Bwletin i Ddysgwyr [Sulgwyn 2021]

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Mae’r Sulgwyn bron arnon ni!

Geraint Wilson-Price

Geraint Wilson-Price

Her yr Haf Sut dych chi am ymarfer eich Cymraeg dros yr haf?

How will you practise your Welsh over the summer?

Dewch i’r Ysgol Haf! Join us on our Summer School! 25 awr o ddysgu dros 5 diwrnod /25 hours of tuition over 5 days.

Ysgol Haf 19-23.07.21

Llun—Gwener / Monday—Friday 09:30yb/am - 3:30yp/pm (12 - 1pm cinio/lunch). 8 lefel / there are 8 levels, including a class for complete beginners. Mae'r dosbarthiadau'n hwyl ac yn anffurfiol, felly does dim angen poeni os nad dych wedi mynychu'r Ysgol Haf o'r blaen. Bydd croeso cynnes iawn gan ein tiwtoriaid profiadol a chyfeillgar, a fydd yn aros i'ch croesawu. Dyma gyfle gwych i roi hwb i'ch Cymraeg. Archebwch eich lle heddiw! Classes are fun and informal, so no need to worry if you have not attended the Ysgol Haf before. There will be a very warm welcome from our experienced and friendly tutors, who will be waiting to welcome you. This is a great opportunity to kick start your Welsh. Book your place today, spaces are limited!


Bydd y Cyw Cynnar – eich cyfle i gael eich cwrs y flwyddyn nesa am hanner pris (ie, 50% o ostyngiad!) – ar gael cyn hir – cofiwch edrych ar eich e-bost i weld y manylion.

The Early Bird Discount - your chance to get your course next year for half price (yes, 50% discount!) - will be available soon - please check your email for details.

’Dyn ni eisiau cefnogi tîm pêldroed Cymru yn ystod Pencampwriaeth yr Ewros felly tybed fedrwch chi ein helpu ni?

We want to support the Welsh football team during the Euros Championship so can you help us?

’Dyn ni angen fideos o ddysgwyr yn dymuno pob lwc i’r tîm cenedlaethol, boed hynny fesul dosbarth neu gan ddysgwyr yn unigol.

We need videos of learners wishing the national team good luck, whether by class or by individual learners.

Anfonwch eich clipiau fideo at

erbyn diwedd mis Mai.

Send your video clips to manon.llwyd.bowen@learnin by the end of May.

Ewros 2021

Gwyliwch y gofod! Watch this Space!

Stori Syml a Sgwrs Dyma ddigwyddiad i bobl sy'n dysgu Cymraeg ar lefel Mynediad neu Sylfaen. Dewch i gwrdd â Fiona Collins, awdures sy wedi dysgu Cymraeg ei hunan. Bydd hi'n darllen stori syml, chwedl, o dde Cymru ac wedyn bydd siawns i ofyn cwestiynau iddi hi ac i siarad â dysgwyr eraill. Rhag-gofrestrwch gan ddefnyddio'r linc isod, os gwelwch yn dda: This is an event for all learners at Mynediad or Sylfaen level. Come along and meet Fiona Collins, an author and storyteller who has also learnt Welsh herself. She'll be reading a short story, a legend from South Wales and then there will be a chance for you to ask her questions and to talk to other learners. Please pre-register by clicking on the link below: Register in advance for this meeting:

When: Jun 17, 2021 11:00 AM London After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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