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May 2016
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Community Builders
Focus on Success, Not Failure
By J Thomas Smith Internal defeat is a mindset, where you begin to believe that most of your new ideas will fail. PAGE 6
A Bird’s Wisdom
By Noel Pinnock Once upon a time there was a hunter who was in the forest in search for game. PAGE 8
The Top Seven Resources to Help You Conquer Problems and Grow By Helen Callier Small businesses play an important role in the United States by creating over 50% of the private jobs and by infusing hundreds of millions of dollars into our country’s economy. PAGE 9
The Rhodes School Is Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow
PAGES 13-15
Texas Southern University and The Verizon Foundation Collaborate to Expose Minority Boys to STEM Education helps one case cease being intimidated by strange situations.
– Maya Angelou
May 2016 3
Journal Behind The
Publisher’s Message
SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.
SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black
“Community Builders” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Business Journal. Are you an entrepreneur? It’s great to own a successful business. It’s also great to leave a legacy. Is your business helping build up the community? I encourage you in anything that you do to use it to help build up the community. When we give back to the community, great things can happen. The cover story for this issue is on The Rhodes School. The Rhodes School is a familiar and well-respected name in the city when it comes to education, with campuses in Humble, North, East, and Southeast Houston. Founded by Michelle L. Bonton, The Rhodes School is providing our children with what they deserve, a quality education, through an arts-based program, exposing them to unique and authentic experiences that will help them excel. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines
DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS J Thomas Smith Comerica Bank Helen Callier Noel Pinnock Texas Southern University d-mars.com News Provider
The Rhodes School.........................................................................................................................................................................................4-5 Focus on Success, Not Failure....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3 Ways Your Home Value Can Help in Retirement................................................................................................................................... 6 A Bird’s Wisdom.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Financial Cleaning............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 The Top Seven Resources................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Real Estate in the Digital Age.......................................................................................................................................................................10 Hot to Get More Bang for Your Charitable Buck....................................................................................................................................... 11 Texas Southern University News............................................................................................................................................................13-15 Comerica Bank Receives Award................................................................................................................................................................... 17 3 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Boost Your Portfolio.........................................................................................................................................................................................18 Trending Real Estate Investment................................................................................................................................................................19 5 Tips to Avoid Hidden Credit Card Fees....................................................................................................................................................19 5 Ways Businesses Can Cut Energy, Save Money.................................................................................................................................20 5 Tips for Mastering Your First Phone Interview...................................................................................................................................20 10 Ways to Be More Active During the Work Day.................................................................................................................................... 21 Kill the 9-to-5.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” – George Washington Carver
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
4 May 2016
Because Our Children Deserve It! By Dawn Paul
Associate Editor
he education system is training our future leaders and the next generation for success. Our children truly are the future, so it is vital that at the elementary and middle school level, they receive the foundation necessary to prepare them to not only successfully graduate high school and college, but to go beyond that. The Rhodes School (TRS) is a familiar and well-respected name in the city when it comes to education, with campuses in Humble, North, East, and Southeast Houston. TRS is the educational entity that is successfully preparing our children, meeting and exceeding the needs of the state, parents, and our children. Founded by Michelle L. Bonton, TRS is providing our children with what they deserve, a quality education, through an arts-based program, exposing them to unique and authentic experiences that will help them excel. Bonton has more than 20 years of experience in education. As a veteran educator, she not only founded TRS, but she also serves as the Superintendent. Though there are good schools in the traditional education system, Bonton founded TRS because she felt that school should be and could be more. She says, “I believe that school should be more than just test scores. School should be a place where it is more than a one way knowledge acquisition, where teachers are always the senders and students are always the receivers. It should not be an environment in which teachers and parents are juxtaposed against each other.” TRS’s motto is “We are CREW, not
Michelle L. Bonton The Rhodes School Founder
PASSENGERS.” TRS has something special when it comes to providing education to our children. TRS delivers that “wow factor” in multiple ways, including but not limited to: • Student Led Conferences – These conferences are a marked departure from the traditional parent-teacher conference. They offer a symposium within which parents and students directly engage each other to discuss academic progress, areas for growth, and plans for continued success. Also discussed are student and/or parent behaviors or attitudes that may be impeding that success. • Field Experiences – These experiences occur 7-10 times per school year. They are strategically designed to facilitate the connection between classroom theory and real life. Every student in every classroom in
every grade leaves the classroom to apply their understanding of skills and concepts learned in the classroom. This helps gives students exposure, helping them learn to solve real world problems or helping them address real world issues. • Culturally Relevant and Community Sustaining Pedagogy - TRS is intentional with their efforts in linking schooling and culture. Teachers and administrators use material and curriculum that allow students to explore their cultural identities, affirming their personal and specific needs. • Daily and Monthly CREW Meetings – These purposeful and entertaining meetings provide the forum to teach children the disciplines of values based on decision making, self-assessment, and peer to peer support and accountability. The principle of being in a CREW and not a passen-
ger is used to help students understand their need for each other. Students learn the importance of working together to accomplish goals. They gain a real teamwork mentality that shows them it is their personal responsibility to use their individual gifts, talent, time, and resources to promote the success of others with whom they are associated. Through an award-winning arts-based instructional program, TRS is an environment where children are encouraged to express themselves creatively, providing them opportunities to apply their learning in ways that move them beyond being spectators and reservoirs of information and knowledge to discoverers of learning and knowledge. This is done through authentic experiences that have meaning and relevance in real life. “I know that a large majority of the education community is focused on STEM
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May 2016 5
learning, and that is certainly an important skillset that our students need to have. However, there is a myriad of research that talks about the importance of the arts and their positive impact on student achievement. In fact, research shows that there is a very strong correlation between students' creative ability and their success in STEM fields,” says Bonton. Bonton believes school should be a place where the instructional program and related activities acknowledge, honor, strengthen, and build upon a child’s uniqueness. Her vision for TRS has turned into a reality, using the influence of the arts to provide our children with a quality education.
The Rhodes School spoke to d-mars.com about their success in educating our children in the community: What is your response to people who are opposed to charter schools and feel that these schools are pushing out the traditional public schools that have been in the community for years? Schools have long been pillars of the community and served as a unifying symbol of oneness and belonging, in much the same way our churches do. However, we cannot deny that there is an alarmingly increasing number of school closures within the African-American community. Charter schools are giving us back those centralizing, unifying symbols of community that are so integral to our culture. Additionally, research indicates that African American students enrolled in charter schools, and particularly those charter schools operated by African Americans, tend to experience greater academic success than their non-charter peers enrolled in traditional school programs. That is what we should be talking about within the African American community: our children's success. We must start asking the question of what works for our children. That's it. Nothing else. How has The Rhodes School provided parents with a great option for education for their children? TRS provides a rigorous arts-based instructional program in a close-knit environment that consistently leads to academic results that meet or exceed state expectations. The arts-based curriculum gives students regular opportunities to explore and demonstrate their creative gifts through performance and visual representation. Students do not just observe and learn about art, but they produce art in many of its varied forms. Additionally, TRS delivers instruction and information that is culturally responsive, which expands a student's exposure to understand and navigate in a world that is increasingly global. Further, TRS utilizes a very strong character development program that holds students accountable, building their leadership capacity, and challenging them to demonstrate integrity in both their public and private lives. What is the mindset of the staff and teachers at The Rhodes School when it comes to educating children? If it's not good enough for my own children, or my sister's children, then it's not good enough for the children at TRS. This is the acid test for every TRS teacher. This is the acid test by which administrators make decisions about who will stay and who will go on the teaching staff. If we cannot honestly say that we would want our own children to have what we are giving TRS children, then we dig down deep and give them what we would want our own to have. Anything less is unacceptable. Many are surprised at the high expectations and demand for excellence and quality that we have of our teachers. Those that are up for the challenge remain, and those that are not generally return to the traditional school system. They are also surprised at the level of parent involvement and that our students are so well-behaved. Talk about The Rhodes School arts-based curriculum. The arts-based curriculum teaches students core skills and concepts using the arts as a framework. For example, in a writing class, students might be asked to write about a piece of artwork. They may be asked to interpret a story through a dance, or to match the mood of the story by choosing and performing a song that typifies the mood. Additionally, students learn mathematical concepts in music, and they learn science concepts in art. Students select a fine art discipline and receive instruction at least twice a week during the school day. They have multiple opportunities to perform and/or display their art work both within the school and in the community at-large. Students also participate in competitions designed to help them hone their skills. The fine arts instruction is offered as part of the school curriculum and parents only pay a
one-time fee $200.00 for the entire school year. The fee is to cover the cost of instrument care and/or uniform cleaning. The school covers the cost of everything else. When you add that up, it's only about $20.00 per month. You simply cannot get that anywhere else, and you certainly cannot get that kind of quality. What is next for The Rhodes School (expansion, curriculum, etc.)? The Rhodes School is excited to announce the opening of two new campuses for fall 2016. We are opening a PK4-8th grade campus at 600 Charles Street in Humble, Texas, and a kinder-5th grade campus in Acres Homes at 6601 Antoine. We have future plans to develop an Early College High School in fall of 2017 where we will welcome our first high school freshman class. Long-term plans include the development of a high school for the performing and visual arts. Though there are many peripheral factors that can impact an African American student’s achievement, such as high rates of incarceration, single family parenting, and generational poverty, The Rhodes School's educational model recognizes these risk-factors and mitigates them by providing the families they serve with connections to as many wrap-around services as possible, using the school as a community hub within which the services are provided. This strategy allows TRS to be more than just the place where their children learn. The feedback from parents about their child’s experience at TRS has been absolutely positive. TRS parents often comment about the loving environment, the responsiveness to parent concerns, the quality of instruction, and the rigor of the curriculum. Our approach has created a great trust between parents and TRS. The outcome is a level of loyalty that has resulted in our school growing from just 97 students 9 years ago to nearly 1,000 students today. That same level of loyalty causes more than 90% of our students to return year after year. This is another way TRS employs culturally relevant and community sustaining methodology. The strong sense of community is also what attracts new parents. More than 90% of them indicate that they learned about The Rhodes School through a personal acquaintance with a current parent. When it comes to educating our children, Bonton is all about action. Bonton has experienced many in our community talking about problems, whose fault it is, how things used to be, should be, and could be. However, when it comes to our children, Bonton is all about action. She expresses, “When it comes to our children, it is time to stop talking and start doing. Our forefathers have given us a very proud legacy of endurance, perseverance, determination, and strength. We must not wait on anyone to fix the education system in our community. TRS is helping to ensure that our children have quality programming without having to leave their neighborhood.” Our forefathers were slaves, who were hung, who bled and died, making great sacrifices so we can enjoy many opportunities today. Bonton does not take that lightly. She wants to continue to build upon the legacy they left us through TRS. For her, she knows that the answer is the children. TRS is preparing our children to continue the legacy and go beyond it, exceeding expectations. Bonton didn’t believe in waiting for anyone to fix the problems in the education system. “There is no ‘they.’ No one else is going to do it. No one else is coming, and we must answer the call,” Bonton says. Bonton has founded TRS as not just an educational tool, but as a tool to create a great legacy. Her passion and conviction for our children is genuine, not only as an educator, but as a proud member of this community. When you ask her why she has such conviction, she will loudly proclaim the TRS mindset and say, “Our Children Deserve It!” To find out more about The Rhodes School, please visit www.rhodesschool.org.
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6 May 2016
Focus on Success, Not Failure
failures too, but nobody seems to remember that. Just like them, you are not a failure even though you may have failed in the past. Each time that you get down on yourself, look back on your list of accomplishments.
Commit to Success
By J Thomas Smith Contributing Writer
nternal defeat is a mindset, where you begin to believe that most of your new ideas will fail. You might think, “After all, what I tried in last month's marketing campaign failed.”
Learn From Your Mistakes You always have the opportunity to learn from mistakes. Look at your mistakes clearly as a test, examine your process and results, and study them closely for the reason why things did not go as planned. Whether it is a marketing plan, delivering a speech, making free throws, learning to meditate, starting a business, or trying anything new, it is better to act and make mistakes, than to do nothing at all.
You Must Fail to Succeed The most successful people I know ac-
cept mistakes as part of the learning curve. They make all of their so-called failures learning experiences. This is extremely powerful when you consider the cost of learning anything of value. How much has your education cost you up to this point? How much has it cost your company? Did it ever cross your mind that you might stop learning at some point in life? I don't think so. Have you learned from your past mistakes? Of course you have. Now you are wiser and more effective because of the many corrective adjustments you have made over time.
You May Fail, but You Are Not a Failure When you were a child learning to ride a bicycle, you experienced many falls along the way, and then the falling stopped. However, even skilled adults fall off of bicycles, sometimes. You may fail, but if you keep at it, you will eventually succeed. Don’t take your past failures personally. Put them in the past and learn from each one of them. The Wright Brothers had failures before they succeeded. Henry Ford had
When you take on your next project, do your research first, develop your plan, assemble your team as necessary, make a full commitment to succeed, and never mentally quit before you start. Finally, whenever it is possible, learn from the mistakes of others. Learn by reading books about successful people, talking with successful people, or talking with experts in the field. Do your work, and you will save money, avoid known mistakes, pitfalls, and traps and ultimately, you will succeed. Have a successful week. I’ll see you at the top. J Thomas Smith is host of “Sunday Morning Live” on KMJQ/Majic 102.1 (9-11 am) (www.myhoustonmajic.com). He is an attorney (www. jthomassmithlaw.com), author (www. thesecrettoanewlife.com), keynote speaker (www.jthomassmithspeaks. com), and mental health consultant (www.jthomassmithsap). Your feedback is welcome at drj@worldfamousradio.com. Follow him on Twitter at @drjtsmith102.
3 Ways Your Home Value Can Help in Retirement 3 Ways to Tap Your Biggest Asset in Retirement
1. The home equity line of credit (HELOC)
our retirement. Your golden years to spend doing the things you enjoy - hobbies, travel, more time with family, and so on. But can you afford to live your post-paycheck life the way you always hoped? Research from the National Retirement Risk Index estimates that more than 50 percent of households lack enough retirement funds to maintain their pre-retirement standard of living — even if they work until age 65. It’s a scary statistic, especially if you’re approaching retirement age and don’t feel financially prepared to leave the workforce. Fortunately, even if you are facing a retirement shortfall, you do have options to help supplement your savings. For senior homeowners, those options could be in the walls around you. Financial planning experts and academics from The American College, Boston College, Columbia University, and MIT, agree that incorporating home equity into a retirement plan helps savings last longer. The question is: what’s the best way to access your home’s equity? Here are three popular options.
A HELOC allows you to establish a line of credit based on a percentage of the value of your home. You can then access this credit during a predetermined amount of time called a “draw period,” usually 10 years. During the draw period, you can borrow up to the designated amount while making monthly interest payments, and, if you choose to pay back on the principal, you can draw out again, much like a credit card. After the draw period when the HELOC resets, you are responsible for repaying the principal and interest either immediately or over a set period of time depending on the terms of the loan. You should be aware that if your home value depreciates, or if your financial circumstances change, the lender has the right to freeze your credit or even cancel your loan.
ble retirees to create liquidity from an otherwise illiquid asset.” Reverse mortgages are attractive to seniors, in part, because they require no monthly payment and do not have to be paid off until the last borrower permanently leaves the home. You have the option of taking the loan proceeds as a lump sum, a fixed monthly or tenured payment, or as a line of credit. Last year, more than two-thirds of borrowers took a combination of regular payments and a line of credit. Reverse mortgages also feature a non-recourse provision that protects you from ever owing the lender more than the value of your home, even if the house is “underwater” when you are ready to sell. You are still responsible for paying your property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and upkeep expenses or risk the loan being called due and payable.
2. Reverse mortgage
3. Cash-out refinancing
A reverse mortgage is a loan that senior homeowners age 62 or older can use to convert part of the equity in their home into a usable asset, without giving up title or ownership of the house. According to Professor Wade Pfau of The American College, “the reverse-mortgage option should be viewed as a method for responsi-
Cash-out refinancing allows you to refinance an existing home loan — hopefully at a lower interest rate — and also refinance the home for a dollar value higher than the remaining principal. This loan allows you to keep the money above the principal as liquid cash that can be used to pay down other expenses or fund your re-
tirement. Like your original forward mortgage, if you miss a monthly payment due to unanticipated expenses from a health care emergency or other life disruption, your loan could be called due and payable, and the lender could move to foreclose on your property. Retirees may also face challenges qualifying for a cash-out refinance because of underwriting standards that require a certain amount of monthly income.
Choosing the right plan for you While all three plans have their appealing points, new consumer safeguards for reverse mortgages are fueling their popularity among seniors who want the benefit of no monthly payment, a loan that can’t be canceled or reset, and the option of a line of credit that increases over time. If you’re interested in pursuing a reverse mortgage, the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association can help. Their Roadmap can guide you through the features and responsibilities of reverse mortgages and the process for obtaining one which includes meeting with a reverse mortgage counselor and a financial assessment. Visit www.reversemortgage.org/ equity to learn more about how the solution to your retirement may have been under your roof all along. – BPT
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May 2016  7
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8 May 2016
A Bird’s Wisdom
By Noel Pinnock
Contributing Writer
nce upon a time there was a hunter who was in the forest in search for game. It was typical for this hunter to never return home empty handed. In fact, most of his hunting buddies hated to be on the hunt for him, because he was so good. One day, the hunter ran across a bird that was perched on a lower tree limb. The bird was very stout and was colorful but unusual in nature, because this bird actually spoke. As the hunter honed on the potential prey, he heard the bird whispering few words and out of utter confusion and astonishment, he approached the bird and noticed that its wing was caught in a thorn protruding from the branch. The hunter thought, this would be too easy, so he hurriedly came to the bird’s rescue with thoughts of catching him in mid-flight, but to his further amazement, the bird once loosened from the grip of the thorn, began
to thank him incessantly. The hunter was awe-stricken by the bird’s ability to articulate words and was about to leave his prey in nature and pursue something that was more uninspiring, yet filling. However, as the hunter proceeded to walk away, the bird said that he wanted to drop some knowledge on him before he left and presented him these parting words: • Never regret a good deed • Understand your limitations • Never attempt the impossible The hunter was even more astonished, and thanked the bird for the kind words. He even called a sage and told him that he knew he would spare his life for sure now. As the hunter became more distant in his journey, he couldn’t help but hear the screeching sound of the bird laughing hysterically. The bird was laughing so hard that it was scaring much of the neighboring deer and boars away. The
hunter, obviously bothered by the bird, decided to go back and investigate the situation deeper. As he approached the bird closer, it was obvious the hunter’s irritation increased and he began to pursue him like a cheetah in chase. The bird hopped up to a few branches hire above his previous location, and the hunter began his ascent. As the hunter got closer, the bird would simply ascend higher and higher until he reached a staggering 50 feet above ground. The hunter, obviously enveloped with rage, continued his pursuit. Afterward, the bird landed on the highest branch and was acting like he was no longer bothered and perched at the end of the branch as though he was waiting for the hunter to attack. The hunter pursued and got so close, that the bird simply began flapping his wings directly above the branch and hovered in flight a few feet away from
Financial Cleaning
At least once a year, it’s a good idea to take a few minutes to review your financial documents. Having your finances in order can greatly simplify your life. “Doing financial cleaning once a year is a great way to stay on top of your accounts and credit,” says Vanessa Reed, assistant vice president and community reinvestment manager with Comerica Bank. “By shredding old documents and taking account of your assets and credit, you can help avoid debt and the problems associated with it.” Here are several simple tips to help you eliminate clutter from your files and make sure you are efficiently managing your funds. Request a copy of your credit report. It’s free, and knowing your credit score is imperative to maintaining good financial health. A great way to start cleaning up your finances is by searching for any mistakes or discrepancies on your credit report. These are relatively easy to correct
and can save you a lot of pain down the road. Try going paperless. Discarding excess papers and files is a great way to eliminate your financial clutter. Scan important documents onto a disc and shred the hard copies. Prevent further paper stacks by signing up for automatic online payments for all your monthly bills and bank statements. By doing this, you’ll also help the environment by reducing paper waste. Eliminate extra credit cards. Credit cards are helpful tools in building a line of credit. However, they are also one of the fastest ways to
end up in mounds of debt. Limit the number of credit cards you own. One is ideal. Remember, the fewer cards you have, the easier it is to pay in full, pay on time, and keep track of how much you are charging. Shred old documents. Many of us find it difficult to part with old financial documents. There are some you should always keep, but many others you can eliminate. For example, you can throw out: • Most receipts once you’ve seen the transaction clear on your account or show up on your credit card activity statement. However, if you plan to itemize expenses on your tax return,
the branch. The hunter blinded by his anger, made a quick leap to catch the bird, but the bird flew a distance out and the hunter plummeted to the forest floor. Lying there almost dead and with almost every bone broken, he looked up at the forest canopy as the bird made its descent to the floor. The bird said to the hunter, “You didn’t adhere to my advice, and now look at what happened to you.” He further said, “I told you never to regret a good deed, and you did. I told you to understand your limitations, and you didn’t, because you have never climbed a 100 foot tree before. And I told you never attempt the impossible, and you went out on the limb as though you could fly.” He later flew off while the hunter was left pondering and calling for help with the little breath he had left. The moral of the story is that if you are building in your community, you have to never regret a good deed. Also, if people benefit but don’t appreciate it, let it go. You should know your limitations. If you can’t feed 1,000 people, then start with one. The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with one step. And finally, know that there is nothing impossible with God, but with man all things may not be possible. Scope out your service, count the costs, execute your vision, measure success or failure, and recalibrate. Take it from the bird, and you will fly higher than you could ever imagine, even if you are still on the ground. Noel Pinnock is an author and host of “MBK – Houston Movement” on MJWJ Global Radio Network. To read more about Noel, please visit www.noelpinnock.com.
ask a tax professional which receipts you’ll need to keep. • Utility statements, such as phone, electric, water, etc., once they have been paid. However, you should keep: • Mortgage notes • Receipts for major purchases, such as appliances • Receipts that are deductible • One year’s worth of bank statements • One year’s worth of pay stubs • IR A or 401k statements • Federal and state tax returns for the last seven years And remember, shredding any sensitive documents is one of the best ways of preventing identity theft. Consult a financial planner. If you have questions or concerns about how to start getting financially organized, consider consulting a financial planner or your local banker. Source: Comerica Bank, Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. For more information, please contact Ben Wheatley at ben@benwheatleypr.com or 713-662-0359. For more information, please visit www.comerica.com. Comerica Bank and its affiliates do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult with your advisors regarding your specific situation.
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May 2016  9
Small Businesses
The Top Seven Resources to Help You Conquer Problems and Grow
By Helen Callier Contributing Writer
mall businesses play an important role in the United States by creating over 50% of the private jobs and by infusing hundreds of millions of dollars into our country’s economy. And while several small businesses are being honored during the Small Business Administration (SBA) National Small Business Week for their achievements and great contributions to their respective communities, the truth is a significant amount of small business owners are facing challenges that seem insurmountable, and many are struggling to make good decisions for their businesses to survive. Lack of capital is often cited as the main reason for a small business failing. While cash is vital for success, from my interactions with small businesses across the country in my workshops, one-on-one meetings, and key-
notes, many small business owners are unsure how to handle tough problems, because they lack vision and do not have a written plan on achieving their business goal. With free and low cost resources as shown in the list below, small businesses can obtain assistance in creating cash flow projections, developing growth plans, receiving training or simply requesting a retired executive to lend an ear and offer practical advice. To encourage those small business owners to continue to reach for their dreams by tapping into available help, below are the top seven resources to help conquer small business problems and grow. Small Business Administration The SBA is a no cost and valuable resource which is funded through your federal tax dollars. Under the leadership of Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, the SBA has elevated its game in providing information on how to obtain financing, educational development, and one-on-one counseling. For more information, visit www.sba.gov. Chambers of Commerce - Chambers of commerce have been around for centuries and started in the United States in the mid 1700s. Chambers are comprised of large to small businesses and have a focus on developing and
promoting the interest of their business members. There are chambers of commerce for women and minority-owned businesses. Chambers offer a wealth of information, business connections and other benefits for small businesses. To locate a chamber of commerce in your area, visit http://www.officialusa. com/stateguides/chambers/. Peer-to-Peer Learning Programs like the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses offer small business owners with a safe environment to share and get ideas on tackling problems and creating a written 3-year growth plan with a clear vision to propel small businesses to next level. This is a proven model that has shifted many small businesses from the brink, and this program provides a plethora of networking with other Goldman
Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses cohorts across the U.S. For more information, visit www.goldmansachs.com/ citizenship/10000-small-businesses/ US/. Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) - When corporations like ConstantContact.com started and grew their business by learning from the resources of retired experts and then developed a strategic partnership with SCORE, then it behooves other small business owners lacking the understanding on the components of business to use this valuable resource to help mold your small business success plan. For more information, visit https://score.org. Three other resources include the following: Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC), Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) https://www.sba.gov/ tools/local-assistance/sbdc, and you can contact your local City and State Small Business Departments for assistance in tackling problems. If you are a small business with a testimony of working with noted resources or you work at a small business resource provider and have other tips to assist small businesses that are facing challenging problems, please connect with me on Twitter @BradlinkLLC.
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10  May 2016
Real Estate in the Digital Age: Why You Still Want an Agent by Your Side By d-mars.com News Provider
omebuyers and sellers today can instantly check listings, monitor price fluctuations, research their credit scores and find lenders - all from their smartphones. The advent of mortgage industry apps - which mingle aggregated data with complex algorithms in easily accessible formats - enables many shoppers and sellers to approach the process with more confidence. While technology empowers consumers to shop and sell smarter, it can't replace the service and expertise of an experienced agent. Real estate agents know the local market and have access to the freshest sales data. For sellers, real estate agents can price a house in line with the market to maximize earnings. According to recent data from the National Association of Realtors, sellers using an agent earn $40,100 more per transaction. The median sale price for the 88 percent of sellers who worked with an agent was $215,000, versus a median sale price of $174,900 for the 9 percent of sellers who didn't use an agent, according to the association.
Buying a home is not like purchasing a plane ticket according to Greg Jaeger, president at USAA Residential Real Estate Services and a former real estate agent. He said buyers and sellers often fail to account for the psychological side of a transaction. "An agent can help prepare the seller
for offers that are intentionally too low," Jaeger said. "You're asking $250,000 for your home; I offer $200,000 and you're immediately insulted. An agent can keep you calm and focused on the end game." Agents also help buyers navigate the rollercoaster of emotions in getting
credit approved or viewing a home inspection report for the first time. Jaeger knows of this psychological value not only as a former agent, but also as a father of a first-time homebuyer. His 24-year-old son recently bought an older home that was initially chockfull of cheaply done rehabilitation projects. "The seller was pretty irritable about some items and flat out embarrassed about others," Jaeger said. "My son's real estate agent really earned his commission in making sure the proper repairs were on track and protecting my son from the ire of the seller." Homes, neighborhoods and their governing state laws are as diverse as the people living in them. Real estate agents are entrenched in those ever-changing state regulations, contracts, laws and practices. "When making one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, it's important to have a trusted, experienced counselor by your side," Jaeger said. Many resources are available to help consumers find the right agent, including USAA Real Estate Rewards Network, a program that gives members access to USAA's network of real estate agents and rewards when they buy or sell. – BPT
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May 2016 11
How to Get More Bang for Your Charitable Buck By d-mars.com News Provider
rants from individuals and families are the lifeblood of American charities. They accounted for 72 percent of the more than $350 billion in total giving in 2014, according to Giving USA. For their generosity, donors receive both tax benefits and the satisfaction of supporting causes that are important to them. Charitable giving helps people feel connected to their communities and brings families together through their most deeply held values. Keeping track of giving, however, can be a challenge-not to mention navigating the tax code. Donors who value convenience, giving power and tax benefits are increasingly turning to charitable accounts, known as a donor-advised funds.
How donor-advised fund accounts work Contributions to donor-advised funds, which are registered public charities, are treated the same as donations to other public charities and generate an immediate tax deduction. Donors can then take time to make thoughtful giving decisions and grant funds to the charities of their choice over time. In financially challenging years, donor-advised funds can also effectively serve as a savings ac-
count for giving, as earlier deposits can be used to sustain annual donations. Management and processing of contributions, grants and tax filings are handled by the donor-advised fund provider, and donors are able to access details about their accounts at any time. Some providers sponsored by financial services companies also enable donors to view and manage charitable accounts next to their other investment or bank accounts online. This convenience and flexibility helps to facilitate and encourage giving and might explain why donor-advised funds have become one of the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicles according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Advantages of donor-advised fund accounts Another possible reason for this growth is that donor-advised funds support tax-smart financial planning. Cash contributions to donor-advised funds are deductible up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income. Appreciated securities and other assets are deductible up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income. Appreciated assets that have been held for more than a year may be deducted at their full market value, generally with no capital gains tax obligation. This enables donors to give more than they otherwise would to their charities of choice. Common
contributions to donor-advised funds include publicly-traded stock or funds, IPO shares, restricted stock, real estate, interests in private businesses, private equity, venture capital and hedge funds (all accepted on a case-by-case basis). Many large donor-advised funds have significant experience accepting such contributions, providing a valuable service to charities. Of course, a donor’s ability to claim itemized deductions is subject to a variety of limitations that depend on the donor’s specific tax situation. “It is a no brainer for our clients to give appreciated securities instead of cash to charity,” says Chris Wheaton, an investment advisor at Litman Gregory Asset Management in the San Francisco Bay Area. “They are typically
able to deduct such assets at fair market value and also receive the extra tax benefit of avoiding paying capital gains tax on the sale of the securities.” This can increase a donor’s level of charitable giving in the short term or allow a donor to maintain their desired level of giving for longer. Another way donor-advised funds help people increase their giving is through the potential tax-free investment growth of accounts over time. Donors may invest their accounts in a range of pre-selected investment pools and, in some cases may also select a Registered Investment Adviser to actively manage them. At Schwab Charitable, one of the nation’s largest donor-advised funds, cumulative investment growth has made $1 billion in additional funds available for charitable giving between the organization’s inception in 1999 through June 30, 2015. The chance to make more of an impact is what really draws people to donor-advised funds, says Kim Laughton, president of Schwab Charitable. “Whether driven by thoughtful planning, smart tax management, or sheer convenience, over 65 percent of our donors tell us they give more as a result of their donor-advised fund account. We are very proud to be facilitating and encouraging greater levels of giving.” To learn more about donor-advised fund accounts, visit www.schwabchari table.org. – BPT
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12  May 2016
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May 2016 13
Texas Southern University News
Texas Southern University and Verizon Collaborate for the First-Of-Its-Kind Program to Expose Minority Boys to STEM Over the summer, students will participate in technology workshops on campus, 4-5 days per week, for approximately four weeks, taught by university professors and graduate students. Students will also meet with mentors throughout the school year. Verizon MMM is using technology, hands-on and interactive instruction and long-term mentorship, to prepare young men to have brighter futures in our ever-changing digital world.
By d-mars.com News Provider
exas Southern University is an educational gem in Houston, TX, with renowned respect around the nation. The university is a student-centered comprehensive doctoral university committed to ensuring equality, offering innovative programs that are responsive to its urban setting, and transforming diverse students into lifelong learners, engaged citizens, and creative leaders in their local, national, and global communities. The university’s implementation of its vision and mission is putting it on the path to being one of the nations’ pre-eminent comprehensive metropolitan universities. Texas Southern University has been recognized by the excellence of their programs, the quality of their instruction, their innovative research, and their desire to be a contributing partner to the Houston community, state, nation, and world. Because Texas Southern University is all about partnerships, they have collaborated with Verizon for the first-of-its-kind program exposing minority boys to STEM called the Verizon Minority Male Makers Program (Verizon MMM). Texas Southern University and Verizon are no strangers to making history, and
VerizonMMM MMMisisunique because: Verizon unique because: this effort to reach back and provide a quality educational experience to young minority males in our community is a reason to celebrate, just proving once again why Texas Southern University and Verizon are valuable resources when it comes to education. Texas Southern University held a press conference for this historical initiative, and d-mars.com was front row for the official announcement and celebration. Krista Bourne (President of the South Central Market for Verizon), Mayor Sylvester Turner, Wanda Adams (HISD Board of Education Trustee), and community leaders were in attendance for
this momentous occasion. The Verizon MMM is a first-of itskind, two-year program that gives African American and Latino boys in middle school technology, STEM and entrepreneurship skills, through hands-on, interactive instruction and mentors. Boys from middle schools across Houston will have the opportunity to learn technology skills this summer at Texas Southern University as part of the Verizon MMM. The Verizon MMM is designed to open the eyes of young male students to the many future career opportunities these skills create.
• It is exclusively focused on middle school minority boys for ongoing programming and support, spanning twoyears, that is focused on STEM and entrepreneurial skills. • It provides middle school boys handson learning experiences with advanced technology – from coding to 3D design and printing. • It is introducing middle school boys to many of the exciting professional possibilities that STEM fields can offer. • It is directed by educators at leading historically black colleges and universities and Hispanic service institutions.
CONTINUED on pages 14-15
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
14 May 2016
CONTINUED from page 13 The program aims to enable minority middle school males to become creators and makers through 3D design and app development. Ultimately, the goal is to empower a new generation of minority men by giving them lifelong technology and entrepreneurship skills to build the innovations of tomorrow and to create brighter futures for themselves and their families. “Community Builders” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Business Journal. We are proud to highlight this Texas Southern University and Verizon historic initiative that is helping to build our Houston community.
Aboutthe theVerizon VerizonFoundation Foundation About The Verizon Foundation is focused on accelerating social change by using the company’s innovative technology to help solve pressing problems in education, healthcare, and energy management. Since 2000, the Verizon Foundation has invested more than half a billion dollars to improve the communities where Verizon employees work and live. Verizon’s employees are generous with their donations and their time, having logged
more than 6.8 million hours of service to make a positive difference in their communities. For more information about Verizon’s philanthropic work, visit www. verizon.com/about/responsibility; or for regular updates, visit the Foundation on Facebook (www.facebook.com/verizonfoundation) and Twitter (www.twitter. com/verizongiving).
AboutTexas Southern About Texas Southern University University Texas Southern University is a student-centered comprehensive doctoral university committed to ensuring equality, offering innovative programs that are responsive to its urban setting, and transforming diverse students into lifelong learners, engaged citizens, and creative leaders in their local, national, and global communities. Texas Southern University will become one of the nation’s pre-eminent comprehensive metropolitan universities. We will be recognized by the excellence of our programs, the quality of our instruction, our innovative research, and our desire to be a contributing partner to our community, state, nation, and world.
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May 2016  15
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
16  May 2016
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
May 2016 17
Comerica Bank Receives Financial Education Innovation Award Presented by Nasdaq and EverFi
omerica Bank was honored recently at the second annual Innovation in Financial Education Awards presented by Nasdaq and EverFi. The award recognizes Comerica’s significant efforts to improve the financial capability of Americans through unique digital learning initiatives. Thirty-five institutions were honored with this distinction at a ceremony hosted at Nasdaq Marketsite in New York City. Honorees were selected based on a set of criteria that included the scale and reach of their financial education initiatives, the duration of their commitment, and unique employee volunteering activities that supplement their programs. "Helping students and adults develop a foundation of financial understanding and capability is absolutely critical," says EverFi Founder and CEO Tom Davidson. “The organizations we’re recognizing here today are tackling this issue head on and taking positive steps to prepare millions of individuals with the critical financial management skills needed to move our country forward.” Comerica is committed to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully navigate the increasingly complex financial world we live in. Comerica has partnered with EverFi to bring the Comerica Money $ense Program to local students at no cost to schools or taxpayers and has reached over 2,000 students who have completed 5,300 learning modules since the 2014-15 school year. The web-based program uses the latest in simulation and gaming technologies to bring complex financial concepts to life for today’s digital generation. “Comerica is committed to the communities it serves and enhancing educational opportunities that give
to be a partner in this quest to prepare our students to become good financial stewards." While more states are implementing standards in personal finance, only 17 states require high school students to take a course in personal finance, according to the Council for Economic Education (CEE). Comerica partners with EverFi to implement its Comerica Money $ense Program in a co-curricular basis, providing students with the opportunity to develop healthy financial attitudes and behaviors in a classroom setting. Administered by teachers, the webbased course offers over six hours of programming on a variety of financial topics including credit scores, insurance, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, taxes, stocks, savings, 401k’s, and other critical concepts that map to national financial literacy standards. The platform uniquely tracks the progress and performance of every student. Comerica’s involvement with Nasdaq and Everfi is part of the bank’s overall focus on financial literacy in the communities it serves. This includes the Empower Series presented by Comerica Bank, which focuses on free community programs for adults. In addition, the bank provides elder abuse training and collaborates with its many community-based partners.
About Comerica
students a better chance of being successful,” says Irvin Ashford, Jr., Senior Vice President and Community Development and External Affairs Director for Comerica Bank. “We're proud
Comerica Bank is a subsidiary of Comerica Incorporated, a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and strategically aligned by three business segments: The Business Bank, The Retail Bank, and Wealth Management. Comerica focuses on relationships, and helping people and businesses be successful. In addition to Texas, Comerica Bank locations can be
found in Arizona, California, Florida, and Michigan, with select businesses operating in several other states, as well as in Canada and Mexico.
About Nasdaq Nasdaq (Nasdaq:NDAQ ) is a leading provider of trading, clearing, exchange technology, listing, information and public company services across six continents. Through its diverse portfolio of solutions, Nasdaq enables customers to plan, optimize and execute their business vision with confidence, using proven technologies that provide transparency and insight for navigating today's global capital markets. As the creator of the world's first electronic stock market, its technology powers more than 70 marketplaces in 50 countries, and 1 in 10 of the world's securities transactions. Nasdaq is home to more than 3,700 listed companies with a market value of approximately $9.6 trillion and nearly 10,000 corporate clients. To learn more, visit: nasdaq.com/ambition or business.nasdaq.com.
About EverFi EverFi, Inc. is the leading education technology company focused on teaching, assessing, and certifying K-12 and college students in the critical skills they need for life. The company teams with major corporations and foundations to provide the programs at no cost to K-12 schools. Some of America’s leading CEOs and venture capital firms are EverFi investors including Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, Twitter founder Evan Williams, and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt. Learn more at everfi.com. For more information, please visit www.comerica.com.
3 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund By d-mars.com News Provider
he average tax refund in 2015 was approximately $2,800 according to the IRS, and similar refunds are expected in 2016. For those getting a refund, there are many options to consider in deciding what to do with this unexpected income. The big question is what is the smartest option? While you may want to splurge with your refund, careful management for the majority of the funds is a smart financial move. A tax refund or any unexpected income can be used to help reach your financial goals without impacting your current standard of living. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company (MassMutual) suggests three things to consider for this year’s tax refund: 1. Pay down debt. Take a look at your current debt. Find out which have the highest interest rates and consider paying those down first to help prevent interest from continuing to add up. Another common strategy is to pay off your smallest debt first, then work your way up to the larger ones. 2. Build an emergency fund. Consider using at least a portion of your tax refund to give your emergency fund a boost. Make a goal to stash away three to six months’ worth of expenses in cash in an emergency fund you can easily access if you need to, such as a savings account, and use your refund to work toward that goal. 3. Pay the future forward. The positive news is that Americans are
living longer. The challenge is that their health may change with aging, and people are now faced with saving for a retirement period of up to 30 years. So if you haven’t started to save or want to boost your retirement savings, consider putting your refund in a retirement savings plan. You may also consider taking a portion of your refund for higher education — whether for yourself, a child or grandchild. Or, if you haven’t considered life insurance or disability income insurance
yet or need to revisit your plans, now’s a good time to talk to a financial professional. A tax refund is money you’ve worked hard for, and it is OK to do something fun with it. Just make sure you consider committing at least a portion toward your short-term and long-term financial needs and goals. To learn more about establishing healthy financial goals or to locate a financial professional near you, visit massmutual.com. – BPT
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18  May 2016
People Are Discovering a New Way to Boost Their Portfolio
By d-mars.com News Provider
s a volatile market sends ripples through the global economy, many investors are worried about how events overseas will impact their portfolio. In addition, concerns about political instability in much of the world have contributed to a heightened sense of worry and stress among investors. However, while the risks in traditional markets are real, 2016 is full of opportunities for the investor who is willing to think a little differently. In the face of these uncertainties, the standard advice is for investors to diversify their portfolio. Many have been doing this by taking money out of their dividend-paying stocks and corporate bonds and investing in marketplace lending.
Marketplace lending Marketplace lending platforms, sometimes called peer-to-peer (P2P) lenders, are online marketplaces that connect credit-worthy borrowers with individuals seeking investment opportunities. This gives individual investors low-cost access to high-yield consumer loans - an attractive new asset class that was previously only accessible to large institutions. As an alternative investment strategy, investing in marketplace loans has helped investors diversify their portfolio.
Early investors discovered five secrets that are still the keys to understanding why more people are choosing to diversify their portfolios through marketplace lending. They are: Proven returns. Individuals who invest through Prosper, a leading marketplace lending platform, can earn an estimated 6.8 percent in returns. Simple and fast. Investors go through an authorization process on a marketplace lending website to link their profile with their bank, or do a money transfer, in order to establish bank or institutional credentials. The process can be completed within a short period of time, allowing people to start investing in a matter of days. Reduced risk. With marketplace lending, investors can diversify by investing in many different loans (in $25 increments). Many choose to invest in a number of different loans in order to build a diverse portfolio and reduce risk. Risk-adjusted returns. Market-
place lending platforms provide a product that offers competitive return rates relative to other investment products. Investors can choose to peruse the marketplace lending website manually to find the loans that match their risk tolerance. They can also use a tool available on some of the marketplace lending sites that will run a search to help the user easily invest in the specific type of loans they are looking for. Positive social impact. P2P lending is not only a way to strengthen your financial plans, it offers real
benefits to individuals and the community. Prosper Marketplace recently conducted a study and found that over 60 percent of Americans have credit card debt and two-thirds are going deeper into debt by not paying them off in full. With so many Americans struggling with debt, it's no surprise that marketplace loans are becoming a popular option for debt consolidation. Individuals can invest in this debt knowing that marketplace lending platforms leverage technology to assess risk and determine a credit rating. – BPT
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May 2016 19
Trending Real Estate Investment: Land Ownership By d-mars.com News Provider
mart investors know a diversified portfolio is the best way to weather any storm. Considering the volatility of the current stock market, the desire for better options has never been greater. Rather than gamble on the next buzzworthy stock or bond and hope it lives up to expectations, there's an alternative that's gaining traction: land ownership. While stocks and funds depend highly on market swings, forestland requires only sun and rain to provide asset growth. However, the key to maximizing financial and recreational returns depends on proper management-and that requires more than just Mother Nature. Knowing how to manage a large piece of land can be overwhelming to a new investor or a person who may have inherited land from family. It's important to consider the investment potential. Some common questions include: • Should you harvest any timber? From what areas? • When should you plant trees? • How should you manage the vegetation and handle invasive species? • How can you protect the wildlife? Just as hiring a financial advisor is smart to manage an investment portfolio, hiring an expert to assist in answering questions and managing a land investment is also highly advisable. Independent consulting foresters are experts that offer scientific applications as well as business acumen
to landowners. Foresters offer broadbased knowledge about the characteristics of forest land, relevant economics of private timberland management and sensitivity to the full scope of issues important to private forest landowners. In addition, an independent professional land management team comprised of not only consulting foresters, but also wildlife biologists is important. This expanded capacity of the consulting professional is essential for successful private forest management. So how does the land management process work? According to one lead-
ing consulting forester firm that utilizes both forestry and biology expertise, Bird & Crawford Forestry, there are three basic steps to proper forestland management. Following these steps will help ensure the landowner is maximizing his or her investment long-term. 1. The first step is to gain knowledge of the existing and/or potential natural resources on the property. This includes knowing what resources are on the land, how they are located in relation to land features and what resources are worth preserving. Bird & Crawford Forestry is one group that utilizes
wildlife biologists along with professional foresters to survey the land in person to map the property and determine resource assets from a financial as well as a recreational standpoint. 2. Once what actually exists on a property is determined, the next step is to establish goals for the property. Because every landowner/investor is unique, goals can vary greatly. For instance, if the land is inherited, the goal may be focused upon protecting family assets to confidently keep a family legacy intact for generations to come. Upon identifying goals, an overall management strategy can be developed. 3. Finally, professional foresters will develop the plan of forest and wildlife management activities required to achieve the owner's goals. This might include a planting and harvesting schedule, wildlife management and conservation efforts, and even hunting lease management. Beyond the bottom line of profit potential, land ownership gives investors something that is tangible, a good alternative to traditional investments and another option to round out your portfolio. Owning land is also a wonderful way to conserve and enjoy nature while leaving a lasting legacy to family and future generations. Working with experts familiar with a breadth of land, from upland pine sites to bottomland ecosystems, provides peace of mind for maximizing the land's value. Learn more about forest and land management at www. birdandcrawford.com. – BPT
5 Tips to Avoid Hidden Credit Card Fees By d-mars.com News Provider
any consumers are trying to be wiser with their credit cards. They avoid splurging on gifts during the holiday season. They don’t apply for a store credit card every time they’re offered 10 percent off their purchase. Yet hidden charges and overlooked terms and conditions might be covertly padding some consumer credit card balances. Annual fees are rising. On average, Americans paid more than $17 for these fees last year, up 70 percent from $10 in 2010, according to CardHub.com. Average maximum late fees also have risen to more than $35 over the same period. “Many people are using credit responsibly — they’re working hard to keep balances down, but they may be undermining that effort over time by overlooking the fine print,” says Mikel Van Cleve, USAA personal finance advice director. When evaluating cards for unnecessary fees, he says to first make sure it doesn’t charge a fee for something you do often.
“For example, USAA Bank recently eliminated foreign transaction fees on all of our credit cards. If you frequently travel abroad, a card with no foreign transaction fees could provide significant savings,” Van Cleve says. In addition to foreign transaction fees, Van Cleve also recommends keeping an eye on sneaky fee fine print: Changes in APR. Many cards offer an attractive “introductory” interest rate
but may hike the rate up significantly after the promotion expires. If you plan on keeping a balance on the card, make sure you look for a card with a low A PR after the introductory rate expires. Penalties on late payments. Credit cards often have a penalty APR when you pay late. Check out the terms of your account to ensure you aren’t getting an interest rate hike due to a late payment.
Balance transfer fees. Credit cards usually come with a fee to move a balance from another card. Make sure you know the cost of transferring the balance. Often people move a balance to another card with a lower interest only to learn that they’ve lost the savings to a balance transfer fee. Reward terms. Understand the terms of your credit card so you don't lose points or cash rewards because of a late payment or expiration date. It's also smart to know what incentives and special offers are available with your card. Focused on airline miles? See if booking hotel rooms and rental cars with your card earns you more miles, for instance. Hidden costs for cash advances. Some cards have higher interest rates for cash advances than regular purchases. Before withdrawing cash, make sure you know the true cost of getting that extra cash. This kind of fine print is commonplace, so it’s important to understand what fees are on your card and how your spending habits impact the additional fees you can pay. Choose your cards wisely, and you should be able to find a card that fits your needs without paying a fortune in fees. - BPT
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20 May 2016
5 Ways Businesses Can Cut Energy, Save Money By d-mars.com News Provider
ompanies across the nation are looking for ways to become more energy efficient, and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are no exception. Reducing energy consumption is one of the top areas where SMB leaders need more guidance — up 14 percent from the previous year, according to the Cox Conserves Sustainability Survey. Energy costs are among the largest business expenses for any company. Simple conservation efforts will go a long way to lower the power costs of your current operations. “More companies than ever have said they want information on sustainability,” says Cox Enterprises Executive Vice President Alex Taylor. “Our survey showed that some SMBs often find it difficult to make or justify the investment in sustainability programs or prioritize them over other demands and initiatives. From our own experience with the Cox Conserves program, I can confirm that sustainability is as good for our business as it is for the environment.” Here are some quick tips that can help any sized business improve efficiency and cost savings. 1. Know your baseline. Your utility company can provide detailed usage records that show usage and cost totals, as well as helpful details like peak usage times. This data helps you measure your progress. 2. Take advantage of savings. Government agencies offer a variety of tax credits, rebates and other incentives to support energy efficiency. Visit energy.gov/savings to find programs that may be available to your business.
3. Pay attention. Take note of the natural energy sources specific to your geographic location. Sun or wind energy technologies may be great money-saving solutions. If the sun sufficiently lights your office or meeting room, make a point of keeping the blinds open and the electric
lights off. 4. Look at lighting. Lighting retrofits are a simple and effective solution that do not interrupt regular operations and often offer a short return on investment. 5. Encourage employees. Turning off computers and other office equipment
when not in use is an easy way employees can make an impact. These tips can start your business on a journey toward becoming a more efficient and eco-friendly organization. The benefits start at protecting the earth and extend to enhancing the bottom line. – BPT
5 Tips for Mastering Your First Phone Interview By d-mars.com News Provider
he path to professional success often begins with a phone interview. In fact, 82 percent of HR managers and working professionals say that phone skills are key to both landing a job and maintaining a sustainable career, according to research from TracFone. For those looking to secure their first professional job, rejoin the workforce or climb the professional ladder, the importance of phone etiquette cannot be overstated. To master the phone interview, follow these five tips: • Speak clearly. Speaking in a clear, confident voice eliminates potential for miscommunication and provides a pos-
itive tone to the call. Be sure to sound upbeat and enthusiastic during the interview – you can even smile to help with this and use your voice to convey your excitement about the position. • Stay connected with the right device. All of the interview preparation in the world won’t save you if your phone fails, so make sure you’re available with a secure line when the call comes through. Consider TracFone, which offers affordable, quality smartphones such as the Alcatel 460 – the perfect tool for accessing TracFone’s nationwide coverage on America’s largest and most dependable 4G LTE networks. Plus, with no activation or cancelation fees and unlimited carryover to keep any unused minutes, text and data, you can change your no-
contract plan as often as your needs change without penalties, perfect for the on-the-go professional. • Keep your resume on hand. Often, hiring managers will reference your resume during the phone interview process. Having a copy handy will help you answer those questions with confidence and ease. You can even make a list of “talking points” that provide more detail about your background to reference during the call. • Ask questions. The interview is meant to be a conversation and twoway process, so it’s important to have a few questions of your own about the company and position for which you’re applying. This will show the interviewer that you don’t just want
any job, but a long-term career at that company. It’s also a good opportunity to determine if the job and the company really are the right fit for you. • Send a follow-up thank you note. The phone interview doesn’t end when you hang up. One of the most important steps to career success is the follow-up. Carefully record who you spoke with and send them a thank you note for taking the time to speak with you. If you have their email address already, use that, or research their contact information on sites like LinkedIn. Reiterate your interest in the position and emphasize why you are a perfect fit. It’s an important, lasting impression that may help you secure the job and, ultimately, career success. – BPT
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May 2016 21
10 Ways to Be More Active During the Work Day By d-mars.com News Provider
e're sitting too much and it's dangerous. The average American spends more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more time you sit, the higher your risk of serious, potentially life-threatening health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So, what can you do about it? Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day - anywhere, even at the work place - to improve your wellness and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. As part of the American Diabetes Association's(R) Wellness Lives Here(SM) initiative, the Association encourages everyone to get active for National Get Fit Don't Sit Day(SM) with these 10 tips for the workplace and beyond.
Park a few blocks away from the office each morning and walk to work. This allows you to start off your mornings energized and ready to take on the workday. If you take public transportation, get off one stop earlier to squeeze in some light exercise before 8 a.m.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
speaker, or use your mobile phone during meetings to move around without any trouble.
Waiting for the elevator often takes just as long as walking up the stairs, so why not use this opportunity to get your heart rate up? Plus, you'll get the chance to work your leg muscles.
Do chair exercises at your desk. You've been wanting to tone your arms for the summer - why not achieve your goals at the office? When you need a break, do a few reps of chair sits. You can even alternate between chair exercises and push ups!
Get up and move around the office once every 90 minutes. When you're nose-deep in work, it's easy to lose track of time. Set up reminders on your phone or email every 60-90 minutes to get up and do a quick lap around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle, go to the bathroom or catch up with coworkers.
Ask questions and discuss issues face-to-face. Rather than sending an email every time you have a question, go to your coworker's office to discuss the issue face-to-face. This gives you a good excuse to get moving and a chance to more effectively hash out solutions in person.
Use your lunch break to move around outside. So many Americans today work through their lunch break. When possible, take advantage of this time to walk outside and soak in the nice weather. Fresh air and vita-
Hold standing or walking meetings. Many coworkers will welcome the opportunity to stand and stretch their legs for a moment. If you have a two-person meeting, consider going for a walk. min D are often all you need to stay focused and push through the afternoon slump.
Stand up and stretch. If you don't have time to walk around the office every 90 minutes, use the opportunity to stand up and stretch instead. Stretching is a great way to increase energy levels, reduce muscle tension and get your body moving.
Pace around the office during conference calls. Conference calls are the perfect time to be active. Put clients and coworkers on
Fidget when you work. Small movements and quick exercise breaks add up, especially in a sedentary work place, so challenge yourself to stand, stretch or even tap a foot to bring motion into otherwise still parts of your day. Just remember to keep it professional! Making a point to move throughout the day puts you on the right track toward wellness. For more ideas on how to increase physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle, download the Association's e-tool kit today to incorporate the principles and activities of National Get Fit Don't Sit Day into the workday and beyond. – BPT
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22  May 2016
Kill the 9-to-5 by Turning Your Hobby into a Thriving Business By d-mars.com News Provider
beloved hobby can feel like a mini vacation from everyday life. Whether it's gardening for relaxation, photography as a creative outlet or computer coding to exercise the brain, hobbies serve as an escape from stress and boredom. What if rather than a hobby being your escape, it was what you did for a career? "When you do what you love, it doesn't feel like work. However, people are intimidated by the idea of transitioning a hobby into this type of dream," says Jim Salmon, vice president of business services at Navy Federal Credit Union. "Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn't have to be difficult with the right drive and passion." Navy Federal Business Services has helped thousands of people turn their dreams of owning a small business into reality by providing expert guidance and financial support through Business Services products. Here are some of Salmon's expert tips based on best practices he's observed through his close relationship with entrepreneurial clients:
sionals. Turning a hobby into a career is a great option for military and stay-athome parents who require flexibility in regards to working hours and location, but they may have more open time to dedicate to the transition.
4. Create a business plan. Transitioning a hobby into a profession is a lot of fun, but it's also serious business if you want to be successful. That means creating a business plan that includes goals and plans for attaining them. This will serve as the foundation for how you strategize and build a successful business today. Plus, when it comes time to finance your budding business, a solid business plan will give you a leg up and direction for the future.
5. Find financial backing. Depending on what type of business you want to pursue, you may need some additional funding beyond what you can afford. Establishing a relationship with a financial institution like Navy Federal
Credit Union will help you learn more about small business loans and lending products that will help your small business grow. Bring your passion and your
business plan - potential investors and financial institutions alike will want to see both before they make a decision. – BPT
1. Take your time. Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to drop everything and devote all your time to starting a business. In fact, research shows the opposite: People who keep their day jobs while starting companies are a third less likely to fail than those who abandon their full time jobs. Instead, they're tinkering, researching and cautiously testing things out to see if their idea is a viable business venture and if there is a market for their product or service.
2. Set a timeline. Is there a season where it would make sense to test out your business venture? Or perhaps there's a transitional time in your life where you'll be looking to open a new chapter. For example, transitioning your hobby into a viable business venture a great option for active duty military personnel and veterans because they naturally begin to think about what their second career will be after retiring or leaving the Armed Forces.
3. Decide on time commitment. Decide how much time you are willing to dedicate to your new venture in the beginning. Being an entrepreneur means being your own boss which affords you unprecedented flexibility, but the effort you put in directly effects what you get out. Keep in mind, entrepreneurship isn't just for full-time profes-
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