d-mars.com Community Journal 54

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March 2016

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Creating Change in Your Community

All Things Are Possible

By Minister Eugenie Doualla Matthew 19:26 is an awesome reminder that with God all things are possible. Isn’t that exciting? PAGES 6


2 Girls Who Travel - Our Top 8 Reasons to Cruise

d-mars.com Community Spotlight on the American Red Cross and Sisters Network Inc.

By Val Jones and Kim Floyd It’s plain and simple…we love a good cruise. PAGE 8

PAGES 14-15

In the Community…

Cuba Gooding Jr. & John Singleton Visit Texas Southern University Higher D - The Answer Conference

Are You Fired Up About Voting?

By J Thomas Smith One day I was tuning up and down the terrestrial radio dial as I drove down the Interstate.


Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others. — Rosa Parks

isasters. You can keep your family safe with 2 simple steps.


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March 2016  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.




SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black


PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines



DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Val Jones - 2 Girls Who Travel Kim Floyd – 2 Girls Who Travel Pastor Alan Stella Alexander Ash Davito Minister Eugenie Doualla Tammi Durden Charlotte Jackson Linda Lindsay Pastor Ogletree J Thomas Smith Frenetta Tate Sheldon Theragood d-mars.com News Provider

“Creating Change in Your Community” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Community Journal. At d-mars.com, we know that the love and support from the community has helped us remain a successful business. Because of this support, it’s important for me to help create change in the community that has helped me. This is the time to pay it forward and help to create change in your community. Are you helping to create change in your community? March celebrates women, and d-mars.com shines the spotlight on Susan McEldoon of the American Red Cross and Karen Eubanks Jackson of Sisters Network, Inc. These two women are not only past Icon honorees of the d-mars.com Top 30 Women Awards, but they are doing work in the community that is creating great change. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

Contents The American Red Cross and Sisters Network Inc..................................................................................................................................................... 4-5 All Things Are Possible............................................................................................................................................................................................................6 The Awakening..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 2 Girls Who Travel.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste in Your Daily Life.................................................................................................................................................8 Cut for the Presidential Cloth..............................................................................................................................................................................................10 Creating Change.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 CDM Boxing Youth Center.......................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Bringing Hollywood to Houston..........................................................................................................................................................................................12 Create Change in Your Design Life.....................................................................................................................................................................................12 In the Community...............................................................................................................................................................................................................14-15 Some Very Proud Women......................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Winning with Words...............................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Making the Most of College Financial Aid.........................................................................................................................................................................18 Rejuvenating Relationships One Date at a Time...........................................................................................................................................................20 5 Tips to Help Protect and Maximize Your New Smartphone....................................................................................................................................20 Are You Fired Up About Voting?...........................................................................................................................................................................................21 Created to Create the Change............................................................................................................................................................................................22

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month

“Each person must live their life as a model for others.” - Rosa Parks

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4  March 2016

d-mars.com Community Spotlight on the

American Red Cross and Sisters Network Inc.


By d-mars.com News Provider

his month celebrates women, and at d-mars. com, we celebrate women in our city making great strides to better the community as women are the backbone of society. The Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross and Sisters Network Inc. (SNI) are two well-known and effective organizations in this city led by women that are providing resources to help the Houston and surrounding areas.

The Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross The American Red Cross is one of the nation’s premier humanitarian organizations, continuously dedicated to helping people in need. Susan McEldoon is Board Chair for the Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross, and she has been an active member of the community throughout her career. Susan is President and General Manager of KHOU-TV, a TEGNA Media subsidiary, and an affiliate TV station of the CBS Television Network. She joined KHOU in 2004 as Director of Sales, and in 2006 was named Vice President/ Station Manager. In November 2007 she was promoted to her current position as President/General Manager. Susan McEldoon is a 30 year veteran of television station management. Her experience includes leadership positions at network-owned stations as well as other media groups. She has held posts with NBC in Denver, CBS in Chicago and the Dispatch Broadcast Group in Columbus, Ohio. KHOU-TV is one of the most decorated TV stations in the country. While under Susan’s leadership, the station has been recognized with numerous local, regional and national journalistic awards including two of the industry’s top honors… the prestigious Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Award and the Edward R. Murrow Award for Overall Station Excellence. Continuing the great American Red Cross legacy of founder, Clara Barton and others, Susan’s work is definitely helping to make a difference for those that have been impacted by a disaster. Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881. Barton first heard of the Swiss-inspired global Red Cross network while visiting Europe following the Civil War. Returning home, she campaigned for an

American Red Cross and for ratification of the Geneva Convention protecting the war-injured, which the United States ratified in 1882. Barton led the Red Cross for 23 years. Today, the supporters, volunteers and employees of the American Red Cross provide compassionate care in five critical areas: •  People affected by disasters in America •  Support for members of the military

and their families •  Blood collection, processing and distribution •  Health and safety education and training •  International relief and development The American Red Cross Greater Houston Area Chapter, established in 1916, is one of 4 regional chapters in Texas and provides services to over six million people. This area includes Houston, a long coastline in Galveston and

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Brazoria Counties, suburban areas, small towns and very rural areas. The American Red Cross Greater Houston Area Chapter provides four main services: Disaster Relief and Preparedness, assistance for Military Personnel and their families, Health and Safety Courses and Transportation. In fact, the Red Cross has a Congressional mandate to provide disaster and military assistance, though it is an unfunded mandate. The Red Cross relies on financial donations and grants. The Houston Chapter also offers lowcost, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services to the elderly, disabled or chronically ill in several of our counties. It’s very difficult for people who can’t drive to get to doctor’s appointments or on-going medical treatments, such as dialysis or chemotherapy. Red Cross drivers are all First Aid and CPR trained and provide door-to-door service for their passengers. Not only does Susan serve as a leader for the local Red Cross chapter, but she also selflessly serves on the Board of the Greater Houston Partnership. The Houston Chapter of the American Red Cross will continue its impactful efforts in Houston and beyond because of Susan’s genuine spirit and dedication to the organization and the community. For more on the American Red Cross, please visit www.redcross.org.

March 2016  5

Sisters Network Inc. Karen Eubanks Jackson is well known in Houston and around the nation for her tireless efforts through Sisters Network Inc. (SNI). Since creating the organization in 1994, Jackson has been at the helm of the nation’s only AfricanAmerican breast cancer survivorship organization. SNI is relevant to the Houston community and the nation, because it addresses the needs particular to African-American women. This organization is a movement to ensure that African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer receive quality medical care and social support. Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death among African-American women. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among African-American women (ACS African American 2013-2014 Cancer Facts). Breast cancers diagnosed in African-American women are more likely to have factors associated with poor prognosis. African-American women who are premenopausal appear to have a higher risk for overlapping aggressive subtypes of breast cancer that are associated with shorter survival. It is highly recommended that women reduce risk factors as much as possible by avoiding obesity and weight gain (for postmenopausal breast cancer). The 5 year relative

survival rate for breast cancer diagnosed in 2002 - 2008 among African-American women was 78%, compared to 90% among whites. Later stage at detection and poorer stage-specific survival among African-American women can account for this difference. Only about half (51%) of breast cancers diagnosed among African-American women are diagnosed at a local stage, compared to 61% among white women. Within each stage, 5 year survival is also lower among African-American women than whites

overall (60% versus 69%). Compared to white women, studies have documented unequal receipt of high-quality, timely treatment for African-American women (ACS African American 2013-2014 Cancer Facts). There is also evidence that aggressive tumor characteristics are more common in African-American than white women. Differences in access to quality health care and utilization of early detection and treatment have been said to contribute to the disparity, however it is believed that much

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of this disparity remains unexplained. Regardless, SNI has been aggressively tackling this disease impacting AfricanAmerican women. Jackson is a breast cancer survivor herself, and she has formed SNI to provide education, programs, hope, support and empowerment to women of color. SNI is helping to create a healthier Houston by addressing the breast health needs of African-American women with their many initiatives and programs. With over 40 affiliate chapters of SNI, they are able to provide support to AfricanAmerican women across the nation. SNI continues to reach the target group of African-American women around the nation with over 40 affiliate chapters and numerous longstanding partnerships. Jackson wants women of color to know that SNI is a safe haven. SNI is the voice in the African-American women’s fight against breast cancer. To help SNI continue its mission to bring local and national attention to the impact that breast cancer has on the African-American community, SNI will host its annual Stop the Silence Walk on Saturday, April 16, 2016. To read more about Sisters Network Inc., please visit www. sistersnetworkinc.org. Also, for more information about breast cancer, please visit www.cancer.org.

6  March 2016

All Things Are Possible

By Minister Eugenie Doualla


Contributing Writer

atthew 19:26 is an awesome reminder that with God all things are possible. Isn’t that exciting? In our human thinking, when we hit a brick wall and come up against something, we feel like things are impossible. We feel frustrated and hopeless. But with God, that never has to happen. When we put our trust in Him, another world opens up to us, a world of possibilities that we would have never thought possible in the natural. You may have practically worn yourself out trying to accomplish something, and when you finally turned it over to God, you saw Him do with ease what you had struggled with for the longest. I know that has happened to me over and over again. I am so glad that we serve a God of possibilities. Even the word impossible can sometimes make me feel hopeless and frustrated. I always like to believe there is a hope, no matter how bad

The Awakening


By Tammi Durden Contributing Writer

remember when I was going through my whirlwind of problems: divorce, a failed business, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and car repossession were knocking on my door all at the same time. Every day I would dress up, put on my best smile, and go out there to make it happen. Among my colleagues I appeared to be my normal go-getter self. At church I was still preaching, singing, smiling, and encouraging others. Meanwhile, the whole time I was dying on the inside. I was sleep walking and didn’t even know it…a walking zombie, just existing. Have you ever experienced a setback, challenge or tragedy that was so devastating that it literally shook your very core and changed your life forever? The fact of the matter is that trauma, tragedies, and trials are all a part of life. No one is exempt. At some age and stage in life we all experience difficulties. Most often, we are

things may look. If God can take a hard, sinful, hateful, bitter heart and make it soft, holy, loving, and forgiving, then as far as I am concerned, He can do anything. I think that sometimes we do not realize what a miracle our salvation is. We become completely new creatures and are given a brand-new start in life by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior (2 Corinthian 5:17). How much more awesome could anything be? No wonder the Gospel is called the “good news!” God can change hearts, heal the sick, rekindle a marriage, or restore finances. He has fed five thousand people with a little boy’s lunch, walked on the water, and read men’s hearts. He can do anything He wants to do. Nothing is impossible with God. Do not ever look at a situation and think or say, “This is impossible.” It may be impossible with men, but with God all things are possible. If we keep praying and believing, God can keep working, but if we give up, we close the door on the miracle God has in mind for us. You may say, “You just don’t realize what a mess I have in my life.” My advice to you is to ask God to take your mess and turn it into your greatest miracle. He can work it out for your good and you will have a testimony that encourages others. With God, all things are possible.

Today’s Prayer: “Lord God, we come to You with our humble hearts. You said if we are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, that You will give us rest. Help us to bring You all that troubles us, so we can see the miracle You have instore for us, and be Your living witness in the heart, amen.”

In my daily reading of God’s Word, I also refer to the teachings and writings of other ministers. This submission was inspired by Joyce Meyer (www.joycemeyer.org). not prepared to handle these challenges, and they take us to a place we have never been before…the unfamiliar and the unknown. Maybe you were blind-sided by a storm that totally took you out of your element to the point where you are merely existing and not truly living. In essence, a misplaced soul in this world is simply sleep walking through life. Know that you do not have to continue on this path. When experiencing the storms and adversities of life, there comes a time when you must stop, face reality, acknowledge what has taken place, and realize exactly where you are. Some of us are asleep and know it but refuse to wake up. The pain is almost unbearable, and facing the horrid truth is daunting. It may not be pretty or easy to do, but it is necessary. There must be an awakening. An awakening is simply coming into full consciousness and awareness of your current state. No more avoidance and sweeping what happened under the rug, only to pretend that it is not there. You’ve got to face it to fix it. My friend, your destiny is at stake.

Allow me to share a few things that will jumpstart your awakening: Acknowledgement In order for an awakening to take place, you must first acknowledge where you are. Be honest with yourself, identify where you are in life, and admit there is a problem. Don’t ignore the signs. You cannot have an authentic awakening if you don’t ad-

as well. Many of us can do a great job pretending. We look the part, dress the part, and act the part, but at the end of the day, all we have is a lie. Stop it. Be candid about your situation, and admit that you are struggling or hurting. The person you least expect may have gone through the very same thing and can help you through this challenging time. People will be more willing to help if you allow yourself to be vulnerable and transparent. Don’t allow the fear of exposure to hold you hostage and cause you to live a fabricated life.

mit there is something wrong. It is okay to say that you are falling apart, and you don’t know what to do. Just be honest and truthful with yourself. This is the only way you can reconcile your life. Humility Often times we are too prideful to admit that we have fallen, been victimized or made a mistake. Humility is simply being humble-not proud or arrogant. It is a powerful attitude of the heart. If you really want to see positive change in your life, be open and humble enough to accept your true reality. Be willing to dismiss the shame. Sometimes you have to step down to step up. Honesty You must come clean and be honest with not only yourself, but with others

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Accountability Taking responsibility for your role in where you are in life is key. No more blaming others for your current state or constantly playing the victim. It is time to shut the pity party down and take ownership. You must stop and ask yourself, “What role did I play in getting to this point in my life and what can I do to get myself back on track?” Although there may be some factors beyond your control, own up to your shortcomings, and be accountable for your contribution. Remember, life is far too precious to spend it sleep walking and living in the past. You have a supreme destiny that awaits you. It’s time for a change. It’s time for an awakening. For more information on Tammi Durden, please visit her on the web at www.tammidurden.com.

March 2016  7

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8  March 2016

2 Girls Who Travel Our Top 8 Reasons to Cruise By Val Jones and Kim Floyd Contributing Writers


t’s plain and simple…we love a good cruise. Everything from the beautiful ports of call to the ample dining options to the fun entertainment choices---cruises have it all right at your fingertips! Plus, travelers have the chance to sail around the globe to exotic ports in beautiful destinations like the Caribbean, Europe, and even all the way to Australia. There are cruises for every budget… from the price conscious vacationers to the lovers of splurge-worthy luxury. Cruising offers everything from a short three day girlfriend getaway to a week with the family to a month sailing the globe with that special someone.

Hereare are22Girls GirlsWho WhoTravel’s Travel’sTop Top8 Here 8 Benefits Cruising: Benefits of of Cruising: 1.  Cruises are fairly easy to plan because your accommodations are already included--- just select your cabin type. That’s one less worry for you. 2.  Cruises are actually pretty budget friendly. Depending on your location, you can select a nearby port to sail out of and save airfare money. Plus, cruises include food and entertainment. 3.  On a cruise you also have some nice amenities in which you can partake, like the casino, the spa, onboard shops, and premium restaurants. 4.  A cruise ship is a city on the water. Don’t stress out about not being able to stay connected--- there is Wi-Fi on the water!

5.  On a cruise you usually have a minimum of 3 to 4 different ports of call versus a land-based resort where you’re in the same locale every day. 6.  Cruises are family-friendly. They have kids clubs, arcades, and swimming pools to cater to the younger travelers. We’d love to go on the Disney cruise. It looks like so much fun! Just think---- hanging with Mickey, Minnie, and all the gang for a week! 7.  You’ll meet new people while sailing. Whether at dinner, in the bar or in the pool, your new cruise bestie, or at least new acquaintance, awaits. 8.  We love the idea of themed cruises--- i.e. Dave Koz and Friends at Sea cruise, Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage cruise or the Gospel Music cruise. We’re personal fans of the Tom Joyner

your trip. Those beautiful waters are waiting for you!

cruise where a portion of the proceeds support historically black colleges and universities. Now that you know why we think you should cruise, what are you waiting for? This is the perfect time to book

Armed with a love for culture, adventure, food, arts and entertainment – and equipped with a laptop, camera and multiple cellular devices – 2 Girls Who Travel has a mission to share their journey with the world. Throughout their travels, they conduct exclusive interviews, write about cool finds, give destination-specific travel tips and provide their takes on the best food and drinks and so much more. Embodying two different kinds of travelers – Val is the adventure-seeking millennial and Kim is the cultured lover of luxury – readers will learn more about them as they share their experiences traversing the globe! Subscribe to the 2 Girls Who Travel blog www.2girlswhotravel.wordpress.com.

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste in Your Daily Life By d-mars.com News Provider

“What’s for dinner?”


or many, the question is uttered nearly every evening, and the answer is easy. But for 795 million people in the world — those who don’t have a reliable meal to look forward to according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — the question is more open-ended. You might be surprised to learn that an important step in the fight to end hunger is to reduce food waste. In fact, 1.3 billion tons of the food produced around the world goes to waste each year, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The severity of the issue recently prompted the United States Depart-

ment of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency to establish a goal to reduce U.S. food waste 50 percent by 2030. The country’s first-ever food waste reduction goal calls for the federal government to join forces with local governments, charities, faith-based organizations and the private sector to find ways to conserve the country’s resources in order to improve food security. Ready to take a stance? World Food Day, Friday, Oct. 16, marks a good opportunity to set your own waste-reduction goals, and if you visit www.dow.com/makeitlast you will find a number of ways you can help reduce food waste and use.

Here are five simple ways to cut back on food waste in your daily life. Pay attention to packaging. Increasingly, high-performance food packaging makes it possible to better protect food as

they make their way from grocery store shelves to your pantry. Take lightweight flexible pouches, for instance. You’ll find these packages used to protect some of your favorite foods at the grocery store, from frozen fruits and vegetables to cereals and crackers. The pouches’ layers keep contents from being damaged or spoiled. Resealable packaging allows you to use what you need and safely save the rest for later, preserving the remaining portions and making food last. Learn the dos and don’ts of food storage. Believe it or not, pre-wrapped vegetables purchased at the grocery store can last up to 5 times longer than vegetables without packaging. Take for example a cucumber pre-wrapped in plastic. It can stay fresh up to 14 days instead of just three days if not wrapped. Call on technology for new recipe ideas. Download an app on your phone to help inspire new dishes that use up last night’s leftovers. Several apps available in

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the App Store generate recipes based on ingredients you’ve marked as currently stocked in your kitchen. They’ll help you look at the food in your refrigerator as delicious opportunities rather than garbagebound. Donate to local organizations. Find a local food drive to donate non-perishable foods to those in need. Start by organizing your pantry and piling the items you likely won’t use in the near future. Rather than tossing the items, turn your waste into an opportunity to feed the hungry in your community. Visit the Make It Last Site. The Make It Last site from Dow Packaging and Specialty Plastics offers information about the food waste crisis and leaves you feeling empowered with helpful tips and facts to help you reduce food waste in your home. The campaign also offers information on the role plastic packaging plays in preventing food waste from farm to table. – BPT

March 2016  9

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10  March 2016

Cut for the Presidential Cloth


Frenetta Tate

Contributing Writer

e are in the midst of the United States presidential campaign. I gave some thought to what a true president looks like. What characteristics does he or she have that sets them apart from the rest of Americans? What do Americans see when they look at a president? Is it experience? Inexperience? Ways of thinking and being? Their reputation? Who do you listen to for advice? How do you know it is credible information? I’ve listed some answers people have shared with me: •  A president practices restraint, which means that he or she is not willing to simply speak off the cuff and risk being blatantly misunderstood due to a moment of temporary anger. •  A president is tactful, respectful, yet truthful and transparent. There is a need to be direct and to-the-point at times, but one may do so without insulting a whole nation and without weakening his or her position as president. •  A president is a well-rounded American. Not leaning too far to the left or too far to the right, but seeking win-win situations for the majority of the people and taking into consideration how his or her decisions affect the American population.

Creating Change

•  A president does not kneel to majority pressure in order to win praise. What is right, is right and it is a president’s job to ensure that rights are intact for every American. •  A president seeks to play nice with others but also realizes there are considerations and protections that must be in adherence so as not to bring any threat upon our country. Being nice can be a sign of weakness when dealing with other countries. Being stern when necessary and knowing when that is, is a great indicator. •  A president is a learner and a teacher. He or she realizes that they do not know it all. Learning is a part of their


Contributing Writer

he beginning of every year, birthday, or some point in our lives, we declare its time for change! We plan our goals, make vision boards, state milestones, and proclaim we are on our way to change. However, we tend to fall short somewhere along the way after a brief moment. Then the question becomes, “How do we stay consistent to the change we desire?” There is often a phrase we hear, “To

or she addresses the nation. •  Even when the president makes decisions that we just do not comprehend; We’ve got to find some trust within us to know that he or she does not make crucial decisions alone. There are many thoughts around the globe about what kind of person a president should be. There are many opinions about our current president; where he has fallen short and where he has done well. I can only imagine that being the president is an extremely difficult job. • It is not a job for the weak and punk-minded. • It is not a job for a petty and immature person. • It is not a job for ego-motivated business people who lead with their emotions. • It is not a job to come in and help your friends and leave the American people suffering in various areas. • It is not the job to lean on and make permanent decisions based on conspiracy theories that have not been proven. No matter who our next U.S. president will be in the future (race or gender does not matter – what matters is the best possible person for the job) – he or she will not be perfect. That is an impossible expectation. I have one hope and it is that the person is guided by a greater light, and that light permeates throughout his or her office and then out into the world. *** Frenetta Tate is a Motivational Orator, International !uthor, Women’s Empowerment Coach, Business Consultant and Partner. Learn more at http://www.frenettatate.com Twitter: @frenettatate Instagram: frenettatate

get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” This is the first step to creating change. It begins with a mindset to do something different. Creating change is habitually a challenge. As people, we are creatures of habit and tend to get settled in our ways.

Below are a few steps to assist you in creating change as you continue to grow as an individual: By Sheldon Theragood

growth and they submit to learning as a part of his or her life. An open mind allows for objectivity. A narrow-mind will cause a president to miss crucial, helpful information that would help the country in various ways. •  A president is circumspect in his or her dealings; consulting his or her top staff – knowing that because they are in the trenches daily – they have much insight worth sharing and learning from. •  A president refrains from quick snap-backs and petty jabs – knowing his or her response to the American people is never to be a casual undertaking. When we hear from our president, we ought to feel a sense of respect when he

1. Attitude! A positive attitude is a great way to influence yourself that the change that’s coming is in your best interest. Change doesn’t typically feel good. But when we push through the moment and allow the change to occur, it’s generally in our favor opening new doors of opportunity. 2. Appearance! Appearance is everything! When you look good, you feel good, and you do good! Treat every day like it’s an interview, choosing to always look your best, speak your best, and give the best you know how to give. 3. Obedience! Obedience is essential

to the progression of change. Obedience is having discipline in order to see the manifestation of your desires. This is when you get to experience the limits of your self-control. Self-control is the biggest hurdle to bringing transformation to the habits we desire to alter. 4. Focus! This is an important attribute to the development of change. Your eyes must stay on the prize! Desiring change and losing focus is much like wandering aimlessly in a field of dressing room mirrors. You are looking at yourself; you see the change but no focus to get the change you desire. 5. Choose! Choose to be the change you desire to see! There are moments when we just desire to see the change in our communities, younger generation or society as a whole. This is when we have to choose to utilize the influence we have to make an impact. Be a mentor, confidant, or role model to show someone the way. When you focus on being the change you desire to see, you often bring about a change in yourself! Sydney J. Harris said it best, “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want

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is for things to remain the same but get better.” This is the encounter when attempting to accept change. However, making a difference in yourself to be a bigger impact in your community should be the ultimate goal. As we journey through this process of change, we must encourage ourselves to be the best person we know we can be, create new boundaries, and most of all, stay prayerful to remain the course we have set before ourselves. I challenge you to embrace the change you desire, and be the creator of the process. Sheldon Theragood is the founder of the nonprofit organization, TheraGOOD DEEDS. To find out more about this organization, please visit www.theragooddeeds.org.

March 2016  11

d-mars.com Spotlight on CDM Boxing Youth Center CDM Boxing Youth Center is a nonprofit organization located in the Greenspoint Mall in Houston, Texas. This youth center’s objective is to get youth in at-risk situations off of the streets and provide them with mentorship and skills to help them grow into successful men and women with the necessary characteristics and skills needed to excel in life. They offer boxing, MMA, jiu-jitsu and other sports and activities to help mentor youth. For more information on CDM Boxing Youth Center, please contact Fred Crow at 832-887-9460.

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12  March 2016

Bringing Hollywood to Houston


By Ash Davito

Contributing Writer

ream big and create change. Dreaming big and setting long term goals blesses other people along the way. Everyone has the opportunity to leave a legacy behind. We have the power to create the change this world needs right now. The great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a wonderful example of someone who left a legacy that created a positive change for all people. My favorite quote from Dr. King is, “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education.” Now let’s just break down that first part. Dr. King, along with many great teachers, taught us the importance of intelligence and strategically using our education to better ourselves and society. We all have a role to play in this concept. We are very much in control of our destiny if we apply our knowledge and use our resources. Everything I’ve learned in the movie industry, I am now able to effectively teach others. In teaching my experiences, I teach talent to think critically and understand the business side of acting, as well as the craft of acting. Now let’s move forward to the second part of that quote when Dr. King says, “Intelligence plus character- that

is the goal of true education.” It is important to be able to convey education and knowledge to others. I tell actors all the time, “Your talent can get you in the door, but your character is what keeps

you in the room.” My favorite teachers growing up in school were there ones who had the character to make learning fun and were there because they loved to teach. Once I understood how impor-

tant educating myself in the movie business was, I started setting higher goals for myself, like bringing Hollywood to Houston. Excited about one day having a professional acting career, I started modeling and acting during my college years. As I educated myself in film, I started to realize I had a lot more knowledge than the people I was working for. I just needed to produce my own project so that I could apply it. I set a goal to bring Hollywood to Houston by putting myself in a position to provide credible film opportunities to talent in Houston. Acting is great, but I also love to write and direct just as much. I wrote a comedy-romance script called Temp to Fire, so that I could give every talent I could find in Houston a platform to be seen. As I look back on the goals I set, I thank God for allowing me to live to see them manifest. I see myself getting closer and closer to bringing the presence of Hollywood right here in Houston. I hope I can inspire and educate more people to do the same and leave behind the “crabin-a-bucket” syndrome. I believe we all want to get closer towards our heart’s desires, but we just need that opportunity. However, with that opportunity should come character or character development. I inspire to create a change in Houston that has never been done before in the film realm. I believe with the right heart, the right education, and the right character, I can do just that. I want to encourage everyone to create change while chasing your dreams. Create a change that means something to you that will bless world. See you at the top! To read more about Ash Davito and his projects, please visit www.davito familypublishing.com.

Create Change in Your Design Life By Linda Lindsay


Contributing Writer

ould you consider decorating your home from a psychological point of view? Do your interiors give off the impression that you want it to? If the answer is no, why not change your mindset when it comes to design? Change your interiors. Create an entrance to your home that is clean, colorful, and welcoming. Decorate with flowers. Create a space free of clutter. Make sure

your home is welcoming. Pay attention to the lighting, and make sure that your bedroom reflects your personality. When it comes to the kitchen, is it a space where the entire family can eat and enjoy or a space for one or two? When it comes to furniture, do you buy furniture that is in style and trending, or do you make choices based on functionality and emotion? Is the seating in your space comfortable? Color and feng shui may also impact your design choices. After answering the above, you should have an idea of how your interiors are impacting your emotions, along with what impression you are giving. Believe it or not, color affects your mindset.

Here are some great facts about how color affects your mindset: Red symbolizes power and passion. It can be used to warm up spaces and make them feel more intimate.

Orange offers a jolt of energy and innovation. It’s best used as an accent, because too much can leave people feeling overwhelmed. Yellow is associated with happiness, creation, and creativity. It works well in combination with a calming neutral color and in rooms with lots of natural light to create a peaceful environment.

Green is known for its soothing qualities. Green is the perfect choice for a foyer or entryway because it eases the transition from the outdoors. Blue perpetuates feelings of calm and freshness. It’s a good fit for high traffic areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Purple connotes royalty and luxury. Purple is a great choice for formal living rooms or master bedrooms because it adds an air of lush sophistication.

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Gray gives a sense of relaxation and serenity. Use gray in spaces like home offices or bathrooms. Brown like green, brown’s natural roots give it a relaxing touch. Choose it for rooms where the family gathers and furniture groupings will incite conversation. Black is an assertion of power. Use black for statement pieces that you want to draw the eye. White relates a sense of cleanliness and purity. It is great for defining a space, but use white in conjunction with other colors since too much reads as sterile. Please know that every design choice that you make has a distinct psychological impact on your subconscious and those who are in your space. Don’t be afraid to create change in your design life.

March 2016  13

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14  March 2016

In the Community…

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Cuba Gooding Jr. & John Singleton Visit Texas Southern University

The Houston Hispanic Forum

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In the Community…

March 2016  15

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Higher D - The Answer Conference

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16  March 2016

Some Very Proud Women


By Charlotte Jackson Contributing Writer

s I look around, I see so many women being honored during Women’s History Month, yet there are so many more who the world may never even know their names. I am not trying to take away from those who serve as CEOs and other leadership roles, but I would like to share with you the beauty of many women who I have never met. So, if I have never met them, how do I know them? As I look around the Houston area at some of the amazing men that God has placed in my life, there are many of them who give honor to their mothers on a daily basis simply by how they treat other females. I love to listen to them as they share about how strong their mothers were. Over the years, I have heard from many of them who never really knew their fathers. Some

of them readily admit that their fathers were truly rolling stones and yet their mothers made the choice to not only keep babies, but raise them in church, emphasizing the power of education and entrepreneurship. There were some women who eventually married another man or some who were widowed, yet the foundation that these single mothers laid for their sons is something that money cannot buy. Great leaders such as Ms. Thelma Jenkins of Jonesboro, Louisiana, not only gave birth to an educator but to a man who has worked extensively with many young people while teaching in Baytown and working with student athletes and

afterschool programs. To hear James “Ping” Wilson talk about his mother, it is more than obvious the respect that he has for her, as well as all women. Even though James Stewart lost his mother during a domestic violence incident at the age of eight, it was her impact, as well as his grandmother’s which eventually led him to not only serve in law enforcement, but to readily be there to train women through the Rape, Aggression, and Defense Program. He volunteers countless hours, reaching out to the youth in our area to help them understand the importance of showing respect to all elders, educators, and law enforcement officers, as well as to all

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people. Late in 2015, he received a Survivor of the Year Award from the Survivors with Voices Foundation. He has recently been asked to serve on the Advisory Board for the Life Chances Domestic Violence Shelter. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that both his mother and grandmother are smiling down on him from Heaven. Thinking about other men who had no presence of a father in their lives, I thought about my friend, Shawn. This man should probably be described as the greatest dad in Houston, as well as one of the kindest. His father chose not to have a part in Shawn’s life, yet his mom worked as much overtime as she needed to help ensure that her son would succeed in college. He is a very successful leader in the oil and gas industry, yet even more impressive is his dedication to his special needs son. No doubt, his mom is smiling down from Heaven seeing what a wonderful man Shawn has turned out to be. I am sure that I am not the only one who knows unsung heroes. I hope that in the month of March when women are being celebrated, you take time to encourage a single mother. Years from now, when her child is a blessing others, it might just have been your encouraging words that help her stay focused on her journey. Be blessed until next time.

March 2016  17

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18  March 2016

Winning with Words Pastor Alan

Contributing Writer

who win with words. Oprah inspired her guests through the power of her proclamation. You can walk into The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas one way and leave out the sanctuary another way, because Bishop Jakes has the kind of power to inspire in his proclamations. Second, MOTIVATION. Oprah’s talk show lasted for 25 years on television, and it was one of the highest rated talk shows in the history of television. This success was not just because she inspired people but because she also motivated people. Inspiration is good, but motivation is better. Motivation pushes you into action. Bishop Jakes is so good in his proclamations, that many call him a motivational speaker. His words move someone beyond the level of inspiration and into the sphere of motivation.

Some say actions speak louder than words, but I say that words have the power to make people act. The power to effectively communicate does not resonate so much with the ability someone has with talking, as it is the capability someone has in trusting the one who is communicating. Interestingly, the profound effect of communication has nothing to do with anything external. Effective communicators have the power to make people act, and they know how to win with words. Let’s consider the following three keys:

Finally, ACTIVATION. Oprah has the ability to do what few people can do, and that is make us act based upon her motivation. When people leave The Potter’s House on a Sunday after a worship service, Bishop Jakes very likely called them to the point of action. After being motivated by the message and inspired by the individual, people feel motivated to act. That’s the power of winning with words.

First, INSPIR ATION. Individuals who have the ability to inspire people to change their circumstances, climates and conditions, are people

There’s no secret to what God can do, and what He’s done for others, He can do for you too. If we focus more on the internal rather than the

external, we too can develop the gift to win with words. Before we know it, we can become an inspiration, providing motivation that moves people to the point of activation and change. Actions may speak louder than words,


but words have the power to make us act. Start winning with your words today. Pastor Alan is the Senior Pastor at Mount Corinth Church located at 4901 Providence Street, Houston, Texas 77020.



Making the Most of College Financial Aid: 7 Tips You Should Know By d-mars.com News Provider


hat do parents of toddlers and parents of high school students have in common? Both worry about paying for college. With the constantly rising costs of higher education, financial aid becomes more important than ever for making the dream of a college education possible. So if you’re interested in receiving financial aid, where should you start? “The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is your gateway to money for college from both the federal and state governments for most colleges and universities,” says Mark Kantrowitz, author of “Filing the FAFSA” and “Secrets to Winning a Scholarship.” “Filing the FAFSA correctly is crucial, as it has a direct effect on how much money you receive from various types of financial aid.” College Ave Student Loans partnered with Kantrowitz to offer top tips for maximizing your need-based financial aid for college:

1. Save strategically When it comes to covering the cost of college, financial aid should be at the

forefront of your mind, whether you’re ready to file the FAFSA right now or not. It’s best to save money for college in a parent’s name, rather than the student’s, as the FAFSA assesses money in the parent’s name at a much lower rate. Every $10,000 in student assets reduces aid eligibility by $2,000, while every $10,000 in parent assets only reduces eligibility by up to $564.

2. File early The earlier you file the FAFSA, the better. Right now, you should file the FAFSA as soon as possible on or after Jan. 1, but starting in 2017, you can start as early as Oct. 1. Ten states award aid on a first come, first served basis, and 12 have hard deadlines in February and March. Specific schools can also have specific deadlines, and students who file early may qualify for more aid. So, as a rule of thumb, file the FAFSA in January to maximize your eligibility.

3. Minimize income in the base year Using income and tax information from a previous year, or base year, the FAFSA calculates the financial strength of your family. Because the formula is heavily weighted on income, it’s a good

idea to reduce your income in the base year. If you can, avoid realizing capital gains. If you must sell stocks, bonds or other investments, try to offset capital gains with losses. Taking retirement plan distributions during the base year will also count as income.

cial aid policies. This means they replace loans with grants in the student’s need-based financial aid package. Additionally, in-state public colleges are likely to be your least expensive option, especially after subtracting gift aid, grants and scholarships.

4. Reduce reportable assets

7. Organize your documents and Minimize your money in the bank information

by using it to pay credit card and loan debts. This not only makes good financial planning sense, but may help you qualify for more aid.

5. Maximize the number of children in college at the same time Something as simple as having more than one child in college can dramatically increase your changes of receiving more financial aid. While you can’t change the ages of your children, you can use this impact on aid eligibility as a deciding factor when determining whether to allow your child to skip a grade.

6. Seek generous and low-cost colleges There are many generous colleges, including some in the Ivy League, which implement “no loans” finan-

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Filing the FAFSA is all about the details. Pay attention and stay organized to get the job done right, starting by filing the FAFSA for the correct year and staying on top of deadlines. Make sure to use the right Social Security Number, date or birth, marital status and correct financial information. Follow the instructions and fill out the forms as carefully as possible to get the most accurate results. Once you receive your financial aid award letter and assess your savings, you’ll have time to consider taking out a loan. If you need it, find a simple option that works for you, such as College Ave Student Loans. Navigating the world of financial aid can be tricky, so follow these tips to maximize your eligibility and make college a reality. For more information and resources, visit collegeavestudentloans.com. – BPT

March 2016  19

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20  March 2016

Rejuvenating Relationships One Date at a Time


By Stella Alexander Contributing Writer

t the beginning of a new and fresh relationship, many couples make vows to each other committing to show love for the rest of their lives. Then, one or both allows life’s situations to divert their attention to building a career, belonging to a club, putting religious and community activities, or even other relationships before the marriage. The once romantic relationship becomes drained of intimacy and trust. He or she is so bogged down with issues in life they don’t know what to do to rejuvenate the love. Then, he or she may believe it’s too much of an effort, and there’s not enough time in the day to spend working at rejuvenating the love in their relationship. There are couples who have become selfish and self-centered in the relationship. One or both may have forgotten that it is not about an individual, but about the couple. They wonder why there is no joy in the home. Building and keeping a healthy loving relationship takes focus and dedication. How can love be rejuvenated? What can I do to breathe life back into love? Can this love live? The answer is yes! It takes commitment and work from both parties. When the relationship has lost its zest

and zeal, and your love is lying on its death bed, how do you resuscitate love and breathe life back into the once vibrant cradle of love? First, decide that the love is worth reviving. Second, pray to God for guidance and discernment. Third, search for resources (counseling, etc.) that will help you reach the desired goal. In some relationships, you know your mate loves you, but it is not evident in their actions. Romance is a very important life line in a relationship, and spontaneity is the rejuvenator. Create romantic moments for you and your companion. Don’t let your relationship lose its life line.

A little smooching, a lot of snuggling, deep conversation; this all takes effort. It’s an investment with compounded returns. Decide today to make romantic spontaneity a priority in the relationship with your companion. Put a little away in a “You Are Worth It” account. Every once in a while, make the sky the limit. Your spouse is worth it! You will feel joy in your heart for doing something special and putting your mate first. Just do it, and enjoy the returns. Initially it may be an out of the box effort to spontaneously try the romantic suggestions in my book, “Spontaneity, the Essence of Romance.” Allow the romantic

suggestions to enhance and rejuvenate your marriage relationship. It will put spark back in the love you thought you lost. Be creative and innovative. Relax and enjoy. There should be no regrets when you are romancing the one who loves you. Turn the page in your life to rejuvenate love in your relationship with your spouse. The rewards will be abundant. Be creative, spontaneous, and a true believer that love can be rejuvenated. Stella Alexander is a speaker and author. For more on Stella, please visit www.stellaalexander.com.

5 Tips to Help Protect and Maximize Your New Smartphone


By d-mars.com News Provider

re you celebrating the new year by gifting a smartphone to yourself or loved ones? A whopping 65 percent of all Americans, roughly 160 million people, were planning to buy tech gifts this holiday season, according to the Consumer Technology Association's 22nd Annual CE Holiday Purchase Patterns Study. Emerging technologies such as smartphones are holiday must-haves, but once your shiny new device is in hand, learning about all its features can be overwhelming. No need to worry -- these five tips will help guide you so you can get the most out of your new smartphone:

Tip #1: Set up security Whether it’s your own phone, your partner’s or you kid’s, security settings should be top of mind. Take time to set up the home screen’s lock features. In addition to a number pad,

some phones like the new LG V10 use a fingerprint sensor for added security. If desired, you’re able to set up parental controls on your children’s phones. These features are often found within “settings.” Finally, complete your connection to the cloud so all your contacts, photos, videos and texts are protected.

Tip #2: Go to camera settings Explore your phone’s camera features and capture life’s in-between moments. Your phone may have editing tools built in, but if not it’s easy to download an app and you’ll be taking professional-level photos in no time. With the LG V10, you’re able to take videos and photos in Manual Mode making the experience more interactive than ever before. The LG V10 smartphone also features 5MP Dual Front Cameras with two separate lenses to capture standard 80-degree selfies or perfect wide-angle selfies of 120-degrees. Learn more at LG.com/ V10.

Tip #3: Maximize battery life Even with powerful lithium-ion batteries, you may use your new phone so much, that you’ll run out of juice faster than you think. Be proactive and take a few steps to maximize your battery life. Start by adjusting the brightness on your screen to the lowest level you’re comfortable viewing. When using your phone, close apps when you’re done utilizing rather than leaving them running in the background. Finally, if you need a quick charge, set your phone to airplane mode and plug in. You’ll be back to enjoying your smartphone with a full battery in no time. Not ready to give up brightness or change settings for extended battery life? Grab LG’s V10 with a removable battery to go from zero percent to 100 in 15 seconds, just by changing the battery.

Tip #4: Explore video capabilities Think you can’t go on vacation without a separate camcorder? Modern

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smartphones are taking video to the next level so you may not need additional devices after all. Learn about your phone’s features, resolutions and aspect ratios so you can get the best video possible. The LG V10 is the first smartphone to offer Manual Mode for video, making it easy to create professional-quality videos by adjusting options such as shutter speed, frame rate, ISO, white balance and focus while recording. Videos can be recorded in three resolutions — HD, Full HD or Ultra HD — and two aspect ratios — 16:9 standard or 21:9 cinematic.

Tip #5: Synch calendars and set up email Your new smart phone is a central hub for all aspects of your life. Make sure to synch your work and home calendars to stay on task. It’s also a smart idea to set up email access from your most-used domains. That way you can email Grandma that adorable picture and prep for that upcoming presentation without worry. – BPT

March 2016  21

Are You Fired Up About Voting? By J Thomas Smith


Contributing Writer

ne day I was tuning up and down the terrestrial radio dial as I drove down the Interstate. Time after time, I landed on talk shows featuring callers that were simply dismayed at the direction America is going. They expressed dismay at the political discourse and their feeling that they had little or no choice in candidates or the other issues of day-to-day living. Just like the callers on our talk show, “Sunday Morning Live” on KMJQ/Majic 102.1, people express frustration that so many important issues are either being glossed over by the media or simply ignored by federal, state, and local government – our elected officials. It is clear that a great many people are highly concerned, even angry, but they feel helpless to do anything about it. Then, I thought about the “Your vote. Your voice” campaign. We have been

reminded over-and-over again of a very important point. As Americans, we have a FIRST Amendment RIGHT to speak our minds. It’s not the Fifth Amendment or the Thirteenth Amendment -- it’s the FIRST and perhaps most important. But while speaking our minds is clearly at the foundation of what it means to be Americans, the vast majority of us feel we can’t make a difference. Therefore, we don’t even try. Over and over I hear from people who are fired up about major issues, yet keep their thoughts to themselves. Often they mistakenly feel they’re the only one who feels that way. That couldn’t be further from the truth. While talking is a good starting point, I believe we have an obligation to get into action if we wish to change anything. Whether it is our personal condition or

the condition of our city, state or country, we must answer the call to action. Express yourself! Vote! If you voted in the March 1st primary, that is very good. But you must vote again in the run-off and again still in November. In fact, I believe that if we viewed voting as a way expressing ourselves and holding our elected officials accountable, we would do it religiously. Your vote is your voice. I encourage you to vote. But, I also invite you to call in to our community affairs program, “Sunday Morning Live” on “The People’s Station” KMJQ/Majic 102.1. I want you to understand that our purpose is to stem the tide of division and empower those who are willing to stand. Instead of everyone going their own private way and concentrating on being politically correct, we encourage you to en-

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thusiastically share your ideas, passions, and concerns. That is where real solutions come from. We shouldn’t plug away at our lives, trying to stay afloat, while we trust all of the important issues to the government. There are a lot of good people in government, but they don’t have all the good ideas. And government, by its nature, can’t solve problems well without the help of you and the rest of its citizenry. So speak up! Vote! Call “Sunday Morning Live.” Write a letter to the editor of your favorite newspaper. Put up a website. Tell others what you think. And perhaps, just as important as anything else, call or write your elected officials to let them know you’re alive and well, and maybe a little upset. You will feel better. You will have more impact. And you will be living the life of a truly patriotic American. Remember, doing the least you can do is better than doing nothing. J Thomas Smith is host of “Sunday Morning Live” on KMJQ/Majic 102.1 (9-11 am)(www.myhoustonmajic. com). He is an attorney (www.jthomassmithlaw.com), author (www.thesecrettoanewlife.com), keynote speaker (www. jthomassmithspeaks.com) and mental health consultant (www.jthomassmithsap). Your feedback is welcomed at jtsmith@radio-one.com. Follow on Twitter @drjtsmith102.

22  March 2016

Created to Create the Change


By Pastor Ogletree Contributing Writer

ach of us has been endowed by our Creator with the ability to create. John 14:12 reads, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” Creation did not cease when the world was formed. God was about creating and making change, and so should we. According to the Bible, man was created on the sixth day and God rested on the seventh. We are the change agents for God's world. Man was made in the “image and likeness” of God. This image and likeness gave the human being the powerful ability to partner with Him in our creative ability. To create is to shape or fashion something new. Although not God, our creative ability does exist. It is there to use. God expects us to create. He said to be fruitful and multiply. He gave

us authority to rule and have dominion over His earth as we create for Him and give Him glory! Change must be approached with this mindset. If not, one may fall into the trap of making excuses or blaming others for a particular condition or circumstance, when they have been given the creative ability to change things. Change may seem impossible without the proper perspective. When we fail to see ourselves as change agents, we can become blind to the need for change, or God's desire for change. When one takes the proper prospective, he or she must then take on the responsibility to create the change. The change must be seen as a God-given responsibility that should not be taken lightly or neglected. Taking on the responsibility will fuel one’s creative energies. We must know the creator has already given us all we need to create this change. If we will just say, “Here I am Lord. Send me,” our imagination will be opened to “what will,” and “what can” be done to bring about this change. When we survey the issues in our communities be it health, public education, family, or poverty, we have to admit that change is needed. Now the chal-

lenges are great, but we work for the Creator of this world. Change is needed in every area, but it will never happen unless we each determine to use our God-given creative abilities to create the change, thereby becoming change agents. It is up to us. God is expecting us to change this world! Change agents are those who live to change things. They cannot turn their backs on something that cries out for change. They prayerfully consider the what, when, who, where, and how. They

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seek info and ask questions to channel their energy and direct their efforts. They recruit a team and garner the support they will need for the change. They utilize their measure of faith given by God and pursue the change. Then they get it done! Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of First Metropolitan Church located at 8870 West Sam Houston Parkway N., Houston, TX 77040.

March 2016  23

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