Bwletin i Ddysgwyr, Gwent [Ionawr 2023]

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Bwletin i ddysgwyr

NEWYDD ar gyfer 2023

Dysgwyr a thiwtoriaid yn dathlu yn seremoni

Wobrwyo Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent.

Nos Fercher, 30 Tachwedd, cynhaliwyd ein noson wobrwyo flynyddol ym Mryn Meadows Golf, Hotel and Spa – dathlu ein dysgwyr a’n tiwtoriaid ysbrydoledig a'u llwyddiannau drwy gydol y flwyddyn academaidd.

Yn Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent dyn ni’n hoffi cydnabod ymdrech, ymrwymiad a gwaith caled a dathlu cyflawniadau eithriadol. Felly, wrth i'r flwyddyn hon ddod i ben manteisiwyd ar y cyfle i ddathlu ymroddiad ein dysgwyr a thiwtoriaid. Siaradwr gwadd y noson oedd y cyflwynydd teledu ac wyneb #1miliwn, Ameer Davies Rana. Roedd y seremoni yn cynnwys perfformiad arbennig gan y delynores leol, Eleri Darkins, a ddiddanodd westeion wrth gyrraedd ac yn ystod y bwyd.

Derbyniwyd enwebiadau ar-lein eleni ac roedd nifer y ceisiadau yn llawer mwy nag unrhyw flwyddyn ynghynt! Adlewyrchiad o ymrwymiad, gwaith caled ac angerdd ein tiwtoriaid, ein dysgwyr a phawb sy'n ymwneud â Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent. Ymysg yr enillwyr oedd Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a enillodd y categori 'Dosbarth y Flwyddyn, y Gweithle'. Wedi ei enwebu gan John Woods, Swyddog yn y Gweithle, Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent, dywedodd: “Er gwaetha gofynion eu gwaith bob dydd, mae aelodau o staff Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn y dosbarth Uwch wedi dangos bod modd cyfuno dysgu Cymraeg yn y Gweithle ochr yn ochr â disgwyliadau'r cyflogwr o ran dyletswyddau gwaith! Maen nhw wedi croesawu dysgwyr eraill i'r dosbarth, ac mae hynny yn ei dro wedi cyfoethogi eu dysgu.

Mae'r dysgwyr wedi profi bod dysgu ar lefelau Canolradd ac Uwch yn bosib mewn dosbarth yn y gweithle, ac felly yn llawn haeddu'r teitl 'Dosbarth y Flwyddyn yn y Gweithle!” Roedd yr enillwyr eraill yn cynnwys Lucy Powell

a dderbyniodd nid un ond dwy wobr ar y noson am Diwtor y Flwyddyn, Gweithle a Thiwtor y Flwyddyn (a ddewiswyd gan y dysgwyr).

"Mae Lucy'n gwneud y wers yn bleserus ac o ansawdd uchel, ac fe ddysgais lawer dros yr wythnosau diwethaf oherwydd ein bod yn siarad llawer yn y Gymraeg"

Enillodd Osian Pennar Wobr Tiwtor y Flwyddyn a chafodd glod am ei ymroddiad i’r dysgu a'i angerdd dros yr iaith a'r diwylliant Cymraeg. Dywedodd dau ddysgwr a enwebodd Osian "Hoffwn i'w enwebu am ei ddealltwriaeth eithriadol o'r dysgwyr a sicrhau nad oes neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl. Mae’n gwneud yn siŵr dy fod ti'n deall y wers yn llawn cyn iddo symud ymlaen. Alla i ddim diolch digon iddo am fy helpu i ar fy nhaith ddysgu Cymraeg. Mae llawer o gyfleoedd i siarad Cymraeg yn ei wersi ac mae'r ddwy awr yn hedfan. Mae ganddo hunan-argyhoeddiad mawr mai ei ffordd o addysgu sydd orau ac mae'n mynd â chi gydag ef!” oedd rhai o'r sylwadau a dderbyniwyd gan ei ddysgwyr.

Aeth cydnabyddiaeth olaf y noson i ddysgwyr a siaradwyr y Cynllun Siarad. Cynllun gwirfoddol sy’n dod â siaradwyr a dysgwyr Cymraeg ynghyd ar gyfer sgwrsio anffurfiol mewn sefyllfaoedd cymdeithasol a nod y cynllun yw cynyddu hyder dysgwyr a’u cyflwyno i gyfleoedd i ddefnyddio’u Cymraeg yn lleol.

Gan ddod â'r noson i ben, diolchodd Geraint Wilson-Price, Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent i bawb am fynychu a llongyfarch y dysgwyr a'r tiwtoriaid ar eu llwyddiannau. “Mae hon wedi bod yn noson fendigedig, Seremoni Wobrwyo gyntaf Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent ers tair blynedd, cyfle gwych i ni ddathlu llwyddiant ein dysgwyr a'n staff. Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb heno. Diolch yn fawr iawn i'n staff gweithgar a "Pob lwc" i'n dysgwyr gyda'u dysgu Cymraeg”

Learners and tutors celebrate success at Learn Welsh Gwent Awards Ceremony.

On Wednesday evening, 30 November, we held our annual awards evening at Bryn Meadows Golf, Hotel and Spa – a celebration of our inspirational learners and tutors and their achievements throughout the academic year. At Learn Welsh Gwent we like to recognise effort, commitment and hard work and celebrate exceptional achievements. So as this year draws to an end, we took the opportunity to celebrate our learners’ and tutors' dedication to Welsh learning and we were joined by TV Presenter and the face of #1miliwn, Ameer Davies Rana who was our guest speaker for the evening.

The ceremony included a stunning performance from local harpist, Eleri Darkins who entertained guests upon arrival and during food. Nominations were made online and the number of entries received this year was far greater than that of any year previously! A true reflection of the commitment, hard work and passion of our tutors, learners and all those involved at Learn Welsh Gwent.

Amongst the winners were the National Resources of Wales who won the ‘Class of the Year, Workplace’ category. Nominated by John Woods, Workplace Officer at Learn Welsh Gwent, he said “Despite the demands of their work every day, members of Natural Resources Wales staff in the Advanced class have shown that it is possible to combine learning Welsh in the Workplace alongside the employer's expectations in terms of work duties!

They have welcomed other learners to the class, and that in turn has enriched their learning” The learners have proved that learning at Intermediate and Advanced levels is possible in a workplace class, and therefore fully deserves the title of 'Workplace Class of the Year!”

Other winners included Lucy Powell who received not one but two awards on the evening for Tutor of the Year, Workplace and Tutor of the Year (as chosen by the learners).

“Lucy makes the lesson enjoyable and high quality, and I learned much for past few weeks because we are speaking a lot in Welsh” Osian Pennar won the Tutor of the Year Award and was praised for his dedication to his teaching and his passion for the Welsh language and culture.

Two learners who nominated Osian said “I am nominating him for his outstanding understanding of the learners and ensuring that no one is left behind. He makes sure that you fully understand the lesson before he moves on. I can’t thank him enough for getting me to this stage of my Welsh learning journey.

There are lots of opportunities to speak Welsh in his lessons and the two hours whizz by. He has great self -conviction that his way of teaching is best and he takes you with him! Were just some of the comments received from his learners”.

The final recognition of the evening went to the learners and speakers of the Cynllun Siarad Scheme. A scheme that brings Welsh speakers and learners together for 10 hours of informal conversations in social settings with the aim to increase learner’s confidence and introduce them to opportunities to use their Welsh locally.

Bringing the evening to a close, Geraint Wilson -Price, Director of Learn Welsh Gwent thanked everyone for attending the event and congratulated the learners and tutors on their achievements.

Cofrstrwch yma! Book here Cliciwch | click Rhagor o wybodaeth More information
“ dewch i ymuno â ni come and join us “ *Addas ar gyfer dysgwyr Canolradd+. Suitable for learners at Canolradd/Intermediate+ levels. Bwciwch | Book

Yn rhad ac am ddim trwy Zoom.

Bydd eich Cymraeg yn mynd o nerth i nerth!

Free and through Zoom. We are confident that you will enjoy this experience, as many on these courses already have, which will help you get even further with your Welsh learning.

Ymarfer, Ymarfer, Ymarfer!

Sit an exam? How about it? Sefyll arholiad? Beth amdani? Why sit an Exam? • Measure your progress • Set yourself a goal and boost your confidence • Gain a Qualification • If you would like to progress to the next level the exams will motivate you • A chance to revise and confirm what you have learnt Remember these exams are FREE!! If you need any more information, please contact me Pam sefyll arholiad? • Mesurwch eich cynnydd • Gosodwch nod i’ch hun a rhoi hwb i'ch hyder • Ennill Cymhwyster • Os hoffech chi
ymlaen i’r lefel
yr arholiadau’n
ysgogi • Cyfle
’i ddysgu
!! Os
nesa, bydd
i adolygu a chadarnhau'r hyn dych
Cofiwch fod yr arholiadau hyn AM DDIM
oes angen mwy o wybodaeth arnoch, cysylltwch â

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