d-mars.com Community Journal 59

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August 2016


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59th Edition




The Power of Effective Communication

Weekend in Natchez: Tourist in My Hometown By Kim Floyd and Valerie Jones So when it was time for the Floyd Family Reunion in Natchez, Mississippi, I decided to share the beauty my hometown has to offer. PAGES 4-5

PAGES 14-15

NFL Star Michael Thomas Takes Action to Help Houston’s Youth

Texas Southern University President Dr. Austin A. Lane Meets with Houston’s Black Media

By Lakesha L. Lewis Scoring touchdowns, earning his MBA, and receiving Presidential and Congressional Recognition, Houston native and safety for the Miami Dolphins, Michael Thomas, is definitely one busy man. PAGE 6



By Pastor Ogletree

Knowledge is Power

In the Community… Sax in the City at the Hobby Center Presented by Brio Executive Group PAGE 10

What Is the Church Saying?

Believe me, the reward is not so great without the struggle —Wilma Rudolph

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August 2016  3

Journal Behind The

Publisher’s Message


SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.



“The Power of Effective Communication” is the theme for this issue of the d-mars.com Community Journal. How effective are you at communicating? When it comes to the community, you should be mindful of your words and if they hurt or help the community. Do you think before you speak? Do your words benefit and make for a better community? These are things to think about.



SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.J. Johnson C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine Tiffany Black

This issue highlights Texas Southern University President Dr. Austin A. Lane. He has already been very active in his new role, and recently he met with members of Houston’s Black media. Dr. Lane and Texas Southern University understand the power, importance, and relevancy of Black media. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.

PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines






Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden


2 Girls Who Travel Kim Floyd Valerie Jones Lakesha L. Lewis Linda Lindsay Shanedria Wagner ThinkZILLA PR & Consulting Group Art McElroy Sheldon Theragood Tammi Durden HAUCDC Charlotte Jackson Stella Alexander Leah Rapley Pastor Ogletree d-mars.com News Provider


2 Girls Who Travel................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4-5 NFL Star Michael Thomas Takes Action to Help Houston’s Youth..............................................................................................................................6 Get Your House in Order.........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Parents! Don’t Take “Nothing” for an Answer..................................................................................................................................................................8 What Does That REALLY Mean?.............................................................................................................................................................................................8 It’s Time to Get HYPE!..............................................................................................................................................................................................................9 In the Community....................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Go DJ Awards.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Texas Southern University and Houston’s African-American Media...................................................................................................................14-15 Real Talk with Youth...............................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Tag! You’re It!.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 A Letter to the Church............................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Houston Area Urban Community Development Corporation......................................................................................................................................20 What Matters?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Knowledge is Power..............................................................................................................................................................................................................22 What Is the Church Saying?................................................................................................................................................................................................24 Is Your Communication Igniting Romance?....................................................................................................................................................................24 Silence Is Not Golden.............................................................................................................................................................................................................26

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” - Lena Horne

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4  August 2016

Weekend in Natchez:

Tourist in My Hometown By Kim Floyd and Valerie Jones Contributing Writer




o when it was time for the Floyd Family Reunion in Natchez, Mississippi, I decided to share the beauty my hometown has to offer. When you're young, you think, "I can't wait to leave," but when you get a little older, you realize all the beauty and history that you didn't appreciate. When I tell people I'm from Mississippi, they instantly think “country.” I did indeed grow up in the country, and it was beautiful, but there is more - so much more. Natchez, the oldest city on the Mississippi River, is celebrating 300 years - a Tricenten-

nial - this year. Throughout the years, the city has received numerous accolades and most recently was named by Southern Living magazine as one of the 50 Best Places in the South. Also, the "CBS This Morning" show named Natchez a top travel destination for 2016.

Let me show you why everyone is talking about Natchez! Upon arriving in Natchez, I checked into the Grand Hotel and Suites located right beside the Mississippi River. My room had an absolutely gorgeous river view. Natchez Grand Hotel & Suites


I decided to check out historic downtown Natchez, along with a few nearby areas: •  William Johnson House •  Fort Rosalie •  Natchez City Hall •  Adams County Court House •  Rhythm Night Club Memorial •  St. Mary’s Catholic Church •  Holy Family Catholic Church •  Darby’s (famous for their fudge) •  The Mill Menswear •  Museum of African American History & Culture

There are also some must-see places to visit too: •  Natchez Visitor Center •  Magnolia Bluffs Casino •  Historic Jefferson College •  The Natchez Trace •  Emerald Mound •  Grand Village of the Natchez Indians •  Old South Winery •  Natchez Under the Hill •  Natchez National Cemetery •  Smoot’s Grocery Blues Lounge

Mayor Grennel l signs posters for the kids

And of course, I had to visit some of Natchez’s best restaurants. If you’re ever there, these standouts should be your first stop:

Jessie Miller (Floyd Family Reunion President), BJ Ferguson (Floyd Family Reunion Vice President) and Natchez Mayor Darryl Grennell at the Floyd Family Reunion

•  Roux 61 (my personal favorite) •  The Camp •  Pearl Street Pasta •  Fat Mama’s Tamales •  Pig Out Inn •  The Donut Shop •  The Malt Shop •  Magnolia Bar and Grill •  Taste of Chicago •  Biscuits & Blues The main reason for the visit back home was my family reunion, held at Duncan Park. The mayor of Natchez, Darryl Grennell, stopped by and greeted the family and even signed posters for the kids. Reason #601 I love small towns!

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August 2016  5


efore I left Natchez, there were a few more stops to make. Every local in Natchez knows about Passbach Meats (213 Sgt. Prentiss Drive). They have a variety of meats and one particular delicacy that every local who moves away craves - garlic sausages. Now, there are some imitations out there…but Passbach garlic sausages are the perfect combination of beef and seasonings. Locals know, don't talk on your cell phone while you're there or come during lunch time (11am - 12pm) - they're closed!



The Bakery Cottage cupcakes


also ventured “across the river” to Vidalia, LA, to visit The Bakery Cottage (thebakerycottage.com) for a few yummy buttercream cupcakes.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Passbach Meats Sign and Garlic sausages from Passbach Meats



uring this trip, I was able to visit a lot of wonderful places, eat some delicious food, and have a whole lot of fun. But I didn't have time to do it all. Guess I'll have to come back soon. Next time I will not stay away so long. Hope you enjoyed my hometown!

T Joan Anderson, Natchez Native and Co-Owner of CJ’s Southern Seasonings

he next stop was in Ferriday, LA, at Ferriday Mart for a product tasting of CJ's Southern Seasonings (cjssouthernseasonings.com). The owner Joan Anderson, a Natchez native, has the catfish seasoning in more than 150 stores throughout Mississippi and Louisiana. The catfish samples were delicious, and I just had to purchase three bags of seasonings to take home.

Kim Floyd – ½ of 2 Girls Who Travel

Valerie Jones

Kim Floyd

By 2 Girls Who Travel: Valerie Jones & Kim Floyd Armed with a love for culture, adventure, food, arts and entertainment – and equipped with a laptop, camera and multiple cellular devices – 2 Girls Who Travel has a mission to share their journey with the world. Throughout their travels, they conduct exclusive interviews, write about cool finds, give destination-specific travel tips and provide their takes on the best food and drinks and so much more. Embodying two different kinds of travelers – Val is the adventure-seeking millennial and Kim is the cultured lover of luxury – readers will learn more about them as they share their experiences traversing the globe! Subscribe to the 2 Girls Who Travel blog 2girlswhotravel.com.

Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

6  August 2016

NFL Star Michael Thomas Takes Action to Help Houston’s Youth By Lakesha L. Lewis Contributing Writer


coring touchdowns, earning his MBA, and receiving Presidential and Congressional Recognition, Houston native and safety for the Miami Dolphins, Michael Thomas, is definitely one busy man. The 27-year-old is only in his fifth year in the NFL, and he has already done some amazing things, one of those being Camp Mike T. Founded by Thomas, Camp Mike T is a youth football camp that just celebrated its second year. Thomas’ sole purpose for creating Camp Mike T was to give back to the community that gave so much to him. Through Camp Mike T, Thomas is giving back to Houston’s youth, providing more than just a unique football experience, but teaching them to be stellar student athletes. “I remember as a kid, having dreams to play in the NFL and wishing one of my favorite players would visit the community, but they never did. I made a promise to myself that if I made it in the NFL, I would find a way to give back to my community,” said Thomas. This being Thomas’ second year hosting the camp, he brought an additional with APEX Academy, founded by Kaleb and essential element to the camp, incor- Thornhill, who is also the Director of porating academics. Thomas partnered Player Engagement for the Miami Dol-

Get Your House in Order By Linda Lindsay


Contributing Writer

e always hear people talk about the need to get our financial house in order. That is very important, but it’s also time to get your house in order, literally. Believe it or not, your home says a lot about you. It is a reflection of who you are. If it’s been awhile since you have done some decorating to your home, this is a perfect time. There is a big misconception that you have to spend hundreds of thousands of

phins. Apex Academy serves youth in underserved areas, helping them become successful both on and off the field. This two-day camp began with the middle school students learning the basics of computer coding and ending with high school students learning about SAT and ACT Prep. The high school students were provided the opportunity to gain knowledge from representatives from some of the top universities in Texas. Thomas said, “I wanted to implement academics this year, because these students need to know there is always life after football. It’s important to have a back-up plan, and education is and

should always be a priority.” Ending the camp on a high note, Thomas was paid a surprise visit by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who provided him with Congressional Recognition. “Michael Thomas is a stand up man who recognizes the importance of giving back to his community because of his upbringing, and that is where greatness starts,” said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Michael is extremely grateful for the success of the camp so far, and he is already anticipating next year’s 3rd Annual Camp Mike T. “To see Houston’s youth get this positive experience that they deserve is what Camp Mike T is all about. I cannot wait to do this again next year, and I want everyone to come out and support. We are always looking for volunteers to help serve our youth at Camp Mike T, so get involved with helping our youth,” said Thomas.

dollars to properly decorate. That’s so untrue. Don’t be intimidated about starting the process. It’s important to remember that you need to create a space that radiates personality. Though that may seem challenging, it’s really not. So, let’s start off by identifying what your inner walls say about you. Answering the questions below may help you to determine what type of personality goes in your space: •  When you have guests over, what personality do you believe your home presents? •  Is color important to you? •  Do you like a well-lit room? •  How many chairs do you need in your living room? •  Are your seating areas comfortable? •  Do you have enough side tables for guests? •  Is there a lot of light in your home that comes in from the outside? •  Do you like your windows covered with layers of drapery? •  How many pieces of art are you attached to? •  How is the air quality in your home? •  Do you like plants inside your home? •  How many mirrors do you have in your home, and where are they placed? •  When you get out of bed and your feet hit the ground, how does it feel? •  What is your preference when selecting sheets (thread count)? •  Do you have organized closet spaces? •  How do you feel about your bath-

room? Is it big enough? •  What is your favorite room in the house? •  Do you like books, and are they displayed in your home? •  When you think of important times in your life, are they present in your home? •  Where is your favorite sitting area in your home? Why? •  How would you feel if you were visited by an unexpected guest? Would you have to refuse entry until you straighten up? •  What does clean feel like to you in your kitchen? • How many TV screens do you have in your home, and what sizes are

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they? •  When you walk in your door, what is the first decorative thing you see that brings you joy? Did you answer the questions above? Good! Once you look at your answers to these questions, you should be able to make some decisions on what to change or what to keep in your space. Get your house in order! For more information, contact Linda Lindsay of Designing Your Lifestyle at 347-731-1020.

August 2016  7

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8  August 2016

Parents! Don’t Take “Nothing” for an Answer By Shanedria Wagner

pleted in any classroom. Narratives, or stories, are just one type of reading material to which pupils should be exposed. Graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams are essential in all content areas, as are reference materials like dictionaries and maps. Periodicals keep children aware of current events. Both elementary and secondary students benefit from being read to. Find out how reading shapes your child’s learning experience. What do you know today that you did not know yesterday? A simpler way to find out what a student learned, this question compels one to think of specific facts, details, and skills studied that day. The responses could vary from simple data to complex ideas. This question is also effective in determining which of the student’s questions were answered. Always encourage students to pose specific questions about what confuses them. What reading or problem solving strategies did you learn? Of all these questions, this is perhaps the most important because mastering reading and problem solving strategies is the prerequisite for excellent performance on standardized tests, on project completion, and in written communication. Students cannot apply or express what is not understood. The burden of progress is shared by teachers and students alike, so be objective when posing these questions. You may find that teachers are fulfilling all the criteria for excellent instruction while not receiving full cooperation of students. Regardless, parents don’t take “nothing” for an answer. Pose these questions to generate needed discussion.

Contributing Writer


is the wrong answer to questions posed about what one’s child either did or learned in school on any given day. How can one do or learn absolutely “nothing” in a seven-hour school day? How can a parent determine whether “nothing” means “nothing at all” or “nothing worthwhile”? This article presents five, fact-fishing questions to assist any parent in establishing whether a teacher W.O.R.K.S. Instead of asking broad questions like “What did you do today?” or “What did you learn today?” raising the following questions will spawn detailed answers that reveal the quality of instruction in your child’s classroom. What words did you learn? All learners are entitled to an ever-expanding lexicon, the result of learning academic vocabulary in every content area. Literature students should be familiar with literary terms, and science students should acquire scientific terms. Contentrich literature is the best evidence of these words being learned in context. Consequently, students should be able to use these new words in written and spoken communication. What objectives were on the board? Most teachers are required to display learning objectives in their classrooms, so that everyone understands the focus of the lesson. Objectives identify the skills that will be taught by instructors and mastered by the students. A student whose learning objective is to compose compound sentences should be expected to demonstrate understanding of the skill. Challenges are easily identified when students find it difficult to show what they learned. What did you read? Reading is at the core of all formal instruction though a variety of activities are com-

What Does That REALLY Mean? By d-mars.com News Provider


-mars.com is here to inspire, inform, and educate. We love taking you back. We love remembering things of the past. When you reminisce about the past, it can put a smile on your face. How many times have you heard your mom or grandma say, “He’s no spring chicken?” We’ve all heard these types of phrases growing up but had no idea what they meant. Below are some familiar phrases and their meanings.

Phrases and Meanings A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush Meaning It’s better to have a lesser but certain advantage than the possibility of a greater one that may come to nothing. Origin This proverb refers back to mediaeval falconry where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was a valuable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush (the prey).

A Man Who Is His Own Lawyer Has a Fool for a Client Meaning Literal meaning. Origin This proverb is based on the opinion, probably first expressed by a lawyer, that self-representation in court is likely to end badly. As with many proverbs, it is difficult to determine a precise origin but this expression first began appearing in print in the early 19th century. An early example comes in The flowers of wit, or a choice collection of bon mots, by Henry Kett, 1814: ...observed the eminent lawyer, “I hesitate not to pronounce, that every man who is his own lawyer, has a fool for a client.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Meaning Someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of kindliness. Origin The cautionary advice that one cannot necessarily trust someone who appears kind and friendly has been with us for many centuries. Both Aesop’s Fables and the Bible contain explicit references to wolves in sheep’s clothing. On the face of it, Aesop must have originated the phrase as his tales are much older than any biblical text.

Against the Grain Meaning Against one’s inclination or natural

tendency. Origin The phrase brings to mind the image of the grain in wood, which, if planed in the wrong direction, will tear rather than lie smoothly. That may not have been in the mind of whoever coined the phrase, as none of the early citations of the phrase refer to wood.

Alive and Kicking Meaning Definitely alive; lively and active. Origin The expression ‘alive and kicking’ was coined in the late 18th/early 19th century and is still widely used today. Its allusion to vigour and vivacity has caused it to be adopted as a slogan or title in various spheres - dance troupes, children’s television programmes, kick-boxing, anti-abortion groups etc. Behind Every Great Man There’s a Great Woman Meaning Literal meaning. Origin

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This has been adopted as a feminist slogan. The origins are uncertain, but it’s certainly much older than the Women’s Movement of the 1960s/70s, which spawned other such slogans; for example, ‘a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.’ The first printed citation I can find is from the Texas newspaper The Port Arthur News, from February 1946. This was headed - “Meryll Frost - ‘Most courageous athlete of 1945’”: “As he received his trophy, the plucky quarterback unfolded the story of how he ‘came back’. He said ‘They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me.’” The use of the phrase in that quotation suggests it was well-known at the time, and may be much older than 1945. The use of the phrase received a boost in 1985 with the release of The Eurythmics’ song - Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves: Now, there was a time, when they used to say, that behind ev’ry great man, there had to be a great woman. But oh, in these times of change, you know that it’s no longer true. So we’re comin’ out of the kitchen, ‘cause there’s something we forgot to say to you. We say, Sisters are doin’ it for themselves Source www.phrases.org.uk

August 2016  9

It’s Time to Get HYPE! By d-mars.com News Provider


YPE Freedom School, Inc. (HYPE) recently celebrated the National Summer Learning Day with over 150 community leaders, parents, and scholars at its 2016 HYPE Jubilee. The founder of HYPE, Brandi Brown, shared the importance of summer learning in the Sunnyside and South Park communities. Within these neighborhoods, there is an estimate of 7,000 Houston ISD elementary and middle school students, and the majority of these students are economically disadvantaged. It is HYPE’s plan to serve 10% of the HISD students in the Sunnyside/ South Park area by 2020 with a high quality summer learning experience of literacy enrichment and character skill building. Keynote speaker Roni Dean-Burren (Pearland Textbook Mom), spoke on the similarities between a child’s school year and the 400-meter race. She talked about summer being the homestretch after the runner works hard to get his/ her stride. Like running, it is the time when students need to be encouraged and cheered on to be prepared and ready to learn in the fall. Often, summer enrichment is not available to students who typically have limited access to affordable programming. Students, typically low-income, can lose two to three months of reaching literacy achievement. HYPE prevents summer learning loss and introduces K-12th graders to adults who believe in them so they can believe in themselves. HYPE builds meaningful relationships and partnerships within the community that strengthen their collective commitment to children and lead to sustainable change. HYPE continues to seek Individuals and organizations throughout the Houston community to invest in a scalable model by volunteering and providing financial support. To learn more about HYPE Freedom School, Inc. and to get involved, please contact Brandi Brown at (832) 443-8517 or brandi@houston freedomschools.com.

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10  August 2016

In the Community…

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Sax in the City at the Hobby Center Presented by Brio Executive Group

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August 2016  11

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12  August 2016

Houston’s Largest Entertainment Awards Show

Helps Reinforce Efforts to Establish the City as a Music and Entertainment Hub By ThinkZILLA PR & Consulting Group Contributing Writer


OUSTON, Texas – More than three thousand diehard music fans attended the 3rd Annual Go DJ Awards in Houston on July 18 at the NRG Center, where top honors were given to hip hop veteran Paul Wall, CEO of Rap-A-Lot Records James Prince, Sr., and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. The always-epic event kicked off with an exclusive red carpet, featured electric performances and appearances by some of the biggest names in hip hop, and helped to build bridges between the entertainment industry and local business and civic leaders. In his acceptance speech, Mayor Turner encouraged attendees and award winners alike to do their part in lifting up the city and supporting each other. The awards show, which attracts music artists and celebrities from across the U.S., aligns with the Mayor’s efforts to establish the city as a major hub for music and entertainment. Other A-list honorees representing the

local business and civic community included: Ron Jemison, Jr., President of Franklin Beauty School; Isiah Carey, Reporter for Fox 26 Houston; Jeffrey L. Boney, Houston Forward Times Editor; Nakia Cooper, Owner of NewsWithAttitude.com and CW39 Digital Content Manager; and Lydia Harris, Co-Founder of Death Row Records. The 3rd Annual Go DJ Awards was broadcasted live by 97.9 The Box and included a tribute to the legendary Prince and a performance of “Hate On” by Jhonni Blaze in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Jaye Valentine and Jazz Anderson, daughter of VH1 “Basketball Wives” star Tami Roman, graced the awards show stage for the first time, along with many other up and coming artists. DJ XO lit the stage on fire with the performance of his smash hit, “I Just Pulled Off the Lot” to close the show. The event was hosted by radio personalities JJ on the Mic and Go MC Kane. Go DJ GT served as the official DJ for the event. Numerous special guests made appearances at the event including Slim Thugg, Zero, and Kirko Bangz. Paul Wall took home awards for Best Video of the Year and Best Collabora-

tion. Other winners included DJ XO for Producer of the Year, Dead End Red for Best New Male Artist, Nessacary for Best New Female Artist, GO DJ Hi-C for Best Male DJ, and Shauney for Best Female DJ. Velma Trayham, the CEO of ThinkZILLA Consulting and the engineer of the awards show’s event manage-

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ment and massive publicity campaign, also received an award for outstanding achievement. “The Go DJ Awards has become one of the most highly-anticipated annual events in Houston not only for music fans, but for business and civic leaders seeking to tap into the influence of the entertainment industry and reach an increasingly affluent urban demographic,” said Trayham. “Over the past three years, the event has garnered millions of social media impressions. This year was no different, as the event trended across all social media platforms. It was a stellar show, and next year will be even bigger and better.” The 3rd Annual Go DJ Awards was sponsored by the Houston Forward Times, 97.9 The Box, Go DJs Global, The Hype Magazine, Hip Hop Weekly, Diablo Loco, Death2Life Ent, Drink Houston and Kurt Agomuo & Associates. The 4th Annual Go DJ Awards is set to take place on July 17, 2017. For more information, including red carpet photos, video clips, a complete list of winners and honorees, and 2017 sponsorship opportunities, please visit www. godjawards.com.

August 2016  13

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Houston’s African

14  August 2016

Texas Southern University Understands the Importan By d-mars.com News Provider


exas Southern University President Dr. Austin Lane recently hosted a media luncheon for members of Houston’s African-American media outlets. As Dr. Lane’s leadership continues the university’s mission, he has not forgotten about the importance of African-American press. He knows that it is critical for Texas Southern University to maintain its partnership with AfricanAmerican media outlets in Houston to help the university continue to reach a dedicated audience and keep strong ties with the community. There is great power in AfricanAmerican media, and the history is even

greater. Texas Southern University is rich in history, and Houston’s Black press appreciate the history of this educational gem. When it comes to highlighting the accomplishments and accolades of the university, no one does it like Houston’s Black media. Whatever the story, the Black press is there to cover and give the African-American reader a perspective that you may not see from the mainstream media. When some ask, “Is Black media still relevant?,” The Black media’s response loud and proud is, “YES! It is!” We are not alone, and many would agree. When it comes to Dr. Lane continuing the legacy of great leadership and the mission of the university, the Black media is there to show support every step of the way. African-American newspapers have a rich history, and are still very relevant to not only the Black audience, but media in general. Do you know the history of the first African-American periodical? Freedom’s Journal was the first AfricanAmerican owned and operated newspaper in the United States. A weekly four column publication printed every Friday, Freedom’s Journal was founded by free born African-Americans John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish on March 16, 1827, in New York City. The newspaper contained both foreign and domestic news, editorials, biographies, births and deaths in the local African-American community, and advertisements. Editorials deriding slavery, racial discrimination, and other injustices against African-Americans were

aimed at providing a counter weight to many of the white newspapers of the time period, which openly supported slavery and racial bias. The newspaper sought to broaden its readers' awareness of world events and developments, while simultaneously strengthening ties among Black communities across the Northern United States. Subscriptions were $3 per year and Freedom’s Journal at its peak circulated in eleven states, the District of Columbia, Haiti, Europe, and Canada. Freedom’s Journal opened doors and paved the way for other African-American media outlets. d-mars.com prides itself on being a publication that inspires, informs, and educates the community on issues that are important to African-Americans.

In existence since 1999, founder and publisher Keith J. Davis, Sr. aka “MR. DMARS,” is proud that the publication has remained relevant to the Houston market and African-American readers. In one of the most diverse cities in the nation, dmars.com has emerged as the go-to point

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for entrepreneurs, customers, and community members hoping to be inspired, informed, and educated on social issues, business topics, and health and wellness topics. A relevant and concise source of information targeted to Houston and its surrounding areas rich with diversity, the

n-American Media

August 2016  15

nce & Relevancy of Our Media for Our Community

d-mars.com publication provides articles and serves to help all enhance their professional and personal lives. d-mars.com has kept a loyal audience of readers and sponsors to help the publication continue to grow and prosper and stay a necessary source of information for our community.

Milestones in African-American Journalism/Media History •  1787 - Lead by Rev. Richard Allen, Black parishioners conduct an anti-discrimination protest against forced seating in church balconies and prompt the birth of the Black press from the Black church. •  1888 - Edward E. Cooper publishes the Indianapolis Freeman,

the first Black illustrated newspaper. •  1910 - The NAACP publishes the Crisis magazine and W.E.B. DuBois is editor until 1934. •  1927 - The Black press celebrates its one-hundredth anniversary. •  1940 - Robert S. Abbott becomes the first president of the Negro Newspaper Publishers Association. •  1945 - John H. Johnson begins publishing Ebony. •  1962 - The first Black news reporter on an American network television station, Mal Goode of ABCTV, covers Cuban missile crisis. •  1975 - The National Association of Black Journalists is formed. •  1978 - The first African-American

national television network news anchor, for ABC-TV, is Max Robinson. •  1980 - Black Entertainment Television in Washington, D.C., started by Robert L. Johnson, becomes the first national cable television service owned and operated by Black Americans. d-mars.com greatly appreciates Dr. Lane’s commitment to maintaining and strengthening Texas Southern University’s relationship with Houston’s Black press. For more on Dr. Lane and Texas Southern University, please visit www.tsu.edu.

About Texas Southern University TSU offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs and concentrations – bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees – organized into 10 colleges

and schools on a 150-acre campus nestled in the heart of Houston’s historic Third Ward. The University’s enrollment has a population of 8,000 undergraduate and graduate-school academic candidates. TSU has been a distinguished educational pioneer since 1927, and it has become one of the most diverse and respected institutions in Texas. TSU has positioned itself as a proactive leader in educating underserved students and many who are the first in their family to attend college. Sources: www.huarchivesnet.howard.edu www.blackpast.org Jacqueline Bacon, Freedom's Journal: The First African-American Newspaper (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2007); Martin Dann, The Black Press, 1827-1890: The Quest for National Identity (New York: G.P. Putnam Sons, 1971).

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16  August 2016

Real Talk with Youth

By Sheldon Theragood


Contributing Writer

eal Talk with Youth was an idea for an annual event that God placed on my heart to gather as many youth as possible to hear a positive message from myself and others in the community. This is all about motivating, inspiring, educating, and rejuvenating their minds before they go back to school. This event held recently, also gave our youth a unique opportunity to discuss issues they may be dealing with in life. This idea hit me when I was employed at the Harris County Juvenile Detention Center. We would sit around a table with approximately 4 kids and just talk about life. Hearing their stories, I would never have imagined some of the things that young people were going through. It would be hard for these young people to trust adults to share their stories with, but they would share with me. Because of my great deal of passion for kids, that experience gave me confirmation that talking to young people was something I would do one day. I felt the need to mentor them to help prevent them from making mistakes that would have them end up in a detention center or even worse. After 4 years of listening to hundreds of stories per week, I prayed and

talked to co-workers in the unit about somehow making a difference in the lives of young people. I applied for the Houston Police Department, and a month after that process, I was chosen as one of the candidates for the police academy. I realized by becoming a police officer, I was going to impact every community, no matter where they assigned me. One of the most unforgettable times in my career that will always stay with me, was when I was one of the first responders on the scene of a shooting involving two teens. The incident was a Code 1 (shooting in progress), where one teen

process by which a person/group influences the emotions or behavior of another person/group through the transfer of emotional states and behavioral attitudes. These emotional and behavioral influences are made through communication. You may not realize it, but you are always communicating verbally or nonverbally and intentionally or unintentionally. I can recall sharing an office with a coworker several years ago. Although he was not talking, he was constantly slamming By Tammi Durden things down on his desk, shoving his desk Contributing Writer drawers closed, and making loud sighs of disgust. Before I knew it, I was feeling ave you ever played angry and in a bad mood for no apparent the game tag before? reason. Why? Because I shared the same Just in case you are environment with someone who nonvernot familiar with this bally communicated anger and negativity, fun-filled childhood and that was ultimately impacting my begame, the person cho- havior. So guess what? Tag! I was it! sen to be "it" chases the other players, tryMost of us like to think we are in coning to tag them, which can be by simply trol of our emotions, but the truth of the touching them. Then, the tagged person matter is that our feelings can be dramatibecomes it, and the original it runs away cally affected on a subconscious level by to avoid being tagged while everyone scat- those we are close to, as well as complete ters and runs away from it as though they strangers. are contagious. Believe it or not, every day you are it There are few things to keep in and your emotions are contagious. As a mind when considering emomatter of fact, emotional contagion is a

had a gun and the other teen was the shooting victim. I was ordered by my superior officer to secure the body, and after walking to where the body was located, I saw the 17 year old victim deceased with three gunshots to the chest. I began to cry, and I prayed while standing there realizing that this was the time for me to start making a difference in the lives of our youth. Soon after that incident, I founded my nonprofit organization, TheraGood Deeds, Inc., and through this organization, Real Talk with Youth was birthed. I, as well as a team of people who share the same passion, mentor youth from ages 10-18. Real Talk with Youth is held annually before the school year starts. During this event, we really poured into the youth the power of positive

Sheldon Theragood is the founder of the nonprofit organization, TheraGOOD DEEDS. To find out more about this organization and to volunteer, please visit www.theragooddeeds.org.

the shift that takes place. It will put you in a better mood and create a more peaceful and welcoming environment.

Tag! You’re It!


thinking, giving them healthy ways to deal with obstacles they may be dealing with in their daily lives. The speakers and I shared personal testimonies about our lives and encouraged the kids to believe that you can make a better outcome out of whatever your current situation is. We also shared impacting stories of how we learned from the mistakes we made in life. This year’s speakers were from different walks of life and professions, ranging from well-known rappers to counselors and teachers. No topic was untouched. We discussed bullying, pregnancy, sexual abuse, guns, gun violence, gangs, and other issues impacting youth. My vision with Real Talk with Youth, is to make a difference in this world with the help of like-minded people, and we can make a difference, one good deed at a time.

Words are contagious. What about that person that is gossiping and spreading rumors all the time? If you listen too long, before you know it, you will be contributing to the rumor mill as well. How about the chronic tional contagion: complainer? This person just complains and complains no matter what. For exAttitudes are contagious. ample, the announcement is made that Negative attitudes can spread like a everyone will receive a $7,000 annual cancer. One negative person can bepay increase. The chronic complainer come fatal to an entire organization. says, “Well, that’s still not enough. You’ll find that most people want to Most of it will go to taxes anyway.” If avoid this person. On the other hand, you continue to give attention to this, a person that is positive, courteous, and you will begin to spiral down along with has a great attitude can be a ray of sunthem. shine or a breath of fresh air. You’ll find Remember, your emotions are contaeveryone wants to be around that person day you have the power to gious. Every or work on their team. influence someone. So, the next time you engage in a friendly game of tag and Smiles are contagious. you are it, check your emotions, and be Have you ever noticed that when you sure to pass along a positive attitude, uplook at someone and smile, most of the lifting words, and a smile. time they will smile back at you? Try it, and see what happens. Anytime you want to change the atmosphere in your For more information about Tammi Durden, please visit her website at www. space, simply put on a smile, and notice tammidurden.com.

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August 2016  17

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18  August 2016

A Letter to the Church


By Art McElroy

Contributing Writer

n writing this letter and for the purpose of understanding its intent, let’s begin by defining what The Church is. Church comes from the Greek word ekklesia (ek-klay-see'-ah) which is defined as called out ones. The root meaning of this word is not that of a building, but of people. In contrast to this understanding, is the fact many Christians when asked what Church they belong to will usually identify a building or its address. There is only one Church, made up of individuals who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Perhaps, the better question to Christians should be, “Where do you worship? Or, “Where do you fellowship?” Further clarification of what the Church is states that it is the body of Christ, of which He is the head. This is noted in Ephesians 1:22-23 which reads, “… and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body.” It is necessary to also note that the Body of Christ is made up of all nationalities of people as noted in its original root definition. As a result, we can agree that Christ did not create a Black Church, White Church, and a separate Brown Church. He did not create a rich Church or a poor Church, since its creation is not based on anything physical. 1 Corinthians 12-12-13 reads, “… the body is one and has many members… For by one Spirit WE WERE ALL baptized into one body; whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free…” Having this understanding, we can acknowledge the Church’s true purpose in this world. The Church is represented as “the light of the world” as mentioned in Matthew 5:14 – “You are the light of the world…” Please note that this position of light is established as the identity of the Church first, then the action of the Church. This statement is supported by many schools of behavioral science that state, “knowledge of who you are will determine the actions of what you are.” Being identified as light, the Church is purposed with being an example to the world in behavior so that the world would believe that Christ existed as its Savior. It is imperative that we understand that this assignment of ours was prayed for by Jesus, making our existence an important work in His testimony to the world, which is so badly needed today. John 17:20-23 – “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will

an example of Christ to the world must start within the body of Christ, which is the Church.

believe in Me through their word; … so that the world may believe that You sent Me… that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me…” I would imagine even though there is proof in scripture of His existence, those individuals of the world who the church is to be an example to may not be reading the Bible. The Church must first have knowledge of Christ that confirms our identity in Him, so that we are able to be a proof source to the entire world of His existence. This process of example setting to the world must start within the Church. We must be a proof source of the love of Christ to each other before we can be an example to anyone else. Considering the turmoil that this nation and the world is challenged with, scripture details the role that the Church must play in order to be that proof source needed by all people. As it relates to Christ, all proof through our actions that confirm Him to the world must be rooted in love. Below are references of scriptures of this fact. 1.  John 13:35 – “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you

have love for one another.” 2.  Matthew 5:44 – “But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” 3.  Proverbs 10:12 – “Hatred stirs up contentions, but love covers all transgressions.” 4. Romans 13:10 - “Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” 5.  1 Corinthians 13:5 – “Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, it thinks no evil.” These scriptures provide a roadmap of living that if applied correctly, would make the world a better place with the Church being a catalyst of its change. The Church is God’s most powerful and prolific creation. It was created and exists in the Love of Christ, consisting of different nationalities and cultures. The Church is a representation of what all people of the world look like. Think about it! God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, who through the belief in His death burial and resurrection, called out certain individuals to be His voice and example to this world in the midst of its turmoil until His return. The purpose of being

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One of my favorite scriptures that affect my position as a Christian in heaven, while on earth is 2 Corinthians 5:16, which states, “… from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh … we know Him thus no longer.” Paul is declaring to us that even though we are still in the world, we must see each other as Christ is today. He is telling us regardless of the fact that we are made of flesh as Christ was, we must only see the spiritual nature in each other. Fulfilling this purpose of recognizing the spiritual identity of each other, prior to witnessing the actions of our human nature, allows us to see each other in the love, grace and forgiveness of Christ. In spite of what you see or hear in the world, as the Church, we must not be shaken or disturbed. Our faith must not waiver! We must keep our minds on things above, while we affect the change of things below. It is important to understand that the intent of this letter is to drive thought, conversation, and behavior as to the purpose of the Church while still in this world. It is not written to be offensive to any person inside or outside of the church and is presented in love, based on the scriptures therein. Let the Church say amen! Art McElroy is the founder of The Penuel Group, Inc. Please visit The Penuel Group on the web at www.thepenuelgroup.com You can also contact Art at art@ thepenuelgroup.com

August 2016  19

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20  August 2016

Houston Area Urban Community Development Corporation


AUCDC helps disadvantaged and lower income families in southeast Texas realize the dream of home ownership by providing affordable housing solutions and reinvesting in existing communities.

When a new home is built, it attracts responsible, tax paying citizens who begin to elevate property values and beautify the neighborhoods. HAUCDC takes great pride in this process, especially understanding that most of these homes would otherwise remain vacant, unattractive, and an incubator of crime in the neighborhood.

Outreach to Veterans

HAUCDC Is a Vital Agency

HAUCDC is tremendously grateful to the young men and women who risk their lives for the safety of our country, which is why it is so important for them to contribute to the veteran community when an opportunity arises. They have sold to more than 70 veterans, homes that have been renovated at a discount. In 2015, HAUCDC donated a new home to a veteran in the Pasadena area. To be considered for the home, veterans exhibiting a need for housing submitted a letter of interest and were interviewed by a panel led by Marilyn Harris.

The mission of the organization is to provide suitable affordable housing for the workforce and other residents, to stimulate investment and improve quality of life in our communities

HAUCDC Support HAUCDC received the aforementioned Home Investment Partners Program Grant from the City of Galveston. They also received a Capacity Building Grant from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) that increased HAUCDC’s capacity to transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy and sustainable communities of choice and opportunity. In addition to LISC and BBVA, donors include Bank of America and Chase. These communities have become great places to work, conduct business, and raise children.

HAUCDC Projects HAUCDC has some exciting new projects on the horizon. They are currently developing Altura Heights, a tax credit based townhome style complex located on South Post Oak and Allum Rd. This will be a beautiful family-friendly complex fully equipped with a playground, fitness center, on-site security, and additional amenities. To complete the project, they are partnering with Diana McIver, a leading consultant in affordable housing and developer, and a manager of multifamily rental communities. HAUCDC also has an ongoing relationship with the City of Galveston. To date, they have received $467,000 in funding from the City of Galveston Home Investment Partners Program, which allows them to acquire, rehabili-

tate, and in some instances, completely reconstruct single family homes in Galveston. As home prices increase on Galveston island, helping low-income families afford a nice home has become a priority. HAUCDC is able to sell these homes at discounted rates, while also providing assistance with down payments and closing costs for low-income first time home buyers. (This particular program is available for low-income home buyers below 80 percent of the area median income,

adjusted for household size.) In April, HAUCDC completed construction of a single family home at the corner of Madden Lane and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard in the Crestmont Park neighborhood. To celebrate, they hosted an open house for neighbors, local business owners, and BBVA Compass, their lender.

If you would like more information about this event or the Houston Area Urban Community Development Corporation, please email b.rodriguez@ haucdc.org.

HAUCDC Improving Neighborhoods

Submitted by: Houston Area Urban Community Development Corporation

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Website: http://www.haucdc.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ haucdc

August 2016  21

What Matters?

By Charlotte Jackson


Contributing Writer

ust like most of you, the events of the past few weeks have taken a toll. I was in Denver last month, when once again our nation was rocked by violence. As I sat in a restaurant waiting on friends, the craziness of what was happening in Dallas was overshadowed by a violent altercation that I personally witnessed. It all started when a man of another race walked in and spoke to a female. Her friend attacked his friend with a box cutter, and it escalated from there. Blood was splattered and tensions were high. I found myself praying and being concerned about all involved and the employees working at the restaurant. One waitress told me that once marijuana was legalized in the state, many people moved to their city as if there was a gold rush. Rent increased, jobs became fewer, especially for those with less than a college degree, food pantries were running low, and crime was higher

than she had ever seen it. She cried as she shared that she could no longer afford her one bedroom apartment, and she and her two children were living in their car. My heart broke. I immedi-

ately wanted to know who watched her children while she worked. My heart was racing, wondering if any of it mattered to anyone other than her. By the time I walked to my hotel

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room, my loved ones had called to check on me (I had posted some of the events on Facebook). As I turned on the television and saw all of the reports from Dallas, I thought to myself about how we have become a society who did not care about each other. Several days later, I was back home and attending a monthly safety meeting with my congressman, community members, and law enforcement. As the police captain talked about the events in Dallas, one community member seemed really on edge. He asked, “Why should we respect the law? You all are killing us all the time.” You could feel tension, and with his mother sitting next to him, you could feel his pain. His mother was among the first to respond, “You better respect the police, because I taught you as a child to respect your elders and all forms of authority.” Others in the room took a deep breath. Her son went on to explain that at 41, he had lost too many people to respect the law. The captain, as well as other officers diffused what could have been an ugly situation, and I know it was the power of the prayers being lifted silently in the room. We need to listen to our younger generation. We must encourage them to become active and take a stand without using violence. Today, I encourage you to turn off the electronics and spend time listening to some young people. You will understand that they have many emotions they are waiting to share. Pray. Listen. Hug. Love.

22  August 2016

Knowledge is Power By d-mars.com News Provider


-mars.com takes pride in celebrating our history and culture every month, expanding the celebration and the need for awareness of our history beyond February. Though you may know your facts about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Thurgood Marshall, and they are both great leaders, what do you know beyond that? All Black history is important, but it’s also important to dig a little deeper and delve into the unknown or little known facts that have made an impact on our race, community, and country. Below are facts that you may not know as it relates to our history.

The earliest recorded protest against slavery was by the Quakers in 1688. Quakers, also known as “The Society of Friends,” have a long history of abolition. But it was four Pennsylvania Friends from Germantown who wrote the initial protest in the 17th century. They saw the slave trade as a grave injustice against their fellow man and used the Golden Rule to argue against such inhumane treatment; regardless of skin color, “we should do unto others as we would have done onto ourselves.” In their protest they stated, "Pray, what thing in the world can be done worse towards us, then if men should robb or steal us away, & sell us for slaves to strange Countries, separating housband from their wife and children….” Their protest against slavery and human trafficking was presented at a “Monthly Meeting at Dublin” in Philadelphia. The Dublin Monthly Meeting reviewed the protest but sent it to the

Quarterly Meeting, feeling it to be too serious an issue for their own meeting to decide. The four Friends continued their efforts and presented at the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, but it wasn’t until 88 years later that the Society of Friends officially denounced slavery. Over the centuries, this rare document has been considered lost twice. Most recently it was rediscovered in 2005 and is now at Haverford College Special Collections.

Before there was Rosa Parks, there was Claudette Colvin. Most people think of Rosa Parks as the first person to refuse to give up their seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. There were actually several women who came before her; one of whom was Claudette Colvin. It was March 2, 1955, when the fifteen-year-old schoolgirl refused to move to the back of the bus, nine months before Rosa Parks’ stand that launched the Montgomery bus boycott. Claudette had been studying Black leaders like Harriet Tubman in her segregated school, those conversations had led to discussions around the current day Jim Crow laws they were all experiencing. When the bus driver ordered Claudette to get up, she refused, “It felt like Sojourner Truth was on one side pushing me down, and Harriet Tubman was on the other side of me pushing me down. I couldn't get up." Claudette Colvin’s stand didn’t stop there. Arrested and thrown in jail, she was one of four women who challenged the segregation law in court. If Browder v. Gayle became the court case that successfully overturned bus segregation laws in both Montgomery and Alabama, why has Claudette’s story been largely

forgotten? At the time, the NAACP and other Black organizations felt Rosa Parks made a better icon for the movement than a teenager. As an adult with the right look, Rosa Parks was also the secretary of the NAACP, and was both well-known and respected – people would associate her with the middle class and that would attract support for the cause. But the struggle to end segregation was often fought by young people, more than half of which were women. Of the 12.5 million Africans shipped to the New World during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, fewer than 388,000 arrived in the United States. In the late 15th century, the advancement of seafaring technologies created a new Atlantic that would change the world forever. As ships began connecting West Africa with Europe and the Americas, new fortunes were sought and native populations were decimated. With the native labor force dwindling and demand for plantation and mining labor growing, the transatlantic slave trade began. The Transatlantic Slave Trade was underway from 1500-1866, shipping more than 12 million African slaves across the world. Of those slaves, only 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage. Over 400 years, the majority of slaves (4.9 million) found their way to Brazil where they suffered incredibly high mortality rates due to terrible working conditions. Brazil was also the last country to ban slavery in 1888. By the time the United States became involved in the slave trade, it had been underway for two hundred years. The majority of its 388,000 slaves arrived between 1700 and 1866, representing a much smaller percentage than most Americans realize.

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The diverse history of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. While Jewish and African American communities have a tumultuous shared history when it comes to the pursuit of civil rights, there is a chapter that is often overlooked. In the 1930s when Jewish academics from Germany and Austria were dismissed from their teaching positions, many came to the United States looking for jobs. Due to the Depression, xenophobia and rising anti-Semitism, many found it difficult to find work, but more than 50 found positions at HBCUs in the segregated South. Originally established to educate freed slaves to read and write, the first of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities was Cheyney University in Pennsylvania, established in 1837. By the time Jewish professors arrived, the number of HBCUs had grown to 78. At a time when both Jews and African Americans were persecuted, Jewish professors in the Black colleges found the environment comfortable and accepting, often creating special programs to provide opportunities to engage Blacks and whites in meaningful conversation, often for the first time. In the years that followed, the interests of Jewish and African American communities increasingly diverged, but this once-shared experience of discrimination and interracial cooperation remains a key part of the Civil Rights Movement. Knowledge is power. Source www.pbs.org

August 2016  23

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24  August 2016

What Is the Church Saying?


By Pastor Ogletree Contributing Writer

f any organization is dependent on communication, it is the church. Increase in membership is dependent on proclaiming and sharing the Good News and inviting people to visit the congregation. Making disciples (teaching people doctrine, principles, and promises) cannot take place without communication. Communication is necessary for the function of ministry. The present culture dictates that the church recognize communication is more crucial to its success of spreading God’s word than ever before. Statistics have revealed a decline in church attendance. Those who are affiliated with religious organizations, principally the major denominations, have decreased in number. The Pew Research Center's 2014 Religious Landscape Study found a trend in religiously unaffiliated people occurring across gender, generations, and racial and ethnic groups. This group of

Americans made up largely of Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) were given the name "nones." "Nones" now make up 23% of the population compared to 16% in 2007. The church must meet this challenge, and to meet it, the power of communication must be understood. Communication is defined as "imparting or interchange of thought, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or sign." Today, church communication can be done in countless ways. The message of Jesus Christ and what He is doing through a local congregation can be shared through websites, email, social media, mail-outs, and mass calling. Members can even use their smartphones to communicate with those outside of the church. These avenues allow thousands to be reached. This broad communication also includes signage on the church campus, brochures, bulletins, cards, and other marketing materials. The power of communication cannot be underestimated in this world of 24/7 fast-paced communication. Chris Hodges

of the Church of the Highlands recently did a session and spoke about this subject. His church has experienced phenomenal growth.

Pastor Hodges stressed these things about church communication: 1.  It is imperative that communication be CLEAR. 2.  For communication to be effective, it needs to be CONSISTENT. 3.  The church should strive for all communication to be COMPELLING. With all the means available to the church, we must never forget what was available in the Bible --- plain old word of mouth. It's been tried and proven that you can reach the lost in a dying world. John D. Ogletree, Jr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of First Metropolitan Church located at 8870 West Sam Houston Parkway N., Houston, TX 77040.

Is Your Communication Igniting Romance?


By Stella Alexander Contributing Writer

pending quality time together will help ignite romance and maintain your relationship. It’s a decision you choose to make, and no one else can do that but you. Focus on keeping love alive by being intentional and committed. Stop being predictable by doing the same old thing over and over, as this becomes hum drum and boring. Be impromptu and flexible. Spontaneity will help you ignite romance in your relationship. Many of you believe you don’t have the time to invest. I don’t agree. Decide to change your belief regarding investing in your relationship. Do a little research to find fun things to do over the weekend. There are new and fun activities happening in the town or city you are living in that you can do together (water park, couples mas-

sage, picnic at a park, an adventurous drive around town). If you still need help to find a way out of the dull life you’ve learned to settle for, start with a picnic on your living room floor. Put a table cloth on the floor, and serve dinner there. Add a candle for ambiance. Have your favorite songs playing that you loved when you met. Include some dance music. You can have breakfast together…just 20 minutes with good

easy conversation at least once a week. It is very important to turn off the cell phone when you are romancing your companion. The romantic poetry book “Spontaneity ~ The Essence Of Romance” has wonderful suggestions and loving poetry to help you ignite romance and maintain your relationship. I also recommend our couples date calendar Rejuvenating Relationships ~ One

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Date at a Time, to plan romantic memories. We at Rejuvenating Relationships are committed to helping you put down that remote control, put down that cell phone, get off the sofa, and IGNITE ROMANCE one date at a time. Stella Alexander is a poet, author, and speaker. Visit her on the web at www.stellaalexander.com.

August 2016  25

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26  August 2016

Silence Is Not Golden

allow fear or a seemingly impossible task to halt their ef- leadership skills) to educate youth forts. Simply not doing anything to change our society about the issues, and teach them is the worst option a person could choose. The silence ways to civically engage. •  If you are a writer or (no action) is the loudest thing an individual can say, because it says the person is content with the things go- poet, find a newspaper to ing on around them. Often times, people confuse ‘do- write for or perform a ing something’ with having to be a Martin Luther King, poem at a local open Jr. or a Malcolm X, but these individuals started some- mic night to bring where. They did not wait for fame nor did they allow awareness on commutheir ‘low’ place in society to stop them from addressing nity issues. the injustices they experienced. By Leah Rapley The deaths of Alton Sterling, Contributing Writer Philando Castile, the countless “If you are neutral in esmond Tutu’s quote ran across my other Black brothers and sisters Facebook feed as I read that another who died at the hands of the posituations of injustice, Black brother was murdered by an lice who abused their power, and you have chosen the individual who vowed to protect the slaughtering of officers makes side of the oppressor.” and serve the people, a police officer. this fight for justice appear hopeMany people confuse the term “op- less and unreachable. This is pressor” with white people or police officers, but in real- largely because it requires breakity, the actual oppressor is the system created to continue ing down systems of racism and oppression that have Regardless of to keep marginalized groups at the lowest rungs of so- held this country together for centuries. However, no what you do, ciety. It is not one specific person, but rather an unjust matter the feat, it is important to think about ways to make sure you act system that an individual decides to uphold or ignore. enact small change. in love. Because For the past few weeks, I have woken up to a timeline in the end, love filled with posts of sadness, rage, and confusion. These For people like myself who are scrambling conquers all, and long heartfelt messages are beautiful and necessary. hatred only incites However, it is not enough to write messages and share for solutions to the problem, here are a more hatred. posts about the events that unfolded recently. While few suggestions on how we can begin these social media posts raise awareness about the key addressing injustice in our communities: challenges in our society, it is far past the time for put•  If you are not fully aware, read a book to become ting our words into action. When we evaluate the civil educated about the history of police brutality and the rights movement, the women’s rights movement or the community in this country. Black Chicano movement, we see that it required people to •  Write or call your elected official/representative to take action for change. Change did not occur overnight. learn about the actions they are taking to help From a bird’s eye view, tackling issues of police brutaladdress issues in your community. ity and systemic racism in the judicial system appears •  If you are a teacher or responsible to be a daunting task. I am sure our predecessors might for developing young people, find have shared similar feelings whenever they imagined a ways (i.e. develop a curriculum society where Blacks could attend the same school as on social justice or teach them whites and women could vote. However, they did not


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August 2016  27

Community Network

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