Community Journal 46

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July 2015


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46th Edition




Step Out and See

By Minister Eugenie Doualla We are in the season of special glory, regardless how long you have been waiting.


You’ve Got the Power

By Pastor Alan Power is defined as the ability to act or to do. PAGE 8 Celebrates Houston’s Leaders


PAGE 8,10

South Carolina: A Wake-up Call for America

By Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. The recent act of terrorism at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina was a wake-up call for all of America, especially the black church.


(l-r): MR. D-MARS and First Lady Sheretta West of The Church Without Walls

In the Community: The Church Without Walls


Pray For South Carolina

Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better. – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

July 2015  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.



As a successful business owner, I know that I would not be here today if I didn’t have the support of the leadership in this great city. It is because of their support, that I have the mindset to pay it forward in the community. It is extremely important to use your leadership to help better those around you. Having been in business for almost two decades, I have seen positive change when leaders give back to the community.


Office Manager Johnny Ray Davis, Jr.

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black


PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines



DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Minister Eugenie Doualla Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. Pastor Alan Evangelist J.J. Simmons Jazmine Bacon News Provider


The theme for this month’s edition of the Community Journal is The Power of Leadership. This month’s cover story is celebrating some of Houston’s most influential leaders. Houston is a place of great influence, and it’s only fitting with this month’s theme focusing on leadership, that we highlight, celebrate and pay tribute to those that are helping make our communities better. I hope that this story inspires you to take charge and use your power of leadership. As always, thank you for your continued support of When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

Contents Celebrates Houston’s Leaders.................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5 Step Out and See......................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 You’ve Got the Power..............................................................................................................................................................................................................8 In the Community….............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8,10 Being a Leader...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Improve Your Skills to Be an Effective Leader................................................................................................................................................................12 NFL’s Michael Thomas Teaches Youth the Power of Leadership...............................................................................................................................12 South Carolina: A Wake-up Call for America.....................................................................................................................................................................14 Millennials Say They Want to Save for Retirement, but a Third Aren’t Doing It....................................................................................................14 Pray For South Carolina.........................................................................................................................................................................................................16

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4  July 2015

Celebrates Houston’s Leaders By Dawn Paul

Associate Editor


ouston, Texas is an amazing city, with a consistently growing population. Houston is one of the largest cities in this country and also one of the most diverse cities. There is great opportunity in Houston, and the possibilities to achieve success here are endless. One of the most amazing things about Houston is the leadership. Houston is home to some of the most influential business leaders, ministers and political leaders. has been in business for almost two decades, and our company knows that its success is partly due to the support of the great leadership in our city. is not the only business that has benefitted from the support of our leaders. The support from leadership in this city is the main reason Houston is consistently growing and at the top of the list when it comes to jobs and other areas. These leaders are not only successful in their respected fields, but they are paying it forward in the community. The leadership in this city has helped create great change for Houston in all different areas such as education and business. To help celebrate some of the great leaders in this city, has events throughout the year giving honor to some of Houston’s influential leaders that are making Houston a better place to live. We find it necessary and a privilege to highlight some of Houston’s

influencers. Our leaders do not take their responsibilities lightly. They have broken barriers and they exceed expectations on a consistent basis. Houston’s leaders are shining examples of how a positive mindset can impact our own lives, as well as the lives of those around us in our communities. Houston’s leadership is devoted to creating change and putting Houston

on the map on a national and international level. Our leadership has not only worked individually, but collectively, building a great legacy for the future. True leadership knows that working together creates success. Our leadership has taken charge, opening doors for all Houstonians to succeed. They are setting an amazing example, opening doors and bridging the gap when it comes to

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education, business and other respected areas. The leaders in our city are talented and experienced, and they are using their influence to make a positive impact in our communities. Houston’s leaders are history makers in their fields, and they have worked tirelessly, performing selfless work for the greater good. Thankfully our leadership is persistent and te-

July 2015  5

nacious. They work hard and never give up, and they have achieved great success and are using that success to help those around them. They don’t limit themselves by other people’s imaginations. Helping sustain families is of great importance to our leadership, and they are supporting families in our city with their selfless initiatives. Economic development is required to sustain a community for the current and future residents. Houston leadership rolls their sleeves up, takes initiative and establishes partnerships and initiatives to make our area grow and prosper. Houston has been on several lists as one of the best cities in the country, and according to www.businessinsider. com, Houston is one of the best cities in America to live in because of some of the reasons below: • Houston is home to more Fortune 500 company headquarters than anywhere in America, except for New York. • Houston is one of the centers of America’s lucrative oil and gas industry. •  Houston’s unemployment rate is significantly below the national level. •  A paycheck goes farther in Houston than any other major metropolitan area. •  Houston recently passed New York to become the most ethnically and ra-

cially diverse city in the U.S. • The New York Times called Houston “one of the country’s most exciting places to eat.” • Houston has more parks than any other top-10 metropolitan area. •  Houston is filled with unique, worldclass museums and cultural landmarks. • Houston hosts the world’s largest concentration of healthcare organizations, with scientists working hard to beat cancer. • Houston has one of the largest rodeos in the world. •  Massive international trade gives another big jobs boost to the rapidly growing city. Houston’s leadership has the vision, experience and passion to help take our city to an even higher level. They are not intimated by demanding positions, and they have extensive experience working in their respected areas. Houston is proud to say that our leaders have a proven track record of accomplishments, and that’s apparent if you look around. Yes, it’s true our leaders are experienced and dedicated, but most importantly, their leadership has been effective for Houston. Our leaders will continue to open doors for our city to continue to be one of the best places to live.

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6  July 2015

Step Out and See

ers, it is a vision or simply a thought placed inside of us. This doesn’t mean that we have to exercise our gifts as a pastor, minister or evangelist. Our Lord needs His children everywhere. He needs us in the church, the workplace, in politics and around friends and the community. The very first place we should start is BY Minister Eugenie Doualla in our families, with our children and Contributing Writer spouse. Applying the word of God in our e are in the sea- lives is the key. son of special glory, regardless how long you have been waiting. One touch of the Master can change everything in a day, an hour, a minute or a second. What a great God we serve! We are accustomed to thinking that being successful means having a good career, living in the house of our dreams, having a luxury vehicle and having money in the bank. However, we forget about reaching the destiny that we have been given by God. We know we are operating in our gifts It’s important to run the race and finish it. when we do it so easily, and the satisfaction “For many are called, but few are cho- is priceless. Also, we know we are operatsen” (Matthew 22:14, King James Ver- ing in our gifts when we are not motivated sion). It is time to run for our destiny. by compensation or financial gain. Each of us has a divine purpose (the spirMy prayer today is, “Heavenly Father, itual gift) on this earth with our name on I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to it before we meet Jesus face to face. What release us from anything that hinders us God called upon you can only be fulfilled from reaching our destiny. Father, give us by you, as incredible as it sounds. the heart to seek first your kingdom, so How can we find our spiritual gifts? everything will be added to us. Father, give Some of us have to go through some bible us the boldness and assurance like kings classes, and for some, it is a strong desire and queens, so we can step out to our callthat we have carried for so long. For oth- ing with power and authority, amen.”


“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14, King James Version).

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July 2015  7

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8  July 2015

You’ve Got the Power


By Pastor Alan

Contributing Writer

ower is defined as “the ability to act or to do.” Someone with power has the capability of accomplishing or doing something that gets noticed by other people. As an influential illustration of individual power in the superhero genre, we all know of a person who possesses extraordinary powers. We are all aware of his super powers. We know he’s faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Who is this man? We all know him as Superman. His arsenal of powers include superhearing, super-intelligence, super-speed and super-strength. These super powers enable Superman to accomplish superfeats and lead ordinary men against the power of evil enemies in the comic books and in the movies. It’s a power beyond the capability of Clark Kent. Turning from the pages of the comics to players on the court, there are other

seemingly ordinary men like Clark Kent, who can also transform themselves into positions of power. Standing at a mere 6 feet 3 inches and weighing in way under 190 pounds, Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors in the NBA does not seem like an imposing powerful figure on the basketball court, until he shows how powerful he is in his athletic ability. Someone with power has the capability of accomplishing or doing something on another level beyond the norm. Beyond the level of perception, real power is defined by the level of productivity. Real power resides in the unseen order of reality. The power to produce is not something that can always be visibly noticeable. Real power is derived from the inside out rather than the outside in. Leaders are individuals who don’t focus on what is around them, but what is in them. It is not about height, weight, where you received your degree, or even race. It’s all about the drive on the inside and our ability to act or to do that which is driving us to accomplish, act and achieve. For Curry, he unapologetically has declared that his ability to lead his team to the NBA Finals for the first time in 40 years rests in his belief in God. Who do you believe in? In the Gospel of Mark 10:27, a group of men were trying to accomplish and do things in their own power, but were non-effective. Jesus looked at them and said,

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” This is the year for someone to break out of the telephone booth of thinking like Clark Kent. This is the season for someone to capture their power of God in the court of life like Stephen Curry. It doesn’t matter our background. It doesn’t matter what schools we’ve attended. It doesn’t matter what side of town we live on. It doesn’t matter what our position is at work. The power of our leadership is proven in our power to be productive people. We don’t have

to be the CEO. We can be in the mailroom, and God can make room for us to lead from the back of the pack if we believe in Him. Our power is demonstrated in our ability to act. Therefore, give appreciation, give blessings, give compliments, give dedication, give effort, and watch God give you favor in your relationships with your family, friends and co-workers. Remember, YOU’VE GOT THE POWER to accomplish, act and achieve! Pastor Alan is a minister at Mount Corinth Church located at 4901 Providence Street, Houston, Texas 77020.

In the Community…

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Who’s Who in Black Houston

Career & Recovery Resources, Inc.

Texas Pharmacy Association

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July 2015  9

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10  July 2015

In the Community…

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The Church Without Walls

eMPA Community Breakfast at Texas Southern University

Justice or Else! The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

The Community of Faith

The Ensemble Theatre

The Texas Black Expo

Golden Galleries & Black Art in America

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July 2015  11

Being a Leader

an effective leader, and those skills don’t come overnight. It takes time to perfect any skill. The person who is most vocal and the person who wears the finest clothes is not necessarily the leader. Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance. Sometimes the quietest person is the one to lead. Forbes ( lists the following as the top 10 qualities that make a great leader:

By Dawn Paul

Associate Editor


he Power of Leadership is the theme for this issue of the Community Journal. Leadership is a powerful gift, but it is a gift that requires great responsibility. Some have their leadership gift revealed to them at a young age, while others get the confirmation to lead from God later on in life. Regardless of when and if you are called to lead, there are vital skills to be an effective leader that will allow you to make a positive impact. Who doesn’t want to be at the top of the pyramid? The grass is not always greener on the other side, and being at the top sometimes means that you are more prone to criticism from the public. Being in the public eye is not always easy. Leadership means that not only you, but your loved ones are sometimes subject to scrutiny. The life of a leader may look glamorous, but many are not strong enough to live their lives under a microscope. You have to be thick-

skinned to be a leader. Leadership requires strength, and you can’t be sensitive. It is natural to want to be in the front, but can you deal with the great responsibility that comes with being a leader? That is a question that you must answer. A lot of times we want to do things, but our purpose has not been revealed to us yet. Some people had their gift of leadership revealed to them at a young age, but there are many whose leadership gift was not revealed to them until later in life. So many long to be in the front, but the truth is that many great leaders didn’t even know they were called to lead. Some didn’t even see themselves as leaders, and they were just doing what they loved. Wanting to lead and being called to lead are two totally different

things. When you want to be a leader, instead of waiting for confirmation to lead, you may take desperate measures to be in a leadership position. It’s important to remember not to elevate yourself. Concentrate on doing what you love, and things will fall into place the way they are supposed to. Everyone is not called to lead and cannot handle the great responsibility that comes with leadership. Be content with your gifts and talents, and focus on using them for the greater good. Just because you are not in the front doesn’t mean you are not important. Are you wondering if you are called to lead? Do you have the skills to lead effectively? Those are questions that many people have. There are necessary skills that you must have in order to be

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1. Honesty 2.  Ability to Delegate 3. Communication 4.  Sense of Humor 5. Confidence 6. Commitment 7.  Positive Attitude 8. Creativity 9. Intuition 10.  Ability to Inspire Are you wondering if you are a leader? An effective leader is not necessarily the one who is the flashiest, talks the loudest or has a large group of followers and fans. An effective leader is one who can command a group, no matter the size. An effective leader has earned respect and possesses the skills necessary to lead successfully. There have been many great leaders that have used their gift for the greater good. Leadership is a gift that should be used to make a positive impact for a better community. If you have been called to lead, use your power of leadership for the benefit of the community.

12  July 2015

Improve Your Skills to Be an Effective Leader

By Evangelist J.J. Simmons


Contributing Writer

o many things come to mind when I think of leadership, and so many faces come to mind. I see everything from a leadership point of view. It’s so amazing how a professional sports team will fire a coach right after the last game of the season with no hesitation. They never fire the player who didn’t catch the last pass or the guy who missed the last shot, but they fire the coach. Why? Because it all starts with the leadership. For the first time in my life I understand the term used in sports when they say, “they out coached us.” It’s important to do all you can to improve yourself as an individual, but especially as a leader. Below are some of my tips that will add extreme value

to your leadership skills and make you relevant as a leader: 1.  A true leader is always educating himself/herself in their realm of business. A leader knows the urgency of being knowledgeable and staying relevant in their field. Think about it in this way. NBA player James Harden and hip-hop rapper Rick Ross really made beards look trendy. Because Harden and Ross had men rethinking the beard, what did local barbers do? They discovered how to make the beard look hot, because they didn’t want their

customers going to find another barber. It’s vital that you stay educated on the current trends in your field. 2. A true leader recognizes areas where he/she is lacking. Phil Jackson drafted Michael Jordan in the early 90s. Jordan is still considered one of the best, but playing back then he would have been incomplete without Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant. If you remember, it was Jordan who passed the ball to Pippen, who passed it to Grant, who passed the ball to John Paxson when he hit that game winning

three-point shot against Charles Barkley. As a leader, you must know how to build a circle around you that will add to your strengths, because you can’t do anything alone. 3.  A true leader has evidence of victories attached to their name and a good track record of leadership. Why did the Denver Broncos invest millions of dollars into Peyton Manning? Because he has the track record of a winner. Manning has the evidence that he can win games. People want to see evidence of your leadership before they allow you to lead their company or organization. As a leader, it is important that you have a good track record and some victories under your belt. I heard of a story of a young up-andcoming businessman who walked into an event as the keynote speaker was giving his presentation. He asked the speaker, “Besides all of the keys you are teaching us on leadership, what is the number one skill of leadership I need to know?” The speaker replied, “The one skill you need to know is that there is not one skill you need to know, but there is a recipe of things you need to know.” Please take heart if you are a leader in this generation, and do all you can to improve your leadership skills.

NFL’s Michael Thomas Teaches Youth the Power of Leadership

By Jazmine Bacon


Contributing Student Writer

ichael Thomas was born in the small town of Four Corners in Louisiana. He found his passion for the game of football when he moved to Houston in 1998. As a quarterback at Nimitz High School, Thomas took the game of high school football by storm. In 2007, Thomas was awarded for being the only quarterback to rush 1,000 yards that season in Houston. After graduating, Thomas was recruited by renowned football coach Jim Harbaugh alongside Andrew Luck, who now is the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts. After college, Thomas played for the San Francisco 49ers as a free agent until 2014, and he now plays for the Miami Dolphins. Thomas was declared the hero of the toughest game in 2013, when he intercepted the potential game winning touchdown between the Miami Dolphins and the New England Patriots with only two seconds on the clock. Thomas is the epitome of a team player, and his success in the NFL allows him to pay it forward with Camp Mike

T. This camp provides youth with the power of leadership through the necessary teaching of athletic skills and valuable life skills. Thomas recently hosted Camp Mike T in Houston, Texas. Camp Mike T was a free three day event sponsored by the National Football League and the Aldine Independent School District. This is an exciting year for Thomas, as this was the camp’s inaugural year mentoring youth and helping them set and achieve goals. When asked why he chose to bring this camp to Houston, Thomas said, “I always said if I ever made it, I would give back to my community.” This three day football camp provided kids ages 12-14 personal football coaching from several NFL players, college athletes and coaches, free of cost. “I do

not want young men to miss out on a great experience just because of lack of money,” Thomas expresses. Camp Mike T helps youth reach their greatest potential and inspires them to continue to reach for their goals. Camp Mike T has allowed Thomas to team back up with Coach Patrick James, who is the Athletic Coordinator for Aldine ISD. Coach James was one of the first coaches to mentor and guide Thomas on his journey to the NFL. This experience is cultivating talented young men and bringing together a community that has deeply supported and encouraged athletics and academics. Camp Mike T targets youth and teaches them the fundamentals of football, but most importantly, the camp helps youth build character and instills

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positive values. “A lot of young men look up to NFL players as role models. This gives me a chance to do something positive for them, being that I grew up in the same city, went to the same school and could possibly have had some of the same teachers,” Thomas expresses. Unlike many youth today, Thomas was in a position where he had positive role models growing up. “I was blessed to have my father in my life. Along with my coaches, he always pushed me to reach my goals,” Thomas says. Camp Mike T attendees received mentorship from Thomas and other NFL players that will have a lasting positive effect on their lives. “Growing up as a kid in Houston, I was able to attend football camps that helped me to develop my love for the sport,” says Thomas. Those camps inspired Thomas to follow his passion and gave him the skills to help achieve his dream of playing in the NFL. Now through Camp Mike T, Thomas is able to help other youth do the same. Camp Mike T is one of the ways Thomas is investing in the next generation.

July 2015  13

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14  July 2015

South Carolina: A Wake-up Call for America By Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr.


Contributing Writer

he recent act of terrorism at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina was a wakeup call for all of America, especially the black church. I would prefer not to use a racial or color descriptive for the church, but this type of terrorism is directed solely to the African-American church. President Obama was criticized earlier for using the word “terrorism” in speaking of the bombs, burnings and threats that our churches have experienced. Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political or social purposes.” This term describes this act and its purpose. We must wake up to the fact that in spite of the achievements of AfricanAmericans, racial hatred is as real today as it was in slavery, Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement. We need to wake up to the fact that one demon-

ic or deranged individual can wreak havoc on an entire congregation, city or nation. We need to wake up to the fact that some sympathize with and agree with the act of the alleged perpetrator. We need to wake up to the fact that security is an utmost priority for our churches today. We need to wake up to the fact that spiritual warfare is not just a topic for our conferences. This awakening should not cause us to live in fear, but motivate us be aware of present danger. These times call for

us to elevate our prayer life and prayer ministry. When persecution came to the early church, they countered the attacks with prayer. Has the subject of terrorism been absent from our prayer lists? We need to understand it takes more than prayer alone. It is now necessary to have written security plans to protect all individuals and families that come onto our grounds and facilities. We must add security to our budgets and change job descriptions of our deacons, greeters and ush-

ers. Security planning and training is essential! After the tragedy at Emanuel AME Church, I tweeted: “The truth remains the same. Only love can conquer hate. The perpetrator wanted to start a ‘race war’. He didn’t realize we know the power of love. We saw its power on the cross of Calvary, as well as its power in nonviolence during the Civil Rights Movement. We must continue to use its power until all Americans learn to live together in equality!”

Millennials Say They Want to Save for Retirement, but a Third Aren’t Doing It By News Provider


early one in three millennials have no money saved for retirement, and a quarter of millennials – people between the ages of 18 and 34 – report owing more money than they have currently saved, according to a survey released by the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC). “This year, millennials finally surpassed all other generations and now make up the largest share of our workforce, which makes it so concerning that such a large portion of these young people are astoundingly unprepared for retirement,” says IALC executive director Jim Poolman. Still, out of all generations, millennials are also the most open to retirement savings options that protect against stock market fluctuations and offer the opportunity for growth. According to the survey, 52 percent of millennials showed interest in products like fixed indexed annuities that provide guaranteed lifetime income while ensuring the principal investment is never lost. “It’s no surprise that millen-

nials, who entered the workforce after the tumultuous 2008 economic recession, are showing the most interest in products that can provide certainty against the unpredictability of the stock market,” Poolman says. “This certainty becomes even more important as our retirement landscape continues shifting to a more

pay-for-yourself era.” So, how can millennials with nothing saved for retirement get started? Poolman has some basic tips: 1. Remember, every penny counts When you’re young, you have time on your side, so put as much money aside as you can. This might mean skipping a night or two on the town or packing your lunch more

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often. While this doesn’t seem like much, making one or two small changes can add up to considerable savings. 2. Take free money Consider contributing to your company’s 401(k) plan or any employersponsored available plan. Think of any plan your employer is willing to match as “free money.” 3. Balance your portfolio As a young professional, you have the luxury to put some of your money into high- risk investments since your retirement is seemingly far away. However, for the safety of your future, it’s important to also consider adding more conservative savings products like health savings accounts or fixed indexed annuities that can provide muchneeded balance to your retirement portfolio. 4. Start now Don’t wait. It’s crucial to start saving for retirement as early as you can. The earlier you start saving, the more likely you are to meet your retirement goals. Even if you can only contribute 1 percent of your salary, anything is better than nothing, and it can add up quickly. The IALC offers online calculators that can help you see how much you should be saving (taking into account your age and your retirement goal) and whether your current retirement savings will be sufficient. – BPT

July 2015  15

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16  July 2015

Pray For South Carolina

South Carolina: The Power of Community Leadership By Dawn Paul


Associate Editor

he recent tragedy at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina and the recent fires at black churches in several Southern states have #WhoIsBurningBlackChurches and #PrayForSouthCarolina trending on social media. Although social media has played a part in raising awareness, that is not enough. These hashtags will be long forgotten when another story trends, but just because the hashtags are no more doesn’t mean the problem is no more. Not surprising to many, racism is unfortunately still alive and well. Now is the time for all communities around the country to work together to be a leader against these types of hate crimes in our country. There is power when communities comes together and take a stand. The history of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church reflects the development of religious institutions for African Americans in Charleston. Dating back to the fall of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Richard Allen founded the Free African Society, adhering to the Doctrines of Methodism established by John Wesley. In 1816, black members of Charleston’s Methodist Episcopal Church withdrew over disputed burial ground. The Rev. Morris Brown organized a church of persons of color and sought to have it affiliated with Allen’s church. Three churches arose under the Free African Society and were named the “Bethel Circuit.” One of the Circuit churches was located in the suburbs of Ansonborough, Hampstead, and Cow Alley, now known as Philadelphia Alley in the French Quarters of Charleston. Emanuel’s congregation grew out of the Hampstead Church, located at Reid and Hanover Streets. Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is one of the oldest African-American churches in the United States. It has also been a site for community organization

around civil rights ( On June 17, 2015, 21-year-old Dylann Roof’s murder of nine innocent people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church was fueled by hate and racism. Online photographs published by Roof showed him posing with the flag of the Confederate States of America, as well as displaying the flags of the racist governments of pre-independence Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa. This triggered debate on modern display of the Confederate flag, because many consider it to be a symbol of racism. In addition to the massacre at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church, a prominent AfricanAmerican church in Greeleyville, South Carolina caught fire recently. Federal investigators say that arson was not the cause, but lightning might have caused the fire (CNN). Due to the recent violence in South Carolina, it’s understandable that the public believed arson was the cause, especially since this church is the eighth black church in the Southern United States to burn recently, and three of the fires have been ruled arson. What is the solution to end racism and hate crimes? Is there a solution? Is there hope for change? Though it is very hard to change one’s learned behavior, there is hope for change. However, change does not happen overnight. Realizing that this hate crime not only impacted the African-American community but the nation as a whole is a start the solution. All communities need to come together now more than ever before. When we see a human being suffer, all of us suffer. No matter the race or background of an individual, we should all be concerned and have compassion when one is suffering. The Bible reads, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26, English Standard Version). There is power in community leadership. Community leadership is a particular form of the general concept of leadership. Community leadership

comes into play when there is a common interest or purpose. It’s important that all communities around the nation work together to make progress. Working separately we get less accomplished, but working together can produce great results that can help end racism and hate crimes. The Southern Poverty Law Center ( has 10 effective principles for communities to help fight hate crimes. Act - Do something. In the face of hatred, apathy will be interpreted as acceptance — by the perpetrators, the public and, worse, the victims. Decent people must take action; if we don’t, hate persists. Unite - Call a friend or co-worker. Organize allies from churches, schools, clubs and other civic groups. Create a diverse coalition. Include children, police and the media. Gather ideas from everyone, and get everyone involved. Support the Victims - Hate-crime victims are especially vulnerable, fearful and alone. If you’re a victim, report every incident — in detail — and ask for help. If you learn about a hate-crime victim in your community, show support. Let victims know you care. Surround them with comfort and protection. Do Your Homework - An informed campaign improves its effectiveness. Determine if a hate group is involved, and research its symbols and agenda. Understand the difference between a hate crime and a bias incident. Create an Alternative - Do not attend a hate rally. Find another outlet for anger and frustration and for people’s desire to do something. Hold a unity rally or parade to draw media attention away from hate.

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Speak Up - Hate must be exposed and denounced. Help news organizations achieve balance and depth. Do not debate hate-group members in conflictdriven forums. Instead, speak up in ways that draw attention away from hate, toward unity. Lobby Leaders - Elected officials and other community leaders can be important allies in the fight against hate. But some must overcome reluctance — and others, their own biases — before they’re able to take a stand. Look Long Range - Promote tolerance and address bias before another hate crime can occur. Expand your community’s comfort zones so you can learn and live together. Teach Tolerance - Bias is learned early, usually at home. Schools can offer lessons of tolerance and acceptance. Sponsor an “I Have a Dream” contest. Reach out to young people who may be susceptible to hate-group propaganda and prejudice. Dig Deeper - Look inside yourself for prejudices and stereotypes. Build your own cultural competency, then keep working to expose discrimination wherever it happens — in housing, employment, education and more. The country is still mourning the loss of the victims of the South Carolina shooting. These innocent individuals lost their lives due to hate. Is there hope for change? There is hope, and the change starts with the community working together. This senseless act of violence and the burning of churches in the South is a wake-up call that all communities need to come together, because this impacts us all. There is power when we all work together. There is power in community leadership.

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