Cycling Quarterly Fall Edition 2018

Page 1


Everything Cycling

Ride Safe! Dos and Don’ts for Group Rides Call to Action: Don’t Text & Drive EBC Trains Ride Leaders

CHARITY RIDE The Only Ride that All Proceeds Provide New Bikes, Helmets and Safe Cycling Information to disadvantaged children.

“Because Every Child Deserves a Bike”

Sunday, November 4th at Markham Park Markham Park • 16001 W State Rd. 84, Sunrise, FL 33326

Sponsorships from $100 contact


• Metric, 40, 25 and 10 Mile Family Rides • Raffles, DJ, Food • SAG & Vendors • Event T-Shirts


Inside This Issue 3



Letter from the Publisher


Dos and Don’ts for Group Rides


Training Wheels


10 Practical Tips for Every Rider


Must Do, Must Have


EBC Trains Bike Leaders


A Call to Action


CQ Focus on Rumble in the Jungle 14 Rides 17 Bike Shops



Events/Festivals 28 Clubs/Organizations 30 CQ Focus on Okeeheelee BMX

32 Cover Photo And they’re off … Rumble in the Jungle, August 12, 2018, at Marham Park. Photo: Bruce Borich


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Publisher Michael Gale Public Relations Director Mariah Reed Managing Editor Judy Borich Editor Jamie Morris Production Manager Bruce Borich Advertising Sales & Marketing Director Pierina Barahona Ad Designer Gary Davidson Ride Editor John Bolgrien Advisory Board Paul Hoffman Gavaskar Josephs Eve L. Mart Karrie Norberg Dan Polozano Nese Venza CYCLING QUARTERLY LLC 1007 N. Federal Hwy., #383 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 1-844-CQ-SOFLA (1-844-277-6352) The information in this magazine is intended to describe and depict bicycle groups and bicycle events. The information provided is not warranted to be current or free from error, although efforts have been made to be so. It is the responsibility of the person or persons who utilize this information to know applicable laws, wear necessary protective gear, not take risks beyond their level of experience, aptitude, training and comfort level and to ensure their bicycle is in proper working condition and is well-maintained, and that all locations are safe to ride. When visiting and/or riding the described areas, Cycling Quarterly, LLC, assumes no responsibility for death or injuries that may occur or fines that may be imposed, or for any disruption, loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. The opinions expressed in Cycling Quarterly South Florida are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the advertisers and other contributing sources. © 2018 by Cycling Quarterly LLC, all rights reserved.


From the Publisher—

Spread the Word

Back in 2012, when I first hatched the idea of publishing a bicycle magazine, my idea was limited to sharing my own experiences of riding my road bike solo and with friends. At one point during my four years of research, I was politely enlightened by a seasoned bicycle guru that my world of skinny tires, bike shorts and colorful jerseys represented but a small percentage of the cycling community. Adults are rediscovering the bicycle as a form of exercise, recreation, sport and transportation. So much so that, in our own South Florida bicycle community, the tri-counties are investing in much-needed expansion of the bicycle infrastructure. So, after my moment of enlightenment, I thought if I was going to publish a magazine based on the real world of the bicycle community I had to include “Everything Cycling.” In two years Cycling Quarterly has become a widely used resource for bicyclists and well regarded as a voice that advocates for the over 1.6 million bicycle owners in South Florida. There’s nothing better than bicycling to stay optimistic about our future. I think H.G. Wells said it best: “Everytime I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” So spread the word and become a Bicycle Ambassador: Pick up two copies of this magazine and share it with a non-biking friend. Who knows? They might decide to join you on your next two-wheeled adventure. Pedals UP! —Michael Gale Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Dos and Don'ts for Group Rides

Photo: Cycling Family Broward

ou arrive at your weekly group ride excited to ride with your friends. Everyone is glad to see you because you are one of those riders that they all want to be with. Why? Because you have good group ride etiquette and skills that are important to everyone’s safety. How should you behave on a group ride to be that popular rider? First, communicate, pointing out holes and glass and other debris that will cause flats and slow your ride down – especially if you’re in a group that stops for all mechanicals. Use hand signals, and be sure the commands travel all the way to the back of the group. No one enjoys someone always yelling while riding. However, there are times when you need to speak up, especially if a vehicle is approaching. Brake-happy riders aren’t fun to deal with, either. Using air resistance or soft pedaling is much safer than constantly tapping the brakes and causing riders behind you to also brake, creating stressful, often dangerous “yo-yo” riding. We all want to feel like Superman, but if you are in the front, pulling, do not increase the posted speed. If you keep the desired pace, you will pull longer and keep the group riding consistently, without having to work harder. If you get tired at the front, don’t try to be a hero and risk your safety and the safety of the group. ROTATE! If you can no longer pull at the pace of the

Photo taken at a Cycling Family Broward group ride at Durango Bikes, Pembroke Pines, in January 2017. L-R: Jose Bandin, Denise Marsh, Mari Bandin, Ralph Navarro, Walter Di Grazia, Faris Bushnaq, Wayne Garanito, Virginia Sanchez, Giancarlo Paz, Eduardo Villavicencio, John Giraldo, Jannette Carreras, Alex Tabio, Gladys Perez, Donato Sasso, Arnie Prieto, Paola Taddeo, JC Rosell Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Photo: Cycling Family Broward

Photo taken at a charity event to cure ALS in August 2017, at Big Wheels Hollywood, FL. L-R: Denise Marsh, John Beitz, Demi Warner, Belinda Garcia, Ken Siviter, Alex Tabio, Maria Bautista, Luis Medina, Paola Taddeo, Ralph Navarro, Alejandro Verano, John Giraldo group, accelerate, tap out, move over and pull to the back. Do not just slow down because this will cause everyone to hit the brakes, which can easily cause an accident. When the group is approaching a bridge or a hill, it is important for riders in the front to help set a reasonable climbing pace – and be sure to regroup at the bottom to ensure everyone is caught up. And always remember to HYDRATE! Trying to keep the pace or pulling too hard will exhaust you. You should be grabbing your water bottle and taking sips well before you feel thirsty. Riders often forget to drink, and then they are too exhausted to finish and get dropped. What is not cool in a group ride? First, arriving late and then asking everyone to please wait for you while you put your shoes on and pump up your tires. This will quickly make you unpopular. Don’t overlap. It makes everyone uncomfortable and stressed, while greatly increasing the chance of an accident. Most importantly, don’t “blow up” the group. Pulling at a pace way beyond the posted speed makes the ride dangerous and frustrating. Be sure to choose a group ride that advertises your desired pace, not a pace slower or faster than you want to ride. Don’t run through stop signs or red lights. You are considered a motor vehicle and must obey the rules of the road. Besides, such behavior is disrespectful and can ruin the reputation of a group. Have fun and respect your fellow riders. —Denise Marsh Denise Marsh is an office manager for an internet retail guitar amplifier business. She has been road cycling since 2010 and is a ride marshal for DCC and Bike MS. In her free time, she enjoys photography and scrapbooking. She is currently the Vice President of Cycling Family Broward.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Training Wheels For the Entry-Level Rider First Aid

Photo: Gabriel J. Diaz

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, they say. Sure, you want to follow the rules of the road and wear a helmet, but there are a few other precautions you can take that will enhance your bike-riding experience and keep the corpus secure. First, never underestimate how much water you’ll need to consume while riding Florida’s bike paths and roadways. Even during winter months, the harsh Florida sun can speed up the dehydration process, which is very dangerous. A good rule of thumb is to bring at least 20 ounces of water per hour of riding – and throw a few ice cubes in your bottle to lower your body temperature, for added comfort. As a new rider, I found it challenging to pull my water bottle from its cage while riding with faster riders. As a result, I didn’t drink enough water and found myself feeling weak and unable to focus. My speed reduced, and I was usually dropped. It’s not a bad idea for new It may be challenging to pull your water bottle from its cage riders to practice while riding with faster riders. Practice taking out the bottle taking out and re- while riding, and soon it will be second nature. placing water bottles in their cages on easy rides before advancing to faster groups. More than once, I’ve come across a new rider who is either lost, injured or experiencing mechanical trouble. To prepare for such challenges, it’s imperative that all riders carry a phone so they can call for help or find their way home. And remember to program and activate your ICE (“in case of emergency”) feature for emergency assistance. Also, smart riders wear a Road ID, an identification bracelet or anklet that provides emergency contact information Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Photo: Gabriel J. Diaz

All cyclists should carry a phone on their ride so as to be prepared for emergencies. it’s imperative that all riders carry a phone so they can call for help or find their way home. in the event that they suffer a fall or lose consciousness for any other reason. For riders whose bikes have become inoperable, AAA has a neat new roadside service that will pick up stranded riders (along with their bikes) and transport them to a desired destination. You must be a member of AAA to enjoy the service, and they have a few levels of membership with differing benefits. Go to for more information. Should you carry a first aid kit? Sterile wipes and band aids are useful, since it’s not uncommon for riders to suffer scrapes during falls. However, unless you’re a medical professional, the best thing to do is rinse off bad scrapes with cool, clean water and call 911. Studies show that it’s usually another cyclist who’s first to come to a fallen cyclist’s aid, so even if you don’t need the wipes, your preparation may well help someone else. One of the wonderful benefits of riding bikes is the awesome fellowship. Time after time, I’ve experienced the good will and assistance of other riders on the road, be it with first aid or a mechanical assist. Let’s all ride smart and keep an eye out for each other. Together we can ride safely and grow our fantastic cycling community! —Mariah Reed Mariah Reed, an award-winning columnist for Cycling Quarterly, is a tenured theater professor at Broward College. She enjoys riding her bike whenever possible. In her free time, she also writes plays and poetry.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

10 Practical Tips for Every Rider Here are 10 great ideas that will help keep you riding safer, better and more smoothly. 1. Clean and oil your chain on a regular basis to get the most out of it. All that awesome pedaling you’re doing won’t get you anywhere if your chain is not in good order. 2. Keep tire pressure close to the recommended number written on the sidewall—but you can play with the pressure a bit for comfort and performance. 3. Wear a helmet – it can save your life. Your local bike shop can find you a helmet that fits correctly and comfortably. (And, remember, by law, children younger than 16 must wear a helmet.) 4. Learn how to repair a tire puncture. Pick up a repair kit and a small air pump, and pack a spare tube for your tire size. 5. You can carry a water bottle or two, or a hydration pack, but carry something! On really hot days, pre-hydrate by drinking a glass of water before you ride. 6. Clean your water bottles or packs with a denture cleaner like Efferdent. This will keep them clean and minty fresh. 7. “Bonking” happens when you don’t eat enough on a ride, and your body suddenly feels like it ran out of fuel. Avoid this by taking energy-boosting snacks on your ride. 8. Get used to shifting your gears—it makes riding a lot easier and more fun! 9. A good fitting on your new bicycle by a local bike shop can help ensure maximum comfort – and better performance – when you are out riding. 10. Bike lights help you be seen. Studies show that motorists are more likely to see you when your bike sports a good set of front and rear lights. Keep them lit, day or night. —Gabriel J. Diaz Gabriel J. Diaz is the photographer behind VeloPista Photo, covering the Florida bicycle racing and event scene. Visit his website at and find him on Facebook and Instagram as VeloPistaPhoto.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Occasionally, we all must veer out of our lane and explore adventures and new experiences to enrich what may be an already full and exciting lifestyle. Our publisher has an adventurous spirit and often does veer outside the lane. Below, are two Must Do’s and two Must Haves he thought our readers might find adventurous and fun to do – and a couple seldom-seen products for the everyday and avid cyclist.

MUST DO Cycle Party It may be time to get a group of friends together and join Cycle Party on the Wynwood Insta-Tour, where everybody pedals! This family-friendly, 1.5-hour tour around the Wynwood Arts District features Instagram-worthy stops where you can take photos of murals and learn about the district’s history and the artists that made it cool. Pub crawl tours are also available. Book early if you have visitors in town for the holidays. Visit for more information.

projectROCK If you own a mountain bike, you’ve heard non-cycling friends say, “But there are no mountains in Florida!” What would they say if you told them you’re going rock climbing? They’d probably say exactly the same thing. But while it may be true that there are no mountains in Florida, there is projectROCK. Their introductory belay class provides everything you need to get started (or return to) climbing. This Oakland Park rock-climbing organization offers individual, group and family instruction where you will learn simple knot-tying, top rope belay and the basics of climbing. This package includes a belay class, a full day pass and all gear rental. Visit for more information. 8

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

MUST HAVE Kupper Mounts We almost started a new category called “Must See” with this product. The versatile Kupper Mount Bike Rack System fits all cars, vans, trucks and SUVs. Its revolutionary vacuum design makes it easy to install in under two minutes. Visit for more information and watch their fun video demonstration. Honestly, this is a must see!

Muc-Off Your bike is good to you, so you need to be good to your bike. As roadies know, it’s very important to their image as avid or elite road bikers to have a clean bike. A dirty bike is no bueno! Kidding aside, it is both more cost effective and safer to keep your bike well maintained. The Muc-Off 8-in-1 bicycle cleaning kit is perfect for any lover of bikes. This kit has everything to sort your bike out, no matter its type. With its nano-tech cleaner, expanding microcell sponge, soft washing brush, detailing brush, claw brush, two-prong brush, bike spray and storage tub, it would make the perfect birthday or holiday gift. Or just buy it for yourself. Your bike will thank you. Visit for more information. Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Photo: Everglades Bicycle Club


EBC Trains Ride Leaders

ach Saturday, Everglades Bicycle Club (EBC) offers no-drop group rides of various speeds and distances. Even more important, EBC rides are led by trained ride leaders whose goal is increasing the safety, self-sufficiency and comfort of recreational, fitness and utility riders, alike. EBC has invested in a program to train ride leaders, which was expanded recently to include individual cyclists interested in improving their riding skills and knowledge. EBC’s League of American Bicyclist’s League Certified Instructors (LCI) provide the backbone of EBC’s outreach to improve cycling safety within EBC, as well as throughout the South Florida community. EBC Group Rides Orientation and Ride Leader Training focuses on helping cyclists feel more secure about group riding, creating a public mindset that bikes be treated as vehicles and ensuring that cyclists riding in a group know how to ride safely and legally. Those becoming Ride Leaders also learn how to deliver a pre-ride tutorial and how to employ safety practices in case of injuries or accidents incurred during a ride. Ride Leaders also complete a practical, on-bike session, during which they demonstrate and hone their own skills so as to be able to provide effective leadership and coaching during EBC rides. EBC delivers training within the community to organizations who want to develop the skills needed to organize and safely lead group rides. EBC has been active with Miami-Dade County’s BIKE305 program, where EBC has provided training to several BIKE305 cities’ park and recreation employees, who now offer community cycling events. This training is customized as needed to focus on the types of rides to be created and managed. EBC also provides FDOT bicyEBC Rides Committee Chairman, Joe Curbelo, cle helmet-fitting certification, in delivers a pre-ride safety tutorial before the which the safest way to fit and wear a bicycle helmet, for both adults and weekly Saturday Training Ride. EBC trains children, is taught. ride leaders to deliver a comprehensive legal For more information about EBC, and safety review before each ride.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Photo: Everglades Bicycle Club

At a recent class, EBC Ride Leader Trainer Amy Crowley-Gonsoulin delivers comprehensive classroom training to future Ride leaders and members interested in learning more about staying safe while cycling. check out For more info on EBC’s training program, email EBC at —Pat Massey

Pat Massey, EBC VP and League Cycling Instructor (LCI), is a busy IBM/Lenovo retiree living in her native South Miami. Pat rides with EBC most weekends, but she also enjoys riding just about everywhere, including destinations made accessible through MetroRail and TriRail.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida



A Call to Action

Photo: Mariah Reed

ow would you feel if your best friend was killed through carelessness? On July 30, 2015, Janna Pelle was notified that Patrick Wanninkhof, a cycling enthusiast and her lifelong friend, was struck and killed by a driver who was checking a notification on her cell phone. Patrick was participating in a cross country bike ride with Bike and Build, which raises funds for sustainable housing. Bringing up the rear in a group of over 30 cyclists to ensure everyone else’s safety, he was a casualty of distracted driving. “Everyone thinks only reckless cyclists have accidents,” says Janna. “But anyone can be hurt by a distracted driver.” Patrick was killed in Oklahoma, and the driver of the car was charged with a felony offense. She also lost her nursing license and served time in prison. Though no malice was involved, in seconds, two lives were destroyed. The tragedy moved Janna to become an activist for bike safety. A musician, she uses her art to drive home the message that distracted driving is deadly. Patrick’s death inspired an album of songs reflective of loss and love titled Voice Memo. In the video for one of the songs, “Hit and Run,” Janna is shown splayed on the ground after being struck by a vehicle. Individuals walk by, entirely focused on their cell phones. The message is clear: To affect change, we must emerge from our bubbles and get involved. Real lives are at stake. Lives like Patrick’s. Janna’s passion for cycling is still strong. She and Patrick both grew up on Key Biscayne, and their families have been lifelong avid cyclists. After her son’s death, Patrick’s mother led a charge to make texting while driving a primary offense in Florida. Florida’s House of Representatives voted in favor of House Bill 33, but it Janna in front of the Key Biscayne Ghost Bike stalled in the Senate. Interested Memorial, for cyclists killed on the road. She in reviving the bill? Go to flsenate. wears a bib she designed to raise awareness. 12

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

com and contact Senators Rob Bradley and Joe Negron, whose actions effectively derailed the process (Senate Bill 90). Janna also volunteers for We Save Lives, an organization created by the founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Candace Lightner. One campaign, #But Not While Driving, addresses all forms of distraction, including texting, eating and accessing GPS, etc. Go to for information or check out the We Save Lives twitter feed. We Save Lives urges all to change their mobile email signature to “Sent from my Mobile #Butnotwhiledriving” to encourage dialogue about distracted driving. As someone who has suffered a devastating loss, Janna’s frustration is palpable. “I have friends who know what happened [to Patrick], and they will still text in the car with me. There are a million excuses – until you lose someone you love.” But when asked about her ultimate goal, Janna smiles. “You know, there was a time when it wasn’t illegal to drink and drive. That’s shocking today. I dream of a future where my children will look back and say, ‘How could texting and driving have ever been acceptable behavior?’” To learn more about Janna’s activism and music go to —Mariah Reed Mariah Reed, an award-winning columnist for Cycling Quarterly, is a tenured theater professor at Broward College. She enjoys riding her bike whenever possible. In her free time, she also writes plays and poetry

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CQ Focus on Rumble in the Jungle The Rumble in the Jungle 2018 took place on August 12 in Markham Park, and Cycling Quarterly was on the scene! This 50-mile mountain bike race includes solo and team categories, as well as a 25-mile solo option and kids’ races — basically something for all mountain bikers who want to race. 100% of the funds raised go to the Markham Park Trail Building Fund.

Photo: Bruce Borich

Above: Joe MacAlpine checks with riders before the start of the Solo Female Open 50 and Team Female race.

Photo: Michael Gale

Left: Alberto Mederos and Manuel Rodriguez chill after participating in the race.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

CQ Focus on Rumble in the Jungle

Photo: Bruce Borich

Above: Hillsboro Bicycle Team #308 wins 1st place in Team Male Sport 50 miles. The three- person team includes Marco Aravena (right) and Pedro Saveedra (left), Team member Patricio Ayala is not in the photo.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Photo: Judy Borich

Right: William Schmidt, 10 years old and a student at Addison Mizner Elementary School in Boca, proudly wears the medal he earned participating in the kids’ group ride. William has been riding the expert trails since he was six years old. 15

HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY Our Weekly Rides listings are one of the main reasons I started this magazine. “Where’s a good ride?” is a question I often hear, so I’ve provided a resource to answer it. Please let us know about rides we may have missed. These established rides are open to new riders. Listed times can be the actual departure time, so always arrive early, introduce yourself and ask questions. Rating skill levels can be challenging, so it’s best to expect the level to be faster than cited. Always wear a helmet and obey the rules of the road. Attaching a rear blinking light is a good idea, and a headlight at night is the law. Ride details include: DAY: Weekly Ride calendar starts on a Saturday and ends on Friday. TIME: The time the ride starts is the first item in the listing. SKILL LEVEL: Color-coded arrows indicate the maximum speed or average speed. DROP/NO DROP: If you have a mechanical issue or can’t keep up during a drop ride, you’re on your own. During a no-drop ride, the group will not leave you behind. CONTACT INFO: If contact info is not available, take a shot and show up. There’s a good chance there will be riders unless weather interferes. MAP LOCATOR: Geographic position of the ride on our foldout map.

When We say . . . “Everything Cycling!” Cycling” We Really Mean It! Ask for your FREE Everything Cycling in South Florida “Directory and Ride Guide”, at participating bike shops throughout Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties.

For display advertising opportunities contact: 16

1007 N. Federal Hwy #383 • Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304

844-CQ-SOFLA • (844-277-6352)

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Weekly Rides Broward County Saturday 7 a.m., Alligator Bicycles, Road, 43-52 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 10426 Taft St., Pembroke Pines, shop opens at 6:30 a.m., 954964-8586 1 7 a.m., Cove Ride, Road, 60 miles, ➜, Drop, 1560 E. Hillsboro Blvd., Deerfield Beach, The Cove Shopping Center, ride is A1A north, pickup ride location 2 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 35 miles, ➜, ➜, Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, 3 7 a.m., Camp Amistad Saturday Ride, Road, 33 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 15810 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Westgate Shopping Center, zMotion group, all levels, meetup. com/CampAmistad 4 7:30 a.m., Cycling Family Broward, Road, 36-48 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 15993 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, check Facebook for updates 55 7:30 a.m., Galiz Cycling, Road, 45 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 4700 S. Flamingo Road , Cooper City, Walmart parking lot, 21 7:30 a.m., Performance Beginner Ride, Road, 24 miles, ➜, No Drop, 1201 N. Federal Hwy., Ft. Lauderdale, Performance Bicycle Shop, distance may vary depending on group, speed and conditions, performancebike. com/bike-shop/store/ fortlauderdale, 954-400-2400 11 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial

LEGEND Ride Type: Road Mountain Track Hybrid

Cruisers BMX All Bikes

Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+) ➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B) ➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D) Listing key: Colored arrows indicate skill level in the legend. “No Drop” indicates assistance so the cyclist can continue. “Drop” indicates no assistance and the ride will continue without the cyclist. The numbers in the boxes correspond to the rides indicated on the foldout map. The numbers in the circles correspond to bike shops on the foldout map.

Carlos Ride, Road, 55 miles, ➜, Drop, 1901 SW 172nd Ave., Miramar, Memorial West Hospital, 15 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Classic Ride, Road, 50-55 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 5900 SW 160th Ave., Southwest Ranches, Hawkes Bluff Elementary, northeast corner of Dykes and Sterling Roads, 16 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial 101 Weston Warriors, Road, 35 miles, ➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial 2.0 Weston Warriors, Road, 40 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads, across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 8 a.m., Big Wheel, Road, 15 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 23 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers Beginner, Road, 15 miles, ➜, No Drop, Markham Park boat ramp 16001 W. State Rd. 84, Sunrise, second Saturday of each month, instructional workshop with Q & A before ride, group ride training, ride etiquette, pace line, bike handling skills 49 Sunday 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 60, 45, 30 miles ➜,➜,➜, Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, 12 7 a.m., Mike’s Ride Weekend, Road, 30 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 101 Commercial Blvd., Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, 101 Ocean, small group of advanced riders 13 7 a.m., Camp Amistad Levee Ride, Mountain, various miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 15810 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Westgate Shopping Center, zMotion group, 14 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

Carlos Ride, Road, 42 miles, ➜, Drop, 1901 SW 172nd Ave., Miramar, Memorial West Hospital, 15 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Classic Ride, Road, 38–42 miles, ➜, ➜, No Drop, 5900 SW 160th Ave., Southwest Ranches, Hawkes Bluff Elementary, northeast corner of Dykes and Sterling Roads, 16 7:30 a.m., Weston Warriors Team Memorial 101, Road, 35 miles, ➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, 18 7:30 a.m., Weston Warriors Team Memorial 2.0, Road, 35 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 7:30 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 40 miles ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 1393 NW 136th Ave., Sunrise, Lester’s Diner 19 7:30 a.m., Trek Bicycle Shop, Road, 22 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 1621 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Trek Bike Shop, 20 7:30 a.m., Galiz Cycling, Road, 45 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 4700 S. Flamingo Road, Cooper City, Walmart parking lot, 21 7:30 a.m., Weston Flyers Cartel, Road, 42 miles, ➜, No Drop, 1675 Market St., Weston, Weston


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

Town Center, very fast advanced ride 22 8 a.m., Big Wheel, Road,40 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 23 8 a.m., FVA Florida Velodrome Association, Track, laps,➜, 9501 Sheridan St., Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, training for national and international events, 954-3575160 24 8 a.m., Markham Trails Bike America, Mountain, Laps, No Drop, 16001 W. State Rd. 84, Sunrise, intermediate, stop in park office to view safety video, meet at trailhead, 954-4436340, Stefano 28

84, Sunrise, Markham Park, group sprints 49 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Jorge Pena, Road, 35 miles,➜, ➜, Drop, 1617 SW 178th Ave., Pembroke Pines, Boater’s Park, small group, 55 5:45 p.m., Big Wheel, Mountain, one lap, 3169 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, Oleta River State Park, single-track with technical features, all level trails, 31 6 p.m., Camp Amistad Tuesday Night Ride, Road, laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park, laps inside park, meet at the boat launch, weekdays no park fee 32 6 p.m., Team Memorial, Road, 20 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 6503 N. Ocean Drive , Dania Beach, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, ride inside park, out and back laps, 50 6 p.m., Dump Ride, Road, 22 miles,➜, Drop, 4001 SW 142nd Ave., Davie, Vista View Park, fast ride with experienced riders 51 6:45 p.m., Levee Training, Mountain, 30 miles,➜,➜,➜, Drop, 15972 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, out and back, off-road, sturdy hybrid suitable, lights and helmet required 36 7 p.m., Big Wheel, Road, 23 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, Big Wheel Bicycle Shop, 54 7 p.m., Ft. Lauderdale Urban Ride, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 22 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 201 NE Fifth Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, War Memorial Auditorium, structured

Monday 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 8 p.m., Monday Night Prohibition Ride, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 15 miles,➜, No Drop, 450 SW Seventh Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Cooley’s Landing Marina, ends at Tap 42, SoFlaBikeClub 26 Tuesday 6 a.m., Mike’s Ride, Road, 36 miles,➜, Drop, 5216 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, one block north of Commercial Boulevard. on U.S, 1, small fast group 48 7:30 a.m., Le parcours de JeanClaude, Road, laps,➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 16001 W. State Road

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

What’s the

“THE BEST OF CYCLING” in South Florida?

Share your BEST OF... • Bike Route • Bike Club, • Best Kit • Coffee Shop, • Rest Stop • Bike Shop, • Bike Shop Mechanic , • Mountain Biking Location, • Etc., Etc., Etc. Register your cycling BEST OF* in South Florida on our Facebook page, like and share and spread the word about the BEST OF South Florida Cycling. We will collect your entries and publish a special CQ BEST OF listing. *BEST OF winners will be determined by most entries submitted per catagory

For more info, email us at

We collect, repair and award preowned bikes to the residents of South Florida. Weekly bike repair nights (each Thursday). Tool and idea sharing (bike co-op), bike repair training, comradery. Promoting an active lifestyle, through bikes. A 501(c)(3) bicycle based charitable organization. Your donation is tax deductible!



Ro e h t e r a Sh




BIKE SUITABILITY GUIDE... View detailed County Maps with your portable device by scanning the representative QR Code for each area. These maps were developed by each of the counties MPO and TPO (Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Transportation Planning Organizations) as an aid to bicyclists. Bicyclists assume all risk when using maps. Safe use of roads is not guaranteed, always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle, wear high visibility clothing, use hand signals and obey all rules of the road. When riding your bicycle at night you must have lights front and rear as designated by local law. Cycling Quarterly, LLC shall not be held responsible for any damages, bodily injury, death or losses arising from the use of these maps. For more information: Miami-Dade Dade Transportation Planning Organization, 305-375-1647. Palm Beach County, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) . Broward County, Metropolitan Planning Organization, (MPO) 954-876-0033 1-Broward information current as of DEC. 2017 2- Miami –Dade information current as of JUN 26, 2017 3- Palm Beach information current as of NOV 2016


Palm Beach

Detailed County Maps





Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd







Okeechobee Blvd


Northlake Blvd


704 305

Dyer Park

Hypoluxo Rd

Forest Hill Blvd

Southern Blvd


301 PGA Blvd 132




321 311

129 Juno

North Palm



312 1

Magnolia Park


South Palm Beach

Lake Worth

Palm Beach

315 125

West Palm Beach

Palm Beach Shores

314 Beach


324 Beach

Riviera Beach





Atlantic Blvd







Sample Rd

Wiles Rd


Coral Springs

148 150

100 39

Broward County

Palm Beach County

Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

Lyons Rd


Hypoluxo Rd



135 123 124

SW 18th St

Glades Rd





Gulf Stream

127 Delray Beach 130 301 118 1


Briny Breezes



115 Ocean


104 1

Lighthouse Point

Hillsboro Beach

Deerfield Beach

Pompano Beach

102 2 106

124 328 Boca Raton 111 108 322 A1A


Atlantic Ave

Boynton Beach Blvd 308

Jog Rd



Miami-Dade County

Broward County






69 68




Amelia Earhart Park



107 54 23

Griffin Rd



Pembroke Pines111

24 117

Miramar Pkwy

Pines Blvd

103 1

Sheridan St



Broward Blvd


Cooper City

Sterling Rd





88 62 103





131 118 45 127 146

14 4

Southwest Ranches



52 49 36 32

Markham Park




Taft St






Miami Shores



Hallandale Beach

Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park

Bal Harbour

Haulover Park

Rides Bike Shops CQ Locations

Map Key

Fort Lauderdale

A1A Surfside North Bay

Indian Creek Village

Lauderdale By-The-Sea


Hugh Taylor Birch State Park

Golden Beach

Hollywood A1A

West Lake Park

147 122 116 137 1 50 53 44

Las Olas SE 17 St




151 110 20 119 40 106 38 58135

31 201 98 84 68 220 Oleta 215 State River Park 1 North Miami


Lazy Lake 11129

126 133




Oakland Park 134

74 North 67 Miami 208 Beach

Pembroke Rd



North Lauderdale

Lauderdale TRNPK Lakes




# #

102 66 87 93

SW 232 St


SW 72 St

SW 54 St


152 1

SW 184 St

Zoo Miami






Biscayne National Park


Charles Deering Estate




Chapman Field Park

Matheson Hammock Park

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens






227 100

Crandon Park


Miami Beach



Cape Florida State Park

Virginia Key


Bal Harbour

A1A Surfside

North Bay Village

Indian Creek Village



209 95 221



Miami Miami Shores



Key Biscayne

Coconut Grove

210204 64 81 59 63 83 96

Coral Gables



Flagler St


89 91 76 60 75 104 218225 228

Palmetto Bay



Amelia Earhart Park

69 68

Miami International Airport

205 71212

Doral Golf Course

SW 24 St

Doral Park

69 72

Hialeah Gardens

88 62 103

94 90 80 86 874 1 92 Pinecrest 213 101 211 70 226



SW 152 St

SW 120 St

SW 147 Ave


SW 137 Ave

To Everglades National Park

SW 157 Ave

SW 67 Ave

NW 22 Ave

10 Miles





T h i s is a Ma rket Plac e AD Space

Specialty Event Cakes PERSONAL & CORPORATE

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C A K E 954.647.6269 Support Bicycle Advocacy Good Stewardship

The Coral Springs Parkland Cycling & Tri Club is an organization of swimmer, bicyclist & runner enthusiasts who are interested in promoting Bicycle safety, community activism to improve fitness awareness, and to support community-driven charitable events. Improve your skills with the CSP Express club and participate in club events. Cyclists/Triathletes/Duathletes are all welcome to join CSP Express and start training with us today!!!

Contact Jerry Layne 954-725-9075

We Encourage Cyclist to Cyclist Business.

Here at Aspire Sports Lab, we create personalized Strength and Conditioning Programs designed to not only get you to the finish line, but dominate any race or challenge you wish to embark Whether you are looking to complete your first 5k, qualify for Ironman Kona, or join the Special Forces, we can make a personal customized training program.

• Headline • Photo or Art • 50 Words of Copy • Your Logo • And Contact Info • Less than *$20 week Your “Small Business” Display Ad will be viewed by affluent consumers who want your product or service. Advertiser must be a **qualified independent small business, such as a massage therapist, personal trainer/coach, accountant, independent merchant, bike clubs/teams.

Call for Free Consult



ed by d will be view Your display A ers that want your m affluent consu ice. rv se r product o alified

t be a **qu Advertiser mus all business. independent sm coach, rsonal trainer, pe t, is ap er th uct Massage dependent prod accountant, in ubs/teams. cl merchant, bike copy Art 50 words of o/ Headline, Phot ber m nu e ess & phon text, logo, addr

20 Week .com Less Than@*$ ly cyclingquarter Contact: info

Limited Space: Rates for ad design services vary with content request, most ads maximum of $50.00 *$79.00 with acceptance of contract, $79.00 with ad approval balance 10 days before edition prints. **Qualified small business is subject to CQ advertising department approval.

BRING THIS AD AND SAVE 33% ON A $12 TICKET To Seminole Hard Rock, Friday November 2, for French comedy The Return of the Hero or Bailey Hall, Saturday November 17, for Sharkwater Extinction.

Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

ride all levels, SoFlaBikeClub 38 7:45 p.m., Taco Tuesday, Road,➜, Drop, 4443 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, The Promenade, fast ride every Tuesday except the last Tuesday of the month is a ➜ ride 35 Wednesday 6 a.m., Downtown Bicycle, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2571 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, 40 6 a.m., Green Eggs & Hammer, Road, 30 miles, ➜, No Drop, Conte’s Bike Shop, 1739 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, very brisk ride, not a guaranteed No Drop 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 30 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, run component, 39 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 5 p.m., FVA Florida Velodrome Assoc., Track, laps,➜, 9501 Sheridan St., Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, youth cycling session $25 monthly, Jose Basulto 305-496-3033 42 6 p.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 25 miles,➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 4401 S. Flamingo Road, Davie, northwest corner Flamingo and Griffin Roads, Dunkin’ Donuts, 43 6 p.m., Lee’s Group Ride, Road,

➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 619 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Hollywood, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, 954-925-5157 44 6:15 p.m., Memorial Weston Warriors, Road, 25 miles,➜, Drop, 1601 Promenade Blvd., Weston, Publix at Weston Town Center, 45 7 p.m. FVA Florida Velodrome Association, Track, laps, 9501 Sheridan Street, Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, endurance motor-pacing, 954-357-5160 (after 3 p.m.) 24 7 p.m., Night Ride Bike America, Mountain, laps, No Drop, 401 S. Powerline Rd., Quiet Waters Park, Deerfield Beach, distance and speeds vary, third Wednesday of month, lights required, 954-5708122, 135 7:45 p.m., WOW Ride, Road, 28 miles,➜, Drop, 2201 N. University Drive, Coral Springs, University Drive and Royal Palm Blvd., Publix parking lot, ride through north Coral Springs and Parkland, lights required 46 8 p.m., BiciHangeo, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 10 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 400 SW second Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Esplanade Park, social ride 47

16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park, boat launch lot, regroups at intervals 49

Thursday 6 a.m., Mike’s Ride, Road, 36 miles,➜, Drop, 5216 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, one block north of Commercial Blvd. on US1, small fast group of regular riders 48 8 a.m., Le parcours de Jean-Claude, Road, 40 miles,➜,➜, ➜, Drop,

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

6 p.m., Team Memorial, Road, 20 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 6503 N. Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, 50 6 p.m., Dump Ride, Road, 22 miles,➜, Drop, 4001 SW 142nd Ave., Davie, Vista View Park, very fast ride 51 6 p.m., Camp Amistad Thursday Night Ride, Road, laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park boat launch lot, laps inside Markham park, weekdays no park fee 52 6:45 p.m., Bike Polo, Weston Regional Park, 20200 Saddle Club Road, check Ft. Lauderdale Co-ed Bike Polo on Facebook for updates 38 6:45 p.m., Hollywood Urban, Road, Mountain, 19 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 300 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach, Winn-Dixie Plaza, lights and helmet required, good starter ride 53 7 p.m., Big Wheel, Road, 23 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 54 Friday 7 a.m., CSP Express, Levee, Mountain, Drop, ➜, ➜, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, speed varies subject to terrain, road and off-road 39 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Jorge Pena, Road, 35 miles,➜,➜, Drop,


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

1617 SW 178th Ave., Pembroke Pines, Boater’s Park, small fast group, 55 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 6:30 p.m., Critical Mass, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 12 miles, ➜,➜,➜, Drop, 700 NE Eighth St., Ft. Lauderdale, War Memorial Auditorium, massive ride, last Friday of every month 58

Miami-Dade County Saturday 6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 50-60 miles,➜ ➜, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, ride to Key Biscayne, 305940-1050 68 6:45 a.m., Sun Cycling, Road, 4050 miles,➜, 132 Hialeah Drive, Hialeah, 305-883-4338 65 7 a.m., All 4 Cycling Tempo Ride, Road, 55-65 miles,➜, 1180 S. Dixie Highway, Coral Gables 63 7 a.m., City Bikes, Road, Various, ➜,➜, 20335 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, distance and speed vary, 305-682-8889 67 7 a.m., Elite Cycling, Road, 40 miles,➜, 13108 S. Dixie Highway, Miami, last Saturday of the month, 786-242-3733 70 7 a.m., GM Bikes, Road, 41-53 miles,➜, 9160 NW 122nd St., Miami, ride through Hialeah Gardens, Medley and Doral, 305-


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

824-4999 62 7:30 a.m., Casa Larios, Road, 5065 miles,➜, 5859 SW 73rd St., South Miami 60 7:30 a.m., City Hall, Road, 26-28 miles,➜,➜,➜, 3500 Pan American Drive, Coconut Grove, three to four groups ride south 59 7:30 a.m., Doral Cycling Club, Road, 35 miles,➜, NW 114th Avenue and NW 58th Street, Miami, 69 7:30 a.m., Everglades Bicycle Club Training Ride, Road, 20-55 miles, ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 5801 Augusto Street, Coral Gables, Ponce De Leon Middle School, ebcweeklyrideschedule 7:30 a.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 62-75 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami 66 7:30 a.m., Pinecrest Elementary, Road, 40 miles,➜, 10250 SW 57th Ave., Pinecrest, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 61 7:30 a.m., Velosport Cycling Club, Bike Tech, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜, 2220 SW 22nd St., Miami, ride to Key Biscayne, 64 Sunday 6:30 a.m., Cycle World, Road, 40-80 miles,➜, 8476 Bird Road, Miami, distance depends on the group, 305-221-2123 71 7 a.m., Doral Cycling Club, Road, 50 miles,➜, NW 114th Avenue and NW 58 Street, Miami, 72 7 a.m., Team Hammerheads, Road, 40-68 miles, ➜,➜,➜,

Coco Plum Circle, Coral Gables, 73 7:30 a.m., Aventura, Road, 50 miles,➜, Drop, West Country Club Drive and Spoke Road, Aventura, destination Key Biscayne 74 7:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 35 miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 75 7:30 a.m., Everglades Bicycle Club Beginner Group Ride, second Sunday of month, Road, 11 mph, 5801 Augusto Street, Coral Gables, Ponce De Leon Middle School, training to ride Saturday C group (see above), RSVP to Ruben Fuentes- rides@ 76 7:30 a.m., Ponce de Leon Middle School, Road, various miles, ➜, ➜, 5801 Augusto St., Coral Gables, toward Miami Beach, 76 10 a.m., The City Beautiful All Bikes, 7 miles, all levels, No Drop, 285 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables, Coral Gables Museum, third Sunday of every month, limited space, fee, 305-603-8067 77 5 p.m., H.E.R. Sunday Ride, Road, various miles,➜,➜,➜, 4680 NE second Ave., Miami 78 Monday 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles, ➜,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 80 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami , 4-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 79 8:30 p.m., Magic Mondays, Road,

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

miles, various miles,➜, 2780 SW 27th Ave., Miami, ride through Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Miami 81 Tuesday 6 a.m., Granada Golf Course, Road, 30 miles,➜, 2001 Granada Blvd., Coral Gables, ride to Key Biscayne, chucho@ 82 6 a.m., Johnny Rockets, Road, 25-30 miles,➜,➜, 3036 Grand Ave., Coconut Grove, destination Key Biscayne 83 6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 25 miles, ➜ ➜, No drop, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, to Dania Beach, 305-940-1050 84 7:15 a.m., Black Point Marina, Road, 28-40 miles, ➜,➜,24775 SW 87th Ave., Cutler Bay, ride to HomesteadMiami Speedway for laps 85 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Steet, Doral, loop Flagler Station 86 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜,SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, four-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 87 6 p.m., Denny’s Okeechobee, Road, 30 miles,➜, 11701 Okeechobee Road, Hialeah Gardens, north on State Road 27, very fast, daylight saving time only 88 6:30 p.m., All 4Cycling Tempo Ride, Road, 33-40 miles,➜,1180 S. Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, ride to Key

➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

Biscayne, 305-668-9876 89 8 p.m., Taco Tuesdays, Road, 15-20 miles,➜,➜, 1070 SW 113th Place, Miami, urban ride with stop for food and drinks 90 Wednesday 6:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 30 miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 91 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 92 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, fourmile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 93 7:30 p.m., Kendall Weekly Bike Ride, Road, 15-20 miles,➜, 8525 Mills Drive, World of Beer, Miami 94 8 p.m., FYXD 305 Wednesday Night Ride, Road, 20-25 miles,➜, 1455 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, urban ride with stops for beer 95

miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 104 7:15 a.m., Black Point Marina, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜, 24775 SW 87th Ave., Cutler Bay, ride to HomesteadMiami Speedway for laps 99 7:30 a.m., UltrabikeX Beginner’s Ride, Road, 12-15 miles,➜, No Drop, 61 Harbor Drive, Key Biscayne, ride to Virginia Key and back 100 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 101 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, four-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 102 6 p.m., Denny’s Okeechobee, Road, 30 miles,➜, 11701 Okeechobee Road, Hialeah Gardens, north on State Road 27, very fast, daylight saving time only 103 7:15 p.m., Critical Mass, All Bikes, 12-15 miles, Drop, Government Center, 101 NW First St., Miami, last Friday of month, huge ride of thousands 107

Thursday 6 a.m., Johnny Rockets, Road, 25-30 miles,➜,➜, 3036 Grand Ave., Coconut Grove, ride to Key Biscayne 96 6 a.m., Granada Golf Course, Road, 30 miles,➜, 2001 Granada Blvd., Coral Gables, ride to Key Biscayne, 97 6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 25 miles,➜ ➜, No Drop, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, ride to Dania Beach, 305-940-1050 98 6:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 30

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Palm Beach County Saturday 6:45 a.m., Double R Riders, Road, 30 miles,➜,➜, 171 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, location available when joining through Meetup 108 6:45 a.m., Extended Early Breakfast Club Ride, Road, 40


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

miles,➜, 291 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, Robert Gold 561-4790910 111 7 a.m., The Original, Road, 20 miles,➜, Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, pace 1719 mph, 127 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles,➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:15 a.m., Breakfast Club Ride, Road, 40 miles,➜, 291 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, Robert Gold 561-479-0910 111 7:30 a.m., North Palm Ride, Road, 40 miles,➜, Boca Raton, Chris Spire,, 561-758-4897 112 7:30 a.m., Loggers Run Ride, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜,➜,➜, 11400 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton 114 7:30 a.m., Bill Bone Palm Beach Ride, Road, 25 miles,➜, Boynton Inlet Park, rolling start heading north to Palm Beach Inlet and back, 115 Sunday 7 a.m. On Your Mark Club Ride, Road, first Sunday of the month, 25-35 miles, ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 819 N. Federal Hwy., Lake Park, 561-842-2453 121 7:15 a.m., Griddle Ride, Road, 35-40 miles,➜,➜, 475 Spanish River Blvd., Boca Raton, Eric Liner 561-870-4920 118 7:30 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 45 miles,➜, Drop, A1A and Marcinski Road, Jupiter,


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

fast to wicked fast training ride, Jupiter Island to Hobe Sound 129

attain prior USA BMX membership. Memberships can be purchased at the track or at 131

Tuesday 5:20 a.m., P&E, Road, 25-30 miles, Drop, ➜, Fresh Market, 100 West Camino Real, ride goes north 302 6 p.m., Boca Tour, Road, 30 miles, Drop, ➜, Spanish River and A1A, large group advanced ride 303 6:30 p.m., Riders Only Bikes, Mountain, varied miles, all levels, Freedom Park, 2400 Pinehurst Dr., Greenacres 304 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles,➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:30 a.m., Boca Raton City Hall Ride, Road, Variable,➜,➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 400 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, park at Tim Huxhold Skate Park and meet at Boca Raton Community Center on Second Avenue 124 6 p.m., Bill Bone Tuesday Night Palm Beach, Road, 25 miles,➜, Drop, Bingham Island, moderate to fast training ride, 125 6:15 p.m. On Your Mark Levee Ride, Mountain, 15-20 miles, Mirasol Fire Station, 11264 Jog Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, lights required, 561-842-2453 132 6:30 p.m., Okeeheelee Park, BMX, track, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. practice, $3 fee, hours are seasonal, updated information on Facebook page, every rider practicing or competing on any USA BMX sanctioned track must

Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Riders Only Bikes, Mountain, 20-24 miles, all levels, No Drop, 6901 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, parking lot in front of Walmart 305 7 a.m. Hump Day, Road, 40 miles,➜, Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, 127 7 p.m. Boca Double Urban, Road, 25 miles,➜,➜, 17800 Congress Ave., Delray Beach, Costco parking lot, distances vary according to weather and other conditions, 561-537-0524 128 7 p.m. Night Levee Ride Bike America, Mountain, 21-25 miles,➜, No Drop, 6251 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Publix parking lot, 561-640-3407 301 Thursday 5:20 a.m., P&E, Road, 25-30 miles, Drop, ➜, Fresh Market, 100 West Camino Real, ride goes north 306 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles, ➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:30 a.m., Delray Ride, Road, 40-50 miles,➜, Gladiola parking lot, 51 SE sixth Ave. Delray Beach, if you can maintain 18 mph you will not be dropped, ride to Palm Beach inlet for coffee and return to Delray for breakfast at the Green Owl, 561-742-3605 130

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

6 p.m., Boca Tour, Road, 30 miles, Drop, ➜, Spanish River and A1A, large group advanced ride 303 6 p.m., On Your Mark Tempo Ride, Road, 25-35 miles,➜,➜, Drop, 819 N. Federal Hwy., Lake

Park, route miles may vary, lights required, 561-842-2453 121 Friday 6:30 p.m., Okeeheelee Park, BMX, track, race only, $3 fee per practice,

hours are seasonal, every rider practicing or competing on any USA BMX sanctioned track must attain prior USA BMX membership. Memberships can be purchased at the track 131

Bike Shops Cycling Quarterly wants to broaden our reach. If you know of any bicycle-friendly locations – from bike shops to neighborhood pubs to health-wise grocery stores – that are not listed, please email

Broward County Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop 5992 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs, 33076 954-796-9200 100 Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop 11510 W. State Road 84 Davie, 33325 954-990-0836 101 All Bicycles 142 N. Federal Highway Deerfield Beach, 33441 954-428-2683 102 Alligator’s Cycling Bicycle Shop 10426 Taft Street Pembroke Pines, 33026 954-964-8586 103 B & J Bicycle Shop 1620 E. Sample Road Pompano Beach, 33064 954-946-7937 104 Bicycle Evolution 977 W. State Road 84 Fort Lauderdale, 33315 954-318-2453 105 Bicycle Generation 1346 E. Hillsboro Beach Blvd. Deerfield Beach, 33441 954-427-1484 106 Big Wheel Cycles 7035 Taft Street Hollywood, 33024 954-966-5545 107

Big Wheel Cycles 2698 N. University Drive Sunrise, 33322 954-742-3015 108 Big Wheel Cycles 1001 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-523-2453 109 Big Wheel Outlet 7685 Pines Blvd. Hollywood, 33326, 954-967-5447 111 Bike Tech 2000 S. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, 33316 954-523-1178 116 City Bikes 671 NW 100th Place Pembroke Pines, 33024 954-682-8889 117 Conte’s Bike Shop 1739 E Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 (754) 300-5070 110 Cycling Tech Center 15972 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, 33326 954-440-3303 118 Downtown Bicycle 2571 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-761-9920 119 Durango Bike Shop 15993 Pines Blvd.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Pembroke Pines, 33027 954-443-3445 120 Frenchie’s Bicycle 2430 N. State Road 7 Margate, 33063 954-974-5340 121 George’s Cycle Shop 1029 SE 17th Street Fort Lauderdale, 33316 954-523-0785 122 Hillsboro Bicycle 3330 W. Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, 33442 954-427-7063 123 Jim’s Bicycles 354 Powerline Road Deerfield Beach, 33442 954-418-6101 124 Lauderdale Cyclery 5429 N Federal Hwy. Fort Lauderdale, 33308 954-565-5961 112 Lee’s Bicycle Shop 1101 N. Federal Highway Hollywood,33020 954-925-5157 126 Megacycle Sport 1390 SW 160th Ave. Sunrise, 33326 954-384-0400 127 Pembroke Cycle 17149 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, 33027 954-430-2320 128


Performance Bicycle 1201 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-400-2400 129 Pedrito’s Bike Shop 238 Commercial Blvd., Suite 1 Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, 33308 954-652-1137 130 Rock and Road Bike Shop 153 Weston Road Weston, 33326 954-696-6450 131 Sun & Fun Bicycles 1500 N. Broadwalk Hollywood, 33019 954-925-0735 133 Trek Bicycle Store 113 NW 136th Ave. Sunrise, 33325 954-851-0511 134 Trek Bicycle Store 1621 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-527-9099 135

Miami-Dade County Big Wheel Cycle USA 3169 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach, 33176 305-948-0116 201 Bike Link Store 6500 W 4th Ave. Hialeah, 33012 786-717-7400 Bike Tech 2220 Coral Way Coral Gables, 33145 305-858-3343 204 Bike Tech 7525 Bird Road Miami, 33155 305-261-1211 205 Brickell Bikes 70 SW 12th Street Miami, 33130 305-373-3633 206 Broken Spokes Bikes


10451 NW Seventh Ave. Miami, 33150 305-758-3045 207 City Bikes 20335 Biscayne Blvd. Aventura, 33180 305-682-8889 208 City Bikes 2801 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, 33137 786-437-6381 209 Coral Way Bicycle Shop 2237 Coral Way Coral Gables, 33145 305-856-5731 210 Cycle Mart 13799 S. Dixie Highway, Palmetto Bay, 33176 305-238-5080 211 Cycle World Miami 8476 SW 40th Street Miami, 33165 305-221-2123 212 Elite Cycling & Fitness 13108 S. Dixie Highway Miami, 33156 786-242-3733 213 Enrique’s Bicycle Shop 800 NW 27th Ave. Miami, 33125 305-642-0701 214 Fusion Pro Bike Shop 14811 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, 33180 305-944-1280 215 Hialeah Schwinn Cycle 4070 E. Fourth Ave. Hialeah, 33013 305-822-4013 216 JB Bike Shop 7430 Collins Ave. Miami Beach, 33141 305-866-6322 217 Mack’s Cyclery 5995 Sunset Drive Miami, 33143 305-661-8363 218

Miami Beach Bicycle Center 746 Fifth St. Miami Beach, 33139 305-531-4161 219 Miami Bicycles and Repair 1951 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach, 33162 305-940-1050 220 Miami Bike Shop, The 1800 Biscayne Blvd., #110 Miami, 33132 305-358-7004 221 South Miami Bike Shop 6600 SW 80th Street Miami, 33143 305-666-7702 225 Suncycling Cycle and Fitness Shop 3001 SW 27th Ave. Miami, 33133 786-409-2663 233 Two Wheel Picker Bicycle Shop 12471 SW 130 St., Unit B-1 Miami 33186 786-581-9499 226 Willie’s Bicycles 7915 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 33138 786-325-3830 229 Ultrabikex 61 Harbor Key Drive Key Biscayne, 33149 786-953-5612 227

Palm Beach County Bicycle Lab, The 2275 S. Federal Highway, #320 Delray Beach, 33483 561-276-2453 301 Bicycle World Jupiter 615 W. Indian Town Road, #101 Jupiter, 33408 561-427-6106 302 Bicycle World Lake Worth 6155 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, 33463 561-439-5020 303

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Bicycle World North Lake 628 Northlake Blvd. North Palm Beach,33408 561-840-9218 304 Bicyclery 1649 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach, 33409 561-684-8444 305 Boca Bike Shop 799 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, 33432 561-218-4309 328 Conte’s Bike Shop 3150 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, 33431 561-990-7700 306 Conte’s Bike Shop 393 N. Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, 33426 561-990-7700 308 Doghouse Performance Center 7815 NW Beacon Square Blvd., #210, Boca Raton, 33487 561-236-3359 310 J Town Bicycle 126 Center St., #B-1 Jupiter, 33485 561-575-2453 311 Jack the Bikeman 2406 Florida Ave. West Palm Beach, 33401 561-832-0072 312 Lake Park Bicycles 1438 10th St. Lake Park, 33403 561-842-0303 313 On Your Mark Performance 819 N. Federal Highway Lake Park, 33403 561-842-2453 314 Palm Beach Bicycle Trail Shop

50 Cocoanut Row Suite 117, Palm Beach, FL 33480 561-659-4583 315 Papa Wheelies 10287 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, 33414, 561-784-0000 316 Real Deal Bikes 103 S. U.S. Highway 1, #F1 Jupiter, 33477 561-746-0585 318 Relentless Bicycles 702 Lucerne Ave. Lake Worth, 33460 561-547-1396 319 Richwagon Bike Sport 298 NE Sixth Ave. Delray Beach, 33483 561-243-2453 320 Riders Only 6230 W. Indiantown Rd. Jupiter, 33458 561-510-6659 321 Trek Bicycle Store 335 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, 33432 561-405-6987 322 Trek Bicycle Store 800 Congress Ave.,#1A Boynton Beach, 33426 561-733-8300 323 Tri Bike Run 13975 U.S. Highway 1 Juno Beach, 33408 561-627-2453 324 Tune Cycles 3500 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #508 Boca Raton, 33431 561-392-7311 325 Velofix Mobile bike repair, Palm Beach/

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Broward County 561-240-2453 Wheels of Wellington 12794 Forest Hills Blvd., #36 Wellington, 33414 561-795-3038 327

Monroe County A & M Rentals 523 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-4556 Big Pine Bicycle Center 31 County Road Big Pine Key, 33043 305-872-0130 Bike Shop, The 1110 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-1073 Conch Bike Express 5603 Third Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-4318 Eaton Bikes 930 Eaton St. Key West, 33040 305-294-8188 Island Bicycles 929 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-292-9707 Overseas Outfitters 1700 Overseas Highway Marathon, 33050 305-289-1670 We Cycle 5160 U.S. Highway 1 Key West, 33040 305-292-3336


Let’s Ride To … BEER & EATS Riverside Market & Café 608 SW 12th Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954-358-8333 Riverside Market – South 3218 SE 6th Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954-524-8986 Riverside Café – Plantation 6900 Cypress Road Plantation 954-306-6819 Tarpon River Brewery 280 SW 6th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-353-3193 LauderAle Brewery & Tap Room 3305 SE 14th Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954-653-9711 COFFEE & EATS Dolce Salato-Pizza/Gelato 2406 Wilton Drive Fort Lauderdale, 954-463-7677 Warsaw Coffee Company 815 NE 13th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-990-4189 Subculture Coffee 509 Clematis St. West Palm Beach 561-318-5142 Eternity Coffee Roasters 117 SE 2nd Ave. Miami 305-350-7761 Robert Is Here 19200 SW 344th St. Homestead 305-246-1592

Let’s Buy Some … APPAREL – SPORT – SPECIALTY Runners Depot – Davie 2233 S. University Drive Davie 954-474-4074 Runners Depot – Coral Springs 5679 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs 954-575-2090 Runners Depot – Fort Lauderdale 1489 #1E SE 17th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-712-9951


Runners Depot – Weston 1378 Weston Road Weston 754-265-7026 ibike jewelry 14280 S. Military Trail 6042 Delray Beach 561-665-1117

Let’s Get Away … BICYCLE TOURS & TRAVEL Bicycle Adventures 8047 NE 68th St., Suite B140 Redmond, WA 800-443-6060

Let’s Kick It Up A Notch … COACHING & TRAINING Training With Potter Mt. Dora, FL McCarty Training Bob McCarty Broward County 954-347-1816 HEALTH – NUTRITION GNC – Cypress Creek Station 6305 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale 954-776-644 CVS 1150 NE 26th St. Wilton Manors 954-566-7474 Flipany – Nutrition/Activity Programs 1777 North Dixie Hwy. Fort Lauderdale 954-636-2388 MAXIM MEDICAL, IV Lounge 551 N Federal Hwy., #800 Fort Lauderdale 954 945-2909 Tunie’s Natural Grocery 5651 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs 954-510-0410

Wet? Rainy? Windy?

Ride Element 3496 NE 12th Ave., Oakland Park 954-280-7433 CycleBar Fort Lauderdale 525 N Federal Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale 954-512-8899 Body & Soul Miami 3183 SW 38th Ct. Coconut Grove 305-441-2348 Flywheel Sports 14861 Biscayne Blvd. North Miami 305-901-1860

Let’s Prevent Problems … INSURANCE – LEGAL Florida Cycling Law George C. Palaidis 888-305-BIKE Velosurance – Bike Insurance 8201 Peters Road, Suite 1000 Fort Lauderdale 888-663-9948 Bill Bone Bike Law 475 Hibiscus St. West Palm Beach 561-832-9169

I’m Sore & Definitely Need Some … THERAPY – REHAB – MASSAGE Spine and Joint Center 410 NE 44th St. Oakland Park 954-561-4700 Specific Chiropractic Dr. Evan J. Hanson One W. Camino Real, Suite 111 Boca Raton 561-571-2468

Let’s Be Healthy & Planet Friendly … VEGETARIAN – VEGAN Hakim Vegetarian Restaurant 73 NE 167th St. North Miami Beach 305-405-6346

INDOOR CYCLING STUDIOS Red Bike Studio 1399 SW 1st Ave., #102 Miami 305-646-1499

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Mountain Bike Trails / Family Friendly Parks If you know of a park that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible.

Broward County Markham Park 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, seven days, 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m., weekdays free, weekends $1.50 per person, 13 miles of trails include novice, intermediate, expert, pro and adaptive, requires sign-in, waiver, safety video and a helmet, under 17 must have written consent from parent or legal guardian, 954-357-8868 Quiet Waters 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., summer hours 8 a.m.-7 p.m., $1.50 per person, weekdays free, novice,

intermediate and expert, requires sign-in, waiver, safety video and helmet, under 17 must have written consent from parent or legal guardian, bike rentals, sales, and service by Bike America, 954-357-5100

Miami–Dade County Virginia Key Mountain Bike Park Arthur Lamb Jr. Rd., Miami, seven days, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., $6 per car weekdays, $8 per car weekends, helmets required Oleta River State Park 3400 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, seven days, 8 a.m. to sunset, $6 per car, single occupant $4, pedestrians and cyclists $2,

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

10 miles of novice, intermediate, expert, bike rentals available, helmets required, 305-919-1844 Amelia Earhart Park 401 E. 65th St. Hialeah, seven days, sunrise to sunset, year round, free, $7 parking on weekends, beginners, intermediate and expert, Genesis Mountain Bike rentals weekends only, helmets required

Palm Beach County Dyer Park Dyer Perimeter/Dyer Hill 7301 Haverhill Rd., West Palm Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset, free, 4.4 miles, Dyer Perimeter Trail accommodates all levels of


riders, Dyer Hill peaks at 55 ft., the trail is approximately 2.5 miles long ascending and descending, helmets required, 561-966-6600 Okeeheelee Park/Pinehurst Trail 7500 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset, free, 4.1 miles, tight single-

track with berms, drops and shade, helmets required West Delray Regional Park 10875 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset, free, five miles, single-track, challenging and creative features, helmets required

Jonathon Dickinson State Park 16450 SE Federal Hwy., Hobe Sound, seven days, 8 a.m. to sunset, fee $4-$10 per vehicle, bicycles $2, nine miles of trails, novice, intermediate, and expert, bike rentals available, helmets required, 772-546-2771

BMX Tracks/Associations Cycling Quarterly is collecting information for this category. If you know of a track that is not listed, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible.

Miami–Dade County Miami South BMX 13050 SW 216th St., Miami, 33170 Tue., Practice, 6:30 p.m., Fee, $4.00 Thu., Practice, Local Race, 6:30 p.m. Fee, $4.00 practice, $7.00 Race

Sat., Practice, Local Race, 5 p.m., Fee $4.00 practice, $7.00 race Info: Contact: Track Operator, Ben Haddix 305-216-6618

Palm Beach County Okeeheelee BMX Parents, Inc.

7715 Forest Hills Blvd., West Palm Beach, 33413 Tue., Practice, 6:30 p.m., Thu., Practice, Local Race, 6:30 p.m. Fri., Practice, Local Race, 5 p.m., (see website for fees) Contact: Track Operator, Info@

Stadium Tracks/Velodrome Cycling Quarterly is collecting information for this category. If you know of a track that is not listed, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible. Brian Piccolo Sports Park and Velodrome

9501 Sheridan St. Cooper City, A 333.3-meter concrete cycling track with banking of approximately

30 degrees at the apex and a 200-meter infield warm-up track. 954-357-5160 (after 3 p.m.)

Events/Festivals Cycling Quarterly is verifying events in South Florida to add to our quarterly listings. If you know of an event that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can keep this list as current and accurate as possible. OCTOBER October 7, Sunday, Sarasota, Gran Fondo Sarasota, 8, 33, 66, 100 miles, info: Michelle, 941-2274404,, cancer support fundraiser October 7, Sunday, Apopka, Rails To Trails Bike Ride, 47 miles, www.

28, closed path, no motorized vehicles October 11, Thursday-Sunday, Venice, Southern Tandem Rally, 32, 42, 62 miles, www. October 12, Friday-Thursday, New

Smyrna Beach, Florida Lighthouse Tour, 236 miles, info: Dave 352224-8602, longest ride day 42 miles October 13, Saturday, Tallahassee, Spaghetti 100, 40, 62, 100 miles, info: 850-567-3709, www.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

October 13, Saturday-Sunday, Ponte Vedre Beach, Bike MS/PGA Tour Cycle To the Shore, 150 miles, 2-day ride, Registration fee and fundraising minimums October 13, Saturday, Sunrise, Ride For St. Jude, 31, 62 miles, st-jude-charity-ride-1 October 14, Sunday, Miami, Gravelers Gralley, 22, 44 miles, info: Michael Hoover 305-2584092, mountain-bike charity, off road, mostly gravel, grass, fire roads, no technical October 14, Sunday, Brooksville, Good Neighbor Trail Bike Ride, 10, 22, 40, 65 miles, info: mjdolanski@,, determine your own distance October 14, Sunday, Orlando, Ride for RMHCCF, 3.5, 10, 30, 60 miles, info: Judi Legler, 407-206-0957,

Ronald McDonald House Charities October 20, Saturday, Gainesville, Santa Fe Century, 32, 55, 68, 103 miles, info:, Gainesville Bicycle Club October 21, Sunday, Gainesville, Horse Farm 100, 50, 100 miles,, a tour through the picturesque horse farms of northern Marion county October 21, Sunday, Lake Mary, Champions Ride For Charity, 10, 33, 66, 103 miles, David’s World Cycles, October 28, Sunday, Cocoa, Intracoastal Waterway Century, 14, 28, 65, 103, 126 miles, www. October 28, Sunday, Gainesville, Pink Pumpkin Pedal Off, 22, 40, 62 miles, NOVEMBER November 2, Friday-Sunday, Fort

Myers, 172 Hours to Key West, 280 miles, www.72hourstokeywest. com, charity benefits Tiny Hands Foundation November 3, Saturday, Sanford, CAAM 200k, 122 miles, www. November 4, Sunday, Sunrise, Adop-a-Bike, 5, 12, 25, 31, 62 miles, info: Celia Conti, 954830-0098,, proceeds to purchase bicycles and helmets for underprivileged children November 4, Sunday, Bradenton, Gulf Coast Cyclefest, 20, 35, 62, 79, 100 miles, info: 941-343-9221 November 4, Sunday, Palm Coast, 7th annual Spoonbills & Sprockets Cycling Tour, 36,68,100 miles, info: Danielle Anderson, danielle_

with tarpon river brewing | pedals up at 8pm

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


November 9, Friday, Tallahassee, Bike Florida Forgotten Coast Tour, 16, 40, 44, 35, 36, 28 miles, info: Joy Hancock, 352-224-8601, 6-day tour November 10, Saturday, Lady Lake, Hearts for Our Hospital Bicycle Challenge, 10, 20, 32, 64, 100 miles, November 10, Saturday, Clermont, RideATAXIAOrlando, 4, 10, 25 miles, info: 484-879-6160 November 11, Sunday, Deland, Cycle for Life/Cystic Fibrosis, 28, 65, 100 miles, info: Paul Gloerson, 407-339-2978, http://fightcf.cff. org/site/TR/Cycle/32_Florida_ Orlando?pg=entry&fr_id=6971, minimum pledge $140 November 11, Sunday, Deland, CF Cycle for Life–Central Florida, 26, 65, 102 miles, info: Lora 407339-2978, Charity Cystic Fibrosis

November 11, Sunday, Sunrise, Cyclefest, 31, 62 miles, info: Travis, 305-262-1211, Markham Park November 16, Friday-Saturday, Coral Gables, The SMART Ride, 100 + 62 miles,, 2-day event, registration fee and fundraising November 17, Saturday, Sunrise, Biking For Ben, 31, 62 miles, info: Evan Butters 954-461-3657, 1st Inagural Alzeimers Research, local charity, show up and show some love November 18, Sunday, Clermont, The Horrible Hundred, 38, 73, 100 miles, info: Louis McDonald, 407901-9979, www.horrible-hundred. com, the name explains the title, lots of hills November 24, Saturday, St. Cloud, JHOP 100 Century Ride, 30, 70, 100 miles, info: Ken, jhoptriteam@, smooth flat roads with MOTO SAG support and stops November 25, Sunday, Naples, Fit & Fule Iron Joe Turkey Ride, 5, 20, 30, 62 miles, info: Beth, 239-7777718, DECEMBER December 1, Saturday, Brooksville, Hilly Hundred, 66, 100 miles, www. December 1, Saturday, St. Augustine, Tour de Cure, Jacksonville, 12, 27, 65 miles, info: Elizabeth, 904-730-7200, fundraiser for American Diabetes Association December 9, Sunday, Fort Lauderdale, VeloSport Gran Fondo, 20, 31, 66 miles info: Travis, 305262-1211, www.velosprtevents. com

Clubs/Organizations Cycling Quarterly is trying to reach each club and organization in South Florida so we can add to our quarterly listings. If you know of a club or organization that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can keep this list as current and accurate as possible.

BROWARD COUNTY Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee 115 S. Andrews Ave. Ft, Lauderdale, FL 954-357-6644 Century Towing Riders Pembroke Pines 954-605-7075, Early morning rides weekdays, monthly centuries, SAG supported, first timers encouraged CSP Express Coral Springs Parkland Express Cycling Family Broward


Road bikes, group rides, all levels Arnie Prieto 954-274-1515, Denise Marsh, 954-270-5142 One Love Cycling Road bikes, group rides, all levels, Facebook, Onelovecycling South Broward Wheelers Davie Team Memorial Hollywood 954-985-5800 zMotion 561-504-8815

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EBC Everglades Bicycle Club Miami Oleta Trail Blazers Facebook Group South Florida Bike Coalition 333 NE 23rd Street Miami, 33137 305-982-7374 South Florida Triathletes Team Hammerheads

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

PALM BEACH COUNTY Boca Raton Bicycle Club 561-403-0048 Delray Beach Bicycle Club Touring club 561-702-6376 Florida Off-Road Cycling Enthusiasts, Inc. (FORCE) Royal Palm Beach On Your Mark Cycling Club Racing club 561-842-2453 Team Storm Riders West Palm Beach

Magic City Bicycle Collective Moves to a New Location Ruben van Hooidonk and Maria Giusti smile, knowing their new location will continue to provide the community with low-cost, DIY bicycle work space and low-cost rental tools. MCBC has an inventory of bike accessories and basic parts on hand for the Collective’s inner-city community of DIY bicycle enthusiasts. Their new address is 5310 NW 2nd Ave., Miami.

Photos: Michael Gale

When you have a tall bike, street lore demands a street name.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

This tall-bike owner goes by the name of Raven Goes Hard. He dreams of riding his tall bike not only cross country but around the world. One small obstacle at this point: “I’ll have to wait until my daughter grows up before I start doing something that crazy.”


CQ Focus on Okeeheelee BMX Dropping the Gate since 1988 The 30th anniversary of Okeeheelee BMX took place on Saturday, August 11, 2018. The celebration included a day of racing, food and friendship, as participants commemorated this amazing milestone. Here are some highlights:

Photo: Laurie Wolfe

Above: Rocco Pesaturo winning in 12 expert classes. This young man “flies a bike” without a pilot’s license. Right: Jarah Martinez and Victoria Dean. Moto #29 age: 10-11, 20” Girls’ Class. This fist-pump photo, taken just after they finished their race, is a reflection of friendship and true sportsmanship. Photo: Kathie Reilly


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Photo: Kathie Reilly

Above: BMX riders have an awesome course at Okeeheelee for their races.

Photo: Kathie Reilly

Left: Local pro, Dakota Cody, age 25, took first place in the Gold Cup Series Pro-Am Race. Their group had 51 riders, with only the top eight riders making it to the main. This is done through transferring out of a series of motos to qualify as the fastest riders in the group. Dakota started racing at six-and-a-half years old. He went pro at the age of 19. Bottom left: Makenzie Bukovi and her father, Stephen, of Boca Bike Shop Race Team. Makenzie, who is 11, started racing at eight-and-a-half years old. Cycling Quarterly: “Why do you race?” Makenzie Bukovi: “It’s one way to exercise and to meet friends.” CQ: “What is your favorite memory?”

Photo: Laurie Wolfe

MB: “To be honest, every memory is my favorite.” Photos and information provided by Laurie Wolfe and Kathie Reilly.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Cycle Speak Saddle


Handlebar grip Shock absorber Front brakes Fork

Seat post

Head tube Top tube Down tube Seat tube Seat stay Chain stay

Wheel Spokes Hub Rim Tire Valve

Rear brakes Cogset Rear derailleur

Front derailleur Chain Chain rings

Adaptive bicycle: A bicycle modified for a cyclist with physical challenges. This may include modification to the drivetrain or braking systems, additional wheels, such as a trike or quad cycle, or other enhancements that provide stability and accessibility. Aerobars: Extension to road bike handlebars, which support the elbows and are conducive to a lower, more aerodynamic position. Mainly for triathlons and time-trial races. Attack: To challenge the leader by quickly accelerating and advancing your position to the front of a pack, group, paceline or peloton. Balance bike: A child’s training bike with two wheels and no pedals to teach confidence and balance. Berm: Dirt that has been banked around a sharp turn to keep bikes from skidding off the trail. BMX bike, BMX: Abbreviation for bicycle motocross — generally a small, single-gear bike for off-road competition, jumping, stunts and tricks in skate parks. Bonk: Slang for running out of energy, particularly on a long-distance ride. Brain bucket: Slang for a cycling helmet or head protection. Breakaway: When a cyclist or cyclists accelerate and


Pedal Crank arm

leave a gap behind the main group. Cadence: Revolutions per minute (RPM) the speed at which a cyclist pedals. Cassette: The cluster of various sized sprockets that attaches to the hub (axel) of the rear wheel. The rear derailleur is used to switch between these sprockets. Chainring: The large forward ring that transfers energy from the pedals to the rear wheel via the chain. Chase: When a cyclist tries to catch up to a rider. Clip-in: A mechanical method of attaching a cyclist’s shoe to the pedal, which increases the efficiency of the pedal stroke. Crank: The component of a bicycle drivetrain that converts the reciprocating motion of the rider’s legs into rotational motion that drives the chain, which, in turn, drives the rear wheel. Cruiser bike: A single-speed bike with a coaster brake, typically with 26-inch tires for slow, relaxed riding. Derailleur: A mechanism for shifting gears on a bike by moving the chain between different-sized sprockets. Drafting: To ride closely behind another rider to

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

harness their slipstream, reducing wind resistance and effort. Drop: To leave a rider behind in a group, usually because the rider cannot sustain the group’s tempo. Drop handlebars: A type of handlebar in which the middle of the bar is the highest point to provide a range of grip positions, typically for high-performance and long-distance bicycles. Drop ride: A group ride that will not slow down or wait for a rider to catch up. Fixie bike: A fixed gear bike with just one gear and no freewheel. When the back wheel turns, the pedals turn. Gap: The distance between riders large enough for drafting to no longer be effective. Granny gear: The lowest or easiest gear to pedal, typically for climbing a hill. Hammer: To ride fast. A group riding fast is called hammerheads. Hardtail: A mountain bike with a rigid rear. Helmet: Head protection, known as a brain bucket. Hood: The stationary part of the brake lever that attaches to the handlebars. It can serve as an alternate handrest with drop handlebars. Jump: Any feature that could send you and your bike airborne. Kit: A group of parts that complete a frame into a bicycle. In addition, matching jersey, shorts or bibs are also called a kit. Mechanical: Slang for a bicycle that needs a repair. For example, a rider during a no-drop ride might yell, “Mechanical!” to alert the group to wait for a repair. MTB: Mountain bike. No-drop ride: A group ride that will slow down or wait for a rider to catch up. On your wheel: This term informs a cyclist in front that you have positioned yourself in their slipstream for optimum drafting. For example, “I’m on your wheel.” Overlapping: The position when the leading edge Cycling Quarterly South Florida

of a rider’s front tire is ahead of the trailing edge of the rear wheel of the bicycle ahead. This can lead to crashes. Paceline: A group riding at high speed by drafting one behind the other. Riders take turns at the front (pulling) to break the wind, then rotate to the back to rest in the draft. Larger groups often form double pacelines with two lines of riders. Peloton: The main group in a road race. Pickup ride: A mapped ride of a route and distance, usually on a regular date, time and place. It may or may not be a no-drop ride open to all riders. Pull: To take the lead on a paceline and break the wind for following riders. The length of time varies by tempo and the skill level of the group and individual. Roadie: A cyclist who rides a road bike. Rollers: Humps in the trail. Saddle: Bike seat. SAG wagon, SAG: A support vehicle that follows longer group rides to offer mechanical assistance, food and minor first aid. Single-track: A trail just wide enough for one bike or hiker at a time. A fire road, which everyone hates, is considered double track. Shifter: A mechanism for controlling the derailleur to shift the chain to the desired gear to optimize speed, efficiency and comfort. Sprint zone: Most group rides have a selected section where riders “attack” each other, often at the end. Stairs: A set of stairs built into a feature on a bike trail. Tabletop: A long, flat jump formed by a launch and landing set at similar heights, with the area between them filled in. Tandem bike: A bicycle built for two. The captain traditionally sits in the front to control steering, braking and shifting while the stoker pedals in the back. Teeter-totter: See-saw designed for bikes.


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