d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Kim Roxie
Creative Director, LAMIK Beauty ics boasting problem-solving products and Vegan-friendly makeup brushes. The makeup line is mostly packaged in post recycled paper components and manufactured in the USA. LAMIK is an acronym that stands for Love And Makeup In Kindness. LAMIK became a part of the Safe Cosmetics Campaign in 2005, because Roxie strives to create cosmetics that don’t sacrifice health or beauty. Her extensive cosmetic background qualifies her to be a chemist, and her beauty expertise puts her in the light of being a “Doctor of Makeup,” bringing healing to the world! The LAMIK mantra is “Beauty is revealed, not applied.”
im Roxie’s passion for what she does is evident through her explanation: “I love enhancing women’s beauty by helping to build their self-esteem, making them feel good, and giving them more than what they expected in terms of revealing their natural beauty.” LAMIK Beauty offers women environmentally friendly makeup manufactured in the heart of the Lone Star State. “You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your health for beauty!” is a message Roxie expounds upon when referring to LAMIK being paraben-free; a chemical found in most makeup products and has been linked to cancer.
Becoming a community partner with the City of Houston Bureau of HIV/AIDS, Roxie designed a lip gloss called Status Red to encourage women and girls to know their status. Part of the proceeds from munity, we are committed to being innoThe Status Red Lip Gloss goes to the City vative and altering beauty to Go Green!” of Houston Bureau of HIV AIDS, furtherThe opportunities presented to LA- ing LAMIK’s mission of keeping women MIK Beauty for going Green have been and girls healthy. priceless. Houston Mayor Annise Parker Roxie has a Bachelor of Arts in Public Renamed June 23rd Kim Roxie Day in honlations from Clark Atlanta University. She or of Kim Roxie empowering the Houston is a licensed esthetician. Her calling into economy by launching the LAMIK line the beauty industry was more of a minisinto Macy’s stores in Texas, making Roxie try than a career – she wanted to break the youngest African-American woman to the often artificial and plastic stereotypes launch a full cosmetic line inside a major that often influence self-esteem issues. department store! LAMIK Beauty Cosmetics can be found Roxie was also selected and completed at the world-famous LAMIK Beauty flagthe Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Busiship store. LAMIK has been featured in nesses Program, an investment to help EBONY, Essence and Black Enterprise small businesses create jobs and ecoMagazine. nomic opportunity by providing greater access to business education, financial capital, and business support services. Roxie is also a Board Member for the Career & Recovery Resource Center.
Roxie has been honored along with Green Advocate Honoree Mayor Annise Parker at the Texas Black Expo Economic, Empowerment and Enterprise Summit as the 2012 Greenpreneur Honoree for the Roxie’s heart for women and dedication company’s Green practices. to their health through makeup and in“The Green effort is a part of my genera- novation has prompted LAMIK to become tion,” Roxie says. “As a business, we are the world’s #1 Eco-Chic Makeup line selling Green first; as a leader in the com- consisting of a full range of color cosmet98
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston 2016
Kim Roxie Creative Director LAMIK Beauty 2610 Greenbriar Houston, TX 77098 www.lamik-beauty.com