Community Journal 51

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Community Journal

Faith-based | Non-Profits | Foundations | Community Organizations | Entertainment | Fashion | Lifestyle | Sports

December 2015


Inspire, Inform & Educate Connect With Us

51st Edition



Creating Change in Your Community

Use It or Lose It

By Minister Eugenie Doualla Many of us are familiar with the parable of the talents below from the book of Matthew: PAGE 6


What Defines Education?

How Sweet It Is! Sylvester Turner Is the New Mayor of Houston

By Charlotte Jackson Typically as the holidays roll around, we think about what all we want to accomplish during the upcoming year. PAGE 8


Keep Christ in Christmas

Pastor Alan When you think of Christmas, what comes first to your mind? PAGE 10

By Pastor Ogletree

PAGES 16-18

In The Community...

Christmas Is Family All great achievements require time. — Maya Angelou

December 2015  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.




SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black


The theme for this edition of the Business Journal is Creating Change in Your Community. Recently, Sylvester Turner was elected Mayor of Houston. We all can create change to better our community, and voting is a big part of helping create the change to better Houston. Houston is one of the largest major cities in the United States, and congratulates Sylvester Turner as the new Mayor of Houston. I truly believe as Turner does, that if we all work together, we can do great things for this city. This month’s cover story is on Sylvester Turner, the new Mayor of Houston. Turner is all about working together to create a safer city, with better roads, stronger schools and more economic opportunity – for all Houstonians. Turner believes that when Houston works for all of us, Houston works best. Turner is ready to work together to put his plan and values into action as our new leader. As always, thank you for your continued support of When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.


PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines



DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Minister Eugenie Doualla Charlotte Jackson Pastor Alan Tammi Durden Pastor Ogletree Ash Davito News Provider

Contents Sylvester Turner.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Use It or Lose It.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime During Holiday Travel........................................................................................................................... 7 What Defines Education?.......................................................................................................................................................................................................8 5 Easy Ways to Combat Holiday Stress.............................................................................................................................................................................8 Keep Christ in Christmas.......................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Igniting the Power Within.....................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Best Holiday Gift for Seniors................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Christmas Is Family................................................................................................................................................................................................................14 In the Community...............................................................................................................................................................................................................16-18 Dashing Through the Store..................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Your Holiday Shopping Guide..............................................................................................................................................................................................24 Top Five Tips to Maintain Your Car in the Winter..........................................................................................................................................................25 Believe in the Gift This Season...........................................................................................................................................................................................26 The Facts on Black Households and Spending.............................................................................................................................................................. 27

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4  December 2015

If We Can Dream It, We Can Do It

By Dawn Paul

Associate Editor


ouston recently elected Sylvester Turner to hold the most important position in this city, the position as Mayor of the City of Houston. Soon, Turner will have much responsibility, leading one of the largest cities in our nation. Turner, from the beginning of his campaign, expressed his passion to build a better Houston for everyone. He is a proud Houstonian and believes that working together, we as Houstonians can do great things for this city. He believes if we can dream it, we can do it. Turner is all about working together to create a safer city, with better roads, stronger schools and more economic opportunity – for all Houstonians. Turner knows that when Houston works for all of us, that is when Houston works best. True that Turner is a Harvard

graduate, a successful entrepreneur, and he has political experience, but he also understand the needs of the community. As he came from humble beginnings, Turner has first-hand knowledge of what middle class families need who are being left behind. Many Houstonians trust Turner to lead our city because of his compre-

hensive experience that includes, but is not limited to:

•  Turner voted to require the State Department of Transportation to distribute an additional $1.2 billion to local transportation districts to improve roads and reduce congestion. •  Turner secured funding and community support to improve a 29-acre, underused city park to create a beauti-

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ful park in Acres Homes with the first public baseball fields in that community and to establish the Astros Urban Youth Baseball Academy there, which provides more than 2,000 inner city youth with world-class facilities and recreational opportunities. •  Turner fought against discrimination and for equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law, dignity and respect for all Houstonians and all Texans. •  Turner fought to reform our criminal justice system, including by sponsoring the law requiring DNA testing in death penalty cases, and led the effort to improve legal representation for those who cannot afford a lawyer. •  Turner stood up to utility companies to stop excessive rate increases and service cutoffs and to help low-income Houstonians and seniors receive discounts on their electricity bills. •  Turner fought to ensure access to health care and to expand Medicaid to

CONTINUED on page 5

December 2015  5

CONTINUED from page 4 provide health care coverage to more low- and middle-income Texans and their families. •  Turner fought hard for the middle class by working to increase funding for local schools, make healthcare more affordable, and create new tax incentives to attract new business investment and create jobs.

Turner feels that Houston is a city where we live in our present, but we build for our future. He expressed throughout his campaign that he is never afraid to dream of a better Houston for everyone with job training, a living wage, community policing, a real partnership with our schools and even filling the potholes. Turner is ready to work together to put his plan and values into action on the following issues: •  Economic Opportunity for all Houstonians •  Transportation: Better Roads, Expanded Transit, Less Traffic

•  A Safer City •  Stronger Schools •  Responsible Budgets and Sound Financial Management •  Thriving neighborhoods •  A Vibrant Arts Community •  Equality •  Mental Health •  Immigration Reform •  Efficient and Responsive City Government

Together, more than 2,500 organizations, elected and community leaders and Houstonians have supported Turner’s run for Mayor of Houston. Turner’s amount of strong support from diverse organizations was for many Houstonians, a testament to his ability to unite Houston and work towards progress of making Houston a better place to live for all Houstonians. Turner’s win as Mayor of Houston brings hope to Houston for more opportunities for Houston’s middle class families. He is passionate about Houston working for all Houstonians.

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6  December 2015

Use It or Lose It By Minister Eugenie Doualla


Contributing Writer

any of us are familiar with the parable of the talents below from the book of Matthew: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.”

“So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’”

“Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’” “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents’” (Matthew 25:14-28, Amplified Bible).

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Many Christians are like the third servant and too comfortable, stuck in a comfort zone. We read and keep the word of God in our hearts and keep it for ourselves, but that is not what the Lord wants. The Lord expects us to impact our family, the community and the world with the good news. We need to shake off the frustration of not being equipped to be used by God. We should not be fearful of being judged or criticized. There should be no fear of failure. It’s important that we just step out on faith and see how God will work through us for His glory, as He has already designed us for the ministry.

December 2015  7

5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime During Holiday Travel By News Provider


he period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is among the busiest travel times of the year. In 2014, more than 98 million traveled over the holiday period, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. These busy, unassuming travelers could be a hacker’s ideal target, as more than half of respondents in a 2015 The Travelers Companies survey say they rarely take precautions, like changing online banking or financial account passwords regularly. “Cybercrime can be at an all-time high during the holiday season, especially as busy consumers move from place to place and don’t take the same precautions with their portable devices that they might normally have at home,” says Dr. Kenneth L. Williams, Ph.D., cyber expert and professor in the College of Engineering & Information Sciences at DeVry University. “Ill-informed travelers are a hacker’s ideal target, so travelers must be accountable for their own protection.” With travel booking on mobile devices becoming increasingly popular, and travelers’ near-constant smart phone use on the road, the threat continues to rise. Currently, more than 16 million mobile devices in circulation are infected with some form of malware, a 25 percent in-

crease over the past two years, according to telecoms infrastructure firm AlcatelLucent. This high number of malware is often is due to a gap in knowledge on how consumers can to protect themselves from a cyber criminal’s attack. Dr. Williams offers these tips for travelers to protect themselves from cybercrime this holiday season: Use personal hotspots. Do not use public Wi-Fi networks as these can be a landmine for cyber hackers. Instead, opt to use your phone or tablet’s personal hotspot. Be mindful on public networks.

Don’t share credit card information over hotel networks, like on-demand menus or hotel services, since these systems are easy for hackers to access. Shutdown wireless services you aren’t using. Shut down wireless services, like Bluetooth, if you do not need them. Don’t leave your devices unattended. Protect your devices like cash when you’re in public places like hotels and resorts; thieves and hackers always go where the money is. Charge with Caution. While convenient, avoid charging your mobile devices

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from a computer or charging station you do not control, like at an airport terminal. “In today’s economy, no one is safe in any irregular circumstance when it comes to their cyber activity,” says Dr. Williams. “New and seasoned travelers alike need to take a step back and notice the new opportunities cyber criminals now have to steal their data.” To avoid being a statistic as one of the 4,000 cyber-attacks that happen each day, holiday travels must take the right precautions to protect their personal data this holiday season. – BPT

8  December 2015

What Defines Education? By Charlotte Jackson


Contributing Writer

ypically as the holidays roll around, we think about what all we want to accomplish during the upcoming year. We want to get healthier. We want to start or return to school. We want to travel more, spend less and feel better. Many times the list includes finding “the one,” or perhaps reconnecting with those who have impacted our lives. This year, I have made an intentional choice to spend more time with those who have helped to mold me into the person I am today. In doing this, I have reflected on how motherhood has changed my perspective on life. I am not sure if when I was younger, if I ever thought about being a mother-in-

law, grandmother or even a mother. I have been blessed to give birth to three children who have grown into amazing young adults, and as they have grown up, I have been educated on things I would have never thought about. I would never think that even though all three have similarities, they all would be quite different. What would have prepared me for this? My oldest son, Christopher, learned quickly that being a husband and dad was more important than money and time away from home. Within a few years, he was married, working in the home health care industry with a family with special needs and making a difference that words cannot describe. This year, he and his wife celebrated nine years of marriage, and by the end of the year, their daughters will be ages 8 and 3. Christopher has also learned to stand in the gap and be there for my grandson, while his brother, my other son, is incarcerated. Sadly, Daniel, my younger son, not only had three college degrees before he turned 24, but this is his third incarceration. Each of the three sentences started with him not taking his medication for his mental illness. The sentences have progressively gotten longer;

45 days in the county jail, followed by 180 days in the county jail. He is now serving 4 years in a state penitentiary. With each of these incarcerations, I feel that we have not only learned about “the system,” but more about bipolar disorder and schizophrenia than we ever thought possible. We have also learned to love unconditionally and to accept that there are some things that we cannot change. We have certainly learned to, “Let go and let God.” My only daughter teaches me something almost every time we are together. Whether it be sharing with me her personal life or professional goals, she has taught me to just love and enjoy the

day. With her big heart and love for adventure, she has opened doors that I would have never imagined. I have this feeling that someday, she will even teach me to let go and jump out of an airplane. Along the journey to be who I am, God has blessed me with an enormous list of “bonus children.” The list started with children from church and the community, who seemed to just need someone to listen to them and in turn, pray for them. In 2007, He decided to add some precious young ladies into my life whose mothers had died, live in the streets or are incarcerated. Never would I dream about opening up my home to various young ladies who need a mom. I honestly know that God has a sense of humor. Looking into my heart and looking at the generation of hurting young people, God has taught me much more than I would have learned following the path my parents wanted me to take. And along the way, I realize that the education I have been given by simply trusting Him is worth more than money. My prayer for you is that as we move into 2016, you will look within, and decide on what you want to learn and earnestly seek to learn it, as well as apply it to your life. Be blessed!

5 Easy Ways to Combat Holiday Stress By News Provider


he holidays should be joyful and relaxing, filled with quality family time, but with all the pressures of gift buying, parties and traveling, you might view the season a bit differently. Whether you’re worried about money, checking everyone off your gift list or sending your holiday cards, it seems there’s never enough time to get everything done. But the season doesn’t have to bring about feelings of stress and anxiety. When you focus on all the happiness the season brings, you can get back to enjoying what the holidays are all about. Here are some tips to help you beat the many holiday stressors and enjoy this time of year:

Avoid taking on debt

Money worries are one of the biggest triggers for holiday stress, but that doesn’t mean you have to go into debt. By planning and sticking to a budget, you can easily avoid spending too much. Decide what you can truly afford given your regular bills and expenses and don’t overlook easy ways to find “hidden” money in unexpected places. Gather all your coins from coat pockets and jars around the house and take them to a Coinstar kiosk where you can convert coins to cash or no fee eGift Cards. Be sure to also check your wallet for gift cards you may never use, because bright yellow Coinstar Exchange kiosks offer in-

stant cash when you sell your gift card and are conveniently located at grocery stores.

Be realistic You can only make it to so many parties and events in a given time frame, so don’t overdo it. You don’t have to be the perfect holiday host or please every one of your family members. Instead, focus on the traditions and holiday events that mean the most to you. If family events tend to overwhelm you, remember it’s OK to set a time limit for any event or visit.

Get organized Never underestimate the power of list-making and planning. Use a planner or your phone to keep track of all the tasks and events on your to-do list. Crossing items off as you go will help keep your stress levels in check.

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Take time for yourself

Sixty-six percent of holiday shoppers can name at least one thing they’d be willing to do to ensure they can purchase gifts for everyone, including eating out less, spending less on entertainment and taking on credit card debt, according to the Coinstar Holiday Survey conducted by Kelton Research. Try not to take enjoyable activities out of your budget, if you can. Treat yourself to dinner and a movie every now and then to keep yourself sane when the stressors are piling up.

Get active Stick to your normal exercise routine and make a point to get out and move. Regular exercise decreases feelings of anxiety, releases endorphins and improves your sleep quality, which are things you could use during the holidays. And even though it may be dark for a large portion of the day, spend a few minutes outside or sit near a window on particularly sunny days. When you incorporate these tips into your routine, you’ll find it easier to enjoy all the wonderful things that come along with the holiday season. And instead of collapsing in relief at the end of the season, you’ll carry that calm and positive momentum right into the New Year. – BPT

December 2015  9

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10  December 2015

Keep Christ in Christmas


Pastor Alan

Contributing Writer

hen you think of Christmas, what comes first to your mind? Your first thought may be of the popular Christmas song, “Jingle Bells” or other well-known Christmas songs. Maybe if you are from the older generation what first comes to mind is Nat King Cole’s, “The Christmas Song.” For those of us spiritually grounded and rooted, what may come to mind first is the song, “Silent Night.” Whatever the thought or song that first comes to mind, we can’t forget that when it comes to Christmas, it’s about Christ. At its core, Christmas is all about Christ. I know our culture has contaminated Christmas with materialism. However, at the end of the day, it

is really all about Christ. Referring to Christmas as Xmas is a calculated attempt to keep Christ out of Christmas. Also, to simply refer to this season as “Happy Holidays” leaves Christ out. He is the only one who can truly keep us happy and filled with joy that the world cannot provide. I want to encourage you to keep Christ in Christmas. The good news of the Bible reads, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, The Lord” (Luke 2:11, New International Version). There are three reasons why we ought to keep Christ in Christmas. First, when we keep Christ in Christmas, it give us confidence in the Savior. We are living in a collapsing, crooked and crumbling culture. The threats of ISIS inspire isolation. The constant threats of war keep many of us worried. The stock market is weak. Job opportunities are low. Yet, we can still be encouraged if we have confidence in the Savior. Christ came to be our savior, supplier and our strength. If we learn to have confidence in Him, He will supply all of our needs. Keep Christ in Christmas. Second, when we keep Christ in Christmas, we can give compliments in

our struggles. According to statistics, the holiday season is the highest season for depression and suicides. Many feel as though they are all alone in their struggles. However, a relationship with Christ encourages us to know that He gave His life so that we might have abundant life. Whatever He begins, He will bless. Therefore, we can compliment Him in our struggles, knowing that He has started a good work in us, and He will bless us even during our worst struggles in life. He commences life. He concludes life. We need to allow Him to have control of our lives, and He will keep us in perfect peace, even during the worst of problems. Keep Christ in Christmas. Third, when we keep Christ in

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Christmas, we cannot be content in our situations. Christ wants to perfect us. Each day we should be developing and growing into becoming a better person. Christ wants us to be more than conquerors. We can’t be content with just working, and we can’t dismiss our dreams. We can’t eliminate our expectations. When we have Christ in our life, He gives us a new attitude. When He is in our life, all things become new. As we prepare to close out 2015, moving forward into 2016, it’s time to expand our expectations. All things are possible to those who believe. Do you know the difference between winners and losers? Losers always give up too early. Losers quit. However, winners keep on, and never stop. This is not the season for quitting. It is our season to win. Keep Christ in Christmas by having the confidence in Him as the Savior. Compliment Him even in our struggles, knowing He wants us to succeed, and do not be content in your current situations. We need to celebrate the success that only Christ can create for us in our lives. Let’s keep Christ in Christmas! Pastor Alan is the Pastor at Mount Corinth Church located at 4901 Providence Street, Houston, Texas 77020.

December 2015  11

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12  December 2015

Igniting the Power Within By Tammi Durden


Contributing Writer

ave you ever had to ask yourself the following questions: Where do I go from here? What is my next step? What should I do now? How can I turn my life around when I don’t feel like it? You may feel disgusted with yourself. You may have lost the burning passion for life and have settled for simply existing. The important thing to know is that you can recover from this feeling. Life happens. Certain experiences may be catastrophic and can extinguish your fire and zest for life. Whether your experience is a bad divorce, loss of a loved one, abuse, betrayal, bankruptcy, rape or a failed business, you must become intentional and passionate about what you want. You see, each one of us was born with

a measure of power and inner strength that is unique to only you. When experiencing setbacks, often times you disconnect from your power source and need something to give you a jumpstart to rekindle that much needed fire. Consider the following inner sparks that can be used to reignite your true power: Your Why ~ One of your strongest sparks of power is knowing your “why.” In the tough times you’ve got to know why you are here and why you should go on. This will give you a reason to keep moving ahead and that needed shove to get you back in the game. What is your why? Your Will To Win ~ Success in life demands a will to win. You must be intentional about it and set your heart and mind to make it happen. When you have the will to win, nothing can shake you. If you fall down along the way, you get back up and keep pushing forward. Your Spiritual Connection ~ At our core, we are spiritual beings housed in physical bodies. We are all connected to a power source greater than ourselves. When you can identify and master staying connected with your spiritual guide, you tap into the power to live your highest and best life. Your Hope ~Without hope, there is no reason to live. When you have it,

there is a feeling of optimism or expectation that something good will happen. This generates excitement and enthusiasm within. The spark of hope makes life worth living, even in the midst of trying times. Many people give up on life because they don’t have anything to look forward to. What are you hoping for? What great thing would you like to see manifested in your life? Begin to fan the flame of expectation and believe that things will work out in your favor. Start dreaming again. Become a prisoner of hope. Your Faith ~ Last but not least, the spark of faith is crucial to igniting the power within. Faith is essentially a trust or confidence that what you believe will

happen, even if you can’t see it or logic dictates otherwise. Faith is what keeps you in the game and fuels your desire, and it is rooted and grounded in your heart. Therefore, it often defies reasoning or what makes sense. When everyone else is taking baby steps, faith causes you to take huge leaps. Step out in faith, and be willing to take a risk on yourself. Nothing is too great or outside the box when you step out on faith. Rise above your circumstances today and decide to become an active force in your own life. All it takes is one spark to get the blaze started, and ignite the power within. The choice is yours. Start believing in you. Living your best life now is worth it.

Best Holiday Gift for Seniors?

Teach Them How to Use Technology to Stay Connected By News Provider


f you’re thinking of buying Grandma her first ever smartphone or tablet for the holidays, but aren’t sure she’ll be able to handle the technology ... make that purchase! Studies show technology can lead to the deeper levels of social engagement associated with improved mental and physical wellbeing in older adults. But there’s a catch — you need to help Grandma learn how to use that mobile device in order for her to reap the full benefits of social technology. “Simply having technology isn’t what leads to greater life satisfaction for older people,” notes Dr. Kevin O’Neil, chief medical officer of Brookdale Senior Living, and a clinical professor of aging studies at the University of South Florida. “Using technology for meaningful social engagement is what counts, and the rewards can be life-altering for many seniors.” Ample research shows social interactions are good for older people, yet more than a third of Americans older than 80 don’t use technology for social networking, a study by Brookdale and the Stanford Center on Longevity

found. Sixty-three percent of seniors do use technology to stay connected to loved ones. Seventy percent who use technology, such as cell phones and computers to stay connected, say it improves their communications with loved ones. And those who do use technology say they feel happier, more satisfied and their health is better, the study found; 85 percent said they were satisfied with life, and 72 percent said they were in good or excellent health. “Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of new technology was the top reason older people said they didn’t try new technologies,” O’Neil says. “Fortunately, that’s a fairly easy fix. All that’s really required is some assistance from more tech-savvy younger loved ones to help seniors learn how to use new technologies to enrich their social and intellectual lives.” Brookdale, America’s largest provider of senior living communities, has developed programs to help residents learn to use new technology so they can stay socially connected to their loved ones as part of the company’s efforts to use technology to enrich the lives of seniors known as “Rewiring Aging.” O’Neil and the ag-

ing experts at Brookdale offer some tips to help seniors overcome barriers to technology use: •  If you’re buying technology for an older loved one, remember simple is better and less is more. Forty-one percent of older people polled in the Brookdale study said new technology is too complicated. If you want Grandma to be able to make calls, text and access her Facebook account, she probably doesn’t need a smartphone with all the other bells and whistles. Look for a device that does only what she needs and not much more. •  Look for devices that are larger, with screens that will be easier to see, such as a tablet versus a smartphone, or a laptop with a larger screen. •  Assist with setup of the device. Increase the on-screen font size and use bold to help older eyes more easily see text on small device screens. •  Screen colors can affect readability, so pay attention to the color of the font and background. Avoid pastels and light colors that are difficult to see. Adjust the device’s background theme to be minimally distracting. •  Help your older loved one create user names and passwords, and write them all down to be stored in a secure

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location. Be sure to address security settings on social media accounts. Limit who can contact your loved one through social media, and make sure your older loved ones understand why they must never accept online invitations or interactions from people they don’t know in person. •  Show your loved one how to use email and text messaging, attach or open photos. Again, stress the importance of never opening an attachment in an email from someone they don’t know. •  For seniors with dexterity challenges, a separate, larger keyboard can make device use much easier. Or, consider showing your loved one how to use voice-to-text applications so typing is unnecessary. •  Load some fun brain games onto the device to help stimulate your older loved one’s mind. “Technology can be a wonderful way to enrich older people’s lives, allowing them to stay connected with loved ones regardless of distance and mobility,” O’Neil says. “Helping your older loved one learn how to connect with their loved ones via technology can be a wonderful holiday gift that will benefit them all year long!” – BPT

December 2015  13

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14  December 2015

Christmas Is Family By Pastor Ogletree


Contributing Writer

uring the month of December, we direct our attention to gift giving. However, people of faith know the gift of all gifts is Jesus the Christ. Some know it as “The Incarnation,” which refers to the divine undertaking, whereby the eternal Son of God took on Himself humanity being born to the Virgin Mary. What would Christmas be without the giving of gifts? Giving gifts bring happiness, but the true gift of Jesus brings joy to the world and peace to mankind, especially our families. The narrative of the birth of Jesus is one that I never get tired of hearing. It brings joy to my soul every time I hear it. This story will never become obsolete. During this season you will hear and see the narrative everywhere; in carols, decorations and even in the exchange of gifts. There is no story more captivating to young and old alike, as the birth of Jesus. Today, I want you to focus on not only Jesus the gift, but the fact that God sent His gift through a family. God could have presented His gift in any form, but He chose to send His gift in the context of a family; a moth-

er, father, brothers, sisters, and a host of other relatives and friends. God showed great honor for the family in a phenomenal way when he sent His only begotten son through a woman to create a family. During this season we see women reliving the Christmas narrative by lovingly preparing their homes, searching for gifts, and holding family gatherings in the home. There is nothing like momma’s cooking! No matter where you live, Christmas makes us want to go home. Jesus was the gift to a family before he was a gift to mankind. Biblical scholars report the ministry of Jesus did not commence until He was thirty, so out of thirty-three years on earth, thirty were spent with family and friends in a home. He learned what it meant to be a part of a family, how to love, share, give, respect, obey, get along, care for others, forgive, honor parents, and love unconditionally, all while living in a family structure. Before any preaching, teaching or miracles, and before the multitudes, Jesus remained in relative obscurity with his family until His time had come. Family is God’s original plan for the world. Jesus, sent through a family, is the answer to what we need for Christmas. God so loved the world that he gave His only son. Jesus gave His life because of His love for His Father and mankind. Love is the gift that keeps on giving, but it is up to us to receive it and give it away. So, if you want to have the best Christmas ever, bring peace with you wherever you go. Give gifts of recon-

ciliation, forgiveness, and unconditional love. God gave you as a gift to your family. Be a blessing to your family and those around you!

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Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. is the Pastor and Founder of First Metropolitan Church located at 8870 West Sam Houston Parkway N., Houston, TX 77040.

December 2015  15

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16  December 2015

In the Community…

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Higher Heights - Black Women Lead

Meet and Greet with Anthony Snipes the New City Manager of Missouri City

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December 2015  17

In the Community…

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Houston Black Professionals Alliance

Houston Chapter of the Clark Atlanta University Alumni Association

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18  December 2015

In the Community…

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Poindexter Dental, Inc. Celebrates Being First Historically Protected Landmark in Sunnyside

Kevin Murray Attorney at Law

Urgent Psych Care

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December 2015  19

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20  December 2015

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December 2015  21

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22  December 2015

Dashing Through the Store (on a Budget): Tips for Navigating Holiday Deals By News Provider


he holiday season is a time to celebrate family by giving and receiving gifts, but it can quickly get expensive. Black Friday deals offer great opportunities to save on gifts for everyone on your list without sacrificing quality. Navigate the hectic post-Thanksgiving shopping scene like a champ, and save more money with these five tips and tricks. 1. Plan ahead. Many retailers start posting deals online ahead of time, and there are even mobile apps and websites dedicated to organizing Black Friday offers. Check them out before Thanksgiving and start mapping out your Black Friday plan of attack! 2. Shop in-person and online. Black Friday is known for shopping in-store, but maybe you didn’t find everything on your gift list. Many deals are also available exclusively online, so use the weekend to scope them out. Take advantage of retailers’ Cyber Monday deals to make sure you get everything you need – without breaking the bank. 3. Set discount guidelines. Don’t fall victim to “door buster” or other flashy, short-term sales that don’t offer that great of a deal. Make sure you’re getting the best savings by setting discount guidelines for yourself. For example, only look for sales where items are at least 40 per-

cent off, ensuring higher savings. 4. Prioritize electronics. Black Friday is traditionally one of the best times to purchase consumer electronics, from televisions to smartphones. You can score great deals on top smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy S5, available for only $229 and the iPhone 5s is also just $299, both available from Straight Talk Wireless exclusively at Walmart. Whether

you’ve got Android or Apple fans on your list, Straight Talk makes it easy to save money without having to compromise quality, offering 30-day unlimited talk and text plans for just $45 with up to 5GB of high-speed data. 5. Stay on budget with cash. Set a budget before you hit the stores, and shop with cash so you don’t get tempted to make impulse purchases. Once the cash

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is gone, you’re done Black Friday shopping for the day — and can go take a well-deserved nap! With a little planning, Black Friday shopping can be a great way to relieve much of the stress of holiday shopping. Follow these five tips to save and spend smarter, and to learn more about affordable options available from Straight Talk Wireless, visit – BPT

December 2015  23

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24  December 2015

Your Holiday Shopping Guide: 4 Ways to Cut Through the Shopping Clutter This Holiday Season By News Provider


t’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for you and your family, it’s also the busiest. The holidays bring trips to book, parties to plan, meals to cook, homes to clean and of course, work and school schedules to manage. On top of that, you have to tackle perhaps the most daunting task of all — the holiday shopping list. Can it be done? Of course it can! But you can make it a little easier with these four tips guaranteed to cut through the clutter and streamline holiday shopping. •  Make your list and check it twice. Along with making a holiday budget, create a detailed list of everyone you need to buy for. Include specific sizes and the dollar amount you plan to spend on each person to save you time when you hit the store. You can also save your list to your phone for easy access right at your fingertips. •  Stock up and spread cheer this year. Make sure to stock up on a few generic, gender-neutral gifts to have on hand during the holidays should you receive an unexpected gift from your next-door neighbor or mailman. This way, you will be prepared to spread the

joy of gifting no matter who shares it first! •  Decide which deals belong on the naughty and nice list. Use your smartphone or other mobile device to research a store’s holiday deals ahead of time. For example, for a limited time Net10 Wireless is offering at Best Buy a free ZTE Unico smartphone and three

months of unlimited talk, text and data up to 3 GB at 4G LTE speeds – all for $99 with in-store activation! (after reaching high speed data allocation service continues at 2G speed). A gift worth staying off the naughty list for! •  Make sure the gifts under your tree are price match guarantee. Most stores offer price match guarantees

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throughout the year, but especially during the holiday season. Hold on to your receipts and keep an eye out for new ads and sales as the holidays get closer. Price matching could be your ticket to further holiday savings. To learn more about additional wireless service options from Net10 Wireless, visit – BPT

December 2015  25

Top Five Tips to Maintain Your Car in the Winter By News Provider


ce, rain, snow and freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on your car. To keep your family safe on the slippery roads this winter, it's important to take a few simple winterization steps. According to the International Carwash Association, proper maintenance can also go a long way in helping preserve the investment in your vehicle. Follow these five tips to keep your vehicle in top shape throughout the winter weather: 1. Switch engine oil: Oil lubricates the engine so it can function properly, but not all automobile oil is the same. If you live in a cold climate, consider switching to a thinner, less viscous oil. For example, a 10W-30 might be ideal for hot summer weather, but a thicker 5W-30 is better for when temperatures dip below freezing. Ask your auto mechanic what is recommended and refer to the manufacturer's manual for more insight. 2. Maintain a car wash routine: Due to the presence of ice, salt and sand on the roads, washing your vehicle in the winter is even more important than the summer. Getting a car wash and a fresh coat of wax before the temperature begins to drop can be your first line of defense against winter elements. Vehicular corrosion occurs most quickly when the

temperature rises and falls below freezing. The International Carwash Association recommends finding a car wash that is part of the WaterSavers program. There are more than 1,500 environmentally friendly car washes worldwide enrolled in the program that meet water quality and usage standards. These car washes use 40 gallons (151.5 liters) or less

of fresh water per car. Find a participating car wash near you by visiting www. 3. Check the battery: Cold weather can take a toll on your car’s battery. Before you get stranded, give your battery a once-over to make sure it's in tip-top shape. Check the cables, terminals and fluid and look for anything abnormal.

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Some battery retailers will conduct a complementary car battery assessment if you'd prefer an expert analysis. 4. Update engine coolant: Just because it's chilly doesn't mean your engine can't overheat. To protect your engine against corrosion and to help ensure it doesn't overheat, ask your car technician to change to a coolant with ethylene glycol which has antifreeze properties. While replacing coolants, ask the technician to make sure all fluids are topped off, including window washer solution. 5. Get a grip on tire safety: If you live in an area where winter means driving in snow and ice, it's critical to check your tires to keep you and your passengers safe. Each tire should have an adequate amount of tread to properly grip the road. You can easily see if new tires are needed with the penny test — hold a penny head down in the center tread. If you see the top of Lincoln's head, you have less than 2/32-inch tread and it's time for new tires. Also be sure to your tires are properly inflated to ensure optimum handling, safety, and fuel efficiency. Taking the time to properly winterize your car not only ensures the comfort and safety of you and your family but also helps you maintain the value of your car for many winters to come. For more information visit www. – BPT

26  December 2015

Believe in the Gift This Season


By Ash Davito

Contributing Writer

appy Holidays and congratulations on making it to the 2015 Christmas holiday season! It’s something special about the holiday spirit and the love, gratitude, and unity it brings that most of us wish we could experience every day. Whether with family or just being off from work during this time, WE WANT MORE! We all have faced our own challenges as we progressed throughout this year with our personal and professional goals. However, we did not give up, and I give glory to God for His mercy and grace for bringing us this far. As I reflect on the goals I’ve been working towards and things I’ve been praying for, I see how God has opened and closed doors in my life to make room for what I’m believing Him to do. I have arrived to a

point in my life where I truly believe that God is always working on my best case scenario. Rather good news or bad news, I trust that God is equipping me for my destiny. We might not understand why things happen in our lives, but nothing can defeat our mind and heart when we trust in the Lord. I expect and believe for great things to happen in my life and the people around me, because I believe in God and His plan. Of course I have my own personal goals and desires, however, those are things God can use to prosper me as I do His will. God has given all of us a gift we can claim and receive in any season. That gift is the Holy Spirit. We all have our own unique talents and gifts that God uses to expand His kingdom of heaven through love and opportunities. We should wake up every day like a kid on Christmas morning expecting great gifts from God, because he loves us that much. Yes, God loves all of us regardless of our failures and downfalls. Most importantly, God has given us the strength to overcome with victory through Jesus Christ. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but God wants us to celebrate and show His love to each other daily. We were created with purpose and gifts to give back to others in the world. Not always with money or physical gifts,

but also with gifts that money can’t buy, like love, truth, honor, character, integrity, and respect; things that could carry us well throughout a lifetime. Before you pray, believe. Believe in yourself and believe for greatness in this season and every day in each season to come. Believe that God wants to answer your prayers. Believe that He will. Believe in His will. Also, believe in yourself and know that you are capable of reaching every goal you have stored in your heart to achieve. I challenge you to make it a priority to be a gift in this

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holiday season by blessing everyone you encounter with words of hope and encouragement. Bring a gift to the holiday party or family gathering that others won’t be thinking to bring, but excited to receive. Bring that gift that comes from the heart that someone could share with others to inspire hope. Believe in the gift this season, because you are the gift. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Ash Davito and Davito Family Films!

December 2015  27

The Facts on Black Households and Spending By News Provider


elieve it or not, household spending data can offer great insight on how households choose and prioritize their needs and wants. In addition, changes in the household spending market helps to determine Social Security’s general benefit increases, based on cost of living. Moreover, such information is widely used by policymakers and researchers to study the impact of inflation and government economic policy. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Expenditure (CE) Survey provides information on annual household spending. From this aggregated data, analysts in government, business, labor, and academia, can generalize about consumer behavior in the U.S. population. However, looking at demographic subgroups of the population can give us a deeper understanding of consumption preferences and spending behavior for a particular group. Blacks, not including those of more than one race, made up 13.1 percent of the total United States population, with over 39 million people. The average Black household contains 2.57 persons. In addition, Black households averaged 1.25 owned vehicles.

Most of these households were renters, living in apartments or flats. Their dwellings averaged 5.45 rooms (including finished living areas and excluding all baths) and 1.49 bathrooms. Black households’ annual expenditures averaged $36,149, which was 79.8 percent of their average income before taxes. The amount spent on housing ($13,530) consumed the biggest portion of annual expenditures, accounting for more than one-third of the total. This was followed by transportation ($5,946) and food ($5,825). The remaining expenditures made up roughly 30 percent of total spending: personal insurance and pensions, healthcare, entertainment, cash contributions, apparel, and education, in addition to personal care, tobacco, alcohol, reading, and miscellaneous expenditures.

Comparisons of Low-Income and High-Income Households Before comparing low-income and high-income Black households, these groups needed to be defined. The lowest 20th percentile contained approximately 2,200 Black households that made less than $12,001 in pretax income per year from all sources of income. This coincided with the poverty threshold for one person under the age of 65 ($11,945).

This lowest quintile group will be referred to as the “low-income” Black households. The highest 20th percentile is made up of roughly 2,200 Black households that made more than $66,549 in pretax income per year from all sources of income. Their mean income was roughly $112,000. Comparatively, the highest 20th percentile of the national sample in the same period had a lower bound of approximately $94,000 and a mean income of approximately $162,000. Nonetheless, the Black households with income greater than or equal to $66,550 are the highest quintile group in their sample, and will be referred to as the “high-income” Black households. Low-income Black households averaged $6,342 in pretax income, compared with an average $112,307 in

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pretax income for high-income Black households. Among Black households, the average age of the reference person (47 years) did not differ significantly in the low- and high-income Black households. However, the size of the family differed by approximately 1.4 persons. The low-income Black households contained 1.9 persons on average, and the high-income Black households averaged 3.3 persons. In addition, high-income Blacks owned 2.1 vehicles versus 0.5 vehicles for the low-income Black households. Moreover, most low-income Blacks rented their living quarters. In contrast, high-income Blacks tended to own a single family detached home, with an average 2.3 more rooms and a mortgage. In conclusion, the data supports the fact that Black households’ pretax income is substantially lower than the national average. When comparing low-income and high-income Black households, the larger expenditure categories showed substantial differences in the expenditure share, with personal insurance and pensions displaying the biggest contrast. Household spending data can tell stories about the population when analyzed from income, race, or any other demographic characteristics. For more information, please visit

28  December 2015

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December 2015  29

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30  December 2015

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December 2015  31

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