Bwletin i Ddysgwyr Gwent, Chwefror 2022

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Geraint Wilson-Price

Geraint Wilson-Price

Digwyddiadau byw

Mae llawer o ddigwyddiadau rhithiol yn cael eu cynnal yn ystod yr wyl ac mae croeso mawr i ddysgwyr ar bob lefel gymryd rhan. Cliciwch ar y dolenni isod i gofrestru.

Live events

Many events are being held virtually during the week and learners at all levels are welcome to take part. You can register by clicking on the links below. dysgu/g%C5%B5yl-ddarllenamdani-2022/

Cwrdd â Caitlin

Dychwelyd i wersi Cymraeg, fy hoff ymadrodd Cym

Returning to Welsh lessons, my favourite welsh phrase and future goal

Fy mhrofiad i. My experience

mraeg a nodau at y dyfodol!


“Gwnewch eich gorau. Do your best.”

It’s easier than ever to learn Welsh in the wor

Cyrsiau Codi Hyder Byr Sesiynau Codi Hyder byr gyda’r nod o newid arferiad i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y gweithle. 10 Sesiwn 2 awr wedi’u harwain gan Diwtor

Work Welsh Confidence Building Short Courses The aim of these short, confidence building sessions is to change habits when using Welsh in the workplace. 10 Tutor-led 2 Hour Sessions


Cwrs Penwythnos Dewch i gwrdd â dysgwyr eraill ac ymarfer eich Cymraeg dros Zoom. Cyfle gwych i adolygu patrymau blaenorol ac ymestyn eich sgiliau iaith mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol. Yn addas ar gyfer pob lefel. (Nid i ddechreuwyr pur). Archebwch eich lle heddiw! Come and meet other learners and practise your Welsh over Zoom. A great opportunity to review previous patterns and extend your language skills in an informal atmosphere. (Not for absolute beginners). Book your place today !

Seiber Sadwrn 30.04.22

Dweud eich Dweud

Cymerwch 5. Take 5.

Haveyour Say 2022


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