Bwletin i Ddysgwyr Gwent - Hydref 2021

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Croeso i gylchlythyr Hydref 2021 Gair gan y Cyfarwyddwr, Geraint Wilson-Price

Helo! Sut dych chi? Cadw'n dda, gobeithio, ac yn bwysica oll, yn dal i gadw'n ddiogel. Croeso’n ôl i chi sy wedi bod yn dysgu gyda Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent o’r blaen a chroeso cynnes i’r rheiny sy newydd ymuno â ni eleni. Sut mae'r dysgu'n mynd? Mawr obeithio bod popeth yn mynd yn iawn a'ch bod chi'n mwynhau’ch dysgu gyda Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent. Mae’r Bwletin a gyhoeddir bob tymor wedi’i roi at ei gilydd er mwyn rhoi gwybodaeth i chi am bopeth sy'n digwydd gyda dysgu Cymraeg yn ardal Gwent (ac y tu hwnt!). Bydd gwybodaeth am bob agwedd o ddysgu Cymraeg - gwybodaeth am ein Sadyrnau Sadwrn Seiber, Cyrsiau Penwythnos a'r cyfleoedd gyda'r gweithgareddau Cefnogi Dysgwyr i ymarfer eich Cymraeg. Ac ymarfer yw'r gair allweddol. Fel dych chi'n gwybod, mae siarad Cymraeg mor mor bwysig - mwya dych chi'n ymarfer siarad eich Cymraeg, gorau fydd eich Cymraeg. Mae'n bosibl iawn bod chi ar lefel Uwch neu lefel Gloywi. Yn aml dyn ni’n clywed y cwestiwn: “Dwi’n siarad yn weddol ond sut dwi’n gallu gwella?”. Wel, mae'r ateb yn syml (er, o bosib, yn anodd!) – parhewch i wneud lot o Gymraeg; manteisiwch ar bob cyfle i siarad â siaradwyr Cymraeg; peidiwch ag ofni gwneud camgymeriadau/gwallau; yn y bôn: boddwch eich hunain yn y Gymraeg! – manteisiwch ar bopeth! Felly mawr obeithio y bydd y Bwletin yma o help i chi gyda'ch dysgu Cymraeg. Rhowch wybod i ni beth dych chi'n feddwl.

Geraint Wilson-Price Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent

Welcome to the October 2021 newsletter A word from the Director, Geraint Wilson-Price

Hello! Shw mae? Keeping well, I hope, and, most importantly, still keeping safe. Welcome back to those who've been with Learn Welsh Gwent previously and a warm welcome to those who've just joined us this year. How’s your Welsh class going? I really hope everything is going well and you can see you're making progress and most importantly enjoying learning Welsh with Learn Welsh Gwent. This termly Bulletin has been put together so you can know about everything which is happening with learning Welsh in Gwent (and beyond!) There’ll be information about every aspect of learning Welsh – information on our Cyber Saturdays, Weekend courses and the opportunities with the Supporting Learners activities to practise your Welsh – whatever your level. Don't worry if you think your progress is slow – that’s completely normal and all part of the learning process. Just keep going and enjoy learning. I promise you: if you can keep at it, you will succeed, you just need to keep going. Daliwch ati! And practise is the key word. As you’ll know, speaking Welsh is so important (however little you’ve got). The more you practise speaking your Welsh, the better your Welsh will be. It’s hard but it’s true! Push yourself to find every opportunity to speak Welsh and those basics will become second nature. Take advantage of everything! So I very much help that this Bulletin will help you with your Welsh learning. Let us know what you think.

Geraint Wilson-Price Director Learn Welsh Gwent

face to face a warm welcome

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Duolingo Welsh course transfers to National Centre

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13.11.21 09:30yb/am - 3:30yp/pm (12 - 1pm cinio/lunch). Dewch i gwrdd â dysgwyr eraill ac ymarfer eich Cymraeg dros Zoom. Cyfle gwych i adolygu patrymau blaenorol ac ymestyn eich sgiliau iaith mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol. Yn addas ar gyfer pob lefel. (Nid i ddechreuwyr pur). Archebwch eich lle heddiw! Come and meet other learners and practise your Welsh over Zoom. A great opportunity to review previous patterns and extend your language skills in an informal atmosphere. (Not for absolute beginners). Book your place today, spaces are limited!





27-28.11.21 09:30yb/am - 3:30yp/pm (12 - 1pm cinio/lunch). Mae'r dosbarthiadau'n hwyl ac yn anffurfiol, felly does dim angen poeni os nad dych wedi mynychu'r Cwrs Penwythnos o'r blaen. Bydd croeso cynnes iawn gan ein tiwtoriaid profiadol a chyfeillgar, a fydd yn aros i'ch croesawu. Dyma gyfle gwych i roi hwb i'ch Cymraeg. Archebwch eich lle heddiw!

Classes are fun and informal, so no need to worry if you have not attended the Weekend Course before. There will be a very warm welcome from our experienced and friendly tutors, who will be waiting to welcome you. This is a great opportunity to kick start your Welsh.





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