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December 2016
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Expanding Your Education “TVLC wants to be a part of improving the lives of families by providing quality mental health care. TVLC is here to contribute to the betterment of Houstonians who are battling mental illness, helping to make a difference in their lives and in Houston.”
Vitamin D3 Saves Lives By Dr. LaTronica Fisher Are you getting enough vitamin D?
— Mrs. Ayanna Carr-Brown, CEO of TVLC
FDA Approves New Device for Prevention of Recurrent Strokes in Certain Patients The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved the Amplatzer PFO Occluder device. PAGE 6
Mrs. Ayanna Carr-Brown
PAGES 14-15
The Village Life Center Brings Healing to Houston
World AIDS Day: Houston Health Department HIV & AIDS Awareness By d-mars.com News Provider World AIDS Day is an opportunity to show support to and solidarity with the millions of people living with HIV. PAGE 10
Get an Inside Look at the Work of a Surgical Telemetry Nurse Supervisor in a Military Medical Center
MD Anderson News: Gene Deletion Allows Cancer Cells to Thrive When Migrating Within the Brain
The workings of the human heart are the profoundest mystery of the universe. One moment they make us despair of our kind, and the next we see in them the reflection of the divine image. — Charles W. Chesnutt