Llyfryn D 2013-2014

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Pwrpas y llyfryn hwn yw rhoi help llaw i chi gyda dysgu Cymraeg. The purpose of this booklet is to give you a helping hand with your Welsh learning. Mwya’ yn y byd, gorau yn y byd yw hi wrth ddysgu iaith. Dyw’r oriau yn y dosbarth ond y dechrau, ac yma mae llawer o syniadau sut i gael mwy o Gymraeg yn eich bywyd; cyrsiau undydd, penwythnos, ysgolion haf, cymdeithasu, gwefannau cylchgronau, S4C, Radio Cymru - mae’r byd Cymraeg yma i chi. The more you can the better you’ll be is the secret of learning a language. The hours in class are only the beginning, and here you’ll find plenty of ideas to increase your contact with Welsh: extra courses, informal learning activities, websites, Radio Cymru, S4C, books for learners....... read on!

Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent Gyda dros 3,000 o ddysgwyr, y Ganolfan yma sy’n gyfrifol am holl gyrsiau dysgu Cymraeg yng Ngwent. Dyn ni’n gyfeillgar, yn brofiadol ac yma i chi! Geraint Wilson- Price yw Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan . Rhif ffôn ein swyddfa ym Mhont-y-pŵl yw 01495 333710, a’r e-bost yw welsh@coleggwent.ac.uk. Edrychwch ar ein gwefan www.learnwelsh.org.uk am fwy o wybodaeth.

Your regional Welsh for Adults Centre (Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent) has over 3,000 learners and is responsible for all Welsh classes throughout the five Unitary Authorities. We are experienced, friendly, and here to help you learn Welsh! Geraint Wilson-Price is the Director of the Centre. Based in Pontypool, our phone number is 01495 333710 or email us on welsh@coleggwent.ac.uk. Have a look at our website for more information www.learnwelsh.org.uk.

  Os yn absennol oherwydd salwch neu wyliau, gadewch i’ch tiwtor wybod cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Yn achos absenoldeb annisgwyl, bydd eich tiwtor yn cysylltu â chi. Mae colli 4 gwers heb ymddiheuriad yn golygu colli’ch lle ar y cwrs.  Sesiynau Adolygu - Ansicr o rywbeth? Wedi colli gwers neu wersi? Peidiwch â rhoi'r gorau. Gofynnwch am sesiwn adolygu - am ddim! Manylion oddi wrth eich Cyd-lynwyr Rhanbarthol neu Swyddog Dysgu Anffurfiol.

    Mae’r Ganolfan yn trefnu cyrsiau undydd a phenwythnosau rheolaidd. Dyma ffordd wych i helpu’ch dysgu. Bydd eich tiwtor yn rhoi taflen i chi ar ddechrau’r cwrs ac yn eich hatgoffa am y cyrsiau hyn; maent yn boblogaidd iawn! Mae hefyd cyrsiau wythnos - sef yr Ysgolion Haf. Cyfle gwych i wella’ch Cymraeg a chwrdd â dysgwyr eraill ar bob lefel!

  If you are absent due to illness or holidays , please let your tutor know as soon as possible. If you are inadvertently absent, your tutor will contact you with details of what you missed that session. Four absences without reason will lead to your withdrawal from the course.  Revision Sessions - Missed a session (or two)? Unsure of something? Don’t despair- help is here! Ask for a free catch up session to get you back on track. Details from your Regional Co-Ordinator or Informal Learning Officer.

    The Centre organises extra sessions – Saturday schools and Weekend courses - on a regular basis. Your tutor will give you details and remind you of these – they are very popular, so book early! There are also intensive week long courses - the famous Summer Schools! Do come along - they are an excellent opportunity for you to improve and practise your Welsh and make new friends by meeting with fellow Welsh learners of all levels.

Mae dysgu Cymraeg yn daith, dyma’r map Learning Welsh is a journey, with two main pathways LLWYBR DILYNIANT: O ddechreuwyr pur at ruglder / PROGRESSION ROUTE: From beginners to fluency

It is possible to change track when proceeding to the next level. Gellir newid llwybr wrth symud i’r safon nesaf. Fel arfer mae’r llwybrau’n dod at ei gilydd ar gyfer lefelau Uwch

The WJEC provides 5 qualifications specifically aimed at adults who are learning Welsh. The name of this series of qualifications is ‘Defnyddio’r Gymraeg’ or ‘The Use of Welsh’. Candidates are given the opportunity to show their ability in four skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, on five levels. Dyddiad Arholiad / Exam Date Dyddiad Cau / Closing Date Rhagfyr 2 December 2013 Chwefror 17 February 2014 Chwefror 17 February 2014

Chwefror 17 February 2014

Chwefror 17 February 2014

Chwefror 17 February 2014

Bydd eich tiwtoriaid yn eich paratoi yn dda ar gyfer yr arholiadau yn eich dosbarthiadau wythnosol o nawr tan fis Mai/Mehefin. Ond cofiwch hefyd am ein cyrsiau adolygu. Bydd y rhain yn canolbwyntio ar adolygu wrth gwrs ond hefyd yn rhoi syniadau ac awgrymiadau (hints and tips) ar sut i basio’r arholiad. Yn ogystal â’r cyrsiau penwythnos adolygu arferol eleni bydd Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent yn cynnig cymorth ychwanegol i ddysgwyr Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd ac Uwch. Bydd cyrsiau wythnosol ar gael ym mis Mai - 3 awr yr wythnos am 4 wythnos er mwyn eich paratoi chi ar gyfer yr arholiadau!

Your tutor will prepare you for the exams in your weekly classes from now until May/June. But remember we have revision courses too. These will concentrate on hints and tips to pass the exams, as well as general revision. In addition, the Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre will also provide extra support for Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd and Uwch learners . We will be holding weekly courses in May 3 hours a week for 4 weeks, again to prepare you for the exam. Therefore with this extra practise go ahead Welsh for Adults and sit these exams!

Mae’n bwysig iawn ymarfer eich Cymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth, ond sut? Mae’r Ganolfan yn trefnu lleoliadau i ddysgwyr gwrdd â siaradwyr Cymraeg i sgwrsio, chwarae gemau a chymdeithasu. Mae ‘na un yn agos i chi! Siaradwch â’r Swyddog E-ddysgu a Dysgu Anffurfiol. Bydd eich tiwtor yn rhoi manylion i chi. Manteisiwch ar y cyfle! It’s very important that you practise your Welsh outside the class, but how? The Gwent WfA Centre holds regular informal learning activities, where you can meet with fellow learners and Welsh speakers in a social environment to chat, play games, and use your Welsh naturally. There’s something on near to you! Contact the E -learning and Informal Learning Officer.

Dyma blatfform e-ddysgu Cymraeg i Oedolion Coleg Gwent, ond mae’r Bont yn cynnwys llawer mwy ‘na hyn! Nid jyst adnoddau gwerthfawr i chi fel dysgwyr i ddysgu Cymraeg sydd yma yn unig. Bydd y newyddion diweddaraf a’r wybodaeth bwysig am yr holl ddigwyddiadau yn eich ardal chi yn cael eu diweddaru yn rheolaidd. Mae calendr Y Bont yn ffordd hawdd i chi ddilyn y digwyddiadau cyffrous y mae Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent yn cynnig, o ‘Goffi a Chlonc’ i Glybiau Darllen, o sesiynau ‘Sadwrn Siarad’ i dripiau cyffrous! Mae’r Bont hefyd yn gyfle i NI glywed gennych CHI! Mae llais y dysgwr yn bwysig i ni, ac mae’r Bont yn gyfle gwych i chi awgrymu digwyddiadau yr hoffech chi weld yn digwydd. Cofiwch hefyd ddilyn ein tudalen Weplyfr a’n cyfrif Trydar. This is the Gwent Welsh for Adults e-learning platform, However the Bont includes much more than this! It doesn’t just include valuable sources for you, the learner, to learn Welsh. The latest news and useful information about all the events in your area will be updated regularly. The calendar on the Bont is an easy way for you to keep up-to-date with the exciting events that Gwent Welsh for Adults offers, from ‘Coffee and Chat’ to Reading Clubs, from ‘Saturday Chat’ to exciting trips! The Bont is also a way for US to hear from YOU! Learner’s voice is very important to us, and the Bont is an excellent opportunity for you to suggest events you’d like to see happen. Also, don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Twitter pages. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â / For further information contact Gethin Môn Rowlands Gethin Môn Rowlands Swyddog E-Ddysgu a Dysgu Anffurfiol / E-learning and Informal Learning Officer. Tel: 01495 333179 E: gethin.rowlands@coleggwent.ac.uk

Cliciwch ar ‘Mewngofnodi’ ar dop ochr dde y dudalen Click on the ‘Login’ button on the top right hand corner of the page

Cliciwch ar Click on

Llenwch y bylchau gyda’r wybodaeth berthnasol Fill in the blocks with the appropriate information

Fe gewch ebost i chi gwblhau’r broses gofrestru, a rhaid dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau hynny [edrychwch yn eich ffolder ‘Junk’, rhag ofn] You will then receive an e-mail for you to complete your registration, and you will need to follow those instructions [check your ‘Junk’ mail just in case]

Nawr rydych yn barod i fewngofnodi i’r Bont a defnyddio adnoddau ar lein, fforymau, cwisiau a llawer mwy! You are now ready to login to the Bont and use online resources, the forums, quizzes and lots more!

Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent Gwent Welsh for Adults

Mae eich barn chi yn bwysig iawn i Ganolfan CiO Gwent. Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni unrhywbryd. Ym mis Medi bydd eich tiwtor yn gofyn i chi ethol cynrychiolwyr dosbarth. Anfonir manylion cyswllt at y Rheolwr Ansawdd. Bydd hi’n cysylltu â’r cynrychiolwyr ac anfon Ffurflen Llais y Dysgwyr atynt. Bydd rhaid i’r cynrychiolwyr lenwi hon ar ôl iddyn nhw holi barn eu cyd-ddysgwyr ynglŷn â sut i wella ein darpariaeth. Bydd y cynrychiolwyr yn gallu anfon awgrymiadau i mewn unrhywbryd. Trafodir yr awgrymiadau i gyd gan reolwyr y Ganolfan cyn iddyn nhw gael eu gweithredu. Anfonir adborth yn ôl i’r cynrychiolwyr. Gosodir detholiad ohonyn nhw ar wefan y Ganolfan. Gwahoddir dysgwyr i gymryd rhan mewn Fforwm Dysgwyr blynyddol sy’n cael ei drefnu gan Addysg Gymunedol. Gofynnir iddynt lenwi holiaduron ar ddetholiad o’n hysgolion undydd a phenwythnosau ar ôl iddyn nhw eu mynychu. Derbynnir holiaduron diwedd cwrs gan ein dysgwyr i gyd er mwyn gwneud sylw ar eu profiadau dysgu. Dyn ni o ddifri eisiau clywed eich sylwadau. Your opinions are important to the Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre. We want you to enjoy and benefit from your learning, and you are welcome to contact us at any time. In September your tutor will ask you to elect a Learner Representative, whose contact details will be forwarded to the Quality Manager. She will contact the Learner Representative and forward Form B for completion after the Representative has canvassed the views of fellow learners on how our provision can be improved. The Representative can send in suggestions on Form B at any time. All suggestionsa will be discussed by centre management, actioned wherever possible and feedback given. A selection of issues will be posted on the Centre’s website. Learners will be invited to participate in an annual Learners’ Forum convened by Community Education. At the end of courses learners will receive a questionnaire asking for comments on their learning experience. They will also be asked to complete questionnaires on a sample of our day and weekend schools. We really want your comments , good or bad!

Mae pob dysgwr yn unigryw. Trwy lenwi’r Daith Iaith gyda’ch tiwtor dych chi’n gallu llywio eich dysgu er mwyn cael y gorau i chi yn bersonol. Cymerwch fantais o’r cynnig yma i gael mewnbwn i’r cwrs, ac i siartio eich cynnydd yn rheolaidd. Every learner is unique. By taking the time to fill in Y Daith Iaith with your tutor you can be sure that your learning is relevant to your personal needs and that you play a role in the planning of your lessons. Take advantage of this chance to input into the course, and to chart your progress regularly against your agreed targets.

Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Gwent Coleg Gwent Campws Pont-y-pŵl Heol Blaendâr Pont-y-pŵl NP4 5YE welsh@coleggwent.ac.uk Or visit www.learnwelsh.org.uk to fill in a form on-line

Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre Coleg Gwent Pontypool Campus Blaendare Road Pontypool NP4 5YE welsh@coleggwent.ac.uk

Health and Safety All Gwent Welsh for Adults students, whilst studying on one of Coleg Gwent’s courses, are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. Note in particular the following: • let the tutor know if you decide you need to leave the lesson earlier than when the lesson normally ends • let the tutor know if you are ill or if you are unable to attend the lesson • let the tutor know of any accidents which occur in a lesson or on an informal learning activity • when attending informal learning activities, you must arrange a safe way to arrive at the location and return home. Smoking is not permitted in any location. All accidents must be reported immediately to tutors and accident forms must be completed. Fire action notices Fire action notices are clearly displayed throughout all college buildings. These will provide you with details on your nearest fire escape route and assembly point. Make sure you know: • Where your nearest fire evacuation point is  How to raise the alarm  Where to assemble  Where the designated refuge area is (for people who use wheelchairs or need help)  Do you need a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) Accident reporting If accidents are reported they can be investigated. Action can then be taken to prevent a similar accident happening again in the future. First Aid If you need First Aid treatment, speak to the tutor taking your class. If you are not in class when the incident occurs, contact the Centre

Health and Safety All Gwent Welsh for Adults students, whilst studying on one of Coleg Gwent’s courses, are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. Note in particular the following: • let the tutor know if you decide you need to leave the lesson earlier than when the lesson normally ends

Dyddiad / Date

Cwrs / Course

Lleoliad / Location

Tel No

Tachwedd 16 – 17 November

Penwythnos / Weekend

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Ionawr 18 – 19 January

Penwythnos / Weekend

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Mawrth 22 – 23 March

Penwythnos / Weekend

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Mai 17 – 18 May

Penwythnos / Weekend

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Mehefin 27 - 29 June

Penwythnos / Weekend

Llambed / Lampeter

01495 333710

Gorffennaf 7 – 11 July

Ysgol Haf / Summer School

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Gorffennaf 28 – 1 Awst / July 28 – Aug 1

Ysgol Haf / Summer School

Coleg Gwent, Campws Pontypŵl

01495 333710

Dyddiad / Date

Lleoliad / Location

Tel No

Hydref 5 October

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

02920 852537

Hydref 19 October

Abertillery Learning Action Centre

01495 355895

Tachwedd 30 November

Caldicot Leisure Centre

01291 426852

Rhagfyr 14 December

Newport - Venue TBC

01633 656656

Ionawr 25 January

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

01633 612245

Chwefror 15 February

The Power Station, Cwmbrân

01633 647647

Mawrth 8 March

Monmouth Leisure Centre

01600 712822

Ebrill 5 April

Ebbw Vale Learning Action Centre

01495 303544

Mai 3 May

The Power Station, Cwmbrân

01633 647647

Mehefin 7 June

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni

01495 227113

Mehefin 21 June

Abergavenny Leisure Centre

01873 851554

Gorffennaf 12 July

Newport - Venue TBC

01633 656656

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