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CREATIVITY Creativity is the basis of self-expression. Why are some people supposedly more creative than others, and why can’t others open themselves up enough to be able to express who they are? Creation is the birth of something, and something cannot come from nothing. When someone creates something: a painting, a poem, a photograph, the creativity comes from an idea, from a feeling, from emotion, or from a combination of ideas, feelings and emotions that are somehow ‘reborn’ from all our experiences and perspectives. Creativity is the desire to express ourselves. To formulate these expressions, we have to draw from our reservoir of experience, dreams, desires and experimentation and mix together what was, what is, and what could be… I don’t think you can learn it, it is rather something that evolves. Your perception of everything in your life fills up this reservoir. Some people are drawn to create and express themselves, others are drawn to reflect, to analyze. But in the end, they all could be creative if they had the desire to explore the way in which they are integrated in the world of their experiences. Because creativity is really a rebirth, a true tone we feel for ourselves and for our world. Then our work becomes a real part of who we are. Maybe all this is a question of how deep we are willing to go… by Peter Lindbergh with Lily, New York, June 1996

ADLS111 paper 102 x 156cm

ADLS110 paper 70x100cm

ADLS101 paper 102x78,5cm

ADLS101 paper 102x78,5cm

ADLS102 paper 102x78,5cm

ADLS103 (Pilot Blu - 70 x 100 cm)

ADLS105 (Pilot Blu)- 100x140cm

Un paesaggio che vuole mettere a confronto il movimento del mare e quello della cittĂ . Il movimento delle onde del mare e quello del fumo di una industria ipotetica.

É la danza del paesaggio che si contorce, si muove in un ritmo imparabile di relazioni tra figure e grafica. La rappresentazione é libera e fantastica solo mossa dal momento e dalla mancanza di una idea iniziale compositiva. Ogni elemento si posiziona nel momento stesso dell’esecuzione solo guidato dall’attimo del ricordo. Tutto si trasforma in un gioco dove il dettaglio può essere visto come un disegno a se stante o unito a un altro , poi a un altro e cosí via come fosse la rappresentazione di un racconto.

ADLS104 (Pilot Black)- 100x140cm

Kelly Slater

Una piccola pausa per un omaggio

“ BOWIE TRIBUTE” Expo per i 65 anni di David Bowie

SPACE ODDITY (David Bowie) Ground Control to Major Tom Ground Control to Major Tom Take your protein pills and put your helmet on Ground Control to Major Tom Commencing countdown, engines on Check ignition and may God’s love be with you (spoken) Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff

For here Am I sitting in a tin can Far above the world Planet Earth is blue And there’s nothing I can do Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles I’m feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go Tell my wife I love her very much she knows Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you....

This is Ground Control to Major Tom You’ve really made the grade And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear Now it’s time to leave the capsule Here am I floating if you dare round my tin can This is Major Tom to Ground Control Far above the Moon Planet Earth is blue I’m stepping through the door And there’s nothing I can do. And I’m floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today

ADLS106 - paper 100 x 70 cm

ADLS112 - paper 70 x 100 cm

ADLS113 - paper 70 x 100 cm

ADLS114 - paper 100 x 140 cm


CERCHIO - paper 100 x 140 cm

QUADRATO - paper 100 x 140 cm

TRIANGOLO - paper 100 x 140 cm

Bozzetto 1 (carta paglia)- 37x27cm

Bozzetto 2 (carta paglia)- 37x27cm

Bozzetto 3 (carta paglia)- 37x27cm

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