next few quarters?
building market. We provide solutions for the design and implementation of a successful data centre with future
Our focus continues to be to add
other important elements to pay attention to.
same time offering an easy migration
We intend to capture the data centre’s
value to our customers’ current
path to higher speed applications in
exponential growth in the region in the
requirements and guide them to a
the future. In data centre switch-to-
next few quarters by capitalising on our
much more scalable and sustainable
server connections where speeds are
key differentiating products and the
future-proof design in the data centre
moving from 25, 50, and 100 Gb/s,
highly skilled technical expertise.
and intelligent building space.
high speed interconnects cables
Also, intelligent and smart building
such as Direct Attach Cable (DAC)
solutions is one of our core expertise
How can customers fast-track their digital transformation ambitions with your solutions?
assemblies, and Active Optical Cables
which we would like to further with
(AOCs) should be deployed. In the
our consultative approach. We like
backbone where speeds are increasing
to also retain our existing customers
To support digital transformation,
to 200, and 400 Gb/s, multimode
and add many new ones with our
IT infrastructure must be built to
and single-mode fibre cabling using
extensive value-adds.