18 | July 2022 HEALTH
713.597.4499 877.214.5758 President, Lead Therapist and Mediator at Allen Counseling Group, PLLC. Licensed Professional Counselor approved by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Licensed Professional Counselors. Texas Certified Mediator - Parenting agreements and relationship dissolution.
“As your relationship coach, I will work with you to identify unhealthy communication patterns, recover from affairs, stop living like roomates, and revitalize your relationship.”
How Religion and Spirituality Play a Role in Mental Health Recovery Tami V. Allen, MS, LPC Contributing Writer
eligion and spirituality are both rooted in understanding how a relationship with one’s higher power influences the meaning of life. Though both religion and spirituality are closely related, they play differing roles. Religion is a structured, collective belief system, and spirituality is within an individual based on personal beliefs. If you practice religion, you have spirituality, however, someone who has spirituality may not necessarily ascribe to a religion. Either way, they both can have a positive influence on mental health by helping individuals through tough times and generating forgiveness, purpose, and peace. If you do some digging, you will find research that suggests that religion and spirituality reduce suicide rates, substance abuse, and other behaviors that convict people from making poor decisions. Religion offers the benefits of the community providing social connections with others, a sense of belonging, and trustworthy and safe social interactions. Another benefit is that rituals provide predictability
and structure, time to rest at special times of the year, and helps to cope with difficult life transitions. Lastly, religion teaches forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion, life lessons, principles, and guidelines to live by such as doing the right thing. Sometimes mental health problems arise genetically and other times situationally. In either case, an individual can feel burdened with trouble coping with daily life. Mental and emotional challenges should always be addressed with a therapist and/or a psychiatrist, however, spiritual beliefs help individuals grow and progress to reach their highest potential and find meaning and purpose in life. Recovering from mental illness is a process of integrative care focusing on mind, body, and spirit. Physical health, exercise, psychotherapy, healthy eating, and spirituality are all a part of holistic care. Integrating spirituality in mental health care achieves wellness for the mind and aids in the recovery process.
Specializing in Relationship and Self-Improvement counseling for an exclusive clientele of: - professionals - entrepreneurs - celebrities - athletes Desire Full Confidentiality while working through personal challenges. No worries about sitting in an office wondering who may “see you” because we offer Tele-Conferencing from the location of your convenience. speciali in working with couples, While I specialize I also work with individuals who want to improve their self-esteem and achieve their personal goals.
I have appointments available in the evenings and on Saturdays to fit your schedule.
You can visit Allen Counseling Group on the web at www.AllenCounselingGroup. com. For questions, email Tami@ AllenCounselingGroup.com or call 713-597-4499. Like and follow the Allen Counseling Group on social media: FB: @AllenCounseling2017 IG: @AllenCounselingGroup Twitter: @CounselingAllen
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