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March 2017
Inspire, Inform & Educate
66th Edition
Sisters Network® Inc. Continues to Raise Awareness in the Community 8th Annual Stop the Silence 5K on Saturday, April 8, 2017 12, 25
06 The Black Press Played Vital Role in “Hidden Figures”
The American College Of Financial Services Launches Scholarship Fund To Help Close Racial Disparity In Profession
Dark And Lovely Celebrates 45 Years Of Catering To The Beauty Needs Of African American Women
2  |  March 2017
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March 2017 | 3
Publisher’s Message
Houston is one of the most diverse cities in the nation, and one of the best places to live. There is such a spirit of community in this city. It is not uncommon for Houstonians to rally together, no matter the cause, for the greater good of this city. I want to encourage you this month to get involved in the community. Be a part of what makes Houston great. This is our city. Together we can make a difference. This month’s cover is about Sisters Network® Inc. (SNI). The founder, Karen Eubanks Jackson has been at the forefront of this nation’s only African-American breast cancer survivorship organization. SNI is a relevant organization in the Houston community and around the
Behind the Journal
Vice President, Marketing Anita Bates SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES C.T. Foster Tiffany Black PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNER Angel Rosa Project Coordinator Taelor Smith DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ash Davito Charlotte A. Jackson Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Linda Lindsay Patricia Maryland, NNPA d-mars.com News Provider
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04 Faith-Based 04 King of My Destiny 04 Ever Evolving
Chief Operating Officer Kimberly Floyd
—Arthur Ashe
Publisher & CEO Keith J. Davis, Sr.
“Racism is not an excuse to not do the best you can.”
nation, raising awareness about breast cancer and the disease’s impact on African-American women. SNI is committed to increasing local and national attention to the devastating impact that breast cancer has in the African American community. One of the ways that the organization raises awareness is through their Annual Stop the Silence 5K. This highly attended event brings survivors, supporters, and the community together to help make a difference. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support us, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
06 Entertainment 06 The Black Press Played Vital Role in “Hidden Figures” 06 “The Talk” 07 Serena Williams and Muhammad Ali To Receive Jesse Owens Awards
08 Lifestyle 08 5 Reasons Ridesharing Is on the Rise 08 Breathe New Life 10 Community Spotlight 10 The Texas Alliance of Black School Educators Hosted Dining With Divas 12, 25 Cover Story 12, 25 Sisters Network® Inc. Continues to Raise Awareness in the Community 26 Foundations 26 NNPA Receives $1.5 Million Gates Grant for Education Campaign
• Business Journal • Health & Wellness Journal • Community Journal • Black Pages Online Business Directory • Top 50 Black Health, Medical & Wellness Professionals • Top 50 Black Professionals & Entrepreneurs • Top 30 Influential Women of Houston • Top 25 Prime & Subcontractors for Diversity • Business Connection • Business Development • Business Consulting • Graphic Design • Photography • Printing • Web Design • Online & Email Marketing • Public Relations • Social Media • Advertising • Writing • Promotional Marketing
26 Word Search 26 Women’s History Month Word Search 28 Nonprofit 28 Neonatal Mortality 29 The American College of Financial Services 30 Other News You Can Use 30 What Does That REALLY Mean? 30 Sanford Heisler’s Race Discrimination Class Action Against the U.S. Marshals Service 32 Dark and Lovely Celebrates 45 Years 32 Overlooked African Female Ruler Gets Her Due 34 National Black Farmers Association Scholarship Program 32 34 Scholastic to Publish Activism Book By Marley Dias
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4 | March 2017
King Of My Destiny By Ash Davito Contributing Writer
hen we think of kings and queens, we usually imagine leadership in a position of royalty. I have great news; WE ARE KINGS AND QUEENS OF OUR DESTINY! In my case, as a man, king is the title given to a male monarch in a variety of contexts. I choose to be king of my own destiny. It starts with our frame of mind and how we view ourselves. As human beings with free will, we have the choice to control our thoughts, which are usually followed by action(s). Spiritually, I believe there is no king higher ranked than Jesus Christ. On various occasions in the Bible, Jesus refers to us as His brothers and sisters. Meaning as believers, we inherited royalty through Christ by our faith in Him. As long as I can remember, I have always been able to inspire myself. Sometimes growing up, we lacked inspiration from others and sometimes received inspiration from the wrong people or things. I remember being told, "If you can think it, you can achieve it." That stuck with me throughout my life. It's very important that we first know who we are in heart and character. Secondly, it's important that we understand our destiny, where we are going, and why we are going there. Understanding your purpose will help inspire your dreams. Your faith will also inspire others to want to be a part of greatness or even help them unveil the greatness within themselves. Having faith in myself was very important for me as a young man growing up in Sunnyside, Texas. Once I experienced the Holy Spirit and started to build a relationship with God, I realized it was more important to have faith in the Lord. As a teenager, faith in myself helped me deal with hate and ignorance that most youth experience, by setting myself aside from following the crowd. My faith grew stronger as I studied the word of God, and that prepared me to have the strength to deal with anything life threw my way. In the movie business, we call it having "thick skin." I realize that I have an even bigger purpose than I imagined. I am a king, even if it's over my own household. I realized that everything I've been through in life has prepared me for greatness. Not only to reach my dreams, but to help others around me reach theirs. Faith in God also makes it easier for us, because we don't have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years like the Israelites did. At times we get so caught up and discouraged because we think that it's "us" doing great things and working out miracles on our own behalf, when in reality, it's God opening those doors for us through our faith in Jesus. Growing spiritually, I realize how special I am. I'm speaking for myself; however, this goes for you too! The Bible also says that we are the apple of God’s eye. Do you know what that means? I still think about that often. Think about how much you love your
spouse or children. God loves us much more than that! Thank you God! Regardless of our sinful nature, God chose to love us in spite of our downfalls. To know that the most powerful source in the universe is working on my behalf inspires me to dream bigger and to walk in the authority of a king sent to build God’s Kingdom of Heaven. When you feel that you are a king or queen, you start to carry yourself as such. You carry yourself with character and integrity. The anointing grows so strongly that you get favor from people you would never think would even recognize who you are. Others will get inspired by what you're doing and will see that you're not just doing things selfishly, but you're building the community. You're building God's Kingdom. I want to encourage you to be KING or QUEEN of your destiny! Step out on faith with every dream you have knowing that if God is for you, who could be against you. Don't waste time with people and hobbies that are keeping you from wearing your crown of destiny and armor of righteousness. Be the light that the world needs, and share the spirit of Christ with others. God judges our heart, so have pure and lovely thoughts when dealing with people, rather business or personal. We never know how our words and actions can change someone's life in a better way as we reach our destiny. To all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, see you at the top!
Ever Evolving By Charlotte A. Jackson Contributing Writer
iving in the outskirts of far East Harris County, I have seen so many changes in the last 45 years. When my father’s job transferred our family here in 1971, it was as if we lived such a distance from “the city,” yet we were always close enough to enjoy life in Houston. While there were a few Creole families that attended the same church as my family, it was not until the sixth grade that I had a Black classmate. Now at age nine, my granddaughter is one of a very small number of Caucasians in her entire school and in the same neighborhood. At the same time, as I grew up, all of my cousins were Caucasian. Now, my grandson is one of several biracial grandchildren in the family. Here I am, still living in the same zip code 45 years later. I grew up in a home where my parents were married 46 years before divorcing. Not only did my two marriages last shorter than my oldest son’s marriage, in its 10th year, but my younger son chose not to marry the mother of his son. My 24-year-old daughter left a week after graduating from high school and has lived in three states, as well as South Korea, before coming back to Houston. My father dropped out of college, needing only a handful of classes to graduate. However, my younger son did not just earn his Associate’s degree before the age of 22, but he earned two. At the age of 77, my mother can probably count the times she has attended church outside of her own religion on one hand. I was raised Catholic and saved in a Southern Baptist church. I was later led by the Holy Spirit to join a United Methodist Church to serve. My life is all about allowing God to use me to fulfill my purpose. It has been a life full of change. I now have an open mind to see things from another person’s perspective as well. There are things that I am truly passionate about, but I am also willing to listen to others and grow in wisdom. Growing up, the holidays, weekends, and vacations were quiet and included immediate family only. Raising my children, our weekends were full of activities, as well as countless holidays spent with extended family. In the past few years, it seems like I have traveled more with friends than family, but yet again, people who meet me, know that soon you are family. Looking back, I do not remember many hugs and probably fewer times of being told “I love you,” but those of you who follow me here in d-mars.com or know me, know that I am a hugger. My children joke that when I get to Heaven, I will probably push St. Peter out of the way and stand at the Pearly Gates to welcome people. And being blessed enough to be a part of the St. John’s Downtown family, it goes without saying, that hugs are natural. Like the familiar quote, “I love you and there is nothing you can do about it.” While there are some things that we need to remain constant in our lives, let’s never grow stagnant. Let’s be ready to change as needed to passionately fulfill the purpose God has for our lives.
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March 2017  |  5
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6 | March 2017
The Black Press Played Vital Role in “Hidden Figures” By Stacy M. Brown NNPA
n her book, “Hidden Figures,” author Margot Lee Shetterly pays homage to the AfricanAmerican women who worked as human computers in the space program. It’s a book that’s spawned an Academy Award-nominated movie and has brought to the fore the accomplishments of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, the brilliant Black women who worked at NASA serving as the brains behind America’s nascent space program starting in the 1950s. Inside the book, Shetterly also pays homage to where she first got the notion to write such a historical masterpiece. “In the first week of May 1942, the ‘Norfolk Journal and Guide’ published an article that would…be like a signpost for the road not taken,” Shetterly said. She even recalled the headline that accompanied the piece in one of the nation’s oldest African-American-owned newspapers. “Paving the Way for Women Engineers,” the headline blared. An accompanying photo revealed 11 immaculately dressed Black women in front of Hampton Institute’s Bemis Laboratory, graduates of Engineering for Women, a war training class. “‘The Journal and Guide’ and the ‘Pittsburgh Courier,’ two of the granddaddies of the Black Press, are mentioned prominently inside the hard cover copies of the book with a picture that dates back to the 1940s,” said Brenda Andrews, president, publisher and owner of “The New Journal and Guide.” The Journal and Guide published its first issues in 1900 and, during the World War II, by many accounts, was the largest Black employer in the South, according to Andrews. Its circulation topped 100,000 and Andrews said the
“Hidden Figures” author Margot Lee Shetterly (left) poses for a photo with New Journal and Guide publisher Brenda Andrews. (Ernest Lowery/New Journal and Guide)
newspaper joined others like the “Chicago Defender,” the “Baltimore Afro-American” and the “Pittsburgh Courier” in taking the lead in writing about Black interests and recording African-American history. “We were hidden figures ourselves until about the 1960s,” Andrews said of the Black Press in America, which this year celebrates 190 years in operation. “This story and how the author researched ‘Hidden Figures’ is an example of what the Black Press has been doing, which is recording Black history.” Andrews continued: “When I speak with people, even today in the 21st century, people are curious about the Black Press’ role. We were in the shadows in our community, doing the work, recording information.” Andrews said the Black Press wasn’t formerly recognized for its great journalism, seen mostly as underground activists. “Even today, we’re not properly recognized for recording that history. We were hidden in Black areas among Black people,” she said. “It came about that World War II was significant, because it was our activism that stories of segregated troops were told.” During World War II, the Black Press led the call for a “Double V” victory against fascism abroad and against Jim Crow in the United States. Reportedly, with such a slogan, many historians
regarded this campaign as the groundwork for the Black activism that characterized the Civil Rights Movement. Black newspapers, led by the “Norfolk Journal and Guide,” the “Chicago Defender,” the “Pittsburgh Courier” and the “AFRO,” took a conservative effort and channeled Black militancy into nationalistic ends. They sought government concessions and they looked to create a homogenous American identity that included Black citizens to resolve struggles for full citizenship, freedom, and racial justice. During World War II, the Journal and Guide reported regularly on soldiers serving overseas. The newspaper even sent correspondents into battle to report on heroism that rarely made the front pages of the mainstream papers. Embedded writers and photographers sent stories back home of patriotic service including reports from the U.S.S. Mason, one of only two U.S. Navy ships with an African-American crew. “It wasn’t until the 1960s and segregation [reform efforts] and the civil rights that Black newspapers came out of hiding,” Andrews said. Andrews added: “But, if it had not been for the Black Press in World War II telling our stories, much would have gone unknown. It’s very redeeming that our mission is recognized now.” With the success of the book and movie for “Hidden Figures,” Andrews believes history will continue to tell the glowing story of the Black Press. She said the current atmosphere makes it quite difficult to appreciate now, but it’s her hope that in the future, when individuals reflect, they will know that the Black Press did its job and well. “That’s why it’s important to tell our own stories and refuse to let others portray who we are,” said Andrews. “The Black Press isn’t just about news stories, we’re recording our history as only we can.”
Debut of Haunting Music Single “The Talk” Catapults Social Injustice from the Black Community into Communities Around the Country By d-mars.com News Provider
illennial artist and social justice activist, Whitney Parnell, emerges as a new voice in the Black community with the debut of "The Talk," a new music single and video. Composed and performed by Parnell, The Talk's soulful rhythm with its haunting "hands-up" lyrics expose the all too often frank dialogue African American families have about staying safe when interacting with law enforcement. The single is a preview to her soon-to-be-released upcoming album, "What Will You Do." "I'm passionate about promoting social justice as both a Black woman, and a citizen. I understand this particular problem first-hand, as this talk is traditional across Black households. Bringing awareness to that seemed like a more personal way to offer insight and perspective to other communities about the larger implications of this tradition," says Parnell. "When we understand others, we develop greater empathy, and empathy and awareness are key to promoting social justice—the abil-
ity for everyone to experience equality, inclusion, and opportunity to their fullest extent," she continued. "The purpose of 'The Talk' is to engage and educate all races through conversation. I'm hopeful—my generation is hopeful—that we won't have to have this 'talk' with our children in the future." "Healing a unit as a big as a country from a wound so deep as racial violence requires a lot of work. But it begins with our voices--opening our wounds and sharing where we are most vulnerable so that our communities can connect with and feel where there is pain," says Wes Moore, Author of The Other Wes Moore and The Work, and Co-Founder/ CEO of BridgeEdu. "The first step is connecting as many people as possible to the reality of these pains, and Whitney's song, 'The Talk,' accomplishes this with elegance and power. By making this intimate conversation public, she reclaims the divided voice of a movement with the harmony and love in a parent's prayers. Unity and strength in purpose is what we need to move forward, and 'The Talk,' takes us there." Recently recognized by NBC BLK as a rising voice of millennials, Parnell is
also the founder and CEO of the DCbased non-profit Service Never Sleeps (SNS). Proceeds from digital downloads will support SNS programs for citizens desiring to become social justice allies, young professionals and companies passionate about serving their communities, and non-profits in need of skillsbased services. "The Talk," produced by Opus One Studios, is currently available through major digital distribution channels including, Opus One Studios, iTunes, CDBaby, and Google Play. The social justice album "What Will You Do" is due out later this year. About the Artist: Whitney Parnell grew up between Latin America and West Africa as a Foreign Service child. At Washington University in St. Louis, she doubled majored in English and Spanish, and minored in Communications and Journalism, during which she also embraced her calling as a "professional humanitarian and social justice activist." Whitney's passion for service and social justice brought her to Washington, DC to serve with City Year, and then work in homeless services. Parnell founded Service Never Sleeps to create and promote
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a movement of service and allies by igniting quick social change through mass civic engagement and collaboration. Opus One Studios (O1S) is a socially conscious enterprise that produces creative products supporting social change and other worthy causes. O1S consumer products are offered in a variety of media formats and are available through a host of distribution channels. 100% of O1S profits are donated to a specified beneficiary for each product. Service Never Sleeps is a 501 c(3) that promotes the new term, "Allyship," based on that idea that citizens can be bridge-builders working together towards the common goal of ensuring equality, opportunity, and inclusion for everyone. SNS creates synergy between young professionals and corporations passionate about serving their community, local non-profits in need of skillsbased volunteerism. SNS also offers Allyship workshops that equip individuals and community groups with tools for being effective allies for supporting marginalized communities and actively influencing others. Source: Opus One Studios
March 2017 | 7
Serena Williams And Muhammad Ali To Receive Jesse Owens Awards By d-mars.com News Provider
he International Athletic Association (IAA) recently announced that iconic tennis star Serena Williams and legendary boxer Muhammad Ali are the recipients of the esteemed 2017 Jesse Owens Awards. The prestigious awards recognize sports legends who exemplify the ideals embodied by Olympian and humanitarian Jesse Owens: integrity, perseverance and service. This year's historic ceremony falls on the 81st anniversary of Jesse Owens' incomparable triumph at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where he won four gold medals and defeated Hitler's superiority ambitions. Herb Douglas Jr., bronze medalist in the 1948 London Olympics and protégé of Jesse Owens, co-founded the Award program with Owens' widow Ruth and their three daughters in 1981. They saw a need to honor Owens and created this annual, charitable celebration where the biggest sports icons of yesterday and today gather to continue his legacy. "Jesse Owens used the global stage of the Olympics and his status as a world-class athlete to make a considerable difference in the world," said Herbert P. Douglas, Jr., Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the International Athletic Association Board of Directors and oldest living African American Olympian. "We are thrilled to be recognizing Serena Williams who is one of the greatest athletes of our time and the quintessence of uncompromising sportsmanship."
JesseOwens OwensAthlete AthleteTrophy: Trophy: Jesse Williams, regarded by many as the best player to
grace the tennis court, will be honored with the Jesse Owens International Athlete Trophy. The award is presented annually to the world's best athlete as voted by a group of electors consisting of sports writers and experts across the world. Serena joins the ranks of past Owens trophy winners Carl Lewis, Greg Louganis, Sebastian Coe, Haile Gebrselassie, Edwin Moses, Vitali Scherbo, and Eric Heiden, among others.
JesseOwens OwensGlobal GlobalPeace PeaceAward: Award: Jesse Muhammad Ali, considered one of the most significant global sports figures of the 20th century, will posthumously receive the Jesse Owens Global Award for Peace. The three-time heavyweight boxing champion's achievements in the ring were arguably exceeded by the symbol of peace and justice he came to represent outside of it. Over time, he became a revered international hero. In 1984, Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and he passed away in June of 2016. His family will accept the Award in his honor. The gala, a touchstone annual event celebrating the intersection of athletic achievement and ethical sportsmanship, will take place on Thursday, April 27, 2016 at Jazz at Lincoln Center. All proceeds go to the Jesse Owens Scholarship Fund at Ohio State and the Herb Douglas Jr. Scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh. For more information, please visit JesseOwensGala.com.
About International Athletic Association Jessethe Owens Global Peace Award:
The International Athletic Association (IAA) is a non-profit organization established to promote and to encourage universal values of fairness, integrity, uncompromising sportsmanship and excellence in athletic competition. Committed to keeping alive the spirit, heart, and qualities of world renowned US Olympian, Jesse Owens, the IAA hosts the Jesse Owens International Trophy Award Gala to support youth and aspiring Olympic athletes. The International Athletic Association (IAA) was co-founded by US Olympian Herbert Douglas Jr., to honor his friend and mentor, Jesse Owens.
Aboutthe theJesse JesseOwens OwensFoundation Foundation About The Jesse Owens Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote the development of youth to their fullest potential. Established in 1980 by friends and family after the untimely death of Jesse Owens, the foundation perpetuates the ideals and life's work of this Olympic champion and humanitarian. The Jesse Owens Foundation seeks to perpetuate the spirit and beliefs of Jesse Owens through its support of The Ruth and Jesse Owens Scholars Program at The Ohio State University. This program provides services to graduating high school seniors with untapped potential to develop their talents, broaden their horizons, and to help them become better citizens. Currently, The Foundation serves as a resource for information and referral on the life and legacy of Jesse Owens and provides its services on a competitive basis without regard for race, creed, color, national origin, or sex. Source: International Athletic Association
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8 | March 2017
5 Reasons Lifestyle
Breathe New Life By Linda Lindsay Contributing Writer
et me introduce you to a new way of thinking when it comes to making a change in your home. Breathe new life, by renovating the bathrooms in your home. First things first, choose a good contractor. I highly suggest selecting a contractor through a referral. However, if it is a contractor you have chosen, make sure you have seen at least two completed jobs. The nightmare of renovation can cause so much stress, along with costing quite a bit of extra money if you do not get a thorough scope of work with timelines for completion. Start with the master bathroom of the house when it comes to renovating bathrooms. Create a space well-designed to be able to relax in. The replacement of tubs with a walk-in shower/sauna is the newest trend. If you are not replacing a standard tub with a deep luxury upgraded deep tub, then work with a designer who gives you the best f loor plan for your new space. If you can remove a closet, then you can have both.
Below are are a few breathe Below few of ofmy mytips tipstoto breathe newlife life into into your new yourbathroom: bathroom:
Ridesharing Is on the Rise By d-mars.com News Provider
he rideshare industry has exploded in popularity over the past several years, with companies devoted to making transportation safe, reliable and enjoyable. At the swipe of a finger and tap of a button, you can hail a car through your smartphone. Within minutes, you are picked up at your desired location and whisked off to your final destination, whether it's the grocery store, movie theater or the hottest restaurant in town. Here are five reasons why millions of Americans are requesting a ride every day: 1. Owning and maintaining a car is expensive. At more than $9,000 per year, per household, a car is the second most expensive purchase Americans make, yet the average car in the U.S. gets only 4 percent utilization per day. The rideshare industry was born from the idea that by pairing drivers and passengers headed in the same general direction, not only is traffic significantly reduced, but car ownership ultimately becomes optional when you know you have a ride you can rely on. 2. It's a safe way to get around. While pairing drivers and passengers who don't know each other might seem unorthodox, thanks to stringent background checks, car safety checks and real-time ride tracking, hopping in an on-demand ride has become commonplace for people across the country. In fact, Lyft, the fastest growing rideshare service, currently covers 55 percent of the U.S. population, meaning 177 million people are able to request a safe, reliable ride every day. By the end of 2017, that number will increase to 231 million, or 72 percent of the country. 3. Ridesharing promotes community and eco-
nomic growth. Not only is it an efficient way to get from point A to point B, ridesharing connects both people and communities. In 2016 alone, more than 162.5 million Lyft rides were taken. This opens the door for people who wouldn't normally cross paths to share a car together. Drivers get to drop off passengers in neighborhoods they might not regularly venture to, and business owners serve customers that previously didn't have easy access to their location. Ridesharing is a powerful driver of economic growth, encouraging local spending and pumping money back into the enrichment of neighborhoods. 4. As a driver, ridesharing provides an excellent source of income. Be it primary or supplementary, driving provides flexibility and allows people to own their schedules, clocking in and out when they want, where they want. From coast to coast, teachers, retirees, aspiring musicians and everyone in between is using ridesharing as a source of income. Lyft is the only platform that allows passengers to tip, with more than $150 million dollars going directly into the pockets of their drivers. 5. On-demand transportation is proven to reduce drunk driving. According to a recent study, 88 percent of passengers say they are more likely to avoid driving while impaired because of Lyft, and 53 percent of passengers use the platform to safely get friends and family home who are intoxicated. One tap of a button ultimately leads to saving lives by reducing the number of intoxicated drivers on the road. Whether you're a passenger or driver, ridesharing seeks to get you where you want to go, be it a final destination or a financial goal. Local communities deserve friendly, safe transportation they can rely on, and the rideshare industry is close to making that a reality for all people. – BPT
• Select a customized shower door. • Add dramatic lighting fixtures. • Add speakers for music. • Select tiles that reflect your personality. • Choose classical style tiles. • Paint cabinets and add new hardware on cabinets. • Change the faucets. • Upgrade the counter tops with granite or marble. • Replace traditional sinks with vessel sinks. You may not believe it, but the bathroom is a space that can be filled with personality. Really think about spending your budget on beautiful tiles since this room has the smallest square footage in the home. Using dramatic hanging light fixtures along with wall lighting will make a real statement. Hire an artistic painter to create a decorative paint finish or add wallpaper to enhance the character in this space. Your sink and faucets should also be unique. When it comes to the guest bathroom, it should ref lect a simple yet dynamic design. The color of this bathroom should be welcoming and easy on the eyes. This is where your decorative accessories come into play. Place fresh f lowers in this bathroom as often as possible. Try a special fabric shower curtain and pay special attention to towels and soaps. Treat your guests to a spalike experience, having sponges, bath brushes, and bath salts on display for easy use. The rugs in this room should feel as soft as can be. Make sure you have a dimmer switch for lighting. Bathrooms will create a new life of luxury! For more information, contact Linda Lindsay of Designing Your Lifestyle at 347-731-1020.
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March 2017  |  9
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10 | March 2017
Community Spotlight
The Texas Alliance of Black School Educators Hosted Dining With Divas
Improving the Educational Achievement of African-American Students By Julia Andrews
he Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) affirms the inherent worth, dignity, and educability of AfricanAmerican people. TABSE challenges forces, which obstruct the achievement, development, and educational opportunities of youth and adults. African-American children throughout the United States encounter problems that are directly related to their minority group status. It is the mission of TABSE to enhance and facilitate their education. As with its mission, TABSE is an affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). TABSE continues to be committed to the improvement of the academic achievement of our students through events and initiatives. A recent initiative was the TABSE 3rd Annual Dining With Divas event. TABSE works diligently to increase the participation and expansion of Texas affiliates. TABSE further believes in identifying and promoting activities designed to sensitize the public-at-large and educators, specifically to the needs of African-American students in academic and non-academic areas of development. The recent Dining With Divas experience provided women and the next generation of female leadership a unique opportunity to dine and have intimate conversation with honorees or “Divas” on how to achieve goals and turn dreams into reality. The distinguished group of honorees were dynamic female leaders from various fields who shared their journey, providing hope and motivation on how to navigate through obstacles in the professional workplace and achieve success in executive leadership positions. If the goals of equity, adequacy, and a quality education are to be achieved for African-American children, it is most important that the community join together to provide them with an educational environment that strengthens and nurtures them for the world’s society. Dining With Divas was one of those initiatives helping to improve the educational achievement of African-American students. For more information on the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators, please visit www.tabse.net.
Photo Credit: Ray Kennerson
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March 2017  |  11
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12 | March 2017
Together We Can M Join the 8th Annual By d-mars.com News provider
ince founding Sisters Network® Inc. (SNI) in 1994, Karen Eubanks Jackson has been at the forefront of the nation’s only AfricanAmerican breast cancer survivorship organization. SNI is a relevant organization in the Houston community and around the nation, raising awareness about breast cancer and the disease’s impact on African-American women. More than just an organization, SNI is a movement to help ensure that African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer receive the support and quality medical care that they need and deserve. SNI is committed to increasing local and national attention to the devastating impact that breast cancer has in the African American community. One of the ways that the organization raises awareness is through their Annual Stop the Silence 5K. This highly attended event brings survivors, supporters, and the community together to help make a difference. Jackson, also a breast cancer survivor and CEO of SNI, uses her true life’s mission to educate, empower, and support the African-American woman’s breast cancer movement. Under her direction, the organization has implemented nationally recognized outreach initiatives. With over 40 affiliate chapters of SNI, they are able to provide support to African-American women across this nation. SNI continues to reach the target group of African-American women around the nation with the help of partners and affiliate chapters. SNI is a safe haven and the voice in the African-American women’s fight against breast cancer.
SistersNetwork® Network®Inc.’s Inc.’s Sisters Programs Include Programs Include • Breast Cancer Assistance Program (BCAP) • Teens 4 Pink (T4P) • The Young Sisters Initiative: A Guide to a Better You • Gift for Life Block Walk® • Pink Ribbon Awareness Initiative
AmericanCancer CancerSociety® Society® American Breast Cancer Facts Breast Cancer Facts Deaths Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death among black women, surpassed only by lung cancer.
Karen Eubanks Jackson Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
March 2017 | 13
Make a Difference!
Stop the Silence 5K in stage at diagnosis, obesity and comorbidities, and tumor characteristics, as well as access, adherence, and response to highquality cancer treatment.
An estimated 6,310 deaths from breast cancer are expected to occur among black women in 2016. Breast cancer death rates among black women increased from 1975 to 1991, but declined thereafter as a result of improvements in both early detection and treatment. Prior to the mid-1980s, breast cancer death rates for white and black women were similar. However, a larger increase in black women from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s, followed by a slower decline, has resulted in a widening disparity. Since 1990, breast cancer death rates dropped 23% in black women compared to a 37% drop in white women. As a result, breast cancer death rates in the most recent time period (2008-2012) are 42% higher in black women compared to white women, despite similar incidence rates. Higher death rates among black women likely reflects a combination of factors, including differences
Survival and Stage Distribution The overall 5-year relative survival rate for breast cancer diagnosed in 2005-2011 was 80% for black women compared to 91% for white women. This difference can be attributed to both later stage at detection and poorer stage-specific survival among black women. Only about half (52%) of breast cancers in black women are diagnosed at a local stage, compared to 63% in white women. Later stage at diagnosis among black women has been largely attributed to lower frequency of and longer intervals between mammograms, and lack of timely follow-up of abnormal results. Lower stagespecific survival has been explained in part by unequal access to and receipt of prompt, high-quality treatment among black women compared to white women. There is also evidence that aggressive tumor characteristics are more common in breast cancers diagnosed in black women than other racial/ethnic groups. For example, 22% of breast cancers in black women are referred to as triple negative (ER-, PR-, and HER2-) compared to 10-12% of those among women of other races/ethnicities in the US. These proportions are even higher among premenopausal black breast cancer patients. Triple negative breast cancers are more aggressive and have poorer prognosis, in part because there are currently no targeted therapies for these tumors. Some studies suggest black women are more likely to be diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer as a result of African ancestry, while others find the cause to be related more to certain behavioral risk factors, such as reproductive patterns that are relatively more common in black women (including giving birth to more than one child, early age at first pregnancy, and lower rates of breastfeeding).
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Prevention All women can help reduce their risk of breast cancer by avoiding weight gain and obesity (for postmenopausal breast cancer), engaging in regular physical activity, and minimizing alcohol intake. Women should consider the increased risk of breast cancer associated with combined estrogen and progestin hormone therapy use when evaluating treatment options for menopausal symptoms. In addition, recent research indicates that long-term, heavy smoking may also increase breast cancer risk, particularly among women who start smoking before their first pregnancy. Jackson is a recognized breast cancer expert, nationally and internationally. She is highly sought after to share her perspective on the state of breast cancer in the African American community. She has been a featured speaker at the U.S. Army’s Comprehensive Breast Cancer Center in Germany, the National Congressional Black Caucus and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as other organizations. Jackson has been featured in numerous national newspapers, magazines, television, radio programs and Internet media outlets, inclusive of the Huffington Report, Essence, New York Times, Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, Ebony, Web MD, Black Enterprise, Breast Cancer Wellness, Tom Joyner Morning Show and numerous local media outlets. Jackson is a published co-author of several works. Jackson is a visionary and leader in the African-American breast cancer movement. Visit the American Cancer Society® at www.cancer.org for more facts on breast cancer. To help Sisters Network® Inc. continue to raise awareness and to see how you can participate in the 8th Annual Stop the Silence 5K on April 8, 2017, please visit www.sistersnetworkinc.org.
14 | March 2017
NNPA Receives $1.5 Million Gates Grant for Education Campaign By Stacy M. Brown NNPA
hen civil rights icon Dr. Benjamin Chavis was named president and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), he remained true to form, touting the Black Press as the uncensored, objective and unflinching media voice. On that sun-soaked day in June 2014 in Portland, Oregon, Chavis proclaimed his eagerness to deliver “trusted, sustainable and innovative relationships for the NNPA.” It didn’t take long. Under Chavis’ leadership, the organization has increased its visibility and has continued to carve out a name as a trusted and respected news source. Now, the NNPA, a network of 211 Black-owned media companies, has received a $1.5 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support a three-year, multi-media public awareness campaign focusing on the unique opportunities and challenges of the recently enacted Every Student Succeeds Act – or ESSA. “The NNPA is pleased to partner with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to raise public awareness throughout the United States about the ESSA,” Chavis said. “Bridging the academic achievement gap in education K-12 in particular for African-American students and others from disadvantaged communities is of critical importance over the next several years.” Chavis noted that, in 2017, the Black Press in America will celebrate 190 years
in publishing and there’s no more important issue than the education of students from communities who cry out for the highest quality education. “The ESSA law was established to help increase the effectiveness of public education in every state,” said Chavis. “Our task is to inform, inspire, and encourage parents, students, teachers, and administrators to fulfill the intent and objectives of ESSA with special focus on those students and communities that have been marginalized and underserved by the education system across the nation.” Under the ESSA, states will adhere to more flexible federal regulations that provide for improved elementary and secondary education in the nation’s public schools. The law also ensures that every child, regardless of race, income, background, or where they live have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. ESSA, which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary School Act (ESEA) and replaces No Child Left Behind, received bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Barack Obama on December 10, 2015. The regulations are administered by the U.S. Department of Education and will go into effect later this month, on January 30. With the Gates Foundation grant, NNPA will engage its 211-member publications in more than 70 markets across the country in a campaign designed to heighten public awareness of ESSA, and to focus on efforts and policies aimed at closing the achievement gaps for students of color and low-income students, Chavis said. By raising awareness of ESSA policies,
Dr. Benjamin Chavis, the president and CEO of the NNPA, says that by raising awareness of ESSA policies, the NNPA seeks to empower parents to advocate for these policies for their students and communities.
the Washington, D.C.-headquartered NNPA seeks to empower parents to advocate for these policies for their students and communities, he said. Additionally, for opinion leaders, this is a tremendous opportunity to support policies and issues that will make a difference in closing the achievement gap, Chavis said. “The ESSA grant is critical to improving education for minorities,” said Dr. Elizabeth V. Primas, the project manager for the NNPA/ESSA grant and director of Literacy and Acceleration at the Friendship Public Charter Schools. Primas has a lifelong history of achievement in teaching and leadership within D.C. public schools. “Despite past laws, many minorities have been left behind,” said Primas. “NNPA will be instrumental in ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the components in the ESSA law that will increase the number of students that are college ready.” Specifically, the NNPA will research state efforts to ensure success for all students, gather feedback while conducting forums, and maintain multiple plat-
forms to keep the community informed, she said. “For the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to give the grant to NNPA to fund a 36-month multi-media public awareness campaign focused on the unique benefits and challenges of ESSA to the African-American community, means that the Gates Foundation understands and appreciates the value, reach, and influence of NNPA,” Primas said. NNPA Chairperson and Washington Informer Publisher Denise Rolark Barnes said she is proud that NNPA will be counted on to get the word out about ESSA to the NNPA’s 20 million newspaper readers and those who Follow and Like the Black Press USA on social media. “We look forward to inciting interest and action around ESSA and making it a household name throughout the community,” Rolark Barnes said, noting Obama’s words when he signed the bill into law. Obama said: “With this bill, we reaffirm that fundamentally American ideal – that every child, regardless of race, income, background, the zip code where they live, deserves the chance to make of their lives what they will.” In a statement, Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, and Congressman Bobby Scott (D-Va.), ranking member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, said passing ESSA was a “critical step in our work to make sure all children have access to a high-quality public education, no matter where they live, how they learn, or how much money their parents make.”
Word Search
Enjoy this month’s word search, which is a tribute to Women’s History Month!
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March 2017  |  15
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16 | March 2017
Neonatal Mortality: The Quiet Crisis of the African-American Community By Patricia Maryland, Dr.PH NNPA
n my years working in healthcare, I have been blessed to see patients celebrate happy moments, but I have also witnessed times of profound grief. The loss of a baby is one such example that deals a devastating blow to our families, healthcare providers, communities and nation as a whole. Most newborns grow and thrive, but in the United States, almost six out of every 1,000 babies die during their first year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many of these deaths occur in the neonatal phase of development — the critical period from birth to 28 days of life in which babies are more vulnerable to disease, infection and other complications. No mother, family or community in our country should have to endure the pain of losing a child. It’s all the more shocking to learn that African-American mothers lose a child before their first month of life at more than twice the rate of white women — the highest rate of any racial group, according to the CDC. In some states, the equity gaps are even wider. These figures should sound the alarm for all Americans, especially AfricanAmericans, policy makers, healthcare providers and community leaders. This cannot be our quiet crisis any longer. There are real lives at stake. It will take all of us, working together, to ensure African-American babies born in America have every opportunity to thrive. Here are five steps we can take to get there:
Access Access Increasing access to quality, timely and affordable healthcare is critical to our mission. African-American mothers who lost an infant were 2.3 times more likely than White mothers to not begin prenatal care until the third trimester, or not receive prenatal care at all, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
CulturallyCompetent CompetentCare Care Culturally The factors that influence neonatal health are myriad and complex, but we must continue our efforts to build a culture of health in the Black community — one that competently serves the unique needs of mothers on their pregnancy journey and ensures they are at
her healthiest even before they conceive. This work requires healthcare providers enhance our outreach to communities of color to forge bridges of understanding among medical professionals and the patients they serve — relationships we know lead to better health outcomes across the board.
the yardstick by which we measure the prosperity of our country and communities. Fortunately, we have made great gains in reducing high rates of neonatal mortality. But there is still more work to do to address equity gaps for African-Americans. It will take a comprehensive, coordinated effort to eliminate this quiet crisis. By working together, we have reasons to hope for a future in which African-American babies survive, thrive and lead our communities into the future.
EarlyIntervention Intervention Early Caring for healthy Black babies begins before conception and continues throughout a mother’s prenatal and post-partum experience. Early care interventions are critical if we are to address and prevent neonatal and infant mortality, because they allow us to address conditions that could lead to poor birth outcomes. Hypertension — a disease that disproportionately affects African-Americans and can cause serious birth complications — is one such disease that can be managed through a mother’s ongoing relationship with her healthcare provider.
Patricia A. Maryland, the president of Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer for Ascension Health says that will take all of us, working together, to ensure African-American babies born in America have every opportunity to thrive.
Self-Empowerment Self-Empowerment Importantly, African-American mothers must take full ownership of their healthcare experience. That means taking advantages of every opportunity to access proactive preconception, prenatal and post-partum care, and feeling empowered to ask questions. Understanding what’s normal, when to be concerned and when to call a doctor is the No. 1 thing African-American women can do to ensure their babies are born and stay healthy.
HealthyCommunities Communities Healthy More cities and neighborhoods are waking up to the notion that where you live has a significant impact on your health. Addressing environmental and social factors of health — such as nutrition, stress, substance abuse and domestic safety — will do more than improve the lives of mothers and babies. Its impacts will be felt throughout the community. Healthy Neighborhoods Detroit, an Ascension Michigan program, provides a powerful example of a community building its capacity to address holistic health needs. By integrating healthcare, education, grocery access and affordable housing in some of the city’s most blighted areas, the effort is creating nerve centers where all residents can access the services they need. The health of our youngest citizens is Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication
Patricia A. Maryland, Dr.PH, is the President of Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer for Ascension Health, the healthcare delivery subsidiary of Ascension, the nation’s largest non-profit and largest Catholic health system.
March 2017 | 17
The American College Of Financial Services Launches Scholarship Fund To Help Close Racial Disparity In Profession Part of Broader Effort to Double the Number of African American Financial Advisors in Ten Years By d-mars.com News Provider
he American College of Financial Services, the nation's only non-profit, accredited college devoted to financial services, has launched a scholarship program aimed at increasing the number of African Americans in the financial services profession. This fund is part of a broader coalition effort to double the number of African American financial advisors over the next decade. According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 7.6 percent of financial advisors are African American, despite the fact that African Americans account for about 13 percent of the nation's population. To challenge this, The American College African American Scholarship program is bringing awareness to and helping close the
racial gap by providing African American students who are in college, just completing their college work, as well as career changers with an opportunity to earn a professional credential and find work in financial services. The scholarships will cover 100 percent of the cost to obtain a professional designation from The American College of Financial Services for applicants who are accepted into the program. To kick off the effort, The American College of Financial Services is providing scholarship funding of $200,000. With the help of individual and corporate partners, the goal is for the fund to grow into the millions. Additionally, The College's President and CEO Dr. Robert Johnson is challenging stakeholders throughout the financial services community – from
academic institutions to professional associations and financial services companies – to work together to reach the goal of doubling the number of African American financial advisors in the next 10 years. "One of the biggest problems facing the financial services profession is a profound lack of diversity," said Dr. Johnson. "We believe all of us in this field have more work to do in recruiting, educating, placing, and supporting thousands more African American financial advisors. The face of this profession needs to change, and the change can start right now if all of us pull together." "Overall, Americans are woefully underprepared for retirement, and for African Americans it's even worse," said Professor Jocelyn Wright, who helped create the fund and is an assistant professor at
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the College. "If there were more black advisors providing financial services in black communities, then more black families would be better prepared for retirement. One of the major objectives of this scholarship program and the larger effort to double the number of African American advisors over the next decade is to help address that retirement crisis." The College intends to award scholarships by the end of the year. For more information about the scholarship program, go to theamericancollege.edu/double2027.
AboutThe TheAmerican AmericanCollege Collegeofof About FinancialServices Services Financial The American College of Financial Services is the nation's largest non-profit educational institution devoted to financial services. Holding the highest level of academic accreditation, The College has served as a valued business partner to banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies and others since 1927. The American College faculty represents some of the financial services profession's foremost thought leaders. For more information, visit TheAmericanCollege.edu. Source: The American College of Financial Services
18 | March 2017
What Does That REALLY Mean
What Does That REALLY Mean? Meaning Prim and proper, with a cool demeanour
By d-mars.com News Provider
here are so many phrases and words that we have heard growing up, but do we really know the meaning behind them? Below are some familiar words and phrases and their meanings. Enjoy as we take you back!
PHRASES&&MEANINGS MEANINGS PHRASES A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Meaning It’s better to have a lesser but certain advantage than the possibility of a greater one that may come to nothing. Origin This proverb refers back to mediaeval falconry where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was a valuable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link Meaning The proverb has a literal meaning, although the ‘weakest link’ referred to is figurative and usually applies to a person or technical feature rather than the link of an actual chain. Origin It is clearly a literal fact that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The conversion of that notion into a figurative phrase was established in the language by the 18th century. Baby blues Meaning Feelings of depression or anxiety, experienced by some mothers following childbirth. Origin Had anyone mentioned ‘baby blues’ prior to WWII they would have been thought to have been talking about color - specifically the color of someone’s eyes. Most babies are born with blue eyes due to a lack of the melanin pigment until sometime after birth. The use of the term ‘baby blues’ to mean eyes is a natural development, which came about in the USA in the early 20th century. Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth
Origin The allusion in this expression is to people who maintain such a cool demean or that they don’t even have the warmth to melt butter. Whipper snapper Meaning A diminutive or insignificant person, especially a sprightly or impertinent youngster. Origin ‘Whipper snapper’ is now a rather archaic term and, although you might hear it in black and white British films, those who are young and streetwise enough to actually be whipper snappers aren’t likely to use it. ‘Whipper snappers’ were known by various names, all of them derived from the habit of young layabouts of hanging around snapping whips to pass the time. Worth one’s salt Meaning To be effective and efficient; deserving of one’s pay. Origin Sodium chloride, a.k.a. salt, is essential for human life and, until the invention of canning and refrigeration, was the primary method of preservation of food. Not surprisingly, it has long been considered valuable. To be ‘worth one’s salt’ is to be worth one’s pay. Our word salary derives from the Latin salarium, (sal is the Latin word for salt). There is some debate over the origin of the word salarium, but most scholars accept that it was the money allowed to Roman soldiers for the purchase of salt. Roman soldiers weren’t actually paid in salt, as some suggest. They were obliged to buy their own food, weapons etc. and had the cost of these deducted from their wages in advance. Dark horse Meaning Someone who emerges to prominence; being previously little known. Origin This was originally horse racing parlance. A dark horse was one that wasn’t known to the punters and was difficult to place odds on. The figurative use later spread to other fields and has come to apply to anyone who comes under scrutiny but is previously little known.
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Sanford Heisler’s Race Discrimination Class Action Against the U.S. Marshals Service Advances Closer to Trial By d-mars.com News Provider
ecently the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Administrative Judge Sharon E. Debbage Alexander granted Sanford Heisler’s motion to amend the complaint in Fogg v. Department of Justice. The EEOC also affirmed the expanded class definition and authorized a discovery period extension. Based on this ruling, the class now comprises all current and former African American Deputy U.S. marshals and detention enforcement officers working for the DOJ from January 23, 1994 through the present. Sanford Heisler won a revival of Fogg’s initial claims in mid-2013, securing certification of a class of African American federal marshals dating back to July 1994. “These decisions level the playing field for federal employees who have routinely been treated with derision and disrespect,” said David Sanford, Chairman and co-founder of Sanford Heisler. “They have been waiting for justice from the DOJ for 23 years. We look forward to a class trial in Washington, D.C. next year.” Fogg’s 1994 class action complaint asserts the U.S. Marshals Service hires white employees at a higher rate than African American employees and its African American employees receive disproportionately harsher punishments than their white counterparts for similar infractions. It also asserts the Service intentionally delays processing discrimination complaints by African American employees and that white employees receive preferential access to special assignments.
AboutSanford SanfordHeisler, Heisler,LLP LLP About Sanford Heisler, LLP is a public interest class-action litigation law firm with offices in New York, Washington, D.C, San Francisco and San Diego. Our attorneys have amassed extensive experience litigating cases that have earned over one billion dollars for our clients. The Firm specializes in civil rights and general public interest cases, representing plaintiffs with employment discrimination, labor and wage violations, predatory lending, whistleblower, consumer fraud, and other claims. Along with a focus on class actions, the firm also represents individuals and has achieved particular success in the representation of executives and attorneys in employment disputes. For more information go to http://www.sanfordheisler.com/ or call 202 4995200 or email dsanford@sanfordheisler.com. For the latest news visit our newsroom or follow us on Twitter at @sanfordheisler For more information - Jamie Moss, newsPRos, 201-493-1027, jamie@newspros.com Source: Sanford Heisler, LLP
Source: www.phrases.org.uk
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March 2017  |  19
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20 | March 2017
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Other News You Can Use
Dark and Lovely Celebrates 45 Years Overlooked African of Catering to the Beauty Needs of Female Ruler Gets African American Women Her Due By d-mars.com News Provider
Dark and Lovely Commemorates 45 Years of Beauty with Brand Ambassadors Teyonah Parris and Demetria McKinney, The Tom Joyner Foundation and its 2017 Scholarship Recipients By d-mars.com News Provider
ark and Lovely, the brand that caters to the hair care and styling needs of women of color, recently celebrated the kick-off of its 45th Anniversary with a commemorative event in New York City. The festivities which, highlighted Dark and Lovely’s rich heritage and impact within the African American community, was attended by leading beauty media and influencers. Dark and Lovely was introduced 45 years ago as the first hair color product formulated specifically for African American women. Now, decades later, Dark and Lovely has grown to include a complete collection of deep conditioning treatments, shampoos, faderesistant hair colors, relaxers, stylers and a full line of products specifically designed for naturally curly hair. Most recently Dark and Lovely Au Naturale, which takes the guesswork out of styling and caring for natural hair, was introduced to consumers with curly, wavy, kinky and coiled hair textures. “Since its inception in 1972, Dark and Lovely has helped women of color embrace their unique and highly individual styles, by offering innovative products and technology exclusively designed to meet their needs,” said Melinda Johnson, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, Dark and Lovely. “Regardless of hair type – whether naturally curly, straight, colortreated or in a protective style – we pride ourselves on offering an array of regimens and treatments to manage these hair styles and textures.” “I am thrilled to be able to help Dark and Lovely celebrate their 45th anniversary and I am so excited to be the newest brand ambassador,” said actress Teyonah Parris. “I grew up using Dark and Lovely products and I’m so proud to be able to represent the brand as an ambassador. It is a privilege to celebrate this significant milestone during Black History Month.” As part of the Young Women with a Purpose Project, and in partnership with The Tom Joyner Foundation, the brand awarded five dynamic students with scholarships totaling $10,000 and assigned them to L’Oréal USA senior-level executives, who will serve
as mentors throughout the school year. Scholarship winners include: Ashani Scales of Delaware State University, Renea Young of Mississippi Valley State University, Hollye Weekes of Wiley College, as well as Kimberly Burton and Cherise McAdoo of Hampton University. Thomas Joyner Jr., president and CEO of the Tom Joyner Foundation, said this program is a great opportunity for these students. “We’re really glad that these outstanding students from HBCUs are getting a oncein-lifetime experience to get scholarships to help them complete their education, and to get mentors who will help them succeed today – and in their careers.” In this anniversary year, Dark and Lovely has also launched two new collections: Dark and Lovely Color-Gloss Ultra Radiant Color Crème, a noammonia natural-looking hair color infused with Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Pomegranate, that gives natural looking color, while delivering a glossy shine—and Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Clumping Curl Clay Cleanser and Clumping Curl Crème Gel, a care and styling duo formulated with Coconut Oil and Argan Oil, to help define naturally curly hair and reduce frizz. “Reflecting back on the past 45 years fills me with tremendous pride,” says Erica Bowen, Senior Vice President, Marketing, L’Oreal USA Multi-Cultural Beauty Division. “This brand has been a staple within the African American community; and we are proud to have established a long-lasting, trusted relationship with our core consumer. While we celebrate Dark and Lovely’s rich heritage, we’re excited to continue to elevate the brands innovation and offerings to meet the growing needs of women of color.” “To have 45 years of excellence, to have 45 years of beauty, to have 45 years of empowerment – that’s what Dark and Lovely is,” said actress and singer Demetria McKinney. “To be a brand ambassador for this brand has been an awesome, awesome journey!” For more information about Dark and Lovely, visit DarkAndLovely.com or follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Also, follow the trend with #WEAREDARKANDLOVELY. Source: Dark and Lovely
ueen Njinga of Angola is one of the most powerful and brave figures in African history. Her story is often overlooked in history books, but she was one of the most multifaceted rulers in history. At a book signing recently at Jamestown Settlement, Dr. Linda M. Heywood, professor of African History at Boston University, discussed her book “Njinga of Angola: Africa's Warrior Queen” and how Queen Njinga skillfully navigated and ultimately transcended the ruthless, male-dominated power struggles of her time. The book signing event was hosted by the 2019 Commemoration as part of the build up to 2019, when the Commonwealth of Virginia will commemorate the 400th anniversary of a pivotal year in American history. The 2019 Commemoration is focusing on the themes of democracy, diversity and opportunity and this book illuminates the backstory of the first Africans who arrived at Point Comfort in Hampton, Virginia in August of 1619. "The 2019 Commemoration's goal is to help illuminate the key events that occurred in 1619 that set both Virginia and the United States on a course towards the ideals of democracy, diversity and opportunity," said Kathy Spangler, Executive Director of the 2019 Commemoration. "The story of Queen Njinga adds richness to our history and helps us contextualize the crucial moment when African culture became part of American culture." "I am proud to be able to share Queen Njinga's story. She had a profound influence on the lives and destiny of the Angolans who traversed the Atlantic and arrived in Virginia in 1619," said Dr. Linda M. Heywood. "Her story is important, as she provides a powerful role model for African Americans and women today. There are myriad direct correlations between the issues Queen Njinga overcame and today's race and gender challenges in leadership and politics." During the next two years Virginia's 2019 Commemoration will showcase new scholarship and scientific discoveries that facilitate a deeper and richer understanding of America's history and our AMERICAN EVOLUTION, which began with seminal events that occurred in 1619 and their enduring influence over a 400-year arc of history that continues to influence America's future. Please visit www.AmericanEvolution2019.com to learn more about Angola's Queen Njinga and Virginia's 2019 Commemoration.
Aboutthe the2019 2019Commemoration Commemoration About The 2019 Commemoration, AMERICAN EVOLUTION™, highlights events that occurred in Virginia in 1619 that continue to influence America today. Featured programs, events and legacy projects will position Virginia as a leader in education, tourism and economic development. AMERICAN EVOLUTION™ commemorates the ongoing journey toward the key ideals of democracy, diversity and opportunity. For more information, please visit www.americanevolution2019.com. Source: 2019 Commemoration
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March 2017  |  21
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22 | March 2017
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National Black Farmers Association Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications Up to $100,000 in Scholarships Will Be Awarded to Students Pursuing Agriculture-related Studies By d-mars.com News Provider
• NBFA Scholarship Program cultivates a new generation of black farmers • Applications will be accepted through April 28, 2017, or until 100 applications have been received • Scholarships funded by the FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of automaker FCA US
he National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) Scholarship Program is now accepting applications for the 2017-18 academ-
ic year. In its third year, the NBFA Scholarship Program will award scholarships of up to $5,000 to AfricanAmerican farmers or dependents of African-American farmers who plan to enroll or who are enrolled in agriculture-related study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school. Funded by the FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of North American automaker FCA US LLC, the NBFA Scholarship Program will award up to $100,000 in scholarships this year. "Higher education provides essential tools, knowledge and resources that allow people to pursue and achieve their goals," said Lesley Slavitt, Head of Civic
Engagement, FCA US LLC, and CEO of the FCA Foundation. "It is a privilege for the FCA Foundation to be a partner with the National Black Farmers Association and these remarkable students to ensure that the next generation of African-American farmers receive the training and skills that will enable them to thrive."
Applyfor forthe the2017-18 2017-18NBFA NBFA Apply Scholarship Program Scholarship Program NBFA scholarships are awarded based upon several criteria, including academic performance, demonstrated leadership, participation in agricultural and community activities, and career
goals and objectives. Applications will be accepted at https://www.scholarsapply.org/blackfarmersassociation through April 28, 2017, or until 100 applications have been received, whichever comes first. "My father taught me very early on that land is the most important tool that a person can possess. And he taught me if I treat the land good, the land will take care of me," said John Boyd, Jr., President of the National Black Farmers Association. "Educating aspiring African-American farmers provides an opportunity to increase and advance agricultural technology, which will be passed on as a vital part of our rich farming legacy to future generations."
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Scholastic to Publish Activism Book By Marley Dias, 12-Year-Old #1000BlackGirlBooks Founder, In Spring 2018 By d-mars.com News Provider
cholastic, the global children's publishing, education, and media company, has acquired world rights to an activism book written by Marley Dias, the 12 year-old social activist behind #1000BlackGirlBooks—an international movement to collect and donate children's books that feature Black girls as the lead character. Marley is using her voice to advocate for social justice, a commitment reflected by her ambitious life goals: she dreams of becoming an editor of her very own magazine and plans to use media to spread positive messages and to perpetuate more socially conscious pop culture. The book will be published in Spring 2018 by Scholastic Press. "Marley's energy and passion are electric!" said Andrea Davis Pinkney, Vice President, Executive Editor, Scholastic. "Through her smarts and ingenuity, she's delivered a jolt of inspiration that's sent an unstoppable shock-wave to kids everywhere who've stood up with Marley to shout 'Yes!' to the power of positive action. In this book, Marley will share her dynamic wisdom with readers everywhere. We're thrilled to welcome her to the Scholastic family." "I am so excited to be doing this book with Scholastic," said Marley Dias. "All my friends can probably only name one publishing house and that is Scholastic; they are everywhere. Scholastic is the perfect partner for spreading my message of diversity, inclusion and social action."
About Aboutthe theBook Book In her forthcoming nonfiction book for ages 10 and up, Marley Dias, the powerhouse girl-wonder who started the #1000blackgirlbooks campaign, shows kids how to make their own dreams come true. In this accessible "keep-it-real" guide, Marley tells how she's turned her passion into a literacy crusade that has captured the attention of the media, policymakers, and young people throughout the world. Marley offers smart tips for "paying it forward" with whatever makes your heart sing, while getting support from parents, teachers, and friends to turn your dreams into reality. This book explores activism, social justice, volunteerism, equity and inclusion, using social media for good (not just makeup tutorials and angry tweets), and shows how young people can galvanize their strengths to make positive changes in our world. Also focusing on the importance of literacy and diversity, Marley offers suggestions on book selection, booktalking, and sharing titles. She delivers hands-on strategies for becoming a lifelong reader. She provides examples based on her extensive literacy advocacy and community work with schools and students throughout the world.
AboutMarley MarleyDias Dias About Marley Dias is the promising, 12 yearold social activist behind #1000BlackGirlBooks, an international movement to collect and donate children's books
that feature Black girls as the lead character. Since birth, Marley has been immersed in the world of social activism, surrounded by a village of caring, concerned, active adults and children dedicated to service to humanity, and specifically people of African descent. When she was 5 years old, her mother, Dr. Janice Johnson Dias, co-founded the GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF), a public health and social action organization dedicated to the support and empowerment of people who live in impoverished communities, especially women and young girls. Her father, Scott Dias, is a Real Estate Analytical Geographer. Both parents have been instrumental in developing Marley's understanding of key social justice issues and commitment to social change. When she became frustrated by a lack of Black female role models in her school books—and her mother asked her what she was going to do about it—she knew exactly how to respond. With the help of GrassROOTS, Marley launched the #1000BlackGirlBooks drive in November of 2015, leveraging the power of social media to reach a large audience. The goal was to collect 1,000 books featuring Black female protagonists by February 2016. The story went viral and was picked up by media outlets around the world as well as bloggers, schools, youth-focused organizations and thousands of individuals who wanted to participate in the project. In addition to features in major media outlets such as Elle, People, Jezebel, PhillyVoice, FOX29's Good Day
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Philadelphia and The Huffington Post (to name a few), the initiative quickly gained support from literary partners including Barnes & Noble, My Very Own Library, Scholastic, and Putnam Books, which have donated books and funds to the cause. Well-known authors and artists including Jacqueline Woodson and Rita Williams-Garcia have contributed books as well. In light of the campaign's huge success, Marley has appeared on Ellen (where she received a laptop and a $10,000 contribution from Shutterfly), The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore (where she received the show's first ever "Golden Hunnit/Keep It 100" award), CBS This Morning and Charlie Rose. In addition, Marley was honored at BET's Black Girls Rock! with a M.A.D. (Making a Difference) Award. Marley was named Editor in Residence of Elle.com July of 2016 where she interviewed Ava DuVernay, Misty Copeland and Hillary Clinton. Having collected over 8,000 books to-date, Marley has far exceeded #1000BlackGirlBooks' goals. The seventh grader is only getting started, and will continue to provide young girls like herself with relatable role models through #1000BlackGirlBooks. Marley is using her voice to advocate for social justice, a commitment reflected by her ambitious life goals: she dreams of founding and editing her own magazine, and plans to use media to promote positive messages and to perpetuate more socially conscious pop culture. Source: Scholastic
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