d-mars.com Business Journal 97

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Business Journal Inspire, Inform & Educate

September-October 2015


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Creating Success by Doing You


Special Section Top 30 Women

PAGES 19-30

The Honorable Ivy R. Taylor Mayor of San Antonio, Texas

“I was honored and humbled to be recognized by d-mars.com as a “Woman of Influence” and to spend the evening with such an inspiring group of women. Thank you for celebrating the leadership that women are providing in Houston and in our great state of Texas!” PAGE 20


Got People Potential? By Noel Pinnock Kathe Kollwitz once wrote, “I do not want to die...until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.” PAGE 6

DESTINY Moscato Moguls: Greshaun Fulgham & Mark Thierry Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. – Michael Jordan

September - October 2015  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.




Office Manager Johnny Ray Davis, Jr.

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black


Creating Success by Doing You is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Business Journal. Trusting my instincts is one of the keys to the success of d-mars.com. Instead of doing what society said I had to do to be successful in business, I stepped out on faith and trusted my talents and instincts. When society says to do things one way, it’s important to remember to trust you intelligence, and step out on faith. I have seen the results in my own life and in the lives of some of Houston’s most successful entrepreneurs when you trust your instincts. This month’s cover story is on the successful business partnership between businessmen Mark Thierry and Greshaun Fulgham. Because of their faith and like-minded entrepreneurial spirit, DESTINY Moscato was born, and it is currently the fastest growing Moscato in Texas. DESTINY Moscato is a great product, but it is also a great example of what can happen when you go towards your destiny. Going against the grain as a strong unit is what has helped Thierry and Fulgham take DESTINY Moscato to the level that it is today. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines Priscilla Graham



DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Noel Pinnock Mikal Powers Mena Freeman d-mars.com News Provider

Contents The Power of Faith.........................................................................................................................................................................................4-5 Got People Potential?....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 America’s Smartphone Obsession................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Building a Family at Work..............................................................................................................................................................................10 The Importance of Business Valuation...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Business Credit Cards..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Cultivating Financial Confidence................................................................................................................................................................. 13 4 Top Technology Degrees............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 5 Bad Behaviors................................................................................................................................................................................................16 d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston 2015................................................................................................................19-30 Total Loss Vehicles..........................................................................................................................................................................................36 Five Ways That You Can Save.......................................................................................................................................................................36

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4  September - October 2015

The Power of Faith By Dawn Paul

Associate Editor


he Bible tells us that you should have faith, but accompanied with that faith should be works (James 2:17). There is great power in faith, and yes, God can answer your prayers, but He also wants us to put forth our absolute best efforts. Though in today’s society many believe in the “microwave mentality,” it’s important to remember that nothing in life worth having comes easy. The beverage business moguls (who consider themselves brothers) behind DESTINY Moscato, Mark Thierry and Greshaun Fulgham, are walking and shining examples of what can happen when you combine prayer with a partnership of like-mindedness and hard work. As African-American entrepreneurs, they are creating a time-honored legacy and business map that the next generation can follow. Their diligent efforts are paying off, and their beverage brand, DESTINY Moscato, has received local and national coverage and recognition for becoming one of the top beverage brands.

DESTINY Moscato is not the only business success stemmed from the partnership of Thierry and Fulgham. They are co-owners and cofounders of DRIVEN Golf, which is the only minority-owned golf manufacturing company in the world, with over 90 patents and trademarks, as well as full scale manufacturing in China. DRIVEN Golf will be launching internationally in the Spring of 2016, and it is going to be the first company that will completely market its products to new golfers and millennials, by making it affordable. Thierry and Fulgham want to make their products affordable to open doors for golf to be attainable to those who want to play or are interested in playing the sport of golf, but could not afford to. Fulgham says, “We are very excited about a chance to become a world leader in manufacturing, as well as philanthropy, by breaking the ‘final glass ceiling’ in the sport of golf.” Thinking outside the box and being ahead of the curve when marketing to the millennials has paid off in the game of golf for Thierry and Fulgham, so it’s no surprise they took a risk and stepped out on faith to venture into DESTINY Moscato.

Where many don’t want to take a risk and dip their toe in the water, Thierry and Fulgham jumped head first into the Moscato pool. Though it may have seemed hard, the decision to expand and invest in Moscato was an easy one. “Both Greshaun and I had taken a trip to the West Coast on our golf business, where we were introduced to a large vineyard owner. Both of us being sweet wine drinkers asked him if he could develop a premium Moscato to compete against the cheaper brands in the marketplace. We wanted a product that would be celebratory like a champagne, instead of the standard house wine that everyone was used to,” says Thierry. Also, because Moscato is popular with the millennials and always keeping the millennials in mind, they knew the Moscato move would be a win-win for them and the millennial consumer. Instead of trying to be imitators of other Moscatos, Thierry and Fulgham are originators. They saw that the market was lacking an ultra-premium and high quality Moscato and tapped into it. They saw the need and were determined to meet it, and from there, DESTINY Moscato was birthed.

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September - October 2015  5

duction at our winery, so that DESTINY Moscato can be found everywhere.” With over 30 million visitors on the DESTINY Moscato website and the Moscato being sold in every Fiesta Mart, every Spec’s Wine, Spirits & Finer Foods and every Ralston Discount Liquor location (in Texas), that’s very impressive for a new beverage on the market. Creating this platinum quality product has created quite a buzz, and you will find DESTINY Moscato in other major chains by October. Although there is success for the DESTINY Moscato beverage, there are plans to expand from Moscato to all major categories of wine and champagne. In addition, be on the lookout for DESTINY BOLD and DESTINY V in the near future, and even a premium liquor.

Though DESTINY Moscato is an amazing product that can stand on its own, it helps to have star power behind it. Thierry and Fulgham had their pick of celebrities to partner with who had the crossover appeal to represent the DESTINY Moscato brand. In the end, it was a no brainer to have Nicole Murphy and Morris Chestnut be the faces of DESTINY Moscato, but Murphy and Chestnut are not just good for the brand when it comes to beauty and brawn. They are both actively involved with every decision made regarding DESTINY Moscato. This is something uncommon in the beverage business. “Mr. Thierry, Mr. Fulgham and I instantly agreed that DESTINY would offer the world great wine and beyond. I would like to inspire others to have faith that the best is always available to you. As an actress, an entrepreneur and mother of five amazing kids, my journey has been very rewarding. I am so proud of the products we have designed for the wine connoisseur’s pleasure, and I hope that DESTINY will become a philosophy and wonderful lifestyle for our consumers. I truly believe in DESTINY,” says Murphy. Fulgham expresses, “Nicole has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Not only is she smart, but she has great instincts, not to mention she is a beautiful person inside and out. We speak with her almost on a daily basis, and she is an integral part of the nationwide success and the global vision.” Fulgham also adds, “Morris Chestnut has also proven to be a great man of integrity, as well as an astute business man. His career is exploding right now, and we are so glad he is taking DESTINY Moscato with him.” It may seem that Moscato is more embraced or popular among African-American consumers, but not true when it comes to DESTINY Moscato. DESTINY Moscato is embraced and patronized by many different consumers, and that’s partly due to Murphy’s cross cultural relatability. Though Thierry and Fulgham love that the African-American consumer is supporting the product, they are elated to see that DESTINY Moscato, as an African-American owned beverage company, is crossing racial lines and being purchased by all. Fulgham says, “DESTINY Moscato is a quality product that is enjoyed by all cultures. We created a product with a champagne style bottle, so that it could be celebrated, accepted and enjoyed by the general public as a whole.” The feedback from the public has been amazing, and it’s no surprise that DESTINY Moscato continues to exceed expectations. Thierry says, “We officially launched in March of this year and have been the fastest growing Moscato in Texas. We also have discovered we cannot keep up with demand through our online store, so we have decided to increase our pro-

“Mr. Thierry, Mr. Fulgham and I instantly agreed that DESTINY would offer the world great wine and beyond. I would like to inspire others to have faith that the best is always available to you. I truly believe in DESTINY!”

Thierry and Fulgham are basking in the fruits of their labor and DESTINY Moscato’s success, but it didn’t come without its share of difficulties. Fulgham says, “I will say most of the mistakes are made when you try to do it alone. We have both learned that there is power in partnership. There is also strength when you have another shoulder to lean on.” Thierry and Fulgham sharing their DESTINY Moscato journey and business lessons to the next generation is of the utmost importance to them. With today’s mentality of “microwave success,” Thierry and Fulgham find it of great importance to remind the young generation that nothing comes easy, and it is by faith in God, strong development of relationships, hard work and taking risks that will help you on the path of business success. “Suffering builds your character. Your character will build your faith. In the end, your faith will not disappoint,” says Theirry. Faith and friendship is what has made Thierry and Fulgham create success with DESTINY Moscato. There is the myth and stereotype that African-Americans cannot and do not want to work together, but this DESTINY Moscato partnership dispels that myth. DESTINY Moscato is a great product, but it is also a great example of what can happen when you go towards your destiny. The motto at DESTINY Moscato is “Life is a journey as you meet your DESTINY.” To find out more about DESTINY Moscato, please visit www.destinymoscato.com.

– Nicole Murphy

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6  September - October 2015

Got People Potential? By Noel Pinnock


Contributing Writer

athe Kollwitz once wrote, “I do not want to die...until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.” What we need to do is first, be aware of what our talents are and second, make strategic efforts to use these talents to maximize our impact in business and in the world. We do not have to change the world with them, but we can add value to someone’s life and catalyze his or her contributions in a big and better way. The Bible (Psalms 1:1-3) says, “Blessed is the (wo)man that doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked, stands in the pathway of the sinners, or sits with scoffers. For his(er) delights are in the law of

the Lord and in His law, (s)he meditates every day and every night. (S)He is like a tree planted by rivers of waters, which leaves never wither and branches bear fruit in all seasons, and whatever (s)he does in Jesus Christ’s name, (s)he shall prosper.” Someday, I would like to see myself as the tree outlined in the scripture above, providing precious shade, shelter, and sustenance to those who would benefit from these provisions. You see, a tree produces fruit not for itself, but for someone else. Sometimes the fruit falls to the ground to make it easily accessible, while other times the branches stretch high above the sky to instigate an effort on behalf of the one seeking to indulge its provisions. In either case, I would like to provide a beautiful show throughout the seasons, because the tree that we grow today can bless someone tomorrow and in the years to come. We have to remember there are only two types of people on the planet, those who add value or those who subtract it. Ask yourself the following questions: •  How do I contribute to the process of business growth for the seed that was placed in me? •  What are the possible results of neglecting my seed? •  What can I do at this moment to help my seed thrive? •  Am I helping others discover, cultivate and harvest their seeds? Poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, “Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already was what he po-

tentially could be, and you make him what he should be.” Think about the people who have made a difference in your professional and personal life: the teacher who made you believe you could achieve; the boss who gave you a chance to show that you could do it; the counselor who let you know you had what it takes to change and have a better life;

the man or woman who loved you enough to say, “I do.” Not only were they there at pivotal times, in many cases, they probably created those pivotal times in your life. At the end of the day, we may plant the seed, and we may water the seed, but it is God who causes the increase. Promotion does not come from the east, south, or west, but it comes from the Lord. Don’t forget that on your journey towards business success, and at the end of your journey, it is what remains above the soil that matters the most to those who are left behind. If you have not planted your seed or have been neglecting it, you can’t be mad, because it hasn’t grown to a tree, full of life, abundance and splendor! According to the Maxwell Daily Reader: “In almost every instance where the impact was positive, the person believed in you. He or she probably saw something in you that perhaps you didn’t even see in yourself. Wouldn’t you like to be that person to others? If the answer is yes, then try to love others and see them as 10s. If you have a family, start with your spouse and your kids. And then broaden the circle from there. Believe the best in others, and you will bring out their best.” #getatit! www.noelpinnock.com

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September - October 2015  7

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8  September - October 2015

America’s Smartphone Obsession Extends to Mobile Banking


By d-mars.com News Provider

here’s no denying it — smartphones have become essential to daily life. From the smallest to the most complex of tasks, we’ve adopted a mobile-first mindset. For an increasing number of adults, this means their smartphone is never too far out of reach. In fact, if you’re like most Americans, your smartphone is your first and last interaction of the day. Nearly 71 percent of consumers sleep with their smartphones nearby and 35 percent say it’s the first thing they reach for in the morning, according to the second annual Bank of America Trends in Consumer Mobility Report. What’s more, 36 percent report checking their mobile devices “constantly,” and 38 percent never disconnect from their smartphones. The survey, which explored broad mobile trends and banking behaviors among adults across the country, found the need for constant connectivity also extends to banking. Of those respondents who use a mobile banking app, 62 percent say they access it a few times a week or more, while 20 percent check once a day or more.

“We recognize how essential smartphones are to everyday life and banking is no different,” says Michelle Moore, head of digital banking at Bank of America. “For many of our customers, mobile has become the bank in their pocket, allowing them to bank with us when, where and how they want.” The report revealed further insights into how consumers are using mobile to manage their money. Mobile banking is the new normal. More consumers are using mobile banking to stay in control of their finances, with the survey revealing nearly six in 10 (57 percent) have at least tried mobile banking and 48 percent are active users. Fifty-one percent use either mobile or online as their primary method of banking, while just 23 percent complete the majority of their banking at a bank branch. Mobile check deposit is on the rise. Consumers are increasingly benefitting from the convenience of mobile check deposit, using the feature to save themselves a trip to the bank. Sixtythree percent surveyed have used mobile check deposit, with older millennials (ages 25-34) the most likely to use it (72 percent). Consumers trust alerts to stay in-

the-know. Mobile banking alerts give consumers the flexibility to manage their finances via a range of customizable notifications. Many Americans are already taking advantage — the majority (81 percent) of mobile banking app users report receiving banking notifications via mobile, such as low balance (43 percent), unusual activity (41 percent) and bill pay (35 percent) alerts. Mobile phones becoming mobile

wallets. Consumers are increasingly receptive to new and emerging technology, particularly when it comes to mobile banking and payments. Approximately six in 10 (56 percent) surveyed would consider paying someone using person-to-person payments via mobile banking app. Additionally, 34 percent would consider or have already used their smartphone or wearable device to make a purchase at checkout. – BPT

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September - October 2015  9

SylveSter turner is fighting to make Houston work for all of us.


ylvester Turner is running for mayor — with the support of Democrats and Republicans, community groups, business leaders and unions — to make our neighborhoods safer, improve our roads and give working people a better chance to get ahead.

Sylvester always fights for the middle class. He went from sharing one room with eight siblings to attending the University of Houston and Harvard Law School, founding a successful small business and becoming a champion in our state legislature for strong public schools, quality health care and affordable electricity rates for seniors. Sylvester will bring years of experience and innovative thinking to the mayor’s office. For example, his Road to the Future program will give young Houstonians on-the-job training repairing our streets while teaching them vocational and life skills they need to become employable.

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Houston Firefighters

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Pol. adv. Sylvester Turner Campaign, David Mincberg, Treasurer

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10  September - October 2015

Building a Family at Work


By Mikal Powers

Contributing Writer

mericans, on average, spend more than eight hours at work each day or participate in a work-related activity. In most cases, this is more time than Americans spend at home or with their family during the work week. Professionals are also staying in the workforce longer and the lines between personal lives and work have blurred, so it’s not surprising that workers are focused on finding jobs and careers that align with their values and contribute to their feelings of selfworth. In fact, a University of Phoenix survey found that 47 percent of working adults gain an equal or greater sense of self-worth from their jobs and careers as they do from their personal lives. Because Americans identify so much of themselves through their career and spend most of the week among col-

leagues, it’s important for employers to cultivate a strong company culture. Small and large businesses alike can benefit from encouraging a familylike and team-oriented atmosphere to cultivate and maintain a strong camaraderie among employees. Prioritizing team building and individual

achievement through ongoing professional development opportunities is a great way for employers to encourage the development of current employees and their ability to effectively work as a team. In addition, employers that take the time to recognize the contribu-

tions employees’ families make help to further strengthen the employee’s emotional connection to his or her position. Most employees have spouses, significant others, children or extended families that provide emotional and household support while that individual is spending time at work. Taking opportunities to host employee outings and invite families to attend show appreciation for their efforts behind the scenes and improves morale. By articulating a clear company vision and culture of support through growth opportunities, employers can transform the “workplace” into a supportive environment, where employees feel they’re a member of the family. Mikal Powers is campus director at University of Phoenix Houston Campus overseeing campus operations. Powers earned a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s degree in business administration from University of Phoenix. He spent five years as a Helicopter Search and Rescue Swimmer and Operations Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy. After earning his degree, Powers attended the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and became a reserve officer for South Texas, where he is committed to keeping communities safe and assisting residents in need.

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September - October 2015  11

Adrian Garcia promotes the American Dream for all our children because he has lived it himself. The son of legal immigrants, he began his career as a Houston police officer and worked his way up to the Sheriff’s office. When he became Sheriff, he turned around years of deficit spending by balancing the budget and saving taxpayers over $100 million without sacrificing public safety. And that’s the kind of Mayor he’ll be – putting taxpayers first, protecting children and families, and making sure we grow as one Houston.

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12  September - October 2015

The Importance of Business Valuation resulting business valuation may then be used in a variety of planning applications – for example, enabling the owner to sell the business at a higher sale price or for the business owner or his/her heirs to pay less in taxes after the sale of the business or the death of the owner.

By Mena Freeman


Contributing Writer

any owners of small businesses know their companies inside and out. Yet, they rarely know one critical fact – how much their company is actually worth on the open market. Determining the true value of a business, a process called “business valuation,” is not just important when the owner is looking to sell the company. It’s also important for other reasons: 1) Business succession planning: Savvy business owners often arrange to transfer shares to a partner or heir (after a “triggering event,” such as death, disability or retirement) through a buy-sell agreement, which is often funded with life insurance. But before the owner can identify the buyout price (and thus, know how much the buy-sell agreement needs to be funded with), the value of the business must be determined. 2) The IRS needs to know the value of the business: At the death of the business owner, the value of the business will be used to help determine estate taxes and tax basis for any future sale. To obtain a business valuation, business owners may wish to contract with a professional appraiser to provide an opinion that will be viewed as independent and objective with the IRS. The

Fair Market Value The goal of valuing a business is to arrive at a clear and supportable estimate of what the fair market value of the business is. Fair Market Value is defined as: “…the price at which the property will change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell and both having a reasonable knowledge or relevant facts.”

Book Value On an accounting level, the most basic measure of worth is book value – defined as balance sheet assets minus liabilities. However, most businesses are sold at prices greater than book value because the balance sheet shows assets at original cost minus accumulated depreciation, not true replacement value. For example, suppose a piece of machinery was purchased for $50,000 five years ago and the accumulated depreciation is $15,000. Consequently, the balance sheet carries this machine at a value of $35,000, even though it could cost substantially more to replace at current prices. Therefore, book value may not provide an accurate indication of fair market value.

Valuation Methods Most qualified, independent business appraisers use one of the following valu-

ation methods when valuing a business: •  Capitalization of earnings – The calculation begins with annual earnings over one or more years. It then divides earnings by a “cap rate” that reflects the cost of capital and the risk of the company. For example, suppose a company has average annual earnings of $200,000 and a cap rate of 10%. Under this method, its estimated value would be $200,000/10% = $2 million. •  Discounted cash flow – This method, often used to value new businesses or companies with volatile earnings, begins by forecasting future earnings over several years. To account for the time value of money, a discount rate is then applied to each year of forecasted earnings. •  Comparable Sales and Discounts – Some appraisers modify their estimates of value based on an analysis of recent sales of comparable companies in the same market or industry.

Why Business Valuation is Important The cost to conduct a comprehensive business valuation can range from a few thousand dollars up to $50,000 or more. Regardless of the cost or methods, it is important for the process to be conducted objectively by a qualified licensed appraiser. Normally, the appraisal is a document in which the appraiser describes the methodology which was used to value the business

and provide an estimated fair market value that is designed to satisfy the IRS and courts. Additionally, this estimated value of the business may be useful data for the owner in putting together a succession, estate or personal retirement plan.

In Conclusion Although many business owners have a vague idea of what their companies are worth, most are merely guessing – and over time, such guesswork can prove costly. In the worst case, not knowing fair market value could cause owners to sell their businesses for less than they actually are worth – or for heirs to pay more than their fair share of estate taxes after the owner’s death. For these reasons, the cost of a business valuation can be an excellent investment. Prepared by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. The information contained in this article is for general, informational purposes only. Guardian, its subsidiaries, agents or employees do not give tax or legal advice. You should consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your individual situation.

Business Credit Cards: 5 Benefits to Boost Your Small Business By d-mars.com News Provider


ore and more American small businesses are using credit cards for business expenses, indicating a nationwide shift away from cash and checks toward more modern purchasing alternatives. In fact, according to Capital One’s latest Spark Business Barometer, 79 percent of business owners indicate they’re utilizing credit cards in some fashion, with about half (52 percent) saying they use business credit cards for at least a portion of expenses. Additionally, more than a quarter (27 percent) are reportedly combining personal and business cards for their business purchasing needs. But with 20 percent of small businesses not utilizing credit cards of any kind, and a significant amount of purchases being split between cash, checks and personal cards, the study also revealed many businesses are still bypassing meaningful val-

ue and perks. “It’s great to see more businesses using credit cards given the many benefits they come with – from high rewards, to expense tracking, to features uniquely tailored to help business owners manage and grow their enterprises,” says Buck Stinson, head of Small Business Card at Capital One. “But a lot of value is still being left on the table. As a business owner, take time to explore your options and understand the potential benefits and rewards your credit card offers – and make a plan to maximize them daily. Most likely, there is opportunity to save more and be rewarded more than you are today.” Utilizing a business credit card for business expenses can offer an array of valuable benefits, including: *Great rewards: Many small business credit cards offer compelling rewards that can have a major impact on a business’ margins or deliver high value remunerations. For instance, Spark Business offers unlimited two percent cash back or 2X

miles on any purchase, any time. •  Higher credit lines: Business credit cards also tend to offer higher credit lines to better accommodate business-sized spending needs. •  Detailed accounting: Streamlining your expenses onto one credit card provides a more detailed account of your business expenses, which can be particularly beneficial when tracking specific projects or vendor relationships, especially when your account is integrated with the business accounting software. •  Tax benefits and savings: Having a dedicated business credit card enables business owners to track expenses separately, which can be useful come tax season as it not only saves time, but can also help maximize deductions and minimize tax burdens. •  Features tailored for your business: Many business credit cards offer useful features like customized account and employee card management tools, which can help owners manage access and credit limits of employees’ cards, all

from one account. •  Opportunity to build business credit: Utilizing a business credit card can help you build business credit, which will be helpful if you plan to apply for additional credit or financing down the line. “Consolidating business expenses currently purchased with checks or cash onto a business credit card can save valuable time, enhance margins and offer other meaningful benefits when utilized strategically,” Stinson continues. “Now is a great time to evaluate your approach to business expenses and credit, and review the products and tools available in the marketplace.” Capital One commits to understanding the challenges, trends and perceptions that affect small businesses’ overall performance and day-to-day operations. For more helpful information on managing a small business, visit www.sparkbusinessiq.com or follow along on Facebook and on Twitter with the hashtag #SparkBizBarometer. – BPT

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September - October 2015  13

Cultivating Financial Confidence: Study Finds Women Have More to Learn When It Comes to Retirement Planning By d-mars.com News Provider


omen today are incredibly competent when it comes to juggling career, family and personal obligations. Despite feeling confident in their ability to multi-task, it appears that managing their long-term finances may be taking a back seat to short-term priorities. Seventy-five percent of women believe having enough money to maintain their lifestyle in retirement is very important, but only 14 percent are very confident they will be able to do this, according to Prudential Financial’s eighth biennial study, “Financial Experience and Behaviors Among Women.” “Women in our study said that not becoming a financial burden to their loved ones is one of their top financial priorities, along with making sure they don’t outlive their savings,” says Christine Marcks, president of Prudential Retirement. “However, only a third felt they were on track or ahead of schedule in planning for retirement.” Marcks says while many women in the study were confident in their day-to-day financial knowledge, they were less confident about long-term financial planning, such as saving for a child’s education or saving enough to generate an income stream in retirement. They also pointed to a lack of disposable income to put toward their financial goals, a lack of time to spend on financial planning, and unfamiliarity with financial products as being some of their biggest hurdles. Only 28 percent of women use employer or employ-

er-sponsored resources for information about financial or retirement products and services. That leaves a large percentage of women who are not yet taking advantage

of helpful resources that are right at their fingertips. “Women in the workplace should familiarize themselves with company-sponsored retirement plans and benefits, and maximize their contributions to a 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan, especially if there is a company match,” says Marcks. “And since contributions to employer-sponsored plans are taken from your paycheck pre-tax, there are significant tax benefits to contributing to these plans as well.” To learn more go to www.prudential.com. The site includes helpful life-stage checklists, easy-to-understand guides to financial products and services, and first-person financial accounts that provide encouragement and support. – BPT

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14  September - October 2015

4 Top Technology Degrees for Today’s Career Seekers

By d-mars.com News Provider


he career outlook for technology professionals remains highly promising. With so many emerging employment opportunities, The White House announced the TechHire initiative in March to encourage American cities to offer training to prepare the workforce for careers in growing tech fields. The United States has about five million open jobs today, which is more than at any point since 2001. Over half a million of those job openings are in information technology fields like software development, network administration and cybersecurity, many of which did not exist just a decade ago. As an added incentive for Americans to pursue tech careers, the average salary in a job that requires information technology (IT) skills – whether in manufacturing, advertising, retail or banking – is 50 percent higher than the average private-sector American job. “Our information technology students today are enthusiastic about the future job,” says Dr. Rajin Koonjbearry, professor and cyber security expert at DeVry University. “Not only are traditional IT careers standing out, but increasing private information online calls for cyber security experts to help companies protect against threats.” Here are some of the most valuable tech specializations and degree programs available to career seekers today:

1. Cyber Security Cyber security has been listed by The World Economic Forum as one of the top five global risks in terms of likelihood, and has been ranked as a top concern in federal chief information officer surveys. The White House even released an executive order aimed at improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Demand for cyber security professionals continues to rise, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 37 percent increase in information security analyst jobs through 2022. To meet this demand, colleges and universities are starting to offer degrees in cyber security. In May, DeVry University unveiled a new Cyber Security Programming specialization within its Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems program, available on campus or online in select states. The program includes Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) preparation and exam facilitation, a key credential employers may require in hiring cyber security professionals that has been accredited by the American Na-

tional Standards Institute (ANSI).

2. Health Information Systems Another fast-growing tech specialization is in health information systems. The North American healthcare technology market is predicted to grow significantly to more than $31 billion by 2017, up from approximately $22 billion in 2012, according to Research and Markets’ North American Healthcare IT Market Report. Demand for health informatics specialists is partly driven by the growing complexity of healthcare operations, government initiatives to promote IT in hospitals and the shift toward paperless billing and payment environments. Students who earn a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems can pursue professional certification as a Certified Associate in Healthcare Information and Management (CAHIMS) to show employers their knowledge and skills.

3. Systems Analysis and Integration

ing for programs that meet their future career aspirations. A specialized degree, especially when paired with a profes-

sional certification valued by employers, can open doors to a rewarding career. – BPT

Computer systems analysts play a vital role in researching, planning and recommending software and systems that best meet an organization’s business requirements. These analysts combine their knowledge of information technology and business to manage the organization’s overall computer system – from designing and developing new systems to helping networks run more efficiently and effectively. According to a new market report, the global market for system integration is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 11 percent from 2014 to 2020. Following graduation, students who want to stand out from the competition can pursue a postbaccalaureate certificate in Information Systems and Management.

4. Web Development and Administration The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects about 20 percent employment growth for Web developers by 2022. During that period, about 28,500 new jobs will need to be filled in an industry that already has roughly 141,400 positions. The expansion of e-commerce is expected to fuel this high job growth in the coming decade. Companies need web developers who can design webpage layout and solve code problems, help expand their online retail presence and safeguard the site and end users’ privacy. Given the high job growth rates expected in these four areas, bachelor’s degree candidates are increasingly look-

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The 5 Bad Behaviors That May Be Derailing Your Retirement Savings By d-mars.com News Provider


ore than half of Americans are worried about running out of money when they retire, yet a staggering 80 percent don’t have the knowledge they need to successfully build a nest egg and make it last throughout their retirement, according to The American College 2014 Retirement Income Survey. Yet by changing just five basic behaviors, Americans can improve their retirement-saving habits – and their likelihood of staying financially secure throughout retirement. In the Retirement Income Literacy Survey of more than 1,000 people by The American College of Financial Services, 52 percent said they were at least moderately worried their savings wouldn’t last through their retirement. They’re right to be concerned, says Jamie McInnes, senior vice president of total retirement solutions at Prudential Retirement. “Retirees face many challenges when trying to save enough money to last throughout their lifetime,” McInnes says. “What they might not realize is how common behaviors that all hu-

mans give into from time to time can have a big impact on retirement readiness. By learning to recognize and avoid these behaviors, more American workers can successfully plan for their retirement years.” Prudential’s research has identified some common behaviors that keep people from saving, and what motivates people to plan for a secure retirement.

1. Underestimating life expectancy. A study by the Society of Actuaries found that more than half of Americans underestimate how long they’ll live - and how long their savings will need to last. Better health care and increased life expectancy mean you may live 20 years, 30 or even longer as a retiree. This means it’s not only important to save for retirement, but to understand how to make your savings last throughout your lifetime.

2. Procrastinating about retirement saving. When you’re wrestling with everyday financial commitments, it can be tempting to put off saving for retirement. In fact, 53 percent of workers

polled by the Employee Benefit Research Institute cite cost of living and day-to-day expenses as the top reasons why they don’t save for retirement. Yet starting early with just nominal monthly contributions can help build your nest egg. The sooner you begin saving, and the more you save, the more money your investments can earn toward your retirement.

3. Failing to expect - and prepare for - the worst. Job loss, illness, accident, the death of a spouse - many things can impact your ability to save for retirement, and your income during your retirement years. While it is human nature to hope nothing bad will ever happen, it’s important to be realistic when planning for retirement. Hope for the best, but plan for the unexpected.

4. Giving in to the urge to follow others. Human beings are very social; if you see other people doing something, you want to follow. But sometimes “following the pack” when it comes to making financial decisions can get you in trouble. Resist the temptation to “keep up with the Joneses.” Only buy

what you can afford. Staying on track for retirement often means resisting peer pressure.

5. Allowing “I want it now” thinking to impact retirement savings. Human brains are hard-wired to live in the moment. An “I want it now” approach to spending could lead you to have trouble putting money away for tomorrow. An occasional splurge may be OK, but don’t get yourself into a spot where you think you have to tap into your retirement savings to fund impulse purchases. Dipping into your retirement savings can be devastating to your longterm financial goals. “Putting money aside for retirement while you’re still working is vital, but it’s only part of the solution,” McInnes says. “By learning to recognize how common human behaviors may be sabotaging your retirement security, you stand a much better chance of sticking to a solid savings plan that can keep you financially secure throughout your retirement.” For more information and advice on saving for retirement, visit Preparewithpru.com, and bringyourchallenges.com, which illustrates the five common behaviors that can get in the way of successful retirement planning. – BPT

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hen it comes to events, d-mars.com is known for some of the most memorable events that bring together some of the most influential individuals from around the country. This year’s 3rd Annual Top 30 Influential Women of Houston two-day event was no different, bringing together some of the most influential women around the city and country. The VIP reception and gala brought together and honored female powerhouses from different professions, like history maker Ivy Taylor, the first African-American mayor of San Antonio, Texas, other political and business leaders and DESTINY Moscato’s Nicole Murphy. A welcome addition to this year’s event was presenting the d-mars.com Unity Achievement Award to females working in collaboration to help create great change in the lives of others. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Council Member Dwight Boykins provided words of encouragement to this year’s honorees. It was a night of empowerment, encouragement and elegance.

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Special Guest

The Honorable Ivy R. Taylor Mayor of San Antonio, Texas “I was honored and humbled to be recognized by d-mars.com as a “Woman of Influence” and to spend the evening with such an inspiring group of women. Thank you for celebrating the leadership that women are providing in Houston and in our great state of Texas!”

Dr. Selina M. Ahmed Deavra Daughtry Dr. Selina M. Ahmed ICON Honoree Texas Southern University “This recognition by MR. D-MARS was a total surprise for me. I hope to remain helpful to the people in need. We must remember that the woman’s right is a human right. I’m thankful to MR. D-MARS for recognizing the accomplishments and strides of women in this city.”

Devon Anderson


Dr. Judith Craven

Dr. Judith Craven ICON Honoree The United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast

Wanda Mott, M.D.

Stephanie D. Nellons-Paige

“It was an honor to be included in a program that recognizes the accomplishments of a group of diverse, young women in the Houston area. It is so important that we continue to recognize the influence and positive impact that women and women of color are having in our community. These women are truly servant leaders. Thank you MR. D-MARS.”

Melanie Johnson, Ed.D.

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston

Dr. Marla Fielder, R. Ph.

Dr. Camille Cash Susan A. McEldoon April Day Susan A. McEldoon ICON Honoree KHOU-TV “It was truly an honor and a thrill to be included in this year’s Top 30 event honoring influential women who are making a positive impact in the Houston area. I personally enjoyed meeting all of the other honorees and I am appreciative for the honor. Also, MR. D-MARS puts on quite a gala!”

Marian Harper

Tammy Harris

Samille Frazier-Savoie

Heather Holland

Raquelle Lewis


Vernita Harris

Winell Herron

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston

Kim Gagne

Petria McKelvey

Katie Walthall Mehnert

Kim Gagne Steve Harvey

Connie Kwan-Wong

Connie Kwan-Wong Connie Kwan-Wong Foundation & CKW LUXE Magazine

“Being honored as one of the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston was such an amazing honor. To be recognized by my peers and to be in the company of such phenomenal women was mind blowing. I am so proud to be in the class of 2015, and I will be forever grateful.”

“I feel very blessed to be one of the d-mars.com Top 30 Influential honorees. I would like to use this opportunity to encourage others to give back to the community. I believe together we can make a difference for the world.”

2015 Dr. Felecia M. Nave

Dr. Krista L. Olson

Letitia D. Quiñones

Dr. Kamala Raghavan

Erma Palmer

Crystal Perkins

Liliana L. Rambo

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston

Dell H. Braunsdorf, M.D.

Dell H. Braunsdorf, M.D. Amerigroup

Nannette Ray

“I was very honored to be one of the Top 30 honorees for 2015. This was a great experience for me and my family. I enjoyed meeting the other women from varied backgrounds, but with one common mission: to help others who may need a hand up. I look forward to the mentorship possibilities for young women. And of course, many thanks and kudos to MR. D-MARS and the d-mars.com staff!”

Theresa Roemer

Mary Redmond

Unity Achievement Award

Lina Sabouni Rhonda Skillern-Jones

LaShonda Pierce and NaKeitha Ross Unity Achievement Honoree I.C.O.N. Women’s Organization

Joyce Tyler-Williams

Jennifer Yen, M.D.

“It was a true honor and privilege to be celebrated with the d-mars. com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston. Influence is a powerful tool. When you use your influence in the right way, your gifts make room for you to bless others and allow others to recognize your contributions to the community and society. We are extremely grateful that d-mars.com recognized our efforts and allowed us to be a part of such an esteemed group of phenomenal women. We are still in awe and blown away. This honor will definitely be remembered forever.”

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston MR. D-MARS | d-mars.com President & CEO

“The d-mars.com 2015 Top 30 Influential Women of Houston honorees are an amazing group of women. They are accomplished and beautiful on the inside and out. These women should encourage you and inspire you, as they inspire me. These honorees have set the standard and raised the bar when it comes to leadership. d-mars.com celebrates these phenomenal women and finds it a privilege to put them on a platform where they can shine. d-mars.com will continue to celebrate influential women who are the epitome of women’s empowerment.”

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Top 30 Influential Women of Houston Kimberly Floyd | d-mars.com Vice President

“This dynamic and influential group of women are from diverse backgrounds and have overcome various obstacles. Though these women have differences, they have the power of influence in common. The honorees are influential not only because of their achievements, but also their willingness to take risks. These women have created their own way and have made their permanent mark in their respective areas of expertise. Though these women have exceeded expectations, they are still consistently reaching for greatness. This is what makes them influential.”

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“We’ve succeeded in combining the best from the sports car world with the world of luxury sedans. Never before has it been so fascinating to travel in a motor vehicle that seats four people.”

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The true passion for form and functionality is captured every time you start the engine of a Porsche. The experience is ultimately personal as it has always been a principle of our company that function and beauty are inseparable.

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Total Loss Vehicles Are Valuable Treasures to Some By d-mars.com News Provider


There is an ever-growing market of buyers for damaged vehicles. It might be hard to believe there’s a second life for damaged vehicles, but one person’s trash is often another person’s treasure. Most wrecked vehicles still have significant value after they’re in an accident. In fact, many total loss vehicles offered for sale at auctions have incurred only relatively minor, easy-to-repair damage. Vehicle dismantlers and recyclers find value in reselling used parts removed from the vehicle or in recycling the metal. Body shops and an increasing number

of personal buyers have the skills to flip damaged vehicles by repairing them and selling them for a profit. There’s a large market of foreign buyers who purchase vehicles through U.S. online auctions and export them to their home countries. Through auctions they’re able to get vehicle makes and models they may not otherwise have access to at lower costs. One of the biggest players in the auto auction world is Copart. Copart operates over 200 auction locations in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Spain and Ger-

many. With such an extensive inventory of vehicles, Copart draws over one million people to Copart.com each month to search for vehicles. The company’s strong performance and growth recently landed it at the top of Deloitte’s list of exceptional 100 companies. If you’re interested in entering a bidding war for vehicles that could earn you thousands of dollars a year, or if you’re just curious about the types of vehicles that are sold through auction (you might be surprised), check out Copart at www. copart.com/aftermarket. – BPT

Five Ways That You Can Save, Not Sacrifice

wards program. Many offer cash back, mileage, you name it! Spending wisely throughout the year may help you save up for a rewards splurge later! 2. Cell savings. If you’re phone bill is busting at the seams, kick it to the curb. Straight Talk Wireless is now offering 30-day Unlimited Talk and Text with more high speed data than ever before with the first 5GB of high speed data at 4G LTE speeds. You can even keep your existing phone, network and number, with Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP) program. 3. Save on energy. You may not realize one of the biggest energy hogs in your home isn’t large appliances – it’s your cable box. A simple flip of the switch at the end of the day can save

you big time. And don’t forget to keep boxes off in rooms where the TV isn’t used as often. If no one’s watching, then you shouldn’t be paying. 4. Don’t let your thermostat stray when away. Many brands now offer apps that let you control all of the appliances in your home right from your smartphone. Home automation technology can even tell you how much power you use on your electronics, giving you valuable insight into which electronics are costing you the most each month. Many also feature autoaway settings. By monitoring your habits you can program your settings for a more cost effective lifestyle. 5. Implement the 30-day rule. Evading instant purchasing-gratifica-

tion is hard, but it’s an often overlooked tactic for balancing personal finance. By waiting 30 days, shoppers typically find after a month has passed, the urge to buy has passed as well. You’ll have saved yourself some money simply by waiting. In the instance you’re on the fence about a purchase anyway, waiting a while can give you a better perspective on whether it’s truly worth the money. If you still want it at the end of 30 days, then go ahead and buy it! Enjoy the summer season knowing your bank account is, too. By following these five tips you’ll save and spend smarter. To learn more about affordable options available from Straight Talk Wireless, visit StraightTalk.com. – BPT

ach year auto insurers declare millions of vehicles to be total losses. This typically happens when an insurance company decides that it’s more cost effective to pay the insured for the pre-damage value of the vehicle rather than repair it. Ever wonder what happens to that vehicle after the insurance company writes the check and takes it away? Most of the time the vehicle is sold through an auto auction.


By d-mars.com News Provider

t’s difficult to save money this time of year, but with smart budgeting, you can still enjoy yourself by considering cutting the costs instead. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Below see five tips for savings: 1. Maximize your rewards. Whether a credit card or vacation points program, you can save big when you take the time to understand your re-

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