d-mars.com Business Journal 100

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Business Journal Inspire, Inform & Educate

December 2015


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Creating Change in Your Community

3 Steps to Raising Capital for Your Startup in Less than 90 Days By Cynthia Nevels There are new vitamin supplements, frozen and fresh health foods, and health products launched every day. PAGE 6

Be Deliberate, Be Bold, and Be Gone! By Noel Pinnock In 1766, the world was introduced to the word “rec-i-proc-i-ty.”


Sharone Mayberry Is the King of Real Estate


By d-mars.com News Provider

Life Insurance Can Mean More Than Protection for Your Loved Ones By d-mars.com News Provider Most people who own life insurance don’t think about it often. PAGE 20


Picking Next Year's Work Benefits? Check to See if These 4 Innovative Offerings Are on the Table

By d-mars.com News Provider


Sell Your Home This Winter, Reduce Competition, Stress

Not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. — Oprah Winfrey

December 2015  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.




SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black



Creating Change in Your Community is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Business Journal. Hopefully this year you have accomplished all of your goals, and next year make even bigger goals to get you on the path to success. Being an entrepreneur, I know that it’s important to make goals, but I also know that it is important to use your talents to create change in your community. It’s important to give back to the community that supported you. I know for a fact that without the community, d-mars.com would not be where it is today. The cover story for this issue is on Sharone Mayberry, Founder and CEO of Mayberry Homes, Inc. Not only is Sharone a highly acclaimed and well-respected home builder, but he is paying it forward to the community. Yes, there was adversity, but he didn’t give up, and Mayberry Homes is turning the dream of owning a home into a reality for countless Houstonians. This article and other articles in this journal will inspire you. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.


PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines



DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cynthia Nevels Noel Pinnock d-mars.com News Provider

Mayberry Homes, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................................................4-5 3-Steps to Raising Capital for Your Startup in Less than 90 Days..................................................................................................... 6 Be Deliberate, Be Bold, and Be Gone!........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Ways for Women to Win in the Business World......................................................................................................................................10 Big Data Roles Are in Big Demand...............................................................................................................................................................10 Are You Succeeding as a Minority Business Owner?............................................................................................................................. 12 Is Financial Fear Making It Difficult for You to Give?.............................................................................................................................16 Life Insurance Can Mean More Than Protection for Your Loved Ones.............................................................................................20 Mobile Banking................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Picking Next Year’s Work Benefits?...........................................................................................................................................................26 Sell Your Home This Winter, Reduce Competition, Stress...................................................................................................................28 Take the Stress out of Money Issues by Talking about Them...........................................................................................................28 Think You’re Too Young for Retirement Planning? Think Again.........................................................................................................29 Making Last Minute Tax Adjustments for 2015 Could Save You Money...........................................................................................29

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Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

4  December 2015

Revitalizing the Heart of Houston,

One Home at a Time By Dawn Paul


Associate Editor

o you want to be a homeowner, but think it’s unattainable? Sharone Mayberry is Founder and CEO of Mayberry Homes, Inc. (Mayberry Homes), and through his company, he has made homeownership possible for many in our city who thought it was only a dream. Turning the dream of homeownership into a reality is Sharone’s passion and purpose, as one of the premier home builders in the area. Catering to a broad clientele, there is no client expectation too small or too large for this highly acclaimed and well-respected home builder. Sharone has helped to remove the stigma associated with inner-city living. He is truly viewed as a pillar in the community who has a true sense of connection with the people he serves. Sharone understands and has a love for Houston and its Third Ward community, where he was born, raised and continues to live. Yes, he had humble beginnings, however, his mother set the example of where you start is not where you have to finish. Raised by a single mother, he saw her work as a custodian at the University of Houston, to working her way to being a success in the insurance industry. Sharone says, “I remember growing up, we stayed in a tri-

plex and then moved into a two bedroom apartment. My mother worked two jobs, and with hard work and determination, she purchased her first home. I learned that hard work pays off, and the pride I saw on my mother’s face is the same pride I see on a client’s face when their dream of homeownership becomes a reality through Mayberry Homes.”

The History of Mayberry Inc. Homes, Inc. The History Homes, of Mayberry Sharone began his career as a homebuilder twenty-two years ago in the Third Ward community. His mother credits his

love for building to her father, who was a carpenter by trade. So his mother just may be right about the building bug being in his blood. Not wanting to forget history, the home he grew up in is still standing and owned by his mother, while having built and relocated her to her current dream home. This proves that Sharone’s genuine love for the Houston community runs deep. As Founder and CEO of Mayberry Homes, Sharone has seen great success in this industry, but it wasn’t always easy. He knew he had to first learn the homebuilding business before entering into this industry. Sharone did small jobs, starting at

the bottom to learn the real estate business. When he started Mayberry Homes, he had a little over $5,000, with an abundance of determination. He remembers starting out in a small corner of his home with a oneline phone and fax machine. “It was ‘we’ -- God and I. That’s how I made it, by the grace of God. I had no idea that we would be where we are today. I thank God every day,” Sharone says. He has brought Mayberry Homes a long way, now employing a full staff, building over 40 homes a year, working out of a 4,500 square foot building, with plans for a new 7,000 square foot office set to begin construction in 2016. Sharone adds, “Mistakes were made, but fortunately not to our detriment. There is a learning curve each day. There were shortfalls and adversity, but we didn’t let it stop us. That’s life. One must have the mindset to want to overcome and keep pressing.” The current success of Mayberry Homes is an example of what a positive mindset and tenacity can achieve.

TheMission Missionof ofMayberry Homes, The Mayberry Homes, Inc. Inc. Mayberry Homes has been committed to revitalizing the heart of Houston, one home at a time. Mayberry Homes focuses on making home ownership a reality for all individuals by providing quality

CONTINUED on page 5

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  5

Our clients appreciate a well-built home and how we go above and beyond. Stories like this give confirmation that we are doing the right thing when it comes to building a quality home.”

CONTINUED from page 4 new homes at an exceptional value to their clients. Their goal is to reach out to low and moderate income families in the community. Mayberry Homes has a broad clientele, including low and moderate income families in Houston’s surrounding communities and the middle to upper class in the Greater Houston area. They share in the City of Houston’s effort to remove blight in the neighborhoods. They provide quality homes based on the client’s vision and their expertise. Mayberry Homes prides itself on conceptualizing any dream home, and they have successfully built over three hundred homes, ranging from $150,000 to over $1 million. Sharone and the Mayberry Homes' staff ensure that the client has the home of their dreams. Working one-on-one throughout the process is what sets Mayberry Homes apart from the competition. Homebuilding can pull you in several different directions, but that doesn’t stop Sharone from meeting with clients. He makes time in his schedule to give that client the much needed attention and assurance that Mayberry Homes has their best interest at heart. His staff has the same compassionate mindset when it comes to the client as well, and they are very well-versed in homebuilding and the Mayberry Homes’ philosophy and mission. Whether a client meets with Sharone or his staff, they are sure to be getting the best. Many have chosen a homebuilder that is less than the best, and being that Mayberry Homes is at the top of the list in the homebuilding industry, their expertise when it comes to building a new home is well-respected. Sharone advises, “Get to know the builder, and know what they are capable of. Take a look at their work, and see what they have done. Shop them. Talk with as many references as you can, including financial institutions. Do your due diligence.” Of course for many, Mayberry Homes is the best choice when it comes to building a quality home. Clients rave about their experience with Mayberry Homes.

Mayberry MayberryHomes Homes Inc. Inc. Receives Receives Recognition Recognition

“I have only one thing to say to you and your team...BRAVO! You offer quality and elegance at reasonable prices. This is also matched by the unsurpassed level of customer service you give. Beyond this, the best compliment I can give is to recommend Mayberry Homes to others, and I have done so many times. Cheers to you and your team! Thanks again Mr. Mayberry.”

— Lori D. Williams

“I purchased my first new home by Mayberry in December of last year. Although this was my first new home, my family members and friends had

all shared their experiences of buying new homes throughout the years. One of the most common complaints I heard was that once you bought the home it was difficult, if not impossible to have the builder come out and repair any problems. My experience with Mayberry has been totally different. They are absolutely the most responsive, helpful and courteous group of people I have ever dealt with. Not only is their level of customer service superior, I believe the quality of the home itself leaves other home builders in the dust. I had looked at countless new construction models in my quest to find a new home, and the custom touches found in the Mayberry home far exceeded any that I had visited. From the granite counter tops and the custom molding, to the energy saving extras, it was clear that Mayberry builds a beautiful, sturdy home. We have been in the home for six months now, and I am very happy with my decision to go with Mayberry. I highly recommend this builder to anyone looking for a quality home.”

Though Sharone has built Mayberry Homes out of passion, his hard work has not gone unnoticed. Last year, he was one of three recipients of the Unstoppable Leader Award from Houston Community College at their Black History Leadership Gala. In addition, because of his work to help improve the face of Houston’s surrounding areas, he was awarded a contract over $3 million dollars from the City of Houston to build affordable housing. He has also received commendations from Fannie Mae, Council Member Dwight Boykins, Former Council Members Ada Edwards and Wanda Adams, recognition from former Mayor Bill White and current Mayor Annise Parker, along with congressional recognitions from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congressman Al Green and State Senator Rodney Ellis, and a host of other notable elected officials, distinguished community leaders and prestigious banking institutions as a minority builder. He is also affiliated with MacGregor Area CDC, Re-Ward Third Ward, Guiding Light CDC, Holmes CDC, Avenue CDC and Dr. Esther Compton CDC, along with other community development corporations. Sharone is active with the Boys and Girls Club, the Greater Southeast Management District, the Houston Area Urban League and Mayberry Homes sponsors active little league football teams in the area. Sharone saw other African-Americans that came before him with whom he identified with. It gave him a great sense of pride to see them succeed, and he knew that he could as well. “I always vowed that if anyone ever asked me for my opinion on how to make it in this business, that I would gladly offer them information about my journey. Someone was an example for me, so I want to be an example for someone else,” says Sharone. After twenty two-years in business, Mayberry Homes shows no signs of slowing down. Mayberry Homes is opening doors for all individuals to have a custom and quality home, turning the dream of homeownership into a reality. For more information on Mayberry Homes, Inc., please visit www.mayberryhomes.net.

— Drew Steverson

Those are just some of the countless testimonials from the clients of Mayberry Homes. Sharone recalls a phone call from homeowner Brenda Williams, and says, “She called me about 6 years after moving into her home. She stated how astonished she was because she had never had an attic before. She found herself joyous over how nice the attic was. We get calls like this often. To each client, a home can mean something different.

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

6  December 2015

3 Steps to Raising Capital for Your Startup in Less than 90 Days


By Cynthia Nevels

Contributing Writer

here are new vitamin supplements, frozen and fresh health foods, and health products launched every day. If you are looking to make a lifestyle change, you know how challenging it is to keep up with what is on the market. It is even harder to find samples of these products to find out for yourself what works for your body and what doesn’t before you invest your hard-earned money. In 2012, Paul and Stephanie Jarrett had just finished running the San Francisco half marathon. They were given a bunch of different samples of healthy products. “It was fun to receive them,

but it got us thinking about how none of the companies were at the event gathering market data – and how difficult it must be for those companies supplying the samples to measure the return on their investment (ROI),” shares Paul. Stephanie Jarrett worked in the nutrition industry and knew how difficult it could be to determine the ROI of distributing samples. An idea sparked, and in 2012, they launched Bulu Box. Bulu Box is a fun and easy way for people to discover vitamins, nutrition or other health products. You just sign-up for a monthly or annual subscription, and Bulu Box will send you a box filled with different premium sample products based on your health needs. You share what you think about the products by completing online surveys and engaging in social media promotion. In exchange, you receive points that convert into cash, which you can then use to buy the fullsize version of the products you like. The company continues to

grow. Jarrett shared he grew up in a trailer park, and he didn’t have connections to the venture capital world. Yet, he and his wife learned to rely on friends, LinkedIn and Google to help them find the connections they needed. They utilized LivePlan to prepare their plan, LivePlan’s Scoreboard to monitor and manage their metrics and utilized the pitch tool to develop their pitch deck to use during their pitch to investors.

Tips for prepar-

ing yourself for your pitch to investors:

1. Move “EGO” Out of the Way – You will learn something you didn’t know each day if you allow yourself to be open and transparent with investors. 2.  Find a Mentor and Don’t Ask for Money – Learn to ask for business advice instead of money, it will help you increase your connections and allow investors the opportunity to get to know you and your business first. 3.  Make the Call – You do not have to be connected to venture or angel capitalists to make an initial connection, just hop on Google, create a list of targets that fit your industry and start making the calls to get a meeting. “We have found people want functional foods, foods that serve a purpose,” states Jarrett. We look forward to seeing how this company fairs in combining health, nutrition and purpose. To learn more about Bulu Box, please visit www.bulubox.com.

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  7

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

8  December 2015

Be Deliberate, Be Bold, and Be Gone! and on fire with possibility.”


By Noel Pinnock

Contributing Writer

n 1766, the world was introduced to the word “rec-i-proci-ty.” Reciprocity has known synonyms such as cooperation, exchange, mutuality, or interchange. The short definition can be summed up in two words, “giving back.” In this edition of d-mars.com, the emphasis has been placed on the essentials of giving back. I am a strong advocate of reciprocity and it is incumbent upon everyone to understand that there is true value in helping others and giving back. In fact, many of you who read this article are able to read because someone in your past (home, school, etc.) decided to reach out and help you. He or she took the time to teach the rudiments of discerning the alphabet, interpreting symbols, and reading for understanding and comprehension. It was not long before you mastered it and could understand the most complicated literature. Some of us decided that it was simply enough to learn the skill, while others

chose to pursue a career at helping others begin their reading journey. We refer to those individuals as "teachers." People oftentimes approach me after I give a speech or present a training session and ask me do I minister or preach at a church. I am always flattered; however, my typical response is two-fold and centered on the two types of ministers in the world, ministers by profession and influence. In either case, we are all ministers. Likewise, we are all teachers because we have an influence (positive or negative) on everyone we come into contact with on a moment-by-moment

basis. Susan Skog once wrote: “There’s a deep wave of grassroots giving back sweeping the country. A surge of people across all age groups is volunteering like never before. But giving back doesn’t mean that you don’t get anything in return. Helping others reach for a new day rejuvenates us in ways that another margarita-soaked vacation, more stuff, a fatter resume, or a supersized house can’t begin to. We want to feel useful. We want to find meaning. We want to feel this alive

Here are three simple ways you can give back from finding your true calling to boosting your overall sense of joy: 1.  Be Deliberate – Doing good is not serendipitous…is quite deliberate. If you want to give back, then just do it. Don’t ponder or question yourself. Suspend the bottom-line measure, and just do it. 2.  Be Bold – Some people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could, so reach out and help another person attain a career goal or objective. King Solomon once wrote, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17, New International Version). 3.  Be Gone – Once you deliver the measure of “good” hope and will, don’t stand around waiting to receive the Noble Peace Prize. Hit the road, move around, and do it again to someone else. We do not need a season to begin giving back. If you have the opportunity to get up in the morning, then that is reason enough, because when you do it unto the least of them, you are really doing it unto God...so, have fun giving back, because one day someone will give back to you! Author Noel Pinnock, B.S., M.P.A., C.A., CCC www.noelpinnock.com

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  9

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

10  December 2015

Ways for Women to Win in the Business World By d-mars.com News Provider


f you are a woman trying to break through the glass ceiling of the business world, you’re not alone. Although it’s true that there is more work to do for gender equality in the business world and boardroom, the number of fierce females at the top in business grows. You can focus on the negatives or you can focus on the positives. Yes, women can and are making their mark. The great news is that you can too. If you’re working toward achieving those business goals, keep going, and don’t quit. There is no time better than the present for women to be heard.

Huffingtonpost.com lists some ways for women to win in the business world: 1. Forget Being a Superwoman. One of the downfalls of many business and professional women is the "Superwoman Complex." Once you hang up the Superwoman cape and the Wonderwoman belt and recognize and accept this fact, your job will get a whole lot easier. Every successful person needs a dedicated support team or at the very least a wing man or woman. You don't have to do everything yourself! Trust your team to do the work, after all that's what you hired them to do. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, a great way to expand your staff is by engaging college students as interns. They can provide that extra help when you need it. Additionally, don't rule out fam-

Big Data Roles Are in Big Demand By d-mars.com News Provider


K, quick pop quiz — what career has been crowned “the sexiest job of the 21st Century?” Actor? Model? Professional athlete? Fashion designer? All are likely answers and all are wrong. Would you believe the answer is data scientist? You may have never heard of a data scientist, but that’s part of the reason the Harvard Business Review awarded it the title. As the world becomes more and more digital, the supply of trained professionals who understand data sci-

ily and friends. And do not wait until a project is in jeopardy or you are on the verge of being burned out. Remember that delegating empowers others and allows you to focus on the future. 2. Positive, Positive, Positive. A negative attitude will never yield positive results. Having a positive attitude helps you to succeed. Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage, inspire, support and motivate you. They will carry you through the tough days and cheer you up on days when you feel like giving up. 3.  Add Humor To Your Work. Research shows that laughter affects health,

creativity, relationships and the quality of life. Poke fun at yourself, not at others. When your day gets too high-stress, lighten up! Lightening up the workplace reduces conflicts and stress and builds teamwork and productivity. Not to mention it's great for morale. Converting your staff and customers from unhappy to happy is good for business. 4. Keep Up With Current Events And News. Staying informed about what is happening in the world and in your local community is critical to your personal and professional development. No matter what business you are in, current events have an impact on your

ence remains woefully far behind. The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000-190,000 people with analytical expertise, and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand and make decisions based on the analysis of big data. The demand for data scientists is so great, Intel’s Chief Data Scientist for Big Data Solutions, Bob Rogers, recently hosted a panel at NYU to discuss the opportunities awaiting new and current professionals in data science. “Data scientists are having an impact on industries all across the globe,” he says. “Wherever you want to work, you can get there with data science.” If you’re interested in learning more about the day-to-day work of this “sexiest job of the 21st Century,” here are three diverse examples of some of the data science work being done today. •  Oregon Health & Science University. Medical research is moving in exciting new directions with the help of data scientists. Oregon Health &

Science University and Intel recently announced the Collaborative Cancer Cloud (CCC), a precision medicine analytics platform designed to harness the combined potential of patient genome, imaging and clinical data from hospitals and research institutions. This data could advance scientific research and help physicians make potentially lifesaving discoveries one day. The project aims to make key technology components of the CCC open source and available to developers. •  Booz Allen Hamilton. Professional sports have always been rich in player and team statistics. These statistics are now augmented by analytical models of player performance, comprehensive digital video recordings of every league event, and digital fan experiences such as fantasy leagues. Booz Allen Hamilton’s data science team is delivering value in all of these dimensions of sports: on-field player performance, off-the-field team strategy, and fan engagement, by exploring and exploiting those rich data collec-

industry and your clients. Do not be caught off guard because you haven't taken ten minutes to read the morning paper. Daily papers are good sources of industry and corporate news, as well as contacts. 5. Be Generous To Your Community, Your Staff, And Yourself. Reward yourself and your employees for hard work and success. Take time to give back to your community through volunteer work and charitable contributions. 6. Become A Life-Long-Learner. Learning and growing both personally and professionally is a lifelong process that drives our creativity, intelligence and ambition. Make it a priority to take courses and adopt new techniques that help you and your staff think out of the box. Innovation and reinvention are the order of the day. Set aside time for brainstorming and idea sharing. Most important, don't be afraid to try new things and introduce yourself to new people. 7.  Stop And Smell The Roses. Take a minute for yourself every day. Get some exercise, read a good book, take a hot bath or socialize with friends and family. Your work is important, but it is not everything in life. Appreciate all that life has to offer, and your energy will radiate at work, at home and through everything you do. Getting motivated and getting started is important if you want to become a success in business. Don’t let another day pass you by to start on those goals. Women are on the move and doing great things in business. You can do it! Make your mark in the business world!

tions through open source technologies and advanced analytics algorithms. •  Caesars Entertainment. One of the most famous casinos in the world is relying on data analytics professionals and analysis to improve customer experience across its establishments. Today, Caesars can run faster and more accurate analysis to gain maximum value from all of its data sources, which improves security and the customer experience they can deliver to everyone that enters its doors. These are just a few examples of how one of the nation’s hottest professions is having an impact in industries across the country. These professionals combine technical know-how with superior communication skills, strong business sense and intellectual curiosity. If you possess all these skills, a career as a data scientist may be a great fit. Even if data science isn’t the job for you, it will be exciting to see what exciting innovations big data analytics will enable us to uncover in the future. – BPT

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  11

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

12  December 2015

Are You Succeeding as a Minority Business Owner?


By d-mars.com News Provider

arlier this year the country celebrated Black Business Month, which encouraged people to patronize the more than 1.9 million U.S. businesses owned by African-Americans. The amount of African-American entrepreneurs grows daily, and it is empowering to see so many minorities with an entrepreneurial spirit. www.staples.com asked some minority business owners and those who work with them to provide advice on managing for success. The tips below may help you create success as a minority business owner.

Tip #1: Don’t Freak Out! Pamela Mitchell, founder and CEO of The Reinvention Institute, speaker and author of The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention: Essential Survival Skills for Any Economy, cautions that any business will have its ups and downs. The key to success is how you handle them. “There will always be problems,” says Mitchell. “Business is a series of solving problems. As much as you can, don’t torture yourself.” She recommends staying focused on your current project or problem, solving that and remembering that things always shift and evolve. This does take

and Accessing Capital

some mental discipline, but it will help keep you grounded and moving forward.

Tip #2: Hire the Right People While this might seem obvious, there are a few important guidelines to keep in mind. Mary Shulenberger, CEO of Parle Enterprises Inc., a promotional advertising company in Brisbane, CA, says one of her first mistakes was employing family members, which caused problems when it didn't work out. Now she approaches hiring by making a complete list of qualities a candidate should possess. Shulenberger isn’t afraid to demand the best, despite being a smaller company in a competitive market. “Don’t settle,” she says. “There are qualified people out there, who might work for options or future opportunities. Be creative to get who you want.” Mitchell suggests looking for employees who complement your skills and personality. While this requires understanding your strengths and weaknesses, it helps you make sure your company is balanced.

Tip #3: Network Becoming a certified minority-owned business doesn't guarantee you’ll get work, says Norberto Velez, president of

Customized Performance Inc. in San Jose, CA. But many companies and government agencies are looking for verified minority-owned firms to bid on projects. A good way to do that is through local minority business associations, such as the Minority Business Development Agency. “Participate in the council,” Velez says. “You learn so much from other minority business enterprises and sharing ideas.”

Tip #4: Take Advantage of Government Programs There are many programs offering resources for minorities ready to start or expand businesses. The Small Business Administration is an excellent resource and lists several federal programs that offer services and assistance in everything from starting a company to finding funding.

Tip #5: Be Savvy About Finding

Matt Camp, president of ICIC, a Boston-based nonprofit research and strategy organization that supports urban small business owners, offers these suggestions for those looking for capital. •  Do your homework: “Find out what type of financing support is right for your business,” he says. “Entrepreneurs should get savvy about all their options and choose the financing model that best aligns with their business goals and capital needs.” •  Grow your network: “A lack of access to capital largely stems from a lack of access to capital providers,” he points out. “Entrepreneurs located in underserved areas often don’t have the same network as their suburban counterparts.” •  Practice your pitch: “We've found that many entrepreneurs lack experience speaking with investors,” Camp says. “Learn how to position your business according to what investors are looking for in an investment.” Are you a minority business owner looking to expand? The good news is that there are great resources out there to help you not only succeed, but exceed expectations. Check with minority associations, government offices and do your research online for available services. Minority-owned businesses contribute to the economy on a local and national level.

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  13

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

14  December 2015

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

December 2015  15

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

16  December 2015

Is Financial Fear Making It Difficult for You to Give? By d-mars.com News Provider


hat do you do to give back? Do you volunteer your time, your skills or your knowledge? Do you pride yourself on being a generous person? Generosity has always been seen as a positive virtue, and new research from Thrivent Financial shows Americans are placing more emphasis on being generous than ever before. Sixty-one percent of Americans said they would rather be called generous than financially successful, according to the 2015 Money Mindset Report, and a third said they think the purpose of the money they make is to give back, either during their lifetime or afterward. That’s positive news, but the same research shows that while many Americans want to be generous, they aren’t preparing financially for the future. They’re lacking in long-term financial strategies, advice and tools, and this is generally true regardless of how much money a person makes. “The data from our 2015 Money Mindset Report shows that a majority of people want to be generous, but may not be making other decisions that help them down the path of being wise with money,” says Brad Hewitt,

CEO of Thrivent Financial. “As people improve their money habits — by spending less than they make, being wise with debt, having short- and long-term plans, protecting against potential setbacks, and giving back — we find they’re able to experience more freedom to fulfill their goals.”

Many Americans are unsure of their financial stability Only 27 percent of the 1,001 American adults surveyed said they felt very confident they were making the right decisions with their money. Meanwhile, 16 percent said they struggle to keep up with day-to-day expenses, and 32 percent said they were just making ends meet. Only 10 percent felt they had more money than they needed. The survey also showed many Americans struggle with their finances in other ways. Thirtytwo percent don’t have an emergency fund, 25 percent don’t have a long-term financial strategy and 21 percent don’t have a shortterm strategy. More than three quarters do not work with

a financial advisor, and more than half don’t have life insurance, a retirement fund or disability income insurance.

The spirt to give continues Yet despite the concerns about their

own financial stability, Americans — particularly millennials — are still committed to being generous with their money. Seventy-one percent consider themselves more generous than the average American, and 59 percent think donating time makes a bigger impact than donating money. Sixtyfour percent — and 70 percent of Millennials — regularly volunteer for a nonprofit with most of those volunteer hours being spent at churches and other organizations that help those in poverty.

Giving oneself the stability to give back While the importance Americans place on generosity is commendable, research shows many need to shore up their own financial situations as well. The better Americans take care of themselves and improve their own financial stability, the more they will be able to reach out to help those in need. To view the full report by Thrivent Financial visit Thrivent.com/ moneymindset. – BPT

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Life Insurance Can Mean More Than Protection for Your Loved Ones By d-mars.com News Provider


ost people who own life insurance don’t think about it often. It’s something they pay for under the assumption that the benefit will be received when they are no longer around. But when you own life insurance, you can go to sleep at night with the confidence that you’re helping to protect the ones you love. And with certain forms of life insurance, you can also rest easy knowing that your policy is working for you in another way: growing your cash value. Are you asking yourself how this is possible? It’s simple. When researching life insurance options for you and your family, be sure to look at “participating” policies. These types of policies are designed to offer the potential to earn dividends for eligible participating policyowners. While not guaranteed, a policyowner’s dividend typically reflects the portion that each specific policy has contributed to the surplus of the issuing life insurance company. Policyowner dividends can be received in a number of ways. Eligible participat-

ing policyowners may use dividends to purchase additional coverage, to help

pay life insurance policy premiums, to repay policy loans and policy loan inter-

est, or they can be paid in cash. With the option of using dividends to purchase additional paid-up life insurance coverage, the policy’s total death benefit and cash value increases and the “paidup addition” insurance is eligible to earn dividends in subsequent years. A number of leading life insurance companies have strong track records of paying policyowners dividends, including Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), a company that is run for the benefit of its members and eligible participating policyowners. “The commitment we’ve made our policyowners is brought to life through our annual dividend payout,” said Roger Crandall, MassMutual Chairman, President and CEO. “Through nearly our entire history, our policyowners have received an annual dividend regardless of what is happening in our world – whether it’s through world wars, pandemics, market crashes, and most recently, a historically low interest rate environment where even three-month Treasury bills are yielding zero percent.” If you want to learn more about life insurance options, please visit www. massmutual.com. – BPT

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24  December 2015

Mobile Banking Can Play Critical Role in Monitoring Holiday Shopping Budgets This Season By d-mars.com News Provider


he average person will shell out approximately $805 on holiday spending this year, according to the National Retail Federation. That’s a significant increase in spending for most people, and in the excitement of shopping, purchasing and doling out gifts, it can be easy to forget about account balances and bills. One solution that could help shoppers stay within their means this season: their smartphone. According to the Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report, many Americans view their smartphone as an indispensable companion. In fact, 36 percent say they check it constantly, to the point of a few times an hour or more. With this growing mobile-mindset, shoppers have an invaluable tool at their disposal to help manage and simplify their holiday finances. “During the rush of the holiday season, mobile banking makes it convenient for consumers to stay on top of their finances and manage their spending on the go with alerts about their accounts,” said

Michelle Moore, head of digital banking at Bank of America. “For example, we send more than 1.5 million alerts a day to customers, including notifications of low account balances and upcoming bill payment due dates.”

Additional findings from the Report reveal how consumers may be using their phones to manage their finances this season: Constantly connected. More than six in 10 (62 percent) consumers using a mobile banking app say they access it at least a few times a week or more, with two in 10 (20 percent) checking once a day or more. Keeping a watchful eye. The majority (81 percent) of mobile banking app users are receiving push alerts and notifications via their mobile device to keep an eye on their account activity in real-time, with low balance (43 percent), unusual activity (41 percent) and deposit made (41 percent) alerts as some of the most popular elections. And it’s not just Santa who’s always watching — nearly one in seven (13 percent) Americans admit to tracking the spending of their parents, children or their significant other via mobile banking.

Ditch the cash. More than half (56 percent) of respondents would consider paying someone using person-to-person payments via a mobile banking app, specifically family (44 percent), friends (29 percent) and household helpers (20 percent). Additionally, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of mobile banking users use mobile check deposit. Smartphones as shopping companions. Nearly two in five (38 percent) consumers shop for goods and services on their mobile device, with more than

half (51 percent) of millennials doing so. Shoppers are also using their smartphones in store, with more than one-third (34 percent) citing they would consider or have already used their smartphone to make a purchase at checkout. For additional insights into consumer mobility and mobile banking, view the full Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report at http://newsroom. bankofamerica.com/press-kits/bankamerica-trends-consumer-mobilityreport. – BPT

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December 2015  25

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26  December 2015

Picking Next Year's Work Benefits? Check to See if These 4 Innovative Offerings Are on the Table


By d-mars.com News Provider

he last months of the year don’t just usher in the holidays, they also herald the arrival of open enrollment for employee benefits at many American companies. While you’re rushing to fulfill your holiday gift list, it pays to take a few moments to consider what benefits you’ll choose for the coming year — and to be aware of some innovative new ones that may be available to you. In addition to your health plan and standard offerings like dental or life insurance, your employer may make available a menu of other voluntary benefits. Here are some new offerings that may be on the table in your office:

Auto and homeowners insurance Typically, you’re on your own when it comes to getting quotes, negotiating premiums, and securing coverage for two of the most common and important types of insurance Americans own. Some employers are now offering their workers access to these must have products. It can be as easy as you hear on TV. Your employer may provide you with

access to MetLife Auto & Home’s online tool that provides an accurate auto premium in about 2 minutes. Finalizing the application is fast, easy, and convenient, and you can opt to have the premiums automatically deducted from your paychecks just as you do for your health insurance premium. MetLife Auto & Home’s 2015 research showed purchasing auto through its workplace program in 2014 saved, on average, $500 per customer countrywide. Visit MetLife.com, or talk to your employer to learn more.

Legal services Some events in life may require you to seek legal advice, yet attorneys’ fees can be costly. Your employer may offer access to free or low-cost group legal plans that provide services, such as document and contract reviews or preparation, telephone and office consultation, family and personal matters, financial matters, court appearances related to driving infractions, home and real estate matters, writing your will and planning your estate, and even civil lawsuits. These services can be a great, low-cost way to manage common legal needs.

Well being benefits Many employers now offer access to

dental and life insurance, and, hopefully, you’re wise enough to take advantage of both, if they’re available to you. A growing number of companies have begun adding more lifestyle-focused benefits, such as full- or partially-paid gym memberships, office-sponsored support groups for a range of health issues, such as weight loss and general fitness, and company retreats to nurture mental health.

Pet health insurance In 2014, 64 million American households had at least one pet living with them— more than half of the total

number of U.S. households — according to market research firm Packaged Facts. Most pet owners will face an emergency medical expense bill of $2,000 to $4,000 at least once in their pet’s lifetime, according to one Kiplinger’s report. You love your dog or cat, but if it needed an expensive operation or type of medical treatment, would you be able to afford it? Some employers are now offering access to pet insurance to employees — a benefit that’s relatively low cost, but which can have a major impact on your peace of mind. The open enrollment window can be short, so be sure you know what’s available to you through your employer’s benefit offerings. Investigate your options now, so you make the most of some innovative benefits that could help save you money throughout the coming year. – BPT

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28  December 2015

Sell Your Home This Winter, Reduce Competition, Stress


By d-mars.com News Provider

top waiting — go ahead and put your home on the market. Even now, with temperatures dropping, airports bustling and retailers prepping Black Friday deals, it’s a good

time to sell. In fact, Greg Jaeger, vice president at USAA Bank and former real estate agent, says waiting could decrease potential buyers, especially if mortgage rates increase soon and price some out of the market. Delaying a sale also could increase your competition and stress. “Those who sell their homes in the winter can reap financial and emotional benefits since they are not waiting until everyone else is trying to sell,” Jaeger says.

Less Competition Your home has a greater chance of standing out from the crowd in the winter months, December through February. In the summer, you have to compete with other sellers looking to lure buyers expecting deals. To be sure, sales trends are different among colder and warmer states. And summer is often a more ideal time for families with young children to plan moves before school starts. However, you may be overlooking another group of buyers, Jaeger said. “During the summer, buyers look like families. In the winter they look like investors,” he said. Sellers often are able to ask more for

their homes in winter, Jaeger said. A study by online brokerage firm Redfin found average sellers earn above their asking price December through March than they do in the summer months. In addition, in winter months a home is on the market for an average of 26 days, compared to 33 days in non-winter seasons, according to Redfin’s data.

Less Stress There’s a certain ecosystem to the home buying process, which includes realtors,

home inspectors, appraisers, the title company and the bank processing the loan. That ecosystem is tense when activity is the busiest, Jaeger said. In peak buying season, there’s overwhelming demand to process transactions, with potentially an overwhelmed system for processing them. “You can help reduce the typical home buying and selling stress by selling your home during the winter ‘shoulder season’ and working with experts who really understand your needs,” he said. Those needs often are more complex

when the military is involved. While the military’s Permanent Change of Station season typically prompts many military families to sell their homes during the busy summer months, duty can call in the winter too. “Working with an experienced real estate agent, such as a USAA Real Estate Rewards Network agent who focuses on serving the military community, can help keep extra stress at bay,” he said. To learn more or to find a USAA Real Estate Rewards Network agent near you, visit usaa.com/findanagent. – BPT

Take the Stress out of Money Issues by Talking about Them


By d-mars.com News Provider

oney is a taboo topic — we’re taught not to talk about it from the time we’re kids. But research shows it’s also a source of stress, anxiety and tension for most Americans. In fact, 64 percent of adults experience stress about money, ranking it a higher source of stress than work, family responsibilities and health, according to a recent study by the American Psychological Association. And it’s affecting our health — 66 percent of all doctor’s office visits last year were due to stressrelated health issues. “People commonly deal with stress by avoiding what makes them anxious,” says Eve Callahan, executive vice president of communications for Umpqua Bank. “While avoiding your finances can create more anxiety in the long term, the good news is that having a simple conversation with someone you trust is a powerful step forward.”

How do you start?

2. Dream big, act small.

Money and finances are an essential part of our lives. They dictate countless decisions large and small, from where we live and work to the cars we drive and the foods we eat. In short, the way we approach our finances determines how we’re able to grow and reach our full potential. The fact is, dealing with money doesn’t have to be stressful. With a few small steps, it’s possible to change the way we think and talk about money, creating new possibilities for financial and personal growth along the way.

Whether your dream is to spend a year in Thailand, turn your love of cooking into a business or pay off your credit card debt, each dream begins with a first step. Break your dream into smaller actions to make the mountain smaller. Set deadlines along the way to give yourself the satisfaction of achieving milestones. Setting small goals and deadlines will help you stay motivated to keep going.

1. Get inspired. Getting started can be the hardest part. Inspiration is a powerful motivator — and it’s all around us. Look for creative expressions of growth that inspire you at your favorite museum, outdoors or online at websites like MadetoGrow. com, which is chock-full of compelling content and stories of overcoming challenges.

3. Adopt the buddy system. Finances are like fitness — having a support system in place before you start can make all the difference in your success. Find a friend or loved one in a similar financial situation and open up about your financial challenges, hopes and dreams. Consider creating a community group with others to share tips and learnings with one another.

4. Talk leads to action. Get out there and talk about it. For

too long, money has been a forbidden topic that we’ve been conditioned to avoid. Seek out someone you trust — a friend, family member, your bank — and dive in! Looking for an example to get you started? Podcasts are a great source of inspiration. Open Account with SuChin Pak is a great example of open and honest conversations about all aspects of money and life.

5. Find a partner that believes. You’ve opened up, now what? Find a bank that’s dedicated to helping customers realize their full potential. Build a relationship with a financial advisor that understands your dreams and can help you reach your goals. Set up regular check in meetings to discuss progress, challenges and opportunities. The right partner will listen to your goals and identify tools and resources to help. Ready to get started? Find more resources to start your conversation at www.madetogrow.com. – BPT

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December 2015  29

Think You're Too Young

for Retirement Planning? Think Again By d-mars.com News Provider


ore than half of Americans are at risk of being unable to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living in retirement, with younger households in worse shape than those approaching their retirement years. The younger generation has already seen a reduction in their future Social Security benefits and are far less likely to benefit from a guaranteed pension. With this in mind, the latest National Retirement Risk Index, published by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College and sponsored by Prudential Financial, examined the role inheritances play in lessening individuals’ post-retirement income shortfall. The study showed receiving an inheritance can have a significant impact on a household’s overall retirement preparedness, especially for lower- to middleincome families.

The overlooked asset When you think about a typical inheritance, what comes to mind is real estate, personal property and financial assets. However, often overlooked is the fact life insurance proceeds left to a beneficiary can function in a similar manner. “There is a growing concern that future generations will have a very challenging time when it comes to retiring securely,” says Mark Hug, executive vice president, product and marketing, at Prudential Individual Life Insurance. “With the decline of guaranteed pensions, rising housing costs, rising childcare costs and increased student loan debt, young

adults may not be contributing enough to their 401(k)s. The good news is, even a relatively modest life insurance death benefit can have a meaningful impact on improving the retirement security of the next generation.” Life insurance proceeds can function similarly to an inheritance if the death benefit is payable to a child who is the insured’s beneficiary. The transfer of wealth through life insurance has the added benefit of generally being received federal income tax free. In addition, a

life insurance death benefit can make a meaningful difference when it comes to quality of life during retirement. Consider the following “shortfall” scenarios: •  The median shortfall for lowerincome households at risk today is $56,986. That figure is projected to be $131,283 (in today’s dollars) when the head of the household turns age 65. •  Middle-income households fall short by $87,489 today. That number is projected to be $197,385 (in today’s dollars) when the head of the house-

hold turns age 65. Every parent hopes to leave something to their children. With the right financial planning, a life insurance policy may help close some or even all of those shortfalls. Regardless of an individual’s current assets, the death benefit from life insurance can be a tax-efficient way to leave a gift that may help to meaningfully improve the retirement preparedness of the next generation. Learn more at www.prudential.com. – BPT

Making Last Minute Tax Adjustments for 2015 Could Save You Money By d-mars.com News Provider


ith 2015 coming to a close, it might be prudent to consider making adjustments to manage

your tax liability. Compare your income now with what you anticipated when you set up your 2015 tax withholding or estimated tax payments. Is the income what you expected? More? Less? If more, do you need to increase your withholding or your estimated payments to ensure you’re not under withheld and subject to penalties? Remember, there’s a withholding safe harbor that allows you to pay either 100

percent of your prior year tax liability or 90 percent of your current year liability to avoid penalties. For those who make more than $150,000, the safe harbor is met when you pay 110 percent of your prior year tax liability or 90 percent of your current-year liability. Note also that if you are making estimated payments, the final payment is due Jan. 15, 2016. Assuming your income for the year is evenly distributed, this should be the fourth of four equal estimated tax payments. If your income is not evenly distributed over the year, then making estimated tax payments is more complex. The tax system is a pay-as-you-go regime and you cannot backload your estimated taxes. Failure to make estimated payments mirroring the timing of your

income will result in IRS penalty and interest charges, notwithstanding that you have had the appropriate amount withheld for the full year. Taxpayers with wage income and who have withheld less than they should have for 2015 should consider paying more tax by adjusting withholding immediately. Because any tax paid through employer withholding will be treated as paid evenly throughout the year, you may reduce the amount under withheld in the past by increasing the amount currently withheld. If you are under withheld and neither your spouse nor you works for an employer, then pay the under-withheld portion as soon as possible. Each day you are under withheld adds to IRS-imposed penalties and interest. – BPT

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