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Black Pages
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March 2016 Connect With Us
15th Edition
Business • Faith-Based • Health & Wellness • Community • Events • Politics • Education • Arts & Entertainment • Dining • Nightlife • Fashion
Creating Change in Your Community
In the Black Pages Community…
• Women of Color for Hillary & Texans for Hillary
PAGES 14-15
By Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade
Exercise Can Be Bad for Your Teeth
Douglas Smith and Marque Fountain The Kings of Furniture
PAGE 4 PAGES 12-13 PAGE 18 By d-mars.com News Provider
5 Tax Tips for Small Business Owners
d-mars.com Spotlight on CDM Boxing Youth Center
Janice Taylor and Dr. Sabrina Y. Lewis
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. — Mark Twain
March 2016 3
Journal Behind The
Publisher’s Message
SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.
SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black
“Creating Change in Your Community” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Black Pages. Entrepreneurship is important, especially in the African-American community. There is nothing better than owning yourself. As an entrepreneur, I take pride in the fact that I own a business. As important as it is to be successful in business, it is also equally important to give back to your community. Are you creating change in your community? Has your business made contributions to the community? Let’s remember in our business endeavors to always give back. The cover story for this issue is on Your Cost Furniture. Douglas Smith and Marque Fountain are co-owners of this furniture enterprise, and these millennials have carved their name at the top of the list with some of the most successful business owners in the area. They credit God, faith, family, true friends, and hard work for their accomplishments. As much as Smith and Fountain love the business side, they have an equal love for the community. This article and other articles in this journal will inspire you. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
Dawn Paul
PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines
DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade d-mars.com News Provider
Contents Janice Taylor and Dr. Sabrina Y. Lewis........................................................................................................................................................ 4 In the Black Pages Community...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Community Spotlight on Helping Our Peers Evolve................................................................................................................................. 8 Study: Exercise Can Be Bad for Your Teeth...............................................................................................................................................10 3 Tips to Get You Through This Roller Coaster Economy......................................................................................................................10 d-mars.com Spotlight on CDM Boxing Youth Center......................................................................................................................... 12-13 Douglas Smith and Marque Fountain: The Kings of Furniture.......................................................................................................14-15 5 Tax Tips for Small Business Owners.......................................................................................................................................................18
MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month
“Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.” - Babe Ruth
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4 March 2016
d-mars.com Business Spotlight on
Janice Taylor and Dr. Sabrina Y. Lewis By Dawn Paul
Associate Editor
omen’s History Month is an annual declared month highlighting the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. This month d-mars.com puts the spotlight on Janice Taylor and Dr. Sabrina Y. Lewis, co-founders and coowners of J & S Solutions Group. J & S Solutions Group believes in making veterans their first priority, supplying stellar customer service. With over 32 years of customer service experience and over 23 years of education and compliance specialty experience, J & S Solutions Group works with countless professionals, including attorneys, accountants, schools, and veterans’ agencies.
“J & S Solutions Group is capable, efficient, and an exceptional company.” — Hope for U. S. Veterans This fierce female duo has set J & S Solutions Group above the competition, providing superior business solutions to companies with customer service issues not only because of their experience, but because of their education and passion for the industry. Ms. Taylor has worked in a Fortune 500 fast growing company in Houston, Texas, for 32 years. She holds a BA degree in Business Administration from Sam Houston State University and an MBA from the University of Phoenix in Organizational Management. Dr. Lewis obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Wiley College, an MBA from Texas Southern University, and a Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix. This has prepared Dr. Lewis for a successful career in organizational behavior, training, business and management, and leadership.
J & S Solutions Group believes that good customer service can save your business when things aren’t going so well on the frontend. J & S Solutions Group can provide business solutions to
businesses and their customer service issues. Some of the business solutions offered include, but is not limited to: • Partnering with the management team to align their Customer Service Department policies and systems with the company’s objectives • Recommending solutions for customer service issues and ensure effective and long-term problem resolutions • Develop and implement procedures pertinent to the effective and efficient operation of the Customer Service Department • Assist companies with developing surveys to assist in customer feedback • Train company personnel in customer service • Train in the areas of: communication effectiveness, call control, rapport, phone etiquette, and conflict resolution • Develop automated voice mails for your call center
J & S Solutions Group’s goals include improving veteran access to their benefits, providing business solutions to the VET and companies they do business with. Their main focus is to ensure that veterans have access to educational opportunities and that the schools they attend will provide quality customer service and remain in compliance. They
“J & S Solutions Group comes highly recommended. Their company would be a valuable member to the City of Houston. I am sure that whoever hires this company will find J & S Solutions Group to be qualified and experienced workers with their combined 55 years of experience in business.” — Client of J & S Solutions Group want to help our vets pursue their educational goals and have successful careers. J & S Solutions Group is there to bridge the gap, creating a strong
partnership between the schools and the vets. J & S Solutions Group discovered there were no independent companies providing this type of service to veterans, schools, and universities. There are issues with debts that impact both the student and the school. They know that their one-on-one relationship with schools and the students can better control compliance issues. The value J & S Solutions Group adds in customer service helps them stand out against their competitors.
J & S Solutions Group’s Certifications Include: • Hire Houston First • Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) • Women Business Enterprise (WBE) • HUB
When it comes to the best in customer service and business solutions for your company, J & S Solutions Group has you. J & S Solutions Group is more than a business, but a way to selflessly serve our veterans, assisting them in making the right decision for their VA educational benefits and helping to keep them out of debt. The slogan at J & S Solutions Group is “Proud to serve the men and women who served our country.” For more on Janice Taylor, Dr. Sabrina Y. Lewis, and how J & S Solutions Group can help you, please visit www.jandssolutions group.com.
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March 2016  5
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
6 March 2016
In the Black Pages Community…
To View More Photos, Visit Our Website www.d-mars.com and Click on ‘Photo Gallery.’
Women of Color for Hillary & Texans for Hillary
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March 2016  7
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8  March 2016
Community Spotlight on
Helping Our Peers Evolve
Helping Our Peers Evolve is dedicated to lending a helping hand to the homeless and low-income communities in North Houston, by providing both tangible and intangible goods and services or a simple gesture to help motivate and uplift those facing hardships. Another successful event has been marked in the books for Helping Our Peers Evolve. Recently, they provided over 300 lunches to those in need. Damond Palmer, Datrion Griffen, Marquita Henry-Finley, and Kevin Wright want to thank the community for the muchneeded donations received. Please visit Helping Our Peers Evolve on the web at helpingourpeersevolve. org.
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March 2016  9
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
10 March 2016
Study: Exercise Can Be Bad for Your Teeth
Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade Contributing Writer
xercise does a body good, or most of a body, according to a new study. German dental researchers set out to explore the impact of endurance training on oral health, and what they found might be bad news for the “hard-core.” A group of 70 participants - half triathletes, half non-athletes, with an average age of 36, underwent an oral examination, had their saliva tested while sitting, and answered questions about their diet (including sports drink consumption), exercise, and oral habits. Fifteen of the athletes additionally had their saliva tested while running for about 35 minutes. The athletes were found to have a higher risk of dental erosion. And while both groups had the same cavity prevalence, the more training time an athlete logged, the more likely he suffered from cavities, Runner’s World reports. But sports drinks weren’t found to be the culprit. What they found was a difference in spit, and a fairly surprising one at that, says lead researcher Dr. Cornelia Frese. At rest, the participant’s saliva, which helps protect teeth, was the same in terms of volume and chemical makeup. But things began to change as the athletes started working out: Saliva production dropped. This means their mouths got drier, explains the New York Times, and it happened even if they
were consuming liquids. Further, “saliva pH increased significantly,” per the study, which the Times reports may encourage tartar plaque growth. But don’t hang up the sneakers. Frese notes that the study was a small one, and that the athletes it studied were pretty intense: Their mean weekly exercise time was nine hours. (In other teethrelated news, doctors found an extra tooth in a man’s nose.)
Your Workout Might Be Giving You Cavities A solid workout can do wonders for your health. From keeping you at a healthy weight to improving your mental health, physical activity is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. But according to a July 2014 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, physically active people might need to pay extra attention to their oral health. The study, done by the School of Dental Medicine at the Uni-
versity Hospital Heidelberg in Germany, found an increased risk of dental erosion in athletes. The study of 35 triathletes and 35 non-exercisers included oral exams and assessments, saliva testing, a questionnaire about eating, drinking, and oral hygiene habits, plus training time increased, so did the prevalence of dental erosions; and, according to a subsample of athletes participating in an incremental running field test, saliva flow rates decreased when intensity increased and saliva pH slightly increased. When you add into the mix the carbs and sugar in sports drinks and protein bars that you’re likely consuming before and after working out, your mouth now has the perfect environment for cavities explains Dr. Jessica Emery, cosmetic dentist and owner of Sugar Fix Dental Loft Chicago. “Sugar feeds the decay-causing bacteria. Our defenses against this bad bacteria lives in our saliva,” Dr. Emery says, “so lower saliva rates make it harder for your mouth to keep itself clean. The way you breathe, plus becoming dehydrated as you sweat both
contribute to this dry ‘runner’s mouth’.” So what does this mean for you? “Any athlete will experience dry mouth from time to time,” says Emery, “but the effects seem to be more prevalent in runners since they don’t always have access to water, and distance runners can be outside for hours on end in the elements which can also exacerbate the symptoms.” This doesn’t mean you should stop lacing up and hitting the pavement to maintain your pearly whites. There are a few things you can do to eliminate a workout’s effects on your teeth: Stay hydrated. This is your best defense against runner’s mouth, since your body needs a water supply to produce saliva. Drink water before, during, and after workouts. “If you are a distance runner, consider increasing your salt intake, which allows your body to retain water,” Emery suggests. Pop a sugar-free mint or gum postworkout. Emery says, “This will get rid of the dry mouth and allow your saliva glands to start working again.” But sugar-free is key. Sugar will just encourage bad bacteria to grow and make matters worse. Brush and floss regularly. Brush and floss twice a day like you’ve been taught. And if your mouth is feeling especially rank after a run, brush and floss then, too. If you notice any sensitivity or pain, go see your dentist. “Oral hygiene is something everyone needs to take seriously when considering their overall health,” notes Emery. Runners and athletes may just need to pay a little extra attention to theirs. Schedule your oral exam today! For breakthrough dental technology, please call us at 832-304-2447, or visit us on the web at www.cosmeticdental texas.com.
3 Tips to Get You Through This Roller Coaster Economy By d-mars.com News Provider
he stock market is off to a rocky 2016 and experts advise we buckle up. Uncertainty around China, oil and interest rates is leading to waves of selling and a sharp decline in the market. This volatility is a reminder that we should expect the best and prepare for the worst. At the very least, we're in for a roller coaster of uncertainty, and now is the time to get financially prepared. Here are three ways to get your money in order for uncertain times.
1. Stow away cash in an emergency fund. You should have six months' expenses saved in case of an emergency. And by emergency, we aren't talking about a desperately needed wardrobe upgrade, or a European vacation to cope with a mid-life crisis. This should be money set aside to deal with life's emergencies like layoffs, medical bills or unforeseen crucial expenses. Don't feel bad if you haven't saved up six months' expenses
though - according to a recent Bankrate survey, fewer than four in 10 Americans can handle expenses outside their normal budget. To get a rough goal for your emergency fund total, simply add up all recurring monthly expenses including rent/mortgage, food, gas, car payment, cable, phone, etc. and multiply by six. Try to put 5-10 percent of each paycheck after taxes to this fund, and be sure to put the money into accounts that are liquid and stable, like a checking, savings or money market account.
2. Play it safe with investing. Investing shouldn't entail blindly paying a stockbroker and assuming all the risk with no tangible goal for success. New investing tools have emerged that bring elite investment options to everyday Americans. These can be great assets in a tough economy. Aspiration, for example, offers strategies that limit the volatility of the stock market and invest in companies with sustainable business practices toward the environment and their own workers that make them poised for growth. Best of all, custom-
ers set their fee, even if it's zero. Yes, you read that right - Aspiration lets investors pay them whatever they think is fair, and it can be changed at any time. If this sounds like a gimmick, know that Aspiration is a trusted brand that was just named one of Fast Company's Top 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2016. If you prefer paying an advisor for advice, Personal Capital is another newschool financial company that provides award-winning technology to help you manage day-to-day finances and investments. Personal Capital offers investment advice from licensed financial advisors, at a significantly reduced all-in management fee. Once your portfolio is set, start investing a modest amount each month. Even $50 a month will add up over time, and that money will do you more good in the long run than one night at the bar, 10 overpriced lattes, or five deli lunches.
3. Open a fee-free bank account. The days of big banks dominating the industry and charging outrageous fees could be coming to an end. Convenient banking options exist that bear interest
and don't charge an arm and a leg for services. Take the Aspiration Summit Account, a checking account that offers a 1 percent annual percentage yield (100 times the interest rate you get at big banks), $0 monthly service fees, and free access to any ATM in the world. Instead of spending millions on Washington lobbyists or corporate jets for its executives, Aspiration puts that money back toward making this the best account possible for its customers. And it gives 10 percent of all its revenue to charities helping struggling Americans. Money magazine named this the "Best Checking Account in America." Another option is your local credit union which will often have better services and fairer interest rates than a big bank. Once your finances are in order, peace of mind can set in. A down economy is hard on everyone, but knowing you've taken the basic steps to save in case of emergency will pay off huge in times of need. And if the stock market never crashes and the economy only points upward, you can always use the spare cash for a down payment on that European vacation you've always wanted. – BPT
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March 2016  11
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
12  March 2016
The CDM Boxing Youth Center in Greenspoint Mall Is Doing Great Things for Our Youth
CDM Boxing Youth Center is a nonprofit organization located in the Greenspoint Mall in Houston, Texas. This youth center’s objective is to get youth in at-risk situations off of the streets and provide them with mentorship and skills to help them grow into successful men and women with the necessary characteristics and skills needed to excel in life. They offer boxing, MMA, jiu-jitsu and other sports and activities to help mentor youth. For more information on CDM Boxing Youth Center, please contact Fred Crow at 832-887-9460.
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March 2016  13
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
14 March 2016
“Your Cost Furniture is a successful business because of the community, our customers, God, and hard work. Douglas and I have the same mindset, and that is why we have been so successful. Being young and African-American entrepreneurs, we feel good about that, but Your Cost Furniture is just the beginning.”
— Marque Fountain
Furni Our Cost Is Your Cost
By Dawn Paul
Associate Editor
s it time to buy new furniture for that living or office space? Are you dreading buying furniture because a fear of pushy salesman and overpriced furniture that is of mediocre quality? Forget what you think you know about the furniture business. Forget your past experiences purchasing furniture. There is a gem right here in the heart of our city providing Houstonians and those in the surrounding areas quality furniture at the best price. Your Cost Furniture is the go to for all of your furniture needs. Your Cost Furniture is just that…your cost. Douglas Smith and Marque Fountain are co-owners of this furniture enterprise, and these millennials have carved their name at the top of the list with some of the most successful business owners in the area. Smith and Fountain are more than business partners, but more like a brotherhood when it comes to this business. Both growing up in Missouri City, Texas, they have known each other for as long as they can remember. During and after college, Smith worked at several furniture establishments, gaining invaluable experience on how the furniture business works. Smith was a great success when it came to sales, so instead of continuing to make someone else rich, he decided to work on making himself rich and partnered with Fountain to open Your Cost Furniture. Smith, a graduate of Texas Southern University, and Fountain, a graduate of Oklahoma State, found this furniture business partnership to be a win-win for both. Smith and Fountain were determined not to be statistics. Seeing drug dealers and the rough environment sometimes African-Americans face, they were encouraged to become business owners. It is of great importance for them to be positive influences and productive members of society, paying it forward in their community. They have worked hard to help ensure that Your Cost Furniture is now and will continue to be a successful business, helping to dispel the myth and negative stereotypes that are associated with young African-American males. When it comes to their secret to success, there’s really no secret. They credit God, faith, family, true friends, and hard work for their accomplishments. In addition, of course without loyal customers and the support of the community, Your Cost Furniture would not be where it is today. Why do people love Your Cost Furniture? It’s simple. They say, “We will beat all competitors’ prices!” Your Cost Furniture has tie-ups with the leading furniture manufacturers. They ensure that the customer gets a great deal buying quality furniture for any home or office needs. Not only does Your Cost Furniture provide great prices and furniture, but the best in customer service. Their trained and highlyskilled professional staff makes the furniture buying process an enjoyable experience, and customers don’t ever walk out feeling as if they were taken advantage of or overpaid for their furniture. This mindset and this reputation at Your Cost Furniture keeps customers coming back and has new customers continuously walking through the door. Your Cost Furniture’s profits reach over one million dollars in sales each year. Smith and Fountain are not only meeting their business expectations and goals, but exceeding them. As much as Smith and Fountain love the business side, they have an equal love for the community. With their blessings, they are able to give to charities and provide backpacks and much needed school supplies to children in the underserved communities in Houston and the surrounding areas. Through Your Cost Furniture, they have created the Your Cost Furniture Giveaway, providing furniture to those in need and the Your Cost for Kids Scholarship Foundation. They want to help their community the best way they can, and through their business, they are doing just that. Their work has not gone unnoticed, and they have received recognition for their business and community endeavors, receiving a 2016 d-mars.com Top 50 Black Professionals and Entrepreneurs Award.
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iture! Your Price!
March 2016 15
“I worked for another furniture store before opening this business, and I was one of the best salesman that they had. That experience gave me great insight into this industry. I always wanted to start a business with my brother, Marque, and I knew this could make us successful AfricanAmerican entrepreneurs.”
— Douglas Smith
Smith and Fountain know that with hard work, dedication, and strong faith in God, you can make it. When it comes to business, their motto is, “Be the best you can! With God everything is possible.” Achieving success only encourages them to aim bigger and achieve more as African-American entrepreneurs. To read more about Your Cost Furniture, please visit yourcostfurnituretx.com.
Smith and Fountain spoke to d-mars.com about Your Cost Furniture: Being Millennials and successful entrepreneurs, how does it feel that you don’t work for anyone but yourself?
Being entrepreneurs is a blessing itself. Being your own boss and owning anything is great. We’ve always wanted to be good role models for our African-American youth, showing them that there is another way to be successful. We can’t express how much we love being our own boss.
Talk about the importance of a successful business partnership?
We've always been leaders, which is the amazing thing about the both of us. That has always been our strong bond and has kept us friends until this day. We both have the mindset for success. We have never wanted to work for anyone else. We believed we were smart enough to be successful entrepreneurs. You need that business partner with the same mindset and genuine spirit that you have to keep you motivated.
everything to our business, so we will get you what you want at your cost and more. Overall, we want to keep our customers happy.
What lessons have you learned along the way?
The biggest lesson learned is that you have to be patient and wait on God’s prosperity. When you don’t wait on Him, things will not go accordingly. We have had ups and downs and learned from both. Learning to stay patient and trust God has grown Your Cost Furniture into a prosperous business.
What is special about Your Cost Furniture?
Your Cost Furniture is proud to be a place that can serve the customer with integrity. At Your Cost Furniture, there’s no catch. Customer service means
Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
16  March 2016
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March 2016  17
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18  March 2016
5 Tax Tips for Small Business Owners By d-mars.com News Provider
tarting a business can be intimidating, but with a solid business plan and guidance from the small business community of experts, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Whether you own a local restaurant or an online Etsy shop, one of the biggest things to get used to as a new small business owner is filing taxes for the first time. If you're filing a business return, hiring an experienced professional tax preparer can help you avoid making common mistakes that can impact the success of your small business. To get the most from your deductions, here are five tips for small business owners to keep in mind this tax season: 1. What tax deductions can I claim? Even if the expenses were incurred during the previous calendar year, the IRS allows businesses to deduct up to $5,000 worth of certain start-up expenses in the year the business began (subject to limitations). In addition to these costs, corporations and partnerships are allowed to deduct up to $5,000 of their organizational costs in their first year of operation. 2. Is my car mileage deductible? If
you use your home as a place of business and consider it your principal place of business, car owners are typically allowed to deduct mileage costs from their home to business-related stops. 3. Can I deduct business travel expenses? When you are traveling away from your usual business location, you may be able to deduct ordinary and necessary expenses related to your work.
These expenses include transportation costs, lodging, dry cleaning or laundry, tips, baggage charges and business equipment usage expenses such as fax machines or phones. Meals can be deducted if the trip is overnight but there is a 50 percent limitation on these deductions. 4. Are personal care and clothing expenses deductible? No, the IRS has a
very strict rule against personal clothing being deducted even if they are bought for business use and only worn at work. 5. How does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affect my taxes and deductions? The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace allows for small business to purchase health insurance for their employees. If you pay at least half of your employee's premiums and have less than 25 full-time and equivalent employees with an average annual wage of less than $50,000 ($51,600 for 2016), you may be eligible for the small business health care tax credit. See the calculator at healthcare. gov. Tax preparation is not one-size-fits all, and navigating credits and deductions makes them even trickier - especially for small business owners and individuals with more complicated tax situations. Filing a business return for the first time can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. A new offering is launching this year called Block Advisors that specializes in personalized tax preparation, tax planning, small business taxes and year-round support. For small business owners, Block Advisors also provides back-end needs like payroll and bookkeeping. Visit blockadvisors.com for more information or to find your nearest location. – BPT
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20  March 2016
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March 2016  21
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22  March 2016
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24  March 2016
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26  March 2016
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March 2016  27
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