Business Journal Inspire, Inform & Educate
October 2015
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98th Edition
Time for a Change
In God We Trust!
By Noel Pinnock “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1; New International Version). PAGE 6
Houston Mayoral Candidate Sylvester Turner Kerry Washington’s Advice Could Help More Women Use Crowdfunding By Cynthia Nevels Kerry Washington plays the role of powerful public relations maven Olivia Pope on ABCs “Scandal.”
Chris Oliver
for Houston City Council At-Large Position 1
Andrew C. Burks, Jr. for Houston City Council At-Large Position 2
Amanda Edwards
for Houston City Council At-Large Position 4
Laurie Robinson
for Houston City Council At-Large Position 4
J. Brad Batteau
for Houston City Council At-Large Position 5
Let Your Adrian Garcia
Business Owners and the Upcoming Election By News Provider Houston is a prosperous city, filled with opportunities for small businesses to flourish. PAGE 28
Jerry Davis
for Mayor of Houston
for Houston City Council District B
Larry Green
M.J. Khan
for Houston City Council District K
for Houston City Controller
voice Be Heard! VOTE! Carroll G. Robinson for Houston City Controller
Dwight Boykins
Kendall L. Baker
for Houston City Council District D
for Houston City Council District F
Jolanda Jones
Rhonda Skillern Jones
for HISD Trustee District IV
for HISD Trustee District II
Robert Gallegos
for Houston City Council District I
Joe Stephens
for Justice of the Peace PCT. 3 Position 1
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek – President Barack Obama
SylveSter turner is fighting to make Houston work for all of us.
ylvester Turner is running for mayor — with the support of Democrats and Republicans, community groups, business leaders and unions — to make our neighborhoods safer, improve our roads and give working people a better chance to get ahead.
Sylvester always fights for the middle class. He went from sharing one room with eight siblings to attending the University of Houston and Harvard Law School, founding a successful small business and becoming a champion in our state legislature for strong public schools, quality health care and affordable electricity rates for seniors. Sylvester will bring years of experience and innovative thinking to the mayor’s office. For example, his Road to the Future program will give young Houstonians on-the-job training repairing our streets while teaching them vocational and life skills they need to become employable.
Join our campaign at! Pol. adv. Sylvester Turner Campaign, David Mincberg, Treasurer
endorSed by:
Houston Firefighters
Houston Police Officers
Houston Municipal Employees
October 2015 3
Journal Behind The
Publisher’s Message
SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.
The theme for this edition of the Business Journal is Time for a Change. It’s election time in our great city, and if you are a business owner and entrepreneur like myself, you want to ensure that you vote for the right candidate who has one of their top priorities to help the Houston business community prosper. Houston is one of the largest major cities in this country, and there is prosperity in our city. The business community is important to help keep Houston one of the most economically successful places to reside. I encourage you to exercise your right to vote. This month's cover story is about Houston mayoral candidate Sylvester Turner. Turner is a proud Houstonian and wants to become mayor to help build a better future for all Houstonians. Working together, Turner believes that Houstonians can do great things for this city. Turner wants to be the next leader of our city and says, “If we can dream it, we can do it.”
Office Manager Johnny Ray Davis, Jr.
SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black
As always, thank you for your continued support of When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
Dawn Paul
PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines
DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Noel Pinnock Cynthia Nevels J. Thomas Smith News Provider
Houston Mayoral Candidate Sylvester Turner.......................................................................................................................................4-5 In God We Trust.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Kerry Washington’s Advice............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Worldpay US, Inc...............................................................................................................................................................................................10 A Better Workforce..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12-13 5 Ways to Increase Your Workplace Safety Immediately.................................................................................................................... 14 6 Tips for a Successful Small Business.....................................................................................................................................................16 Create Your Own Personal Pension? .........................................................................................................................................................16 In the Business Community..........................................................................................................................................................................18 5 Easy Ways Businesses Can Thank Customers and Employees..................................................................................................... 22 Diversity and a Strong Tech Industry........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Looking to Buy a Home? ...............................................................................................................................................................................26 The One Security Improvement Businesses Must Make......................................................................................................................26 Business Owners and the Upcoming Election ......................................................................................................................................28 Make the Most of Your Employee Benefits..............................................................................................................................................30 What You Think You Know about Social Security May Be Totally Wrong......................................................................................... 31 Tech Jobs Are Booming.................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 New Flexible Spending...................................................................................................................................................................................36
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4 October 2015
Creating a Better City for All Houstonians
By Dawn Paul
our legislature for strong schools, quality health care and affordable electricity rates for seniors, many trust his experience to be the next leader of Houston.
Associate Editor
t is election time again in Houston, and the most important position to be decided by voters is the position of Mayor of the City of Houston. There are a number of candidates that will be on the ballot, but one of the most talked about candidates as a strong contender is Sylvester Turner. For 25 years, Sylvester Turner has been a champion for Houston’s middle class families. When it comes to making Houston a better place, Turner is all about working together, collaborating with Democrats, Republicans, business leaders, unions, community groups and thousands of Houstonians to create a safer city, with better roads, stronger schools and more economic opportunity – for all Houstonians.
Some ofof Turner’s extensive Some Turner’s extensive experience includes, but experience includes, but isis not not limited to: limited to:
Turner knows Houston works best when it works for all of us. Because of his humble beginnings, growing up sharing one room with eight brothers and sisters, he has the compassion, un-
derstanding and first-hand knowledge of what middle class families and young Houstonians need who are being left behind. As a Harvard graduate, successful entrepreneur, and a champion in
• Turner stood up to utility companies to stop excessive rate increases and service cutoffs and to help low-income Houstonians and seniors receive discounts on their electricity bills. • Turner voted to require the State Department of Transportation to distribute an additional $1.2 billion to local transportation districts to improve roads and reduce congestion. • Turner fought to reform our criminal justice system, including by sponsoring the law requiring DNA
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October 2015 5
testing in death penalty cases, and led the effort to improve legal representation for those who cannot afford a lawyer. • Turner fought to ensure access to health care and to expand Medicaid to provide health care coverage to more low- and middle-income Texans and their families. • Turner secured funding and community support to improve a 29-acre, underused city park to create a beautiful park in Acres Homes with the first public baseball fields in that community and to establish the Astros Urban Youth Baseball Academy there, which provides more than 2,000 inner city youth with worldclass facilities and recreational opportunities. • Turner fought hard for the middle class by working to increase funding for local schools, make healthcare more affordable, and create new tax incentives to attract new business investment and create jobs. • And always, Turner fought against discrimination and for equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law, dignity and respect for all Houstonians and all Texans. Turner has served 25 years in the Texas House of Representatives. He is a member of the Legislative Budget Board; Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee; Chair of the Subcommittee on Articles 1, 4 and 5 (General Government, Judiciary, Public Safety and Criminal Justice); and a member of the House State Affairs Committee. He also chairs both the Texas Legislative Black Caucus and the Greater Houston Area Legislative Delegation. From 2003 to 2009, Sylvester served as Speaker Pro Tempore of the Texas House. He has also chaired the House Criminal Justice Appropriations Committee and the House Select Committee on Hurricane Ike Storm Devastation to the Texas Gulf Coast, and served as a member of the House Calendars Committee and the House Select Committee on Electric Generation Capacity and Environmental Effects. “This is a city where we live in our present, but we build for our future. I am never afraid to dream of a better Houston for everyone with job training, a living wage, community policing, a real partnership with our schools, and even filling the potholes. The best for our city is yet to come,” says Turner. Turner’s platform is about putting values into action.
Turner for Mayor of Houston. Turner feels his amount of strong support from diverse organizations is a testament to his ability to unite Houston and work towards progress of making Houston a better place to live for all Houstonians. Turner’s list of supporters includes:
Platform Issues: Platform && Issues: • Economic Opportunity for all Houstonians • Transportation: Better Roads, Expanded Transit, Less Traffic • A Safer City • Stronger Schools • Responsible Budgets and Sound Financial Management • Thriving neighborhoods • A Vibrant Arts Community • Equality • Mental Health • Immigration Reform • Efficient and Responsive City Government
Turner knows and believes that he is the best candidate to be Houston’s next mayor, and many Houstonians agree. If elected, Turner will institute a quick-fix program for pothole repair, implement a top-to-bottom performance audit of the city’s Public Works department and make sure that the money Houstonians are paying each month for streets and drainage is being used for its intended purpose. Safety is a major concern for Houstonians. If Turner becomes mayor, he will make
our city safer by stepping up communitybased policing and improving relations between the Houston Police Department and communities of color. Throughout his campaign, Turner has been vocal about economic equality for all Houstonians. Not only does Turner want economic equality, but one of his priorities as mayor will be to provide more opportunities for Houston’s working people to get ahead. Educating and supporting Houston’s local schools, providing safe routes to school for the youth, increasing communication and sharing resources among the city and Houston’s school districts, and making sure our youth have opportunities to be productive during out-of-school time will be high on his agenda if Houston votes to make him the next mayor of our great city. His education plan of action also includes creating partnerships between community colleges and the private sector to give graduates a better chance at getting good, local jobs by better aligning workforce training with actual private sector job needs.
Turner Supporters Turner Supporters Together, more than 2,500 organizations, elected and community leaders and Houstonians have endorsed Sylvester
• Reverend William A. Lawson, Pastor Emeritus, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church • Dr. Marcus E. Cosby, Senior Pastor of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church • Dr. Ralph West, Founding Pastor and Senior Pastor of The Church Without Walls • Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee • John Whitmire, State Senator • Alma Allen, State Representative • Garnet Coleman, State Representative • Roman Martinez, Former State Representative • Rick Noriega, Former State Representative • Sue Schechter, Former State Representative • Jerry Davis, Houston City Council Member • Larry Green, Houston City Council Member • Sue Lovell, Former Houston City Council Member • Vince Ryan, Harris County Attorney • Rhonda Skillern-Jones, HISD Trustee • Sergio Muñoz Jr., State Representative • Poncho Nevárez, State Representative • Richard Peña Raymond, State Representative • Ron Reynolds, State Representative • Eddie Rodriguez, State Representative • Justin Rodriguez, State Representative • Ramon Romero Jr., State Representative • Hubert Vo, State Representative • Carolyn Scantlebury
Turner is running for mayor of Houston to bring more opportunities to Houston’s middle class families. He is passionate about Houston working for all Houstonians. Turner says, “I’m a Houstonian. I’m proud of that. Working together, we as Houstonians can do great things in this city. This is Houston. If we can dream it, we can do it.” To find out more about Sylvester Turner, please visit
“This is a city where we live in our present, but we build for our future. I am never afraid to dream of a better Houston for everyone with job training, a living wage, community policing, a real partnership with our schools, and even filling the potholes. The best for our city is yet to come.” — Sylvester Turner
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6 October 2015
In God We Trust!
By Noel Pinnock
Contributing Writer
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1; New International Version). Our faith in God, man and country is predicated upon this unequivocal foundation. This foundation applies to everyone despite race, color or creed, and it is upon this foundation that the common notion of loving our fellow neighbors exists. Unfortunately, some residents across our nation have varying perspectives on loving one’s neighbors. Some believe that one can only embrace the neighbors who look like them and share common beliefs, while others are more transparent and accepting of the strength that comes from embracing the diversity in communities and a coalition of people. So, why is there such a chasm that continues to
divide our communities on the local issues and sends the resonating perception that we are more divided than united? After a careful examination of the voting data and trends throughout the Houston Metropolitan area, including Pearland, Sugar Land and Missouri City, I was flummoxed to read that the turnout was so low in our local elections. I am of the persuasion that local politics hit our homes, families and businesses the hardest and fastest, and should be given the same level of impetus as said state and national elections. Not only does local politics shape the contours of policy and services, but it also fuels the future of our city’s economy and quality of life. City servants (elected, hired or appointed) should possess the audacity to forensically examine ways to not only sustain its people, but also ways to improve service delivery and make local government more accessible. We can no longer sit on the fence of fatigue and allow apathy to set precedents in our local landscapes. One of our nation’s patriarchs, James Madison, coined the phrase quoted in the Federalist Paper #51, “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.” What did he mean? Essentially, he was emphasizing that the ambition of government (local, state or national) must be counteracted by the ambition of its people. Yes, that means you and me! If there is no counteraction, then one will supersede the other, and the
inevitable entropy and erosion will take precedence, ergo compromising service and quality of life.
According to the History News Network: “Most citizens are not psychologically prepared to pay close attention to a campaign when Election Day is months away. Yet, because it has been going on for months, they are also not highly attentive when it is only weeks away. By campaign's end, they will even have forgotten much of what they had learned earlier. In 2000, for example, Americans knew less about George W. Bush's position on gun control in October than they had known in February. Overall, our research indicates that the collegeeducated electorate of today is no better informed, and by some indicators, is less informed than the high-school-educated electorate of fifty years ago. Changes in the voting laws would also help. For one
thing, polling hours should be extended. Amidst the uproar over ballot irregularities in Florida in 2000, no commentator saw fit to ask why the polls in that state closed at 7 p.m. local time. Florida is one of twenty-six states that shut down their polls before 8 p.m. Not surprisingly, turnout in these states is several percentage points below that of states where the polls are open until 8 p.m. or later. Limits on polling hours go back decades and have been a convenient way to discourage the participation of lowerincome workers who are stuck at their jobs during the day. Turnout would likely also increase if Election Day was declared a national holiday, as the National Commission on Federal Election Reform has recommended. The United States is nearly alone among western democracies in holding its elections on a workday instead of on a holiday or weekend. Turnout is depressed by the fact that most people have little choice but to vote before or after work, and then within limited polling hours. These and other prevailing issues serve to suppress voting trends at the local level. But, if we want to make a difference in this world, then we had better start examining the roots before we examine its fruits. Remember, all politics happens locally, and if you know now what you didn’t know before, then what will you do differently? #getatit!
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October 2015  7
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8 October 2015
Kerry Washington’s Advice Could Help More Women Use Crowdfunding By Cynthia Nevels
Contributing Writer
erry Washington plays the role of powerful public relations maven Olivia Pope on ABCs “Scandal.” In one of the previous episodes, Washington shared a speech that struck a nerve of truth that resonated with many women across the nation. Women normally shy away from being open risk takers because of their fear of failing publicly. Being perceived as less than perfect can sometimes paralyze women who want to start their own business, raise capital or fulfill their passion. The effort to start a new business and to raise capital using online crowdfunding platforms is not an option because
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women typically believe everything has to be perfect before taking on the risk. If it is an option, they typically will not set a goal of half a million dollars right out the shoot. Women entrepreneurs tend to shy away from asking for the true investment amount needed to launch their business. According to Dr. Richard Swart, Director of Research for the University of California, Berkeley’s Program for Innovation in Entrepreneurial and Social Finance reported 84% of men use crowdfunding as a tool for raising capital in a public setting. Women certainly use crowdfunding as a source for social finance but in far lower numbers. Women typically tend to set lower goals for their campaigns, yet are more successful at achieving the goals set. co-founder Brenda Bazan launched her crowdfunding platform and designed it with women entrepreneurs in mind. Her goal is to help thousands of women realize their dreams by providing a path to fund their business and creative ideas. “Women tend to undersell and over perform, which is appropriate for crowdfunding,” Bazan shared in an interview on Disrupt Radio. The data shows startups and new ven-
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tures that successfully raise capital via crowdfunding typically will find it easier to raise or have access to additional capital from angel investors, venture capitalists and other traditional mechanisms of financing. Investors are typically looking for the dramatic vision and the rich story of how the idea will grow. However, women fail to tell their stories or talk about themselves in front of investors due to the fear of making a mistake. Washington dispelled the notion of women feeling they have to be perfect. In her speech, Washington stated, “We as women put ourselves in this situation of feeling like we can’t take a risk, like in order to step out there we have to be perfect, because we’re scared that if we don’t say the right thing, or do the right thing,
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that we’ll reflect poorly on ourselves and our community, whether that community be women, people of color, or both.” Helping women recognize the true opportunity that exists in the market today will be vitally important to further development of women-owned microenterprises. Creating an ecosystem that welcomes women issuers who have innovative ideas and disruptive companies is the responsibility of all stakeholders. When analyzing the data, men continue to outnumber women when it comes to high-paying jobs and raising capital for startups. The problem, however, is not with the system per se, it is the mindset of the women. Washington went further to point out the need for change, “[Women] need to be willing to be uncomfortable, to be flawed, to be imperfect, to own our voice, to step into our light, so that we can continue to inspire other people and employ other people, and make room for more and more voices and presence." If more women start to see successful female business owners overcome their fear of failure, take on more risks and build strong enterprises, others just may follow and the crowd will cheer them on.
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October 2015 9
Adrian Garcia promotes the American Dream for all our children because he has lived it himself. The son of legal immigrants, he began his career as a Houston police officer and worked his way up to the Sheriff’s office. When he became Sheriff, he turned around years of deficit spending by balancing the budget and saving taxpayers over $100 million without sacrificing public safety. And that’s the kind of Mayor he’ll be – putting taxpayers first, protecting children and families, and making sure we grow as one Houston.
« Learn more at « (713) 987-3300 @AdrianGarciaHTX /AdrianGarciaHTX
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10 October 2015
Worldpay US, Inc. Creates a Win-Win for Businesses and the Community By Dawn Paul
Associate Editor
orldpay US, Inc. (Worldpay) is a global leader in payments processing technology and solutions for merchant customers. Since its existence in 1989, they have a reputation for providing quality service to clients, no matter the size of the business. Worldpay operates reliable and secure proprietary technology platforms that enable their clients to accept a wide range of payment types across multiple channels, anywhere in the world. Having processed $124 billion dollars last year, Worldpay is one of the top companies providing payment processing services. They are a pioneer in card payments, multicurrency processing, online payments and contactless. Worldpay is leading the way in expanding their global reach and now in how companies can give back. Worldpay is combining business and community, opening doors for businesses to pay it forward through its Extra Credit Program. When it comes to representing Worldpay in Texas, Lee Rathbun is your man. As an Account Executive covering the Houston and surrounding areas, he is on a mission to ensure that Houston businesses have a
payment processing company that ensures protection of delicate financial information. Instead of going through a middle man, Retailers go through Worldpay. They are a direct with the credit card companies. Worldpay gives their customers the best pricing. They are a global company that is equipped and experienced to handle a customer’s income as a business. Rathbun doesn’t really have to do a hard sell of Worldpay, being that the company has a stellar reputation and provides a way for them to give back to the communities that
where they do business,” says Rathbun.
Worldpay Helping Businesses and the Community For the past 3 years, Worldpay has been increasing customer ability to give back through their Extra Credit Program. This program is unique in that part of the retailer’s fees paid to Worldpay can be directed to the charity of their choice. What’s great about the Extra Credit Program is that the retailer can make a contribution to a nonprofit or any 501c3 (church, etc.) without
“Things have been going great in the Houston area. Worldpay is not only helping the retailer, but also helping the community. It’s a win-win for Worldpay, the retailer and the community. Worldpay has opened a door for our customers to give back to the communities where they do business.” — Lee Rathbun, Worldpay US, Inc.
patronize them. He really doesn’t view himself as a salesman, but a consultant, and that genuine approach has been well received in Houston. “Things have been going great in the Houston area. Worldpay is not only helping the retailer, but also helping the community. It’s a win-win for Worldpay, the retailer and the community. Worldpay has opened a door for our customers to give back to the communities
spending a dime. There’s no cap on how much the customer can give. It is a percentage. It can be anywhere from 10-25% of totals for the month. There’s no catch, as Worldpay has over 200 recipients, and that number doubles each year.
Client Satisfaction Worldpay takes care of its clients. They
provide a great service at competitive prices. Clients appreciate Worldpay. Dallas Worldpay client Vinay Parikh says, “I feel extremely comfortable that every transaction made through my business is as secure as possible. I would definitely recommend businesses look into Worldpay as their merchant services provider.” Worldpay is one of the top 3 processors in the world. Worldpay has the highest level of security for its customers. With identity theft, this security is necessary to Worldpay customers. Rathbun expresses, “There’s been a lot of credit card and identity theft, but Worldpay has end-to-end encryption (E2EE). This is the highest level of security. Clients know that with Worldpay, their financial information is safe and secure.” Since 1989, Worldpay has been providing quality service to retailers and merchants at competitive prices. Worldpay is a name that customers can trust. Not only does Worldpay provide quality and reputable payment processing services, but through the Extra Credit Program, their customers are able to give back and pay it forward. With initiatives such as the Extra Credit Program, Worldpay will continue to be a global leader. To learn more about Worldpay US, Inc., please contact Account Executive Lee Rathbun at 717-578-2717 or
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October 2015  11
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
12 October 2015
A Better Workforce is a Drug-Free Workforce By J. Thomas Smith Contributing Writer
"I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam, and I am an addict.’" — Samuel L. Jackson
ctober is National Substance Abuse Prevention month. While prevention is the focus during the month of October, I believe it is important to take a brief look
at drugs in the workplace and the impact it has on you and me as a consumer. Drug Use Has Declined in the U.S. At the outset, it is significant to note that the rate of overall drug use in the United States has declined by roughly 30 percent since 1979. More recently, the number of current cocaine users has declined by more than a third (36%) from 2006 to 2013, and the number of current meth users has fallen by 19 percent over the same period. However, drug use is still having serious adverse effects upon a significant portion of the nation’s workforce and results in billions of dollars of lost productivity for employers each year.
The Federal Government’s Drug Free Workplace Policy With the Drug Free Workplace Policy, the federal government took the initiative to show the way towards achieving drug-free workplaces through a program
designed to offer drug users a helping hand, and at the same time, made it clear to those using drugs and potential drug users that drugs will not be tolerated in the federal workplace. Many private companies have since adopted the federal government’s Drug Free Workplace Policy and Procedures.
Drug Using Employees Are Less Productive It has been clearly established that employees who use illegal drugs, on or off duty, tend to be less productive, less reliable and prone to greater absenteeism than their fellow employees who do not use illegal drugs. The use of illegal drugs, on or off duty, impairs the efficiency of employees using drugs and makes it more difficult for other employees who do not use illegal drugs to do their jobs in the most effective manner possible. The use of illegal drugs by employees, whether on or off duty, can
pose a serious health and safety threat to other employees and the general public. For federal employees in certain positions, the use of illegal drugs, on or off duty, makes them incapable of demonstrating complete reliability, stability and good judgment that is necessary when they have access to sensitive information and creates the possibility of coercion undue influence. It also creates the potential for irresponsible action under pressure, which poses a serious risk to national security, public safety and the effective enforcement of the law. Many of these same issues apply to the various private sectors which at the same time increase the cost of goods and services.
Drug Using Employees Are Responsible for Change The reasons people use drugs are varied. Essentially though, drugs give us a desired effect producing a feeling of eu-
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October 2015 13
phoria that makes us feel better, at least temporarily. There are hundreds of ways that drugs help people cope with life, and each person has their own reason why they choose a certain drug – whether licit or illicit. Most of the time, drug abusers deny they have a problem or they hide from it by making excuses. It’s a natural reaction to defend yourself and your behaviors, but your defenses break down once in a while. So, if you sometimes think you have a problem, you almost certainly do. All employees who use illegal drugs must themselves be primarily responsible for changing their behavior, and if necessary, begin the process of rehabilitating themselves. On the other hand, employers must take the initiative to establish a better workforce by creating a safer, drug free workplace.
employees, your customers and the community at large. Just as your employees are expected to recognize that they have a problem and seek help, it is equally important you do the same. By creating clear policies, you are ultimately helping your employees. The U.S. Department of Labor has a template to help you to get started (see references).
A Better Workplace: Help is Available For an employee who uses drugs occasionally, education may be enough to get them on the right track to a drug-free lifestyle. However, for the drug-abusing employee, quitting won’t be easy, but one can overcome their dependence on drugs. Help is available to them, but
they have to start now. Leading a clean lifestyle is something that is well within their reach. For the employer, a better workforce is within your reach, too. If you do not have the human resources, contact a consultant who can assist you in creating a better workforce by establishing drug free workplace policies and procedures. A thousand mile journey always begins with one step and one day at a time.
References: ployer free/drugs/screen2.asp ht t p://w w w.w h itehou s e .gov/ond cp/news-releases/DFC-national-re lease-2014 en.html J Thomas Smith is an attorney specializing in IRS Tax Defense, Consumer Bankruptcy and Family Immigration. He is a mental health consultant specializing in addictions, an author and host of “Sunday Morning Live” on KMJQ/ Majic 102.1 (9-11 am). His book, “The Secret to a New Life,” is available through booksellers or online at www.TheSecrettoaNewLife. com.
Employers Have Responsibilities Too Employers have responsibilities too. If you sometimes think you have a problem, you probably do. As an employer, you cannot continue to deny that you have a problem in the workplace. It will cost you more in the long run if you do not eliminate the problem. Now is the time to work toward creating a better workforce. You can do this by establishing drug-free workplace policies and procedures. Clear policies and procedures will help the company, your
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14 October 2015
5 Ways to Increase Your Workplace Safety Immediately By News Provider
or millions of people like yourself, the daily grind is all part of the regular routine. Today, across the nation, there are more than 122 million people who work full time just like you. And research shows that full-time employees work an average of 47 hours a week— sometimes it feels like a lot more. You’re at work enough that you probably bring certain valuables with you or maybe your job includes the handling of valuables like financial or health information. Whatever the nature of your valuables, if you have them at work, it’s good to have a little extra security as well. With that in mind, here are five tips to protect those important valuables at work from the experts at Master Lock. Safety starts the moment you leave. Whether you work remotely or you head to the office every day, protecting your valuables starts at home. Research shows 73 percent of Americans and Canadians leave the home to go to work each day. If you’re one of them, don’t hide a spare key under a rock or welcome mat where anyone can find it. Instead, invest in a portable key safe and only provide the code to trusted family or friends who may need it. Protect your personal valuables. Your smartphone, your keys, your wallet — these valuables come with you to
work every day and you probably just throw them in a drawer. Next time, avoid the potential for lost or stolen items by storing your valuables in the Master Lock 5900D SafeSpace. Designed with a durable cable, the SafeSpace can be wrapped around any fixed object in your office or hotel room — when traveling — helping to ensure everything stays protected in this easily portable safe. Don’t forget digital security. In today’s online world, not every security threat you face is physical. That’s why you have passwords and logins to protect your most important, secure files from digital threats. However, if you store those passwords on a sticky note attached to your monitor, they’re susceptible to prying eyes. Instead, store your passwords in a digital safe deposit box. This is also a great location to keep electronic copies of important documents. Protect the physical documents as well. Improving your digital security is only half the battle when it comes to keeping important documents safe. Physical copies of contracts, employee tax forms and any other important paper work should be kept in a locked location at work. And if you’re traveling, keep these documents safe with
the Sentry Safe FHW40120 Large Lock File while you’re away. Lock up when you leave. Whether you’re working remotely, hitting the gym at lunch or away on business, lock up your valuables with luggage locks whenever you’re away from them. This extends not only to your office but to your luggage, briefcases and laptop or gym bags. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your possessions will be fine for that short while. It only
takes a moment for your security to be compromised. You spend a lot of time at work and because of that you may take workplace security for granted. However, never discount the importance of a few extra safety measures, especially if you are traveling for work or out of the office. A little extra safety preparation beforehand can save you from major headaches later. – BPT
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October 2015  15
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
16 October 2015
6 Tips for a Successful Small Business
By News Provider
ince its inception, the United States has always been considered “the land of opportunity” – a place where any individual with the motivation and drive can start a business and succeed. This notion still holds true today as 99 percent of all American companies are small businesses, according to Small Business Administration. But this doesn’t mean being an entrepreneur or running a business is easy. Each business has its own set of circumstances and variables that influence its success, but you control more than you might think, especially the intangibles. We talked to Jessica Walsh, a graphic designer who by age 25 became a partner of a New York design firm (now called Sagmeister & Walsh), about what she does to stay at the top of her game. Below are Jessica’s tips to lead entrepreneurs to the promise land. • Don’t be afraid to experiment. No business can get off the ground or grow without taking a few risks or trying new things. And the initial push to open a business is not enough. “A lot of what I do is try stuff out, experiment, fail, and try again,” says Walsh. “When we take on any project, we allow a lot of time to play and experiment, fail many times and really allow ourselves that process.” • Good ideas can come from anyone. “The only true wisdom is in know-
ing you know nothing,” as the great Greek philosopher Socrates once said. In other words, you have to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking, especially from sources other than yourself. Walsh ascribed to this mantra, saying “It’s about coming up with the best possible products. So even if it’s an intern that has a fantastic idea, we let them run with it.” • Stay organized and be efficient. A little organization can go a long way. Don’t just think detailed spread sheets or databases with lists of customers or to-the-minute daily schedules. It can be simple things like how your desk is
laid out or even the computer monitor you use. Walsh points out the utility in widescreen monitors, like hers from the line at LG Electronics, because the extra screen real estate allows her to be able to separate things like email, or chatting, with the more creative work on the screen. As a graphic designer, she gets bonus utility because of its acclaimed color accuracy which, for Walsh, is extremely important. • Be committed, but keep it light. Owning and operating a business is a serious game; there is no doubt about that. However, you should still try to have some fun when the opportunity
Create Your Own Personal Pension? It's Possible By News Provider
etirement planning has certainly changed a lot over the years, hasn’t it? First came pensions, or defined benefit plans, with their guaranteed income for life. After that it was 401(k)s. These plans focused on growing wealth from the stock and bond markets. Your pension and 401(k) were meant to work together but now pensions are disappearing and many people are left with just their 401(k) plan. Your 401(k) is an important piece of your retirement savings but it was never intended to be your sole retirement solution. Instead, your 401(k) was meant to provide additional retirement savings that worked with your pension, savings and other income sources to paint a full retirement picture. But now for many people the pensions are gone and while you have other savings avenues – what can you do to replace this lost retirement income? One option could be a deferred income annuity (DIA). A DIA allows you to set up a guaranteed income stream beginning later in your life. With a DIA it’s important to remember that the guaranteed income is based on the strength and claims paying ability of your financial institution
so it’s important to choose the right partner. DIA’s are traditionally funded with a lump sum payment up front and the contract promises to pay you a lifetime income stream starting with a date of your choice. For example, let’s say you purchased a DIA with a $50,000 lump sum. That money will then be held by your financial institution for a defined period, according to the contract, where it will grow with interest. After a specified amount of time has passed, you can start receiving payments. This guaranteed stream of income can then be used to supplement additional retirement savings and help you fill a void in your retirement portfolio. A DIA is one example of the many options that are available when it comes to retirement strategies and that’s good news for any investor seeking retirement income. With traditional pensions disappearing from the landscape, there are still plenty of options that let you design personal solutions for your own retirement. The key is knowing your options and working with a financial professional who can help guide you toward a stable retirement, that way you’ll be ready for any changes that happen in your retirement planning until it’s finally time for you to enjoy the fruits of all that hard work and smart saving. – BPT
arises. “Humor is really an essential part of our practice. It’s in our personalities, it’s a part of all the work we do, and I really think that it’s an important part of experimenting and playing. If you take yourself too seriously, you’re never going to just try something crazy or try something new,” Walsh notes how humor opens doors for professionals surmising. • Stimulate your mind always. One of the best ways to keep your mind fresh is to stimulate it in variety of ways through people, experiences and surroundings. “I think being in New York affects our work. It’s such an amazing and inspiring city of so many diverse people, and cultural events going on at any one moment,” Walsh explains in the context of being in a big city. “Just go out and meet various people any night of the week because there are so many talented and inspiring people out there.” • Don’t become content. One of the oldest tricks that’s true for all types of businesses is to never rest on your laurels. Even with all of Walsh’s early success, she keeps pushing forward. “I wouldn’t say I’m 100 percent satisfied,” she says. “I think you have to be hungry: hungry for new work, new experiences and learning new things.” Owning your own business can be scary as there are so many roles to play. With the above tips in mind, you have a great framework for prosperity. If nothing else, embrace the madness to find a real recipe for success. – BPT
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18 October 2015
In the Business Community…
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20  October 2015
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22 October 2015
5 Easy Ways Businesses Can Thank Their Customers and Employees This Year By News Provider
he holiday season is here once again, and while this is a busy time of year for companies all across the country, it’s also a great time to say thanks to the customers and employees who have made the year special. Your company’s gift giving doesn’t have to be lavish or expensive, just a simple thank you memento, or a customized card or calendar can be enough to brighten a person’s day and carry over the good will of your company. To spur your gift-giving inspiration, the experts at Staples offer these suggestions for some of the hottest gifts this season.
Gifts for customers (or employees) No two customers are the same and that can make finding the perfect gift difficult. With this in mind, here are a few of ideas which will appeal to anyone even members of your staff. • Water bottles or travel mugs. Put a new spin on a time-honored classic. Infuser water bottles allow you to put
frozen fruit or veggies in the infuser compartment and enjoy the fresh, cool flavors all day. If you think your customers prefer a hot drink on a cold morning, ceramic travel mugs with silicone grips have a modern look and are plastic free. • High end custom cards. Give your customers a high end custom card with your logo to remind them how valuable they are to you. These cards are more affordable than you may think and they’re a great way to say thank for the all the business you’ve done together. You can also find more ideas for thanking your customers on the Staples Advantage blog. • Draw cord bags. Available in plenty of trendy patterns, draw cord bags are a gift any customer will appreciate. They’re stylish, reusable and perfect for students, sports fans and anyone else looking for an alternative to the traditional gym bag.
Gifts for employees (or customers) Those trusted employees who have given their time and their talents to your company deserve a special thank you during the holiday season. Say thank
Additional gift ideas
you with these hot gift ideas. • A case for their devices. Just about everyone has a tablet these days. That means they’ll appreciate a stylish case in luxurious leather to store it in. Whether your employees use their tablets at home or at work, your gift is sure to be with them constantly. Customizable tablet sleeves can also be a great way for employees to carry your company’s logo wherever they go. • Make the office fun. All work and no play makes for a dull office, so inject some life into your workplace with a company-wide gift of games. Classic board games and playing cards are sure to appeal to your group. Once you bring them in, make sure you set aside some time to play the games in a team-building environment.
Have others on your list that don’t quite fall into one of the two groups listed above? Not to worry, here are some other gift selections for you to consider: • Gifts for interns and employees younger than 20. Wonder what to get the young employees on your list? Think tech. Replace their existing chargers with portable power banks or consider the Comet Bluetooth(R) Speaker/Selfie Shutter. These gadgets may be small but they pack a lot of punch in a little package. • Gifts for administrators. Where would you be without your administrator or administrative assistant? It’s a chilling thought. Say thank you with a gift they’ll use and enjoy all year, like a savory new coffee cup, a tote bag or an exciting speaker.
Start your shopping today The gift you give at the end of the year is a great way to say thank you for everything these important people have done to support your business in 2015 and to get them excited about the year ahead. – BPT
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October 2015  23
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
24 October 2015
Diversity and a Strong Tech Industry By News Provider
ast year, a number of tech firms released reports on the demographic makeup of their employees and highlighted how diversity is severely lacking in the industry. Google indicated that 61 percent of its employees were white, 30 percent Asian, 4 percent identified as two or more races, 3 percent Hispanic, 2 percent black and 1 percent other. These numbers were fairly consistent among other prominent tech companies, including Apple, Facebook and Twitter. When those same companies released progress reports this year, little to no gains were made. In response, Twitter has teamed up with diversity organizations and colleges that serve minorities, and also encouraged in-house initiatives among employees. Apple has committed more than $50 million to diversity efforts. Despite such efforts, many feel that more needs to be done to cultivate diverse perspectives in the tech industry and to expand a pipeline of talent that better reflects society. How can the country tackle such a problem? Many believe the next generation of technology leaders cannot emerge, let alone include children from
diverse backgrounds, until children in K-12 classrooms receive earlier access to tech education. To illustrate the urgency, consider how computer programming jobs are growing at twice the national average compared to other industries. This makes particularly troubling a recent finding by, a non-profit organization committed to expanding participation in computer science, that nine out of 10 high schools in the U.S. do not offer computer science classes. What’s more alarming is that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2020 1.4 million computer science jobs will be available nationally, but only 400,000 computer science students will be available to fill those roles. With such numbers, the need to encourage children and adults from all backgrounds to pursue STEM fields and build careers in tech cannot be understated. Because specialized training for many sectors in the technology field begins in college, the higher education sector is in a unique position to expand opportunity in underserved communities and increase the diversity of the workforce in the tech industry. One institution that has spearheaded such efforts is University of Phoenix. Given the unique needs of the students
– many of who are working adults – the University developed degree programs in Information Systems and Technology. These programs provide students with a wide range of technical and organizational skills, as well as an understanding of core business concepts that emphasizes how technology is the bridge
that connects them with their future careers. This is one example of how industry leaders across the public and private sectors are making a commitment to building diversity in the workforce and filling the important rolls that the tech industry needs to stay strong. – BPT
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October 2015  25
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
26 October 2015
Looking to Buy a Home? 5 Mortgage Steps You Need to Know By News Provider
he home loan process can seem intimidating, especially for a firsttime homebuyer. It is not a simple process, but it doesn’t have to be too complicated. There are many resources available to help you prepare for your home buying journey, and your mortgage lender can answer the questions you have throughout the process. “We’re finding that many of our customers come into the home loan process with limited knowledge of how the home loan process works,” says Eric Hamilton, President of Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance. “It’s important to take the time to familiarize yourself with the process so you know what to expect.” Here are some of the key steps to the home loan process, as well as some tips to help you understand what you can expect:
1. Preparation and self-assessment Before you dive head-first into buying a home, make sure that you know how much you can afford. The first step is to calculate your “debt-to-income ratio.” You can do this by adding up your current monthly bills then subtracting your total current income. This will help you determine whether you can afford a mortgage payment, and if so, what amount might fit into
your budget. Using an online mortgage calculator is a good way to help you determine what the estimated cost of your monthly mortgage payment will be. Doing these calculations first will help you assess your resources and determine your budget to purchase a home.
2. The loan application Download a blank loan application ahead of time so you can look it over and familiarize yourself with it. This will give you an idea of the information you need when completing and submitting the application. The necessary documents may include: proof of income, proof of employment for the past two years, proof of identity, proof of residency and your social security card.
3. Origination and Underwriting
the credit application and create the loan account. Underwriting – An underwriter will review the application and determine the level of credit risk you represent based on your credit score, income, existing debt and down payment. You may be asked to provide additional information about your finances during this step. 4. Satisfying loan conditions and full loan approval In this step, you will receive a “conditions to approval” list from your lender, which outlines the tasks you must complete before the loan can be closed. For example, the lender may ask for additional documentation to verify income, savings or emergency funds or other proof that you can afford to repay the loan. At this point
Origination – The loan officer will review your financing options, work with you to complete
in the process the lender may offer a conditional loan approval and start the document verification process. If you accept the conditional loan approval offer, once all conditions have been met, the lender will issue a full loan approval.
5. Processing Once you’ve selected your dream home, you’ll sign a purchase agreement with the seller. The purchase agreement tells the lender how much you have agreed to pay to purchase the home. The lender may then have the home appraised and will provide you with a copy of the appraisal.
6. Closing In the final step of the process, the lender works with a title company to obtain and review a title report and then finalize your title on the home. The titling company receives a closing package, which contains the documents that need to be signed, recorded and become part of your mortgage loan file. At the closing, you will sign all closing documents and pay any closing costs. The lender then receives all of this signed paperwork to complete the process. Once this process is complete, you’re ready to move into your dream home. The home loan process may take some time, but these steps are well worth the wait. For more mortgage and loan resources, visit: www.vmfhomeloan. com. – BPT
The One Security Improvement Businesses Must Make By News Provider
ollow the news and it’s easy to see that payment fraud has become the largest theft-related threat facing business and consumers in the United States, as well as around the world. The cost of payment card fraud grew by 19 percent globally in 2013, hitting $14 billion, according to research from BI Intelligence. The threat is higher in the United States, where payment card fraud grew 29 percent to $7.1 billion. So why is payment card fraud more likely here at home than around the world? One of the largest reasons is because the country has fallen behind in combating payment card fraud through technology. About a quarter of the world’s payment card transactions are done in the U.S., but more than half of payment card fraud happens here because the United States is the only de-
veloped country that does not yet have wide-spread use of EMV chip technology. EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, and EMV cards use a computer chip embedded in the card itself to create a unique transaction code for every purchase. This makes counterfeiting attempts much more difficult. Many U.S. businesses have been reluctant to implement EMV technology because of the added expense and time required to transition. However, this transition should not be put off any longer. Effective this month, liability for all payment card fraud will shift to the party who did the least to prevent the fraud, putting the burden on the businesses themselves. If your business is looking to improve its security and implement EMV technology, follow these tips to make the process as smooth as possible: • Find the time that works for you. You’ve heard the saying “timing is every-
thing,” and this applies to your acceptance of EMV chip technology as well. Adopt EMV too soon and you could face additional costs as PIN debit networks add EMV standards. Adopting it too late, however, could cause you to face liability shift expenses. • Make your updates all-inclusive. Making the transition to accepting EMV technology is a great time to ensure you can accept emerging forms of payment as well. So when you add EMV, don’t forget to consider upgrades such as tokenization and contactless payments. Chase provides a point of sale terminal called Future Proof that accepts EMV chip cards, as well as mobile Near Field Communication (NFC) and other forms of contactless payment all in one streamlined device. • Be ready for other threats. Research shows that businesses that accept EMV technology saw a reduction in counterfeit fraud (fraud that results when fraudsters steal card data at point
of sale to create and use counterfeit plastics) while cases of electronic fraud (fraud that results when fraudsters steal data and use it for online purchases) increased. As you shore up your brick and mortar protection, make sure your website’s fraud detection technology is updated and ready for increased threats. • Don’t forget about this… Making payments with chip readers is slightly different from conventional readers, and not all chip readers look alike. Customers need to insert their card in the reader and keep it there until the transaction is complete. Make sure your front line employees can help customers through the transition. It’ll make the transaction smoother and ensure that customers get the great customer service you’re known for. Transitioning to EMV technology may seem confusing at first, but with liability for all fraudulent transactions shifting this month, your business simply cannot afford the risk. – BPT
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October 2015  27
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28  October 2015
Business Owners and the Upcoming Election By News Provider
ouston is a prosperous city, filled with opportunities for small businesses to flourish. Many successful business owners are reaping the benefits of being in one of the largest major cities in the United States. Though Houston does have benefits for business owners, there are also concerns, problems and challenges that they face (state, federal and local), especially if a small business. When you work for yourself as opposed for a company or someone else, the concerns change when it comes to business. The City of Houston and in this country there are many programs and initiatives to help small business owners. Candidates definitely have heard the concerns of small business owners, and with this upcoming election, small business owners will be looking at the best candidates that have the small business community in mind as part of their plan to keep them on the path of economic success. Priorities for Business Owners (
employees. Many small business owners left jobs where health insurance was part of their employment package. As they venture out on their own, they are faced, often for the first time in their lives, with the extremely expensive proposition of paying for health insurance for themselves and their families based on an individual policy, rather than being part of a large group. Too many times the financial struggle of starting and growing a small business precludes budgeting hundreds of dollars per month for health insurance for the owner and his or her family. It's not at all surprising that this concern has been elevated to the top of the list.
Federal Taxes on Business Income Someone once said that paying taxes is a high class problem, because it means you had profits. One problem unique to small business owners ties in with the health insurance issue: Small businesses that are structured other than as a C Corporation, (which is the majority of small businesses) cannot deduct all of their health insurance benefit costs the way their larger competitors can.
Cost of Health Insurance
Unreasonable Government Regulations
This issue has two components: Health insurance for owners, and coverage for
Small business owners recognize that for society and the marketplace to work,
nesses and other real investments. Social security is one of the withholding items someone appropriately termed payroll "burden." Every time payroll levels go up for a small business due to minimum wage increases, competitive wage pressures, etc.
Taxes on Business Income Some states are worse than others, but any tax on a small business, state, federal, local, or inflation, is a threat to survival because it sucks valuable capital out, often at a time when that capital is most needed.
Frequent Changes in Federal Tax Laws there have to be rules and regulations. Some small business owners feel that too many rules and regulations are being created and enforced by people who don't really understand their full impact. Unreasonable regulations are seen as especially egregious. Somebody has to do the paperwork, and small businesses need that somebody to be buying, selling, creating, building, planning, etc. - not doing government paperwork.
Social Security Taxes Millions of small business owners fit in the "younger" category, and they see the productivity of funds put in their busi-
If a small business owner does his or her own taxes, new changes are new things to learn, taking away time from selling, planning, and creating. If the work is hired out to a CPA firm, changes and new forms mean more expense. Also, it's difficult to conduct effective tax planning when the target keeps moving. As small business owners, you should not be afraid to question candidates about their plan of action for the small business community. It’s of the utmost importance that as a business owner, you take responsibility for your business by doing your research on the candidates to determine who has solid small business voting records. Get involved, get educated and vote.
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October 2015  29
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
30 October 2015
Make the Most of Your Employee Benefits with These 5 Tips By News Provider
ost American workers say they understand the importance of their employee benefits and personal finances, yet two out of five admit they know little or nothing about them, new research finds. As employee benefits season begins, most people seemingly have their financial house in order, saying they prioritize understanding their personal finances (77 percent), having enough medical insurance (74 percent) and being on track to retire comfortably (65 percent), according to the 2015 MassMutual Employee Benefits Security Study. Yet, 38 percent say they know little or nothing about their employer-provided benefits such as health care, life insurance, 401(k) retirement plans and other benefits, the study finds. MassMutual commissioned the study by KRC Research as part of an initiative to help educate workers about their employer-provided benefits and enable
them to make better choices in selecting health care coverage, insurance protection, retirement savings and other benefits. The study focused on 1,517 working Americans who were at least age 18 in a wide variety of jobs and industries. “Personal finances continue to bedevil many Americans, especially when it comes to understanding and making the most of their employee benefits,” says Elaine Sarsynski, executive vice president of MassMutual Retirement Services and Worksite Insurance. “Fortunately, there are resources for people to turn to get help in prioritizing and managing both their benefits and finances.” While many people assert they do just fine managing their finances, 37 percent find doing so “somewhat” or “very difficult” and 40 percent say personal financial problems are a distraction at work, according to the study. Some groups find personal finance more difficult than others, including Millennials (58 percent), parents (50 percent), Generation X (47 percent), women (44 percent) and those with annual incomes of $50,000 or less (44 percent). Many workers would appreciate hav-
ing access to online tools. Seventy-three percent indicate they would be likely use such a tool if it were available free, especially if it were provided by a “trusted and respected financial services company.” More benefit and personal finance tools are becoming available through employers and many are free, according to Sarsynski. Many employers and benefits providers are introducing new tools to help you prioritize your retirement, health care and insurance protection benefits, she says.
Tips to prioritize your benefits As workers are required to pay more or share more of the cost for their benefits,
Sarsynski says, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize your benefits to fit your individual needs and budget: • Health care coverage is the most important benefit unless you are already protected by a spouse’s medical plan. • If you are married — especially if you have children — securing life insurance and disability insurance are critical to your family’s well-being. • Save as much as you can as early as you can for retirement to take advantage of the long-term benefits of compound earnings. At a minimum, contribute enough to your employer’s 401(k) or other retirement savings plan to obtain any matching contributions. • It’s less critical for lower-paid employees earning the minimum wage or close to it to save for retirement because Social Security will replace a relatively high percentage of your pre-retirement earnings. Other benefits such as health care and insurance protection are likely more important. • Take advantage of employer-provided wellness benefits to boost your physical, emotional and financial health. – BPT
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October 2015 31
What You Think You Know about Social Security May Be Totally Wrong By News Provider
mericans may have faith in the Social Security system, but many still don’t really understand how it works. That’s a key take-away from a recent survey of Americans’ knowledge of Social Security retirement benefits. While 63 percent of respondents said they do believe Social Security benefits will be available to them when they retire, many were confused about who qualifies for benefits, how much they’ll be eligible to receive, and when they can start drawing benefits without penalty. The survey, by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), included a true/false quiz about Social Security facts. Just 28 percent of those surveyed scored a passing grade, and only one person out of the 1,500 polled was able to answer all survey questions correctly. The survey results
illustrated a significant lack of knowledge about Social Security, including: • Although 75 percent of those surveyed thought being an American citizen is a requirement to receive Social Security retirement benefits, this is not the case. Non-citizens lawfully living in the U.S., and who have permission to work here, can obtain a Social Security number, pay into the Social Security system and draw benefits. • More than seven in 10 respondents mistakenly thought that 65 is the age when everyone can begin drawing full retirement benefits. Actually, your full retirement age depends on what year you were born. • Fifty-five percent of those surveyed incorrectly believed they could continue working during retirement while collecting full Social Security benefits, regardless of their age. If you work during retirement, but have not yet reached your full retirement age, your Social Security benefits may be reduced if you earn too much. Once you reach full re-
tirement age, those withheld benefits will be repaid over your lifetime. “Perhaps the greatest Social Security deficit in this country is the lack of education around the retirement benefits of the program,” says Michael R. Fanning, executive vice president, U.S. Insurance Group, MassMutual. “With millions of Americans nearing retirement each year, many may be at risk of underutilizing a critical component of their retirement income stream.” Still, some good news emerged from the survey. Americans seem aware that Social Security should be only one component of their overall retirement savings plan. Just 39 percent said they expected to rely more on Social Security than their personal savings or income during retirement, and just 15 percent expected to rely solely on Social Security. You can test your Social Security knowledge by taking the MassMutual quiz. Here are some Social Security facts to help improve your knowledge:
• No single filing strategy works for everyone filing for Social Security benefits; there are just too many variables. For example, a married couple may have hundreds of options for filing for Social Security retirement benefits. • Americans are living longer. It’s no longer sufficient to plan for just 10 years of retirement. You may well need savings and income to carry you for three decades or longer. • While Social Security can be an important component of your retirement plan, you need to have other income as well. Under- or over-valuing your Social Security retirement benefits could keep you from getting a true picture of your retirement savings plans. A qualified financial professional can better help you understand how Social Security fits into your personal situation. For additional information on saving for retirement and Social Security benefits, visit or the Social Security Administration. – BPT
FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - PCT. 3 POSITION 1 Galena Park ISD School Board President North Channel Chamber of Commerce Board Member Barrett Station Civic League President Highlands-Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce Member Galena Park Rotary Member
Former Woodforest Sec 26 HOA President Lifelong Member of the Community Masters Degree in Business Administration (U of P) Former HOUSTON ROCKET Small Business Owner (The Joe Stephens Insurance Agency)
Served 3 years as TXDOT Commissioner on large condemnation cases (appointed by former Judge and current Harris County Comissioner Pct. 4 Jack Cagle)
Businessman, Husband, Father
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32  October 2015
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October 2015  33
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34 October 2015
Tech Jobs Are Booming! How to Help Your Daughter Ride the Tech Wave By News Provider
irtual reality headsets, super sophisticated smartphones and 4K TVs with images as sharp as the view through a clean window — technology just keeps getting more amazing. Don’t forget, however, that behind all that awesome technology are the people who are innovating and producing it. The tech industry is no longer comprised of a handful of introverts and math whizzes, it’s now made up of millions of dreamers who believe in a small idea’s potential to achieve global impact. But while more students are taking an interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and pursuing tech careers, the diversity of the technology workforce lags behind the industry’s pace of innovation. Although women have made great strides in other industries, they are still poorly represented in STEM careers, including tech. In fact, in 2013 women ages 25 to 34 were 21 percent more likely than men to be college graduates and 48 percent more likely to have gone to graduate school, according to a report by the presidential Council of Economic Advisors. Yet women account for only a quarter of the tech industry workforce.
“To cultivate and sustain diverse perspectives and expand the pipeline of IT talent, women must feel welcome in the industry, whether they’re writing code or leading the next IT startup in Silicon Valley,” says Charity Jennings, program dean for theUniversity of Phoenix’s College of Information Systems and Technology. “Cultivating an interest in tech fields needs to start at a young age. It’s critical to get our young women engaged and excited about becoming future engineers, web develops, tech entrepreneurs and executives.” Increasing the number of women participating in tech fields won’t just improve the industry, it can greatly benefit the women themselves. Between now and 2020, 1.4 million computer science jobs are projected to be available in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), but only 400,000 students will be enrolled in computer science programs. The computer programming field is growing at twice the national average compared to other industries, according to BLS data, and that means women who train in tech-related subjects will find ample opportunities to pursue in the industry. “A recent study by the non-profit organization found that nine out of 10 high schools in the U.S. don’t offer computer science classes, and that’s
profoundly troubling,” says Jennings. “Moreover, the same study found that half of all U.S. states don’t count computer science toward high school graduation math or science requirements. How can we expect to produce the next generation of technology leaders, let alone encourage females to pursue careers in tech, if kids don’t get the opportunity in school to take computer science courses?” Working together, says Jennings, educators, corporations, policy makers, community leaders and parents can help nurture young women’s interest in tech careers. “Large technology-based firms can in-
crease their efforts to recruit, train and mentor a more diverse workforce,” she says. “Strides have already been made. Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization that works to inspire and equip high school girls with the skills they need to pursue tech careers. Google also offers scholarships for 1,000 women to learn code.” Colleges and universities can work to educate students about the diverse career path opportunities available in IT. University of Phoenix, for example, offers courses in Information Systems and Technology to provide students with technical and organizational skills, as well as give them an understanding of core business concepts. Students interested in technology as well as other fields, like business or health care, can work toward concentrations or certificates in these areas. Finally, Jennings says, parents can encourage their daughters to engage in STEM-related activities, study STEM subjects and explore the many tech-related career opportunities available to them. “In the last 100 years, women have made significant advances in the workplace, but more can be done,” she says. “By working together, we can break through the barriers and elevate women in the tech space. The future of innovation and technology depends on it!” – BPT
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October 2015  35
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
36 October 2015
New Flexible Spending Account Options Will Help You Stretch Your Money By News Provider
s we head into the 2016 annual health care enrollment period, the benefits of different plan options may seem hard to decipher. Like many employees, you may have never considered a flexible spending account, or FSA. In fact, only about 30 percent of workers who have an FSA available to them sign up to take advantage of the program. However, a variety of benefits make health care FSA plans worth a second look. According to a March 2015 survey conducted by Visa and WageWorks, fear of losing money at the end of the year is the number one reason employees don’t participate in health care FSA plans, despite the fact they’re leaving tax savings on the table. What you may not know is that the IRS revised options in 2013 to allow for carryover of FSA dedicated funds up to $500 — meaning, you don’t need to fear the notion of “use it or lose it.” With an increasing number of employers now providing FSA carryover options, there’s a
good chance your employer is offering this benefit to you as well. In the same Visa/ WageWorks survey, 60 percent of employers said they opted to offer the FSA carryover option this year. A health care FSA with carryover helps eliminate the stress and pressure of having to spend your annual contribution by the end of the year, and allows for ease of budgeting and allocating where and when health care dollars are spent. A convenient way for employees to access and use FSA funds in a secure way is through a Visa debit card. While individual health care needs vary, here are just a few common eligible health care expenses and scenarios that can be covered with flexible spending account dollars. • Copays and deductibles are generally covered out of pocket, but both are easily handled by funds allocated and available through your FSA. • The cost of important and routine exams, such as physicals or dermatology checkups, can quickly add up. But, with dedicated FSA funds, you can cover these costs with ease. • FSA monies can be used to keep
your smile bright and healthy. Dental cleanings, dentures and orthodontia are all eligible FSA expenses. • Not only can your FSA help to keep your mind at ease about medical expenses, it can also help to keep you seeing in clear view. Annual vision exams, new glasses and LASIK services can also be covered with FSA funds. • Many employees may think specialty visits are ineligible expenses, but your chiropractor or acupuncturist can also be paid for with FSA funds. • Necessary health care equipment like blood pressure monitors or thermometers can be purchased with an FSA, as can important and potentially life-changing services, such as smoking cessation programs. Additionally, the pre-tax salary reduction helps pave the
way for employees to really stretch their hard-earned dollars. For example, the average employee who contributes $500 to their health care FSA at the start of the year will probably utilize all of those funds by the end of the plan year and by contributing that amount to an FSA will save approximately $150 in taxes, depending on his/her tax rate (the maximum contribution for an individual is $2,550, which would save an average of $765 at a 30 percent tax rate). Using your Visa debit card for your FSA may also cut down on your paperwork. Many of the processing systems at pharmacies, grocery stores and other retailers that sell medical products are programmed to distinguish between covered items and non-covered items, making getting the care you need more simple. As you review your options this open enrollment season, ask your employer if they offer flexible spending accounts with carryover, available on a Visa debit card. To learn more visit – BPT
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