Cyrsiau Atodol 2015-16

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Cyrsiau Atodol Additional Courses


Cyfle i chi ddefnyddio ac adolygu eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. An opportunity to use and revise your Welsh in an informal setting.

Ysgolion Undydd Day Schools

Cyrsiau Penwythnos Weekend Courses

Cwrs Haf

Summer School

Dysgu Anffurfiol Informal Learning

gyda dy Gymraeg

01495 333710

“Dal ati

Croeso Welcome C

roeso i lyfryn cyrsiau atodol Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent. Yn y llyfryn hwn, gellwch chi ddod o hyd i ffurflenni cofrestru ar gyfer ein holl ysgolion undydd, cyrsiau penwythnos, ysgol haf a digwyddiadau dysgu anffurfiol.


Beth yw “cyrsiau atodol”? Wel, cyrsiau ydyn nhw i helpu chi i ymarfer eich Cymraeg. Weithiau yn eich dosbarth wythnosol, does dim llawer o amser i adolygu ac ymarfer siarad oherwydd dych chi’n dysgu pethau newydd. Ar y cyrsiau atodol, cewch chi gyfleoedd gwych i adolygu ac ymarfer eich Cymraeg o fewn dosbarth o ddysgwyr brwd eraill. Mae tîm o diwtoriaid gwych yn dysgu’r dosbarthiadau o lefel Mynediad hyd at lefel Hyfedredd, ac mae’r cyrsiau ar gael trwy’r flwyddyn, mewn lleoliadau gwahanol yng Ngwent.

What do we mean by “additional courses”? Well, these are courses where you will revise what you have learned in your weekly course and where you will have plenty of opportunity to practise using the Welsh you have learned. Sometimes, in your weekly class, there is very little time to revise as the tutor must complete a certain amount of units each term. Therefore the additional courses are invaluable to ensure that you understand everything and that you are able to speak with more confidence. We have an excellent team of tutors, and classes range from Mynediad to Hyfedredd. These courses are available throughout the year, and at different locations in Gwent.

Felly ewch amdani y flwyddyn hon. Rhowch hwb i’ch Cymraeg! Trwy fynychu y cyrsiau yma bydd eich Cymraeg yn gwella a byddwch yn cwrdd â llawer o ffrindiau newydd. Edrychaf ymlaen at eich gweld chi, ond cofiwch rhaid archebu’ch lle yn gynnar - nifer gyfyngedig o lefydd.

elcome to the Gwent Welsh for Adults Additional Course Booklet. In this booklet, you will find all the registration forms for all our additional courses, including day schools, weekend courses, the summer school and informal learning activities.

Why not make this the year in which your Welsh goes from strength to strength. Your Cymraeg will improve by attending these courses, and you will meet so many new friends, all with the same goal Ewch amdani/Go for it this year!! Remember to book early to avoid disappointment. Numbers are limited due to room sizes. We look forward to meeting you.

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Cil-y-Coed 03.10.15 Ble Where

Caldicot Leisure Centre Mill Lane Caldicot Monmouthshire NP26 4BN

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price ÂŁ15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01291 426852

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Cil-y-Coed 03.10.15 Manylion Personol / Personal Details

Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Monmouthshire CC Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Caldicot Community Education Centre @ the Leisure Centre Mill Lane Caldicot NP26 4BN

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (25/09/15) No application will be accepted after the closing date (25/09/15)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Cwm Rhymni 17.10.15 Ble Where?

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni Gellihaf Road Fleur de Lis Blackwood NP12 3JQ

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price £15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01633 612245

Ysgol Undydd Cwm Rhymni 17.10.15 Manylion Personol / Personal Details

Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Caerphilly County Borough Council Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Card payments only accepted in person.

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Tŷ Rhydychen | Oxford House Heol Grove Road Rhisga | Risca NP11 6GN

01633 612245

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (09/10/15) No application will be accepted after the closing date (09/10/15)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Abertillery LAC 7.11.15 Ble Where?

Abertillery Learning Action Centre Comprehensive School Site Alma St Abertillery NP13 1YL

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price ÂŁ15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 355895

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Abertyleri 07.11.15 Manylion Personol / Personal Details


Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Life Leisure Trust Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Abertillery Learning Action Centre Stryd Alma Street Abertyleri | Abertillery NP13 1YL

01495 355895

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (30/10/15) No application will be accepted after the closing date (30/10/15)

Cwrs Weekend Course Penwythnos Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Pont-y-pŵl, NP4 5YE

21-22.11.15 Ble / Where?

Campws Pont-y-pŵl Coleg Gwent Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl NP4 5YE

Pris / Price

£10 — bargen | bargain! Lessons, tea and coffee included (non refundable or transferable)

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710

24 hour answer message service available

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Cwrs Penwythnos 21-22/11/15 Manylion Personol / Personal Details Teitl/Title

Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2

Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to: Coleg Gwent Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Cymraeg i Oedolion | Welsh for Adults Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool Campus Heol Blaendar | Blaendare Road Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool NP4 5YE

01495 333710

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (18/11/15) No application will be accepted after the closing date (18/11/15)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

City of Newport Campus 05.12.15 Ble Where?

City of Newport Campus Nash Road Newport NP19 4TS

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price ÂŁ15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available (non refundable or transferable)

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Casnewydd 05.12.15 Manylion Personol / Personal Details Teitl/Title

Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Coleg Gwent Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Cymraeg i Oedolion | Welsh for Adults Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool Campus Heol Blaendar | Blaendare Road Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool NP4 5YE

01495 333710

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (01/12/15) No application will be accepted after the closing date (01/12/15)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Power Station Cwmbrân 09.01.16 Ble Where

Y Pŵerdy / The Power Station Blenheim Road, St. Dials, Cwmbrân, NP44 4SY

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price £15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01633 647647

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Cwmbrân 09.01.16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details

Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Torfaen CBC Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Debit/credit card payments can be made over the phone.

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Y Pwerdy | The Power Station Heol Blenheim Road St Dials Cwmbrân NP44 4SY

01633 647647

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (04/01/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (04/01/16)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Cwm Rhymni 06.02.16 Ble Where?

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni Gellihaf Road Fleur de Lis Blackwood NP12 3JQ

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price £15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01633 612245

Ysgol Undydd Cwm Rhymni 06.02.16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details

Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Caerphilly County Borough Council Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Card payments only accepted in person.

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Tŷ Rhydychen | Oxford House Heol Grove Road Rhisga | Risca NP11 6GN

01633 612245

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (29/01/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (29/01/16)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Monmouth Leisure Centre


Ble Where?

Monmouth Leisure Centre Old Dixton Road Monmouth NP25 3DP

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price ÂŁ15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01600 712822

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Trefynwy 27.02.16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details

Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Monmouthshire CC Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Overmonnow Family Learning Centre Victoria Estate Trefynwy | Monmouth NP25 5AR

01600 712822

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (19/02/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (19/02/16)

Cwrs Weekend Course Penwythnos Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Pont-y-pŵl, NP4 5YE


Ble / Where?

Campws Pont-y-pŵl Coleg Gwent Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl NP4 5YE

Pris / Price

£10 — bargen | bargain! Lessons, tea and coffee included (non refundable or transferable)

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710

24 hour answer message service available

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Cwrs Penwythnos 5-6/03/16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2

Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Coleg Gwent Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Cymraeg i Oedolion | Welsh for Adults Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool Campus Heol Blaendar | Blaendare Road Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool NP4 5YE

01495 333710

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (03/03/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (03/03/16)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Ebbw Vale LAC 16.04.16 Ble Where?

Ebbw Vale Learning Action Centre James Street Ebbw Vale NP23 6JG

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price ÂŁ15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 355300

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Glyn Ebwy 16.04.16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details


Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Life Leisure Trust Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Ebbw Vale Learning Action Centre Stryd James Street Ebbw Vale | Glyn Ebwy NP23 6JG

01495 355300

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (08/04/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (08/04/16)

Cwrs Weekend Course Penwythnos Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Pont-y-pŵl, NP4 5YE 14 & 15.05.16 Ble / Where?

Campws Pont-y-pŵl Coleg Gwent Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl NP4 5YE

Pris / Price

£10 — bargen | bargain! Lessons, tea and coffee included (non refundable or transferable)

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710

24 hour answer message service available

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Cwrs Penwythnos 14-15/05/16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details Enw Cyntaf / First name


Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2

Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Coleg Gwent Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Cymraeg i Oedolion | Welsh for Adults Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool Campus Heol Blaendar | Blaendare Road Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool NP4 5YE

01495 333710

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (11/05/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (11/05/16)

Ysgol Undydd

Day School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hwylus. Croeso i bawb! An opportunity to practise your Welsh in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All levels welcome! *Please contact the Centre for further information on levels

Power Station Cwmbrân 21.05.16 Ble Where

Y Pŵerdy / The Power Station Blenheim Road, St. Dials, Cwmbrân, NP44 4SY

Amser Time 9.15am—3.45pm

Pris Price £15.00

Lessons, tea and coffee included in the price. No concessions available.

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01633 647647

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Undydd Cwmbrân 21/05/16 Manylion Personol / Personal Details


Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth / Class Level

Mynediad 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2 / Sylfaen 1

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn / What support is needed?

Sylfaen 2

Canolradd / Pontio

Uwch 1,2, 3

Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, tea and coffee are included in the price You must bring your own lunch. No concessions available .

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Torfaen CBC Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Debit / credit card payments can be made over the phone.

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib i: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Y Pwerdy | The Power Station Heol Blenheim Road St Dials Cwmbrân NP44 4SY

01633 647647

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (13/05/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date ((13/05/16)

Cwrs Weekend Course Penwythnos Welsh residential course at Lampeter, Ceredigion

Pryd | When?

Gorffennaf 1-3 July 2016

Ble | Where?

Dewch i ymlacio, siarad, torheulo yn Gymraeg! Dyma’r trît ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn! Pob level - ond dechreuwyr pur Come and relax, sunbathe and practise your Welsh! This is our end of term treat! Enjoy yourself! Every level - Not suitable for complete beginners

Llambed, Ceredigion

Pris | Price?

£110.00 (£55 for exam candidates) (non refundable)

Resident - includes en-suite single / double rooms, breakfast, coffee, lunch, tea and supper during the weekend, all group activities, and all classes! Non-resident - £27.50- includes everything except meals and accommodation.

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710 24 hour answer message services available.

Cwrs Penwythnos | Weekend Residential Course Llambed / Lampeter (1-3.07.16) Cwrs Manylion Personol | Personal Details Enw Cyntaf | First name

Teitl | Title Cyfenw | Surname Cyfeiriad | Address

Côd Post | Postcode Ffôn | Tel Ebost | Email A oes gennych unrhyw ana ble ddau neu ana wsterau | Do you have a ny learning difficulties or disabilities?

Pa gymorth hoffech chi dderbyn What support is neede d?

Oes / Yes Nac Oes / No

Llysieuwr - Anghenion Deietegol Vegetarian - Dietary Requirements Lefel Dobarth Class Level


Rhowch gylch/ please circle





Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr | Signed by Learner:

Canolradd / Pontio




Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd



Llysieuwr / Vegetarian

Amgaef | I enclose


£110 | £55 | £27.50

Nac Ydw/No

Sieciau’n daladwy i | Cheques payable to:

Coleg Gwent

Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque.

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card.

Anfonwch eich tal a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted a phosbl i| Send your fee and the application form to:

Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl, NP4 5YE

PWYSIG | IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ol y dyddiad cau (24.06.16) - oherwydd yr arlwyaeth. No application will be accepted after the closing date 24.06.16) - because of the catering arrangements

Ysgol Haf2016 Summer School

Cyfle i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg gyda 30 awr o ddysgu dros 5 diwrnod. The weekend school gives you 30 hours of lessons over 5 days! Classes are informal, giving you time to revise patterns learned in class.

Pryd | When? July 25-29 Gorffennaf 2016 Ble / Where?

Campws Pont-y-pŵl Coleg Gwent Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl NP4 5YE

Pris / Price

£50:00 for the week Lessons, lunch and refreshments included (non refundable or transferable)

Archebwch nawr | Book now!

01495 333710

24 hour answer message service available

Numbers limited due to room sizes. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Ysgol Haf—25-29 Gorffennaf | July 2016 Manylion Personol / Personal Details Teitl/Title

Enw Cyntaf / First name

Cyfenw / Surname

Cyfeiriad / Address

Côd Post / Postcode Ffôn / Tel Ebost / Email A oes gennych unrhyw anableddau neu anawsterau Do you have any learning difficulties or disabilities ?

Lefel Dosbarth

Absolute Beginners

Class Level

Mynediad 1

Oes / Yes

Pa gymorth hoffec h chi dderbyn /

Nac Oes / No

Mynediad 2

What support is needed?

Sylfaen 1

Rhowch gylch / please circle

Pwysig / Important! Lessons, buffet lunch, tea and coffee are included in the price No concessions available.

Sylfaen 2


Uwch 1,2, 3


Uwch 4 ac Hyfedredd

Llysieuwr / Vegetarian Ydw/Yes Nac Ydw/No

Sieciau’n daladwy i / Cheques payable to:

Coleg Gwent Please write your name, address, cheque guarantee card number and expiry date on the back of the cheque

Payments can be made over the phone by debit or credit card

Arwyddwyd gan y Myfyriwr / Signed by Learner: Anfonwch eich tâl a’ch ffurflen gais cyn gynted â phosib at: Send your fee and the application form as soon as possible to:

Cymraeg i Oedolion | Welsh for Adults Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool Campus Heol Blaendar | Blaendare Road Pont-y-pŵl | Pontypool NP4 5YE

01495 333710

PWYSIG / IMPORTANT! Ni fydd unrhyw gais yn cael ei dderbyn ar ôl y dyddiad cau (20/07/16) No application will be accepted after the closing date (20/07/16)

Wetherspoons Abertyleri -Tredegar - Glyn Ebwy Unwaith y mis | once a month 10:00 - 12:00

Sadyrnau Siarad

yn eu tro | in turn Brynmawr Learning Action Centre Dydd Mercher 13:00 - 14:00

Clwb Darllen + Adolygu Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd

Abertyleri Learning Action Centre Wetherspoons (sesiwn olaf y mis | last session of the month) Nos Iau 17:30 - 19:30

Clwb Clonc

Glyn Ebwy Learning Action Centre Ebbw Vale Dydd Gwener 10:00-11:00

Bore Coffi

Blaenau Gwent

Ymarfer | Practise

Clwb Clonc

The Castle Inn, Casgwent Dydd Iau (unwaith y mis | once a month) 20:00 - 21:00

Clwb Gwerin

The Castle Inn, Casgwent Dydd Iau (unwaith y mis | once a month), 19:00 - 20:00

Gilwern Community Education Centre Nos Iau, 19:00 - 20:00

Clwb Darllen

Llyfrgell Y Fenni / Abergavenny Library Nos Iau, 17:45 - 18:45

Clwb Darllen

Gilwern Community Education Centre Dydd Llun, 10:00 - 11:00

Clwb Clonc

Rhaglan Baptist Church Dydd Gwener, 09:30 - 11:30

Clwb Darllen a Thrafod

Sir Fynwy

19:00 - 20:30

Clwb Rygbi Penallta Rugby Club Ystrad Mynach

01.10.15 / 05.11.15 / 03.12.15

Cymdeithas hanes i ddysgwyr History Society for learners

Hanes CwmNi

The Castle Inn, Pontywaun Dydd Mercher 18:00 - 19:30

Clwb Clonc

Sefydliad Crymlyn | Crumlin Institute Dydd Iau 11:00 - 12:00

Bore Coffi

Tŷ Rhydychen | Oxford House Rhisga Nos Iau 17:45 - 18:45

Clwb Clonc

Clwb Clonc

Caerffili Pontypŵl Dydd Iau 19:00 - 20:00

Côr y Dysgwyr

Llyfrgell Ganolog Casnewydd Newport Central Library Dydd Mercher 10:30 - 11:30

Clwb Clonc

Clwb Darllen

Llyfrgell Ganolog Casnewydd Newport Central Library Dydd Mercher 09:30 - 10:30

Casnewydd Cwtsh, Stow Hill Dydd Sadwrn 10:00 - 12:00

Siop a Siarad

Croesyceiliog Community Education Centre Nos Lun (bob yn ail wythnos | every other week) 17:45 - 18:45

Clwb Clonc

The Settlement, Pontypŵl Dydd Iau 12:00 - 13:30


Ymarfer | Practise

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