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September 2016
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Creating Success by Doing You
Black History: Female Business Makers By d-mars.com News Provider d-mars.com inspires, informs, and educates in all areas, and it’s especially important to highlight African Americans who have helped make advances in the business world. PAGE 6
“Diamond in the Rough wants to build world changers, one girl at a time. My purpose is to give young ladies the confidence they need to embrace their unique qualities. Every young woman needs to know that she is special and was created by God for a purpose." – Amber P. Jones, Founder of Diamond in the Rough
Humility Precedes Honor By Noel A. Pinnock I find that in order to be and stay successful in business, it’s always important to stay positive and inspired. PAGE 8
Amber P. Jones Is Helping Young Ladies Shine Bright
PAGES 15-26
Do You Can or Do You Can't? By J Thomas Smith I firmly believe that two words will determine your level of personal achievement and success in life.
2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. I always knew I was destined for greatness. PAGE 32
— Oprah Winfrey
September 2016 3
Journal Behind The
Publisher’s Message
SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.
“Creating Success by Doing You” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Business Journal. Are you creating business success by doing you? There are many people who will give you their opinions of how you need to do things. Hearing other people’s input is fine, but in business it’s important to go with your instincts. There are countless successful entrepreneurs and business people who have created success by following their instincts. If you are at a crossroads when it comes to a business decision, then let your instincts guide you.
Kim Floyd
SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.J. Johnson C.T. Foster Tiffany Black
This month’s journal shines the spotlight on Amber P. Jones. Jones is the Founder of Diamond in the Rough. This nonprofit specializes in empowering young ladies with emotional, socioeconomic, and physical disparities. By working directly in schools, offering consistent group mentoring, Diamond in the Rough provides young ladies with the tools needed to be confident, effective, and responsible leaders in every facet of their lives. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines
Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Noel A. Pinnock Tammi Durden Texas Southern University Nycole Hutchens J Thomas Smith d-mars.com News Provider
Amber P Jones Is Helping Young Females Shine Bright......................................................................................................................4-5 Black History: Female Business Makers..................................................................................................................................................... 6 The Power of Social Media.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Humility Precedes Honor................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Why Not?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Winning on Your Own Level...........................................................................................................................................................................10 Texas Southern University News.................................................................................................................................................................10 5 Money Tips Every Teen Should Know...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.................................................................................................................................................... 12 The Fitness Business...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston..................................................................................................................................................15-26 Military Millennials & Their Money..............................................................................................................................................................28 WiFi Is Serious Business...............................................................................................................................................................................28 Home Improvement Investments That Pay You Back...........................................................................................................................29 Your Child’s Education....................................................................................................................................................................................30 Do You Can or Do You Can’t?........................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Budgeting Basics for First-Time Home Buyers....................................................................................................................................... 33 Online Schools.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 The Four Best Tech Options for the Student in Your Life....................................................................................................................36 Smart Jewelry: The Business of Smart Devices..................................................................................................................................... 37
MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “Give light and people will find the way.” - Ella Baker
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
4 September 2016
Empowering Female Youth With the "Four Cs" By Dawn Paul
Associate Editor
ho doesn’t like a little bling? We all know the popular song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” by Marilyn Monroe. Though we see the diamond in its final form, glimmering, polished, and beautiful, the journey of a diamond is a long and complex process. The same goes for us in this process of life. Though we are polished and together now, the truth is many of us don’t look like what we have been through. Amber P. Jones knows this all too well. Originally from the Los Angeles area, Jones has planted roots in Houston, paying it forward to the community and mentoring the next generation of great female leaders. Jones is Founder
of Diamond in the Rough, a nonprofit organization empowering young ladies to have confidence and to live in their purpose. Jones is in the banking industry, and you may see her in her heels and business attire, but there is so much more to this successful woman in business. The youngest of 3, her parents divorced when she was 10 years old, and she was primarily raised by her mother. Though they didn’t have much money growing up, her mother made great sacrifices to ensure that they were able to have the necessities of life. Her older sister was a positive role model for her growing up. Jones grew up learning that you have to make your own way, and no one will give it to you. Like many young people, in her teen years she made bad decisions that could have had a long-lasting negative impact
AMBER P. JONES SPOKE WITH D-MARS.COM ABOUT DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: 1. Why did you found Diamond in the Rough?
I had been mentoring girls and women under my church umbrella for years, but I knew the Lord was calling me to go outside of the 4 walls of the church. He was speaking to me to reach those who had not been reached.
2. What is the mission of the organization?
Diamond in the Rough (DITR) aims to provide mentorship to reinforce positive mindsets and responsible behaviors in a fun, caring, encouraging, and safe environment. DITR is a place where girls can freely share and be themselves.
3. What are the “Four Cs” that DITR uses to help build confidence in girls and young ladies? “Diamond” is a metaphor to associate the universal classification of diamonds to the potential characteristics of our young ladies. The “Four Cs" of a diamond are: • Cut (original design) • Carat (worth) • Color (character) • Clarity (purpose) We believe that these four qualities, when enhanced in any individual, produce brilliance in their lives and allow them to stand out. Program participants are encouraged to embrace their unique individuality through understanding selfawareness, identity, and social responsibility.
4. Many young ladies have issues with self-esteem and confidence, especially with what the media portrays as real beauty. How do you encourage them to truly love themselves?
I believe they must first understand who they were created to be. We are children of a King, which by inheritance makes us royalty. Each and every girl was created with a purpose. There is a gift deposited on the inside of each one of them. I believe when they hone in on their gifts and talents, they will begin to understand that they are unique, and they won’t have to look to the world and society for validation.
5. How do you get through to a young lady who may not have that strong parental guidance and positive role
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
September 2016 5
on her life. She gives God the glory for His grace and mercy, because she knows that if not for Him, she may not be where she is today. Those lessons in life are still with her today, and that is why she has such a genuine passion to help and mentor young ladies, helping them realize that they are a diamond. Jones sees herself in many of the young ladies who she has mentored, having gone through times herself when she did not feel like a diamond. She understands and knows how imperative that mentorship can be, especially for young ladies in today’s society, where there is an unrealistic standard of what real beauty is. “My older sister was a positive role model for me when I was younger, and if I didn’t have her, I don’t know where I would be. There are many young ladies out there who don’t have female role models and who are just lost, and that is why I founded Diamond in the Rough. I want to get the message out there to all young ladies that
“Having dealt with issues that many young girls face, I realized that everything happens for a reason. I sought to find my Godgiven purpose, and that is when Diamond in the Rough was birthed. This nonprofit organization will empower young ladies to have confidence in who they are and live life on purpose.” – Amber P. Jones, Founder of Diamond in the Rough
model at home?
This is why I believe mentoring is so important. Everyone does not have a role model in the home. I believe the best way to get through to anyone is to love by example. All you can do is be the best example you can be and don’t give up on them. To really be able to gain the trust of a young person can take time. Patience and love is key.
6. What makes DITR unique?
DITR focuses on keeping God first! How can I talk to you about identity and having a healthy view of self, but not talk about where your true identity comes from? When we don’t know the purpose of something, we can abuse it. If we never understand our purpose, we walk through life aimlessly. The late Dr. Myles Munroe said it best, “It is very possible that you are a
successful failure if you are not walking in your purpose.”
7. Talk about bullying that young ladies are experiencing. Gabby Douglas received so much bullying on social media about her hair recently. Bullying is usually a way of acting out your own insecurities. It’s very disheartening that Gabby was being bullied by the very people who look like her. The reason they are talking about Gabby is because they are insecure about themselves. Gabby is more concerned about perfecting her craft and winning. Unfortunately, there are those more concerned with the outward appearance, but it’s really about who you are on the inside. When we are secure within ourselves, we learn to celebrate others’ success. Young ladies need to know this. This is one of the issues that DITR addresses with young ladies.
though you may be dealing with difficult situations or circumstances, you are a diamond. Right now, you just need a little polishing and guidance through life, but a diamond is inside of you,” says Jones. Diamond in the Rough is a 501(c)(3) organization. This organization has a strategic character enrichment program targeting young ladies in those formative years. Through this nonprofit organization, Jones wants to help young ladies recognize their true identity in Christ and uncover their God-given gifts and talents. Working diligently to ignite change in the community and families, Jones has a genuine spirit to help bring wholeness to ladies, by building self-esteem and confident leaders. Because Jones has a heart for young ladies, this nonprofit aims to empower all young ladies of different cultures, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. By working directly in schools offering consistent group mentoring, Diamond in the Rough provides young ladies with the tools needed to be confident, effective, and responsible leaders in every facet of their lives. Diamond in the Rough wants to build world changers, one girl at a time. “My purpose is to give young ladies the confidence they need to embrace their unique qualities. Every young woman needs to know that she is special and was created by God for a purpose,” Jones says. A public speaker, Jones targets schools, churches, colleges and universities, and forums to speak on: • MENTORSHIP AND BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM • LEADERSHIP • TEAM BULDING • CHARACTER BUILDING • EMPOWERMENT • ANTI-BULLYING • FAITH AND PURPOSE • RELATIONSHIPS In October, Jones is hosting the 1st Annual Mentor Walk on Saturday, October 8, 2016 at Memorial Park – South Picnic Loop (6501 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX, 77007). This event is a co-ed 5K, highlighting the importance of mentorship. Jones says, “This community event will show our young people that they are truly loved. This a great opportunity for our community to get involved and support our youth.” For sponsorship and vendor opportunities and tickets, please call 713-714-6982, email info@amberpjones.com or visit the website at www.AmberPJones.com. Also, please go to the website to find out more about Amber P. Jones and Diamond in the Rough.
8. Have you dealt with self-esteem issues?
Yes. I have. I think to a certain extent everyone has dealt with issues of self-esteem. I began to really deal with self-esteem issues once I got older and started to walk in my purpose. I questioned and wondered if I was good enough for this purpose. Whenever I have feelings of doubt, I have to remember that my confidence comes from God and His promises to me. Focusing on how He has made me for a specific purpose keeps me going and lifted.
9. What do you look for in DITR volunteers to mentor?
DITR is always open and welcome to volunteers to help our young ladies. I look for a true passion for Kingdom building and empowering youth to be world changers.
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
6 September 2016
Black History: Female Business Makers By d-mars.com News Provider
Street. She has been in the restaurant industry ever since.
-mars.com inspires, informs, and educates in all areas, and it’s especially important to highlight African Americans who have helped make advances in the business world. Below read about some African American women who have paved the way for the next generation of African American business leaders.
J. VERONICA BIGGINS Banking executive and presidential appointee J. Veronica Biggins was born on October 19, 1946 in Belmont, North Carolina to Jacqueline McDonald and university professor Andrew Williams. Her father, also a tennis professional, and a family friend funded several of the early tennis ventures of tennis legend, Arthur Ashe. Biggins and her two brothers attended Catholic schools during their formative years. They also spent two years of elementary school in Indonesia. Biggins went on to receive her B.S. degree from Spelman College and her M.A. degree from Georgia State University. Biggins entered the business world as a management trainee at NationsBank, formerly The Citizens Southern Bank and now Bank of America. She received several promotions and was one of the highest-ranking females in banking in the country when she left the industry as Executive Vice President for Corporate Community Relations. In 1994, Biggins became Assistant to the President of the United States and Director of Presiden-
The Power of Social Media Make Giving Your Business By d-mars.com News Provider
oday, it's easier than ever to stay up-to-date on business, current events, maintain a close connection with family and friends and to share your views with the world — all thanks to the power of social media. The convenience that platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide is now making it easier to get involved in important causes. From donating money to raising awareness, there are numerous ways to give back using your favorite social media sites. If you're interested in helping a charity, but aren't sure how to get started, get inspired with these five online giving ideas. With social media, you can also make giving your business.
tial Personnel under William Jefferson Clinton. Her responsibilities included the placement of agency heads, ambassadors and members of the presidential boards and commissions. During the fourth world conference on women of the United Nations in 1995, Biggins served as Vice Chairman of the United States Delegation in Beijing, China. She later served as a Senior Partner at Heidrick & Struggles, an international executive consulting firm, and then as Managing Partner of Diversified Search in Atlanta, Georgia. Biggins has served on the boards of AirTran Airways, Southwest Airlines, Avnet, NDC Health, the Georgia Research Alliance, the Woodruff Arts Center, the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, Downtown Atlanta Rotary and the International Aids Fund. She was also a fellow of Harvard University’s
Advanced Leadership Initiative, and has served as Chairman of the Czech Slovak American Enterprise Fund and the Savannah College of Art and Design’s Global Board of Visitors. Biggins received a Points of Light award from President George Walker Bush and has been named to the Georgia State University Business Hall of Fame.
LEAH "DOOKIE" CHASE Leah Chase, "the Queen of Creole Cuisine," was born January 6, 1923, in New Orleans, Louisiana, of Catholic Creole parents. She was sent to New Orleans in 1937 to live with her aunt and to attend St. Mary's Academy for high school. Her first job out of school was at the Oriental Laundry in the French Quarter. A week later, Chase was hired by the Colonial Restaurant on Chartres
In 1945, she met and married musician Edgar "Dooky" Chase II, whose parents owned the Dooky Chase Restaurant. At first, Chase spent her time raising her children and sewing, but once the children were old enough to attend school she began to work at the restaurant three days a week. She changed the menu to serve hot meals at lunchtime to black men who were beginning to work in offices. She started out as a hostess, but she was soon redecorating the restaurant and working as chef. Because of Chase, the Dooky Chase Restaurant is known for its good food, antiques and original African American art. Chase has received many awards both for her culinary genius and her community service including: the coveted New Orleans Times Picayune 1997 Loving Cup Award, the Weiss Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Torch of Liberty Award, the University of New Orleans Entrepreneurship Award, the Outstanding Woman Award from the National Council of Negro Women, and numerous honors from the NAACP. She serves on many organizational boards including the Arts Council of New Orleans, the New Orleans Museum of Art and the Urban League. Chase is a frequent guest on many of the televised cooking shows. She is a recipient of the 2016 James Beard Lifetime Achievement Award. Source: www.thehistorymakers.com
Engage with online charity campaigns
A post now and then raises awareness without annoying followers.
Many charities are taking advantage of social media to increase awareness, find support and raise money. You can join in too, by participating in these online campaigns. One campaign going on right now is the #MakeMLaugh challenge. M&M'S(R) is teaming up with the Red Nose Day Fund to raise money for kids around the world who need our help. Each day until May 26, 2016, a new challenge, designed to make fans laugh, is shared on the M&M’S Twitter channel (@MMSChocolate). Every time fans engage with the #MakeMLaugh hashtag, the brand will donate $1 to the Red Nose Day Fund and each day, M&M’S will feature one lucky fan’s participation in the challenge to trigger an extra $1,000 donation to the Red Nose Day Fund up to $500,000. To see all the challenges and get involved, follow the M&M’S Twitter page, www.twitter.com/mmschocolate.
Pay attention to brands that support good causes
Follow nonprofit organizations on your social media sites Stay up-to-date on new events, issues and campaigns by following your favorite charities online. This simple action can lead to more acts of giving in
the future, and it helps you stay educated on the issues you consider most important.
Sometimes you can make a difference simply by buying the brands that give back. Do a little digging online to find companies that give a portion of their profits to charities or important research. Then, follow these brands on your social media channels to continue learning how the money is helping.
Share a cause you care about with your network
Sign an online petition and give social media friends an opportuOften, the most effective way to support a cause is to get more people in- nity to do the same volved. Share posts published by charities you follow, and explain why their work is meaningful to you. In fact, 68 percent of people said they would learn about a charity if a friend posted about it on social media site, according to MDG Advertising. Friends and family who read your updates may become interested in the cause and want to help as well. When sharing your thoughts on an issue or promoting a nonprofit organization, be careful not to overdo it as users don't like feeling pressured to donate.
You can do good even if you don't have a lot of money to spare — giving back can be as simple as typing your name into a box. Sign an online petition that's related to an issue you care about, and share the petition online to raise awareness of the cause to others. Thanks to social media, it's easy to support the causes you care about even while juggling a busy work schedule. Continue to become involved with the issues and organizations you find important by sharing them with others. – BPT
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September 2016 7 CBP-6100-07 CRE Ad-MM.pdf
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Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
8 September 2016
Humility Precedes Honor
By Noel A. Pinnock Contributing Writer
find that in order to be and stay successful in business, it’s always important to stay positive and inspired. I read some great inspiration on www.livinglifefully. com.
“This is a beautiful image--I love the idea that each of us was born with a seed inside of us that will grow into a full tree, beautiful and amazing, if only we provide it with conditions that will allow it to grow. And what are those conditions? Simply this: using the talents, abilities, and gifts that we were provided with in order to contribute something to the world, in order to give something in just the right measure, in ways that only I can contribute. If I do so, then I grow, learn, and develop those gifts so that they are even more beneficial to the
other people who inhabit this planet with me. One day I will die. That is okay with me. But as many people have said throughout history, I do not want to die knowing that I have never lived.” When it comes to business, it’s impor-
tant to be aware of what our talents are, making every effort to use those talents and abilities in the best areas to create success. Now, we may not change the world alone, but working together in business, we definitely can add something very valuable and make great contributions. Someday I would like to see myself as
a huge tree, providing precious shade for people during hot summer days and perhaps shelter during rainstorms. I would like to provide a beautiful show in the autumn, and come back to help give people hope for renewal in spring. The notion of humility has deep roots in the business growth processes. It requires one to dig deep into his or her soul to peel away the exterior coatings of callous selfimportance, in order to expose the fragility that exists in the center of our being. Your employees and team will appreciate and respect this type of leadership. As business leaders, we should be gracious, while making positive deposits in the lives of our team and everyone we meet along life’s journey. Your leadership should inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their professional and personal lives. The returns on these deposits will not only build trees that can provide shelter for others, but also be a part of an elaborative forest whose tapestries can shade the world. Humility should precede honor. To read more about Noel Pinnock, B.S., M.P.A., C.A., CCC, IPMASCP, please visit www.noelpinnock. com. #GetAtIt
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September 2016  9
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
10 September 2016
Winning on Your Own Level
Why Not?
W F By d-mars.com News Provider
hen you are networking and someone asks you for your social media handles, if you are not on social media, you may get the question, “Why not?” I hate to make you feel uncomfortable, but why aren’t you on social media? Why are you not taking advantage of one of the most accessible tools on the planet? Now you may be someone who likes to keep their private life private and be leery of social media because of some of the imprudence it can attract, and that’s okay. Trust me…I understand. However, when it comes to sharing what your business has to offer, why not use one of the best platforms to help attract more customers and expand your business? You are busy, and it may seem that you don’t have time for yet another task on your already full schedule, but there is power in social media, especially when it comes to business. Using social media correctly and in a positive way can benefit your business. When social media comes to mind, the latest celebrity shenanigans can run through your mind, but don’t let that deter you from using this awesome technology tool that is right at your fingertips. Social media has reshaped news, influenced the entertainment industry, and changed how business is conducted, believe it or not. The next time you are at the grocery store, look at the item you are about to purchase. I can bet that the item has their social media handle/ handles on it somewhere. The restaurant you patronize, the movie theatre, and even
Benefits of Analytics: • How many people who click on my ad actually spend money on my website? • Where do people go after visiting my site? • How many website visitors come from my social media campaigns? • Are people sharing my posts with their friends? • How effective are the backlinks directed at my website? • Can I improve the quality and number of sites linking to my business? Source www.thesocialsavior.com
By Tammi Durden Contributing Writer
or many years, I have been frequently approached by individuals in the network marketing industry. There are few presentations I have not seen. I am a leader and true entrepreneur at heart, and I think that is what people see and attracts them to me. There are scores of successful individuals in this industry who are performing extremely well and countless lives have been transformed as a result of their work and success. There was a time that I thought I would succeed if I tried real hard, had the right mentor, and stayed focused. The problem was that I began to compare myself to others, wishing I was experiencing their success, and I neglected to celebrate even the smallest of my own accomplishments. Ultimately, I learned that it was okay to admire the advancements of others, but to stay focused on my purpose and win on my own level.
spectrum, your purpose can also be further clarified by things that you despise or maybe even your pet peeve. What do you enjoy doing? What would you do even if you did not get paid for it? You must be clear and specific about what you were placed on this earth to do. Remember, we are all distinctly and necessarily different for a reason. That’s why you may be exceptional at something and I’m horrible at it. You are wired the way you are wired for a purpose, so begin to appreciate your strengths, stay in your lane, and do you.
• Create a success plan. Now that you are clear about your purpose, you must have a success plan. Winning in life doesn’t just happen. It is necessary to create a strategy or blueprint. Your plan does not have to be formal or elaborate. This can be something as simple as goal setting. Make a list of things that you want to accomplish. Remember to keep it simple. It could be a career goal, a financial goal, or even a physical goal. Best practice is to identify your goals,
write them down, and set a date for achieving them. Having this plan in place will alleviate the guess work and keep you focused on your road to success.
• Take action and win! Become intentional about winning and move forward with executing your plan. You will never have what you are not willing to go after. Do not squander this opportunity, but be disciplined and committed to do the work. My favorite book reads, “Faith without works is dead.” We can have desire to succeed. However, if we fail to execute, it is merely a dream. Choose to have fun and make it enjoyable. Don’t allow fear and past failures to stop you. Silence any negativity that is going on inside your head with positive and empowering thoughts. Develop a sense of urgency, stop procrastinating, and go after it now! For more information about Tammi Durden, please visit her website at www.tammidurden.com.
Now let’s take a look at a few things that can help when it comes to winning on your own level: • Be clear about your purpose. In order to win or be successful in any endeavor in life, you must be clear about your purpose and what generates passion within and brings you pleasure and fulfillment. On the opposite end of the
Texas Southern University News
Students Win First Place in International Business Competition By Nycole Hutchens Contributing Writer
nthony Collier, a History and Political Science major at Texas Southern University, recently won first place in the International Competition for Entrepreneurs in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Collier, a junior, and his team of four other Texas Southern students – David Funchess, Shanique Brown, Aubrey Conley, and Ashytn Duncan – were recognized for RadBlok, an innovative electromagnetic chip idea. RadBlok is a 24K-gold chip designed to boost cell phone reception, conserve battery life, and keep the phone at a safe temperature while charging to avoid overheating. Texas Southern was the first and only HBCU among 12 schools from around the world to be admitted into the
competition. For more information on RadBlok, please visit www. RadBlok.com.
About Texas Southern University Texas Southern University (TSU) is a comprehensive, metropolitan institution providing academic and research programs that address critical urban issues, and prepares its increasingly diverse student population to become a force for positive change in a global society. TSU offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs and concentrations – bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees – organized into 10 colleges and schools on a 150-acre campus nestled in the heart of Houston’s
historic Third Ward. The University’s enrollment has a population of 8,000 undergraduate and graduate-school academic candidates. Texas Southern has been a distinguished educational pioneer since 1927, and the University has become one of the most diverse and respected institutions in Texas. TSU has positioned itself as a proactive leader in educating underserved students and many who are the first in their family to attend college.
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September 2016  11
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
12 September 2016
5 Money Tips Every Teen Should Know Build Financial Smarts in Your Teen with These 5 Tips
By d-mars.com News Provider
or most teens, high school is an exciting time for those sweet, first tastes of independence: first dates, first cars, first paychecks. As low-stakes as some of these milestones may seem, there's one area that deserves some extra attention in every family: personal finance. Today's teens are spending $260 billion a year in the U.S., yet only 17 states require completion of at least one financial literacy course for high school graduation. Consider the fact that 3.3 million high school students are expected to graduate in 2017, and what we have is too many young adults heading out into the real world lacking even a basic understanding of money management. "That means today's young people are spending and borrowing more than ever without understanding the consequences," says Wendy Kha, a San Francisco teen who was selected by Boys & Girls Clubs of America to serve as national ambassador for its teen financial literacy program called Money Matters: Make it Count, created in collaboration with Charles Schwab Foundation. Taking part in this program had a profound impact on Kha, along with over 725,000 other Club teens who have completed Money Matters. As an advocate for teaching financial responsibility, she offers a few tips for parents and teens.
Save early, save often As soon as you start earning money or receiving an allowance, you should open a savings account. Parents and teens can decide together how much of the earnings should be set aside for savings. "Whenever you earn or receive money, put at least 10 percent of it into a sav-
Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
By d-mars.com News Provider
ure, you need to make time to get out and enjoy yourself, and you can find plenty of ways to have fun without breaking the bank. Follow these five tips for some sav-
ings: 1. Skip the movie theater. If you’re saving for vacation, those first-run films may not be worth the expense. When you total up the costs for movie tickets, drinks, popcorn and candy, a date to the movies can cost up to $50. Instead, stream movies and make popcorn at home, putting that monthly movie allowance in a vacation savings fund.
or irrational decisions if you recognize them in advance," Kha says.
Build good credit Money decisions you make even now as a teenager will make a difference later. Good credit is essential to getting a good rate on a car loan or leasing an apartment later on. That credit score is an indication to future lenders that you are responsible and will pay on time. To build good credit, always pay your bills on time and carefully manage your checking account. If you choose to get a credit card, never charge more than you can afford to repay in full each month.
Get a reality check
ings account," Kha says. "I personally set aside 25 percent of my income from my part-time job to help me save up for bigticket purchases, such as concert tickets and cool electronics, as well as college tuition."
Needs vs wants When something fun comes up at the last minute it's hard to say no, and even harder to face the idea of missing out. The best thing teens can do is prepare for situations that lead to impulse purchases. Start by making a list of needs and wants. Each month, plan for the things you need, and figure out how much is left over for the fun stuff. If you know ahead of time that your car insurance is coming due, you will be less likely to spend all your money 2. Cut your wireless bill. Switching to a more affordable plan can save you a lot of money. Straight Talk Wireless offers consumers access to the best phones on the best networks at just $45 per month for unlimited talk, text and data with the first 5 gigabytes at high speeds (then 2G). And for those data lovers out there, now you can double your data for only $10 more with Straight Talk Wireless new 10 gigabyte plan, with the first 10 gigabytes of data at high speeds (then 2G) all for $55. Remember, at 2G speeds, functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video, may be affected. You should always refer to the latest terms and conditions of service. Switching is easy because you can keep your phone, network and number with Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone program (BYOP). Best of all, there are no contracts, credit checks or mystery fees. Cutting your wireless bill allows you to save money.
Now that you're aware of how much you need for necessities and what's left over for the fun stuff, it's time to start keeping track of everything you spend. It doesn't matter if you use cash or a debit card, and it doesn't matter if you keep track with an app or a small notebook. Just be sure to log every single purchase. Even small things, including the taco from the food truck or trail mix from the vending machine, should be entered into the log. Being mindful of every dollar you spend will help you understand your spending habits and help you find ways to reduce your spending and save even more. "You can avoid impulsive, emotional
Before graduating high school and going out on your own, it's important to sit down and get a solid idea of what it takes to make ends meet while living the lifestyle you want. Look for a financial education program geared for teens. A good one will cover budgeting, goal setting and planning for the future. For example, Kha learned a lot from one component of Money Matters called the Reality Store, a hands-on experience that helps teens envision the realities of adult life - understanding careers and salaries, managing income and expenses as well as planning savings and investments. These lessons are also reinforced in a new interactive feature of the program - a digital game called $KY. Players navigate financial decisions and are rewarded for managing cash and credit wisely, adding a fun new way to learn these important life skills. "It's a lot to digest," Kha says. "But I know when I head off to college, my eyes will be wide open, and that will help me make better money decisions." – BPT
3. Clean up and cash in. Did you skip spring cleaning this year? If so, dive deep into your closets, sort through garage piles and lift up those sofa cushions. Gather items you no longer need and stage a yard sale. You might even find a treasure trove of loose change lying around where you least expect it. 4. Exercise with Mother Nature. Gym memberships, fitness classes, yoga sessions and organized team sports all cost money. Going for a jog outdoors is
free. Even if you go to a discount gym, suspending your membership and exercising outdoors for a few months can save you big bucks. Take your workout outside – by jogging, hiking, gardening, doing yard work or just playing with the kids. 5. Automate your savings. Most banks now offer online tools that allow you to set up an automatic transfer between your checking and savings accounts. You can also setup direct deposit to automatically split your paycheck so a set amount gets distributed to your savings each month. Automating your savings means it happens without even having to think about it — so there’s less temptation to spend those funds on something else! By taking a few steps to save, you’ll have more cash in-hand to enjoy what life has to offer. Little things can make a big difference. For more ways to save, visit www.StraightTalkSwitch. com. – BPT
on concert tickets.
Keep track of spending
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September 2016 13
In God We Trust Harris County Civil Court at Law #1
In November, Let’s Keep Commissioner El Franco Lee’s Last Appointment for Judge!
Endorsed By:
Justice with Compassion
• The Houston Chronicle • Houston Lawyers Association • COGICPAC • Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston and Vicinity
Top Rated Civil County Court Judge Honorably Serving the Community
Judge of the People
Political ad. paid for by Clyde Leuchtag Campaign
Elect the first African American to the oldest court in Texas “ . . . living proof of the American Dream. Kevin Fulton, our choice for the bench.” – Houston Chronicle
for Judge • 11th Civil District Court From the Community, For the Community • Selected a Top Attorney in 2014, 2015, & 2016 by H-Texas Magazine • Super Lawyer Magazine Rising Star in 2016 • Member Texas State Bar College • Member Texas State Bar of Texas Pro Bono College
• Endorsed by the Houston Chronicle • Endorsed by the Baptist Ministers’ Association of Houston and Vicinity • Endorsed by Church of God in Christ (COGIC) PAC • Endorsed by Katy Christian Magazine
fultonforjudge.com Pol. ad. pd. for by the Kevin Fulton for Judge Campaign, Sandi Steinbacher, Treasurer in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
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14 September 2016
The Fitness Business
5 Reasons to Make a Career in Fitness By d-mars.com News Provider
magine waking up early on a Monday morning with a smile on your face. You’re excited to get the week started because you love what you do. Or how about taking a Tuesday afternoon all to yourself, without having to ask permission and use your precious vacation time? It might sound like a dream, but with a career in fitness, it could be your reality. A career in fitness is not only flexible, but financially rewarding, and caters to a variety of personalities. The fitness industry is booming, so there’s plenty of opportunities to grow and be successful with your very own business. If you’ve been on the fence about a career in the fitness industry, here are some reasons that might convince you to finally make the switch.
Make a living by helping others. “I love nothing more than using the research based, scientifically proven approach I have learned through my education to help others accomplish their goals,” says Heather Esterline, a graduate of Life Time Academy, a professional fitness trainer program that lets you step into the industry and build upon your career goals. Working in the fitness industry is highly rewarding as you help people improve their health. You have the opportunity to be an important mentor and trusted friend in every client’s life.
See tangible results when working with clients. As you work with clients and watch them reach their goals, you can see the results of your knowledge and expertise. Whether you’re helping someone lose weight, gain muscle or simply learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you’ll be rewarded as each client continues to make progress.
Choose your specialty. Whether you want to be a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, yoga teacher or even a health club owner, you have the chance to choose your focus. No matter how you want to enter the fitness industry, there’s a class or program to pave your path. Life Time Fitness’ personal training certification program offers several different courses and passes to help you earn the credentials you need to get your career off the ground. The Life Time Academy has two different certification courses that start on October 17 — the Premier and Elite Certification courses. During the Elite Professional Fitness Trainer Courses, participants not only become certified throughout the 24-week course, but also get hands on experience during an externship consisting of 120 hours, altogether equaling 260 contact hours. If learning the foundations of personal training and corrective exercise is more of your interest,
the Premier Professional Fitness Trainer Course may be better for you, lasting 16 weeks and 120 contact hours.
Work with a variety of people in many places. When you have a career in fitness, you’re not sitting in an office, having meetings with the same coworkers every day. From personal trainer to health club owner, there are so many opportunities for working in this field. You can be self-employed, work with a team or even establish your own business and employ a staff. Whether you want to work indoors or out, choose your environment, your schedule and enjoy a healthy work/life balance.
It's one of the fastest growing careers. Positive vibes and low stress make personal training one of the top rated professions by CNN Money Magazine. And it doesn’t take long for your personal training career to skyrocket. For example, Jason Sweetnam, personal trainer and team weight loss instructor for Life Time Fitness, was 250 pounds and living an unhealthy lifestyle when he decided to begin his fitness journey. He decided to improve his health and is now a working full-time helping others get their fitness and nutrition on track. Are you looking for a career change that allows you to be passionate about your work? If any of these reasons speak to you, then it might be time to break into the fitness industry. – BPT
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September 2016  15 Presented by
-mars.com is known for highlighting Houstonians, bringing attention and awareness to individuals who are not only making great strides in their professional lives, but paying it forward in the community as well. This marks the fourth year for the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston. Continuing this proud and wellreceived tradition, this two-day event continued to bring together some of the most influential women around the city and country. This sisterhood of powerful female leaders opened doors for continuous connections to be made. As a first at the VIP Reception, d-mars.com presented Jasmine L. Geyen with the Future Leader Award as an upand-coming female leader who is not only achieving when it comes to her education, but also helping to make Houston a better place with her community efforts. History maker and 2015 honoree, Ivy Taylor, the first African-American mayor of San Antonio, Texas, returned to give the 2016 honorees well-wishes, kudos, and congratulations at the gala. Although every year has been memorable, as another first, this year d-mars.com partnered with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to honor the Western Area of The Links, Incorporated with The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee Community Achievement Award. This recognition from Congresswoman will now be included as part of the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Awards night tradition, recognizing those female leaders making great contributions to the community. Grammy Award-Winner Yolanda Adams and tennis great Zina Garrison were among the list of Icons honored at the gala. Mayor Sylvester Turner, other political leaders, and notables were also in attendance for this evening of elegance, excitement, and recognition.
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16 September 2016
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - ICON Honorees
Suzan Deison
Dr. Laura Murillo
“The 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston award provided exposure and highlighted the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs. The gala was an occasion that provided opportunities for other women to be exposed to women in various fields. It encouraged other women to pursue their dreams and goals and aim higher. This award is part of my journey and part of my contributions of inspiration and encouragement for other women.”
— Icon Honoree Nathelyne A. Kennedy, P.E., President of Nathelyne A. Kennedy & Associates
Yolanda Adams
Nathelyne A. Kennedy, P.E.
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September 2016  17
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - ICON Honorees
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Community Achievement Award "I am honored to receive the inaugural Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Community Achievement Award on behalf of the Western Area of The Links, Incorporated. Receiving this award, which honors Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, is very special because it speaks to the common values we both share, which is 'serving our communities with the heart of a servant.' We feel privileged to be able to note in our historical records that we were the very first to receive this award."
– Roxann Thomas Chargois, Director of the Western Area of The Links, Incorporated
Roxann Thomas Chargois, Director of the Western Area of The Links, Incorporated and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
Zina Garrison
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - Honorary Co-Chairs
Rhonda Arnold
Connie Kwan-Wong
Laurie Vignaud
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18 September 2016
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - Honorees
Farida Abjani
Wanda Adams
Sehba Ali
Jackye Alton Marianna Brasel “The opportunity to meet and speak with so many phenomenal women was truly amazing! It was empowering to be part of a group of women who excel in their professions and who are leaders in their industry. What an amazing night filled with love, respect, and admiration. Thank you MR. D-MARS for such a memorable event.” — Honoree Marianna Brasel, General Manager of Porsche of West Houston
Mary Benton
Dr. Kimberly Beatty Carlotta Outley Brown, M.Ed. “I would like to thank MR. D-MARS and his team for honoring and celebrating women from different professions who continue to give back to their communities, living a life with servant leadership in mind. I was so humbled to be amongst some fantastic and fabulous ladies who are truly ‘influential’ in every way, making Houston a better place to live. I continue to be so elated and will keep forging ahead to make a difference, especially in a child’s life, so they too can give back with a purpose for helping others.” — Honoree Carlotta Outley Brown, M.Ed., Principal of Lora B. Peck Elementary
Victoria Ai Linh Bryant, PharmD
Frances Castaneda-Dyess
Marina Coryat “It was truly an honor to be named one of the 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston and to be among such an elite class of ladies. As women, we have all paid a price for the achievements that we have made. I thank the d-mars.com team, the honorary cochairs, and the nomination committee for this prestigious award. It inspires me to continue my personal journey and remain committed to the community.” — Honoree Marina Coryat, Senior Manager of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas – Southeast Texas Region
Denise Castillo-Rhodes
Debbie Drury “I will cherish this award, knowing that I will continue to help other women achieve their goals and their own personal greatness. With love and faith, we may only strengthen our sisterhood’s foundation. Last year at WBENC, we were told women are 70 years behind men for salary, but control 90% of the spending. As a fiber, I am committed to stand together with other women to be a force that will change this paradigm and also strengthen by paying it forward.” — Honoree Debbie Drury, President of Market Doctors
Katya Dow, Esq.
Amanda K. Edwards, Houston City Council Member At-Large Position 4
Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
September 2016 19
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - Honorees
Loren Lane
Sameera Faridi
Victoria A. Guster-Hines
Ana Hernandez, State Representative District 143
“The award event solidifies that if you believe in His promise, then all things will work accordingly. This honor encouraged me to continue to live by the 4 Agreements: • Be impeccable with your word; • Don’t take anything personally; • Don’t make assumptions; and • Always, always, always do your best.” — Honoree Victoria A. GusterHines, McDonald’s VP, Operations & Franchising – Houston Region
“Thank you for honoring me as one of the 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston. I was humbled to receive this honor and to be among some of Houston's top women. It is truly a blessing that the work being done within and around our community is not only being recognized, but honored. I am grateful for the new friendships formed as a result of this, and I look forward to supporting the Class of 2017.” — Honoree Loren Lane, First Lady of Texas Southern University
Toni Pierre
Rania Mankarious, MA, JD “Thank you MR. D-MARS for including me in the 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Awards. The d-mars. com team did an incredible job putting together a fun event that showcased so many wonderful organizations and women. Thank you for believing in me and the work of Crime Stoppers of Houston.” — Honoree Rania Mankarious, MA, JD, Executive Director of Crime Stoppers of Houston
Sonia Rivera
Nancy J. Li
Ingrid M. Robinson
"Thank you so much for this award! It was truly a fabulous and first class event. This honor has provided me the opportunity to forge new diverse and valuable relationships. I look forward to collaborating with the honorees in the future. I am privileged to do the work that I love, and I am humbled and grateful to be honored for that work." — Honoree Sonia Rivera, National President of the National Hispanic Professional Organization
Kim Roxie
Graciela Saenz, Esq.
Sonya Stevenson
Tene Thomas, CPA
Joi-Lin Venison, Esq.
Teana V. Watson, Esq.
Spring Williams-Cox
Kimberly J. Williams, JD
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
20 September 2016
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
MR. D-MARS | d-mars.com President & CEO
“The 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston are an elite group of female leaders who are bright lights opening doors for the next generation of female leadership. This being the fourth year, we honored another amazing group of women who are not only accomplished, but their inner beauty is something to truly be acknowledged. Their accolades and reputations speak for themselves, but what I most respect and admire about this 2016 group, is that they are leaving a great legacy of giving to their communities. d-mars.com continues to celebrate and recognize influential women who are true examples of women’s empowerment.” Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
September 2016 21
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Kimberly Floyd | d-mars.com Vice President
“This 2016 group of honorees makes me proud to live in one of the most diverse cities in the nation. Houston is a great city, and this year’s honorees have made great accomplishments, helping to keep Houston on the map as an amazing place to be. d-mars. com finds it an honor to put the spotlight on some of the most influential women in our city. The 2016 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston honorees are dynamic. Not only are they examples in their professional lives, but they have a genuine spirit of sisterhood, helping the next woman to succeed. d-mars.com will continue to recognize women who are making a difference.” Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
22  September 2016
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - Gala
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September 2016  23
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston - Gala
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24  September 2016
VIP Reception
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September 2016 25
Title Sponsors
Troy B. Smith Professional Services
Anderson & Smith P.C. TSU & TSU eMPA
Porsche of West Houston
Experience Our World
American Red Cross
Presenting Sponsors
Industrial Welding Academy
Capital One
Harmony Public Schools
Comerica Bank
Houston Airport System
Houston Community College
“Integrity with Attitude” 713-672-WELD (9353)
Platinum Sponsors 3841 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, Texas
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26  September 2016
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September 2016  27
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28 September 2016
WiFi Is Serious Business By d-mars.com News Provider
ou don’t need an expert to tell you: America is hooked on the internet. Just try to think of the last day you didn’t use the web in some way. But you probably don’t think much about the main way the internet is delivered: through WiFi. It powers your computer at work — as well as the Facebook feed you’re discreetly checking under your desk. At home, it’s the new electricity. Netflix, Hulu, and Pandora rely on it. It powers activities on your smartphone, unless you want to rack up a huge data bill from your carrier. WiFi runs the kids’ Xbox and maybe even your thermostat and security camera — these days, almost every device in the home is thirsty for WiFi. When you do think about WiFi, it’s usually because it’s not working — and driving you nuts. Before investing in a more expensive internet package or living with buffering videos and router resets, here are three do-it-yourself ways to improve your home WiFi:
Move your router
Saving goals year over year seem increasingly attainable for Military Millennials.
If you have rooms that don’t have access to the internet — dead zones — first try moving your router to a more central location in the home. Because routers have a limited range, it’s important that your router is in a central area. If you can’t move the router to a different location, try elevating it on a table or shelf to spread the signal more efficiently. Large metal appliances, like refrigerators, and electronics that emit radio waves, like microwaves, can interfere with your network’s signal. Keeping the router out of places like the kitchen can help bolster the range and speed of your WiFi.
Military Millennials
Upgrade to a mesh network
2013 2014 2015 60% 75% 82%
Most households rely on a single router. But with the steep increase in home internet usage, one WiFi router
Military Millennials and Their Money By d-mars.com News Provider
ilitary Millennials have unique lives. While their civilian peers are reportedly jobhopping, living at home with Mom and Dad, and ubering when transportation by automobile is absolutely necessary, Millennials in the military are forced to grow up faster, leaving home for bootcamp at a young age and thinking about buying a home or their first car shortly thereafter. So how do these similar but very different groups of Millennials handle their finances? Navy Federal - a credit union serving the Armed Forces and their families for over 80 years - helps tell the story in a little more detail. Military Millennials continue to be more satisfied with their current financial situation than their peers. Results recently showed: • Military Millennials were at 87% satisfaction • Millennials were at 66% satisfaction Military Millennials prefer to research on their own for financial information, especially online. Results recently showed: • 58% rely on financial advice from professionals
• 73% like to do research on their own before making financial decision • 56% trust digital finance advice
may not be adequate to support all the devices connected to it. A San Francisco company, eero, was the first to bring a mesh WiFi system into the home. eero — which is about as simple as anything gets in the tech world — works by swapping out your current router, plugging a single eero into your modem, then placing additional eeros throughout the house. The devices work together to create a wireless mesh network that delivers fast, reliable WiFi to every room. Their mesh technology ensures people are getting the same internet speeds they’re paying for throughout the entire home, instead of just near wherever their cable pipe comes in. eero is quick to set up and makes it easy for people to manage their networks through a smartphone app. The app allows you to monitor your internet network from afar and invite guests to join the network via a text message. Parents can even assign schedules for when devices can access WiFi, making it easy to limit their kids’ internet usage.
Update your modem An often-overlooked device that may be throttling your WiFi signal is the cable modem, the device that translates the data coming in through your cable pipe into a digital language your router can understand. Households should update their modems every three to five years. If yours is outdated, it could be impacting the quality of your signal and speed. Many people rent their modem from their internet service provider for $5-10 a month. Purchasing a new, updated modem usually costs $50-100, but you’ll save money on a rental fee while seeing major improvements to your WiFi. The way we use the internet today has changed and the old ways of WiFi are not keeping pace. Whether it’s moving your router, upgrading to an eero mesh network, or just swapping out your modem, you shouldn’t have to deal with buffering, dead zones, or router resets. – BPT
2013 2014 2015 52% 77% 69% Military Millennials strongly feel that they are financially prepared for emergencies.
Military Millennials 2013 2014 2015 73% 71% 77%
Millennials 2013 2014 2015 49% 65% 60% *Data based on Navy Federal’s 2015 ‘Military Millennials and Their Money’ Survey, conducted by Forrester. – BPT Source: Navy Federal
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September 2016 29
Home Improvement Investments That Pay You Back By d-mars.com News Provider
omeowners are looking for value in every home improvement project they take on — whether they are upgrading for resale or their own pride of ownership. With new technologies and products on the market, it is easier than ever to add value to your home with projects that ultimately pay you back in numerous ways.
Luxurious looks that are affordable Technology in home improvements has enabled homeowners to create a luxurious exterior that also saves money and recoups their investment. This includes contemporary trends of mixed materials, colors and textures, combining the look of rich, wood-stain shake or even stone in a variety of styles and patterns for foundation cladding or deck skirting. Polymers can actually be stained or finished to look like the real thing. “We have come light years in achieving rich shake and stone looks for any home that won’t break the bank,” says Ralph Bruno, president of Novik Sales Corp. “There are solutions available that actually install as easy or easier than typical siding, with low-maintenance and high moisture resistance, so ground contact is no problem.” The payback: years of savings on maintenance and rich looks
that increase home values.
from the elements and energy loss.
Reducing labor, adding beauty to decks
Standing water threatens property and health
The concept of the outdoor room tops many homeowners’ lists. One way to make any type of wood, composite or PVC deck project faster, easier and more beautiful, is to find a system that gives the impression of indoor flooring with a fastener-free look. This is also a safety issue, since raised fasteners can harm bare feet and get hot in the sun. There are several categories of concealed fasteners on the market, with some nextgen systems that save time and labor with more speed and stability. “Fastening deck boards on the edge with a series of proprietary fasteners, guides and drill bits represents the latest deck technology,” says Chip Manger, vice president at Camo Edge Fastening. “It saves up to 25 percent on installation time and up to 50 percent on costs compared to clips and is very simple to use.” The payback: big savings on deck installation costs, better aesthetics and years of longevity.
The possibility of water seeping into the home is usually enough to scare any homeowner into action, but these days the Zika virus and other insect-borne diseases are driving solutions for removing standing water. In anticipation, the Wall Street Journal reports insect repellent production is expected to triple this year. Homeowners may think water transfer systems are cost prohibitive and difficult to operate, so they wait until it is too late. There are new affordable advancements that can remove water in tight spaces like window wells or wide open grassy areas where insects breed. “Look for water removal pumps with attachments on the top and side, so they fit anywhere,” says Jeremy Cantor, vice president of marketing for WAYNE Pumps. As an example he said, “We designed one such pump called the WWB WaterBUG to be versatile and portable enough to remove any standing water on the homeowner’s property quickly and efficiently.” The payback: protecting the home from seeping standing water and keeping homeowners safe. Make the right choices on today’s advanced home improvement products and systems and you can have a huge payback on your investment and make a lasting impression. – BPT
Guarding against weather and energy loss Homeowners often have no idea how much damage can arise from moisture getting into the home or the inflated cost of utility bills through energy loss. A yearly audit of windows, doors and jambs, receptacles, roof/gutter lines and
other vulnerable areas can protect your home from expensive future repairs. The simple act of sealing these areas with the right caulk can make a huge impact. “There are quality long-life sealants that adhere to a variety of surfaces with excellent adhesion and joint expansion to keep moisture out and prevent heating and cooling energy loss,” says Alan Crupper, vice president of marketing for Red Devil, Inc. “One example is Stormguard-920, a new 100 percent silicon sealant with a quick-forming permanent seal that can be exposed to the elements like rain after just 30 minutes.” The payback: weatherizing your home
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30 September 2016
A+ Ideas: Your Child’s Education
By d-mars.com News Provider
roud parents across the country have children back in the classroom for another exciting school year. The knowledge they gain in class will help set them on a path to success. However, learning shouldn't stop when the school bell rings at the end of the day. "Education should be a driving factor of family life," says Michelle Cote, founder of Bricks 4 Kidz, an award-winning summer camp and after-school program. "Parents hold the key to a child's success by supporting classroom learning and extending educational efforts to the home and beyond." Cote offers simple ideas for parents to help support school lessons and instill a lifelong love of learning in their children. Know the teacher: Teachers spend as much time in a week with your kids as you do. Build a relationship with them by sending check-in emails, attending conferences and volunteering. Be proactive about asking where your child excels and what areas they may need additional help. Facilitate homework: Encourage good study habits by creating a comfortable homework space with adequate supplies and few distractions. Be an active partner in your child's homework and assist when needed. Brainstorm project ideas, answer questions and quiz kids before tests. Practice school lessons: With a fun, no-pressure approach, go over what your children learn in school. Have a conversation each day about what they learned, liked and loathed. Then go over important lessons to help your child better understand the material. Connect lessons to life: One of the best ways to help kids understand classroom lessons is to connect the material to everyday experiences. Practice fractions while cooking. Chat about biology while gardening. Head to the beach to talk about marine habitats and why the tide changes. Choose enriching activities: Select after-school activities that emphasize cognitive development while building self-esteem in a fun environment. For example, Bricks 4 Kidz uses relatable tools like LEGO Bricks to teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills. Learn more at www.bricks4kidz.com. Positive attitude: Kids will mirror your attitude toward school, homework and teachers. Stay positive and model resilience during difficult times. Show kids how you're working to improve your own education, whether that be a career certification or a cooking class. Read together: Reading together is a great way to bond and show joy for the written word. Read the same books your child is assigned in school so you can foster a good discussion about characters and storylines. When you both finish the book, rent the film version and plan a movie night. Encourage active learning: Reading, writing and solving math problems are passive learning activities. At home, encourage active learning where your child builds models, creates art projects and can ask questions and give his opinion. Fuel brain power: There are two ways to support learning that have nothing to do with lessons. The first is to make sure kids are always fueled with a variety of healthy foods. The next is to ensure they are getting a good night's sleep. Full, well-rested kids are always ready to learn. A teacher will shape and support your child's knowledge. It's up to you to grow their thirst for learning and help them better understand important topics. These simple tips make it easy for education to become a strong thread in the fabric of life. – BPT
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September 2016  31
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32 September 2016
Do You Can or Do You Can't? By J Thomas Smith Contributing Writer
Two Words Determine Your Success I firmly believe that two words will determine your level of personal achievement and success in life. All words have power. But two words are the most powerful words you will ever think or speak. They are can and can’t. One will drive you towards your goal, and the other will drive you away from your goal. Success comes in cans. Can moves you forward to achievement. While can’t causes one to retreat or stall in failure.
Your Words Have Power Your words have power. Because your words have power, you have power. What is your vision of achievement? Do you believe that it is attainable? If you want to do you and be successful, you must reinforce your vision with words and phrases of affirmation such as “Yes, I can.” Or “Yes, I will.” If you can maintain a positive outlook and remain focused, you will attain every one of your clearly defined goals.
you are on course, or whether you have allowed yourself to drift toward a dead end or detour because someone told you that you couldn’t do it. I was told, “You can’t become a disc jockey because you have a speech impediment.” But, I did become a disc jockey. I was even told, “You can’t work and attend law school full-time.” But guess what? I did – and I finished in two years. Even in pursuing employment, you can take a no as final or you can continue the pursuit with optimism until you get a yes. It is all up to you. Do what you must do to make the greater good possible.
of those who have inspired me and helped me to remain focused and on course doing me. So, right here and right now, I want to encourage you to do you. Every day ask yourself, “Am I writing and reading positive affirmations?” “Am I giving thanks for those who have helped me?” "Am I listening to positive words from within or am I letting negative forces from the outside control my life?” Think about it. Stay focused.
Stay positive. Do you! Dr. J Thomas Smith is host of “Sunday Morning Live” on KMJQ/ Majic 102.1 (9-11 am CST). He is an attorney, author, keynote speaker, and mental health consultant. Your comments are welcome at jtsmith@radio-one.com or jtsmith@ worldfamousradio.com. Follow on Twitter @drjtsmith102 and at facebook. com/jthomas.smith.12.
Turn Can’t Into Cans Forget the Torpedoes! Full Steam Ahead! One doesn’t have to think long to name several famous and successful entrepreneurs. A few that come to my mind are: Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Sam Walton, Berry Gordy, Ryan Seacrest, Cathy Hughes, Tyler Perry, and Steve Harvey. I am certain that if you had the opportunity to talk with any of them, they would tell you that in the beginning of their journey, most people attempted to “torpedo” their dreams with discouraging words such as “You can’t do that!” Or, how about, “I couldn’t do that. What makes you think you can do it?” Disregarding the “torpedoes,” successful people maintain their visions, move forward, and achieve success on their terms. That’s what you must do. Disregard the negative forces around you, and listen to your inner voice.
Self-Talk is Your Key to Success The key to success in life is to realize that the most important person who speaks to you every day is you. The selftalk you engage in will make or break you. Train your inner voice to respond to every “You can’t.” with "Oh yes I Can!” Success is an inside job. Why do you get up in the morning? What excites you about your typical day? It is important for you to continually explore your why in life. As you do so, determine whether
Just as other successful people have turned can’t into cans, you can too. Never stop dreaming and planning for the goals you wish to attain. Never allow anyone to convince you that you should forget about it. You must take responsibility for your success or lack of success. Take time to fill your subconscious mind with positive affirmations every day. And each day, work on at least one objective that will lead to you achieving your goals.
Be Still and Listen for Positive Words Each morning, I meditate and visualize myself having a success-FULL day. Whether I am doing my radio show, consulting with clients, writing articles, talking to colleagues at the court house or sharing free time with friends, my goal is to be a positive influence. I always want to motivate and inspire others to be better at what they do. If we all become better, the world will be a better place for us all.
An Attitude of Gratitude Along with positive self-talk, we must cultivate an attitude of gratitude. We must be humble enough to realize that we never accomplish anything alone. There are others who wish us to be successful, too. Focus on that. Convince yourself that all of the forces in the universe are conspiring to bring your good about. I am ever mindful
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September 2016 33
Budgeting Basics for First-Time Home Buyers
make a big difference to your budget. For example, instead of buying lunch every day, you could take your lunch to work or school. • Less spending means saving more money. Be sure to set aside these new freed-up funds and allocate them toward your goals. If you're trying to save for a new home or down payment, view your personal savings as a mustpay fund that's as important as your rent or car payment. • Periodically reassess your budget. Life is full of changes, such as fluctuations in income and shifting priorities. It's important to go back over your budget from time to time to help ensure you are on track to achieve your financial goals. Determine if you are financially ready to support a new monthly mortgage payment with Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance's budget worksheet. Download a copy at www.vmfhomeloan.com. – BPT
By d-mars.com News Provider
ou wouldn't dream of going somewhere you've never been before without first getting directions. So, why would you go through life without a plan to help meet your financial goals? "An ongoing household budget is essential, whether it's helping you save for retirement or buy your first house," says Eric Hamilton, president of Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance. "A budget can help you avoid common mistakes along the way by helping you live within your means while planning for the future." If you've never had a budget before, you may be unsure how to begin. Building a budget can be easy as long as you follow a few simple steps: • Establish your financial goals. Do you want to be debt free? Buy a new home? Build an emergency fund? Save for retirement? Setting financial goals can help guide the budgeting process. • Determine your total monthly household income. This should include net income (the final amount of take-home pay after all taxes and deductions) for every working member of the household, including any government aid received, child support, alimony, pensions, etc. Knowing the total income gives you a starting point for
your budget. • Calculate your monthly expenses. It may be helpful to break expenses into categories, such as home, utilities, long term debt, medical, auto, groceries and personal. Personal can include items like clothing, entertainment, dining out, etc. It is helpful to review your cash spending, bank statements and receipts over the past few months
to give you a better idea of your spending habits. Check with your bank for tools offered, such as online banking or a mobile app to track of spending on the go. • Identify where you can reduce spending. After you've assessed your spending habits, you might be surprised to find areas where you can cut back. Small changes in your lifestyle can
Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., 500 Alcoa Trail, Maryville, TN 37804, 865-380-3000, NMLS #1561, (http:// www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org/), AZ Lic. #BK-0902616, Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license, GA Residential Mortgage (Lic. #6911), Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee, Licensed by the NH Banking Department, MT Lic. #1561, Licensed by PA Dept. of Banking.
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34 September 2016
Online Schools Allow Personalized Education With Flexible Schedules By d-mars.com News Provider
-12 education has evolved. What used to be a linear path to academic success has expanded to a variety of nontraditional options for students looking to chart their own course in and after school. Nationwide, more than 275,000 K-12 students in the U.S. attended online school full-time during the 2014–15 school year, according to the 2015 Keeping Pace with K-12 Digital Learning report. Connections Academy online schools are expected to graduate more than 4,000 students this year across 24 states — and many of those students will have completed their entire high school educations online. Graduates were accepted to more than 690 four-year colleges and universities, and others have plans to continue their education at vocational schools, start careers or enter the military. When traditional schools did not fit the needs of Jeffrey Crouch, who has a unique learning need as a visu-
ally impaired student, he joined Great Lakes Cyber Academy. Transitioning to online school made it possible for Jeffrey to pursue an individualized education. As the president of the Michigan Association of Blind Stu-
dents and president of the Genesee County Chapter at the National Federation of the Blind in Michigan, Jeffrey is actively involved in advocating for equal treatment of people with disabilities, a role that’s taken him to
Capitol Hill. Jeffrey graduated from high school this year and intends to pursue criminal investigation as a career path. Across the globe, students such as Aayah Nuriddin turned to International Connections Academy after several years at an international school following her family’s move from the U.S. to Saudi Arabia. Online school gave Aayah the flexibility to become a global citizen and graduate from a U.S.-based school. Locally, Aayah works with younger students through the English Honors Society of Shangri-La. She plans to study architectural engineering at Prince Sultan University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Educators agree that online school isn’t for every student and families interested should take the time to learn about their options. Information sessions are held in many states for families interested in learning more about Connections Academy-supported online public schools, and a full-time online private school is available for families who live in states where a tuition-free public online option is not available. – BPT
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September 2016  35
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36 September 2016
The Four Best Tech Options for the Student in Your Life
dents to take notes in class, sketch out designs, finish a report or project, or just kick back and watch a movie in the comfort of their dorm room.
By d-mars.com News Provider
1 percent of high school grads and 43 percent of college graduates said a new laptop was the gift they most desired in 2015, according to a survey by technology protection provider
Hybrid Laptop Deciding between a laptop-style device with a keyboard or a tablet can be a challenge. Each performs different tasks in different ways. If your graduate needs a device that merges the best attributes of tablets and laptops, the Surface Book can be a solution. The device comes with a keyboard and detachable 13.5-inch screen you can use on its own like a clipboard, similar to the Surface Pro 4.
Asurion. Parents probably aren’t surprised when their children ask for laptops. Technology is a big-ticket item students likely can’t afford to pay for themselves. Yet, it’s something they really need to succeed in college and in professional life. If you want to purchase a laptop for your student this year, you don’t have to overspend to find exactly what they need. Armed with some knowledge of popular options and the types of tasks each is best for, you can choose an affordable, powerful piece of technology for your graduate. Here are some common and popular options, all of which run the powerful Windows 10 operating system:
Laptops For power and flexibility, laptops excel. With capabilities comparable to what you would find in a desktop, laptops offer portability, powerful video editing and game development capabilities, and the ability to add external peripherals like printers and external hard drives. Keyboards and screens that are larger than the average tablet also enhance their usability. Options like the
Dell XPS 13 are also lightweight, squeezing a 13-inch display into an 11-inch frame.
Tablets Portability, a sleek appearance and
touch-screen convenience are hallmarks of tablets. Earlier iterations lacked power to compete with laptops, but newer options like the Surface Pro 4 are both powerful and portable. Paired with a Surface Pen, the tablet empowers stu-
While hybrid devices can function as either laptops or tablets, all-in-ones step up the game with the ability to take on multiple configurations. Whether it’s taking notes on a tablet, typing on a laptop, or displaying a presentation in a tent or stand configuration, multitasking all-in-ones like the Lenovo Yoga 900 offer maximum versatility to fulfill a variety of tasks. The device can deliver in all four configurations: laptop, stand, tent or tablet, and offers a flawless writing experience on its touchscreen. Knowing these basic options can help ensure your student gets the technology he or she will need to succeed in college or the professional world. – BPT
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September 2016 37
Smart Jewelry: The Business of Smart Devices By d-mars.com News Provider
ewelry has signified the bonds between people since the ancient Egyptians created the wedding band. But the digital revolution is quickly converting jewelry from a symbol of connection to wireless ways to stay connected. Rings, watches, pendants — even cufflinks — have been transformed into miniature electronic devices that keep us in touch with people, including ourselves. This merger of fashion and function is catching on fast with consumers. According to Gartner Inc., an information technology and research advisory firm, purchases of wearable smart devices will increase 16 percent in 2016, with smartwatch sales alone predicted to rise a whopping 66 percent. The wearable device trend took off a decade ago, primarily for fitness. The Nike+iPod fitness tracker was the forerunner for a flood of new products embedded with tiny sensors that report the wearer’s workout progress.
Functions, aesthetics determine price Today, nearly all the major tech companies compete in the smartwatch market, including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Motorola and Samsung. Meanwhile, some traditional watchmakers — such
as Tag Heuer — have developed their own high-tech timepieces. Top designers are also collaborating with high-tech developers to create smart rings, bracelets, necklaces and other fine and fashion jewelry. FitBit, for instance, offers a line of fitness trackers conceived by Tory Burch, a well-known women’s wear designer. The technology is embedded in embossed metallic pendants and bracelets.
Protect smart investments Since smart jewelry could be a major jewelry investment — second only,
perhaps, to an engagement ring — it’s important to adequately protect it with insurance. Most homeowners insurance policies cover jewelry to some extent. In many cases, however, your coverage may be limited. Plus, a jewelry claim could affect the status of your entire policy. That’s why it’s important to evaluate your insurance options. Typical warranties and protection plans won’t reimburse you if your smart jewelry disappears under mysterious circumstances — meaning you’re not sure whether it was lost or stolen. The best jewelry insurers, such as Jewelers Mutu-
al Insurance Company, a leader in jewelry insurance since 1913, will cover loss in such circumstances. They will also repair or replace the item through the jeweler or manufacturer of your choice and a loss. If you’re someone who appreciates socially responsible companies, there’s another reason to look up Jewelers Mutual. This summer, the company is making news by offering $2 million in donations to nonprofits that fight hunger, provide affordable housing and deliver medical research and exceptional care to kids battling cancer and other life-threatening diseases. As part of its “Band Together” campaign, Jewelers Mutual is inviting consumers to select which cause receives the largest share of its unprecedented philanthropic gift. For everyone who casts votes at JewelersMutual.com/BandTogether from July 11-31, this campaign offers more than the chance to help their favorite nonprofits. Every individual who answers the call to “Band Together” online will be eligible to win a set of three stacking bands from Stacked New York. Three exquisite sets will be given away during the campaign. While, the bands are not the kind equipped with smart technology, they are a smart fashion choice and symbolize the timeless bonds that connect people to something bigger than themselves. – BPT
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38  September 2016
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