Cycling Quarterly - Spring 2019 Edition Love On Wheels

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Spring 2019 SOUTH F LO RIDA

Everything Cycling

Love On Wheels

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Inside This Issue 5


Letter from the Publisher


Bike Dr. Derek in the House


Training Wheels


Love on Wheels


CQ Focus on the CAPADD Event


Rides 17


Bike Shops


Events/Festivals 36 Clubs/Organizations 38



CQ Focus on Selfies


Bike Theft Protection


CQ Focus on E-Bikes


On the cover: This photo was submitted by Jared Koesten for our online selfie post. Jared and his wife started riding to get healthy. Here they are at a ride/ blood drive hosted by CSP Express shortly after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Publisher Michael Gale Public Relations Director Mariah Reed Managing Editor Judy Borich Editor Jamie Morris Production Manager Bruce Borich Art Department Gary Davidson Ride Editor John Bolgrien Staff Writers Mariah Reed John Bolgrien Karrie Norberg Paul Hoffman Gary Mendenhall Photography Bruce Borich Gabriel Diaz/ VeloPista Photo CYCLING QUARTERLY LLC 1007 N. Federal Hwy., #383 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 1-844-CQ-SOFLA (1-844-277-6352) The information in this magazine is intended to describe and depict bicycle groups and bicycle events. The information provided is not warranted to be current or free from error, although efforts have been made to be so. It is the responsibility of the person or persons who utilize this information to know applicable laws, wear necessary protective gear, not take risks beyond their level of experience, aptitude, training and comfort level and to ensure their bicycle is in proper working condition and is well-maintained, and that all locations are safe to ride. When visiting and/or riding the described areas, Cycling Quarterly, LLC, assumes no responsibility for death or injuries that may occur or fines that may be imposed, or for any disruption, loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. The opinions expressed in Cycling Quarterly South Florida are the opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the advertisers and other contributing sources. © 2019 by Cycling Quarterly LLC, all rights reserved.


From the Publisher—

New Beginnings

Spring means something different depending where you live. Northerners may be sad Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this year, because they’ll have six more weeks of winter. But Floridians are already looking down the road to another long, hot summer. Wherever you live, spring is about new beginnings – true for our magazine, as well. After publishing ten print issues and receiving consistent feedback requesting a digital format, we’re shifting to online publication to better serve our South Florida cycling community. Watch our Facebook page for details of our electronic distribution. Although this issue has stories about romance – because spring is in the air! – we are also focusing on increasing safety for cyclists in our amazing tri-county community. The largest cycling community in the country, it is also the most dangerous. Since 2007, when I began cycling as an adult, I’ve heard about too many cyclists being critically injured or even killed as a result of collisions with cars. While our community’s outrage, anger and sadness have been channeled into petitions that circulate with the speed and energy of a peloton or a downhill off-road racer … NOTHING GETS DONE. Now, it’s time for our cycling community to make a change. On February 12th, we held our first Cyclists and Pedestrians Against Distracted Driving (CAPADD) fundraising event. Ongoing events will generate funds used solely to push legislative initiatives and create print, video and other multi-media campaigns to create awareness about the sometimes-fatal consequences of distracted driving in South Florida. Be the change. #ButNotWhileDriving Pedals UP! —Michael Gale Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Bike Dr. Derek in the House


Cycling Through Autism

erek Bailey is a 17-year old entrepreneur who created Bike Dr. Derek, a full-service bike repair business. Derek is also nonverbal, on the autism spectrum and has epilepsy. According to Derek, “If you saw me on the street, you would think I am really impaired. My parents always knew I was not the person I appear to be. I am locked in a world that offers very little, and my family found a way to really help me see I am able to do things I want to do if I apply my skills and interests.” His quest to develop bike-repair skills started three years ago. Initially,

Derek at Recyclable Bicycle Exchange, a volunteer organization where he hones his skills working on refurbishing donated bikes, which are then awarded to the community. Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Photo: Bruce Borich

Derek has not only learned mechanical skills, but also how to run a small business. His business, Bike Dr. Derek, offers concierge-style bike repair, with pickup and delivery available. 6

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Derek was intrigued by the mechanical spinning of bicycle wheels and gears. He also enjoyed riding his three-wheeler or sharing a tandem ride. He wanted to learn more and began watching do-it-yourself bike repair videos. But videos can only take you so far. Derek wanted real hands-on experience, and a year and a half ago started reaching out to local bike shops looking for a place to learn. He made no connections until he contacted Recyclable Bicycle Exchange, a volunteer organization that refurbishes donated bikes and awards them to members of the community. There, he found a mentor in the organization’s founder, Jeff Torkelson. Derek and Jeff meet once a week, and both are enriched by the experience. Derek’s mechanic skills have vastly improved, and Jeff has learned a nontraditional way of teaching. Derek learns visually and through hands-on demonstrations and communicates through an iPad or letter board. Derek’s team has created customized repair flowcharts to keep each bike repair task moving forward. Derek considers himself a mechanic as well as a student, as there are always new skills to learn. As Derek’s repair skills developed, he and his family launched a bold plan. They created their own company: Bike Dr. Derek. Not only has Derek learned mechanical skills, but he also learned how to run a small business. Bike Dr. Derek offers concierge-style bike repair, with pickup and delivery available. Derek provides a full menu of bike repair options: Thinking about purchasing a bike? Need it assembled? Need to tune up your bike for winter riding? And while he is tuning up your bike, Derek’s self-confidence, fine motor skills and attention to detail are also being fine-tuned, according to his mother, Minerva. Derek’s spirit of inclusion is evident in all aspects of his company. His logo t-shirts are printed by a company that provides employment to individuals with autism. A percentage of all profits from Bike Dr. Derek will be donated to Disability Rights International, an organization that promotes human rights and community integration of persons with disabilities worldwide. Derek forges forward with enthusiasm and a smile. Bike Dr. Derek is his portal to share his passion for bicycles and is his vehicle for creating a meaningful future through self-employment. He is truly an inspiration. Be sure to check out his website, and follow him on Facebook and Instagram. —John Bolgrien John Bolgrien is a bike-commuting, hybrid-driving, mass-transportation-taking logistics manager originally from Wisconsin. He traded snowy winters for sandy beaches after spending 10 years working and living on cruise ships. He is a regular volunteer at Recyclable Bike Exchange. He and his wife, Tammy Holder, are avid supporters of theater and performing arts.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Training Wheels For the Entry-Level Rider Zero-Carbon-Footprint Dating


t’s springtime in South Florida, and the weather is absolutely perfect for zero-carbon-footprint dating! From Palm Beach to Dade County, there are ample opportunities to share your love of cycling on fun, romantic outings that are eco-friendly, too. South Florida’s increasing options for public transportation will get you close to places you wish to explore. Research bus routes and train stops (Brightline and Tri-Rail) that will get you there—knowing that all of them will allow you to take your bike. Then, when you disembark at your destination, you can cycle right to your desired spot. If your date doesn’t have a bike (heaven forbid), most cities have bike share locations. Broward B-Cycle has stations throughout Broward County, and Citi Bike Miami features some in the Miami area. Palm Beach’s SkyBike stations can be found in the downtown area, at the Tri-Rail station and in CityPlace. So, where to go? Every Sunday, Palm Beach’s fantastic farmers market features delicious food, arts and crafts and live entertainment. Purchase healthy foods and your favorite beverage and picnic on one of the comfy benches in the park, where you can gaze at the beautiful Intracoastal Waterway and elegant mansions nearby. Hollywood has its own fabulous Yellow Green Farmers Market, just west

Photo: Judy Borich

Research bus routes and train stops, knowing that both forms of transportation will allow you to take your bike along. 8

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Photo: Charles Lillo/Astro Geeks.

Biking to a park at nightfall can provide an element of romance including stargazing. of I-95, between Stirling and Sheridan Roads. Take the Tri-Rail to the Hollywood Station and bike on over to avoid the $5 parking fee. This market’s plethora of artisan shops, organic produce, food stands, coffee shops, live music and fresh baked goods will leave you wishing you had a bigger backpack in which to cart your purchases. You might bike to a nearby kayak rental facility, instead. Bring along a trash bag and scooping net so you and your date can scoop up trash you find along the waterways. What a great way to show your new crush how conscientious you are! And thoughtfully packing a few cold brews and snacks in your backpack is sure to win you further brownie points! For a more romantic date, consider biking to a nearby park with a backpack loaded with wine, cheese, a blanket and a Bluetooth speaker. Doing this at nightfall (don’t forget your blinkies and headlamps) will provide an opportunity for stargazing. If you install the app SkyView Lite, you can impress your date with your knowledge of the constellations. Zero-carbon-footprint dating will reveal a lot about your date. Is he or she the kind of person who is only impressed by expensive restaurants and fancy cars? Or are they really into being with you and exploring life together? Regardless of whether your date is someone with whom you truly “click,” you can feel good about doing something great for the planet while you figure out your chemistry! —Mariah Reed Mariah Reed, an award-winning columnist for Cycling Quarterly, is a tenured theater professor at Broward College. She enjoys riding her bike whenever possible. In her free time, she also writes plays, poetry and the occasional article for periodicals.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida



Love on Wheels

here’s something special about finding love while enjoying your favorite hobby. As many couples who cycle together know, it’s especially wonderful when that hobby is a free, healthy, fun, social activity that celebrates the great outdoors. I, myself, met my sweetheart after a bike ride celebrating a dear friend’s birthday. My honey and I soon discovered we had lots more in common than bike riding, but cycling is definitely one of the most enjoyable things we share. As we’ve explored Florida on wheels, we have made friends with other couples who ride together. They all agree cycling together can be challenging, but it’s a terrific way to bond with your significant other while sharing all kinds of fabulous adventures. Brad and Lisa Lindamood met in 2011, through mutual cycling friends. Riding together was definitely a factor in the two falling in love, since they were both big cycling fans. In 2015, they flew to Napa and got married. The perfect place for their honeymoon, it afforded the opportunity to enjoy bike riding while touring various vineyards. Early on, Brad and Lisa made a commitment to always ride together. Their ROAD iDs both say “We Ride as One.” Each year they plan a new bike adventure. While they have explored many areas of Florida, they have also completed the Bike Virginia tour five times. In 2020, the two are planning their biggest cycling adventure yet—in Ireland! As Brad says, cycling is “a great way to discover the world together.” A special treat is finding interesting places along the way, such as the occasional brewery. Brad admits sometimes people are not necessarily compatible in their cycling abilities. “If you’re riding at different levels, be patient with each other and try to focus on making your rides more fun than work.” Sounds like a formula for success! Frank Todino and Laura Gonzalez in Italy. 10

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Brad and Lisa Lindamood (in 2011) during their first of eight Gainesville Cycling Festivals. Laura Gonzalez and Frank Todino met while attending the Sebring Bike Festival in 2011. Laura was riding with a male friend, and Frank, whom Laura describes as “a great, loving guy,” assumed this friend was a romantic love interest. He soon realized that it was a platonic relationship, and the rest is history! While Laura loves to ride, she realized she would have to work hard to match Frank’s speed and endurance levels. They almost broke up when, on their first ride as a couple, Frank took off with his friends and dropped Laura “like a hot potato”! However, love prevailed and, with a little coaching from Frank, Laura has now completed many 200k rides with her main squeeze. They have also attended riding events and festivals in Italy, Puerto Rico, California and throughout Florida. Though she encourages cyclists to “go for it” when it comes to dating other bike riders, Laura cautions, “You may have to adjust your speed so you can give the other person time to get better!” If Frank and Laura are any indication, it’s totally worth it. —Mariah Reed Mariah Reed, an award-winning columnist for Cycling Quarterly, is a tenured theater professor at Broward College. She enjoys riding her bike whenever possible. In her free time, she also writes plays, poetry and the occasional article for periodicals.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


CQ Focus on the CAPADD Event

Photos: Judy Borich and Bruce Borich

Thanks to all our sponsors and everyone else who came out to Esplanade Park on February 12, 2019, for the Cyclists and Pedestrians Against Distracted Driving fundraiser (CAPADD). There were speakers, raffle prizes, food trucks and entertainment galore. Here are a few highlights. National recording artist and cycling advocate Janna Pelle gave a moving performance of her fourth album, Voice Memo, which she dedicated to her friend Patrick Wanninkhof, who was the victim of a distracted driver.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Arnie Prieto and Victoria Hernandez (Cycling Family Broward) were lucky winners of some amazing raffle prizes!

Fefo Freddy Astrada thrilled us all with his bicycle tricks. What great control! Cycling Quarterly South Florida


CQ Focus on the CAPADD Event

Agile Rascal, a bicycle touring theatre that performs new and innovative plays, entertains the crowd. Right: This is Beju. The bike characters he creates are called Dudali. This particular one is named Bollard Dudali. Go to Dudali. com for more info. Far right: Paul Hoffman on his unicycle is always fun to watch. Thanks Paul!


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Above: Melissa Bales, the winner of the very cool beach cruiser donated by RBX, with Jeff Torkelson of RBX, his dog Huxsley and Michael Gale, publisher of Cycling Quarterly. Right: Irving Slosberg, chairman of the board of Dori Saves Lives, came out to speak and to support CAPADD (Cyclists and Pedestrians Against Distracted Driving).

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY Our Weekly Rides listings are one of the main reasons I started this magazine. “Where’s a good ride?” is a question I often hear, so I’ve provided a resource to answer it. Please let us know about rides we may have missed. These established rides are open to new riders. Listed times can be the actual departure time, so always arrive early, introduce yourself and ask questions. Rating skill levels can be challenging, so it’s best to expect the level to be faster than cited. Always wear a helmet and obey the rules of the road. Attaching a rear blinking light is a good idea, and a headlight at night is the law. Ride details include: DAY: Weekly Ride calendar starts on a Saturday and ends on Friday. TIME: The time the ride starts is the first item in the listing. SKILL LEVEL: Color-coded arrows indicate the maximum speed or average speed. DROP/NO DROP: If you have a mechanical issue or can’t keep up during a drop ride, you’re on your own. During a no-drop ride, the group will not leave you behind. CONTACT INFO: If contact info is not available, take a shot and show up. There’s a good chance there will be riders unless weather interferes. MAP LOCATOR: Geographic position of the ride on our foldout map.


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Weekly Rides Broward County Saturday 7 a.m., Alligator Bicycles, Road, 43-52 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 10426 Taft St., Pembroke Pines, shop opens at 6:30 a.m., 954964-8586 1 7 a.m., Cove Ride, Road, 60 miles, ➜, Drop, 1560 E. Hillsboro Blvd., Deerfield Beach, The Cove Shopping Center, ride is A1A north, pickup ride location 2 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 35 miles, ➜, ➜, Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, 3 7 a.m., Camp Amistad Saturday Ride, Road, 33 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 15810 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Westgate Shopping Center, zMotion group, all levels, meetup. com/CampAmistad 4 7:30 a.m., Cycling Family Broward, Road, 36-48 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 15993 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, check Facebook for updates 55 7:30 a.m., Galiz Cycling, Road, 45 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 4700 S. Flamingo Road , Cooper City, Walmart parking lot, 21 7:30 a.m., Performance Beginner Ride, Road, 24 miles, ➜, No Drop, 1201 N. Federal Hwy., Ft. Lauderdale, Performance Bicycle Shop, distance may vary depending on group, speed and conditions, performancebike. com/bike-shop/store/ fortlauderdale, 954-400-2400 11 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial

LEGEND Ride Type: Road Mountain Track Hybrid

Cruisers BMX All Bikes

Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+) ➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B) ➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D) Listing key: Colored arrows indicate skill level in the legend. “No Drop” indicates assistance so the cyclist can continue. “Drop” indicates no assistance and the ride will continue without the cyclist. The numbers in the boxes correspond to the rides indicated on the foldout map. The numbers in the circles correspond to bike shops on the foldout map.

Carlos Ride, Road, 55 miles, ➜, Drop, 1901 SW 172nd Ave., Miramar, Memorial West Hospital, 15 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Classic Ride, Road, 50-55 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 5900 SW 160th Ave., Southwest Ranches, Hawkes Bluff Elementary, northeast corner of Dykes and Sterling Roads, 16 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial 101 Weston Warriors, Road, 35 miles, ➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial 2.0 Weston Warriors, Road, 40 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads, across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 8 a.m., Big Wheel, Road, 15 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 23 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers Beginner, Road, 15 miles, ➜, No Drop, Markham Park boat ramp 16001 W. State Rd. 84, Sunrise, second Saturday of each month, instructional workshop with Q & A before ride, group ride training, ride etiquette, pace line, bike handling skills 49 Sunday 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 60, 45, 30 miles ➜,➜,➜, Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, 12 7 a.m., Mike’s Ride Weekend, Road, 30 miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 101 Commercial Blvd., Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, 101 Ocean, small group of advanced riders 13 7 a.m., Camp Amistad Levee Ride, Mountain, various miles, ➜,➜, Drop, 15810 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Westgate Shopping Center, zMotion group, 14


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Carlos Ride, Road, 42 miles, ➜, Drop, 1901 SW 172nd Ave., Miramar, Memorial West Hospital, 15 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Classic Ride, Road, 38–42 miles, ➜, ➜, No Drop, 5900 SW 160th Ave., Southwest Ranches, Hawkes Bluff Elementary, northeast corner of Dykes and Sterling Roads, 16 7:30 a.m., Weston Warriors Team Memorial 101, Road, 35 miles, ➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, 18 7:30 a.m., Weston Warriors Team Memorial 2.0, Road, 35 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston, Weston Regional Park, corner Saddle Club and South Post Roads across from Weston YMCA, teammemorial. com 18 7:30 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 40 miles ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 1393 NW 136th Ave., Sunrise, Lester’s Diner 19 7:30 a.m., Trek Bicycle Shop, Road, 22 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 1621 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Trek Bike Shop, 20 7:30 a.m., Galiz Cycling, Road, 45 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 4700 S. Flamingo Road, Cooper City, Walmart parking lot, 21 7:30 a.m., Weston Flyers Cartel, Road, 42 miles, ➜, No Drop,


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

1675 Market St., Weston, Weston Town Center, very fast advanced ride 22 8 a.m., Big Wheel, Road,40 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 23 8 a.m., FVA Florida Velodrome Association, Track, laps,➜, 9501 Sheridan St., Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, training for national and international events, 954-3575160 24 8 a.m., Markham Trails Bike America, Mountain, Laps, No Drop, 16001 W. State Rd. 84, Sunrise, intermediate, stop in park office to view safety video, meet at trailhead, 954-4436340, Stefano 28

No Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park, group sprints 49 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Jorge Pena, Road, 35 miles,➜, ➜, Drop, 1617 SW 178th Ave., Pembroke Pines, Boater’s Park, small group, 55 5:45 p.m., Big Wheel, Mountain, one lap, 3169 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, Oleta River State Park, single-track with technical features, all level trails, 31 6 p.m., Camp Amistad Tuesday Night Ride, Road, laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park, laps inside park, meet at the boat launch, weekdays no park fee 32 6 p.m., Team Memorial, Road, 20 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 6503 N. Ocean Drive , Dania Beach, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, ride inside park, out and back laps, 50 6 p.m., Dump Ride, Road, 22 miles,➜, Drop, 4001 SW 142nd Ave., Davie, Vista View Park, fast ride with experienced riders 51 6:45 p.m., Levee Training, Mountain, 30 miles,➜,➜,➜, Drop, 15972 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, out and back, off-road, sturdy hybrid suitable, lights and helmet required 36 7 p.m., Big Wheel, Road, 23 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, Big Wheel Bicycle Shop, 54 7 p.m., Ft. Lauderdale Urban Ride, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 22 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 201 NE Fifth Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, War

Monday 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles, ➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 8 p.m., Monday Night Prohibition Ride, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 15 miles,➜, No Drop, 450 SW Seventh Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Cooley’s Landing Marina, ends at Tap 42, SoFlaBikeClub 26 Tuesday 6 a.m., Mike’s Ride, Road, 36 miles,➜, Drop, 5216 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, one block north of Commercial Boulevard. on U.S, 1, small fast group 48 7:30 a.m., Le parcours de JeanClaude, Road, laps,➜,➜,➜,

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


e Ro h t e r a h S




BIKE SUITABILITY GUIDE... View detailed County Maps with your portable device by scanning the representative QR Code for each area. These maps were developed by each of the counties MPO and TPO (Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Transportation Planning Organizations) as an aid to bicyclists. Bicyclists assume all risk when using maps. Safe use of roads is not guaranteed, always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle, wear high visibility clothing, use hand signals and obey all rules of the road. When riding your bicycle at night you must have lights front and rear as designated by local law. Cycling Quarterly, LLC shall not be held responsible for any damages, bodily injury, death or losses arising from the use of these maps. For more information: Miami-Dade Dade Transportation Planning Organization, 305-375-1647. Palm Beach County, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) . Broward County, Metropolitan Planning Organization, (MPO) 954-876-0033 1-Broward information current as of DEC. 2017 2- Miami –Dade information current as of JUN 26, 2017 3- Palm Beach information current as of NOV 2016


Palm Beach

Detailed County Maps





Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd

Cycling Quarterly South Florida








Okeechobee Blvd


Northlake Blvd



704 305

Dyer Park

Hypoluxo Rd

Forest Hill Blvd

Southern Blvd


PGA Blvd 132




321 311 Juno



312 1

Magnolia Park


South Palm Beach

Lake Worth

Palm Beach

315 125

West Palm Beach

Palm Beach Shores

North Palm 314 Beach


324 Beach


Riviera Beach




Cycling Quarterly South Florida 117






Sample Rd

Wiles Rd


Coral Springs

148 150

100 39

Broward County

Palm Beach County

Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

Lyons Rd


Hypoluxo Rd


135 123 124

SW 18th St

Glades Rd





Gulf Stream

127 Delray Beach 130 301 118 1


Briny Breezes



115 Ocean


Palm Beach

104 1

102 2 106

Lighthouse Point

Hillsboro Beach

Deerfield Beach

124 328 Boca Raton 111 108 322 A1A


Atlantic Ave

Boynton Beach Blvd 308

Jog Rd




Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Miami-Dade County

Broward County








107 54 23

Griffin Rd


Broward Blvd




Pembroke Pines111

69 68


Miramar Pkwy

Pines Blvd

103 1

Sheridan St

24 117

Cooper City


Taft St







Lauderdale By-The-Sea




Hallandale Beach

Indian Creek

Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park

Bal Harbour

Haulover Park

Golden Beach

Hollywood A1A

West Lake Park

Las Olas SE 17 St

147 122 116 137 1 50 53 44

126 133



Rides Bike Shops CQ Locations

Map Key

Fort Lauderdale



Pompano Beach

A1A 149 11 Hugh Taylor Birch State Park 151 152 110 20 119 40 106 38 58135 Lazy Lake

31 201 98 84 68 220 Oleta 215 State River Park 1 North Miami

112 Oakland Park 134


74 North 67 Miami 208 Beach

Pembroke Rd



North Lauderdale

Atlantic Blvd

Lauderdale TRNPK Lakes




Sterling Rd





88 62 103





131 118 45 127 146

14 4

Southwest Ranches



52 49 36 32

Markham Park



# #

102 66 87 93

SW 232 St


SW 72 St

SW 54 St


152 1

SW 184 St

Zoo Miami






Biscayne National Park


Charles Deering Estate



NW 22 Ave


Chapman Field Park

Matheson Hammock Park

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens




227 100

Miami Beach



Cape Florida State Park

Virginia Key


Bal Harbour

A1A Surfside

North Bay Village

Indian Creek Village





Crandon Park



209 95 221


Miami Shores



Key Biscayne

Coconut Grove

210204 64 81 59 63 83 96

Coral Gables



Flagler St


89 91 76 60 75 104 218225 228

Palmetto Bay



Amelia Earhart Park

69 68

Miami International Airport

205 71212

Doral Golf Course

SW 24 St

Doral Park

69 72

Hialeah Gardens

88 62 103

94 90 80 86 874 1 92 Pinecrest 213 101 211 70 226



SW 152 St

SW 120 St

SW 147 Ave


SW 137 Ave

To Everglades National Park

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

SW 157 Ave

SW 67 Ave

24 10 Miles




CQ Focus on Oakland Park Night Out

Deputy Debra Wallace and Wyatt were a big hit at the event. Wyatt, a bloodhound with a keen sense of smell, helps find missing, lost and endangered people.

Photo: Bruce Borich

Photo: Judy Borich

The Broward Sheriff’s Office/Oakland Park District invited children and adults to its annual Oakland Park Night Out safety event and bicycle rodeo at Collins Community Center, Tuesday, October 9. Kids had an opportunity to navigate a bicycle skills course, receive a free bicycle helmet and meet with officers and volunteers from the Oakland Park Kiwanis club, who were on hand to help out.

Ciara Reyes, who is twelve years old, nagivates the bicycle skills course.

Photo: Bruce Borich

Victoria Behar, who is nine years old, gets fitted for her free helmet with help from the Oakland Park Kiwanis volunteers. Cycling Quarterly South Florida



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The Coral Springs Parkland Cycling & Tri Club is an organization of swimmer, bicyclist & runner enthusiasts who are interested in promoting Bicycle safety, community activism to improve fitness awareness, and to support community-driven charitable events. Improve your skills with the CSP Express club and participate in club events. Cyclists/Triathletes/Duathletes are all welcome to join CSP Express and start training with us today!!!

Contact Jerry Layne 954-725-9075

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Here at Aspire Sports Lab, we create personalized Strength and Conditioning Programs designed to not only get you to the finish line, but dominate any race or challenge you wish to embark Whether you are looking to complete your first 5k, qualify for Ironman Kona, or join the Special Forces, we can make a personal customized training program.

• Headline • Photo or Art • 50 Words of Copy • Your Logo • And Contact Info • Less than *$20 week Your “Small Business” Display Ad will be viewed by affluent consumers who want your product or service. Advertiser must be a **qualified independent small business, such as a massage therapist, personal trainer/coach, accountant, independent merchant, bike clubs/teams.

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Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

Memorial Auditorium, structured ride all levels, SoFlaBikeClub 38 7:45 p.m., Taco Tuesday, Road,➜, Drop, 4443 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, The Promenade, fast ride every Tuesday except the last Tuesday of the month is a ➜ ride 35 Wednesday 6 a.m., Downtown Bicycle, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2571 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, 40 6 a.m., Green Eggs & Hammer, Road, 30 miles, ➜, No Drop, Conte’s Bike Shop, 1739 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, very brisk ride, not a guaranteed No Drop 7 a.m., CSP Express, Road, 30 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, run component, 39 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 5 p.m., FVA Florida Velodrome Assoc., Track, laps,➜, 9501 Sheridan St., Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, youth cycling session $25 monthly, Jose Basulto 305-496-3033 42 6 p.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 25 miles,➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 4401 S. Flamingo Road, Davie, northwest corner Flamingo and Griffin Roads, Dunkin’ Donuts, 43

➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

6 p.m., Lee’s Group Ride, Road, laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 619 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Hollywood, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, 954-925-5157 44 6:15 p.m., Memorial Weston Warriors, Road, 25 miles,➜, Drop, 1601 Promenade Blvd., Weston, Publix at Weston Town Center, 45 7 p.m. FVA Florida Velodrome Association, Track, laps, 9501 Sheridan Street, Cooper City, Brian Piccolo Sports Park, endurance motor-pacing, 954-357-5160 (after 3 p.m.) 24 7 p.m., Night Ride Bike America, Mountain, laps, No Drop, 401 S. Powerline Rd., Quiet Waters Park, Deerfield Beach, distance and speeds vary, third Wednesday of month, lights required, 954-5708122, 135 7:45 p.m., WOW Ride, Road, 28 miles,➜, Drop, 2201 N. University Drive, Coral Springs, University Drive and Royal Palm Blvd., Publix parking lot, ride through north Coral Springs and Parkland, lights required 46 8 p.m., BiciHangeo, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 10 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 400 SW second Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Esplanade Park, social ride 47

Road, 40 miles,➜,➜, ➜, Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park, boat launch lot, regroups at intervals 49

Thursday 6 a.m., Mike’s Ride, Road, 36 miles,➜, Drop, 5216 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, one block north of Commercial Blvd. on US1, small fast group of regular riders 48

Friday 7 a.m., CSP Express, Levee, Mountain, Drop, ➜, ➜, Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop, 5992 Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs, speed varies subject to terrain, road and off-road 39 7:30 a.m., Team Memorial Jorge

8 a.m., Le parcours de Jean-Claude,

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

6 p.m., Team Memorial, Road, 20 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 6503 N. Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, 50 6 p.m., Dump Ride, Road, 22 miles,➜, Drop, 4001 SW 142nd Ave., Davie, Vista View Park, very fast ride 51 6 p.m., Camp Amistad Thursday Night Ride, Road, laps,➜,➜, No Drop, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, Markham Park boat launch lot, laps inside Markham park, weekdays no park fee 52 6:45 p.m., Bike Polo, Weston Regional Park, 20200 Saddle Club Road, check Ft. Lauderdale Co-ed Bike Polo on Facebook for updates 38 6:45 p.m., Hollywood Urban, Road, Mountain, 19 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 300 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach, Winn-Dixie Plaza, lights and helmet required, good starter ride 53 7 p.m., Big Wheel, Road, 23 miles,➜, Drop, 7035 Taft St., Hollywood, 54


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

Pena, Road, 35 miles,➜,➜, Drop, 1617 SW 178th Ave., Pembroke Pines, Boater’s Park, small fast group, 55 8 a.m., South Broward Wheelers, Road, 24-32 miles,➜,➜, No Drop, 2621 N. Hiatus Road, Hollywood, Bogart’s Bagels parking lot, northeast corner of Hiatus Road and Sheridan Street, 56 6:30 p.m., Critical Mass, Road, Mountain, Hybrid, 12 miles, ➜,➜,➜, Drop, 700 NE Eighth St., Ft. Lauderdale, War Memorial Auditorium, massive ride, last Friday of every month 58

Miami-Dade County Saturday 6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 50-60 miles,➜ ➜, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, ride to Key Biscayne, 305940-1050 68 6:45 a.m., Sun Cycling, Road, 4050 miles,➜, 132 Hialeah Drive, Hialeah, 305-883-4338 65 7 a.m., All 4 Cycling Tempo Ride, Road, 55-65 miles,➜, 1180 S. Dixie Highway, Coral Gables 63 7 a.m., Bike Link Store, Road, 50-60 miles, ➜, no drop, 6500 W 4th Ave. #4, Hialeah, family ride, no one left behind, 786-717-7400 XX 7 a.m., City Bikes, Road, Various, ➜,➜, 20335 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, distance and speed vary, 305-682-8889 67 7 a.m., Elite Cycling, Road, 40 miles,➜, 13108 S. Dixie Highway, Miami, last Saturday of the month,


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

786-242-3733 70 7 a.m., GM Bikes, Road, 41-53 miles,➜, 9160 NW 122nd St., Miami, ride through Hialeah Gardens, Medley and Doral, 305824-4999 62 7:30 a.m., Casa Larios, Road, 50-65 miles,➜, 5859 SW 73rd St., South Miami 60 7:30 a.m., City Hall, Road, 26-28 miles,➜,➜,➜, 3500 Pan American Drive, Coconut Grove, three to four groups ride south 59 7:30 a.m., Doral Cycling Club, Road, 35 miles,➜, NW 114th Avenue and NW 58th Street, Miami, 69 7:30 a.m., Everglades Bicycle Club Training Ride, Road, 20-55 miles, ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 5801 Augusto Street, Coral Gables, Ponce De Leon Middle School, ebcweeklyrideschedule 7:30 a.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 62-75 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami 66 7:30 a.m., Pinecrest Elementary, Road, 40 miles,➜, 10250 SW 57th Ave., Pinecrest, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 61 7:30 a.m., Velosport Cycling Club, Bike Tech, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜, 2220 SW 22nd St., Miami, ride to Key Biscayne, 64 Sunday 6:30 a.m., Cycle World, Road, 40-80 miles,➜, 8476 Bird Road, Miami, distance depends on the group, 305-221-2123 71

7 a.m., Doral Cycling Club, Road, 50 miles,➜, NW 114th Avenue and NW 58 Street, Miami, 72 7 a.m., Team Hammerheads, Road, 40-68 miles, ➜,➜,➜, Coco Plum Circle, Coral Gables, 73 7:30 a.m., Aventura, Road, 50 miles,➜, Drop, West Country Club Drive and Spoke Road, Aventura, destination Key Biscayne 74 7:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 35 miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 75 7:30 a.m., Everglades Bicycle Club Beginner Group Ride, second Sunday of month, Road, 11 mph, 5801 Augusto Street, Coral Gables, Ponce De Leon Middle School, training to ride Saturday C group (see above), RSVP to Ruben Fuentes- rides@ 76 7:30 a.m., Ponce de Leon Middle School, Road, various miles, ➜, ➜, 5801 Augusto St., Coral Gables, toward Miami Beach, 76 10 a.m., The City Beautiful All Bikes, 7 miles, all levels, No Drop, 285 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables, Coral Gables Museum, third Sunday of every month, limited space, fee, 305-603-8067 77 5 p.m., H.E.R. Sunday Ride, Road, various miles,➜,➜,➜, 4680 NE second Ave., Miami 78 Monday 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles, ➜,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 80

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami , 4-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 79 8:30 p.m., Magic Mondays, Road, miles, various miles,➜, 2780 SW 27th Ave., Miami, ride through Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, South Miami 81 Tuesday 6 a.m., Granada Golf Course, Road, 30 miles,➜, 2001 Granada Blvd., Coral Gables, ride to Key Biscayne, chucho@ 82 6 a.m., Johnny Rockets, Road, 25-30 miles,➜,➜, 3036 Grand Ave., Coconut Grove, destination Key Biscayne 83 6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 25 miles, ➜ ➜, No drop, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, to Dania Beach, 305-940-1050 84 7:15 a.m., Black Point Marina, Road, 28-40 miles, ➜,➜,24775 SW 87th Ave., Cutler Bay, ride to HomesteadMiami Speedway for laps 85 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Steet, Doral, loop Flagler Station 86 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜,SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, four-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 87 6 p.m., Denny’s Okeechobee, Road, 30 miles,➜, 11701 Okeechobee Road, Hialeah Gardens, north on State Road

➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

27, very fast, daylight saving time only 88 6:30 p.m., All 4 Cycling Tempo Ride, Road, 33-40 miles,➜,1180 S. Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, ride to Key Biscayne, 305-668-9876 89 8 p.m., Taco Tuesdays, Road, 15-20 miles,➜,➜, 1070 SW 113th Place, Miami, urban ride with stop for food and drinks 90 Wednesday 6:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 30 miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 91 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 92 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, fourmile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 93 7:30 p.m., Kendall Weekly Bike Ride, Road, 15-20 miles,➜, 8525 Mills Drive, World of Beer, Miami 94 8 p.m., FYXD 305 Wednesday Night Ride, Road, 20-25 miles,➜, 1455 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, urban ride with stops for beer 95

6:30 a.m., Miami Bicycles and Repair, Road, 25 miles,➜ ➜, No Drop, 1951 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, ride to Dania Beach, 305-940-1050 98 6:30 a.m., Don Pan, Road, 30 miles,➜, SW 57th Avenue and Sunset Drive, South Miami, hammer ride to Key Biscayne 104 7:15 a.m., Black Point Marina, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜, 24775 SW 87th Ave., Cutler Bay, ride to HomesteadMiami Speedway for laps 99 7:30 a.m., UltrabikeX Beginner’s Ride, Road, 12-15 miles,➜, No Drop, 61 Harbor Drive, Key Biscayne, ride to Virginia Key and back 100 4 p.m., El Hueco, Road, 2.7 miles,➜, SW 117th Avenue and 97th Street, Doral, loop Flagler Station 101 4:30 p.m., Kendall Lakes, Road, 28-40 miles,➜,➜, SW 68th Street and 143rd Avenue, Miami, four-mile loop of Miccosukee Golf & Country Club 102 6 p.m., Denny’s Okeechobee, Road, 30 miles,➜, 11701 Okeechobee Road, Hialeah Gardens, north on State Road 27, very fast, daylight saving time only 103 7:15 p.m., Critical Mass, All Bikes, 12-15 miles, Drop, Government Center, 101 NW First St., Miami, last Friday of month, huge ride of thousands 107

Thursday 6 a.m., Johnny Rockets, Road, 25-30 miles,➜,➜, 3036 Grand Ave., Coconut Grove, ride to Key Biscayne 96 6 a.m., Granada Golf Course, Road, 30 miles,➜, 2001 Granada Blvd., Coral Gables, ride to Key Biscayne, 97

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Palm Beach County Saturday 6:45 a.m., Double R Riders,


Skill Level: ➜ 24+ mph (A+)

Road, 30 miles,➜,➜, 171 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, location available when joining through Meetup 108 6:45 a.m., Extended Early Breakfast Club Ride, Road, 40 miles,➜, 291 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, Robert Gold 561-4790910 111 7 a.m., The Original, Road, 20 miles,➜, Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, pace 1719 mph, 127 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles,➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:15 a.m., Breakfast Club Ride, Road, 40 miles,➜, 291 SE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, Robert Gold 561-479-0910 111 7:30 a.m., North Palm Ride, Road, 40 miles,➜, Boca Raton, Chris Spire,, 561-758-4897 112 7:30 a.m., Loggers Run Ride, Road, 27 miles,➜,➜,➜,➜, 11400 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton 114 7:30 a.m., Bill Bone Palm Beach Ride, Road, 25 miles,➜, Boynton Inlet Park, rolling start heading north to Palm Beach Inlet and back, 115 Sunday 7 a.m. On Your Mark Club Ride, Road, first Sunday of the month, 25-35 miles, ➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 819 N. Federal Hwy., Lake Park, 561-842-2453 121 7:15 a.m., Griddle Ride, Road,


➜ 21-24 mph (A) ➜ 17-21 mph (B)

➜ 14-17 mph (C) ➜ 12-14 mph (D)

35-40 miles,➜,➜, 475 Spanish River Blvd., Boca Raton, Eric Liner 561-870-4920 118 7:30 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 45 miles,➜, Drop, A1A and Marcinski Road, Jupiter, fast to wicked fast training ride, Jupiter Island to Hobe Sound 129

6:30 p.m., Okeeheelee Park, BMX, track, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. practice, $3 fee, hours are seasonal, updated information on Facebook page, every rider practicing or competing on any USA BMX sanctioned track must attain prior USA BMX membership. Memberships can be purchased at the track or at 131

Tuesday 5:20 a.m., P&E, Road, 25-30 miles, Drop, ➜, Fresh Market, 100 West Camino Real, ride goes north 302 6 p.m., Boca Tour, Road, 30 miles, Drop, ➜, Spanish River and A1A, large group advanced ride 303 6:30 p.m., Riders Only Bikes, Mountain, varied miles, all levels, Freedom Park, 2400 Pinehurst Dr., Greenacres 304 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles,➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:30 a.m., Boca Raton City Hall Ride, Road, Variable,➜,➜,➜,➜, No Drop, 400 Crawford Blvd., Boca Raton, park at Tim Huxhold Skate Park and meet at Boca Raton Community Center on Second Avenue 124 6 p.m., Bill Bone Tuesday Night Palm Beach, Road, 25 miles,➜, Drop, Bingham Island, moderate to fast training ride, 125 6:15 p.m. On Your Mark Levee Ride, Mountain, 15-20 miles, Mirasol Fire Station, 11264 Jog Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, lights required, 561-842-2453 132

Wednesday 6:30 p.m., Riders Only Bikes, Mountain, 20-24 miles, all levels, No Drop, 6901 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, parking lot in front of Walmart 305 7 a.m. Hump Day, Road, 40 miles,➜, Old School Square, 51 N. Swinton Ave., Delray Beach, 127 7 p.m. Boca Double Urban, Road, 25 miles,➜,➜, 17800 Congress Ave., Delray Beach, Costco parking lot, distances vary according to weather and other conditions, 561-537-0524 128 7 p.m. Night Levee Ride Bike America, Mountain, 21-25 miles,➜, No Drop, 6251 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, Publix parking lot, 561-640-3407 301 Thursday 5:20 a.m., P&E, Road, 25-30 miles, Drop, ➜, Fresh Market, 100 West Camino Real, ride goes north 306 7 a.m., Bill Bone Cycle Science, Road, 30 miles, ➜, Drop, 2188 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, average 28 mph with sprints up to 35 mph, gut-wrenching 129 7:30 a.m., Delray Ride, Road, 40-50 miles,➜, Gladiola parking

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

lot, 51 SE sixth Ave. Delray Beach, if you can maintain 18 mph you will not be dropped, ride to Palm Beach inlet for coffee and return to Delray for breakfast at the Green Owl, 561-742-3605 130 6 p.m., Boca Tour, Road, 30 miles, Drop, ➜, Spanish River and A1A,

large group advanced ride 303 6 p.m., On Your Mark Tempo Ride, Road, 25-35 miles,➜,➜, Drop, 819 N. Federal Hwy., Lake Park, route miles may vary, lights required, 561-842-2453 121 Friday

6:30 p.m., Okeeheelee Park, BMX, track, race only, $3 fee per practice, hours are seasonal, every rider practicing or competing on any USA BMX sanctioned track must attain prior USA BMX membership. Memberships can be purchased at the track 131

Bike Shops Cycling Quarterly wants to broaden our reach. If you know of any bicycle-friendly locations – from bike shops to neighborhood pubs to health-wise grocery stores – that are not listed, please email

Broward County Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop 5992 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs, 33076 954-796-9200 100 Alex’s Bicycle Pro Shop 11510 W. State Road 84 Davie, 33325 954-990-0836 101 All Bicycles 142 N. Federal Highway Deerfield Beach, 33441 954-428-2683 102 Alligator’s Cycling Bicycle Shop 10426 Taft Street Pembroke Pines, 33026 954-964-8586 103 B & J Bicycle Shop 1620 E. Sample Road Pompano Beach, 33064 954-946-7937 104 Bicycle Evolution 977 W. State Road 84 Fort Lauderdale, 33315 954-318-2453 105 Bicycle Generation 1346 E. Hillsboro Beach Blvd. Deerfield Beach, 33441 954-427-1484 106 Big Wheel Cycles 7035 Taft Street

Hollywood, 33024 954-966-5545 107 Big Wheel Cycles 2698 N. University Drive Sunrise, 33322 954-742-3015 108 Big Wheel Cycles 1001 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-523-2453 109 Big Wheel Outlet 7685 Pines Blvd. Hollywood, 33326, 954-967-5447 111 Bike Tech 2000 S. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, 33316 954-523-1178 116 City Bikes 671 NW 100th Place Pembroke Pines, 33024 954-682-8889 117 Conte’s Bike Shop 1739 E Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 (754) 300-5070 110 Cycling Tech Center 15972 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, 33326 954-440-3303 118 Downtown Bicycle 2571 E. Sunrise Blvd.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-761-9920 119 Durango Bike Shop 15993 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, 33027 954-443-3445 120 Frenchie’s Bicycle 2430 N. State Road 7 Margate, 33063 954-974-5340 121 George’s Cycle Shop 1029 SE 17th Street Fort Lauderdale, 33316 954-523-0785 122 Hillsboro Bicycle 3330 W. Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, 33442 954-427-7063 123 Jim’s Bicycles 354 Powerline Road Deerfield Beach, 33442 954-418-6101 124 Lauderdale Cyclery 5429 N Federal Hwy. Fort Lauderdale, 33308 954-565-5961 112 Lee’s Bicycle Shop 1101 N. Federal Highway Hollywood,33020 954-925-5157 126 Megacycle Sport 1390 SW 160th Ave.


Sunrise, 33326 954-384-0400 127 Pembroke Cycle 17149 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, 33027 954-430-2320 128 Pedrito’s Bike Shop 238 Commercial Blvd., Suite 1 Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, 33308 954-652-1137 130 Sun & Fun Bicycles 1500 N. Broadwalk Hollywood, 33019 954-925-0735 133 Trek Bicycle Store 113 NW 136th Ave. Sunrise, 33325 954-851-0511 134 Trek Bicycle Store 1621 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-527-9099 135 Wheel It In Bicycle Repair Shop 1210 NE 4th Ave. Fort Lauderdale, 33304 954-716-6170 152

Miami-Dade County Big Wheel Cycle USA 3169 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach, 33176 305-948-0116 201 Bike Link Store 6500 W 4th Ave. Hialeah, 33012 786-717-7400 Bike Tech 2220 Coral Way Coral Gables, 33145 305-858-3343 204 Bike Tech 7525 Bird Road Miami, 33155 305-261-1211 205 Brickell Bikes 70 SW 12th Street


Miami, 33130 305-373-3633 206 Broken Spokes Bikes 10451 NW Seventh Ave. Miami, 33150 305-758-3045 207 City Bikes 20335 Biscayne Blvd. Aventura, 33180 305-682-8889 208 City Bikes 2801 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, 33137 786-437-6381 209 Coral Way Bicycle Shop 2237 Coral Way Coral Gables, 33145 305-856-5731 210 Cycle Mart 13799 S. Dixie Highway, Palmetto Bay, 33176 305-238-5080 211 Cycle World Miami 8476 SW 40th Street Miami, 33165 305-221-2123 212 Elite Cycling & Fitness 13108 S. Dixie Highway Miami, 33156 786-242-3733 213 Enrique’s Bicycle Shop 800 NW 27th Ave. Miami, 33125 305-642-0701 214 Fusion Pro Bike Shop 14811 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, 33180 305-944-1280 215 Hialeah Schwinn Cycle 4070 E. Fourth Ave. Hialeah, 33013 305-822-4013 216 JB Bike Shop 7430 Collins Ave. Miami Beach, 33141 305-866-6322 217

Mack’s Cyclery 5995 Sunset Drive Miami, 33143 305-661-8363 218 Miami Beach Bicycle Center 746 Fifth St. Miami Beach, 33139 305-531-4161 219 Miami Bicycles and Repair 1951 NE 163rd Street North Miami Beach, 33162 305-940-1050 220 Miami Bike Shop, The 1800 Biscayne Blvd., #110 Miami, 33132 305-358-7004 221 South Miami Bike Shop 6600 SW 80th Street Miami, 33143 305-666-7702 225 Suncycling Cycle and Fitness Shop 3001 SW 27th Ave. Miami, 33133 786-409-2663 233 Two Wheel Picker Bicycle Shop 12471 SW 130 St., Unit B-1 Miami 33186 786-581-9499 226 Willie’s Bicycles 7915 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 33138 786-325-3830 229 Ultrabikex 61 Harbor Key Drive Key Biscayne, 33149 786-953-5612 227

Palm Beach County Bicycle Lab, The 2275 S. Federal Highway, #320 Delray Beach, 33483 561-276-2453 301 Bicycle World Jupiter 615 W. Indian Town Road, #101 Jupiter, 33408 561-427-6106 302

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Bicycle World Lake Worth 6155 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, 33463 561-439-5020 303 Bicycle World North Lake 628 Northlake Blvd. North Palm Beach,33408 561-840-9218 304 Bicyclery 1649 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach, 33409 561-684-8444 305 Boca Bike Shop 799 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, 33432 561-218-4309 328 By Cycle 640 E. Ocean Ave., Suite 21 Boynton Beach, 33435 561-600-5944 Conte’s Bike Shop 3150 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, 33431 561-990-7700 306 Conte’s Bike Shop 393 N. Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, 33426 561-990-7700 308 Doghouse Performance Center 7815 NW Beacon Square Blvd., #210, Boca Raton, 33487 561-236-3359 310 J Town Bicycle 126 Center St., #B-1 Jupiter, 33485 561-575-2453 311 Jack the Bikeman 2406 Florida Ave. West Palm Beach, 33401 561-832-0072 312 Lake Park Bicycles 1438 10th St. Lake Park, 33403 561-842-0303 313 On Your Mark Performance 819 N. Federal Highway

Lake Park, 33403 561-842-2453 314 Palm Beach Bicycle Trail Shop 50 Cocoanut Row Suite 117, Palm Beach, FL 33480 561-659-4583 315 Papa Wheelies 10287 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, 33414, 561-784-0000 316 Real Deal Bikes 103 S. U.S. Highway 1, #F1 Jupiter, 33477 561-746-0585 318 Relentless Bicycles 702 Lucerne Ave. Lake Worth, 33460 561-547-1396 319 Richwagon Bike Sport 298 NE Sixth Ave. Delray Beach, 33483 561-243-2453 320 Riders Only 6230 W. Indiantown Rd. Jupiter, 33458 561-510-6659 321 Trek Bicycle Store 335 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, 33432 561-405-6987 322 Trek Bicycle Store 800 Congress Ave.,#1A Boynton Beach, 33426 561-733-8300 323 Tri Bike Run 13975 U.S. Highway 1 Juno Beach, 33408 561-627-2453 324 Tune Cycles 3500 NW Boca Raton Blvd. #508 Boca Raton, 33431 561-392-7311 325 Velofix Mobile bike repair, Palm Beach/ Broward County 561-240-2453

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Wheels of Wellington 12794 Forest Hills Blvd., #36 Wellington, 33414 561-795-3038 327

Monroe County A & M Rentals 523 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-4556 Big Pine Bicycle Center 31 County Road Big Pine Key, 33043 305-872-0130 Bike Shop, The 1110 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-1073 Conch Bike Express 5603 Third Ave. Key West, 33040 305-294-4318 Eaton Bikes 930 Eaton St. Key West, 33040 305-294-8188 Island Bicycles 929 Truman Ave. Key West, 33040 305-292-9707 Overseas Outfitters 1700 Overseas Highway Marathon, 33050 305-289-1670 We Cycle 5160 U.S. Highway 1 Key West, 33040 305-292-3336


Find it in the CQ Business Directory Let’s Ride To …

Let’s Get Healthy …

Craft Beer Tarpon River Brewery (CP) 280 SW 6th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-353-3193 LauderAle Brewery & Tap Room (CP) 3305 SE 14th Ave. Fort Lauderdale 954-653-9711

COFFEE & EATS Dolce Salato-Pizza/Gelato (CP) 2406 Wilton Drive Fort Lauderdale, 954-463-7677 Warsaw Coffee Company 815 NE 13th St. Fort Lauderdale 954-990-4189 Subculture Coffee 509 Clematis St. West Palm Beach 561-318-5142

Let’s Buy Some … APPAREL & GEAR Jules Threads, LLC Women’s Cycling Apparel and Accessories FB/JulesThreads IG@julesthreads Runner’s Depot – Davie (CP) 2233 S. University Drive Davie 954-474-4074 Runner’s Depot – Coral Springs (CP) 5679 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs 954-575-2090

Let’s Find Some Cool … BICYCLE SERVICES Bike Dr. Derek 1216A NE 8th Ave. Fort Lauderdale, 786-519-1540 #CyclingThroughAutism

HEALTH & WELLNESS GNC – Cypress Creek Station (CP) 6305 N Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale 954-776-644 CVS (CP) 1150 NE 26th St. Wilton Manors 954-566-7474 Tunie’s Natural Grocery (CP) 5651 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs 954-510-0410

Let’s Get Some Help … PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Certified Public Accountant Jennifer R. Smith, P.A. 301 Yamato Road #2195 Boca Raton 561-997-6797 Flipany – Nutrition/Activity Programs 1777 North Dixie Hwy. Fort Lauderdale 954-636-2388

Let’s Get Away … BICYCLE TOURS & TRAVEL Bicycle Adventures 8047 NE 68th St., Suite B140 Redmond, WA 800-443-6060

Let’s Get Stronger … COACHING & TRAINING Bob McCarty Training Mountain Bike Training, Markham Park Training With Potter Mt. Dora, FL

(CP) Circulation Partner, CQ Distribution Location •

Business Directory Active Cyclist

Mountain Bike Trails / Family Friendly Parks If you know of a park that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible.

Broward County Markham Park 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise, seven days, 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m., weekdays free, weekends $1.50 per person, 13 miles of trails include novice, intermediate, expert, pro and adaptive, requires sign-in, waiver, safety video and a helmet, under 17 must have written consent from parent or legal guardian, 954-357-8868 Quiet Waters 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., summer hours 8 a.m.-7 p.m., $1.50 per person, weekdays free, novice,

intermediate and expert, requires sign-in, waiver, safety video and helmet, under 17 must have written consent from parent or legal guardian, bike rentals, sales, and service by Bike America, 954-357-5100

Miami–Dade County Virginia Key Mountain Bike Park Arthur Lamb Jr. Rd., Miami, seven days, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., $6 per car weekdays, $8 per car weekends, helmets required Oleta River State Park 3400 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach, seven days, 8 a.m. to sunset, $6 per car, single occupant $4, pedestrians and

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

cyclists $2, 10 miles of novice, intermediate, expert, bike rentals available, helmets required, 305919-1844 Amelia Earhart Park 401 E. 65th St. Hialeah, seven days, sunrise to sunset, year round, free, $7 parking on weekends, beginners, intermediate and expert, Genesis Mountain Bike rentals weekends only, helmets required

Palm Beach County Dyer Park Dyer Perimeter/Dyer Hill 7301 Haverhill Rd., West Palm Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset,


free, 4.4 miles, Dyer Perimeter Trail accommodates all levels of riders, Dyer Hill peaks at 55 ft., the trail is approximately 2.5 miles long ascending and descending, helmets required, 561-966-6600 Okeeheelee Park/Pinehurst Trail 7500 Forest Hill Blvd., West

Palm Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset, free, 4.1 miles, tight single-track with berms, drops and shade, helmets required West Delray Regional Park 10875 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, seven days, sunrise to sunset, free, five miles, singletrack, challenging and creative

features, helmets required Jonathon Dickinson State Park 16450 SE Federal Hwy., Hobe Sound, seven days, 8 a.m. to sunset, fee $4-$10 per vehicle, bicycles $2, nine miles of trails, novice, intermediate, and expert, bike rentals available, helmets required, 772-546-2771

BMX Tracks/Associations Cycling Quarterly is collecting information for this category. If you know of a track that is not listed, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible.

Miami–Dade County Miami South BMX 13050 SW 216th St., Miami, 33170 Tue., Practice, 6:30 p.m., Fee, $4.00 Thu., Practice, Local Race, 6:30 p.m. Fee, $4.00 practice, $7.00 Race

Sat., Practice, Local Race, 5 p.m., Fee $4.00 practice, $7.00 race Info: Contact: Track Operator, Ben Haddix 305-216-6618

Palm Beach County Okeeheelee BMX Parents, Inc.

7715 Forest Hills Blvd., West Palm Beach, 33413 Tue., Practice, 6:30 p.m., Thu., Practice, Local Race, 6:30 p.m. Fri., Practice, Local Race, 5 p.m., (see website for fees) Contact: Track Operator, Info@

Stadium Tracks/Velodrome Cycling Quarterly is collecting information for this category. If you know of a track that is not listed, please email so we can make this list as current and accurate as possible. Brian Piccolo Sports Park and Velodrome 9501 Sheridan St. Cooper

City, A 333.3-meter concrete cycling track with banking of approximately 30 degrees at the

apex and a 200-meter infield warm-up track. 954-357-5160 (after 3 p.m.)

Events/Festivals Cycling Quarterly is verifying events in South Florida to add to our quarterly listings. If you know of an event that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can keep this list as current and accurate as possible. APRIL April 6, Saturday, Miami, Dolphins Cancer Challenge, 100, 62, 32, 12 miles, 305-943-8000, www., Fundraising required


April 7, Sunday, Cocoa Beach, Cross Florida Ride, 170 miles, Spacecoast Freewheelers, https://, two day event April 7, Sunday, Estero, Cycling Fallen Heros, 62, 42, 28, 10 miles,

Brotherhood ride, 239-633-7098, Fundraising event April 7, Sunday, Sarasota, Ride 2 Remember, 62, 30 miles, 941-2844065,, Alzheimer Charity

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

April 7, Sunday, Newberry, Strada Bellamy Sportif, 128 miles, Facebook, off road gravel, unpaved April 13, Saturday, Tampa, Cycling For Autism, 32, 16, 12 miles, Tampa, Interbay Rotary, Charity fundraiser April 13, Saturday, Amelia Island, Katie Ride For Life, 63, 35, 18 miles, 904-491-0811, events@, Charity fundraiser April 13, Saturday, Minneola, Team C2C Spring Ride, 70, 50 miles, Kevin Miller, 813-363-3476, April 14, Sunday, St. Petersburg, Tour de Cure, 65, 40, 30, 10 miles, Marc Bourret, 813-885-5007 x3028, April 27, Saturday, Melbourne, Cycle Jam for the Kids, 100, 62, 31, 10 mile, 321-729-6858, info@, Charity fundraiser April 27, Saturday, Dade City, Green Swamp Gridah, 100, 50, 25, miles, Facebook, Gravel off road, Wicked Awesome Racing Series April 27, Saturday, Vernon, Tour de Ranch, 62, 64, 25 miles, Stephanie Powers, 850-867-3236, 64-mile ride is off-road April 28, Sunday, Venice, Sharkey’s Ride, The Beaches, 70, 35, 16 miles, Facebook, 941-488-1456, fundraiser supports three charities April 28, Sunday, St Augustine, Tour de Forts Classic, 100, 70, 56, 37, 25 miles, Race Roster MAY May 5, Sunday, Bunnell, Cycle Flagler, 100, 66, 40, 24 miles, Rotary Club of Flagler Beach, CycleFlagler/

May 5, Sunday, Ocala, Ride For the Arts Gran Fondo, 71, 43, 11 miles, Chris King, 352-369-1500, May 11, Saturday, Monticello, Monticello Bike Fest, 62, 31, 10 miles, Katrina, 850-997-5552 JUNE June 1, Saturday, Chiefland, Tour de Melon, 100, 50 miles roads, 20, 40, 60 miles rails to trails, Suwannee Valey Rotary, 352-4904023 June 9, Sunday, Clermont, ICSF Ride, 62, 35, 10 miles, Ivan Ortiz, 407-285-6888, icsfride@gmail. com, Interamericana Scholorship Fund June 15, Saturday, Spring Hill, Crankin’ Out Cancer, 61, 42, 30 miles, Karin Santamaria, 727-5175021,


For more information visit Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Clubs/Organizations Cycling Quarterly is trying to reach each club and organization in South Florida so we can add to our quarterly listings. If you know of a club or organization that is not listed or see a listing that has incorrect information posted here, please email so we can keep this list as current and accurate as possible.

BROWARD COUNTY Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee 115 S. Andrews Ave. Ft, Lauderdale, FL 954-357-6644 Century Towing Riders Pembroke Pines 954-605-7075, Early morning rides weekdays, monthly centuries, SAG supported, first timers encouraged CSP Express Coral Springs Parkland Express Cycling Family Broward Road bikes, group rides, all levels Arnie Prieto 954-274-1515 One Love Cycling Road bikes, group rides, all levels, Facebook, Onelovecycling

South Broward Wheelers Davie Team Memorial Hollywood 954-985-5800 zMotion 561-504-8815

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EBC Everglades Bicycle Club Miami Oleta Trail Blazers Facebook Group South Florida Bike Coalition 333 NE 23rd Street Miami, 33137 305-982-7374

South Florida Triathletes Team Hammerheads

PALM BEACH COUNTY Boca Raton Bicycle Club 561-403-0048 Delray Beach Bicycle Club Touring club 561-702-6376 Florida Off-Road Cycling Enthusiasts, Inc. (FORCE) Royal Palm Beach On Your Mark Cycling Club Racing club 561-842-2453 Team Storm Riders West Palm Beach

The Dolphins Cancer Challenge is coming April 6 to Miami. All proceeds go to cancer research at UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. 38

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

CQ Focus on Selfies Cycling Quarterly had a post on Facebook calling for submission of cyclists’ selfies. As promised, we are publishing the best of the best! We love these! If you keep posting them, we will keep publishing them. Posted by Simone Berger I would consider this a selfie because I took it myself! I set up a GoPro on burst mode and rode by it over and over again until we were both in the shot. I was super happy with how this came out because you can see how much fun we are both having. I’m so happy to be able to do an activity I love so much with my dog, Whiskey, by my side! Posted by Kelly Jones Maybe not the most creative as far as the camera shot. However the creative dirt marks from four hours of racing at Markham cannot be beat.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


CQ Focus on Selfies

Posted by Felipe De Bedout Cranksgiving 2018, Venetian Causeway Posted by Donna Luvinparadise Hump Day Riders (aka Lee’s Ride) Wednesday night!


Cycling Quarterly South Florida

Bike Theft Protection Boca Raton Police Department Takes the Lead


art Galletta has been an officer with the Boca Raton Police Services Department Crime Prevention Unit for over 18 years. An uptick in bike theft in 2018 made the need to help victims recover their bikes and prevent thefts in the first place clear. Officer Galletta shared some of the ways his unit’s Bicycle Theft Prevention program is dealing with the problem. CQ: Why is bike theft such a big problem in Boca Raton?

BG: I wouldn’t say it is a big problem, but we want to address it in a proactive manner. We want to protect those whose bicycle is their sole means of transportation and those who enjoy bicycles for sport and recreation, too. It’s about protecting their quality of life. CQ: Is this program modeled after an existing program? BG: I reached out to Portland, Oregon, as they are one of the most bike-friendly cities in the U.S. We utilized some of their ideas. CQ: What are the goals of the program? BG: To educate the public about the problem and reduce bicycle theft by offering prevention ideas. We do this through outreach and community partnerships. We have an active police bicycle unit. I went through the police mountain bike course. I am a big believer in bicycles as a tool in community engagement. CQ: So you ride a bike? BG: I do! CQ: Do you think more bicycles are stolen than are reported? BG: Victims don’t always report crimes. Some people say they don’t want to bother the police, but our job is to help people. If crimes aren’t brought to our attention, we can’t address the issue. We depend upon victims and other citizens to share information. Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Photo: Bruce Borich

Boca Raton Police Services Crime Prevention Unit Officer Bart Galletta and his police bicycle. 42

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

CQ: Are bikes stolen because cyclists don’t lock them up? Or are they locked, and thieves carry cable cutters and cut off the locks? BG: It’s a combination. Many victims were using simple cable locks, which can be easily defeated with a small bolt cutter. We recommend using a sturdy steel u-lock, ideally with an additional double deadbolt. Secure your bike to a strong rack or fixture. Do not secure a lock to the top bar of the bike, and don’t leave a lot of slack between your lock and the rack. We’ve also observed that stolen bikes are often locked in areas where there isn’t a lot of pedestrian traffic. Parking your bike in a welllit location, where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic, is important for theft prevention. CQ: Tell me more about the card you’ve circulated as part of the program. BG: The card is a place to create a record of your bicycle’s serial number, make, model and any distinctive accessories. We can put that serial number into a nationwide database. If that bike is recovered, say in Kansas, we can return it to its rightful owner. Cyclists can also take a picture of their bicycle and its serial number and keep it on their phone. CQ: Is there a way to report your bicycle stolen by phone? BG: If victims want to make a report by telephone, they can call 561-3686201, our non-emergency BRPD number. CQ: Thank you, Officer Galletta. We want to do our part to share your efforts with the cycling community. We hope you continue to have success with this campaign. BG: We are grateful that Cycling Quarterly is highlighting the Boca Raton Police Services Department’s efforts to protect our bicycling community. The article is an excellent way to communicate the issue to your readers, no matter where they are.

Cycling Quarterly South Florida


CQ Focus on Ebikes AvMed Rides started piloting pedal assist bikes in Broward on January 15, 2019. Seven of the new pedal assisted ebikes were made available to those interested. These new white bikes are available alongside the traditional pedal yellow bikes for an additional $2 per ride fee. Go to and look into a membership or just take one for a quick spin and tell them what you think. You can pay by credit card, if you aren’t a member, at the kiosk at the station.

Photos: Judy Borich

Tiffany Olson, marketing coordinator for Broward B-cycle, explains how the pedal assisted ebikes work to those interested in testing them out. If you are not a member, you can pay with a credit card at the conveniently located kiosks next to the bike racks. Electric bikes are pedal assisted (YES, you still have to pedal) by a rechargeable battery. 44

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

CQ Spotlight on Ride To Work Day

Photo: Bruce Borich

May is National Bike Month, which encompasses an ever-expanding diversity of events in communities nationwide, including Bike to Work Week. In 2019, May 13–19 is Bike to Work Week – with the most important day of the entire month being Bike to Work Day, on Friday, May 17. Forty percent of all daily trips taken in the U.S. are less than two miles. Even if your commute is a bit longer than that – the average in the U.S. is 16.5 miles – bicycling can be a feasible and fun way to get to work. With increased interest in healthy, sustainable and economic transportation options, it’s not surprising that, from 2000 to 2013, the number of bicycle commuters in the U.S. grew by more than 62 percent. Hundreds of American communities have been successful in increasing bicycle commuting by providing Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day events. Cycling Quarterly South Florida


Cycle Speak Saddle


Handlebar grip Shock absorber Front brakes Fork

Seat post

Head tube Top tube Down tube Seat tube Seat stay Chain stay

Wheel Spokes Hub Rim Tire Valve

Rear brakes Cogset Rear derailleur

Front derailleur Chain Chain rings

Adaptive bicycle: A bicycle modified for a cyclist with physical challenges. This may include modification to the drivetrain or braking systems, additional wheels, such as a trike or quad cycle, or other enhancements that provide stability and accessibility. Aerobars: Extension to road bike handlebars, which support the elbows and are conducive to a lower, more aerodynamic position. Mainly for triathlons and time-trial races. Attack: To challenge the leader by quickly accelerating and advancing your position to the front of a pack, group, paceline or peloton. Balance bike: A child’s training bike with two wheels and no pedals to teach confidence and balance. Berm: Dirt that has been banked around a sharp turn to keep bikes from skidding off the trail. BMX bike, BMX: Abbreviation for bicycle motocross — generally a small, single-gear bike for off-road competition, jumping, stunts and tricks in skate parks. Bonk: Slang for running out of energy, particularly on a long-distance ride. Brain bucket: Slang for a cycling helmet or head protection. Breakaway: When a cyclist or cyclists accelerate and


Pedal Crank arm

leave a gap behind the main group. Cadence: Revolutions per minute (RPM) the speed at which a cyclist pedals. Cassette: The cluster of various sized sprockets that attaches to the hub (axel) of the rear wheel. The rear derailleur is used to switch between these sprockets. Chainring: The large forward ring that transfers energy from the pedals to the rear wheel via the chain. Chase: When a cyclist tries to catch up to a rider. Clip-in: A mechanical method of attaching a cyclist’s shoe to the pedal, which increases the efficiency of the pedal stroke. Crank: The component of a bicycle drivetrain that converts the reciprocating motion of the rider’s legs into rotational motion that drives the chain, which, in turn, drives the rear wheel. Cruiser bike: A single-speed bike with a coaster brake, typically with 26-inch tires for slow, relaxed riding. Derailleur: A mechanism for shifting gears on a bike by moving the chain between different-sized sprockets. Drafting: To ride closely behind another rider to

Cycling Quarterly South Florida

harness their slipstream, reducing wind resistance and effort. Drop: To leave a rider behind in a group, usually because the rider cannot sustain the group’s tempo. Drop handlebars: A type of handlebar in which the middle of the bar is the highest point to provide a range of grip positions, typically for high-performance and long-distance bicycles. Drop ride: A group ride that will not slow down or wait for a rider to catch up. Fixie bike: A fixed gear bike with just one gear and no freewheel. When the back wheel turns, the pedals turn. Gap: The distance between riders large enough for drafting to no longer be effective. Granny gear: The lowest or easiest gear to pedal, typically for climbing a hill. Hammer: To ride fast. A group riding fast is called hammerheads. Hardtail: A mountain bike with a rigid rear. Helmet: Head protection, known as a brain bucket. Hood: The stationary part of the brake lever that attaches to the handlebars. It can serve as an alternate handrest with drop handlebars. Jump: Any feature that could send you and your bike airborne. Kit: A group of parts that complete a frame into a bicycle. In addition, matching jersey, shorts or bibs are also called a kit. Mechanical: Slang for a bicycle that needs a repair. For example, a rider during a no-drop ride might yell, “Mechanical!” to alert the group to wait for a repair. MTB: Mountain bike. No-drop ride: A group ride that will slow down or wait for a rider to catch up. On your wheel: This term informs a cyclist in front that you have positioned yourself in their slipstream for optimum drafting. For example, “I’m on your wheel.” Overlapping: The position when the leading edge Cycling Quarterly South Florida

of a rider’s front tire is ahead of the trailing edge of the rear wheel of the bicycle ahead. This can lead to crashes. Paceline: A group riding at high speed by drafting one behind the other. Riders take turns at the front (pulling) to break the wind, then rotate to the back to rest in the draft. Larger groups often form double pacelines with two lines of riders. Peloton: The main group in a road race. Pickup ride: A mapped ride of a route and distance, usually on a regular date, time and place. It may or may not be a no-drop ride open to all riders. Pull: To take the lead on a paceline and break the wind for following riders. The length of time varies by tempo and the skill level of the group and individual. Roadie: A cyclist who rides a road bike. Rollers: Humps in the trail. Saddle: Bike seat. SAG wagon, SAG: A support vehicle that follows longer group rides to offer mechanical assistance, food and minor first aid. Single-track: A trail just wide enough for one bike or hiker at a time. A fire road, which everyone hates, is considered double track. Shifter: A mechanism for controlling the derailleur to shift the chain to the desired gear to optimize speed, efficiency and comfort. Sprint zone: Most group rides have a selected section where riders “attack” each other, often at the end. Stairs: A set of stairs built into a feature on a bike trail. Tabletop: A long, flat jump formed by a launch and landing set at similar heights, with the area between them filled in. Tandem bike: A bicycle built for two. The captain traditionally sits in the front to control steering, braking and shifting while the stoker pedals in the back. Teeter-totter: See-saw designed for bikes.


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