Gitex Insight

Page 21


CLOUD TRANSFORMATIONS Amel Gardner, Infor VP and GM, Middle East and Africa, explains how customers can accelerate their digital transformation journeys with cloud innovations.

How can customers fast-track their digital transformation ambitions with your solutions? Firstly, Infor’s dedicated Value

unique and help make dramatically better decisions, better customer experiences, or better performance within a specific supply chain. To coin

Engineering team (who will be

the phrase: ‘this is where the magic

unveiled for the first time at

happens’ and the leading businesses

GITEX) can demonstrate how

of tomorrow will spend the majority

every organisation’s most critical

of time defining, refining and then

business drivers should be aligned

redefining this last 10%.

with a sound technological strategy.

This approach keeps

This team, which is dedicated to

implementations on track, keeps

maximising Infor investments, helps

teams from wandering off into

to identify, quantify, and realise

uncharted “wish lists” and getting

the true business value that our

lost down blind alleys.

products deliver.

not all business processes are created

Which aspects of digital transformation are customers not paying adequate attention to?

What is the main focus for your company at GITEX 2021?

equal. Businesses need to determine

Although companies feel they are data

which processes are most important

rich, they are not making the most

Infor is using its stand creatively

to differentiate themselves.

of their data potential. Yes, they are

Secondly, we recognise that while our various CloudSuites help provide industry specific business processes,

to feature distinct zones enabling

The first 60% of the implementation

creating masses of data, as they have

visitors from specific industries to

effort involves core industry leading

for years, but failing to unlock its

understand how their organisation

processes that businesses can adopt

true potential. It could even open up

can transform and gain the full

with very little effort. These are the

new revenue streams. There is a huge

advantages of the cloud, positioning

processes that are necessary but do

opportunity if they can deploy more

them to embrace new technologies

not provide differentiation. The goal

predictive and prescriptive analytics,

including artificial intelligence (AI)

for these 60% of the processes is very

not to mention the opportunities with

and machine learning (ML). Infor

simple: adopt technology that delivers

Big Data, AI and ML.

will demonstrate solutions including

industry best practice, as quickly as

its industry-specific CloudSuites for


industrial manufacturing, distribution,

For the next 30%, businesses need

Can you elaborate on your plans for the regional market over the next few quarters?

and healthcare, with specialists

to focus on the processes that are

available to discuss each of these

differentiators but still fall within

Infor has more than 750 active

solutions. The company will also

the realm of configuration or small

customers in the Middle East and

showcase its enterprise applications

tweaks. While this does demand some

many of them are moving to our

and enterprise resource planning

effort, a business is not starting with

multi-tenant cloud platform (on

(ERP) engines that are at the heart of

a blank sheet, but instead is choosing

AWS). We’re really looking to

its solutions, and which are designed

from options can be quickly tailored

accelerate by quintupling (x5) our

for specific industries. These highly

and configured to best fit their needs.

SaaS business by 2025 in the Middle

robust solutions manage financial

The goal of these first two steps is

East, so this means growing by

and operational tasks, streamlining

to free up more time and capacity to

40% each year (CAGR) which we

processes, eliminating redundancies,

focus on the final 10% of processes

will achieve by focusing on our core

and providing end-to-end visibility.

that are highly differentiating/




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